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10siglosdehistoria · 3 months ago
Velká Knihovna or the Giant Books
Velká Knihovna, los libros gigantes
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(English / Español / Italiano)
The Giant Books, or "Velká Knihovna", housed in the Prague Castle Archives, are among the most important historical collections in the Czech Republic. These huge tomes, dating from the medieval period, were compiled by the rulers of Bohemia and contain valuable records, manuscripts and documents detailing the history, laws and administration of the region. The archives have grown over the centuries, particularly during the reign of Emperor Charles IV in the 14th century, who was a great patron of the arts and learning. Preserved through various political changes and wars, the Giant Books offer an invaluable insight into the cultural and political heritage of Central Europe. Today, the Prague Castle Archives remain a vital resource for historians and scholars studying the rich and complex history of the Czech lands.
Los Libros Gigantes, o "Velká Knihovna", que se encuentran en los Archivos del Castillo de Praga, se encuentran entre las colecciones históricas más importantes de la República Checa. Estos enormes tomos, que datan del período medieval, fueron compilados por los gobernantes de Bohemia y contienen valiosos registros, manuscritos y documentos que detallan la historia, las leyes y la administración de la región. Los archivos han crecido a lo largo de los siglos, particularmente durante el reinado del emperador Carlos IV en el siglo XIV, quien fue un gran mecenas de las artes y el saber. Conservados a través de diversos cambios políticos y guerras, los Libros Gigantes ofrecen una visión invaluable del patrimonio cultural y político de Europa Central. Hoy en día, los Archivos del Castillo de Praga siguen siendo un recurso vital para los historiadores y académicos que estudian la rica y compleja historia de las tierras checas.
I Libri Giganti, o "Velká Knihovna", conservati negli Archivi del Castello di Praga, sono tra le più importanti collezioni storiche della Repubblica Ceca. Questi enormi tomi, risalenti al periodo medievale, furono compilati dai governanti della Boemia e contengono preziosi registri, manoscritti e documenti che descrivono la storia, le leggi e l'amministrazione della regione. Gli archivi sono cresciuti nel corso dei secoli, in particolare durante il regno dell'imperatore Carlo IV nel XIV secolo, che era un grande mecenate delle arti e dell'apprendimento. Conservati attraverso vari cambiamenti politici e guerre, i Libri Giganti offrono una visione inestimabile del patrimonio culturale e politico dell'Europa centrale. Oggi, gli Archivi del Castello di Praga rimangono una risorsa vitale per gli storici e gli studiosi che studiano la ricca e complessa storia delle terre ceche.
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saintatomique · 1 month ago
Dev diaries - Symbolism of Laughing Death/Danse macabre in 'Heroes Of Oblivion'
(This is a part of game dev diaries about the development of my sci-fi/supernatural visual novel 'Heroes of Oblivion' which is out now on itch.io. Some mild spoilers below.)
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'Heroes Of Oblivion' features death symbolism in many forms.
And for a good reason. Since this game is based on the most vague, indistinct, most universally European medieval mythology, there is nothing truly more 'European' than death symbolism. I have seen it in baroque Spanish paintings. 20th century German politicial cartoons. 19th century English illustrations.
The same symbolism permeates both catholic and protestant culture, making it truly universal and making one think - what is Europe? Isn't it a commonality based on the Plague (the times when Death symbolism, while more ancient than it, became so ever-present?).
Symbolism of Death is also rooted in Christianity overall, of course - the cross itself is a morbid symbol of torture, after all, and all Biblical figures remind people of their purpose. However, ancient Biblical imagery still didn't feature death.
It is something different.
In the end, it can be something more related to Samhain/Halloween - a celtic holiday of honoring the dead/ancestors which was repurposed by Christians as 'All Saints day'.
This theory does hold some weight since celtic tribes lived almost everywhere in Europe - in Spain, in Germany, in France, in Italy, in England, obviously, and, interestingly, death symbolism is less present in the places where celtic influence was less prominent (Scandinavia, for example. Their culture was often more morbid on the whole, so, I guess, the bitter irony, contrast between joy and sorrow, life and death was lost on them in those dark, wintery landscapes. Or they just weren't celtic enough to understand. Who knows.)
Below, I will feature all the motifs in the game that I could find.
First of all, there's 'Danse Macabre'.
Since the late Medieval times, the image of dancing skeletons, pulling people of various, often 'prestigious' social positions (priests, kings, wealthy merchants, generals, etc) into their dance symbolized the great equalizer of death.
In this kind of dance, Death leads all of these rich people to the same truth of their lives. Parallels with the story of 'Heroes' are easily seen here.
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Second is a motif of a skull as a meditation piece that reminds one of their purpose and fleeting nature of life. It often features a skull as a decoration on the desk or a wistful, melancholic Skeleton (with a hourglass) and is called 'Vanitas' motive. This motive, I guess, is special and specific to Oblivion/Alex himself. Notice the books/writing utensils on the first painting - I think those who played the game can easily guess how they relate to Alex's fate.
I also think that both 'Vanitas' and 'Danse Macabre' type skeletons feature heavily in Doloris decorative statues.
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(Pictured above: Vanitas by Pieter Claesz (c.1630) and Vanitas by Hans Holbein)
I must also say that there is also accidental symbolism, which I like. 'Memento mori', a popular phrase related to 'Vanitas' motive, means 'Remember death'. Believe it or not, Oblivion's name wasn't related to it. This contrast of remembering and forgetting, of course, takes the irony to another level. I guess Medieval/Latin/Greek symbolism is so intertwined you can get something right even accidentally. (However I did intentionally contrast Hypnos and Thanatos but it's curious how even in 'Memento mori' unintentionally Oblivion and Mort meet once again. It was truly meant to be.)
The third motive, albeit not heavily featured (or featured everywhere, actually) is 'Et in Arcadia Ego', 'I am in Arcadia too', meaning that Death is present even in a Paradise, even in a Utopia.
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(Guercino - "Et in Arcadia ego")
But what about the 'Laughing Death'? The Dead Jester?
Of course, I have seen him before. But I wanted to check how prominent of a symbol it was. The results exceeded my boldest expectations.
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(Felicien Victor Joseph Rops, c. 1850)
A natural extension of 'Danse Macabre', Dead Jester takes it one step further. A laughing Death, Death who mocks the chaos of life.
It is, strangely, also a popular motif, in both Medieval times and relative modernity.
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(Death as a Jester, Charles Bennett, 1860. Creepy English Dead Jester.)
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(La Mort au Bouffon; Reponse du Bouffon, 1830. Philosophizing French Dead Jester.)
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(Hans Holbein, The Dance of Death, the Queen. 1526-7. Angrily preaching German Dead Jester. Truly, there is no escape from Mort/Novak in any European land.)
And another one, just because I like the pathos of the entrance:
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(Dead Jester on the page of the book on London. Can it be that all cities are Doloris? There is no end to the folly!)
I hope you liked this episode of the dev diaries and it made you interested in playing the game that features all this symbolism.
A big 'Thank you' goes to this blog for http://hauntedohiobooks.com/grim-and-grewsome/12391/ for featuring all these Jesters that made my head spin and my skin have goosebumps.
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the-light-of-stars · 1 year ago
It took a while to translate but here is the link to an article that transcribed the German Vice-Chancellor's speech from yesterday evening, in which he makes clear his and the government's stance as completely on the side of Israel, saying that there are no 'both sides' but only one.
Mind, the points made about the horror of antisemitism and how antisemitic bigotry and violence have to be prevented are true, antisemitism is terrible and just like any bigotry cannot be tolerated, however the clearly one sided approach, the criminalisation of anticolonialist/pro-palestinian demonstrations as 'islamistic and glorifying terror' , the clearly biased, racist descriptions as only (!) Hamas' actions as barbaric and 'beastly' while completely endorsing Israel's attack on civilians as not only justified but as a safety measure whose support must be germany's main goal, the downplaying of palestinian deaths as sad but not as important as israeli lives, the threat that attending pro-palestine demonstrations will lead to prosecution by law and for non-german citizens to potential deportation, the claim that 'certainly muslims in germany have a right of protection from right wing attacks but if they don't condemn the protests now this right is waived' while at the same time stating there is no space for religious intolerance in germany , the condemnation of showings of solidarity after racist attacks being made quickly in contrast to solidarity with israel being rarer, are frankly terrifying and the use of antisemitism and the real fears and anxieties of jewish people as a moral shield - especially when so many jewish people are protesting for the rights of palestinians in New York and around the world, and especially considering Habeck's notion that antisemitism has come back to germany only now in the wake of the palestine protests, when for years the german government has done nothing to prevent far right antisemitism and in fact allowed and still allows white supremacist demonstrations under the right of free speech and with police protection - is upsetting and jewish people deserve so much better than to be used to justify racist and islamophobic crackdowns on minorities and people protesting genocide by politicians that only care about antisemitism when it can be used or the topic is making headlines.
Anyways, here is an english translation of the whole article under the cut - paragraphs in round brackets () are part of the article but not part of the speech, paragraphs in square brackets [] are context explanations by me for those readers who aren't german. Important to note that when the terms "jewish people" or "the jewish community" are used it is not a literal translation since the literal translation of the words Habeck , german vice chancellor, used ( "Juden und Jüdinnen" and "Judentum" ) literally translate to "jews and jewesses" and "jew-dom" which are the politicially correct terms in german but to my awareness are not politically correct to use in direct english translation, so I changed those. Boldening is mine as well.
(In a video Vice-chancellor and federal minister of economy Robert Habeck has expressed himself about the war in near-east and to antisemitism in Germany. His speech is much observed. Here it is in direct transcript.
Vice-chancellor federal minister of economy Robert Habeck has has called his much-observed video about solidarity with Isreal and the jewish people a contribution [of opinion] , of which there can't be enough. After many talks with representatives of the jewish community and jewish friends over the weekend he has given thoughts to "detangle the convoluted debate situation a bit" , as the Greens-politician said on Thursday.
In a video that his ministry had shared on X (formerly Twitter) on wednesday evening Habeck had admonished antisemitism in Germany harshly and urged for solidarity with jewish people in Germany. According to the platform until thursday morning this video has already been watched more than four million times and has been shared thousands of times. Politicians, also of the CDU [conservative/ center-right party] , have lauded the appeal.
Here the speech in direct transcript:)
"The terror attack by Hamas on Isreal has now been almost four weeks ago. A lot has since happened: politically though mostly for the people, so many people whose lives are eaten up by fear and sorrow. The public debate has heated up since the attack, in parts it is convoluted. With this video I want to make a contribution to untangle it.
(Habeck: Jewish people in Germany are afraid)
To me, too much seems to be mixed up too fast. The sentence "The security of Israel is german Reason of State" was never an empty phrase and must not become one. It says that the security of Israel is necessary for us as a state. This special relationship with Israel grows from our historical responsibility: it was the generation of my grandparents who wanted to exterminate jewish life in Germany and Europe. The founding of Israel was after this, after the holocaust, the promise of protection for the jewish people - and Germany is bound to help that this promise can be made reality. This is a historical foundation of this republic.
The responsibility of our history also means that jewish people in Germany can live free and secure. That they never have to be afraid again to show their religion and culture openly. But this fear has come back now.
Recently I have met with members of the jewish community in Frankfurt. In an intense and painful talk the community representatives told me that their children are afraid of going to school, that they don't go to sports club meetings, that they - on their parents suggestion - leave the necklace with the star of David at home. Today, here in Germany, almost 80 years after the holocaust.
(Contextualisation must not lead to relativisation)
They told me that they themselves are afraid of stepping into a taxi [for context: a lot of german taxi drivers are members of muslim minorities, mostly turkish] , that they aren't sending letters with their addresses on them anymore, to protect their recipients. Today, here in Germany, almost 80 years after the holocaust.
And one jewish friend told me about his fear, his despair, his feelings of loneliness.
The jewish communities are warning their members to avoid certain places - for their own safety. And this today, here in germany, almost 80 years after the holocaust.
The antisemitism shows in protests, it shows in statements, it shows in attacks on jewish stores, in threats. While there quickly are waves of solidarity when it comes to racist attacks , this solidarity is very brittle when it comes to Israel. Then it is said 'the context is complicated' . But here contextualisation mustn't lead to relativisation.
Certainly there is often too much outrage in our culture of debate. But here we cannot be outraged enough. It now needs clarity and no obfusciation. And part of this clarity is: antisemitism must not be tolerated in any form - in none of them.
(There is no space in Germany for religious intolerance)
The extent of the islamistic demonstrations in Berlin and other german cities is unacceptable and requires a hard political answer. It also needs it from the muslim communities. Some have decidedly distanced themselves from the actions of Hamas and from antisemitism, have reached out for conversation. But not all of them, and some too hesitantly and, in my opinion, generally too few of them.
The muslims living here have a right to be protected from far right violence, rightfully so. When they get attacked this right must be cashed in and they must now cash out the same thing, when jewish people are getting attacked. They must decidedly distance themselves from antisemitism now to not lose their own right on tolerance. There is no space in Germany for religious intolerance. Those who live here live here according to the rules of the country. And those who come here also must know that this is how it is and that it will be enforced.
(Habeck warns of 'entrenched antisemitism' in germany)
Our constitution protects and gives rights, but it also issues responsibilities that have to be fulfilled by everyone. You cannot separate one from the other. In this case tolerance cannot bear intolerance. This is the core of our living-together in this republic.
This means: the burning of israeli flags is a crime, the lauding of the terror of hamas is a crime as well. Those who are german will have to account for this in court, those who aren't german additionally risk their status of residence [that is, their right to stay living in germany]. For those who don't have a status of residence yet [that is, refugees] , this gives a reason to be deported.
(Anticolonialism mustn't lead to antisemitism)
The islamist antisemitism should not cover up that even in Germany we have entrenched antisemitism: it's just that the far right are currently holding back on it out of purely tactical reasons, so they can agitate against muslims [context: a lot of germany's far right tends to be pro-Israel] . The relativisation of the second world war, of the nazi regime as a 'fly's shit' [context: far right groups tend to deny the holocaust or call it 'just a fly's shit on history', 'fly's shit' here being a common phrase to mean 'an annoying but negligible tiny little issue'] isn't just a relativisation of the holocaust, it is a punch into the face of the victims and survivors.
Everyone that listens can and must know this. The second world war was a war-of-extermination against jewish people. For the nazi regime the extermination of the european jewish peoples was the main goal. And because there are quite a few Putin friends among the far right: Putin lets himself get photographed with representatives of Hamas and the iranian government and laments the civilian victims in the Gaza strip while creating civilian victims in Ukraine. His friends in germany are certainly not friends of jewish people.
But I am also worried about the antisemitism in parts of the political left , sadly especially amongst young activists. Anticolonialism shouldn't lead to antisemitism. Thus this part of the left should check their arguments and should not trust the great tale of [anticolonial] resistance. The 'both sides' argument here leads astray. The Hamas is a murderous terror-group who fights for the eradication of the state of Israel and the death of all jewish people. On the other hand the clarity with which for example the german section of Fridays for Future has stated this [that is, the aforementioned statement about Hamas as well as there not being two sides to the situation] even in disagreement with their international friends is more than commendable.
( It was Hamas that beast-like murdered children, parents, grandparents in their homes )
When I briefly was in Turkey, I was reproached about the fact that in Germany pro-Palestine demonstrations are prohibited. And that Germany should also extend its humanitarian efforts towards the people in Gaza. I explained that of course criticism of Israel is allowed here. And that it isn't prohibited to speak up about the rights of Palestinians and their right to their own state. But this call to violence against jewish people and this celebration of violence against jewish people are prohibited - and rightly so!
Sure, life in Gaza is a life without perspectives and in poverty. Sure, the settlement movement in the West Bank is causing strife and takes the hope and rights of Palestinians and increasingly also lives. And the suffering of the civilian populace now in war is a fact, an awful fact. Every dead child is one too many. Even I call for humanitarian aid and advocate for water, medicine and aid to come to Gaza and that the refugees are protected.
(Habeck: The security of Israel is our responsibilty, Germany knows this)
But together with our American friends we continually ensure Israel that the protection of their civilian populace is vital. Sure the death and suffering that now is coming over the people in the Gaza strip is bad. To say that is necessary and legitimate. But this does not legitimize systematic violence against jewish people. It does not justify antisemitism. Of course Israel should hold itself to international law and international standards. But the difference is: Who would ever formulate such demands towards the Hamas?
And because abroad I recently was confronted with how the attack on Israel from the 7th of October has been trivialised as an - quote - "unfortunate incident" , yes even the facts of it had been questioned, here once again to call it back to memory: It was Hamas who like beasts murdered children, parents and grandparents at home. Whose fighters have mutilated corpses, kidnapped humans and , laughing, exposed them to public humiliation. These are reports of pure horror - and still people celebrate Hamas as a freedom movement? That is a reversal of facts that we cannot leave standing.
And this brings me to my last point: The attack on Israel happens in a phase of an approach of multiple muslim states towards Israel. There is the Abraham-agreement between Israel and muslim states in the region. Jordan and Israel are working together on a big drinking water project. Saudi-Arabia was on its way to normalise its relation to Israel. But a peaceful cooperation of isreal and its neighbors, of jews and muslims, the perspective of a two-state solution - all of this the Hamas and its supporters, especially the iranian government, do not want. They want to destroy it.
Those who have not lost the hope for peace in the region, who believes in the palestinian's right to an own state and a true perspective - and we do - must differentiate in these weeks of trial. And to this differentiation belongs that the murderous deeds of Hamas want to prevent peace. Hamas does not want reconciliation with Israel, but the destruction of Israel. And that's why it is uncompromisable: Israel's right to existence must not be relativized. The security of Israel is our main responsibility, Germany knows this. "
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monstermaster13 · 1 month ago
You know, I hate when some people think a different opinion equals 'rude/butt-hurt', it's like they think that opinions are an alien concept or something. Like this one idiot. Who said 'All you ever do is complain about TF content you don't like, I have seen it flood the search results and you don't contribute anything than complaining about stuff you don't like and post passive aggressive comments, I mean why hate a Goodra TF just because it's a suit transformation for crying out loud, it's comments like that I cannot stand and I can't understand why people like that can't keep their opinions to themselves especially if they don't have anything remotely constructive to say about it.' Wow, someone give this penis-headed moron a dictionary so they can look up what hypocrisy means. You're complaining about Nathan's opinion in which he stated he clearly did like the piece but was put off by it by a fucking suit trigger of all things? You are such a Karen. I suppose you are going to complain to the manager about that, aren't you? Oh really, my rants get the attention of the search results every day, huh? And who the hell is doing that? Your friends, your watchers, the artist who did that picture? Or is it you? Yes, you admit that you see my rants pop up in the search engine so clearly you must be stalking me. Look I don't need another creepy stalker, I have plenty already. Also oh how I wish I was that lucky to have more than 10,000 people watching me or Nathan's account. 100,000 or more view counts? Oh how I wish I had that much oh well, I guess Nathan will have settle for the 'measely' 479.9K pageviews he actually has then. By the way that was sarcasm.
Look I don't hate all transformation content, I just don't like unhappy transformations and also weight gain that fetishizes someone for being fat and also stereotypes and clowns among other things, I don't like MC, which unfortunately the majority of character TFs and some animal TFs do have in them, and I wish they didn't. If I want to be a character I like, can't I at least keep my own personality and memories? Oh and maybe you should have followed your own advice and kept your shit-takes to yourself because you aren't very convincing. Oh I contribute alright, I do things other than this show you know, I am part of the same hero team as Mel and Nathan and I go on adventures with them, I even teamed up with Corey and Oats more than once, I do positive reviews too, it's just my producers sometimes get sadistic moods and make me suffer through shit like what that phoenix always does. I get nice stuff to review sometimes, but nobody ever pays attention to them. Also, the 'keep opinions to yourself' mentality needs to die because I am sick of it, look I don't like those Pokemon TF stories that have 'oh you can't talk in English only Poke-speak' because it makes me want to scream at the authors 'HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF MYSTERY DUNGEON BEFORE OR AT ALL?' and I don't like some Pokemon TFs that have the slavery allegory and I don't like the 'humans are evil' trope, look almost every environmental special since the 80s has done that and it is really annoying. I don't like world domination as a cliche because it is overdone and also flawed, let's just say there are some monsters who have had some serious flaws in their domination plans (e.g if you're a monster in a scenario based on American politics, wouldn't you essentially just be taking over America instead of the entire world in general because other countries have different politicial systems). If you cannot handle an opinion maybe you should go back to crying yourself to sleep. If you're saying all reviews of something need to be positive or contribute in anyway, you are an idiot. Imagine if someone gave an overly positive review of some of the worst movies ever made, ones so bad they didn't even get one single Golden Raspberry award, if that happened i'd be thinking that this is a Twilight Zone episode or something or that i'm on another planet. Not every review has to be positive, if you don't like something that is fine, everyone has the right to their opinion and that includes me. Look I got death-threats from members of the Changed fanbase just because I did not like that game, Mel got berated just because she said she doesn't like Skyrim or Fire Emblem by someone who claimed he 'understood' opinions only to bitch about her to his friends, i've been though that it all.
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carmenvicinanza · 2 months ago
Moshtari Hilal
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Moshtari Hilal, artista visiva e scrittrice che opera tra Berlino e Amburgo, nella sua ricerca riflette sulla molteplicità delle culture e dell’identità collettiva, sfidando i concetti di bellezza tradizionale e gli stereotipi mediorientali.
La sua pratica artistica è una riconciliazione con la vergogna e la bellezza negata, per comprendere e criticare il potere e le continuità coloniali nella cultura visiva.
Utilizzando soprattutto disegno analogico e collage su foto, mette in discussione pregiudizi culturali e ideali estetici, raffigurando donne con peli sul viso e uomini che indossano veli, aprendo percorsi di riflessione e dibattito.
Partendo da autoritratti e immagini dall’archivio di famiglia, che utilizza in maniera eclettica, tratta motivi ricorrenti, come il naso prominente, i capelli neri, la figura della madre e i ricordi d’infanzia. 
È cofondatrice del collettivo Afghan visual arts and history e del progetto di ricerca Curating Through Conflict with Care.
Nata a Kabul nel 1993, a due anni è emigrata in Germania assieme alla sua famiglia in fuga dall’Afghanistan.
Ha studiato Scienze Islamiche ad Amburgo, Berlino e Londra specializzandosi su Studi decoloniali e di genere.
Nel 2022, ha pubblicato, insieme al geografo politico Sinthujan Varatharajah,  il libro English in Berlin – Exclusions in a Cosmopolitan Society che ha ricevuto il premio di sostegno per la critica dall’Accademia Lessing Wolfenbüttel.
Nel suo saggio Bruttezza che ha vinto il prestigioso Hamburg Literature Prize 2023, avvalendosi della forma scritta, ma anche attraverso disegni, fotografie e stranianti autoritratti, indaga sugli aspetti sociali e politici delle categorie estetiche.
Sostiene che la bruttezza, così come la razza, non esista sul piano della realtà, ma sia una categoria politico-economica utile a veicolare l’odio nei confronti di corpi e identità non conformi, da cui il capitalismo non riesce a produrre immediatamente valore e di cui deve quindi giustificare l’esclusione – in ultima istanza, la disumanizzazione – per renderne possibile lo sfruttamento.
Il fondamento teorico da cui parte non è tanto la ricerca di parole e termini nuovi per definire il bello o il brutto, quanto la radicale messa in discussione delle cause della bruttezza, quindi della società che la produce come categoria, oggi come ieri.
Ispirandosi a pensatori come Frantz Fanon e attingendo al femminismo nero e ai Disability Studies, infrange ogni stereotipo e chiarisce quanto persino un senso come la vista, all’apparenza “naturale”, sia costruito ed educato da standard che rafforzano rigide gerarchie sociali.
Unendo pensiero teorico a pagine più intime, liriche e familiari, conduce in un viaggio attraverso la vergogna e le paure che non siamo consapevoli di aver introiettato.
Tornata in Afghanistan una sola volta, per trovare i familiari rimasti lì, sogna di riuscire a crearci uno spazio culturale assieme al collettivo artistico Avah di cui fa parte.
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tejanahistorias · 1 year ago
Celebrando Gloria Anzaldúa y el día de Tonantzín
ALTAR: Cruzando Fronteras, Building Bridges, A documentary film directed by Daniele Basilio and Paola Zaccaria (2009).
Research, script and production: Paola Zaccaria. Music: Lourdes Perez. Editing: Mario Bucci. Dvd cover: Celeste de Luna.
A visual portrait of Gloria E. Anzaldúa (1942-2004), the Chicana mestiza poet ant thinker who sang life in Mexican-American borderlands and created powerful images on cultural mestizaje and on
nepantla state. The loving ofrenda to her legacy takes shape in the texture of women’s border art(ivism) and in the cultural and political centers committed to creating bridges across differences.
Un ritratto per immagini di Gloria E. Anzaldúa (1942-2004), la poeta e pensatrice femminista chicana che ha cantato la vita lungo le frontiere messico-americane e ha creato immagini di grande impatto sul mestizaje culturale e sullo stato nepantla, il territorio dell’incertezza. L’omaggio riconoscente al suo lascito prende forma nella trama visiva dell’arte di frontiera delle artiste e nei centri culturali e politici impegnati a creare ponti attraverso differenze. (https://uniba-it.academia.edu/PaolaZaccaria/Other)
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years ago
Hello and welcome to part one of our 20th congress second session master post, this is an easier-to-read version of all the posts on our telegram channel + translation into English, feel free to use this master post and the resources on telegram. Due to the sheer size of links and sources, they will only be available on our telegram, we hope you understand
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
Here the links of the 5 articles:
😵 Dopo una pausa dovuta alla malattia del nostro scrittore, riprendiamo con gli aggiornamenti del Collettivo Shaoshan sulle "Due Sessioni", riguardanti:
⭐️ Conferenza Consultiva Politica del Popolo Cinese 🇨🇳
⭐️ Congresso Nazionale del Popolo 🇨🇳
⭐️ Guo Weimin, Portavoce della Prima Sessione del 14° Comitato Nazionale della Conferenza Consultiva Politica del Popolo Cinese, ha affermato che l'Economia della Repubblica Popolare Cinese è resiliente, piena di potenziale e vigore, e che i Consiglieri Politici Nazionali, sia quelli del Partito Comunista Cinese che quelli degli Otto Partiti Non-Comunisti, concordano su questo 💕
💬 Il nuovo obiettivo di crescita della Repubblica Popolare non è più meramente quantitativo, ma soprattutto qualitativo, e il Governo Centrale lavorerà a nuovi Standard di Qualità, secondo il Principio: «Crescita costante, miglioramento effettivo qualitativo e crescita ragionevole quantitativa» 📈
💬 Per far fronte alle numerose sfide, i Membri del Comitato Nazionale della Conferenza Consultiva del Popolo Cinese hanno avanzato una serie di proposte sullo Sviluppo Economico, atte all'adempimento dei Compiti stabiliti al 20° Congresso Nazionale del Partito Comunista Cinese 🚩
🏦 Per quanto riguarda le Politiche Monetarie della Cina per il 2023, ne ha parlato Yi Gang - Governatore della Banca Popolare Cinese, la Banca Centrale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese:
💬 "La nostra Politica Monetaria ha mantenuto il sostegno all'Economia Reale in termini di importo totale, il che è un punto molto importante. Quando manteniamo una crescita del credito sufficiente in termini di importo totale, può svolgere un ruolo cruciale nella stabilizzazione dell'occupazione e nell'assicurare alle persone mezzi di sussistenza" ⭐️
💬 Per quanto riguarda la Politica dei Tassi di Interesse, il Governatore ha affermato che la Banca Popolare Cinese deve prendere in considerazione misure che si concentrano principalmente sull'Economia Nazionale ⭐️
💬 Il Tasso di Interesse Medio dei Prestiti alle Imprese di nuova emissione in Cina è stato del 4,17%, in calo di 1,28% rispetto al 2018, e la Banca Popolare ha aumentato il sostegno ai settori-chiave dell'Economia 📊
💬 Le Politiche Monetarie implementate dalla Banca Popolare Cinese si concentrano principalmente sull'Innovazione Tecnico-Scientifica, sulla Costruzione di Infrastrutture di Qualità e su una Finanza Sostenibile, connessa all'Economia e non lasciata in mano alla speculazione 📊
🇺🇸 Nel mentre l'Occidente si chiude alla Russia e inizia a chiudersi alla Cina, le Porte della Repubblica Popolare continueranno ad aprirsi, e l'Apertura verrà promossa con misure concrete, atte a fornire nuove opportunità per lo sviluppo della Cina e del Mondo, ha affermato Guo Weimin:
💬 "Non importa come cambierà il Mondo, la fiducia della Cina e il suo impegni nei confronti della Riforma e dell'Apertura non vacilleranno" 🇨🇳
📄 Il Portavoce ha poi analizzato i progressi dell'Apertura, quali la formazione di Zone di Libero Scambio: "Ad Hainan abbiamo accelerato la costruzione di un Porto di Libero Scambio con Caratteristiche Cinesi, stabilendo un Modello di Riforma e Apertura della Cina nella Nuova Era" 🇨🇳
💬 "Abbiamo anche ampliato la Rete di Porti Liberi di Alto Livello e le Zone Commerciali in tutto il Mondo, firmato il Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, aderito al Comprehensive Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership e al Digital Economy Partnership Agreement" ✍️
💬 La questione più importante, però, rimane la Belt & Road, la Nuova Via della Seta: "Nel 2022, le Importazoni e le Esportazioni Cinesi hanno superato i 6 Trilioni di Dollari" 📊
⭐️ Il Comitato Nazionale della CCPPC considera l'Apertura come una parte importante della Consultazione e della Deliberazione degli Affari di Stato e ha preso l'attuazione delle Misure di Apertura del 14° Piano Quinquennale come oggetto della sua Supervisione Democratica nel Lavoro 🔎
🇨🇳 La CCPPC ha avuto inizio Sabato 04/03, a Pechino, ma - il giorno prima - è stato tenuto un incontro preparatorio, presieduto da Wang Yang, Presidente del 13° Comitato Nazionale della CCPPC ⭐️
🧾 Durante l'Assemblea, è stata approvata una serie di Documenti per la Prima Sessione del 14° Comitato Nazionale della CCPPC, tra cui l'elenco dei Membri del Presidium, nonché il Presidente Esecutivo e il Segretario Generale del Presidium 💼
🇨🇳 Wang Huning, Ideologo del Partito Comunista Cinese e Membro del 20° Comitato Permanente dell'Ufficio Politico del Partito Comunista Cinese, è stato eletto Presidente Esecutivo della Riunione 🥳
🔍 Per chi volesse conoscere le competenze del Compagno Wang Huning, può rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan: I, II 🤔
🤝 Il Compagno Guo Weimin, Portavoce della Prima Sessione, ha affermato che il Comitato Nazionale della CCPPC, negli anni, si è impegnato a facilitare gli Scambi e la Cooperazione attraverso lo Stretto, e continuerà a promuovere uno Sviluppo Integrato tra la Repubblica Popolare Cinese e la Regione di Taiwan:
💬 "Scambio e Cooperazione attraverso lo Stretto, in vari settori, vanno avanti da oltre trent'anni. Bisogna sostenere il Concetto che le persone, su entrambe le Sponde dello Stretto, appartengono alla stessa Famiglia. Il Comitato Nazionale della CCPPC si impegna a facilitare Scambi e Cooperazione. [...] Negli ultimi cinque anni, il Comitato Nazionale ha organizzato attività di consultazione tra i membri interessati, tra cui visite, sessioni e studi con le controparti e formulazione di proposte di lavoro" 💼
💬 "Il Comitato Nazionale della CCPPC ha partecipato attivamente allo svolgimento del Forum dello Stretto, ha creato una nuova piattaforma per gli Scambi, ha invitato i rappresentanti di Taiwan a partecipare a vari eventi importanti, come la Commemorazione del 110° Anniversario della Rivoluzione del 1911, e ha tenuto una serie di eventi culturali, al fine di promuovere l'Armonia Spirituale delle persone su entrambi i lati dello Stretto" 💕
🚩 Dopodiché, il Portavoce si è focalizzato sullo Spirito del 20° Congresso Nazionale del Partito Comunista Cinese, e ha affermato - per quanto riguarda la Questione di Taiwan - che i principi atti alla sua risoluzione sono:
😘 Riunificazione Pacifica 🕊
😘 Un Paese, Due Sistemi 🇨🇳
😘 Consenso del 1992, opposizione al separatismo e alle interferenze esterne 🇺🇸
🇨🇳 Nel mentre il Compagno Guo Weimin, Portavoce della Prima Sessione del 14° Comitato Nazionale della CCPPC, rilasciava dichiarazioni ai giornalisti di tutto il Mondo, il Compagno Wang Chao - Portavoce della Prima Sessione del 14° Congresso Nazionale del Popolo, faceva lo stesso ⭐️
🏛 Se la CCPPC è l'Organo Consultivo della Repubblica Popolare, il Congresso Nazionale del Popolo ne costituisce l'Organo Legislativo. Sono 9, ha affermato Wang Chao, i Punti all'Ordine del Giorno per il Congresso:
1️⃣ Deliberare sulla Relazione sull'Operato del Governo Centrale 💼
2️⃣ Riesaminare la Relazione sull'Attuazione del Piano Nazionale di Sviluppo Economico e Sociale del 2022 e la Bozza del Piano per il 2023 📈
3️⃣ Esaminare la Relazione sull'Esecuzione del Bilancio Centrale e di quelli Locali per il 2022, e i Progetti di Bilancio per il 2023 📊
4️⃣ Deliberare sul Disegno di Legge presentato dalla Commissione Permanente del Congresso Nazionale del Popolo riguardante il Progetto di Modifica della Legislazione della Repubblica Popolare 🧾
5️⃣ Deliberare sul Rapporto di Lavoro del Comitato Permanente del Congresso Nazionale del Popolo uscente 💼
6️⃣ Deliberare sul Rapporto di Lavoro della Corte Suprema del Popolo ⚖️
7️⃣ Deliberare sul Rapporto di Lavoro della Procura Suprema del Popolo ⚖️
8️⃣ Deliberare sul Progetto di Riforma delle Istituzioni del Consiglio di Stato - questo è MOLTO importante ⭐️
9️⃣ Eleggere i membri degli Organi Statali - anche questo è MOLTO importante, dato che entreranno nuove figure nel Governo Centrale ⭐️
🔍 Dopodiché, il Compagno Wang Chao ha analizzato il ruolo della Costituzione della Repubblica Popolare Cinese negli ultimi quarant'anni, affermando che la Praxis degli ultimi quattro decenni ha:
⭐️ Pienamente dimostrato l'attuale Costituzione ha sostenuto la Leadership del Partito Comunista Cinese, come stabilito dal Pensiero di Xi Jinping sul Partito Comunista come Guida per ogni Forma di Lavoro 🚩
⭐️ Garantito lo Status del Popolo come Padrone del Paese, secondo il Principio "人民当家作主" del Presidente Mao Zedong 🇨🇳
⭐️ Promosso la Riforma e l'Apertura (改革开放), nonché la Modernizzazione Socialista (社会主义现代化) 🚩
⭐️ Fatto avanzare il Processo dello Stato di Diritto Socialista, salvaguardando l'Unificazione Nazionale, l'Unità tra le Etnie, l'Armonia Sociale e la Stabilità 💕
🔎 Successivamente, il Portavoce ha affermato che il Governo Cinese è focalizzato sullo sviluppo e sul rafforzamento di un solido Sistema Legale, e che - negli ultimi cinque anni - è stato fortificato il criterio di Scientificità e Democrazia Basata sulla Legge ⚖️
💼 Il 13° Comitato Permanente del Congresso Nazionale del Popolo, cioè quello uscente, ha ottenuto enormi risultati negli ultimi 5 anni, tra cui:
📖 Il rafforzamento dell'applicazione e della supervisione della Costituzione, la formulazione di 47 Atti di Legge e 111 Revisioni 🧾
📖 L'adozione di 52 Decisioni Legislative su Questioni Legali rilevanti, il rafforzamento del Codice di Civile e il miglioramento dei Processi di Formulazione, Revisione, Abolizione, Interpretazione, Compilazione e Decisione 🧾
🇨🇳 Dopo aver analizzato il Lavoro Legislativo del 2022, il Compagno Wang Chao si è soffermato sul Tema dell'Elaborazione del Lavoro Legislativo per il 2023, affermando che il Congresso Nazionale del Popolo si focalizzerà sulla costruzione di un'Economia di Alto Livello e sul Grande Ringiovanimento della Nazione Cinese attraverso il rafforzamento dell'educazione e dell'innovazione tecnico-scientifica secondo il Principio "自力更生", ovvero "Fiducia in se stessi" e "Autosufficienza" ⭐️
🤔 Per il 2023, il Comitato Permanente del Congresso Nazionale del Popolo prevede l'organizzazione di 35 Progetti di Legge atti a coprire Otto Aree e Otto Principi:
1️⃣ Sostenere e migliorare il Sistema del Congresso Popolare ⭐️
2️⃣ Costruire un'Economia Socialista di Mercato di Alto Livello 📊
3️⃣ Rinvigorire la Nazione attraverso il rafforzamento dell'Educazione e attraverso il Progresso Tecnico-Scientifico 🔬
4️⃣ Guidare la trasformazione della Cina in un Paese con una forte Cultura Socialista, che pratichi i "社会主义核心价值观", ovvero i "Valori Socialisti Fondamentali" 🚩
5️⃣ Garantire e migliorare il benessere delle persone, secondo il Principio "以人为本" nello Sviluppo, ovvero "Prospettiva Scientifica dello Sviluppo Orientato alle Persone" 💕
6️⃣ Perseguire uno Sviluppo Sostenibile a Livello Ambientale, mantenendo il primato mondiale nell'Energia Solare, Eolica e Idroelettrica 🌞
7️⃣ Rafforzare il Sistema di Governance Socialista 💼
8️⃣ Migliorare il Sistema Legale per rafforzare la Sicurezza Nazionale ⚖️
🇨🇳 Il Comitato Permanente del 14° Congresso Nazionale del Popolo ha già iniziato a definire il Piano Legislativo, e ogni sforzo viene incluso nel Progetto di Costruzione di un Paese Socialista Moderno sotto Ogni Aspetto e nella Promozione del Grande Ringiovanimento della Nazione Cinese ⭐️
🤔 Uno dei Punti-Cardine del nuovo Lavoro Legislativo riguarderà la Salvaguardia della Sovranità Nazionale, la Sicurezza della Repubblica Popolare e degli Interessi di Sviluppo 📈
💬 "Alcuni Paesi hanno continuato ad abusare dell'applicazione extraterritoriale delle loro Leggi Nazionali in violazione del Diritto Internazionale con l'obiettivo di abbattere entità e individui stranieri e servire i propri interessi", ha affermato il Compagno Wang Chao 🚩
💬 "Tali atti di bullismo sono ampiamente criticati nella Comunità Internazionale. La Cina si oppone fermamente a tali pratiche e ha introdotto una serie di Leggi e Regolamenti per contrastare il contenimento, la repressione e l'interferenza nei suoi affari interni, tra cui la legge sulle sanzioni anti-straniere, le norme per contrastare l'applicazione extraterritoriale ingiustificata della legislazione straniera", ha dichiarato il Portavoce 🚩
🧾 La Legge Anti-Sanzioni Straniere è stata approvata il 10/06/2021, e ha fornito basi legali alle Autorità Governative della Cina per adottare contromisure contro le sanzioni discriminatorie e restrittive inflitte da altri paesi, come gli Stati Uniti, che hanno imposto diverse sanzioni alle Aziende Cinesi 🇺🇸
🧾 Il Processo Legislativo Anti-Sanzioni è continuato nel 2022, e nel 2023 verrà ulteriormente rafforzato, secondo il Principio "Gli Interessi Fondamentali della Cina non possono essere violati, la Sovranità Territoriale della Cina non può essere violata" ⭐️
🇨🇳 "È giustificabile e necessario che la Legge contenga disposizioni pertinenti per contrastare fermamente gli atti che minano la Sovranità, la Sicurezza e gli Interessi di Sviluppo della Cina e danneggiano i Diritti e gli Interessi Legittimi dei Cittadini Cinesi", ha affermato il Compagno Wang Chao 🚩
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🤪 Nel mentre gli USA portano avanti follie quali il "Pallone Spia Cinese" e le "Gru Spia" nel loro squallido Paese fallimentare, la Repubblica Popolare Cinese - legata agli elevati Ideali della Pace - non promuove una Corsa gli Armamenti, e il suo aumento della Spesa per la Difesa non raggiunge il 2% del PIL. In pratica, è al di sotto della Media Globale, ben al di sotto delle richieste di aumento volute dalla NATO per i paesi Occidentali 🏁
📊 L'entità della Spesa per la Difesa tiene conto delle esigenza della Costruzione della Difesa Nazionale e dello Sviluppo Economico della Cina, e la Modernizzazione dell'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione non costituirà alcuna minaccia per il Mondo, ma sarà legata alla salvaguardia della Stabilità Regionale e della Pace Mondiale 🕊
📊 Il Budget per la Difesa per il 2023 sarà di 1.5537 Trilioni di Yuan, pari a 224,79 Miliardi di Dollari, un aumento pari al 7,2% 📈
😂 Già li vedo, quelli che sbagliano le basilari operazioni matematiche dei quesiti su Facebook, dire: «maaaaaa il Collettivo Shaoshan prima dice meno del 2% e poi +7%, vergogna!!1!!», pertanto si precisa: +7,2% al Budget per la Difesa ≠ 2% del PIL del Paese. Se fosse un aumento pari al 2% del PIL della Cina, la cifra sarebbe ben più elevata 📈
🤔 Un aumento del 7,2% del Budget significa solo un +0,1% rispetto all'anno precedente. La Media Mondiale è pari al 2% del PIL, mentre la Cina ha mantenuto la spesa al di sotto dell'1,5%, preferendo focalizzarsi sullo Sviluppo Economico e non sulla Corsa alle Armi, come l'Occidente 🏁
🇺🇸 Il Budget degli USA per il 2023 è, invece, assurdamente elevato, pari a 857,9 Miliardi di Dollari 📊
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
😵 After a stop due to our writer falling ill we resume with the updates of the Shaoshan Collective on the "Two Sessions", regarding:
⭐️ Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 🇨🇳
⭐️ National People's Congress 🇨🇳
⭐️ Guo Weimin, Speaker of the First Session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said that the People's Republic of China's economy is resilient, full of potential and vigor, and that the National Political Advisors, both those of the Communist Party of China and those of the Eight Non-Communist Parties agree on this 💕
💬 The new growth objective of the People's Republic is no longer merely quantitative, but above all qualitative, and the Central Government will work on new Quality Standards, according to the Principle: «Constant growth, effective qualitative improvement and reasonable quantitative growth» 📈
💬 To meet the many challenges, the National Committee Members of the Chinese People's Consultative Conference have put forward a number of proposals on Economic Development, to fulfill the Tasks set forth at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China 🚩
🏦 Regarding China's Monetary Policies for 2023, Yi Gang - Governor of the People's Bank of China, the Central Bank of the People's Republic of China spoke about it:
💬 "Our Monetary Policy has maintained support for the Real Economy in terms of the total amount, which is a very important point. When we maintain sufficient credit growth in terms of the total amount, it can play a crucial role in stabilizing the employment and in securing people's livelihoods" ⭐️
💬 Regarding the Interest Rate Policy, the Governor said that the People's Bank of China needs to consider measures that mainly focus on the National Economy ⭐️
💬 The average interest rate of newly issued corporate loans in China was 4.17%, down 1.28% compared to 2018, and the People's Bank increased its support to key sectors of the economy 📊
💬 The Monetary Policies implemented by the People's Bank of China mainly focus on Technical-Scientific Innovation, the Construction of Quality Infrastructures and Sustainable Finance, connected to the Economy and not left in the hands of speculation 📊
🇺🇸 As the West closes itself to Russia and begins to close itself to China, the Gates of the People's Republic will continue to open, and the Opening will be promoted with concrete measures aimed at providing new opportunities for the development of China and the World Guo Weimin said:
💬 "No matter how the world changes, China's confidence and commitment to Reform and Opening Up will not waver" 🇨🇳
📄 The Speaker then analyzed the progress of Opening Up, such as the formation of Free Trade Zones: "In Hainan, we accelerated the construction of a Free Trade Port with Chinese Characteristics, establishing a Model of Reform and Opening Up of China in the New Era " 🇨🇳
💬 "We have also expanded the Network of High-Level Free Ports and Commercial Zones around the World, signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, joined the Comprehensive Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement" ✍️
💬 The most important issue, however, remains the Belt & Road, the New Silk Road: "In 2022, Chinese Imports and Exports exceeded 6 Trillion Dollars" 📊
⭐️ The CPPCC National Committee regards Opening as an important part of the Consultation and Deliberation of State Affairs and has taken the implementation of the Opening Measures of the 14th Five-Year Plan as the subject of its Democratic Supervision in Labor 🔎
🇨🇳 The CPPCC started on Saturday 04/03, in Beijing, but - the day before - a preparatory meeting was held, chaired by Wang Yang, Chairman of the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC ⭐️
🧾 During the Assembly, a number of Documents for the First Session of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC were approved, including the list of Members of the Presidium, as well as the Executive President and Secretary General of the Presidium 💼
🇨🇳 Wang Huning, Communist Party of China ideologue and Member of the 20th Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, was elected Executive Chairman of the Meeting 🥳
🔍 For those who want to learn about Comrade Wang Huning's skills, they can refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective: I, II 🤔
🤝 Comrade Guo Weimin, Speaker of the First Session, said that the CPPCC National Committee has been committed to facilitating cross-strait exchanges and cooperation over the years, and will continue to promote integrated development between the People's Republic of China and the Taiwan Region:
💬 "Cross-Strait Exchange and Cooperation, in various sectors, has been going on for over thirty years. We must uphold the Concept that people, on both sides of the Strait, belong to the same Family. The CPPCC National Committee is committed to facilitating Exchanges and Cooperation [...] Over the past five years, the National Committee has organized consultation activities among interested members, including visits, sessions and studies with counterparts and formulation of work proposals" 💼
💬 "The CPPCC National Committee actively participated in holding the Straits Forum, set up a new platform for exchanges, invited Taiwanese representatives to participate in various important events, such as the 110th Anniversary Commemoration of the 1911 Revolution , and held a variety of cultural events, in order to promote the Spiritual Harmony of people on both sides of the Strait" 💕
🚩 After that, the Speaker focused on the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and stated - regarding the Taiwan question - that the principles suitable for its resolution are:
😘 Peaceful Reunification 🕊
😘 One Country, Two Systems 🇨🇳
😘 1992 Consensus, Opposition to Separatism and Outside Interference 🇺🇸
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🇨🇳 While Comrade Guo Weimin, Speaker of the First Session of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC, made statements to reporters around the world, Comrade Wang Chao - Speaker of the First Session of the 14th National People's Congress, did the same ⭐️
🏛 If the CPPCC is the Consultative Body of the People's Republic, the National People's Congress constitutes its Legislative Body. There are 9 items on the agenda for the Congress, said Wang Chao:
1️⃣ Deliberating on the Report on the Work of the Central Government 💼
2️⃣ Review the 2022 National Economic and Social Development Plan Implementation Report and the Draft Plan for 2023 📈
3️⃣ Review the Report on the Execution of the Central and Local Budgets for 2022, and the Draft Budgets for 2023 📊
4️⃣ Deliberate on the Bill presented by the Standing Commission of the National People's Congress concerning the Project to Amend the Legislation of the People's Republic 🧾
5️⃣ Deliberating on the Outgoing National People's Congress Standing Committee Work Report 💼
6️⃣ Deliberating on the Labor Report of the Supreme People's Court ⚖️
7️⃣ Deliberate on the Work Report of the Supreme People's Prosecutor's Office ⚖️
8️⃣ Deliberating on the State Council Institutions Reform Project - this is VERY important ⭐️
9️⃣ Electing the members of the State Bodies - this is also VERY important, as new figures will enter the Central Government ⭐️
🔍 After that, Comrade Wang Chao analyzed the role of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China over the past forty years, stating that the Praxis of the past four decades has:
⭐️Fully Demonstrated The Current Constitution Has Supported The Leadership Of The Communist Party Of China As Established By Xi Jinping's Thought On The Communist Party As A Guide For All Forms Of Work 🚩
⭐️ Guaranteed the Status of the People as Master of the Country, according to the "人民当家作主" Principle of Chairman Mao Zedong 🇨🇳
⭐️ Promoted Reform and Opening Up (改革开放), as well as Socialist Modernization (社会主义现代化) 🚩
⭐️ Advance the Socialist Rule of Law Process, Safeguarding National Unification, Ethnic Unity, Social Harmony and Stability 💕
🔎 Subsequently, the Speaker said that the Chinese Government is focused on developing and strengthening a solid Legal System, and that - in the last five years - the criterion of Science and Law-Based Democracy has been strengthened ⚖️
💼 The 13th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, i.e. the outgoing one, has achieved tremendous results in the last 5 years, including:
📖 Strengthening of the application and supervision of the Constitution, the formulation of 47 Acts of Law and 111 Revisions 🧾
📖 The adoption of 52 Legislative Decisions on relevant Legal Issues, the strengthening of the Civil Code and the improvement of the Formulation, Review, Abolition, Interpretation, Compilation and Decision Processes 🧾
🇨🇳 After reviewing the Legislative Work of 2022, Comrade Wang Chao addressed the Topic of Making Legislative Work for 2023, stating that the National People's Congress will focus on building a High-Level Economy and the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation by Strengthening Technical-Scientific Education and Innovation According to the "自力更生" Principle, i.e. "Self-confidence" and "Self-sufficiency" ⭐️
🤔 For 2023, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress plans to organize 35 Bills covering Eight Areas and Eight Principles:
1️⃣ Support and improve the People's Congress System ⭐️
2️⃣ Building a High Level Socialist Market Economy 📊
3️⃣ Reinvigorate the Nation through the strengthening of Education and through Technical-Scientific Progress 🔬
4️⃣ Lead the transformation of China into a country with a strong Socialist Culture, practicing the "社会主义核心价值观", i.e. the "Fundamental Socialist Values" 🚩
5️⃣ Ensuring and improving people's well-being, according to the "以人为本" Principle in Development, i.e. "Scientific Perspective of People-Oriented Development" 💕
6️⃣ Pursue an Environmentally Sustainable Development, maintaining the world record in Solar, Wind and Hydroelectric Energy 🌞
7️⃣ Strengthen the Socialist Governance System 💼
8️⃣ Improving the Legal System to Strengthen National Security ⚖️
🇨🇳 The Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress has already begun to define the Legislative Plan, and every effort is included in the Project of Building a Modern Socialist Country in All Aspects and Promoting the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation ⭐️
🤔 One of the Key Points of the new Legislative Work will concern the Safeguarding of National Sovereignty, the Security of the People's Republic and Development Interests 📈
💬 "Some countries have continued to abuse the extraterritorial application of their National Laws in violation of International Law with the aim of bringing down foreign entities and individuals and serving their own interests," said Comrade Wang Chao 🚩
💬 "Such bullying is widely criticized in the international community. China strongly opposes such practices and has introduced a series of Laws and Regulations to counter the restraint, repression and interference in its internal affairs, including the law on anti-foreigner sanctions, the rules to counter the unjustified extraterritorial application of foreign legislation", said the Spokesperson 🚩
🧾 The Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law was passed on 06/10/2021, and it provided legal basis for China's Government Authorities to take countermeasures against the discriminatory and restrictive sanctions inflicted by other countries, such as the United States, which have imposed various sanctions on Chinese companies 🇺🇸
🧾 The Anti-Sanctions Legislative Process continued in 2022, and will be further strengthened in 2023, according to the Principle "China's Core Interests Cannot be Infringed, China's Territorial Sovereignty Cannot be Infringed" ⭐️
🇨🇳 "It is justifiable and necessary for the Law to contain relevant provisions to firmly counter acts that undermine China's sovereignty, security and development interests and harm the rights and legitimate interests of Chinese citizens," said Comrade Wang Chao 🚩
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🤪 While the USA carries on follies such as the "Chinese Spy Balloon" and the "Spy Cranes" in its squalid bankrupt country, the People's Republic of China - linked to the lofty Ideals of Peace - does not promote an Arms Race, and its increase of Defense Expenditure does not reach 2% of GDP. In practice, it is below the Global Average, well below NATO's requests for increases for Western countries 🏁
📊 The size of the Defense Spending takes into account the needs of China's National Defense Construction and Economic Development, and the Modernization of the People's Liberation Army will not pose any threat to the world, but will be related to safeguarding Regional Stability and World Peace 🕊
📊 The Defense Budget for 2023 will be 1.5537 Trillion Yuan, equal to 224.79 Billion Dollars, an increase of 7.2% 📈
😂 I can already see those who get the basic mathematical operations of the questions on Facebook wrong, saying: «maaaaaa the Shaoshan Collective first says less than 2% and then +7%, shame!!1!!», therefore it is specified: +7 .2% to the Defense Budget ≠ 2% of the country's GDP. If it were a 2% increase in China's GDP, the figure would be much higher 📈
🤔 A 7.2% increase in the Budget means only +0.1% compared to the previous year. The World Average is 2% of GDP, while China has kept spending below 1.5%, preferring to focus on Economic Development and not on the Arms Race, like the West 🏁
🇺🇸 The US Budget for 2023 is, however, absurdly high, equal to 857.9 Billion Dollars 📊
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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ursulakleguin-stan · 2 years ago
i gotta say, as an american I have a very good understanding on how fucked the country is, and how pre 9/11 there was this air of arrogant invincibility so when that happened every iron fist push was justified with the fact that 9/11 happened once. so seeing you guys and what ive always seen as a "symbolic monarchy for tourism" take some pretty spooky turns that look like a government in fear trying to look strong, i just gotta ask is Britain okay? its absolutely wild that you guys have a democracy that is "given by god" so even when ours is being threatened like it is atleast theres this general understanding that its us who has to go and fix it and its us who put the laws there in the first place. like just HOW MUTCH is it a real deal monarchy still? good luck over there and all that.. gosh
I mean, we are very much not okay
practically, I don't think the monarchy deal is real persay, they exist to just rubber stamp the prime minister who is the actual head of the government, the powers they do exercise (which to be clear are fucking evil) have always been done so subtly, they just change a few laws here and there which benefit them and give them more power over the lands they still own, but they couldn't actively oppose the government, I don't think
obviously they owning huge tracks of land and fucking with laws and also the coups they've done abroad and the war crimes is all more than enough to of a reason to line the lot of them up and shoot them but the insidious thing in England itself is the subtle cultural affect they have on people
like my mother is no monarchist far from it but when I say "yeah I'm glad she's dead I hope she suffered she was evil entirely" she always pushes back and says "well she was just a person" and every time I have to relitigate it "she chose to hold power, she is a war criminal, fucks with democracies, hold so much wealth while *her* citizen starve" and yet it never seems to go in
I was speaking to an elderly colleague of mine who said "I bet she clung on just so she could boot Boris Johnson out because she was a clever woman putting up with someone as stupid as him must have been horrible" and I really had to hold myself back as if the queen would have give a shit! listening to people's fucking headcanons of how clever and crafty the queen was are fucking nausiating! if she was so smart she would have abdicated long ago because a person with half a brain cell can tell monarchy is inherently evil and to chose to keep that power is evil unquestionably
people were always coming out with "oh the queen had her eu hat on she's so cool" FUCK OFF I don't give a shit even if the queen does align with my political opinions, she is evil and her support for a cause means nothing to me the only clever political manoeuvring she's doing is keeping herself and her ilk in power
the british monarchy has frankly impressive longevity, it has survived nearly 1000 years, come back from the literal brink of the English revolution, and is going shockingly strong even today and it hasn't done that without being clever, as an institution, that is why people who aren't super in favour still speak positively about at least the queen and maybe William or Harry, it's why I think even shows like the Crown which don't always paint them in the best light are propaganda
at the start of the 20th century, the monarchy made a conscious shift to try and humanise themselves, releasing photos to the press of them in normal settings acting like a family, just like one of us. The age of the divine right is well gone so they inversed themselves, becoming humans just like us who were called up by duty to serve (how they are serving me I will never understand and but people will still say that as though it means anything, duty to them is a rhetorical device they don't understand)
and so they created a weird doublethink where people still show both deference and treat them as human, they will treat them as a symbol of the nation (let's not get onto the evils of nationalism right now) and also, when you criticise them on that ground say "well have some sympathy they're still people they just lost their mother", I feel that people fall back on the humanising to try and justify the deference they show which is less conscious
and I don't give a shit about them as humans, they aren't to my mind, they can't have it both ways so they are symbols, symbols of the very worst things the English nation has done and they should be boo and mocked and told to get fucked and yes, if it comes to it, executed just like their accestor
the thing to understand about English history, I think, is that first of all the powerful colonised England and stole the land from the people who lived on it, took it away from them in law, and then exported that to the rest of the world when they ran out of things to steal here and that is what the monarchy represents, they are the height of the landed aristocracy and there can be no justice in this country till they are dead and buried and their institution is truly eradicated
my ultimate statement on this whole thing is this, if we were a country that had ever had any real conversations about our history and come to terms with the colonialism and imperialism and the horrific things this nation has done in the name of profit (mostly for those already at the top) then no one who wanted to be able to show their face in public again would dare mourn the queen's death
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ivi-prism · 3 years ago
Ah remarried empress! I don't remember where i leave the novel but i had the vague memory of his "punishment" and it wasn't satisfactory at all.
Henley stressed the life out of me, he neither deserve Navier, our Godness deserve better!
For me Navier don't need Soviechu nor Henley, she would become the Empress of both kingdoms and kick out of her life both of those bird brain.
Navier supremacy!
I started the webcomic, then found an English translation further into the novel and read it to later found a Spanish translation FURTHER into the novel and I’m reading it and whoaaa am I thriving on the romantic and petty drama side of things cause otherwise I dunnoooo
On one hand : I understand the petty drama and why the novel is like that and I enjoy it tons cause is petty af and sometimes is just fun to read something like that
On the other hand: I insist Sovieshu is so incredibly stupid and manipulative I am adamant that in-universe he should have faced worse consequences than going “waaaa I is sad now 🥺 I was tricked 🥺 wawawa” like… yeah dude and you know your bullshit just affected your entire nation on a ridiculously negative way?? Why aren’t nobels with armies going “pst… hey mage… pst hey mage… wanna help me overthrow him??” Like surely there must be enough mages in the world for some of them to be independent of the royal family and also be shady enough to accept pay to overthrow an emperor (like if there is a black market for hiring assasins surely there must be mages that can be hired to do shady things)
And Heinly…. Puppy boy Heinly… I understand is a romance novel and thus simping hard for Navier and drinking “I respect Navier” juice constantly in comparison to whatever the fuck Sovieshu was doing makes him virtuous because “love” ….. His plans to start a war to conquer the Empire did stop… but he only fixed what he needed to be good on Navier’s eyes… and I think it was swept under the rug FAAAR too quick… that on the politicial side of things… cause in the emotional front??
Hmm… is kinda… hm…. He got access to sensible info as Queen that he would later use to comfort Navier which… okay?? At least he didn’t use that info to manipulate her deliberately? But also Navier wasn’t aware of that so it is kinda icky….. I would have prefer their friendship develop more through letters and for Navier to open up naturally to Heinly without him having an advantage of knowing what was happening beforehand.
Also just tied to things I have said previously I would have preferred my girl Navier be more conniving and astute, she is already but I wanna see her move more strings and outsmart more people! Like the divorce and remarry plan felt a tad too “this happens now for extra drama!!” Which fair! I love that..
But dunno I think we could have used that chance for less drama and more genuine growth, to display how damn smart Navier is and also allow Heinly to come clean to all the shady shit he was doing backstage
And now as I have no self control I propose a mini fic for my own amusement X3
(I adore this novel and I will still read it and feel it all til the end…. This is just me going “this thing I like but better for my own taste” because why not?)
Navier being divorced without plan “remarry Heinly” as a back up would have meant she would have had to quietly retire to somewhere, nobles would be looking at her of course but that would have been an amazing time to plot . She could have quietly plot what to do next since she sure as hell won’t be going back to Sovieshu to be forced to raise Rashta’s kid
That + her going “alright I am devoted to my people still and I can see how many bad things may happen so let me help” and she finding sneakier ways to help would have been cool. And also while she is doing that and trying to see what to do it would be a perfect chance to have Heinly and her develop a more closer friendship in a honest way and then Navier goes “you know what? I have done what I can for my kingdom… and I enjoy your company and you seem like you need some help ruling so… wanna get married?”
Just for self indulgence Heinly should come clean about what he was trying to do so a) Navier has all the info before deciding if she wants to marry him and b) so she can help her subjects.
I can see her feeling compelled to do it to truly stop Heinly of doing harm since she seems to be the reason Heinly stopped ( I hate this trope, I would rather Heinly realize on his own that it isn’t that worth it and desist but oh well… it still has to be a romantic drama right? X3)
Have them marry, you can have the entire drama of “wtf an empress can’t remarry!!” with it, Navier could be more assertive like “eagle man I accepted cause friendship and my kingdom but you haven’t truly reedem yourself” just so there is no need to only relay on Navier’s own emotional hang ups stopping them from being in love (like heck! Like this you can have that + an external reason and that would be cool)
Also also because I like political drama with my romantic drama if Navier had still been doing a good job while Sovieshu and Rashta are doing their thing… it could be a very clear indicator for the nobles to go “oh fuck oh fuck this is bad… oh fuck oh fuck she remarried and left so there is no chance she can fix this oh fuck oh fuck” and make them more aggressive antagonist to Sovieshu and Rashta… made BOTH their falls worse….. for nobles Rashta is the reason Sovieshu kickstarted this whole thing but taking it out on her won’t do shit but piss off Sovieshu so… plotting plans to dethrone him? Anyone? That would be pog right?
Of course this goes into au/crackfic territory but I think it would have been fun and interesting to have both Sovieshu and Heinly face harsher consequences
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paoloxl · 4 years ago
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Appello per la liberazione immediata di Dana Lauriola firmato da oltre un centinaio di membri del corpo accademico, giuristi, intellettuali ed esponenti del mondo della cultura. Dana, attivista notav, è detenuta in carcere da ormai quasi sei mesi per aver parlato in un megafono durante una manifestazione contro il raddoppio della Torino-Lione
Alla Ministra della Giustizia
prof. Marta Cartabia
Al Garante nazionale delle persone sottoposte a misure restrittive della libertà personale
Mauro Palma
Al Garante delle persone sottoposte a misure restrittive della libertà personale per il Piemonte
Bruno Mellano
e, per conoscenza
Al Tribunale di sorveglianza di Torino
Dana Lauriola, militante No Tav, è in carcere dal 17 settembre 2020 ‒ e, dunque, da quasi sei mesi ‒ in esecuzione di una condanna a due anni di reclusione per il reato di violenza privata (per il quale, con il bilanciamento tra aggravanti e attenuanti, la pena prevista dalla legge parte da 15 giorni).
I fatti per cui è stata condannata risalgono a nove anni fa e sono stati commessi nel corso di una manifestazione di protesta e di solidarietà con Luca Abbà, agricoltore valsusino in quei giorni in bilico tra la vita e la morte dopo essere rimasto folgorato su un traliccio dell’alta tensione su cui si stava arrampicando, inseguito da un agente di polizia, in un’azione dimostrativa contro l’apertura del cantiere della Nuova linea ferroviaria Torino-Lione. La manifestazione si concluse con il blocco, per alcuni minuti, delle sbarre dei caselli di accesso all’autostrada Torino-Bardonecchia. Il danno subito dalla società concessionaria dell’autostrada per il mancato pagamento del pedaggio da parte degli automobilisti in transito è stato quantificato dal tribunale in 777 euro e a Dana Lauriola è stato contestato «di avere, usando un megafono, intimato agli automobilisti di transitare ai caselli senza pagare il pedaggio, indicando le ragioni della protesta». Diventata definitiva la sentenza, Dana Lauriola ha chiesto di scontare la pena in misura alternativa, ma il Tribunale di sorveglianza di Torino ha respinto l’istanza, pur in assenza di precedenti condanne definitive e nonostante l’esistenza di un lavoro stabile di notevole responsabilità e le valutazioni ampiamente favorevoli dei servizi sociali dell’amministrazione della giustizia. La motivazione del rigetto è che Dana Lauriola «non ha preso le distanze» dal movimento No Tav e che il suo domicilio «coincide con il territorio scelto come teatro di azione dal movimento No Tav, il quale ha individuato il cantiere di Chiomonte per la realizzazione della futura linea dell’Alta Velocità come scenario per frequenti manifestazioni e scontri con le Forze dell’ordine».
La vicenda ci lascia sbigottiti/e e preoccupati/e, come cittadini e cittadine impegnati/e nell’associazionismo, nella politica, nell’informazione, nel mondo dell’arte e della cultura. Per la sorte di Dana e per il trattamento del dissenso nel nostro Paese.
Non entriamo, qui, nel merito della qualificazione giuridica dei fatti e di altri aspetti (pur inquietanti) inerenti la ritenuta responsabilità di Dana e la concezione del concorso di persone nel reato sottesa alla condanna, ma denunciamo, da un lato, l’evidente sproporzione tra i fatti (commessi senza violenza alle persone e con un danno patrimoniale di assoluta modestia) e la pena e, dall’altro, la sorprendete anomalia della mancata concessione di una misura alternativa al carcere (pur consentita dalla legge e coerente con le condizioni soggettive di Dana). Il nostro stupore e la nostra preoccupazione, poi, aumentano guardando alle motivazioni con cui l’istanza di misura alternativa è stata respinta: Dana non può beneficiare della pena alternativa e, quindi, merita il carcere per aver tenuto fermi i propri «ideali politici» e la propria opposizione al Tav e perché abita nella valle in cui ci sono i suoi affetti, i suoi interessi, i suoi compagni di vita e di militanza!
Percepiamo la carcerazione di Dana come una grave ingiustizia sul piano personale e come un pesante attacco alla libertà di tutti di manifestare ed esprimere le proprie idee e di dissentire da scelte politiche ritenute sbagliate e dannose. La nostra denuncia e la nostra preoccupazione sono condivise dalla grande maggioranza di una valle che da trent’anni chiede inutilmente di essere ascoltata e da molti cittadini e cittadine che non sono contrari alla Nuova linea ferroviaria ma hanno a cuore le libertà e i diritti fondamentali.
Per questo vi chiediamo, ciascuno nell’ambito delle proprie competenze, di adottare ogni iniziativa utile a favorire l’immediata scarcerazione di Dana: per porre rimedio a un’ingiustizia in atto, per dare un segnale di attenzione ai temi implicati dalla vicenda, per ripristinare condizioni di agibilità politica anche (e soprattutto) per chi dissente.
4 marzo 2021
1) Maria Luisa Boccia (Centro per la Riforma dello Stato)
2) Daniela Dioguardi (Udipalermo)
3) Ketty Giannilivigni (Udipalermo)
4) Franco Ippolito (Fondazione Basso)
5) Livio Pepino (Volere la luna, Edizioni Gruppo Abele)
6) Tamar Pitch (Università di Perugia)
7) Grazia Zuffa (Società della ragione)
8) Alessandra Algostino (Università di Torino)
9) Stefano Anastasia (Università di Perugia)
10) Gaetano Azzariti (Università di Roma La Sapienza)
11) Letizia Battaglia (fotografa)
12) Mauro Biani (vignettista)
13) Alessandra Bocchetti (saggista)
14) Luciana Castellina (politica e scrittrice)
15) Franco Corleone (già sottosegretario alla Giustizia)
16) Maura Cossutta (Casa internazionale delle donne)
17) Maria Rosa Cutrufelli (scrittrice)
18) Teresa Degenhardt (Queen’s University, Belfast, Studi sulla Questione criminale)
19) Giuseppe De Marzo (Libera – Rete dei Numeri Pari)
20) Ida Dominijanni (filosofa e giornalista)
21) Claudio Fava (presidente Commissione antimafia Regione Sicilia)
22) Lorenzo Fazio (direttore editoriale casa editrice Chiarelettere)
23) Luigi Ferrajoli (Università di Roma3)
24) Angelo Ficarra (Anpi, Palermo)
25) Marcello Fois (scrittore)
26) Maria Grazia Giammarinaro (magistrata)
27) Elisabetta Grande (Università del Piemonte orientale)
28) Sabina Guzzanti (attrice e regista)
29) Loredana Lipperini (giornalista, scrittrice e conduttrice radiofonica)
30) Luigi Manconi (A Buon Diritto)
31) Lea Melandri (saggista)
32) Luca Mercalli (climatologo e giornalista scientifico)
33) Paolo Mondani (giornalista)
34) Tomaso Montanari (Università per stranieri di Siena)
35) Michela Murgia (scrittrice)
36) Francesco Pallante (Università di Torino)
37) Giovanni Palombarini (già magistrato)
38) Valeria Parrella (scrittrice)
39) Mariella Pasinati (Udipalermo )
40) Valentina Pazé (Università di Torino)
41) Marco Revelli (Università del Piemonte orientale)
42) Maria Concetta Sala (Udipalermo, Palermo)
43) Giorgia Serughetti (filosofa politica)
44) Evelina Santangelo (scrittrice)
45) Vincenzo Scalia (Università di Winchester, Studi sulla Questione criminale)
46) Anita Sonego (presidente Casa delle donne Milano)
47) Armando Sorrentino (avvocato)
48) Sergio Staino (vignettista)
49) Vittorio Teresi (già magistrato)
50) Chiara Valerio (scrittrice)
51) Simone Furzi, ricercatore
52) Laura Cima, ecofemminista
53) Alberto Castiglione, regista
54) Alessandra Sarchi, scrittrice
55) Helena Janeczeck, scrittrice
56) Teresa Ciabatti, scrittrice
57) Rossella Milone, scrittrice
58) Caterina Bonvicini, scrittrice
59) Hamid Ziarati, scrittore
60) Elvira Seminara, scrittrice
61) Marta Bellingreri, reporter l’Espresso, Al-Jazeera English
62) Alessio Mamo, fotoreporter l’Espresso, Guardian
63) Vittoria Tola, UDI
64) Giulia Potenza, avvocata, responsabile nazionale UDI
65) Adriana Laudani, avvocata
66) Emma Dante, regista
67) Valentina Chinnici, insegnante, consigliera comunale Palermo
68) Lorenzo Teodonio, fisico climatologo
69) Lorenzo Coccoli, storico
70) Rita Di Leo, docente di relazioni internazionali
71) Giulio De Petra, docente di tecnologie digitali
72) Carmelo Caravella, sindacalista Cgil
73) Luisa Simonutti, ricercatrice di filosofia politica, Cnr
74) Alessandro Montebugnoli, economista
75) Bianca Pomeranzi, esperta di cooperazione e politiche di genere
76) Fulvia Bandoli, politica ecologista
77) Mario Dogliani, costituzionalista
78) Alberto Olivetti, filosofo di estetica
79) Caterina Botti,  filosofa morale
80) Laura Bazzicalupo, filosofa politica
81) Claudio De Fiores, costituzionalista
82) Chiara Giorgi, storica
83) Laura Ronchetti, costituzionalista
84) Nicola Genga, Ministero dei Beni culturali,
85) Rocco D’Ambrosio, sacerdote filosofo politico
86) Giuseppe Cotturri, docente di teoria del diritto e delle istituzioni
87) Stefania Vulterini, saggista
88) Emilio Giannelli avvocato
89) Gisella Modica Udipalermo
90) Giovanna Martelli, già parlamentare
91) Claudia Pedrotti, avvocata Udipalermo
92) Rita Barbera, già direttora istituti di pena
93) Elvira Rosa, coordinamento antiviolenza palermo
94) Gisella Costanzo, attrice
95) Sandra Rizza, giornalista
96) Laura Piretti, UDI
97) Alida Castelli, UDI
98) Liviana Zagagnoni, UDI
99) Pina Mandolfo, operatrice culturale
100) Francesca Traina, Udipalermo
101) Loredana Rosa, Il femminile è politico: potere alle donne
102) Rita Calabrese, Udipalermo
103) Marina Leopizzi, Udipalermo
104) Giovanna Minardi, docente Università Palermo
105) Mimma Grillo, Forum antirazzista Palermo
106) Ida La Porta, Udipalermo
107) Bice Grillo, Udipalermo
108) Toni Casano, redattore Pressenza
109) Alessandra Notarbartolo, coordinamento antiviolenza Palermo
110) Agata Schiera, Udipalermo
111) Beatrice Monroy, scrittrice
112) Emi Monteneri, Udipalermo
113) Angela Militello, Udipalermo
114) Etta Sgadari, Udipalermo
115) Elena Diliberto, Udipalermo
116) Mimma Argurio  (segretaria generale Fisac Sicilia)
117) Elvira Morana (CGIL Sicilia)
118) Anna Maria Tirreno (segretaria Camera del lavoro CGIL Palermo)
119) Rita D’Ippolito (insegnante in pensione)
120) Rosario Nicchitta (architetto)
121) Novella Nicchitta (formatrice)
122) Ornella Russo (insegnante)
123) Anna Di Salvo (Città Felice, Rete la Ragna-Tela)
124) Enza Longo (Coordinamento antiviolenza 21luglio Palermo)
125) Maria Rosa Turrisi (preside in pensione)
126) Angela Galici (Coordinamento antiviolenza 21 luglio Palermo)
127) Simona Sorrentino (medica)
128) Elvira Rosa (Il femminile è politico: potere alle donne)
129) Gemma Infurnari (UDIPalermo)
130) Elisa Romano (Università di Pavia)
131) Maddalena Giardina (avvocata, UDIPalermo)
132) Anna Marrone (docente, UDIPalermo)
133) Emilia Martorana (Coordinamento antiviolenza 21luglio Palermo)
134) Katia Orlando (insegnante, consigliera comunale Palermo)
135) Maria Concetta Pizzurro (UDIPalermo)
136) Silvia Miceli, docente (UDIPalermo)
137) Maria Grazia Patronaggio (Le Onde onlus)
138) Valeria Andò (docente Università di Palermo)
139) Benita Licata (dirigente Scolastica)
140) A. Maria Catalano (dirigente Scolastica)
141) Gaia Nicita (docente)
142) Valeria Ferrauto (docente)
143) Margherita La Porta (funzionaria MEF)
144) Giusi Vacca (agente pubblicitaria)
145) Flora Arcuri (docente)
146) Cetti Iovino (imprenditrice agricola)
147) Alessandra Jaforte (docente)
148) Claudia La Franca (architetta)
149) Virna Chessari (docente)
150) Gilda Messina (docente)
151) Valeria Adamo (docente)
152) Giorgia Calì (docente)
153) Nadia Saputo (docente)
154) Claudia Calzolari (docente)
155) Gabriella Pucci (imprenditrice agricola)
156) Daniela Gennaro (dirigente scolastica)
157) Cristina Fatta del Bosco (imprenditrice agricola)
158) Amelia Crisantino (docente/scrittrice)
159) Anna Maria Ruta (dirigente scolastica)
160) M. Antonietta Spadaro (storica dell’arte)
161) Anna Cottone (docente Università Palermo)
162) Tommaso Di Caccamo (redattore tecnico)
163) Agostina Passantino (bibliotecaria)
164) Licia Masi (pensionata, operatrice sociale volontaria)
165) Rossella Reyes (dipendente regionale)
166) Sabina Cannizzaro (pensionata regionale)
167) Cristina Pecoraro (pensionata regionale)
168) Rosalba Rinaudo (insegnante in pensione)
169) Carmelo Lucchesi (insegnante in pensione)
170) Francesca Citarrella (operatrice sociale)
171) Laura Zizzo (guida turistica)
172) Michela Fiore  (casalinga)
173) Antonia Cascio (pensionata)
174) Adriano Di Cara (ingegnere)
175) Antonino Di Cara (operatore sociale)
177) Sandra Giovanna Cascio (casalinga)
178) Alessandra Bruno (avvocata)
179) Emilia Esini (Maghweb)
180) Gabriele Tramontana (Maghweb)
189) Fabrizio Cacciatore (Maghweb)
190) Vincenzo Allotta (Maghweb)
191) Sofia Calderone (Maghweb)
192) Epifania Lo Presti (Maghweb)
193) Elisa Chillura (Maghweb)
194) Chiara Ercolani (Maghweb)
195) Marianna Castronovo (Maghweb)
196) Giuseppe Grado (Maghweb)
197) Marta Cutrò (docente)
198) Sebastiana Zangla (docente)
199) Maria Clara Provenzano (docente)
200) Maria Oliva Caldarella (docente)
201) Emanuela Bajardi (docente)
202) Candida Di Franco (docente)
203) Alessandra Martorana (docente)
204) Gabriella Costanzo (docente)
205) Teresa Burderi (docente)
206) Elvira Leone (pediatra)
207) Gisella Duci (docente)
208) Maria Di Chiara (docente)
209) Donatella Lombardo (docente)
210) Francesca Koch (storica)
211) Francesca Martino (musicista)
212) Ugo Mattei (Università di Torino, Generazioni Future)
Per adesioni:
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sleepingswift85 · 4 years ago
I’m not normally politicial on here but IM ANGRY AF.
Just who is this Jackass speaking for?
Do one Boris. You are a bigger idiot than Trump. This embarrassment of a PM here throws devolved Parliamenta under buses. I’ve kept this off FB for business reasons but Boris can kindly stick that Union Jack where the sun dunnae shine... I’m a Kentish born English Scot. I did ask to be called ‘British’? Nope. Scotland wants nothing from this CONservative Conman. Screen capped. From his party’s propaganda arm. They have had a mess of the Covid situation. The guy needs to be in the dock at The Hague.
Boris is butthurt cause Nicola Sturgeon does the job of leading better than what he can. I’m embarrassed to think the English working classes believe this moron. America is not the only country with a messed up government.
1984? Orwell wrote it as a warning. The Conservatives see it as an instruction manual.
They are IMPERIAL MASTERS and I’m not bowing down to these eejits!!!
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shinshun-chanson-show · 6 years ago
@Volevo dirti 君に言いたかった
This is one of Ermal Meta’s hit songs.
In the lyric, he says, honest politicians don’t exist like obedient robbers, which is his excellent irony.
And he also says, let’s go wherever you like, even it is London, Bombay, Tokyo, or Mars.
Europeans may feel Japan is so far away.
By the way, Eurovision is beginning shortly.
Last year Ermal and Fabrizio took fifth.
At Eurovision, they say Italy always takes lower points than its real ability.
One of the reasons is that they sing in Italian.
The other candidates almost sing in English.
Italy, France and Spain sing in their mother tongues, but this year the French singer sings also in English.
The contest is held in Israel, so I’m worrying about Mahmood who is mixed with Arab.
At the same time, I really pray for his victory.
Ci sono pochi padroni,
di schiavi milioni.
Cervelli emigranti,
non li conti più.
Le guerre dei pochi
le combattono in molti,
ma noi siamo quelli che il cielo è sempre più blu.
Politici onesti,
ladri obiettori
tutto al contrario,
ma almeno ci sei qui tu.
Almeno ci sei tu.
Volevo dirti,
viviamo insieme
senza più pensare al domani
come ci viene.
Non è mai semplice
ma vedremo insieme com'è.
Volevo dirti.
Le benedizioni e le informazioni
da un attico in centro le senti un po' di più.
Perché gli eroi sono belli
e i brutti sono cattivi.
Se non chiudi gli occhi sei bella molto di più.
Ci siamo guardati in mezzo fra tanti
lo stesso destino non ci ricapita più.
中心街の屋根裏で 君はもう少し聞く
目を閉じなければ 君はもっと美しい
 partiamo insieme
Londra, Tokyo oppure Bombay
mi suona bene
Terra oppure Marte
non importa, andiamo dove vuoi tu.
ロンドン 東京 それともボンベイ
どちらでもいい 君の行きたいところに行こう
E nonostante le correnti
E tutti questi cambiamenti
c'è ancora luce dentro gli occhi
c'è ancora aria nei polmoni
C'è zero voglia di arrendersi
e un buio pesto nei diamanti.
Volevo dirti.
Viviamo insieme
non importa dove
perché ci viene bene
Terra oppure Marte,
non importa, andiamo dove vuoi tu.
Dove vuoi tu
どちらでもいい 君の行きたいところに行こう
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monstermaster13 · 2 months ago
You know, I hate when some people think a different opinion equals 'rude/butt-hurt', it's like they think that opinions are an alien concept or something. Like this one idiot. Who said 'All you ever do is complain about TF content you don't like, I have seen it flood the search results and you don't contribute anything than complaining about stuff you don't like and post passive aggressive comments, I mean why hate a Goodra TF just because it's a suit transformation for crying out loud, it's comments like that I cannot stand and I can't understand why people like that can't keep their opinions to themselves especially if they don't have anything remotely constructive to say about it.' Wow, someone give this penis-headed moron a dictionary so they can look up what hypocrisy means. You're complaining about Nathan's opinion in which he stated he clearly did like the piece but was put off by it by a fucking suit trigger of all things? You are such a Karen. I suppose you are going to complain to the manager about that, aren't you? Oh really, my rants get the attention of the search results every day, huh? And who the hell is doing that? Your friends, your watchers, the artist who did that picture? Or is it you? Yes, you admit that you see my rants pop up in the search engine so clearly you must be stalking me. Look I don't need another creepy stalker, I have plenty already. Also oh how I wish I was that lucky to have more than 10,000 people watching me or Nathan's account. 100,000 or more view counts? Oh how I wish I had that much oh well, I guess Nathan will have settle for the 'measely' 479.9K pageviews he actually has then. By the way that was sarcasm.
Look I don't hate all transformation content, I just don't like unhappy transformations and also weight gain that fetishizes someone for being fat and also stereotypes and clowns among other things, I don't like MC, which unfortunately the majority of character TFs and some animal TFs do have in them, and I wish they didn't. If I want to be a character I like, can't I at least keep my own personality and memories? Oh and maybe you should have followed your own advice and kept your shit-takes to yourself because you aren't very convincing. Oh I contribute alright, I do things other than this show you know, I am part of the same hero team as Mel and Nathan and I go on adventures with them, I even teamed up with Corey and Oats more than once, I do positive reviews too, it's just my producers sometimes get sadistic moods and make me suffer through shit like what that phoenix always does. I get nice stuff to review sometimes, but nobody ever pays attention to them. Also, the 'keep opinions to yourself' mentality needs to die because I am sick of it, look I don't like those Pokemon TF stories that have 'oh you can't talk in English only Poke-speak' because it makes me want to scream at the authors 'HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF MYSTERY DUNGEON BEFORE OR AT ALL?' and I don't like some Pokemon TFs that have the slavery allegory and I don't like the 'humans are evil' trope, look almost every environmental special since the 80s has done that and it is really annoying. I don't like world domination as a cliche because it is overdone and also flawed, let's just say there are some monsters who have had some serious flaws in their domination plans (e.g if you're a monster in a scenario based on American politics, wouldn't you essentially just be taking over America instead of the entire world in general because other countries have different politicial systems). If you cannot handle an opinion maybe you should go back to crying yourself to sleep. If you're saying all reviews of something need to be positive or contribute in anyway, you are an idiot. Imagine if someone gave an overly positive review of some of the worst movies ever made, ones so bad they didn't even get one single Golden Raspberry award, if that happened i'd be thinking that this is a Twilight Zone episode or something or that i'm on another planet. Not every review has to be positive, if you don't like something that is fine, everyone has the right to their opinion and that includes me. Look I got death-threats from members of the Changed fanbase just because I did not like that game, Mel got berated just because she said she doesn't like Skyrim or Fire Emblem by someone who claimed he 'understood' opinions only to bitch about her to his friends, i've been though that it all.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years ago
145 of 2022
Created by chasingghosts
What do you want more than anything else?
Getting back to full mobility and someone particular to stay in my life.
Do you have to cross any bridges on your way home?
Depends on where I come back from. Or actually not. Our city centre is full of bridges as well, so the answer is yes.
What type of phone do you have?
A smartphone, just like 99% of people these days.
Have you ever tried coconut water?
Yeah, I have. Didn’t like it.
Are you able to keep a lid on your temper?
Most of the time, but sometimes I just burst.
What colour are the blankets on your bed?
White with red details and cat design.
What was the last thing you said aloud?
“Here, have one” to my husband.
Is there anybody who makes you feel empowered?
No. Everyone is equal.
Does your house have a basement?
It doesn’t.
How many online accounts do you have? Or have you lost count?
Tumblr, Instagram, last.fm, AVEN, YouTube, I guess it’s all.
Which Asian country would you like to visit the most?
Thailand, even though I’m not a big fan of their food.
Who was your first love?
Some English dude. He was bad for me, but oh well.
Are you the type to hold grudges?
It depends, but one thing is certain - I don’t hurt those who didn’t hurt me first. I like people, until they do something wrong.
What was the last video game you played?
I don’t play video games at all. I’m not gonna risk seizures for doing something that doesn’t even interest me.
What's your favourite flavour of vitamin water?
I don’t drink that.
Are there any bands/artists that get you all emotional?
It’s rather individual songs that get me emotional.
What do you think about double stuff oreos?
What? Is that even a thing? :O
Are you happy in your own skin?
Not really, but shit happens.
Have you ever been to a convention? (comic, Youtube, etc.)
I’ve been to motorcycle events with my husband, if that counts.
Do you have any disgusting habits?
I don’t know if biting nails counts as disgusting, if yes, then let’s go with this.
Can you get your favourite fruit all year around, or is it seasonal?
It’s seasonal, but these days you can buy it in supermarkets for the whole year. But these winter ones are tasteless.
What brand are most of the electronics in your household?
Either Philips or Samsung, but we really have a huge mix of brands in our home.
Is any part of your body hurting right now?
My legs, from all the walking I’ve done today. And it’s not the end.
What's your favourite aunt or uncle's first name?
Do you prefer your tea with or without milk?
I don’t drink tea.
What sound makes you cringe?
Moaning during sex. Yeah, I can’t help it. Sounds fake af.
Have you ever smoked a cigarette?
Not even once in my life.
If so, do you still smoke?
What do you think about androgynous names?
To each their own.
Do you see yourself getting married one day?
I am married already.
Do you get sick often?
Hardly ever, to be honest.
Who was the last person you invited into your home?
Someone who was raising donations, but it was my husband who invited them.
Are you of legal drinking age in the country you live in?
A fun fact about my country is that it doesn’t really have a legal drinking age.
How old were your parents when they got engaged?
I don’t think they ever got engaged lol. They’ve been knowing each other since forever.
Are your parents still together?
Yes, they are.
What flavour was the last ice cream you ate?
I don’t know, lemon or something?
Are you health conscious?
More than before.
Have you ever done a first aid course?
Yes and I’m very happy for that. I know basics of all things, but I’m focused mostly on helping people with seizures and determining potential strokes.
If so, would you be prepared to perform CPR if necessary?
I think so.
Are you for or against gay marriage?
I’m married to another man, so answer that yourself.
Do you have any friends who bat for the other team?
I don’t bat for any teams, so basically all of them lol.
Have you ever written a letter to a politician?
I don’t think so.
Are there any songs that get stuck in your head very easily?
All of them.
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lyrics2world · 3 years ago
COSPLAYER Lyrics - Marracash
COSPLAYER Lyrics – Marracash
COSPLAYER Lyrics from NOI, LORO, GLI ALTRI is the latest English song sung by Marracash.COSPLAYER song lyrics written by Marracash, Marz (ITA), Zef and produced by Zef, Marz (ITA). COSPLAYER Lyrics La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la Dio mi salvi dalle commedie, dai cosplayer Da chi sposa la causa solo quando gli conviene (Ah) Dai politici sempre più simili ad influencer Finché…
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poetyca · 3 years ago
Bob Dylan – Bootleg Series (Complete) (Live)
Bob Dylan, nato con il nome di Robert Allen Zimmerman (Duluth, 24 maggio 1941), è un cantautore e compositore statunitense.
Distintosi anche come scrittore, poeta, attore, pittore, scultore e conduttore radiofonico, è una delle più importanti figure degli ultimi cinquant’anni nel campo musicale, in quello della cultura popolare e della letteratura a livello mondiale.[2][3][4]
La maggior parte delle sue canzoni più conosciute risale agli anni sessanta, quando l’artista si è posto come figura chiave del movimento di protesta americano. Canzoni come Blowin’ in the Wind e The Times They Are A-Changin’[5] sono diventate gli inni dei movimenti pacifisti e per i diritti civili.
I testi delle sue prime canzoni affrontano temi politici, sociali e filosofici e risentono di influenze letterarie, sfidando le convenzioni della musica pop e appellandosi allacontrocultura del tempo.
Nel corso degli anni Dylan ha ampliato e personalizzato il suo stile musicale arrivando a toccare molti generi diversi come country, blues, gospel, rock and roll, rockabilly,jazz e swing, ma anche musica popolare inglese, scozzese ed irlandese[6][7].
Oltre ad aver di fatto inventato (o re-inventato) la figura del cantautore contemporaneo[8][9], a Dylan si devono, tra le altre cose, l’ideazione del folk-rock (in particolare con l’album Bringing It All Back Home, del 1965)[10], il primo singolo di successo ad avere una durata non commerciale (gli oltre 6 minuti della celeberrima Like a Rolling Stone, del 1965)[11] e il primo album doppio della storia del rock (Blonde on Blonde, del 1966)[12]. Il video promozionale del brano Subterranean Homesick Blues (1965) è considerato da alcuni il primo videoclip in assoluto[13][14].
Tra i molti riconoscimenti che gli sono stati conferiti vanno menzionati almeno il Grammy Award alla carriera nel 1991[15], il Polar Music Prize (ritenuto da alcuni equivalente del premio Nobel in campo musicale[16]) nel 2000[17], il Premio Oscar nel 2001 (per la canzone Things Have Changed, dalla colonna sonora del film Wonder Boys, per la quale si è aggiudicato anche il Golden Globe)[18], il Premio Pulitzer nel 2008[19], la National Medal of Arts nel 2009[20] e la Presidential Medal of Freedom nel2012[21].
La rivista Rolling Stone lo inserisce al secondo posto nella lista dei 100 miglior artisti[22] e al settimo in quella dei 100 migliori cantanti[23].
  Bob Dylan (/ˈdɪlən/; born Robert Allen Zimmerman, May 24, 1941) is an American singer-songwriter, artist, and writer. He has been influential in popular music and culture for more than five decades. Much of his most celebrated work dates from the 1960s when his songs chronicled social unrest, although Dylan repudiated suggestions from journalists that he was a spokesman for his generation. Nevertheless, early songs such as “Blowin’ in the Wind” and “The Times They Are a-Changin’” became anthems for the American civil rights and anti-war movements. Leaving his initial base in the American folk music revival, Dylan’s six-minute single “Like a Rolling Stone” altered the range of popular music in 1965. His mid-1960s recordings, backed by rock musicians, reached the top end of the United States music charts while also attracting denunciation and criticism from others in the folk movement.
Dylan’s lyrics have incorporated various political, social, philosophical, and literary influences. They defied existing pop music conventions and appealed to the burgeoningcounterculture. Initially inspired by the performances of Little Richard, and the songwriting of Woody Guthrie, Robert Johnson and Hank Williams, Dylan has amplified and personalized musical genres. His recording career, spanning 50 years, has explored the traditions in American song—from folk, blues, and country to gospel, rock and roll, and rockabilly to English, Scottish, and Irish folk music, embracing even jazz and the Great American Songbook. Dylan performs with guitar, keyboards and harmonica. Backed by a changing line-up of musicians, he has toured steadily since the late 1980s on what has been dubbed the Never Ending Tour. His accomplishments as a recording artist and performer have been central to his career, but his greatest contribution is considered his songwriting.
Since 1994, Dylan has published six books of drawings and paintings, and his work has been exhibited in major art galleries. As a musician, Dylan has sold more than 100 million records, making him one of the best-selling artists of all time; he has received numerous awards including Grammy, Golden Globe and Academy Award; he has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Minnesota Music Hall of Fame, Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame, and Songwriters Hall of Fame. The Pulitzer Prize jury in 2008 awarded him a special citation for “his profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of extraordinary poetic power.” In May 2012, Dylan received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Barack Obama.
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