#english vocab list
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eiraeths · 2 months ago
small list of words i’m feeling particularly insane about today:
vis-à-vis - (pre) in relation to; as compared with; face to face with. (n) one that is face to face with another. (adv) together
leitmotif (n) - dominant recurring theme; something (such as a melody, an idea, or a phrase) repeated many times throughouta book, story, opera, etc
magnanimity (n) - the fact or condition of being magnanimous; generosity
troth (n) - faith or loyalty when pledged in a solemn agreement or undertaking; truth
repertoire (n) - a stock of plays, dances, or pieces that a company or a performer knows or is prepared to perform
anathema (n) - something or someone that one vehemently dislikes; a curse
bathos (n) - (especially in a work of literature) an effect of anticlimax created by an unintentional lapse in mood from the sublime to the trivial or ridiculous
à gogo (adv) - as much as you like; to your heart’s content
dogmatic (adj) - inclined to lay down principals as incontrovertibly true
aleatory (adj) - unplanned or dependent on chance
slapdash (adj) - done too hurriedly and carelessly
riotous (adj) - marked by or involving public disorder
vitiate (v) - to damage or destroy the value of something
cozen (v) - to deceive by coaxing or trickery
kowtow (v) - act in an excessively subservient manner
cicatrize (v) - (with reference to a wound) heal by scar formation
hegemonize (v) - subject a population, region, process, etc, to a dominant political or social power
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megumi-fm · 2 years ago
a list of english words and their meanings because the gre verbal section is kicking my ass
abject: to the maximum degree; (alternatively) completely without pride or dignity
absolve: wash away guilt, obligation, or punishment.
adroit: clever or skillful
apocryphal: of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true
apposition: the positioning of things side by side or close together
beholden: owing; being indebted or obligated (to someone)
belie: disguise; contradict; failing to give a true notion of something
bloviate: to talk pompously and at length
bucolic: relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life
circumscribe: to restrict within limits
clemency: mercy
cursory: hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed
derision: scornful ridicule or mockery
desiccate: to remove the moisture from (something)
didactic: intended primarily to teach rather than to entertain
dispensation: exemption from a rule or usual requirement
docile: compliant; obedient; submissive
egregious: outstandingly bad or shocking
emulate: match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation
entail: require; call for
entreaty: an earnest or humble request
ethos: the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community
foil: a person/thing that contrasts with (and as a result emphasizes) the qualities of another
garrulous: excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters
glib: fluent but insincere and shallow
gregarious: sociable; fond of company
hackneyed: overused and unoriginal
idyllic: extremely happy, peaceful or picturesque
imperil: endanger; put at risk of being harmed, injured, or destroyed.
implicate: show (someone) to be guilty or involved in a crime
incorrigible: (a person or habit) cannot be changed or reformed
inept: unskilled, incompetent
intrepid: fearless; adventurous (usually used in a humourous connotation)
irreconcilable: (of two ideas or statements) conflicting; contradictory to each other
jargon: special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand
libertine: someone (usually a man) who freely indulges in sensual pleasures without regard to moral principles
librettist: a person who writes the text of an opera or other long vocal works
logorrhea: excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness
loquacious: talkative
onerous: (of a task or responsibility) involving a great deal of effort, trouble, or difficulty; burdensome
ostentatious: characterized by pretentious or showy display; designed to impress
palpable: tangible; (an emotion or atmosphere) intense enough to be felt
pat: simplistic; superficial and unconvincing
patina: gloss or sheen (on the surface of a metal) due to age or polishing; impression or appearance of something
perfunctory: usually an action, carried out without real interest, feeling or effort
perusal: the action of reading or examining something; scrutiny
pervasive: something unwelcome spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people
philistine: hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts.
polemic: expressing or constituting a strongly critical attack on or controversial opinion about someone or something
poring: to be absorbed in reading or studying (something)
pragmatic: practical; realistic
profligate: extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources
pugnacity: readiness to quarrel or fight
ramification: complex or unwelcome consequence
reactionary: conservative; opposing political or social progress or reform
repudiation: refuse to accept; reject
reticent: reserved; introverted; withdrawn
reverence: deep respect for someone or something (used in religious connotation)
roiling: (for a liquid) to make turbid or to move in a turbulent manner
scant: barely sufficient or adequate
scrupulous: careful, thorough, and extremely attentive to details
skein: length of thread or yard, loosely coiled or knotted; strand; an element that forms part of a complex or complicated whole
skewer: fasten together or pierce with a pin or skewer; subject to sharp criticism or critical analysis
sporadic: scattered or isolated
spurious: bogus; something that is not what it claims to be
staid: solemn; grave; serious minded; quiet
subsume: absorb something into something else
sullen: bad-tempered and sulky
temerity: excessive confidence or boldness
tentative: not certain or fixed; unconfirmed; provisional
tout: attempt to sell or show the merit of something
trite: lacking originality or freshness
truculence: eager or quick to argue or fight
understate: describe or represent (something) as being smaller or less good or important than it really is
vignette: a short description or account of something that expresses its typical characteristics very clearly
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natsvocabularyproject · 1 year ago
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were-my-demons-hide · 2 years ago
#2 English words I learned from boygenius in the last days (because my list is getting out of hand):
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Capodanno / New Year
VOCAB LIST: Italiano English
Buon anno! Happy New Year!
Duemila ventiquattro Two thousand and twenty four / twenty twenty four
Festa Party
Festeggiare To celebrate
Fuochi d’artificio Fireworks
Gennaio January
Mezzanotte Midnight
Salute! Cheers!
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deathelegy · 1 year ago
Word of the day :
meaning - a papua new guinea word, that means a truth that everyone knows but agrees not to speak of.
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broke-on-books · 3 months ago
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Writing the Spanish essay and the fancy literature term i was going to use just translates to a regular basic word
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vocabularyexpert · 8 months ago
Download Vocabulary Expert App
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onlymyenglishgrammar · 11 months ago
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polyglot-thought · 1 year ago
[English→Japanese] Vocabulary
象牙 ぞうげ / アイボリー : ivory
置物 おきもの : okimono, display ornament
龍 りゅう/竜 りゅう : dragon
歯 は : tooth; teeth
明治時代 めいじじだい : meiji period
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An Ivory Okimono Of a Dragon Having His Teeth Examined. Meiji Period, Signed Nimin/Futsumin.
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catgirl-or-furry · 7 months ago
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"Hehe I'm funny and cool" -me while adding this to my personal vocab study guide for newfound words, that I made on my own accord.
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google-word-coach · 7 months ago
Boost Your Vocabulary with Google Word Coach!
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natsvocabularyproject · 1 year ago
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sugurugetoswife · 9 months ago
vocab list with vee ;)
a cherry chaser - someone who pines after someone’s virginity.
cold as coffin - to define an unfriendly character
John doe/ Jane doe - referred to an anonymous person
nanoboy - an insignificant person (of very less value)
melancholy - a feeling of sadness which lasts for a long time
serendipity - accidentally finding happiness
balm of gilead - universal cure, relaxation obtained during difficult times (Jeremiah 8:22, "Is there no balm in Gilead?" is to ask "Is there no relief or consolation for the evils which befall us?)
doomed of gilead - referred to a group of people who are relatively owned by a master (like dogs), meaning they have to put their masters life in front of theirs.
M.O (Modus operandi) - a particular way of doing a certain task, criminals style
fiasco - an event that does not succeed, often in a way that causes embarrassment.
sword will strike your land - raiders will raid ur place (mostly military types)
like a arrow tip - flying gracefully
malware - a software that is specifically designed to disrupt/ damage/ or gain unauthorized access to a computer system. (in order to use it in a sentence - ... infected with malware...)
whim - sudden idea or desire to do something unusual
it pigeon- dunged me / came to me out of the heavens - it happened to me out of the blue (out of nowhere)
was he a lost sheep from its herd or a devil - is he innocent or evil
god maybe calling but it might be the devil who's doing the talking- basically a trap kinda situation
lingua franca - a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different; 'a language of Franks.'
carrot and stick - metaphorically used for a combination of reward and punishment to induce a desired behaviour.
these are just some idioms, sayings, words that you can use while writing your smuts, fluff, literally anything!
possibly more additions would be made later or maybe I'll do it in parts as per my new findings.
if you want any more quotes, idioms which you think should preferably be enlisted on here please leave it in comments or post it with the tag- #vee me , I'll make sure to add (if it suits the list)
till then enjoy and keep creating art ✨
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amygdala-issues · 11 months ago
honestly this is so important!!
before moving to japan this kinda thing was the only way of forcing myself to have constant exposure to the language. i started with apps or games that i used a bunch so already knew my way around (like instagram and animal crossing etc), and since i knew the english for those things by heart the transition was easy. slowly switching the less important apps (so not the phone language cus i was terrified of messing up the settings lol) like games and utilities slowly built up my confidence to change the 'more important' ones to the point that a majority of my apps are in japanese now. same for the irl exposure, like 90% of my youtube, livestream, drama, and music intake is in japanese and i swear to god im only able to live in this country rn because of that.
the constant exposure, constant use and constant reminders of vocab from the ways OP outlines that i did before i moved here have allowed me to get a job in my target language and friends that ill cherish for life
bringing your target language into your daily life is easily the best thing you can do for yourself as a language learner. writing your to-do lists in your target language, setting the phone language to your target language, cooking from recipes in your target language, etc. et.
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my-wordbook · 1 year ago
1. relating to or affecting horses or other members of the horse family.
2. a horse or other member of the horse family.
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