cyberslam · 29 days
Are you having your fun?
Shawn Michaels/Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels/Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Heartbreak Hotel AU
Chapter 2
[Ao3 link]
He was the first one Shawn really cared about.
The Heartbreak Hotel’s proprietor stared at the name on the page of the check-in book. Each page had a different name. Shawn couldn’t explain it, but he liked to keep each guest who signed in separate. The history of his past affairs were his and his alone to know.
Soft fingers traced the letters of that name.
B-R-E-T H-A-R-T. 
Bret Hart.
He had been mysterious. Mistrusting, at first, and Shawn found him plenty annoying. But still, the two of them felt linked. Being with Bret was the first time Shawn felt alive. No one else before Bret made him feel that way.
Bret was a lot of firsts. He was the first to stay more than a night. He was there for a week. That was one of the best weeks of Shawn’s life, but he didn’t even know how many weeks he’d been around. It was all fuzzy to him. He was just…here. It felt like he’d been running the Heartbreak Hotel for years, and at the same time just for a handful of days. Shawn wondered a lot of things. Was he here because he died? Was this Hell? Maybe it was somewhere in-between Heaven and Hell? He joked to himself that he should’ve listened to his mom when she told him to pray more, but he wasn’t even sure if he had a mother.
Bret had stories. About his mother. And his father. A whole big family made up of sisters and brothers. 
He remembered Bret rolling up in that slick, black muscle car. Dark tresses and pink tinted sunglasses. Stress showed itself on his face in the form of fine lines and wrinkles. He was a man of few words, but there was an accent there. Shawn remembered his voice clearly.
“You’re not from around here, are ya?” Shawn had asked, not really knowing where ‘here’ was.
“No.” Bret hadn’t seemed all that interested at first.
“Where you from, handsome?”
“Canadian, huh? Don’t think I’ve gotten many of those…” Not that Shawn knew for sure.
That first conversation didn’t go far. Bret was standoffish, grumbling his answers. Shawn chalked it up to tiredness. After all, who wouldn’t want to talk to him? He charmed plenty of guests with his voice alone.
Somehow, Bret had managed to actually lock the door to his room. Shawn had been upset and confused about that. He spent minutes trying to open the damn thing, trying his own keys. Keys that worked in the past, to gain access to the honeymoon suite. Keys that didn’t do anything but open the door to the honeymoon suite.
Eventually, Shawn gave up. As he was throwing his hands up and walking away, Bret opened the door. He’d asked Shawn if he could help him.
“Ah…no, just came by to check on you, sir.” Shawn rolled his eyes, popping the gum he had been chewing.
Bret had pulled off his sunglasses. It was the first time Shawn would look into those dark eyes of Bret. There was a flash of something there that went away pretty quick. It sent a shudder down the blonde’s spine when he recalled it. The same way it had when he first saw it. It felt like his eyes pierced right through him.
He remembered feeling stunned.
“Well, I’m fine. So goodnight.” Bret spoke after a moment, closing the door and locking it with a click again.
Shawn remembers the frustration he felt. To this day he didn’t know how Bret locked the door, but he had also learned more about the Hotel in that time. Maybe the Hotel didn’t want Shawn in. It didn’t want Bret on that first night for some reason. Maybe because Bret would’ve skipped out as soon as he could if Shawn slept with him right away?
He sat there, at the hotel front desk, face in hand as he leaned on the desk. Marty’s departure had left him feeling a storm. Even now, the weather outside was gloomy. Shawn didn’t know why memories of Bret were hitting him so hard today, but it felt like the only thing calming him down.
Bret didn’t check out like Shawn thought he would. He extended his stay by another day. Maybe it was because he got some good sleep, but he was a lot more sociable that second day. He had alluded to being on the run, needing to hide out. It was all coyly said. Shawn found it thrilling.
“So it’s really just you out here?” Bret had asked, stopping by the lobby for the third time that day.
“Yep, just me.” Shawn nodded. The weather outside was late spring-like. Sunny, warm, just enough of a breeze. Shawn had popped the windows open, the smell of blooming flowers wafting through the lobby.
“I see. It’s a nice place. Quiet.” Bret remarked. Shawn had wondered why he’d been lingering around so much that day. It became pretty clear later that evening, when Bret invited him to visit him in the honeymoon suite.
“You’re pretty eye-catching, you know.” Bret had remarked, lounging on the heart shaped bed. Shawn had been sprawled out against the side of the bed, mostly on the floor. His arms had been folded up on the edge of it as he peeked up at Bret. It’s how Bret had wanted him, apparently. On the floor. His fingers idly played with the short velvet trim of the bedding. Hand selected by him.
He had stared at Bret, who had stared right back.
“Thanks.” The blonde responded after a beat. He didn’t know what to make of Bret at the time.
Maybe he still didn’t.
Their night ended like that, too. Shawn on the floor for Bret. It felt good. On his knees for this mysterious man.
The man who praised him and petted his hair all night.
Hunter was finished eating breakfast, and bored. Shawn was who knows where, and Hunter was hardly let out of his room without Shawn’s accompaniment.
He knew it’d make Shawn mad, but he couldn’t help it. His ankle was finally feeling better. He didn’t feel so…so damn out of it.
Determined, Hunter got dressed in some clothes Shawn loaned him. Jeans and a t-shirt, clothes he felt out of place in but it was all he had. It was this or the silk robes, and while he normally loved silk…it was uncomfortable.
There was something almost perverted about wearing Shawn’s clothes though. The scent of rose laundry soap hung on to the shirt, and Hunter huffed in the scent as he brought the collar of the shirt up to his face. It was a strange feeling. Worn cotton that felt out of place with the upbringing he had. It reminded him of when he was much, much younger, before he had to refine himself. Playing with his cousins, wearing hand-me-downs and running through mud.
Hunter gave a deep sigh, stifling his tears. He wouldn’t cry. He wouldn’t cry. He wouldn’t–
Enough of that.
Hunter pushed the door open.
He couldn’t help but be surprised at how…nice it was outside.
It wasn’t like any motel he’d stayed at. It was more like a hotel, funnily enough. A beautiful marble fountain stood in the center of the parking lot. It wasn’t with any fancy statues or anything, but white marble and some of the clearest water Hunter had ever seen. Taking a few more steps out, he saw there was a pool not too far off from the parking lot. It looked inviting, like he could strip himself bare and step in and it would be happy that he did.
Hunter clutched his head. These thoughts were so strange, he didn’t even know what to do with them. It was like if he acted on them he’d be rewarded, but they went against everything Shawn had asked of him.
He stepped onto the asphalt of the parking lot, down pristine birch wood stairs. Not a grain of wood was out of place thankfully, or else he’d probably have a few splinters in his feet. The asphalt itself was warm but not hot, and a refreshing breeze passed by Hunter. Partly cloudy skies overhead, and the temperature was moderate and comfortable. It was all perfect.
Further, he stepped towards the fountain. He reached its edge, looking down into the crystal clear blue water. His reflection waved in the ripples of the splashing water into the main basin. If it had been still, it could’ve been mistaken for a mirror. There was a tuft of black hair next to him and he stood up straight with a start. 
He stood up with a start, looking over at a woman who was now sitting at the edge of the fountain. She had a Virginia slim in-between her fingers. Her lips were painted perfectly red, her cupid’s bow accented by the matte color on her lips. A heart was painted on his face, outlined by rhinestones. She looked tired, beyond herself. Dramatic, dark but glamorous makeup around her eyes and penciled in thin eyebrows. A white evening gown that looked almost like a very chic wedding dress, with a slit up to her thigh bedazzled with crystals. It was unlike any dress Hunter had seen, and even his own mind failed to understand how something so simple could appear to be so beautiful. It was a contrast to the woman’s quaffed hair, full of hairspray to keep its shape and her complex expression that Hunter couldn’t fully read.
“It doesn’t matter who I am, sweetheart,” she started, inhaling from her cigarette. The orange-red burning tip flared as she did. The woman held her breath for a few moments, before letting out a smooth and steady stream of smoke. Even the scent of burning tobacco and tar was whisked away by the breeze. “But you can call me Sherri.”
“Okay Sherri…” Hunter started. “I didn’t know there was anyone else here.”
“I’m not exactly here.” Sherri turned her head to look at him, slumping forward to reaching her face down to her free hand and holding it there. Her smile was sad. There wasn’t a better word for it from Hunter’s perspective. Just sad.
“What do you mean?”
“What do you think I mean?”
Leaves rustled, green and lush around the property. 
“This place feels unreal,” Hunter said.
“It is,” Sherri said.
The man understood, but he didn’t. He knew it was too amazing to be real, but it was real the way a nightmare felt real. Blurred lines of reality in the space between just waking up and having your foot in the door of the realm of sleep.
“You should go now, Hunter,” Sherri continued.
“Shawn won’t be happy to see you out here.”
Before Hunter could finish his thought, there was the bang of a screen door opening. Shawn stood outside the main office, eyes wild as he began approaching him.
He turned to look at Sherri, but she was gone. There was a single glass crystal in the fountain, turning and tossing under the falling water from the higher tier.
Shawn ran up to him. He was dressed down. For himself, at least. A red and white checkered shirt that looked like a picnic blanket. He was in jeans, perfectly tight, and cowboy boots. Brown leather with white stitching and tips.
“Hunter! What are YOU doing out here?”
“I–” he didn’t have a chance to explain himself before Shawn grabbed him roughly by the wrist and dragged him away from the fountain.
“You need to be resting. Didn’t I tell you to stay put?” Shawn chided, like he was scolding a child and not an adult man. “I don’t want to have to put locks up but I will.”
“It’s for your own safety! I mean you shouldn’t try to get around too much on your ankle. We don’t even know how bad it is.”
“Then we can get it checked out at a hospital.”
Gray clouds began to roll in as the wind went from pleasant to chilling. Hunter shuddered, now cold in his shirt and jeans. He stood on the stairs, wrist still in Shawn’s hand, when the rain came pouring down.
Shawn was under the awning that covered the door to his room, protected from the rain. His eyes were piercingly cold.
“Let go of me Shawn.”
“No. You have to get inside, now.”
“I’m leaving.” Hunter tried to tug his wrist away, Shawn only doubling down by grabbing it with his other hand as well.
“No you’re NOT. You CAN’T leave, I WON’T LET YOU,” Shawn was practically yelling.
Hunter pulled harder, grabbing onto the railing for support. His bare feet were beginning to slip on the wooden stairs, as the rain poured down by bucketfuls. 
“I. Want. To. LEAVE.” He managed to tug his hand free, watching horror cross Shawn’s face. He didn’t realize he was falling until he felt the ground fully slide from under him, crashing down onto the parking lot’s asphalt. He felt his head bounce against the blacktop, his back thudding down after it.
was the last thing he heard before he blacked out completely.
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johnsbleu · 5 months
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 166
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warnings: nsfw hmh masterlist
“That was a good one.”
Thunder has been rumbling and shaking the house for a few hours straight now. It’s almost 8 in the morning, but with the thick blanket of dark clouds, you thought it was much earlier. You got up and opened the balcony door a little so the two of you could listen to the rain, and you immediately crawled back in bed to snuggle with John.
You look over at John and laugh quietly, then you snuggle closer to him, “Yeah, it was.”
Neither one of you really have any plan of getting out of bed today. Ronan is with your parents until tomorrow evening, so you’re definitely going to soak up the few extra hours of sleep and the extra time alone with John. John has been slipping in and out of sleep for a few hours, you as well. He’s so warm and cuddly in the mornings that you always just fall back asleep in his arms while he gives you soft and lazy kisses. It’s so nice to be with someone like this; just relaxing and being lazy together. It’s so intimate.
Thunder crackles loudly outside, and you hear Bleu whimpering downstairs to be let into the basement. John starts to sit up, but you put your hand on his chest and lightly push him back down.
“I got it,” you whisper to him, then you kiss his cheek.
“Thank you, baby.”
You smile at him when he barely opens his eyes, “I’ll be back.”
“Thank god.” he says, and you start to laugh.
Quickly getting off the bed, you grab your robe and pull it around yourself, then you head downstairs to find Bleu already waiting by the door. He scratches at the bottom of it when the thunder rumbles again, and you pat his side before opening the door.
“Big ol’ Pit Bull. So vicious.” you whisper to him, then you wait for him to get to the bottom of the stairs.
Since Ronan isn’t here until tomorrow, you just leave the door open a crack so that Bleu can let himself up when the storm passes. Once it passes, he’ll most likely know he’ll be going for a walk, so he’ll come up.
You head back up to your room as the rain begins to pour down faster and harder, and you pull your robe off and crawl back in bed with John, who is already waiting with his arms open for you. John hums and pulls you closer into his warm embrace, then he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Mm,” he hums, “This is a perfect morning.”
“I agree,” you whisper back to him, then you tilt your head back to kiss him, “You know, I must really love you.”
John laughs, shaking his head, “My breath is not that bad.”
“It can be.” you tease as he laughs, then you cup his face and pull him down to your lips for another kiss.
John’s lips on yours become persistent as he rolls to hover above you, and you pull him closer to you. His hand slides down your side to the edge of your nightgown, then he slides it under and up to your hip where he plays with the thin edge of your underwear before he tugs it down a little. You move so that he can pull them down as the two of you make out, and you both laugh into each other’s mouths when he gets a little tangled in the sheets.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you whisper, softly rubbing his cheek, “We can take our time today.”
“I like the sound of that,” John smiles, then he crawls on top of you to continue making out.
This moment is absolute perfection. You and John laying in bed, the sound of the rain and thunder outside, the cool breeze coming in the balcony door, and John’s warm body on top of you. It’s perfect. And nothing is going to spoil it.
Just at the thought of something possibly spoiling this moment, you stop kissing John and reach over to put your phone on silent. That earns a little laugh from John. He smirks when you look back at him, then he leans down and kisses you deeply.
“You look so beautiful this morning,” he whispers against your neck, and you smile. “You look beautiful every morning.”
Letting out a small laugh, you cup his face, “Thank you.”
John presses one firm kiss to your lips, then he sits up, pulling you along with him, then he takes your nightgown off and tosses it to the floor before he comes in fast to kiss you. He kisses down your neck to your breast, taking your pierced nipple into his mouth. He hums loudly, which makes you smile when he opens his eyes to look at you. You place your hand firmly on his chest, then you push him over to lay back down on the bed. With his help, you pull his boxers down, and you smile at him when his cock springs up. He gives you a small shrug and a wink, and you laugh as you lean down to take him into your mouth.
“Wider…” he whispers, and you open your mouth more to allow him in deeper. “Right there, yeah, right there.”
You suck on him for a few moments, then you sit up to catch your breath before going back down, listening as John begins to breath heavier. You lightly drag your lips down the length of his cock, then he groans and places his hand in your hair when you take him into your mouth.
“Shit, baby…” he moans quietly, then he nods his head when you look into his eyes, “Deeper.”
You deep throat John a few times until you need to catch your breath, and you sit up to wipe the spit off your chin. You get ready to go back down on him, but he touches your chin and pulls you to his lips instead. Reaching between the two of you, you stroke him slowly and listen to him as his breath gets caught in his throat.
“Fuck…” he pants softly, then he leans back to look into your eyes, “Lay down.”
You crawl onto the bed and lay down in front of John, then you lay on your left side and look over your shoulder as he gets himself adjusted. He lifts your right leg up a little so he can slide between them, and you grip the sheets and moan when you feel the tip of his cock slipping in.
The feeling that overcomes you when he finally buries himself deep inside of you is one that cannot be described. There’s a fullness to it. It almost feels like something that was missing has finally been put into its place. A lock to a key. The final piece to a puzzle.
“Shit,” you put your head down and laugh a little, “God, you feel so good.”
John hooks his right arm under your leg to keep it up a little, then he looks at you and smiles as he start to slowly thrust his hips. Your eyes roll shut as you tilt your head back, and he kisses your neck, sucking and biting gently.
“You’re so wet,” he whispers, and you look at him, “And all mine.”
“Mhm,” you hum as you look into his eyes, and he bites his bottom lip before leaning up to kiss you.
The rain is still coming down fast as you and John kiss in bed, and he reaches up to grip your breast. He wraps his arms around you and leans closer to pant into your ear, and you grip the sheets tight in your hand.
“Harder.” you whisper to him, and John does as he’s told. He jerks his hips so hard that it knocks the breath out of you. “Again.”
John sits up, then he moves down between your legs, which causes you to arch your back and scream out his name in pleasure. Your legs begin to shake as you come, and you grip John’s hair in your hand, trying to pull him away even though it feels beyond amazing; it’s almost a sensory overload.
“Your legs are shaking…” John whispers against your thigh, and he smirks when you look up at him, gasping for air.
Your eyes roll shut as you lay back on the bed and come down from a high, and you feel John caressing your thighs as he sits up again. He moves you until you’re laying on your stomach, giving you a little spank, then he slides back between your legs and places his hands on your waist as he jerks them harder and without restraint. You bury your face in the pillow as you moan loudly, then you look back and watch John.
“Fuck…” he puts his head down and groans loudly before he leans down and kisses the top of your head, “God, I’m so fucking crazy about you. So god damn crazy.”
You reach up and touch his cheek, “The feeling is very mutual.”
“The way you feel when I slide in…” he leans closer to your ear, “So fucking wet for me.”
Goosebumps cover your arms as you squeeze your eyes shut, and John jerks his hips harder and faster, both of you starting to pant louder. John slides his arms under your chest and one hand lightly wraps around your throat as he pants and moans into your ear.
“I’m getting close again…” you choke out, and John sucks on your neck, “Fuck, I’m close!”
“Tell me how much you love this,” John whispers in your ear, “Tell me how much you love my cock.”
You try to respond but the words get caught in your throat, and only a loud whimper comes out. It’s enough for John since he laughs soft and low against your ear.
“Yeah?” he whispers, and you nod. “You love it that much?”
“So…fucking much!” you manage to yell out, and your teeth chatter, “Fuck, John, you feel so good!”
John begins to roll his hips and all you can hear is his hips slamming against you. You squeeze your eyes shut and lift yourself up, then you look back at John as he holds your hips tight. He groans and reaches up to rest his right hand on your shoulder, then he leans down to kiss your back.
“I’m gonna come…” he whispers, and you nod.
You lay back down and slide John’s middle finger into your mouth as you both begin to lose your rhythm, and John jerks his hips hard, knocking the breath out of you, then he goes still before he shudders and finishes deep inside of you as you shake and moan on the bed.
“Good girl,” John whispers, then he kisses your neck, “That’s my girl.”
“Fuck,” you let out a small laugh as you tilt your head back to look at him, “My thighs hurt.”
John kisses your cheek and waits for you to roll over, then he lays on top of you, slowing rubbing himself against you as the two of you kiss.
“That was just round one.” he whispers, then he kisses your nose, “I’m not going easy on you today. Not when I have you to myself all day and night.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and smile, “I will let you do whatever you want, wherever you want…as long as you make me some breakfast.”
“You got yourself a deal!”
After breakfast, you called to check on Ronan. She’s having fun with Grandma and Grandpa, and they’re spending the day at some outdoor recreation store--Dan wants to get some new golf clubs--and it has a huge aquarium and some other cool things with animals. There’s another aquarium near there too, so since it’s still raining, they’re going there as well. Ronan will love it. She loves the tank in the basement, so she’ll love the big aquariums.
“Bug is good?” John asks as you hang up, and you nod. “What’s she up to today?”
“She is going with Grandma and Grandpa to some rec store,” you say as John lifts your feet up and sits on the couch, “Apparently there’s some huge--”
“Oh, yeah, the aquariums.” John nods, “Yeah, she’ll love that. I went there with your dad and Jimmy a few months ago, it’s really cool. There’s also this really cool thing with taxidermy animals--pretty sure they’re not real. There’s an African safari one and an Arctic one.”
You nod your head, “She’ll love that.”
John places your feet in his lap, then he massages your foot, “What are we going to get up today?”
“Hmm,” you hum as you look out the window as the rain continues in a consistent downpour, “I don’t know. What should we do?”
“Each other.” John says, and you tilt your head back and laugh, “I’m cool with that.”
You shove his shoulder, “Of course you are.”
John leans over more to kiss you, “I just want to spend the day with you.”
“God, I’m so stupidly in love with you,” you pull him up more until he’s laying on the couch with you, “It’s nice to spend time with you. Remember back when we first had Ro, we’d feel so guilty about spending time alone?”
“Yeah,” he nods, his eyes flickering back and forth between yours, “Remember how you used to worry I wouldn’t love you after you had a baby?”
You nod, “What an idiot.”
“And you used to think I wouldn’t want you as much after I saw you give birth,” he says, then he shakes his head, “I still want you. And I’m just as stupidly in love with you too.”
You smile softly, “Funny to think about how we thought we’d never get time alone after having a baby. Then I remember how much my mom and dad love Ro and want to spend time with her, which is nice because it gives us time to be alone, especially if we want more babies.”
John smiles wide at the mention of more babies, “Very true.”
“Not yet though.” you say, cocking your brow up.
“Yeah, definitely not yet,” he says, then he kisses you, “But it is nice to practice.”
You laugh quietly as you lean in to kiss him, “It is very nice to practice, not that you need any practice. You are so good at what you do.”
“Really?” John moves his hand down your back to your ass, “I think you’re good too.”
“Round two?” you whisper, and John nods his head and smiles as he kisses you and pulls you on top of him.
So, round two didn’t actually happen. The storm outside got so bad that you and John decided to turn on the news instead, which was a good idea since there’s a severe thunderstorm headed towards Mill Neck. You called your mom and she said they weren’t going to go to the other aquarium, they were just going to go home and hunker down. If the storm gets too bad, John said he’d drive over and get Ronan or that the two of you would just go stay with them. It’s awfully tempting. You hate being away from her during this.
You stand at the window and watch the storm outside, but you feel John lightly grab your right arm and pull you back a little. John gestures to the window and nods, a silent understanding that you shouldn’t be too close to them just in case they crack.
“Thanks, dad.”
John smiles as he stands next to you, “You’re welcome.”
“What are you thinking?” you ask as you look up at him, his eyes flickering around at the rain and wind in the trees. “Should we go to my parents?”
“Uhhh,” John crosses his arms and looks out at the sky as lightning flashes.
The lights inside flicker a few times before they ultimately go out, and you and John both look over your shoulders before looking at one another. John reaches up and scratches the back of his neck, then he takes a deep breath.
“I think it might be a good idea.” he says, and you nod your head. “I’m sure you’re worried about Bug like I am.”
“Yeah, I am.” you nod, then you grab your phone off the table, “No service.”
John rubs your back to calm your nerves a little, “Go pack a small bag for us. I’m gonna walk around and make sure everything is good.”
You quickly head upstairs and get a change of clothes for you and John, plus your pajamas, then you grab your toothbrushes. You toss everything into a small bag before heading to Ronan’s room. She has everything she needs at your mom’s house, but you grab a few extra clothes just in case.
Just as you get to the bottom of the stairs, John comes out of the kitchen with the phone to his ear, “Yeah, we’re on our way right now.”
“You have service?”
“We’ll be there soon. Okay, bye.” John hangs up and looks at the phone, “Landline.”
You laugh, “Our household is probably the only house on the street that still has a landline.”
Thunder rumbles loudly and shakes the house, followed by the brightest lightning you’ve ever seen. John touches your shoulder and smiles softly, then he moves past and walks to the basement door.
“Bleu!” he calls out, then he laughs, “Come on, boy.”
You walk past John to get your shoes on, then you walk back over to him, “He’s scared, babe.”
John sighs a little, then he heads downstairs, “I’ll be back.”
Even though you’re a little anxious from the storm, you bite your lip and try not to laugh when you hear John trying to wrangle up Bleu. He’s just so scared from the storm, so you understand.
John comes upstairs carrying Bleu in his arms, “Fuck, he’s heavy.”
“What a big baby.” you laugh as you walk over to pet Bleu, who is shaking in John’s arms. “It’s okay, baby.”
“We should get going,” John says, so you nod and walk through the kitchen to head to the garage.
Everything was already locked up since you haven’t stepped foot out of the house since you got home last night, so you just open the back door so John can put Bleu in the car. He’s still whimpering and shaking, but he’ll be okay once you’re at your mom’s. He can sleep in the basement.
“Think Jimmy and Tess are okay?”
John nods, “Storm isn’t that far west yet. Not sure it’ll even make it there.”
You chew on your bottom lip as you look down and nod, “If it does get that far, they’ll be okay?”
“Baby,” John rests his hands on your shoulders and leans down a little, “She’s okay. Jimmy is there. He’s not stupid. He’ll protect her and Finn.”
“I know, and I trust him. It’s not that…” you say as John turns you around and guides you to the passenger’s side, “I just worry about them.”
John kisses the top of your head, “I know, but just like I’m doing everything to keep you safe, Jimmy is doing that for your sister and nephew. He’s a smart guy. I know we tease him, but he’s smart.”
“I know. I feel bad. People probably think I hate him.” you say, then you widen your eyes and look at John, “Oh my god, does he think I hate him?”
John laughs when you look at him in horror, “No. No, he knows you like him. Would you please get in the car?”
“He knows that I trust him with my sister?”
“Yes,” John slouches a little when you don’t move, “My peach, please get in the car.”
You smile as you lean up to kiss him, “Only because you asked so nicely.”
John had to carry Bleu into the house while you ran ahead with the bag, but he got him inside and settled in the basement with some food and water for the night. It’s only early evening, but the storm is supposed to last quite a while.
By some miracle, your parents still have power, so you’re very happy that you decided to come here. Ronan was super excited to see you and John, and she ran as fast as she could to greet the both of you. Now you’re all sitting in the living room with the news on to keep an eye on things, and Ronan is playing with some toys.
“Just got off the phone with her,” your mom says, and you look up at her as she talks to John. “They’re fine. It’s raining but nothing too bad.”
John pats your leg and smiles at you, “She’s okay.”
“Well, I just know how crazy storms get at the lake house, you know, with it being on the water and all.” you say, and John pats your leg again.
Your mom nods, “He’s going to keep them safe, sweetheart.”
“Why does everyone think I hate Jimmy?” you throw your hands up and sigh as you get off the couch and walk to the kitchen for a drink, “I don’t hate him. I just worry about Tess.”
“We know,” John turns a little to look over the couch at you, “No one thinks you hate Jimmy.”
You slouch a little and walk back to the couch with your water, “I trust him. It’s not that I don’t trust him or anything like that. I just always worry about Tess.”
John laughs, “You know how many times Tess texts me when we go places? She texted me during our first few days in Paris, like, 15 times, and it wasn’t because they were coming there too. She worries too and wants to check up. It’s normal.”
“Okay,” you lean your head against his shoulder and sigh.
There’s another storm headed this way now, so you all focus on the TV. Ronan walks over to you and reaches up, so you tuck her between you and John on the couch when the thunder rattles the house. She turns her face and tucks it into John, and he laughs as he picks her up to hold her in his arms. She’s scared but she’s probably hungry too.
You get up and walk over to get something for her to eat, then you psst her and smile when she looks at you. You motion her over with your finger, and John lets her off his lap and looks over as she toddles to you.
“Are you hungry?” you ask, and she nods her head. “What do you want?”
Ronan points at the fridge and babbles something to you, then she waves and smiles, showing off her few teeth, “Hi.”
“Hi, bug.” you laugh as you walk over to the fridge and get out an egg. She’s obsessed with scrambled eggs, so she’ll be more than fine to have that. You look up as John walks into the kitchen and picks her up, “Can you maybe just get her some yogurt and corn flakes? If she doesn’t eat it, I will.”
“Are you hungry?” your mom asks, and you look over at her and widen your eyes since you are absolutely hungry. “Help yourself. Unless you want me to cook something, I can--”
You put your hand out as she starts to get up, “No, mom, it’s fine. I can just make something.”
John pats your side and moves around the kitchen to make some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches since you two didn’t eat dinner, and you smile gratefully at him. He leans over to kiss your cheek as you scramble the eggs up. You put them on a plate to allow them to cool down, then you grab Ronan and put her in her highchair.
“I don’t think this storm can get much worse.” Dan says as he looks out the window, and John walks over to join him, which makes you laugh since he’s standing just like him and is giving off major dad vibes.
He’s such a DILF, and thankfully he is a dad you get to fuck.
Your mom smiles and gives you a small wink when you look over at her, then she comes to join you, “Is Bleu okay downstairs?”
“Yeah,” you add a little salt and pepper to Ronan’s eggs, but not too much, “He has some food and some water, and I think John put down a blanket for him. He’ll be fine. I’m sure John will go check on him before bed.”
“Okay,” your mom wrings her hands and nods, then she smiles when Ronan squeals loudly, “She doesn’t have a clue about the storm.”
You laugh as you bring Ronan her eggs first, “It’s because you and dad are here. If we were at home, she’d be curled up in John’s arms, stealing him away from me like always, you little stinker!”
“Nah, there’s plenty of me to go around,” John smiles as he walks back over and sits next to Ronan.
You hold his gaze for a moment and have a silent conversation--your weekend alone has been cut short. He gestures to the peanut butter and jelly he made for you, so you walk over to join him. He smiles at Ronan as she eats and offers some eggs to him, which he takes, then he reaches for your hand under the table.
John always keeps it PG in front of your parents. Sure, he’ll kiss you a few times, pull you into his lap now and then when there isn’t a chair around, but he always likes to keep it clean in front of them. Not that they care. Your mom thinks it’s cute since she knows that you like having someone show you affection. Obviously John wouldn’t ever make out with you on the couch or just bend you over and grope you--he is a gentleman.
“No, for you.” John says when Ronan offers him more eggs, “You eat them.”
You smile as you look at her scrunching her little nose up and smiling at John, and you laugh when she offers him some yogurt instead. She has one hand full of yogurt and cornflakes, and she’s using her right hand to wave.
“Notice how she’s using her left hand more when she eats.” you say, and John nods, “She’s a leftie.”
John smiles proudly, “Like us.”
“At least it’ll be easier to teach her to tie her shoes.” your mom says, and you look at her, “No one was left handed in our family. Claire had to teach you to tie your shoes and I had to teach Tess since she’s right handed. Claire joked that we might have switched babies at one point.”
You smile as you look at Ronan, “I swear she’s just a carbon copy of John. I absolutely love it.”
“Oh, no, she’s definitely your daughter.” John says, and you look at him and squint your eyes playfully. “I don’t mean it in a bad way, so don’t take it that way. She just has so much spunk and personality. And she always wants to share. She’s so generous. I can go on and on.”
You laugh, leaning over to kiss him, “You’re sweet. A kiss-ass, but sweet.”
John presses a kiss to the palm of your hand, then he looks over to see the wind is picking up, “I hope everything is okay at home.”
“I’m sure. We’ve had some pretty bad storms before and only a few branches fell.” you say, then you reach over and gently squeeze his bicep, “It’ll be okay.”
“And you two are here,” John says, looking at you and Ronan, “The most important things to me are here and safe--and Bleu, of course. The house could crumble, I don’t care.”
You smile and cup his face as you lean over to kiss him, “Kiss-ass.”
The storm got to be a little too scary for Ronan, so she’s sleeping in between you and John in the guest bedroom. Well, John isn’t in bed at this point. He’s looking out the window at the storm. What a dad.
You get up from the bed and walk over to wrap your arms around his waist from behind, “What’s up?”
“Just watching the storm,” he whispers, and you nod your head before moving to stand next to him. “Sorry that our weekend was cut short.”
You wave it off, “No big deal. It’s not like we won’t have more weekends in the future.”
“I’ll make it up to you, peach.” he says softly, and you look up at him, “You and me, we’ll go out to a nice dinner sometime this week. How does that sound?”
“Sounds really good.” you smile up at him, then you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him, “Come snuggle me and the bug.”
John nods and crawls back into bed with you, draping his arm over you and Ronan, “She’s so beautiful.”
“She is,” you look down at her plump cheeks and brown hair, “I never thought I could love someone so much before, then you came into my life and showed me, then we had this beautiful girl. My heart is so full of love because of you two. She has her days and fussy moments, but she’s been so perfect.”
“She is her mother’s daughter.”
You smile as you look at him, just barely able to see him in the dark room, “No, she’s father’s daughter.”
John lets out a small laugh, “Our next baby will be hell on wheels, guarantee.”
“Oh, absolutely.” you nod your head as John smiles, “People keep saying the second baby is a breeze, but they’ll be 50% Wick.”
“Ro is 50% Wick.”
You smile, “I feel like Ro is somehow 100% Wick. She really has our best qualities--and a few of our bad ones--but she’s perfect, just like her dad. We’ll probably think our second kid is just as great though. I know I will, because I made them with my best friend.”
“Oh, so you’re kissing ass now?” John laughs, and you shrug as he leans over to kiss you. He lightly rubs his thumb over your dimple, then he smiles, “I can’t believe we made her in the first place. She’s so perfect.”
You snuggle down in bed and feel John’s hand on your back pulling you and Ronan closer, “We’re pretty lucky.”
“I’m the luckiest. I got you and her.”
Closing your eyes, you make kissy sounds as John laughs. Kiss ass.
The moment you step out of the bathroom, Tess throws her arms around your neck and talks so fast that you have to take a step back and hold her by the shoulders. You look at her with genuine concern before you start to get worried.
“What happened?” she says, and you furrow you brow, “You’re okay? Ronan and John are okay?”
“Yeah, we’re fine. The storm knocked out our power, so we’re here.” you say, then you shake your head, “Mom said she talked to you.”
Tess nods, “But we saw your house.”
You shake your head again, “What? My house?”
“Oh,” she swallows, “The…the living room windows have a huge tree branch through them.”
You drop your hands from Tess’ shoulders and rush to the living room, but as you turn the corner, you bump into John’s hard chest with a thud that comes out of you.
“I was just coming to get you.” he says, and you look at him. “Let’s go see the damage. It can’t be that bad.”
Tess nods when you look at her, “I just saw the windows and got in my car. It can’t be that bad. Jimmy is still there.”
You bite your lip as you nod, “Yeah, let’s go look.”
John tells your mom that you’ll be back later to get Ronan if the house isn’t too bad, then he wraps his arm around your shoulder as you bite your lip nervously.
You’re holding your breath as John pulls into the driveway, and you let it out and feel your stomach fall when you see the large branch that has shattered the windows in the living room. John leans over a little to make sure you’re wearing some sensible shoes, then he gets out and reaches for your hand.
“You all have good shoes on, right?” Jimmy asks with a broom in his hand. You and John both nod, and he gestures for you two to come up, “I’ve just been trying to clean up this glass before you got home with Ro-ro. She’s at mom’s still?”
“Yeah, we didn’t know how bad it would be. She might have to stay there again tonight.” John says as he starts to walk around and inspect the area, “Just in case the glass is all over the floor. We’ll keep Bleu there too.”
You put your hand over your mouth as you step over some glass and walk into the living room. There’s glass all over the floor, some scooped into piles from Jimmy, and some on the couch. Leaves and twigs are on the floor, along with some puddles of water from it raining in last night. The picture on the side table is knocked onto the ground, and you frown as you reach down and pick up the broken frame, the glass shattered right over your face. That’s probably a bad omen or something.
“Hey,” John gently takes it from you and sets it aside, “It’s just a picture frame and some broken glass.”
You look down as you tear up, “I don’t know why I’m crying.”
“Because this is our home and it look like a fucking mess,” he says, and you laugh as you look up at him. “We just cleaned this place.”
“Don’t make me laugh.”
John leans down and wipes the tear off your cheek, “But it’s my favorite thing to do.”
“I, uh, I assume you have good insurance.” Jimmy chuckles, “I mean, after all the shit you’ve put this house through in the past.”
“Yeah, definitely,” John says, laughing a little, “Great insurance, actually.”
You frown, “How are we going to fix this?”
Jimmy comes up behind you and stands next to John, “I can run to my shop, grab some big pieces of wood to put over the windows for now. Probably get some glass by midweek. I’ll need to measure it and send in an order for it. They usually get it out to me fast.”
John smiles when you look at him, then he looks at Jimmy, “Sounds good. Thanks, man.”
You reach out and hug Jimmy, and he stumbles back a little and laughs.
“What’s this for?” Jimmy laughs, “John, why is she hugging me?”
“Just let it happen, man.”
You sniffle as you lean back and look at Jimmy, “You know I like you, right?”
“What? Of course!” he laughs, and you sniffle again.
John pulls you by your shoulders until you’re against his chest, “She was worried about Tess and I told her that she’s fine because you’re there. Y/N thought she was coming off like she didn’t like you.”
Jimmy laughs as he reaches out to nudge your chin with his knuckle, “Oh, come on, Tess texts John all the time when you two are gone. She likes him.”
“I know, I was just being stupid.” you whisper, then you look at him, “I trust you with her and Finn. I want you to know that.”
“I appreciate it.” Jimmy nods as he gets serious, “They’re my entire world. I’d do anything for them.”
“Another storm is heading this way, and from the looks of that lake back there, you might want to pack up your basement.” Tess says, and you look up at John. “Honestly it’s half way up your yard right now, it’s going to flood your house.”
All of John’s work is in the basement. All of his books that he’s worked on for so long. They’ll be completely ruined. The living room is already covered in glass, so you’ll have to get that cleaned up as quickly as you can before more rain moves in.
John lets out a heavy sigh, “Fuck.”
“What do we do, babe?” you say, looking at him for guidance, “Tell us what to do.”
“We get everything that we can off the ground and upstairs. We…pack away as much as we can. Desks, couches, chairs, those things don’t matter. We can buy new ones.” he says, turning to you, “Get everything that you think is important and put it upstairs.”
You inhale deeply and turn to walk away, but you stop when John touches your arm. He leans down and kisses your forehead, giving you a soft smile when you look at him. He turns and heads downstairs with Jimmy, and you walk into the office and start going through things in the desk to pack away.
“Is Finny okay?”
“Yeah, he’s with Jimmy’s mom. I came over to see you and I literally…” she starts to laugh, “I literally started screaming when I saw your window. It was the most dramatic moment of my life. I ran over to the window and started crying. I called Jimmy and he came running over. You should have seen us. Academy award winning.”
You roll your eyes at Tess since she tries to deflect from her feelings all the time, “You’re such a softie.”
“Yeah, well…” she laughs as she shrugs, “Maybe I’m just feeling a little more emotional lately.”
“And why is that?”
Tess stands up after packing up a box, “Because Jimmy and I are actively trying to get pregnant, and I have a really good feeling that it’ll happen soon.”
You smile at her from across the room, “Finny is getting a new sibling soon?”
“Jimmy and I practiced a lot this weekend,” she says, and you jokingly gag, “I mean, a lot.”
“Okay!” you put your hands over your ears and laugh, “I get it!”
Tess grins, “I just have a really good feeling that I’ll get pregnant soon. I wish you’d do it soon too so we could be pregnant at the same time.”
“John would probably love it if I was pregnant right now, to be honest, but I’m not ready.”
“Yeah, I get that.”
You shrug, “I just don’t think now is a good time for us.”
Tess nods, “I respect that.”
Sometimes people don’t know when to stop pushing on getting pregnant again. Of course you don’t mind when Tess asks--and she’s never pushed--but the other day, a customer at the shop made a comment about it and was asking over and over when you’re going to get pregnant again. When you said that you just weren’t ready for another baby, she said that you were just unsure because you weren’t pregnant and you’d change your mind once you were. Obviously you’re on birth control so that won’t be happening soon. John stepped in to try and help you in the situation and the woman made some gross comment about him hiding your birth control so you’d get pregnant.
John was very upset about that. He promised he’d never do that--not that you needed confirmation about that since you know he never would; he’s not ready for another baby either. The woman ended up leaving and you were in a shitty mood for the rest of the day. Thankfully John understood.
“You know I’d never push you, right?”
“Of course,” you look over at her as she packs up a box, “And you never have. It’s always people who don’t know me that say shit. It’s never been anyone in the family or even our friends.”
Tess smiles softly, “I just want our babies to be best friends.”
“Are you kidding? Finn and Ro are obsessed with each other. They’re going to be best friends.” you say, and she laughs, “And if they aren’t, I’ll force them to be.”
“Same,” she laughs loudly, “Finn asked about Ro all weekend. It was so sweet.”
You smile, “Ronan’s new favorite toy is the one that Finn got here.”
“Hey, for the record, I picked that out.” Tess teases, and you laugh. She rolls her eyes, “Fine, he can take the credit.”
“I hope you really do get pregnant soon, Tess. You’re a really great mom.”
She smiles, “Thanks.”
“A mom of two. A mom of two babies that are half Jimmy’s DNA,” you put your hand over your heart and look at her, “You are so brave.”
Tess nearly dies of laughter, “I know, right?”
“Hey, what are you two laughing about in here?” John says, and you look at him as he stands in the doorway.
You smile softly at him, “Nothing.”
John walks over to you as Tess leaves the room to bring a box upstairs, “I’m glad to see you smiling, you know?”
“I know,” you tilt your head back and kiss him, “Glad to see you smiling too.”
“This won’t break us,” he smiles, holding you by the waist, “It’ll suck, but we’ll get it all cleaned up and fixed. Insurance will cover it.”
You squint your eyes playfully, “I hate how you’re the level headed one.”
“Hey, someone has to be.”
“I’ve heard that before,” you joke since this is absolutely not the first time you’ve told him he’s the level headed one, which knowing his past makes it funny but also nice since he’s grown a lot. You reach up and move his hair away from his face, “Ro will need to stay with my parents until this is completely cleaned up. I don’t want her crawling or walking on the floors, same with Bleu.”
John starts to smirk, “Does that mean I get you to myself for another night?”
You roll your eyes playfully but can't help the smile that spreads across your face, "I guess so, but we should probably focus on getting this mess cleaned up first.”
John nods in agreement when you gesture to the scattered debris and broken glass, and together you start gathering trash bags and cleaning supplies. As you clean, you can't help but feel grateful for John's calm presence and steady hand in the chaos of the situation. He really is the level headed one.
Maybe being stuck in this mess isn't so bad after all–as long as you're with him.
@sakurachan-9 @beingnerdyissupercool @tnu-ree @ruby-octo @scream-queen-25 @ladyren33
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britishsass · 1 year
After Helmut comes back from the dead, there are a few problems that arise. The most urgent of which, of course, is that it means that Bob and Helmut aren't married anymore. So obviously that needs to be fixed first.
Merry-- uh, February. Sorry for how long it took, but here you go! I hope you enjoy, and happy belated holidays!
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betterbutbitter · 1 year
headcanons about my Drake under the cut ( until i can get his doc up ).
after surviving ( when Riot did not ) , Drake began work on rebuilding his company. Only this time , his company is built of ones who know about Symbiotes and work on research of them and offering sanctuaries.
Drake discovered that while Riot may be gone, Drake is not defenseless. He has an ability that gives him razor sharp teeth and long talons. similar to a symbiote. ( his talons are similar to Alex Mercer's from the Prototype series ).
Drake has a companion. Since we have been shown Symbiote animals exist. ( a friend showed me that Spider Punk has a symbiote dog. THANK YOU MAE. ) Drake has a symbiote feline that is similar in appearance to a leopard. Her name is Dusk.
Drake still mourns Riot's death. And wants Eddie Brock and Venom dead.
Drake was in love with Riot. As he chose Riot and Riot served as a body guard but also knew the REAL him. Not his persona of a CEO.
Drake is pretty fucked up but is morally gray. That being said, there are sitches he will brutally kill. Depends on the person.
Drake seeks out Symbiotes and their hosts. And offers them shelter. In honor of Riot.
Carnage found out about Riot when he met Drake. As Drake told him about Riot and how Riot desired to help any of his siblings. ( Drabble coming soon on my main blog about that )!
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loverslakes · 9 months
honey, i’m still free chapter 3 (6,845 words)
"Byers! It’s time to spice things up a little,” she says with a mischievous grin. “C’mon! Let’s make tonight unforgettable for you and everyone else here.” She grabs his hand and tugs.
“Huh?” Will giggles, having no idea what she’s up to but allowing himself to be pulled toward the bar anyway. When they stop, she spots an unused jar, grabs it, then asks the bartender for two shots.
“First, we drink,” Max says, smiling wildly and handing him the shot. He can’t say no to that. “Cheers,” they say, and then she climbs on top of the counter.
“Attention everyone!” A few people nearby look up at her, but most of the club-goers continue dancing, lost in their own worlds. “We have a groom-to-be here, and it is my personal responsibility to ensure he has the best night ever. Everyone, give it up for the groom!” To Will’s surprise, there’s a substantial roar of hollers and applause. Max holds up the empty jar for everyone to see.
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
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"Don't you dare die. Your soul'll belong t' me otherwise. If I can help it, you'll never cross over t' th' other side. I'll put ya back in another body an' kill you my damn self." // for @scarlxtleaves.
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zeynepxturkmen · 1 year
leticia medina & nathan crane
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Leti has never been one to half-ass anything. It wasn't in her DNA, after all. Hell, it wasn't even in her vocabulary. And if anyone knew about that, it was Nathan fucking Crane. So she knew that he wouldn't be surprised about her coming to visit. Knowing about what happened to his semi-dead brother and that Aslihan was in the hospital, any day now from having her little bundle of joy, she thought that the businessowner could use a well-deserve distraction, especially with the twins at camp for the next few days and Meg staying with Rachel for a few nights. But, much to her disappointment, he hadn't been there at his house when she came to check up on him. Now if Leti was a normal person, she would've left and come back at another time. Instead, she threw a rock at one of his windows, unlocked it, and opened it up so that she could crawl right through. And, perhaps, invited a couple hundred people and ordered as much food and booze as possible (all through Nate's card, of course; she saved his card information to her phone awhile back for a possible situation like this). It hadn't been until the next morning, the large house full of people either sleeping or still partying, when the guest of honour finally showed up. "Well, well, well," she all but purred, walking over to him in the lingerie set she knew he liked. "You're late. By twenty-four hours. A new record, by the way."
closed starter: nathan crane's home, summit lake ; june 26th, 2023 || @nathanccrane
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zeltqz · 2 years
MIND GAMES | ran haitani
length. 5.9k words
synopsis. final part - you finally lose your V to ran hehe
authors note: so i finally got over my nervousness and wrote the fluffiest smuttiest shit i ever oh my god my fingers just dont stop typing when it comes to this man ANYWAY ENJOYYYYYYYYY @sleeplessreader @nimbixan @christmassugarcookies @ransbaby@scarletbedlam @ranhaitaninumberonefans @wenumsmol @jordanisgae
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Ran sets his controller down on his lap when you text him; not even wasting a second before unlocking his phone, lightspeed. Rindou rolls his eyes so far into the back of his head they almost get stuck, clearly agigated when Ran just tosses out his attention span the second he gets a text from you.
‘ Whipped ’ is what Rindou likes calling it, noticing how his brother would rather drop everything he’s doing, even going as far to cancel all his plans if the opportunity arises to talk to you.
“So you’re really just going to leave me to fight a 2v1 by myself?” Rindou’s question goes unanswered and he groans watching his character’s health bar deplete by the second. “Dude?!”
Hey, what are you doing? 
Ran clicks on your messages, totally unaware of the uninvited smile creeping onto his face as he types back.
Just playing some games with my brother. Why?
His tongue pokes out to his cheek as he sees the three dots popping up and down rhythmically as you form a response. 
“Ran, if I lose this battle, I will never forgive you.” 
“Shut up, you’ll be fine.” Blindly, his spare hand aimlessly searches around his lap for the controller to shut his brother up when his phone vibrates on his lap once more.
No no reason, I just wanted to talk to you, but you are busy so I’ll call you later
The little hope Rindou has left when he sees Ran’s character take a step forward, ready to aid him through fighting the monster is gone the second Ran’s attention and wandering hands go back to his phone.
“Are you kidding me?!” Rindou’s character falls, evaporating into thin air and his eye twitches. “Fuck off, I’ll go call Kakucho or something, you useless piece of—”
His rant lands on deaf ears as Ran continues to ignore him, kicking his feet onto the couch, eyes glued onto that phone like it’s his lifeline.
I’m not busy, c’mon, talk to me . Everything ok/?
His long hair rests on his shoulders, his slender fingers playing with the ends of it as he anxiously waits your response.
Everythings fine, promise. Just wanted to talk to u 
Stop being so cute its killing me honestly.
Shut up..
He loves the way he can hear your voice through the message, the playful tint in your phone as you’d push him away whilst trying to hide your flustered face from his gaze. 
It’s become his new favourite hobby, to tease you till you can barely look at him. 
We’re still on for tomorrow right? He asks and distantly, he hears Rindou talking shit about him to Kakucho from the corner of the kitchen, then proceeds to invite him over to help him finish the damn game.
“I’m right here, y’know?” Ran calls out, leaning his head back far around over the couch to look into the kitchen, snickering when Rindou puts up his middle finger and continues to cuss him out over the phone whilst looking into the fridge.
Yeah, tomorrow is fine. 
You respond back with a heart emoji at the end that makes his own heart beat twice as fast. He’s not sure why you have such an effect on him; how you managed to invade his thoughts at any moment throughout the day, how he would jump over any object just to grab his phone if it was at the far end of the room when it dings, the disappointed look on his face when he realises the text wasn’t from you.
On a scale of 1-10, how angry would you be with me if I came over right now?
He decides to test the waters and asks. If your answer is anything higher than a 7, he’ll stay at home and wait till tomorrow, but anything less than that; he’s hopping on his motorcycle and risking it all just to see you.
8. Stay ur ass at home ran my dad is here for the week
Fuck’s sake.
He frowns, untwisting his finger from his hair and sighs.
Bruh cant he fuck off and stay in his own house? So unfair.
There’s a short gap between your replies, and he uses it to head over to the kitchen, towering over his younger brother, placing the flat of his palm against the top of his head and drags him away from the fridge with zero effort.
“Ran, get off me !” Rindou struggles to escape his brother’s grip, practically fighting for his life as Ran’s lazy eyes scan over the contents in the fridge. 
He’s too tired right now to cook actual food and there’s no leftovers for him to reheat. 
“Ran, I’ll kick you.” Rindou threatens when he finally rids himself from Ran’s clutches. “You’re extra annoying today.” He grits out, dusting his clothes, trying to act as nonchalant as possible as if he didn’t just get manhandled in his own house.
“I’m taking that as a compliment.” Ran closes the fridge with a sigh, moving to sit on the edge of the kitchen counter.
“Take it as you want, I don’t care.”
Ran rolls his eyes when his phone chimes twice and he doesn’t have to look at it to know who it is. Rindou clicks his tongue, grabbing his flask and downing it with ease. He needs the alcohol to get him through the day, especially when Ran is like this.
It’s an image attachment rather than a message and he opens it; immediately knowing why it took you longer to respond than usual.
You grace him with a perfect angle of your hands splayed over your bare chest, your nipples playing hide and seek behind your fingers. From the looks of it, your back looks arched slightly from the curve of your waist and at the very top of the photo, your bottom lip is being bit down onto subtly with your teeth. His eyes trail down to your stomach, captivated by the way your shorts ride up your thigh—
He needs to get his hands on you. Fuck waiting.
Rindou looks over his brother’s shoulder, eyes blowing wide and jaw dropping to the floor as he gasps an “Oh my God—”
Ran shuts his phone off and fights the urge to punch his brother into next week, hoping the hit is hard enough to give him memory loss. 
“Is that the girl you’re talking to? Shit, what’s her name?” He takes another sip of his drink when Ran brushes past him to grab his shoes. “Oi, don’t ignore me!”
“Just shut up, I gotta go.” 
You fiddle with the tips of your nails anxiously, fidgeting on your bed, physically unable to stay still as you allow your thoughts to take control. Does he not like it? Is it too much? Is that why he hasn’t responded? Did I cross a line? Sending it without permission? Did he block me?
The last one seemed to have worked in heightening your anxiety, fingers now moving to delete the image and pretend you had never sent it; though you know he saw it because the words READ staring at you like a slap in the face.
You almost jump out of your skin when your phone vibrates from underneath your body five minutes later, hidden deep within your sheets as you fish for it. 
Come outside.
It’s a simple message, yet still has your brain muddled. Once connecting the dots, your face flushes, mouth parting slightly and dart your eyes to your keyboard.
Don’t tell me youre outside…. 
You walk over to your window and slam a  hand down on your windowsill to stabilize yourself as you look outside, spotting Ran’s motorcycle at the end of the street. 
You’ve gotta be kidding me, you think, pulling your phone out and dialing his number you shamelessly admit you know by heart.
He doesn’t even let it ring for two beeps before he’s answering, repeating his text message out loud as he says, “Come outside.”
You always forget how deep his voice is, how it has that subtly provocative undertone with a bite of playfulness when he’s in the mood. “Ran—I can’t, you know this—” The deep rumble of your dads laughter fills the house; he’s always so loud, as if he knows you’re planning to sneak out and is laughing extra loud downstairs to remind you he’s home. “My dad will ask questions.”
“Well, you shoulda thought ‘bout that before you sent me that, shouldn’t you?”
You groan, fingers scrunching up a lone piece of paper on your windowsill as you eye his motorcycle again, eyes flitting across the room to your jacket resting your desk chair. “Fine…” You grumble, keeping him on the line as you slip out of your shorts and into some jeans, grabbing your coat on the way out.
You intended to sneak out successfully, making as little noise as possible when you walk past the hallway behind the living room but the door let you down, creaking open way too loudly and your dad snapped his head towards the door. 
“You going somewhere?”
“No—yeah, I mean I wanted to get something from the store, real quick. I’m craving a snack.”
You put on your best innocent smile, ensuring your face is sweet and forgiving despite the fact you’re leaving to go get fucked by your boyfriend (?). 
“Oh!” Your mother chirps from the kitchen, “can you buy some more strawberries for me? I need some for my lunch tomorrow.”
“Yeah, sure whatever. I’ll see you guys in a bit.” You slam the door shut before they even got to say goodbye, hands shaking on the knob of your door as you take a deep breath and make your way over to the end of the street.
He’s distracted on his phone when you sneak up to him, placing your hands on his shoulders. “Hi.”
He can feel you shaking when he slides his hands down your arm, tugging you to sit in front of him on his bike. “Hey, you cold? You’re shaking like a lot.”
“No, I’m just…nervous.” You admit sheepishly, unable to look him in the face. He lifts your face up with a finger on your chin, pressing a reassuring kiss to your nose that has you smiling up at him.
“Don’t be nervous.”
“It hurts though…”
He leans forward, turning off his motorcycle engine and lights, now leaving the street in total darkness aside from the streetlamps. “We can take it slow, if you want.”
“No, not that. I wanna do it today, that’s why I sent you the…yeah.”
He shifts your body closer and you part your legs on either side of the bike for stability, hand gripping onto his shirt for better balance. “That photo was fuckin’ sexy.” You stiffen, blood turning cold as his hands wander along your spine, holding you close to him as his lips mark up the exposed skin of your collarbone. “You’re so fuckin’ hot, you have no clue what you do t’me.” He sucks down, humming lowly when your fingers loop around his chain and tug ever so gently to grab his attention.
“What do I do to you?”
It’s a genuine question, though you have a brief idea, you want to know if you affect him the same way he affects you; how his shirt rides up when he stretches, teasing you with just an inch of his faint v-line or hearing his voice in the mornings when you call him is enough to leave a wet stain in your panties.
His hands slither down your spine and you chew on the inside of your cheek for a moment when you feel it. 
It being something hard inside his pants pressing against your upper thigh. “Oh.”
He doesn’t answer, too interested in grabbing onto your breast, groping it slightly and loses himself in the faint perfume scent lingering on the skin of your neck.
“Ran, not here.” You giggle when he kisses his way up to your ear, puffs of air from his nose tickling against your eardrum. “Not here, please.” It’s a miracle there’s no passerbys this late at night, just imagining the look on strangers faces as they watch Ran feel you up on his bike is enough to have you fidgeting from slight embarrassment; yet you shove down the idea of being caught fucking in public somewhere deep inside.
He smells so good, the scent amplifies ten-fold when you shift back on the bike, dipping your face in the crevice of his neck, nose touching the neckline of his crew-neck black t-shirt.
“You’re in a cuddly mood today,” He says amused, slightly nervous, slight shivers running down his body when he comprehends how close you are. He tilts his head to the side, brushing his cheek against the side of your head and golds you steady, fingers digging into your waist. “How long we got?”
“Hm,” your lips vibrate against his neck as you hum slowly, head deep in calculations, “not that long if I’m being honest, but I can risk sacrificing an hour or two.”
“Yeah? What about the strawberries for your ma’?” 
His eyes squeeze shut when you attach your lips to his neck, slowly grinding your hips down against his lap, the slow roll gives your clit the friction it craves.
“She can live without them,” you whisper, hushed in spite of yourself as he lifts you off his bike easily and you maneovuer yourself to sit behind him, locking your arms around his midriff, digging your face into the back of his neck. 
The ride back to his house doesn’t take long and he doesn’t even bother locking his bike , preferring to lace his fingers between yours gently before he’s leading you inside.
The sounds of battle music blasts from the living room and a quick peek confirms that his brother is playing Street Fighter 2 with another guy that you haven’t met before. 
Ran places his hand around your waist, snatching your attention away from his brother and back to him. “Everything okay?” You nod up at him, fixing him with your best fake smile but he sees through it easily. “Nah, you’re not.”
You sigh, hating how perceptive he can be at times. “I thought we’d be alone…”
“We are, they’re deaf as hell, they won’t be able to hear anything.” When you don’t look convinced enough, he calls out his brother's name loudly, but he’s either ignoring him, or he can’t hear him as he talks to Kakucho, nudging him whenever he moves his character the wrong way. “See, trust me.” He squeezes your hand twice, reassuring you and you nod your head and let him lead you upstairs.
You take a seat on his bed when the reality of the situation hits you. 
You’re really about to lose your virginity.
The bed dips when he moves to sit next to you and your hands twitch nervously on your lap, biting the softness of your cheek to calm you down when he places his hand on your thigh.
“You’re shaking again.”
“I—” You bite your tongue, and swallow thickly, hoping your nervousness goes down with it. “I know I’m ready, I just…I’m just scared.”
You watch the slow rise of his brows. “I’ll go extra slow, just for you, ‘kay?” He tips forward to kiss you again, proving his previous sentence with his extra slow movements. Your shaky hand falls to the side of his face, holding him close to you as he shifts you to lay on his pillow, hovering over you.
He breaks the kiss, bending down to peck at your ear. Your giggle is almost music to his ears and your legs kick around as you mutter “It’s ticklish.”
“Yeah, that’s the point.” He sucks on your lobe harder, one hand moving downwards to wrap your legs around his waist to stop you from kicking him.
“I don’t like my ears.” You tell him, gently trying to push him away, pawing at his chest, laughing when his breath tickles your eardrum once more, “Ran!”
“You’re so beautiful though,” he pulls away, forehead to yours as he looks down at you, “best looking ears I’ve ever seen.”
“You clearly haven’t seen much ears then.” He deadpans at you and you roll your eyes, retracting your statement, “‘kay, I’m sorry.” You close your eyes when he bends down to kiss your nose, cheek, covering your face with kisses as he mumbles how perfect you are after each kiss. 
Your hands cup his face, thumbs stroking at his cheekbones as you hold his face up, enticing him into a trance with your kisses, back arching off the bed involuntarily with each groan that spills from his mouth.
“I’m gonna undress you now, alright?” He says between kisses and you suck in a harsh breath through clenched teeth before nodding, too nervous to provide a verbal response. 
He sits back on his knees and gently tug on your shirt, lifting your arms up to slide the shirt over your head and onto the edge of his bed. You sit up slightly, unfastening the straps on your bra and letting it fall, watching how his eyes stay glued to your chest as if he’s never seen a pair of breasts before. 
“...Ran, you’re staring.” You say, pointing out the obvious, thinking he would look away by now but you have to grip onto his face, and force his gaze up, “My eyes are up here.”
“I know where they are.” 
If he could kiss every part of your body he would. He looks down at you underneath him, eyes glistening with want and habitually, you tug on your bottom lip with your teeth, hands rising to wrap around his neck, craving his lips once more.
With confidence, Ran’s tongue slips into your mouth, slidinig passionately along your own. It’s almost embarrassing how pliant he makes you, how you're lifting your back from the bed slightly to press your chest against his own.
He grins at the soft moans you let out with each kiss, drinking up each mewl that leaves you when your hands wander downwards, slipping under his shirt, dipping your fingers along the crevices of his abs. 
“Take—” You take breaks between kisses to tug hopelessly at his shirt, “I want this off.”
“Someone’s bossy today.” You watch up in reverence as his shirt lifts off his body, tongue poking out to lick your bottom lip. It’s probably swollen by now, how hard you’ve been biting it but you don’t care, not when he hovers above you with his bare arms beside your head.
Your mouth is dry when he leans down to kiss you again, but keeps it short this time, breaking the kiss before you could even melt into the pleasure. 
His fingers dance their way along your thighs, making their way to the zipper of your jeans. His head drops down to look before it’s being lifted by your hands holding his face, “Don’t look…”
“I’m gonna see it regardless, y’know that right?”
Yeah, you know that; but you still feel embarrassed being fully naked and vulnerable in front of someone else for the first time. “I know…”
His fingers test the waters once more, fingernail scraping against the zipper until your legs are complying, spreading ever so slightly, just enough for him to wrap them around his waist as he unzips your jeans, hooking a finger onto your panties to tug them all off at once.
Cold air hits your bare cunt and you almost shiver when he bends down to your stomach, kissing on your skin around your bellybutton, slowly making his way down to your pelvis.
It feels extra sensitive there, butterflies frollocking around your stomach as he practically makes out with your skin. It’s wet when his tongue slides out, licking a stripe from your pelvis to your thighs, squishing them with his fingers as he marks you. He wasn’t lying when he said he would take it slow—now you’re actually regretting his slow pace, wanting to be touched down there.
“Ran—” Your voice trails off into a gasp when he bites down on your thigh, hard enough to probably leave teeth marks. “C’mon…please.” You whisper, covering your eyes with your hands, too flustered to look at him between your legs.
You can’t help but squeal when his nose brushes your clit ever so gently, his wet tongue darting out to lick a long stripe up, lips wrapping around your clit and sucking lightly.
“Oh—oh my god—” He smiles between your legs, eyes closing when he hears your moan, your legs enclosing around his head as you slap a hand over your mouth, biting at your palm when he flicks your clit with his tongue swiftly, physically unable to control your squirming.. “Ran, mm, oh fuck, fuck, yes!” 
“Yeah?” He dives back in, drowning in your slick as his fingers tickle your entrance, “Gonna put my fingers in now, ‘kay?” He takes your soft ‘mmhm, mhm’ as a sign to continue. He pushes in slowly, fighting back your body’s reaction as  he inches his finger in deeper. You almost kick him in the back when you feel it, slow, lazy yet calculated strokes with his index finger.
The pleasure is almost too much, biting your lip, throwing your head back to sink into the softness of his pillows. Your pussy clamps desperately around his long, slender finger. Ran groans, detaching his mouth from your slit, “Fuck, why are you so hot? It’s—” He twists his finger inside you, stretching your soft walls out and gives your clit another suck, “It’s fuckin’ killin’ me.”
Your body feels like jelly from just a single finger, the continuous strokes of his tongue against your clit have stars forming behind the abyss in your mind, eyes squeezed shut as you feel another finger at your entrance. “Don’t stop—fuck—please, don’t st— mm—” 
You’re babbling incoherent sentences, limbs practically numb as you try to squirm away from the overstimulation, insides feeling like they’re being electrecuted. “Wait, I—I think I’m—” 
You’ve never came before so the feeling was unusual to you. The warmth pooling around some unknown area in your stomach had you practically suffocating the man beneath your legs as he loudly licks up at the slick from your cunt as he finger fucks you into heaven.
“Clenching around me so tight, you’re close, aren’t you?”
“I think—” You swallow hard, cursing under your breath when he presses against that spot. He knows he’s hit it because the blood flow from his finger temporarily disconnets with how tight your walls clamp around it, moaning louder than he’s ever heard you before and your hand flys to the headboard to stabalise yourself as you come undone on his hands. You felt liquids squirt from your body, breaking out of the spell he put you under the moment you felt it—scared that you might’ve…
“A squirter, huh?” He says from between your legs, goosebumps forming on your forearms when he drags his tongue over your cunt one last time as a way of cleaning you up. “Didn’t know you could do that.”
“It’s not normal? Oh god…” You hide your face in your hands as he laughs, moving to sit on his knees and pulls you closer by your ankles, trying to remove your hands from your face but they’re practically glued on.
“Stop hiding from me, it was hot.”
“I thought I…” You lower your voice, too embarrassed to even finish the sentence, “I thought I peed.” He snorts and you hit him across the chest, “It’s not funny!”
“You’re so fuckin’ cute.”
Your cheeks heat up when he kisses you again. The taste of the kiss was slightly bitter and you instantly knew that was because of you. 
“You ready?” His voice is breathless as he parts away from your lips, wiping his lower face and mouth with his arm.
He reaches forward, fluffing the pillows to get you as comfy as can be and you smile up at him, watching hypnotised as he tugs his pants down. You now understand his infatuation with your breasts because you’re lost in the sight of his cock, watching witth a dry mouth as his cock bobs free from its restraints.
There’s something white leaking from the tip that you’re sure is cum and you bite your lip when you see him squeezing tight at the base of his cock, dragging a lazy hand up to the top, groaning as he positions himself between your legs.
You blindly reach out of it, almost knocking the wind out from his lungs when you grab it, smaller fingers failing to wrap around his own. “Hey, what are you—” His words get lost when you bend down and ready to stick your tongue out before he stops you, “What are you doing?”
“I wanna taste it.” You say it like it's obvious, darting your eyes down to the leaking precum seeping out from the tip bit by bit, but he stops you, lifting you from your bent position with a single hand on your bicep. 
It’s weirdly attractive how he can just lift you with no effort, manhandle you to the way he wants and before you know it you’re back on the bed, head resting on his floofed up pillows and he’s hovering over you.
He reaches inside his bedside drawer, pulling out a condom and rolls it onto his cock as he says “As much as I’d love to see your pretty lips wrapped around my cock, babe, it’s not abouot me tonight.” His eyes trail down your body, nudging his cock against your cunt, the tip brushing agaisnt your clit in slow circles and you close your eyes to steady yourself.
Once ready, you nod at him and he bites his lip, eyes never leaving your body as he slowly presses into you. Your hands fly up to his arms, digging your nails into his skin and try your hardest to stifle your moan. 
There’s a stinging pressure the second his cockhead enters, your body fighting to accept him in and you start to panic. “Wait—” you tap at his arm rapidly, “I don’t think it’s gonna fit—I—”
“Shhh,” he bends down to kiss you, sucking on your bottom lip to comfort you, “listen to me.” You force your eyes open to look into his own honest ones, “You’re so tense, it’s gonna hurt but it’ll be quicker if you relax, ‘kay?”
“Okay…” You eyes flutter shut when you feel him press inside again, the head of his cock is fully engulfed and you feel the burn between your thighs as your walls stretch to accommodate his length, “Fuck, fuck fuck fuck, it burns Ran—”
“I know, I know, almost there, promise.”
The rest of his cock slips inside almost easily and he lets out a gutted moan when he bottoms out, his hips pressing against yours and he has to physically stop himself from fucking you into the sheets, waiting for you to stop squirming underneath him. 
“Is it in?” You whisper and he lifts a hand up, thumb swiping at the tears forming under your eyeline.
“It’s in.” You exhale sharply, un-squeezing your hands from his arms to wrap around his neck. “Tell me when to move, I’ll move.” He says against your neck, pressing soft kisses to soothe you, biting down when you clench around him involuntariily.
It feels weird, like you’re being stuffed full—but you don’t see the pleasure in this yet; it’s more uncomfortable than pleasurable. Maybe your body isn’t wired the same way other girls are because they make it out to be something amazing and have them screaming out in pleasure, but you just feel like screaming out in pain.
“Y-you can move, now.” You say after a moment, watching as his jaw clenches when he drags his cock out, leaving just the tip in before pushing back in gently. Ran makes sure to use as little force as possible, not wanting to overstim you so quickly. There’s warmth pooling in the depths of your stomach, the pain slowly turning into pleasure as he keeps up his slow pace, feeling lightheaded from how your pussy catches around his cock so tightly. 
He briefly thinks he should’ve prepped you more, scared that it was too painful for you. One look down proves his theory wrong and he almost cums right there and then, stilling his hips at the sight of you all spread out for him, eyes threatening to roll into the back of your head as you bite down on your lip, trying to stifle the bubbling moans.
“Faster?” He pants out, hoping and praying that you say yes because he needs to feel you, all of you, wants to hear you scream out his name. 
“Yes, please.” Your voice is hushed and quiet, gradually getting louder when he pulls out once more but slams inside you, hard enough that you’re sliding up the bed, head almost hitting the headboard as he begins his relentless pace.
He can’t hold himself back anymore, fingers digging into his pillowcase as he slams inside you. Your hand flys to your mouth when you’re about to moan, remembering he has guests downstairs but his hands grip onto your wrists, pinning them above your head. 
“Let me hear you, fuck please—” He sounds breathless, using one hand to keep your wrists above your head, the other trailing downwards to your thighs, spreading your legs further so he could fit himself inside you better.
“Ran, ohmygod, yes, yes, don’t stop, fuck !” You attempt to scratch at his hands pinning you down, needing to grab onto something before you feel like you lose yourself completely. He presses down onto your stomach, switching his pace to a slower one and you almost scream—
“Shit,” he whispers, voice trailing into a moan when his hips jerk, shoving his cock impossibly deeper, “I can feel you cumming—fuck, you’re so—” The next thing you know, you’re being flipped ont the bed, soft mattress pressing against your stomach and ass being dragged up into the air. 
“Ran, please—” You feel so empty without him inside you, taking back everything you thought previously about sex not being enjoyable, wishing he could be inside you all the time to fill you with that warmth. 
He grips his cock, panting softly before lining his cock up at your entrance. “‘M gonna fuck you full of cum, I swear to—” His promise is cut off when he slips back inside, groaning and dragging your hips back to take his cock, mouth dropping open as your walls flutter around his cock, “Gonna fill you up—you want that, huh?”
“Mhm-mhm,” It’s hard to speak when your face is being shoved into the pillow, hands reaching behind you, desperate to touch him when he’s pinning them to your back with a firm hand. 
He ruts against you with a desperation that has you screaming your frustrations out into the pillow as you listen to his provocative dirty talk, ears full with the sounds of skin on skin slapping against each other. 
“Arch your back,” he commands, letting go of your pinned wrists to allow you freedom of movement, digging his fingers into your hips to physically stop himself from moving to give you the energy to bend forward, watching with sharp eyes as the line in the middle of your back dips, “Just like that, yeah.”
You wind your hands in the pillow, holding it like it's your lifeline as you feel him bend forward, grinding his cock with slow strokes. “Feel good, hm?”
“I—kiss me, please,” you manage to gasp out and he winds a hand in your hair, pulling you up with a firm grip to crash your lips together. It’s messy and desperate, ignoring your protesting neck and back just to lick into his mouth hopelessly.
He tugs your bottom lip with his teeth before shoving you back down onto the bed, resuming his quick, calculated thrusts. “Close?”
You nod, head heavy and snake a hand down your body to your clit, circling your fingers around it a little faster. “Uh-huh.”
“Shit, cum for me—wanna feel you, c’mon.” His hand comes down hard and heavy on your ass, and that was the driving point for you, a broken cry of his name into the pillow as your walls clamp to his cock. He groans, thrusting one, two, three more times before he groans, breathing heavily and you feel cock twitch twice before he fills the condom.
His cock is wedged deep inside you as he stills his hips, riding out his orgasm. There’s a wet noise when he slips out and your body falls limp onto the bed, every single muscle inside your body aches and you feel so sore. 
You shut your eyes closed for a moment when you hear some movement around the room, some shuffling before your cold body is being engulfed by his warm embrace as he climbs back into the bed with you. 
“You okay?” He asks, head dipped in the crevice of your neck, pressing soft kisses against the skin and you nod your head, hands coming up to hold his arm, cherishing his warmth.
“I’m good.” Looking over the curve of your shoulder, you make eye contact with him and smile, “thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being my first time. I really enjoyed it.” 
There’s a look you can’t read on his face but his eyes soften more a moment before he’s moving on top of you. Your body surges up to kiss you, sloppy and happy as his laughter ghosts across your mouth. “You’re so soft.”
“No you are! I saw your eyes soften. I’m not blind.”
“That’s cause—” He looks like he’s about to say something but then shakes his head, looking down.
“Cause what?” You move his head back up to your eyes,furrowing your brows as you wait for him to continue.
“I—I think I love you.”
You swallow, wrinkling your nose and blink up at him, those three words wiping all consciousness from your body. At your silence, he fidgets a little, swallowing constantly and swears he feels heat rushing to his palms.
“Nevermind, I—”
“No! No,no don’t take it back.” You panic, sitting up so quickly you knock your forehead against his. Falling back onto the bed with a groan, you rub at your forehead, wincing a little, “I’m such a mess, sorry—”
“No, it’s fine.” He laughs a little, rubbing his own forehead from the hit. 
“I…think I love you too. You just caught me off-guard and I panicked, I’m sorry.” You grab at his hands, bringing them up to your lips and peck the skin there softly watching as he looks at you, wide-eyed. “No, I don’t think; I know I do. I love you, Ran.”
He doesn’t say anything, looking down at the bed for a moment before chuckling, hand coming up to your cheek to caress it lightly, “Like I said before, you’re so soft.”
“Says you!” You want to hit him again but he’s tugging you down onto the bed with him, wrapping his arms around and you smile, snuggling up to his chest. 
“You’re staying the night, right?”
“Yeah. I don’t think I can walk home anyway, my legs are fucked.”
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ace-din-djarin · 8 months
(It’s not two years late what do you mean)
I AM SO EXCITED THAT THIS CHAPTER IS FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY OUT IN THE WORLD! Almost 10k too!!!! @mblogs and I have been on the phone for the last three hours getting it all finished. And now we get to share it with you!! Finally!!!
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Galladrabbles - Prompt: Fresh
Hello, beautiful people!
Here’s part 3 of the shapeshifter!Ian Firecrotch!AU for the weekly @galladrabbles and @juliakayyy​ prompt: Fresh :)
Part1 and Part2
Mickey’s attempts to hook up with randos failed miserably since Firecrotch is his regular guest.
After the last guy had to run from his apartment with fresh cuts on his hands and arms, Mickey understands that his fucks cannot happen at home.
He grabs his phone from the counter -and he could swear that Firecrotch was reading that open conversation, but then again, this bratty cat is driving him mad recently.
“You are lucky you are cute, Red,” Mickey chuckles, while leaving.
As soon as the door closes, Firecrotch is out of the window with a precise location in mind.
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
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SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!!!! IT’S HERE!!!! honestly i’m the most surprised we actually have something to post lmao @rowanaelinn and I are SO SO EXCITED to share this with all of you!!! without further ado........here you go :D 
Summary: She’s a professional figure skater headed for her second Olympics, aiming to make everyone forget what happened her first time, he’s a former pro skater coaching her through the competition. When the stress of the global competition, several familiar but unwelcome faces, and everything they’ve overcome in their pasts gets to both of them, will they work through it together? Or will it push them apart?
Word count: 2k
Warnings: language, injury, a certain redhead 
You are nothing. 
Jump, spin, land. That was all she had in mind. A buzzing sound took hostage of her ears, she didn’t know if she was even on rhythm for her program. She hoped she was. 
You are barely an acceptable skater. You’re only here thanks to your name. You are not allowed to be anything less than perfect. 
Those words, these hateful and venomous syllables was all she could hear. All she could remember. Her dance, the movement and stunts… She relied on muscle memories for them. Secretly hoping that some part of her brain she wasn’t aware of was listening to the music. 
She dared a single glance to the side of the ice skating rink, she wasn’t fazed by the thousand pairs of eyes on her, no, the only pair of eyes that bothered her, that made her swallow her throat were steely grey, and always angry
She wasn’t doing well. 
You’re no good without those pills. Take them or you lose me. 
And so, she took the pills. They made her sick, made her lose weight. Good. Now you can actually compete, actually look right for the cameras. But it was never enough for her coach, and soon, it became never enough for her either. 
Tears burned the back of her eyes, but she didn’t want to fail. So, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius swallowed back these emotions too, and finished her first program of the day. 
Your jump is weak, Galathynius. Shabby. Sloppy landing. 
Shutting out every noise but her music, she launched herself into the air, locking her legs together, one ankle hooked beside the other, extending her arms over her head, and spun. Once. Twice. Three times. Uncrossing her legs in one elegant maneuver, she landed on the ice’s smooth surface, her free leg extended behind her at a perfect 120-degree angle. 
The audience and announcers exploded. 
Triple axel from Galathynius, and did you see that? 
Stunning–perfect–brilliant–so difficult with the arms over the head–look at the score!
She tuned out the voices again, focusing only on the music and the ice. None of that mattered if she didn’t finish her program strong. Gliding powerfully into the center of the rink, she pushed herself into a spin, leaning backwards to grab her extended leg by the blade of her skate, spinning and spinning as she pulled that leg straight up above her head. The faces of the crowds blurred past as she whirled, slowing her spin in time with the ebbing music, until she released her leg, slicing the toe pick into the ice behind her, and stood with her back arched, her head tilted backwards, arms extended to the sky, and bowed to the judges’ bench. 
You will make it at least past the first round or you are truly a failure.
A beat of roaring silence, and then applause crashed over Aelin like a tidal wave, the audience and even the judges clapping and cheering for her. Smiling, she skated off the ice, slipping on her skate guards and jacket embroidered with the Terrasen colors, and met Arobynn for the reveal of her score. 
“You were awful,” Arobynn said. 
What she always thought was awful about her coach was his voice. It wasn’t angry nor aggressive. No, it was just cold. As if throwing insults and degrading terms at her did nothing to him, spurred no emotions at all. As if every program she danced, every award she won, would never be enough to make him approve of her. 
She was only sixteen years old, she shouldn’t have be so scared that her coach, a former Olympic skater himself, would push her to compete harder and harder each month, each year, until she was here at the Olympics, one of the youngest skaters to qualify this year, and she was completely terrified that she was going to make a horrid mistake in her debut program and disgrace herself in the eyes of her coach–and the world–forever. 
The score flashed across the arena’s huge screen. 
Which put her in the lead.  
Aelin’s jaw dropped in shock as the crowd exploded into cheers again. 
“Seventy-nine point two-five from Aelin Galathynius!” crowed the announcer, his voice rolling over the applause. “Absolutely unheard-of from such a young skater! We look forward to her next round, oh yes we do!” 
Aelin beamed for the cameras, smiling and waving and, in a dramatic touch, throwing kisses into the crowd. She was still riding the high when she walked back into the hall to the locker rooms, Arobynn at her side, and her coach suddenly halted and pinched her arm. 
“You should have at least scored an 82,” he hissed, his mouth flattening into a thin, irritated line. “It’s because of your landing, Aelin. You can’t wobble on your fucking landing.” 
“I’m in first place!” she snapped back, pissed and emotional from her debut program and her staggeringly high score. “Can’t you see that for an achievement?” 
Arobynn pushed her against the wall, bringing his face into hers. “Don’t you dare talk back to me,” he snarled. 
Then he pulled away, looped his arm through hers, leaned in towards her–but not too close– acting for the cameras. Always acting for the godsdamned cameras lest the millions of people watching the Olympics get a glimpse of how sadistic Coach Arobynn Hamel, retired Olympian himself, really and truly was. 
You are nothing. 
You are weak. 
You will get nowhere without me. 
She heard his cold anger in her dreams, the harshness she could never escape even as she slumbered creeping into her mind, destroying her peace. 
Two weeks later, she stepped onto the ice for her pre-semifinals practice, shaking out her limbs, her fleece sweatshirt and fingerless gloves and legwarmers keeping her from freezing before she’d warmed up. Like a reprieve, Arobynn stayed silent for once, just folding his arms and watching her skate in broad loops around the rink, loosening her muscles and joints and warming herself up before she started her routine. She marked through some of her more difficult steps and combos, waiting until the pills she’d swallowed under her coach’s glaring eyes started to kick in, a tingle forming in her blood. 
When she felt that tingling, she nodded, her signal to Arobynn to start her music. 
And she launched into her routine, her skates carving fresh grooves into the pristine white ice as she jumped and spun and leapt across the rink. She breathed out deeply as she prepared for her triple axel, the jump was giving her hard times in practise, and launched herself into the air, spinning one two three times and coming back down, her leg wobbled and she had to drop her other leg instead of keeping it lifted so she didn’t fall over. 
Her music stopped. 
“Get up.” No emotion in Arobynn’s voice, only coldness. 
She stood still, waiting for his anger. 
“That was pathetic.” He glared at her. “Do it again, and try not to fail, Aelin. I don’t spend all my time here just to watch you disappoint me.” 
Biting back a rude retort, she lined herself up, exhaled, leapt into the jump again. This time, her jump was off, she only managed two and a half turns before landing, but her landing was solid. 
“Horrible!” her coach snapped. “Do it again.” 
And again. And again. 
Exhausted, but determined this time, Aelin pushed herself forwards and upwards, spinning three times in flawless form, and landed solidly on the ice, only wobbling a little bit as she stabilized herself. Although she was scared to look, she shot Arobynn a glance, waiting for his comment, feeling both fear and pride. 
His face was a mask of cold indifference. “You are not even trying, Aelin.” He sighed, clicking his tongue like a disappointed parent. “Because I’m a generous coach, I will give you one more chance. Land the jump, and maybe you’ll manage to get a decent score. Don’t land it, don’t even bother dreaming about returning to the Olympics.” 
This time, it was anger that fueled Aelin as she skated across the rink, anger that narrowed her eyes as she lined up her jump. Angry at her coach for being an asshole led her up into the air, into one two three perfect rotations, down in a graceful arc to the slender blade of her skate meeting the ice. 
She never anticipated the bump in the otherwise flawless surface of the rink. 
One second, she was beautifully landing a triple axel, and the next, she was sprawled over the freezing cold surface, a distant scream echoing in her ears and a searing white-hot blaze of pain shooting up her left leg, snaking up her left arm. 
Distantly, she realized that the screaming was growing louder, closer to her. Until it clicked, and she realized that was her screaming, her voice, her pain. That the other yelling was her coach, crouched on the ice next to her, ranting and raving about how stupid she was, how she was a complete failure, never ever going to make it professionally, she should just give up, she was nothing, nothing, nothing–
Aelin jerked out of sleep drenched in sweat as frigid as the ice itself, panting, heaving for breath, her lightweight sleep shirt clinging to her back with cold sweat, gasping as she realized that it was a nightmare, only a nightmare. Not real. Not anymore. 
Arobynn hadn’t been in her life since the accident. That day, just before the paramedics arrived and carried her into the ambulance, he screamed his last insults at her and stormed out of the arena. That was the last time she saw his arrogant, cruel, cold face and she wished him good riddance, he could go die for all she cared. 
Until she saw the scans of her leg, until the doctors told her that she wouldn’t be able to skate for three months while her leg was in a brace, until the lack of his pills made her shake and shiver and break into cold sweat. Until she tumbled into crushing self-doubt and thought she would never skate professionally again as she worked through the long, painful process of recovery. 
Hyperextension. Not as terrible as it could have been. 
Nothing had torn, but the ligaments in her knee had stretched enough that her physical therapist didn’t want to risk her tearing anything as she recovered, so she was strictly forbidden from doing anything more than skating laps with a goddamn fucking trainer sled like she was five years old until she was cleared to actually skate again. She was young, she had the time to recover properly and still be able to skate, that’s what they all told her to keep her from overworking herself. 
Six months after the accident, she was back on the ice. Her parents stood at the side of the rink this time, her mother’s eyes sad but proud as she watched Aelin cautiously skate in slow circles around the rink in their hometown, gradually getting more confident the more time she spent on the ice. 
“Who is going to coach her?” Rhoe whispered to Evalin. 
“We’ll find someone,” Evalin whispered, never looking away from Aelin. “We know lots of coaches and retired professionals, we’ll be able to find someone.” 
“Aren’t they all taken?” 
She frowned. “Rhoe, darling, this is why we call in favours.” 
He nudged his wife affectionately. “I thought it was just Arobynn who owed you a favour, Ev.” 
“You thought wrong,” she teased. “There’s another skater I knew, he’s younger than us and he’s pretty recently retired from professional competition. I agreed to partner skate with him for an exhibition when he was debuting professionally and I was a couple years away from retiring.” 
Aelin’s father wrinkled his brows. “Do you mean…what’s-his-name, Ronan?” 
“Rowan Whitethorn,” Evalin confirmed. 
“He’s willing to coach?” Now Rhoe was surprised. “I thought he said he was done with skating after he retired. Because, well–you know.” 
Evalin sighed. “I think I can convince him just this once, just to help Aelin get back where she belongs. Back to the Olympics.” 
TAGS: please let us know if you want to be tagged! 
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hourcat · 2 years
Your posts are so funny with your tags. I am laughing! But it gave me a prompt idea too. Basically chain/cross porn but without the porn. Keep it PG-13, kids!
HELLO BESTIE THANK YOU FOR THIS PROMPT!!!!! i definitely took a more alternative route than u probably intended lol BUT. my piarlie duty to write cross fic has been completed <3 and like....ok....so it's a little blasphemous at the end but....hm....im going to hell already so like. o well!
(word count: 2,186)
“I win again,” Charles cackles, dropping his controller to the carpet as Pierre huffs beside him. He gently kicks at his best friend’s knee. “You literally have had a week to practice, Pierrot, you knew what we would be doing when you got here.”
Pierre grunts, amused. “I knew what else we would be doing when I got here,” he points out. “Some of us think about more than Call of Duty on vacation, you know.”
Charles snorts, shaking his head as he reaches down to retrieve his controller once again. “Yeah, like sex,” he deadpans, and Pierre just cackles. “You’re insatiable, you know that?”
“You say that like it doesn’t benefit you personally,” he mumbles. Charles just ignores him in favor of focusing on starting a new game. “You enjoy killing me way too much, Charlito.”
Charles laughs, clicking buttons that Pierre is no longer focused on. “You’re just a sore loser,” he insists, kicking at Pierre again, and that’s it—Pierre jumps him, wrangling him successfully for a moment to steal the controller from out of his hands. “Pierre!”
“We’ll see who the sore loser is, huh?” he laughs, feeling the way Charles’ shoulders are shaking against him in his own amusement. With one arm hooked under his shoulder, Pierre uses the other to swat at Charles’ right hand until the Xbox controller finally falls from out of his white-knuckled grip, drawing a yelp from his best friend.
“You are a fucking cheater—” both hands freed, now, Charles twists under Pierre’s grasp and fights back, fingers bunched in his shirt and digging into his shoulder. It’s amusingly familiar to what Pierre had actually planned for: Charles grunting under him, hands pressed flat to his chest, laughter bubbling right into Pierre’s ear.
It’s just a little different. “I thought you worked out,” he taunts, and Charles grunts as he catches Pierre in a half-formed chokehold. “You are really—oof—"
In his surge upwards, the mess of Charles’ summer hair has caught the gold cross that hangs Pierre’s neck. “Ow.”
“Ah, shit—” Pierre tugs a little and earns a hiss from his boyfriend, who’s now stilled under his grasp. “Okay, okay, truce, mon cheri,” he mumbles, and Charles nods gently, exhaling sharply through his nose. “Okay, easy, let me—don’t move, let me just. I can unhook this, just—” with one hand, he threads his fingers through Charles’ hair, petting a little at his scalp. “Just be patient.”
“Pierre, this should not take this long—”
“Maybe you should’ve gotten a haircut before I came, hm—” he presses down into Charles’ head and uses his free hand to twist the gold cross from the lock of hair it’d gotten coiled around. Fortunately for the both of them, Charles’ hair isn’t densely curly—it only takes a gentle pull after being mostly freed up, and Pierre almost tumbles backwards onto the couch as Charles twists away from him in relief. “There, there we go.”
Charles tosses him a scowl, although it breaks into a smile almost immediately. “And you say I am the one trying to kill you.” He rubs at his head in mock-hurt, pouting at Pierre as he scoots back into Charles’ space. Like he doesn’t love this when Pierre gets a hold of him. “Why don’t you get that chain shortened? It would probably do less damage.”
“That would mean I’d have to take it off, Charles.” He tugs at it casually, shakes his head. Charles raises an eyebrow at him. “Besides—this way, it’s as close to my heart as it can be without it being a crime against fashion.” He cracks a smile, although it’s not really meant to be that funny. The chain is a perfect length, if he’s being honest—it sits right at the center of his chest without being unbearably dramatic. Any longer and he’d run the risk of being a fifty-something woman trying to accessorize—anything shorter and he’s moving towards choker territory, which is a little blasphemous.
“And because I can put it between my teeth when you fuck me.” Charles’ grin is catlike as he says it, braced against the couch invitingly. And, well—he’s right, of course, because there is nothing prettier than Charles glistening in sweat, light catching on the cross between his teeth, making pretty breathy noises as Pierre fucks into him again and again.
But he can’t actually admit that. It feels like a violation of a couple pretty cardinal rules in Catholicism. “That is incredibly inappropriate, Charles,” he says, mock-chastising. Charles sticks his tongue out but wiggles closer to him, elbow digging into his side. “You are so…” he ducks in a little, presses a barely-there kiss under Charles’ ear. “Mmmmm, maybe tonight.”
Charles giggles, turning towards Pierre so that their noses bump. “What are you, a Valentine’s candy?”
“Mmm, you do think I am sweet,” he purrs. “So maybe.”
Charles laughs, nuzzles at him again. “Disgusting,” he teases. But he curls a little closer to Pierre anyway, head leaning into his shoulder. Their game is forgotten—the colors flash across the screen in Pierre’s peripherals but he’s got an entirely different focus, now. He presses another kiss to Charles’ head, then combs through his tussle of curls again, drawing a quiet noise of pleasure from him. Charles burrows even closer, snaking a hand up Pierre’s chest.
His fingers close around the cross hanging at Pierre’s neck, though. “Pierrot,” he murmurs after a beat of comfortable silence. The night has filled Charles’ bedroom almost entirely, now, streetlights glittering distantly below them.
Charles makes another soft noise and thumbs at the gold-plated cross in his fingers. “Do you pray for me?”
Huh. A question he hadn’t necessarily expected out of him, but it’s not like they haven’t talked about this before. Pierre is more than religious enough for the both of them. “All the time, cher,” he chuckles, planting another aimless kiss somewhere on the exposed skin within his reach. “Why do you ask?”
Charles hums contemplatively as Pierre’s mouth traces languidly across his skin. “Can you show me how?”
The Frenchman pauses his half-formed assault on Charles’ neck. “Of course I can,” he answers after a beat, running his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair. “Of course, mon cheri.” He covers Charles’ hand with his own, thumbs at his knuckles. “First, I put the crucifix to my lips once.” Pierre purses his lips a little, a mock-kissy face, and Charles laughs under his breath.
But he does as Pierre says nonetheless; their fingers brush as he lifts Pierre’s cross to his mouth and kisses it once, a small smile on his face. Something warm curls in his chest at the sight—at Charles’ eyelids fluttered closed ever-so-slightly, attention entirely on Pierre. It’s not burning desire, not like usual when he has Charles this close; it feels like something deeper.
Like Pierre has never been closer to God than he is right here.
“And then?” Charles’ voice is barely a whisper, gaze still entirely fixated on him.
Pierre returns to his body, then. “Ah,” he chuckles, “so you are serious.”
Charles’ eyebrows knit together. “Of course I am serious, Pierrot.” He tsks. “Now tell me what next.”
Something swells in his chest at the devotion in Charles’ voice. “Okay,” he murmurs. “Okay, mon cheri, just repeat after me.” Charles nods imperceptibly. Pierre closes his eyes, turns his head up a little like he always does sitting in the back pews during church. “Lord, please watch over Charles today.”
Charles’ voice is quiet as he echoes Pierre’s words. “Lord, please watch over Pierre today.”
Pierre’s eyes open, at that—but Charles is steadfast in his mimicking of Pierre, his own eyes closed, head lifted. That warmth in his chest seems to stretch wider. “Keep him steady in your hands, let him drive without burden.”
At that, another soft laugh tumbles from Charles’ mouth, although he clearly doesn’t mean to. “Keep him steady in your hands, let him drive without burden.”
Pierre can’t keep his eyes shut any longer, though—quieter moments like this with Charles are rare, and Pierre himself is nothing if not indulgent. “Let him fly with the wind without fear of falling, for you will catch him.” Charles echoes him, fingers still curled around the cross. “Remind him You will catch him, Lord, so that he will always know safety in Your hands.” Charles’ face softens as he repeats this, too; mouth curved upwards ever-so-slightly, he says the words and Pierre can feel the way they’re meant for him. That Charles is praying for him. “Let him always know Your love. Let him feel the sun on his skin and know it is You, Lord, watching over him.”
Charles rests his free hand on Pierre's knee, tender, as he repeats the words back.
"Amen," Pierre whispers, throat tight with emotion. Charles is beautiful, so beautiful like this—the low light of his living room casting a heavenly glow around him, making him look like the angel Pierre often thinks of him as. He looks born for Catholicism—something he’s teased his boyfriend about a lot over the years, how he has the guilt and the cheekbones to belong in a church sculpture. Pierre loves every piece of him, always; but here and now, with his own hand cradled on Charles’ still clutching at the crucifix hanging around his neck, Pierre thinks this is something beyond anything they’ve shared before.
Charles’ eyes open slowly, like he can tell Pierre is analyzing him. "Amen," he echoes, kissing the cross again and catching Pierre’s fingertip in the process. The action isn’t seductive or sexy, not by any means—but full of love. His eyes are sparkling with it.
Pierre is breathless with the knowledge. Speechless, almost—at how earnest Charles is, how earnest this all has been.
A reminder, of sorts, that Charles is watching out for him, too.
Pierre can’t help himself—the moment their eyes lock, he closes the short distance between them and kisses Charles full on the mouth. There’s no heat driving him, no dangerous instinct to rip off his sweats and take him here on the couch: just mindless affection.
Charles kisses him back easily, of course, like always—pliant, soft, he makes a soft noise against Pierre’s mouth as he opens up, tongue swiping across Pierre’s bottom lip languidly. “Mmmm,” he murmurs as they part for a breath, eyes still closed. “Pierrot, is this how all prayers end.”
Pierre laughs quietly, chasing his mouth once again. “Oh, yes,” he teases, biting at Charles’ bottom lip a little before dropping a kiss to the drawn bow of his mouth. “We Catholics are very slutty at church, you know.”
Charles breaks away from his mouth to laugh loudly. “And you said I was being blasphemous!” He exclaims, face pink. Pierre shrugs, unable to swallow the grin Charles seems to always draw out in him.
“You are not Catholic, mon cheri, I am—it is a perk of the church,” he insists, and Charles slaps his chest at the blatant lie. “Okay, okay, fine.”
“You are unbelievable,” his boyfriend chuckles, pressing his hand a little more just over Pierre’s heart. The crucifix digs into his skin at the contact even through his shirt, but Pierre can’t really be bothered to care. Charles leans forward again, catches him in another kiss. He’s warm, he’s firm, he’s so perfectly fitted against Pierre’s body even here on Charles’ not-quite-comfortable loveseat. His leg is hooked over both of Pierre’s, somehow, keeping them locked together—in a moment he’s all but entirely straddled in Pierre’s lap, still kissing him languidly, palm flat against the cross and warm over Pierre’s heart.
“Charles,” he mumbles between exchanges, and Charles mutters something against his skin as he trails kisses across Pierre’s jaw.
“I am not going to fuck you on the couch.”
Charles sags on him, face now entirely buried in the crook of Pierre’s neck. “Mean,” he pouts. Pierre can feel the warm heat of it right at his pulse and swallows, hard.
“We literally just prayed together, calamar.”
“So?” Charles’ grin is cheeky, and he rocks a little into Pierre’s hips to clearly tease. “You do not seem to be that against it.”
Pierre groans. “Please, mon chat, you are making this so difficult.” He rests a hand on Charles’ lower back, stroking him a little through his thin white t-shirt. “Let us cool down—and I—” he chokes on the rest of his sentence as Charles kisses at his neck, pout now turning dangerous the way it always seems to. “Later. Later, I pro—” Charles sinks his teeth in, pushing all of Pierre’s buttons at once like a child in an elevator. God dammit. “Fuck, you are impossible.”
Charles bites at the chain around Pierre’s neck. “You love me,” he mumbles, teeth bared.
He does. “Come here, Charlito. We can call this—fuck—we can call this communion.” Pierre slips the cross between Charles’ teeth. Charles whines.
Oh, he is so going to hell for this.
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dashielldeveron · 3 months
I present u with… many aizawas…… I have had literally the whitest week and ur aizawa fix literally brings me so much joy!!!! So I drew some of my fav moments (there is so many more I have little doodles for rn, but these are the ones I have for now ;))) I can’t help it that fic makes me feel so many things!!! Peak slow burn… and he’s so worth it… literally this is like my comfort fic. Bad day? Aizawa. I hope you enjoyyyyyyyyy <<333333333
Tumblr media
it's beautiful. i've stared at this for six hours now.
GOSH this is funny it's so funny. you really can capture comedic moments visually wow. he looks sooooooooooooooo boyfriend coded drinkig the juice box; the soft gaze and the tied up hair and the turtleneck are really doing it for me. and ohhhhhhh aizawa's distress in comparison to reader's just like whatever-ness is peak; your depictions of reader are like vibes only no thoughts, which is perfect. love it. god, your aizawa is SO handsome. SOOOOOOO pretty. i think if i met him irl i wouldn't be able to talk to him bc of how pretty he is
my fave detail in this his his hand on reader's head!!! it's soulmate pink!!!!!!! the same as all of your blushes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love this so so so much!!!!!
thank you SO much again, really; looking at these doodles has kept my morale up over the past day--had to get a complete thesis draft in last night, and i was going craaaaazy. your art grounded me, reminded me why i'm writing/going to school for writing in the first place. thank you.
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phoebe-sketches · 2 years
final thing for today probably!
have you ever wanted to get someone into jrwi but didn't know where to start?
have you ever wanted to do a feral presentation on your current hyperfixation podcast?
have you ever wished for a premade silly just roll with it powerpoint?
It is currently updated as of ep 86 of riptide, along with the ending of apotheosis and s1 of prime defenders. there is very little plot detailing intentionally so, but if anyone wants to send me slides for fated or convergence, they would be greatly appreciated tee hee
also if anyone wants to make them for the various oneshots i can throw those in too!
there is no bitb content on there yet, as the campaign is still relatively new and i will wait a few days before publishing that version.
anyway hope you enjoyyyyyyyyy
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claud-e-monet · 1 year
I just asked all your neighbors if they could be celibate for a year like you’re doing 🥰 Enjoyyyyyyyyy
W-What? *driving down road, trying to concentrate* You’ve told all of them? Oh, mon ami, that’s… *shakes head, chuckling* that’s brutal. Shall I ever recover?
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glass-expanse · 2 years
Okay so I have chicken Tetrazzini in the oven and I am stoked! I sampled some of the sauce left in the pot and oh my gosh it's SO TASTY.
This recipe has maybe an intermediate level of involvement. The prep is easy, there's just a number of ingredients. As long as you follow the basic timeline in the recipe everything finishes up right about the same time. That said, because I have a chaotic format, it's best to read through the full recipe before cooking. (I have a bad habit of cooking along with recipes without reading ahead...)
8oz package of white whole mushrooms, sliced into a medium pot (I used a 3 quart pot and that was pretty good for me)
2 stalks celery, diced (I cut my stalks in half lengthwise before slicing to creat small pieces)
1 onion, finely diced
As much in the way of mixed greens as I wanted (maybe a loose two cups? Ultimately not that much)
3 Tbsp butter, use 2 Tbsp in the vegetables in a pot but save the other Tbsp for the chicken
Cook the vegetables down until fairly soft, adding oregano, parsley, thyme, rosemary, salt, and lemon juice
1 cup heavy whipping cream added to the soft veggies
4 oz cream cheese and a combined 2 Tbsp of grated mozzarella and smoked cheddar cheeses added once the mixture is warm
8 or so chicken breast cutlets
Seasoned generously (in a ziploc bag) while the vegetables are cooking down and the spaghetti water is boiling with thyme, parsley, oregano, rosemary, salt, garlic powder, black pepper (and I would've used sage if we weren't out)
16 oz spaghetti in a large pot of boiling water for 7 minutes, added a chicken ramen flavor packet just to set the stage for what I did with the water
I added a quarter cup of chicken broth concentrate to two cups of the spaghetti water, so the chicken should be cooked after the spaghetti is done
Cooked the chicken in a sauce pan on one side on low heat (like 2.5 power) while I did this, then added my chicken broth to the chicken to complete the cooking
Pour the spaghetti into a 9x13 casserole dish. I cut the noodles in a 4x3 grid to make serving easier-- no noodles being pulled out from under other slices.
Cut the chicken into bite size pieces and add to casserole dish
Pour the remaining broth solution over the chicken and noodles
Add the veggie cream sauce to the chicken and noodles and stir thoroughly
Top with a combined cup of grated mozzarella and smoked cheddar cheeses, plus a generous coating of parmesan romano shaker cheese and italian breadcrumbs
Bake in the oven until golden brown, I think a higher temperature like 400 would be best for maybe 10 minutes? I started at 350 and realized it wasn't hot enough to really golden the top. So we are waiting for it to get out of the oven right now after increasing the heat.
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