#enid fraser
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team-ramses · 8 months ago
In Children of the Storm Ramses seems to say that he consummated his relationship with Enid Fraser, but he was too young in Lion in the Valley and she was married in Seeing a large Cat. Thoughts? TIA
Ugh you’ve hit on one of my least favorite sub-plots in the entire series. lol. It is strongly hinted at as having happened in Seeing a Large Cat (when Ramses is 16/17, gross) and Enid is (un)happily married. 
Although I guess this question from Amelia is faintly hilarious if you know what Ramses was up to that afternoon.
In Chapter 10, they are setting up the fake seance, and Amelia decides Enid is to be the princess and that Ramses needs to help her get ready to play the part. And then she sets it up so they have an afternoon alone together. I’m like, Amelia. No.
“Ramses, will you come here a moment?” He joined us, and I explained, “I have been telling Mrs. Fraser that she is the one to play the role of the princess. She will need a proper costume and a certain amount of coaching; you are the obviou one to acquire the former and do the later.”
“That would be very kind of you, Ramses,” Enid said.
Ramses said in a rather odd voice, “I would be happy to advise Mrs. Fraser, but perhaps--”
“But me no buts, Ramses. I have never approved of your interest in and practice of the art of disguise; here is an opportunity to apply it to a useful end. That is settled, then. Enid, Ramses will come round--let me thing--just after luncheon. We must attend the funeral services tomorrow morning. Can you get rid of Donald for the afternoon, Enid?”
“Yes, certainly,” Enid said. “All afternoon, if you like.”
She looked much brighter. I had sprung it on her rather abruptly; I ought to have realized it would take a little time for her to accustom herself to the idea. I gave her an approving smile. “I must take my little family home. Donald is half-asleep already.”
“Mother,” Ramses began.
“Say good night to Mrs. Fraser, Ramses.”
“Good night, Mrs. Fraser,” Ramses said.
“Good night, Ramses. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
Scarcely had we got our gear together, however, than we saw Ramses and David coming toward us. I deduced that they had stopped by the house to change, since they were wearing riding costumes.
“Goodness, is it so late as that?” I exclaimed. “I trust you are satisfied that Enid is ready for this evening, Ramses?”
“She seemed satisfied,” said Ramses.
In Chapter 11, the family questions him about what they chose for Enid’s costume and hairstyle and Ramses says this and no one blinks an eye. This family I swear.
“After considering various alternatives,” said Ramses, “we concluded it would be best for her to wear it under a loose garment--a tea gown, I believe she called it. She will change into it and the costume after dinner.”
“What about her hair? Nefret asked.
“She will let it down. It is very thick and long,” Ramses said. “It reaches almost to her waist.”
Anywho, it definitely happened that afternoon and hopefully never again.
Love any question that makes me dig out an Amelia book. Even ones about Enid. :-)
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maxsrainbowsheets · 2 years ago
reblog for bigger sample size
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novemberhush · 1 month ago
Tag game for people I’d like to get to know better/catch up with.
Thanks for tagging me, @littleblackraincloudofcourse !❤️
Five ships I love - Ooh, let me see…
1) Leo Hölzer x Adam Schürk from Tatort Saarbrücken (because it’s nearly that time of year again! 🎉🎉🎉)
2) Benton Fraser x Ray Vecchio from Due South
3) Sherlock Holmes x John Watson (be it in the original ACD stories, the Granada television version, the BBC version, etc.)
4) Mike Ross x Harvey Specter from Suits
5) Thomas Barrow x Andy Parker from Downton Abbey (you give them the same surnames as Bonnie and Clyde, arguably the most famous criminal couple in history, and then you don’t put them together?? WTF, Julian Fellowes??)
First ship ever - Showing my age here, but I think it’s between David Addison x Maddie Hayes from Moonlighting, Anne Shirley x Gilbert Blythe from the series of Anne of Green Gables television adaptations that were out in the 1980s, and James Dempsey x Harriet ‘Harry’ Makepeace from Dempsey and Makepeace. The shows were all out around roughly the same time so I don’t remember which was first, but there’s not much between any of them, I’d say.
Last song you heard - Sandpaper by Zach Bryan (feat. Bruce Springsteen)
Favourite childhood book - I don’t have any one particular favourite that stands heads and shoulders above the rest, but Red Sky in the Morning by Elizabeth Laird and Children on the Oregon Trail by A. Rutgers Van Der Loeff are two that I remember having an effect on me. I was also a big fan of all the Enid Blyton mystery books, such as the Famous Five and the Secret Seven and the Five Find-Outers and Dog, as well as other children’s mysteries like Alfred Hitchcock and The Three Investigators, The Hardy Boys and, of course, Nancy Drew. I also had a Rupert the Bear annual and a Winnie the Pooh book I enjoyed a great deal, as well a big book of fairytales, complete with illustrations, that I loved.
Currently reading - I’m (slowly!) reading a physical copy of All the Colours of the Dark by Chris Whitaker, which is very good so far (but also very long!), and on the kindle app I’ve finally got around to reading The Charioteer by Mary Renault, which I’m absolutely flying through.
Currently watching - Mainly Grantchester and reruns of Wire in the Blood (no, I don’t have a thing for Robson Green!) and Law and Order: SVU (although I’m pretty much always watching reruns of SVU.).
Currently consuming - I’m making my way through a packet of Fruit Salad Chewits (chewy sweets, for anyone who doesn’t know what Chewits are).
Currently craving - Some more of the absolutely delicious potato gratin I had for dinner on Friday night. It was sooooooooooo good. My mouth’s watering just thinking about it.
I tag @tkandbuck @smowkie @katries @oneawkwardcookie @dontcallpanic @sofancydancy @chaoticfandomgirly @backgroundnoisewithaview @kinkykinard and anyone else who wants to share. No pressure on anyone who doesn’t!😘
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empathiie · 5 months ago
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off into the renaissance era we go! hi everyone, this is a hwevent18 starter call! a list of my characters (and their jobs) will be under the cut, and i will be doing four starters per character. please request as many as you'd like, there's no limit otherwise!
alicia clark 🐉 assassin. (2/4) daken, nick clark.
alys rivers 🐉 astrologer. (0/4)
annie january 🐉 tavern owner. (2/4) dominic toretto, kimiko miyashiro.
arya stark 🐉 thief. (1/4) jorah mormont.
bella swan 🐉 artist. (4/4) angel, victoria sutherland, samantha fraser, astrid deetz.
beth greene 🐉 baker. (2/4) claire hargreeves, martha hatter.
bigby wolf 🐉 gravedigger. (2/4) death, benson roche.
caius volturi 🐉 noble. (4/4) aro volturi, sulpicia volturi, phoenix volturi, chelsea volturi.
cassandra goth 🐉 plague doctor. (1/4) soren palpatine.
dexter morgan 🐉 assassin. (1/4) debra morgan.
ellie williams 🐉 graverobber. (4/4) nick clark, nettles, astrid hofferson, jeremiah fisher.
enid 🐉 messenger. (1/4) carl grimes.
gwayne hightower 🐉 knight. (4/4) robin hood, hercules, helaena targaryen, catherine of aragon.
jesse custer 🐉 blacksmith. (0/4)
lee harker 🐉 bard. (1/4) miguel rivera.
lyanna mormont 🐉 knight. (0/4)
madeleine eparvier 🐉 dressmaker. (1/4) evie grimhilde.
rey palpatine 🐉 innkeeper. (0/4)
rhaenyra targaryen 🐉 knight. (2/4) harwin strong, dain aetos.
will graham 🐉 carpenter. (2/4) abe, finnick odair.
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praedictas · 3 days ago
currently  looking  for  some  affiliates  in  the  following  fandoms  with  the  following  characters.    i'll  happily  accept  ocs  and  crossovers  but  i've  also  added  some  mw  canons  simply  for  anyone  who  may  be  interested  in  adding  new  muses  and  aren't  sure  where  to  start!
SUPERNATURAL :   bodi  campbell   +   dean  winchester    ,    sam  winchester    ,    jo  harvelle    ,     ellen  harvelle    ,    ash    ,    john  winchester    ,    bobby  singer    ,    castiel    ,    the  original  characters  within  bo's  family    (    message  me  to  discuss    ).    THE  VAMPIRE  DIARIES :    dumon  soylemez    ,    sefa  soylemez    ,    ziya  soylemez    ,    finn  mikaelsøn   +   katherine  pierce    ,    elena  gilbert    ,    klaus  mikaelsøn    ,    rebekah  mikaelsøn    ,    elijah  mikaelsøn    ,    freya  mikaelsøn    ,    esther  mikaelsøn    ,    marcel  gerard    ,    davina  claire    ,    caroline  forbes    ,    alaric  saltzman    ,    jenna  sommers    ,    sage    ,    rose  marie    ,    bonnie  bennett    ,    hayley  marshall    ,    sheila  bennett    (    looking  primarily  for  an  anti  canon  take    ,    willing  to  work  with  the  ideas  i  have  in  mind  to  create  pretty  much  a  canon  removed  universe    ).    GILMORE  GIRLS :    jess  mariano  +  rory  gilmore    ,    lorelai  gilmore    ,    luke  danes    ,    liz  danes    ,    dean  forester    ,    logan  huntzberger    ,    lane  kim    (    would  really  love  to  finally  play  with  this  verse  i've  had  in  mind  forever  set  after  the  events  of  season  7  but  replacing  the  revival  and  basically  follows  their  lives  after  the  events  of  the  show  as  adults.    i'd  be  willing  to  make  this  into  a  full  fledged  like  small  group  verse  if  people  showed  interest!    ).    SCREAM :    lucas  prescott    ,    stu  macher    ,    billy  loomis   +   sidney  prescott    ,    tatum  riley    ,    dewey  riley    ,    sam  carpenter    ,    tara  carpenter    ,    kirby  reed    ,    casey  becker    ,    randy  meeks    ,    roman  bridger    ,    basically  anyone  tbh  lol.    FEAR  STREET :    tommy  slater   +   ziggy  berman    ,    cindy  berman    ,    deena  johnson    ,    sam  fraser    ,    josh  johnson    ,    any  of  the  characters  from  the  upoming  film.    THE  ADDAMS  FAMILY  /  WEDNESDAY :   pugsley  addams  +   wednesday  addams    ,    morticia  addams    ,    gomez  addams    ,    fester  addams    ,    enid  sinclair    ,    tyler  galpin    ,    xavier  thorpe    ,    bianca  barclay.
on  top  of  this  i'd  love  to  have  some  affiliated  characters  /  verses  for  my  ever  after  high  /  descendants    ,    resident  evil    ,    and  comic  book  characters!    i'm  always  willing  to  put  together  a  group  chat  for  anyone  interested  in  starting  an  affiliated  group  verse  or  anything  similar.    i've  also  been  toying  with  the  idea  of  making  a  joinable  group  verse  for  this  concept  i've  always  had  about  a  crossover  of  things  like  buffy    ,    tvd    ,    spn    ,    etc.  in  a  more  hbo  style  setting  with  a  big  combined  plot  so  if  any  of  these  things  sound  interesting  please  reach  out  and  lmk!
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ablatheringblatherskite · 1 year ago
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better (mmmmaybe)
Answering the open tag of @the-tiny-dragons-tea-room!
three ships: Raoulstine (Raoul x Christine from Phantom of the Opera), Petroclair (Ajax x Enid from Wednesday), and Silverparry (Lyra x Will from His Dark Materials)
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(I think I've done this tag game before LOL so I already did Hiccstrid and Wyler for this I'm pretty sure which is why I chose diff ships)
first ship: Probably Jaya (Jay x Nya from Ninjago!)
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last song: Beyond the Door (Hadley Fraser)
last movie: the DnD Movie still LOL
currently reading: The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
currently watching: Manifest (I am so stressed about it) (also I'm only on season 1 so no spoilers)
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currently consuming: Any POTO/Raoulstine/Raoul de Chagny and Hadley Fraser content I can find
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currently craving: More Hadley Fraser and Raoul de Chagny?
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OH and more musicals to listen to!!! Planning to listen to the In-Between musical, and Come From Away very soon (Anastasia also needs another listen, specifically for Ramin Karimloo<333)
No Pressure Tags: @gangst3rswife, @the-old-fashioned-girl, @mialicassi, @offendedteaspoon, @akstzs, @sliverswords, @oatzams, @flickeringflame216, and @amadeuslefay!
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wolfstarjunkie · 3 months ago
bring back wlw yearning but it’s mary macdonald and marlene mckinnon
bring back wlw yearning but it’s emma gilbert and rikki chadwick
bring back wlw yearning but it’s max mayfield and eleven hopper
bring back wlw yearning but it’s syd novak and dina (tell me why she has no canon last name)
bring back wlw yearning but it’s ginny weasley and hermione granger
bring back wlw yearning but it’s wednesday addams and enid sinclair
bring back wlw yearning but it’s sam fraser and deena johnson
bring back wlw yearning but it’s sarah fier and hannah miller
bring back wlw yearning but it’s cindy berman and alice hart
bring back wlw yearning but it’s piper chapman and alex vause
bring back wlw yearning but it’s tori vega and jade west
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reddie-ao3feed · 1 year ago
Mystery Kids: Sitting Ducks
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/AMCqcrK by BloomingSkeletons Our favorite heroes are thrown into the world of debutantes and masquerades. With lives changed and hearts yearning, will our protagonists find happiness? Or will they drown in the storm? Words: 2321, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Mystery Kids Collection Fandoms: Coraline (2009), ParaNorman (2012), The Boxtrolls (2014), Gravity Falls, Stranger Things (TV 2016), IT (Movies - Muschietti), A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), Invader Zim, The Owl House (Cartoon), Amphibia (Cartoon), Wednesday (TV 2022), Ghostbusters (1984-1989; 2021), Fear Street Trilogy (Movies 2021) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Relationships: Coraline Jones & Wybie Lovat, Coraline Jones/Wybie Lovat, Coraline Jones/Dib Membrane, Eggs (The Boxtrolls)/Winifred Portley-Rind, Pacifica Northwest/Dipper Pines, Norman Babcock/Dipper Pines, Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris, Klaus Baudelaire/Isadora Quagmire, Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair, Samantha "Sam" Fraser/Deena Johnson, Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Hunter | The Golden Guard/Willow Park, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler Additional Tags: Inspired by Bridgerton (TV), Minor Character Death, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Forbidden Love, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Lovers To Enemies, Suggestive Themes, Class Issues, Discrimination, Alternate Universe - Regency, Regency Romance, Stalking, Possessive Behavior read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/AMCqcrK
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acourtcfmuses · 1 year ago
Putting this under a read more because we have so many muses between us! Your muse is in bold and I've provided a key beneath the cut too! I wasn't sure of your muses sexualities, so if any don't match just ignore! <3
(OC) - Original Character (CO) - Crossover
Bridgerton Verse
Anthony Bridgerton / Kate Sharma
Benedict Bridgerton / Theodore Fitzroy (OC)
Colin Bridgerton / Harriet Jones (CO - she does have a Bridgerton verse too lol), 
Daphne Bridgerton / Simon Basset, Theodore Fitzroy (OC)
Francesca Bridgerton / Kris Bjorgman (OC/CO), Ben Ricard (CO), 
Gregory Bridgerton / Rosaline Capulet (CO)
Penelope Featherington / Theodore Fitzroy (OC)
Philip Crane / Eloise Bridgerton
Sophie Beckett / Theodore Fitzroy (OC), Anthony Bridgerton, Simon Basset
Kate Sharma / Anthony Bridgerton
Prince Freidrich Hohenzollern / Eloise Charming (OC/CO)
King George Freidrick / Queen Charlotte
Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz / King George
Alina Starkov / Malyen Oretsev, Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker, Aleksander Morozova, Nina Zenik, Nikolai Lanstov
Kaz Brekker / Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey
Inej Ghafa / Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Tamar Kir Bataar, Nina Zenik, Nikolai Lanstov
Nina Zenik / Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Tamar Kir Bataar, Inej Ghafa
Wylan Van Eck / Jesper Fahey
Genya Safin / Aleksander Morozova, Nina Zenik, Nikolai Lanstov
Nikolai Lanstov / Killian Jones (CO)
Tolya Yul Bataar / Jaskier (CO)
Matthais Helvar / Nina Zenik, Jesper Fahey
lord of the rings/rings of power
Galadriel / Halbrand, Aleksander Morozova (CO), Geralt Of Rivia (CO), Yennefer of Vengerberg (CO)
Yelena Belova / Grant Ward
Marcos Diaz / Darcy Lewis
Esme Frost / Pietro Maximoff
John Proudstar / Wanda Maximoff
Scott Summers / Jemma Simmons
Jennifer Walters / Matt Murdock
Sersi / Druig
Barry Allen / Mia Smoak
TVD Verse
Marcel Gerald / Rebekah Mikaelson
Elena Gilbert / Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Scott McCall (CO), Lorcan Sinclair (OC/CO), Carrie Hudson (CO), Silver Lycan (OC/CO)
Tyler Lockwood / Rebekah Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes, Scott McCall (CO), Malia Tate (CO) Lydia Martin (CO)
Elijah Mikealson / Dyson Thornwood (CO), Galadriel (CO)
Hope Mikealson / Melinda Halliwell (CO), Ash Redfern (CO), James Rasmussen (CO), Violet Sorrengail (CO)
Lizzie Saltzman / Lycus Lycan (OC/CO), Nate Dunbar (OC/CO), Nick Scratch (CO), Bloom Peters (CO)
Magnus Bane / Dyson Thornwood, Lucifer Morningstar (CO), Yennefer of Vengerberg (CO)
Clary Fray / Simon Lewis
Simon Lewis / Cirilla of Cintra (CO), 
Alec Lightwood / Leviathon Delacour (OC/CO), Simon Lewis, Knox Carter (OC/CO), Fynn Calvert-Monroe (CO)
Fate:The Winx Saga
Terra Harvey / Sloane Mairi (CO), Roxanne Driscoll (OC/CO)
Bloom Peters / Sky, Riven, Xaden Riorson (CO)
Flora / Riven, Orion (OC/CO), Rhiannon Matthias (CO)
Musa / Riven, Liam Mairi (CO), Jude Duarte (CO)
Riven / Sky, Fleur F (OC/CO), Calista (OC/CO)
Sky / Bloom Peters, Riven
Stella / Bloom Peters, Riven, Sky, Zion Reinhart (OC/CO)
Wednesday/Addams Family
Wednesday Addams / Tyler Galpin, Xavier Thorpe, Lorcan Sinclair, Melinda Halliwell (CO)
Enid Sinclair / Tyler Galpin, Xavier Thorpe, Wednesday Addams, Melinda Halliwell (CO)
Other Scifi/Fantasy
Wendy Darling / Peter Pan (CO), Roc (CO)
Elinor Fairmont / Ambrose Spellman (CO), Wyatt Hawthorne (OC/CO), Emmett Cullen (CO), Aurora Lycan (OC/CO)
Juliette Fairmont / Melinda Halliwell (CO), Sam Fraser (CO), Lydia Martin (CO)
Kat Harvey / Luke Patterson (CO), Kelly Schade-Buckhardt (CO)
Harvey Kinkle / Nick Scratch, Melinda Halliwell (CO), Caliban, Agatha Night
Scott McCall /  Lydia Martin, Malia Tate, Charlie Lahey (OC), Nate Dunbar (OC), Chase Argent (OC), Lorcan Sinclair (OC/CO), Clary Fray (CO), Melinda Halliwell (CO)
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arch-whatscanon · 2 years ago
muse tags masterpost
𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    eloise wallace 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    aspen wright 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    benjamin badd 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    cindy berman 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    ziggy berman 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    sam fraser 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    trina lewis 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    tree gelbman 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    chloe carter 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    christopher sullivan 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    trish wellington 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    courtney ashe 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    becky barnes 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    grace chasity 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    donna daggit 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    ruth fleming 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    jeri gibson 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    gary goldstein 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    ethan green 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    miss holloway 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    clover lake 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    linda monroe 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    izzy myers 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    emma perkins 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    jennifer check 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    brooke wyatt 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    frances diaz 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    ava grimes 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    chad meeks-martin 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    dewey riley 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    kurt kunkle 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    chrissy cunningham 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    clarissa frost 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    argyle gonzales 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    steve harrington 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    chad harrington 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    lindy webster 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    derek hale 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    stiles stilinski 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    julie lawry 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    lucille thomas 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    grace haverstock 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    lena landry 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    emily davis 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    chris hartley 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    mike munroe 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    jessica riley 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    josh washington 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    chrissy taylor 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙    :    enid sinclair
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Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters (Amelia Peabody #1
Amelia Peabody inherited two things from her father: a considerable fortune and an unbendable will. The first allowed her to indulge in her life's passion. Without the second, the mummy's curse would have made corpses of them all.
The Curse of the Pharaohs by Elizabeth Peters (Amelia Peabody #2)
Victorian Amelia Peabody continues to journal her Egypt adventures, toddler Ramses left in England. Husband Radcliffe Emerson's old friend Lady Baskerville fears a curse killed her husband Sir Henry, and soon engages the attentions of American Cyrus. The will funds continued excavation. But a lady dressed in white floats, flutters, spreads fear, and more death.
The Mummy Case by Elizabeth Peters (Amelia Peabody #3)
Radcliffe Emerson, the irascible husband of fellow archaeologist Amelia Peabody, has earned the nickname "Father of Curses"—and in Mazghunah he demonstrates why. Denied permission to dig at the pyramids of Dahshoor, he and Amelia are resigned to excavating mounds of rubble in the middle of nowhere. But before long Amelia, Emerson, and their precocious son, Ramses, find themselves entangled in The Mummy Case In Cairo, before setting out to the site, Amelia visits an antiquities dealer to inquire about some papyri for her brother-in-law, Walter.
Lion in the Valley by Elizabeth Peters (Amelia Peabody #4)
The 1895-96 season promises to be an exceptional one for Amelia Peabody, her dashing Egyptologist husband, Radcliffe Emerson, and their precocious (some might say rambunctious) eight-year-old son, Ramses. The long-denied permission to dig at the pyramids of Dahshoor has finally been granted, and the much-coveted burial chamber of the Black Pyramid is now theirs for the exploring. Before the young family exchanges the relative comfort of Cairo for the more rudimentary quarters near the excavation site, they engage a young Englishman, Donald Fraser, as a tutor and companion for Ramses, and Amelia takes a wayward young woman, Enid Debenham, under her protective wing.
The Last Camel Died at Noon by Elizabeth Peters (Amelia Peabody #6)
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super-nova5045 · 2 years ago
do you genuinely just don’t see any chemistry or do you hate poc queers
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purewhitepages · 6 years ago
The Last Time I Saw Enid
[Originally posted on Ao3 in 2017]
Summary: Before he was Nemo, he was Donald. And before she was Miss Debenham, she was Enid. The last exchange between them was short, sweet even, and not nearly satisfactory.
A/N: this fic is pure selfservice and I don’t care. If you like it, please scream with me.
“Why do you read such novels?” Enid asked, she was reclining against a sofa, watching Donald from across the room.
“Whatever do you mean?” Donald asked. He pretended to keep reading, but instead used the book to hide his smirk.
Enid stood and crossed the room to take the book from his hands. Donald reclined further on his own sofa, looking up at the girl through his eyelashes. Enid gave a small smile and a side glance at him then read the cover of the book aloud.
“King Solomon’s Mines, good gad, Donald,” she said. “What on earth could be endearing about that?”
Donald shrugged. “I enjoy them.”
She sat next to him as she opened the book and began reading the first few pages. “How can you gain anything of value from this?”
Donald sat up and slid closer to her so that his leg brushed her skirt. Enid glanced down at the contact, but did not say anything. Donald, evidently, did not seem to notice how indecently close to her he was, otherwise he would have moved.
“This man, Allan Quatermain, is hunting in Durban when he is approached by Sir Henry Curtis to find his long lost brother, who has gone to find the lost mines of King Solomon,” explained Donald enthusiastically.
“Sounds rather fantastical to me.”
Donald looked up from the book, and realized how close they were. He seemed at a loss for words for a moment before looking and moving away. Enid herself looked to the other side of the library where they were sitting rather than at Donald, and scolded herself for not moving away sooner.
“Um, your locket is very nice, is it new?” said Donald, who was now getting off the couch to sit on the bench by the desk near the window.
Enid’s hand flew to her neck, and her cheeks colored a bright red. She had forgotten to stuff the necklace in her blouse before she visited the house. She felt very self-conscious right then and hoped to goodness he would not ask her whose picture she kept inside.
“Oh, um, no, I found it among my mother’s belongings. It- it has a picture of my father inside,” she lied.
“How sentimental,” said Donald. “How lovely.”
Silence fell over the two of them. Enid passed her hands over the cover of the book in her hands.
“Donald,” she said suddenly, and the young man turned to face her. Enid could not help but stare for a moment. With the sunlight streaming in through the window and catching off his copper colored hair, he looked like a painting of the angel Gabriel.
“Yes, Enid?” he said.
Enid swallowed at the sound of her name passing from his lips. The fact that he called her “Enid” just now, and not “Miss Debenham” gave her hope that she barely wished to have. “When did you say you were leaving?”
“For training? Soon, a month from now.”
“Do write, will you? If they allow you to do so in the military.”
Donald let out a chuckled. “I’m sure they do. They could scarcely stop me.”
“And we will all be eagerly waiting your return.”
“I’m sure it will be just you ‘eagerly waiting.’ I highly doubt Ronald will even notice I am away.”
“Nevertheless, I will be waiting for you to come home safe.” Enid felt her ears bloom with heat, and scolded herself for her own impertinent tongue. “Please promise me you will come home safe, Donald.”
Donald strode forwards and held out his hand for her to take. She did so. “I doubt there will be anything stopping me from having a long and successful career. We are not at war, and I doubt we intend to be so anytime soon.”
“Promise me.”
“I cannot, Enid. Tragedies do occur.”
“To other people, but not you.”
“This isn’t a Haggard novel, Enid.” Donald smiled, and Enid did too despite the tears blossoming in her eyes.
A knock on the door caused Donald to drop her hand and clear his throat. Enid let the appendage fall into her lap. Donald bade the newcomer welcome, and the butler walked in. Enid took this moment to dab her eyes with a handkerchief.
“An urgent telegram from Master Ronald, sir,” he said, and extended the note on a tray.
Donald took it and opened it, moving over to his desk.
“Would you like refreshment, Miss Debenham?” asked the butler.
“Oh, no thank you, I’m just fine,” said Enid.
“Please leave us,” said Donald, and the butler did.
Enid crossed the room as she spoke: “What is it Donald?”
“Ronald has apparently got himself into a jam.” Donald rubbed at his temples as he set the letter down.
Enid made a face at this. She knew she shouldn't press the issue, and yet- “You mean of course, ‘Ronald has gotten himself into a jam again.’”
“Perhaps you should go, Enid. I must go up to London.”
“Of course you will go to him. Heaven forbid Ronald should scuff his shoe without crying, and you run to him with an extra pair.”
“Leave it alone, Enid.” Donald’s voice was calm, but his eyes flashed.
“I will not. I know you-“
“Confound it, Enid! I am not in the mood to argue!” Donald slumped into his chair, his hand covering his eyes. Her blood was hot, but she also knew it was a mistake to questions his actions towards his brother.
“I’m sorry, D- Mr. Fraser,” said Enid. “It was wrong of me to speak out of turn.”
“Please do not call me Mr. Fraser, Enid. You make me sound like an old man.” Donald’s lips twisted into a small, sad smile as he spoke.
“We are not children anymore.”
Donald eyed her up and down. “You especially so. I expect we shall hear wedding bells anyway now.”
Enid let out a laugh. “Not for a few more years, hopefully.”
“Any man would be lucky to have you. A nobleman, a tradesman, a merchant even.”
“Or a military officer?” Enid could barely keep the words to herself. She had to look away before he answered.
“Y- yes, I suppose they would be worthy of you as well.”
Silence once again fell between them.
"I apologize, Miss Debenham, for shouting, it was- unbecoming," Donald said, smoothing out his hair and checking his watch.
"It's quite alright, I have no right to question your actions. You know best." She also checked her watch, just for an excuse to leave. “I will be going, Donald. Write to me once you get to London?”
“I shall.”
Enid remembered hurrying out and waiting awkwardly for her carriage. She remembered hoping for a day when Ronald would not be first in his brother's affections. She should have stayed. She should have convinced Donald that Ronald needed to face consequences. Then maybe, maybe he would still be alive to her, maybe even hers. But not anymore.
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team-ramses · 6 years ago
“Mr. Donald Fraser is not distinguished by great intellectual capacity--indeed, I cannot help but wonder what a lady of Miss Debenham’s superior qualities could possibly see in him--but there is no reason why he should go to the trouble of carrying the body a long distance from the scene of the murder in order to place it conspicuously in front of your tent.”
Ramses Emerson in Lion in the Valley by Elizabeth Peters
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nerd-at-sea5 · 2 years ago
happy channakah to sam fraser, stiles stilinski, amity blight, max mayfield, robin buckley, darcy olsson, kj brandman, ocean o’connell rosenberg and enid sinclair!
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mikeyss1ut · 2 years ago
(I write smut but very vague ! Mostly fluff)
Rules for requests
Get to know writer
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Original scream:
(Any other characters just ask I probably will)
Scream 2:
(Any scream two character I didn’t really have any I didn’t like)
Scream 3:
(Anyone again no characters I didn’t like)
Scream 4:
(That’s all I didn’t like this movie except for Jill and sidney I don’t care what y’all think I didn’t like this scream)
Scream 5:
Judy (milf power)
Gale( gilf power)
(Just kidding she’s still a milf)
Sidney( extra milf power)
Scream vi(6):
Ethan Landry
And everyone in scream 5 cast as well.
Max mayfield
El hopper
Nancy wheeler
Robin Buckley
Lucas Sinclair
Erica Sinclair (blurbs only or related like siblings)
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Will byers
Mike wheeler
Maddy Perez
Cassie Howard
Rue bennet
Jules Vaughn
Nate Jacobs
Kat hernedez
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie bennet
Caroline Forbes
Hope Mikealson
Hayley Marshall
Lizzie saltzman
Josie saltzman
Rebekah mikealson
Freya mikealson
Klaus mikealson
Stefan Salvatore
(I mostly write for girls in tvd world because there’s not many men I enjoyed in tvd😭)
Wednesday Addams
Tyler galpin
Enid Sinclair
I’ll also do the ship things were I ship you with a character if you tell me about your self. You can do preference boy or girl:) just tell me which scream movie you want. If you want one character from each movie I’ll do that to and if you want me to pick a random character I think you would go good with also let me know!
Other horror movies:
Nancy Thompson (nightmare on elm street)
Any IT remake character (not penny wise unless you really want him.)
Jennifer check ( Jennifer’s body)
Taylor swift
Tristan dugray
Rory Gilmore
Kate bishop
America Chavez
Effy stonem
Tracy freeland
Evie Zamora
Wednesday adams(show version)
Endid Sinclair (show version)
Wanda maximoff
Natasha romanoff
Violet Harmon
Michael Myers
Peter Parker (any)
maxon schreave
Sarah Cameron
Kiera carrea
Rafe Cameron
John b routlouage
Jj maybank
Thomas (maze runner)
Marcus Lopez
Sam Fraser
Deena Johnson
Ziggy berman + Cindy berman
Lexi cross
The outsiders:
Dally Winston
Ponyboy Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Darry Curtis
(I’ll add to this list later my brains dead I made this while doing homework)
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