haljathefangirlcat · 2 years
Tagged by @ziskandra. Thanks for the tag!!
Ten fandoms/ten characters/ten tags
Das Nibelungenlied - Hagen von Tronje (eternal obsession. always gets first place in these things automatically)
House of the Dragon - Aemond Targaryen (current obsession. proof that I Do Not learn from past mistakes and/or that imprinting is a thing)
The Rose of Versailles - Oscar François de Jarjayes (THE Original blorbina tbh. thanks Italian “Lady Oscar” dub)
Ace Attorney - Miles Edgeworth
Doctor Who - Donna Noble
Dark - Jonas Kahnwald
Mozart L’Opéra Rock - Antonio Salieri
Robin Hood BBC - Isabella Thornton
Camelot (STARZ) - Morgan Pendragon
Inkheart Trilogy - Violante
Tagging @galarix @ivylili @queen-zimraphel  @janiedean @octopuscato @enisyposts @princefado @lizaaharmon @kaoribriefs @roavaldamjong
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haljathefangirlcat · 2 years
Last Lines
Tagged by @ziskandra. Thanks for the tag!!
Damn... it feels like I haven’t even touched any of my WIPs in ages. Anyway, here’s the last lines from what’s apparently the very last thing I had been working on:
Neither of them is ever ordered to stay in the room. Neither of them would ever be given permission to leave if they asked. It’s part of the punishment, too — being made into an example, reminding each other that their actions always have consequences.
Kinda rough, but it’s a very much incomplete thing I started rewriting from scratch twice and will probably heavily modify again and again before it’s even close to done, when I eventually pick it up once more.
... ziskandra can probably guess the dysfunctional family in the fandom we share. ;)))
Tagging queen-zimraphel @janiedean @enisyposts @erlkonig-gheyn and whoever else I know who writes and feels like doing writing memes, because I’m pretty sure I should tag as many people as the words in that excerpt but I really can’t be bothered. XDD
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haljathefangirlcat · 3 years
I wanna know #1, #14 and #24!
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
You are not going to be surprised by this one ;)... but it's probably Petticoats. Ace Attorney, Manfred/Miles, forced feminization, the first fic I’ve ever felt the need to slap a nice Dead Dove tag on because it was just that unexpectedly dark and spicy and detailed and lingering for my standards. 
I tend to endlessly reread my own stories and, even when I am completely satisfied with them, to go “I could have expanded on this aspect; I could have gone in another direction with this idea or looked at it from another angle; I could have phrased this line a bit differently; I might reuse this concept because I probably didn’t use it to its full potential here/that particular itch doesn’t quite feel scratched yet; I might want to try this dynamic/imagery/line of thought again because I could have taken it further than that...” as I reread them. But with this one, I love the balance I managed to strike between letting it be as iddy and self-indulgent as I wanted it to be and curating the language and the imagery almost down to the very last detail, and how the progression of dark, angsty, squicky things feels so weirdly logical and natural while being really a grab-bag of things that made me go “oh, THAT is horrible!!” as I was writing them (the food thing and the language thing are so *inarticulate distressed fangirl noises* to me that I was almost a little disappointed no one pointed them out as particularly fucked-up in the comments, lol), and how unxpectedly easy and smooth I found writing from Manfred’s POV.
Thinking about it, tho, I think he that loves him (chastens him betimes) (Narumitsu, [sfw] spanking, hurt/comfort-of-sorts) and might be a need for love (better not say) (Mia/Miles/Phoenix, threesome, femdom, DP) might come fairly close and be currently my other faves when it comes to Ace Attorney. Objectively I don’t think they’re anywhere near as good as Petticoats, and for a while I’ve felt kind of embarrassed about the first one for a few reasons related to the fact I may still have some work to do to take the unironic “guilty” out of my guilty pleasures, as well as being been pretty damn critical of the second from pretty much the moment I started working on it for reasons ranging from “writing new things for the first time takes work!! but I want to be Good at them NOW!!!” perfectionism to “oh god oh god why am I writing something for the first time for my assignment in a fandom exchange, you can do that when you’re writing a treat because if the person who get it hates then it’s just whatever, they have their assigned gift anyway, but if you don’t know if they’re getting anything else, why tf would you do that??” anxiety, but lately I’ve reread both a couple of times and... you know what? I actually like them a lot. They have many Feels and a lot of other things I really, really enjoy.
... then, to name a lonely non-AA one, there’s also The (Willingly Sacrificed) Eye of the Heart (Of The Gallows' God) which was incredibly fun to write from start to finish. I really just let myself do whatever the hell I wanted with that one, even if I knew the result would makes sense exclusively to me and one (1) other person. The result in question being a Fusion!AU working entirely on Horrible Histories logic (Viking Eye For The Saxon Guy/We Sell Any Monks/that one gag with the Viking dude going to a modern hairdresser, precisely...) to put characters from Rhinegold & Attila’s Treasure by Stephan Grundy (my current fave adaptation of the Sigurd/Siegfried legend cycles) in the roles of the cast of Boris, possibly the best Italian comedy tv series ever (and built entirely on a merciless satire of Italian tv, comedic or otherwise). That was just such a wild ride. I really want to add to it and turn it into a full-blown fic series one day.
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
... oh, shit, I think this miiiiight be a question I can actually answer by mentioning only one fic instead of getting carried away? Could it be...?!
Anyway, that would be Say you'll be my darlin'. Ace Attorney, Gumworth, (sfw) age regression. I have read maybe five things about age regression, and all of them were just fic -- nothing about rl experiences or professionals’ opinions on the topic or anything else. I definitely didn’t expect to see the kinkmeme prompt this story was inspired by, give a look to the ships the prompter had requested, and go “oh, I should do that.” And I didn’t really expect to actually go through with it, either. It took some courage (and a very nice conversation with a very cool friend) to finish it and to post it.
... oh, and also I would have never expected to write anything like things we won't talk about on our coffee break (Mozart L’Opéra Rock, Da Ponte/Stephanie plus other background ships, Modern!AU, crack) because I have read a few “that sounds wrong but I don’t know enough about BDSM-themed sex clubs to dispute it” stories when I was just starting out with kinky fic in English, but that was ages ago and I don’t even remember any specifics anymore. And I don’t think I’ve ever even read anything like that but mostly sfw/using the kink for humor rather than smut purposes, anyway. Really, I have no idea what came over me when the idea hit me like a freight train and demanded to be written, lol.
Uh. Challenge failed, I guess.
24. favorite fic you read this year
Okay, I actively refuse to pick just one here so you get a list where I try to limit myself as severely as possible:
and you're in love with all the wonder it brings by janie_tangerine: ASOIAF/GOT, Jaime/Brienne, American Gods!AU, hurt/comfort, nsfw. Brienne as Eros, Jaime as Psyche, and me weeping over the beautiful, clever, wonderfully on-point use of Plato’s Symposium while thirsting over an unusally morally amiguous Brienne and wanting to smother Jaime in the longest hug ever.
mais d'où vient l'émotion étrange by crowdedmasks: Mozart L’Opéra Rock, Mozart/Salieri, fluff, nsfw. A smutfic so tender and adorable, I actually panicked and closed it when someone walked into the room after years of calmly reading smut in front of my family. That praise kink, damn.
The Jurist Bond by shinigami_yumi: Ace Attorney, Narumitsu, “the Japanifornian legal system is even more fucked-up than in canon” AU, dubcon, kinky but mostly sfw, incomplete longifc. Currently my favorite AA fic. If the author ever came back to finish it, or even just to add another chapter, I would offer them my sword my bow my axe and my eternal loyalty. It’s so cute and hot and angsty and emotional and so creative and OH GOD THE TENSION AND I DON’T EVEN MEAN JUST THE UST.
Chess Club the Burgundian Way by etothey: Nibelungenlied, Hagen & Volker, HighSchool!AU, gen. The fic about Hagen’s first meeting with Volker that I never knew I needed in this specific form. The parallels to canon events and dynamics are all galaxy-brained and absolutely delightful, Hagen’s POV is amazing in all of its ruthless asshole charm, and I could totally see those two ending up ready to give their lives for each other -- or at least, help each other cheat in some important chess tournament.
Lokasenna by Kelaino: Norse mythology, Odin/Loki, dubcon, public humiliation, nsfw. A scorching-hot retelling of one of my favorite myths ever. I’d like to say something more about it but even just thinking about it breaks my brain and leaves me screaming my head off in a puddle of hormones.
Like a Dog in My Lap by madrastic: The Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh/Enkidu, nsfw. The language the research the characterization the language I just *screams*
House Potter for Children in Need by Ailec_12: Harry Potter, Severus & Lily & James, deaging, angst, hurt/comfort, gen with background her. Listen, I never expected I’d touch age regression in any significant way this year. But the “character who had a horrible childhood gets deaged due to weird magical shenanigans” trope? Paired with a “and they end up in the care of someone who’s a decent person but they have a fraught relationship with” bonus? Sign. Me. Up! I haven’t even actually been in the HP fandom in years and rarely read anything in it nowadays, but this fic just hits that particular spot -- by smashing it with a hammer in every single chapter. There is also a fat cat and I love her.
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