Pa uffern do’ ni ar y bryniau hyn?
Creulon ein dyfeisiau,
ein hoff ddiniwed-arfau;
Daw prin ddigonus ddagrau.
- Englyn fer am yr olygfa o chwareli’r Eryri drwy fy ffenestr.
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graywyvern · 1 year
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( via / via via @violetbondart )
Helix Noise - 230520.
"lego shiba"
too much fun for the small screen platforms in chaos gangrene i prowl among the darkling screnery remarking gray & green
lego shiba i distill dingleberries of my will & hope to avoid the killing locale of a fallow skull-hill
Mod dancer.
"Sad Song of Cuacuauhtzin
My heart craves the flowers, that they be in my hands. With songs I am saddened, I only try to compose songs on the earth. I, Cuacuauhtzin, with anxiety I desire the flowers, that they be in my hands, for I am dispossessed.
Where would we go that we never have to die? Though I be precious stone, though I be gold, I will be dissolved, there in the crucible melted down. I have only my life, I, Cuacuauhtzin, I am dispossessed.
You make resound your kettle drum of jade, your red and blue conch shell, you, Yoyontzin, Panting One. Now he has come, now the singer has risen. For a short time be happy, come and be present, those with the sad heart. Now he has come, now the singer has risen.
Open the corolla of your heart, let it tread the lofty heights. You have hated me, you have marked me for death. Now I go to His house, I will perish. Perhaps because of me you will weep, because of me you will be sad, you, my friend, but now I will go, now I am going to His house. Only this my heart tells, I will not return, never will come back to the earth, now I will go, I am going to His house.
Only useless effort, enjoy, enjoy, my friends. Should we not be happy, should we not have pleasure, my friends? I will take with me the beautiful flowers, the beautiful songs.
Never I do it in springtime, I alone am in need, alone am I, Cuacuauhtzin. Should we not enjoy, my friends? I will take with me the beautiful flowers, the beautiful songs."
--Fifteen Poets of the Aztec World, Miguel León-Portilla (1992)
Coming Soon.
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matildazq · 1 year
Write the Year 2023—Week 29: Multiplicity
I lost my mind this week; on Tuesday, I took a bunch of pictures (just on my phone) while out on a Danger Beagle walk. I had intended to just do, like an Instagram post or something and call it “Texture Tuesday” or some other nonsense. I never did, so instead, I guess I wrote 12 short poems? The form and a link to it follow each poem below. Title: LashesWC: 14 Lashesdowncast, demure.Idle, they…
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cicelythereaper · 2 years
i just stumbled across your edits of the untamed with medieval welsh poetry and you're my new favourite person. i'm still learning welsh, and medieval welsh is especially out of my knowledge, but these edits are very relevant to my interests :D
oh my god, oh my GOD. i have to say that when i made those i genuinely did not expect them to have much of an audience let alone a TARGET audience. i really did not think they would outlive the mdzs multilingual project in any way so this is such a delightful message to get! i am honoured that they could be part of your welsh journey!
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gawrkin · 5 months
Rereading Trystan ac Essyllt again and it's...
Combined with the "Dialogues" between characters like Arthur, Eliwlod, Melwas and Gwenhwyfar, you get the impression no-one talks normally in Welsh Camelot.
Everyone has to speak to each other in englyns to have a serious conversation.
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No-one talks in normal prose, they have to speak in three-to-four syllabic lines.
We have King Mark and his men talking normally to each other and to Arthur, but when Arthur negotiates with Trystan, suddenly everyone's eloquent and verbose.
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Could you imagine Dinadan, Mordred, Morgan le Fay and the other characters talking this way?
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tigertrotter · 4 months
How do you know so many different styles of poems. I took AP English for most of highschool and these poem type names are only vaguely familiar. I hope others find you work too.
So, the reason why I know so many different types of poetic forms is all thanks to an article I found on the Writer's Digest website. The article, known as 168 Poetic Forms for Poets, gives off a list of poetic forms-both iconic and obscure-with short introduction descriptions included.
Apparently, this was the article where I learned many poetic forms that have become popular on my Archive of Our Own page, the Clogyrnach (a Welsh Poetic Form with an AABBBA Rhyme Scheme) being one of my favorites to do.
But on the other hand, I use that site to learn more poetic forms and look at examples. This is how I learned the Englyn Cyrch, the Haiku Sonnet, and the mysterious Magic Nine.
Anyways, I thank you for your question! I am planning to write for new poetic forms in the future such as the Italian Stornello and the French Huitain.
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quidam-sirenae · 11 months
I’m normal about arthuriana im normal about bedivere and Kay I’m normal about Mordreds name being written in the annales cambriae I’m normal about beaumains I’m normal about Kay trying to steal Arthur’s birthright I’m normal about ector im normal about preiddu annwfn and the rhyme scheme it has im normal about pa gur and the epithets in it im normal about missing pieces of a manuscript im normal about the englyn Arthur sings at Kay im normal about Gawain showing up early to his own death im normal about the kissing game im normal about the beheading game im normal about tor coming to Arthur’s court im normal about alliteration I actually am normal about Lancelot I know nothing about French Arthur a legend lmao
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tobacconist · 1 year
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need a welsh bard to tell me how legit this is rn bc if it is i am truly floored
EDIT: i suspected the english translation here was a bad one (never trust translations of poetry that rhyme!)
its actually about the spider and is titled Englyn i’r Pryf-Copyn, heb un gytsain (a verse on the spider, without one consonant) and means something like:
From its fine egg it goes to weave—and its webs It weaves from its eggs It weaves its winter web And wefts of ice are its weavings!
and apparently fully grammatically correct!
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Beirniad: y Prifardd Gwenallt Llwyd Ifan
Mae’r holl gystadlaethau yn agored i bawb
Gwobr Goffa Pat Neill: Cerdd neu gasgliad o gerddi caeth neu rydd (heb fod dros 40 o linellau): Gwres
Gwobr: Cadair Fechan a £50    
Englyn: Unrhyw gantor / cantores
Englyn Ysgafn: Parti
Telyneg: Cannwyll
Cywydd: Tiriogaeth (hyd at 18 o linellau)
Cân ysgafn: Yr ymadawiad
Triban: Yn cynnwys enw tref neu bentref yng Ngheredigion
Parodi: Parodi ar unrhyw gerdd Gymraeg ar y testun ‘Cystadlu’
Ysgrif neu Stori Fer: Agored
Erthygl ar gyfer papur bro: Agored
Cystadleuaeth Ail Iaith: Pennill ‘Croeso’
Llên Meicro i bobl dan 25 oed: Pum darn o lên meicro ‘Gobaith’
Gwobrau ar gyfer gystadlaethau 1-11: £10
Gwobrau eraill i’w cadw am flwyddyn:
Cadair Her am y darn barddoniaeth gorau (ac eithrio cystadleuaeth Pat Neill)
Cwpan Her Ben Owens am y darn rhyddiaith gorau.      Rhaid i bob ymgais unigol fod o dan ffugenw, gydag enw'r ymgeisydd ar wahân.  Derbynnir cynigion drwy’r post arferol neu drwy e-bost. Y cyfansoddiadau i law Gwenda Evans, Awelfor, Sarnau, Llandysul, Ceredigion SA44 6QS  01239 654552 [email protected] erbyn y dyddiad cau, dydd Llun 17 Chwefror 2025
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howardswnynant · 1 day
Beirniad: y Prifardd Gwenallt Llwyd Ifan
Mae’r holl gystadlaethau yn agored i bawb
Gwobr Goffa Pat Neill: Cerdd neu gasgliad o gerddi caeth neu rydd (heb fod dros 40 o linellau): Gwres
Gwobr: Cadair Fechan a £50    
Englyn: Unrhyw gantor / cantores
Englyn Ysgafn: Parti
Telyneg: Cannwyll
Cywydd: Tiriogaeth (hyd at 18 o linellau)
Cân ysgafn: Yr ymadawiad
Triban: Yn cynnwys enw tref neu bentref yng Ngheredigion
Parodi: Parodi ar unrhyw gerdd Gymraeg ar y testun ‘Cystadlu’
Ysgrif neu Stori Fer: Agored
Erthygl ar gyfer papur bro: Agored
Cystadleuaeth Ail Iaith: Pennill ‘Croeso’
Llên Meicro i bobl dan 25 oed: Pum darn o lên meicro ‘Gobaith’
Gwobrau ar gyfer gystadlaethau 1-11: £10
Gwobrau eraill i’w cadw am flwyddyn:
Cadair Her am y darn barddoniaeth gorau (ac eithrio cystadleuaeth Pat Neill)
Cwpan Her Ben Owens am y darn rhyddiaith gorau.     
Rhaid i bob ymgais unigol fod o dan ffugenw, gydag enw'r ymgeisydd ar wahân.  Derbynnir cynigion drwy’r post arferol neu drwy e-bost. Y cyfansoddiadau i law Gwenda Evans, Awelfor, Sarnau, Llandysul, Ceredigion SA44 6QS  01239 654552 [email protected] erbyn y dyddiad cau, dydd Llun 17 Chwefror 2025
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graywyvern · 1 year
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( via / via )
"And I do love using the word influencer to talk about any of these heartless posturing cruelty-peddling alpha male half-melted douche-popsicles, because it genuinely seems to bother them to be lumped in with a job they all tend to associate purely with women they disdain, when people like Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate and even Joe Rogan have never been any different from a girl in tight pants hawking essential oils and sad neutral home decor on Instagram."
"short shrift on the longbow"
clown-nose orange instead of red halcyon the spring but arid nothing new this risible dread stirring whirring like bat radar
"The atmosphere he had noticed on the upper levels was a clear odor now--sleepy, half-remembered, smiling, sad and quite strong. That is the way Time smells." R.A. Lafferty (via @djfrankelee)
Whispered into the Afternoon.
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therefinedpoet · 7 months
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ofglories · 7 months
While he was doing just that they made wooden tweezers. When Cai knew for sure that he was asleep he dug a pit under his feet, the biggest in the world, and he struck him an almighty blow, and pressed him down in the pit until they had plucked out his beard completely with the wooden tweezers. And after that they killed him outright. And from there both went to Celli Wig in Cornwall, and with them a leash from the beard of Dillus Farfog, and Cai handed it to Arthur. And then Arthur sang this englyn: A leash was made by Cai From the beard of Dillus son of Efrai. Were he alive, he would kill you. And because of that Cai sulked, so that the warriors of this island could hardly make peace between Cai and Arthur. And yet neither Arthur's misfortune nor the killing of his men could induce Cai to have anything to do with him in his hour of need from then on.
Arthur truly is just an atrocious poet like holy shit. If I heard even a jokey poem that was that awful about me I'd be pissed too-
for the use made of the englyn, see also the Second and Fourth Branches of the Mabinogi. As a result of Arthur's satiricial verse, Cai takes offence and disappears from the story. Furthur englyion are furthur attributed to Arthur in other sources, while in the triads Arthur is acknowledge as one of the Three Frivolous (Amateur?) Bards of the Island of Britain.
Arthur Pendragon: canonically one of the worst poets in all of Britain.
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urbanchristiannews · 2 years
DANIEL WHYTE III, PRESIDENT OF GOSPEL LIGHT SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL, TELLS ALL PARENTS TO WATCH THE "60 MINUTES" SPECIAL TITLED "SUING SOCIAL MEDIA"; IT WILL BREAK YOUR HEART AND IT MAY SAVE THE LIFE OF YOUR CHILD. WHYTE SAYS WOKEISM: THE BLOB OF BEELZEBUB, WHICH HE HAS RENAMED DECEPTIONISM IS THE SPIRIT BEHIND WHY YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR YOUNG PEOPLE ARE LOSING THEIR MINDS, LOSING THEIR LIVES, AND COMMITTING SUICIDE THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA. IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO JUST DEAL WITH THE PROFITEERING SOCIAL MEDIA, we must deal with the demonic spirit of WOKEISM -- DECEPTIONISM that is flowing through social media to your children that is causing them to lose their bright and happy faces, and then their minds, and then their lives through an accidental death, through murder, or through suicide. Whyte says, here is the process: The satanic spirit of WOKEISM or DECEPTIONISM will definitely lead your children or young people to darkness, sadness, depression, hating themselves, nihilism, a deadness on the inside, an accidental death through anorexia, drugs or alcohol, murder by hanging around the wrong people, or suicide. Contrary to what most people think, many young people do not want to kill themselves, but the devil will work on their minds, get them into a position to jump off the building, and then he pushes them. By the way, in case you think this will never happen to your child, the parents in this video are the creme of the crop as far as parents are concerned. They love their children very much, they had restrictions on their phones and computers, as you will hear, (young people can get another app to nullify your parental restriction app on their phones and on their computers), but just like Whyte has said many times, your children can get around your restrictions, and you can be the best parents in the world and lose your child in one way or another through the satanic spirit of WOKEISM, what Whyte calls DECEPTIONISM. Whyte says the main things parents, children, and young people must do is get God involved by praying without ceasing and reading large portions of the Word of God each day -- at least 3-5 chapters a day. Join Whyte and his family as they have started reading through the Chronological Bible starting December 1st, 2022. The devil has sent a strong delusion on this world and to your young people via the internet and social media. Remember, Jesus Christ said, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." 
DANIEL WHYTE III, PRESIDENT OF GOSPEL LIGHT SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL, TELLS ALL PARENTS TO WATCH THE “60 MINUTES” SPECIAL TITLED “SUING SOCIAL MEDIA”; IT WILL BREAK YOUR HEART AND IT MAY SAVE THE LIFE OF YOUR CHILD. WHYTE SAYS WOKEISM: THE BLOB OF BEELZEBUB, WHICH HE HAS RENAMED DECEPTIONISM IS THE SPIRIT BEHIND WHY YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR YOUNG PEOPLE ARE LOSING THEIR MINDS, LOSING THEIR LIVES, AND COMMITTING SUICIDE THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA. IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO JUST DEAL WITH THE PROFITEERING SOCIAL MEDIA, we must deal with the demonic spirit of WOKEISM — DECEPTIONISM that is flowing through social media to your children that is causing them to lose their bright and happy faces, and then their minds, and then their lives through an accidental death, through murder, or through suicide. Whyte says, here is the process: The satanic spirit of WOKEISM or DECEPTIONISM will definitely lead your children or young people to darkness, sadness, depression, hating themselves, nihilism, a deadness on the inside, an accidental death through anorexia, drugs or alcohol, murder by hanging around the wrong people, or suicide. Contrary to what most people think, many young people do not want to kill themselves, but the devil will work on their minds, get them into a position to jump off the building, and then he pushes them. By the way, in case you think this will never happen to your child, the parents in this video are the creme of the crop as far as parents are concerned. They love their children very much, they had restrictions on their phones and computers, as you will hear, (young people can get another app to nullify your parental restriction app on their phones and on their computers), but just like Whyte has said many times, your children can get around your restrictions, and you can be the best parents in the world and lose your child in one way or another through the satanic spirit of WOKEISM, what Whyte calls DECEPTIONISM. Whyte says the main things parents, children, and young people must do is get God involved by praying without ceasing and reading large portions of the Word of God each day — at least 3-5 chapters a day. Join Whyte and his family as they have started reading through the Chronological Bible starting December 1st, 2022. The devil has sent a strong delusion on this world and to your young people via the internet and social media. Remember, Jesus Christ said, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” 
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thepatchworkcrow · 6 years
Hunters' Engyln
Hunters’ Engyln
Over several months, I’ve been playing around with different poetry styles and formats, and so as Winter rears its head, a snow and Wylde Hunt inspired group of englynion for you all to enjoy!
Heavy laden with snow, the pines leaning With ice gleaming—bend in time To hoofbeats: the seven-tined
Lord of Hunters, he cloaked in feathers comes. Beating hearts drum—break tethers— Vanish in mists and…
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tinknevertalks · 6 years
I hate my life. I was writing a post about englynion and strict meter Welsh verses and I PRESSED THE WRONG NOTIFICATION SO TUMBLR ATE IT! *Cries*
Let it be known that I bow down to anyone who writes englynion like R. Williams Parry, or to anyone who can write poems full of cynghaneddion (found out the term in English is 'chiming' because that's the sound the words make).
And now, the first of Parry's Englynion Coffa Hedd Wyn, because it is awe inspiring to me (and what I instantly think of when someone says the word englyn).
Y bardd trwn dan bridd tramor, - y dwylaw
Na ddidolir rhagor:
Y llygaid dwys dan ddwys ddôr,
Y llygaid na all agor.
And now, to bed, before Tumblr eats this post.
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