c00lac0la · 2 months
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sorry for not posting for a bit, totally forgot about this account for a moment.
Anyways! Here's my new engine persona!
i have the same basis as Rusty :3
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itzgalaxypaw · 6 months
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eeee ryan doodles (+ enginesona on the bottom corner) and kana gijinka ok goodnighf
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meanscarletdeceiver · 8 months
I personally believe that Awdry's original intention was to make "the fat director" a character who was somewhat out of touch with the railway world, and that the Hatt depicted in 3 railway engines who's "doctor has forbidden him to pull/push" and abandons Henry is very different from the Hatt who drives percy to his new home and puts on coveralls to test drive Henry and see his problems for himself. It would almost seem like character development if it weren't for the fact that we know that the latter Hatt is Swindon trained. And, of course, even in book 2 he seems to be much more involved in actual on the ground operations.
Oh yeah, yeah! 'Out-of-touch dumbass' is 100% what "the fat director" was for Awdry originally. The shenanigans in "The Sad Story of Henry" are fully in line with the kinda stories Awdry liked to write — you see it all again in The Little People — he really does just like to make up some guys, put them in situations, and have them ineffectually try to idiot their way out of things (and make an even more bizarre situation in the process).
Actually so based of him to be like, "This is a book about trains. Trains are great. They're big and stupid and emotional, but great. The guys who run the trains are cool too. Btw kids, you know who on a railway sucks? The directors." Wilbert A., in that moment you were kind of an icon.
The anti-fat and ableist tropes ('he's making it up, he doesn't need accommodations, he's just too lazy to try and pull a train') are not so chill but I do love this anti-top-hat energy he was bringing to the table in the early game.
The publishers were honestly right to make Awdry bring all three engines onto the same railway and to make a happy ending for the stories... but, Fat-Director-wise, the result is hilarious. I don't think "some people be hardasses sometimes," even "some of these hardasses are useless themselves but still have the power to destroy your life and they will use it without thinking twice," is nearly as off-color a message in a kid's story book as "and sometimes that terrifying hardass is just this nice, kindly, fair paternal figure :) who was justly pissed off at you for your ignorance :) but who will be nice to you later :) and you should be grateful to them really :)" Such is almost always the way with clumsy attempts to sanitize — the result is worse.
Book 2: "The terrifyingly clueless hardass is your enginesona's dad now, kiddos! :)"
To be fair, I don't think it's certain that Hatt's Swindon training guarantees he'd be any nicer — we don't know that — though it is undoubtedly weird that "the Great Western way," with all its implied efficiency, would result in an apprentice who grows up to brick up a gauntletted line and bore a new tunnel rather than just get a few engines to drag Henry somewhere out of everyone's way before abandoning him. The stupidity of it is harder to explain by "he undergoes some character development :)" But the dropped over-the-top harshness could be explained that way.
Anyway it would be so cool if someone rewrote the RWS but with the Fat Director/Controller maintaining his original characterisation. I just want to see what that would look like.
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aeondeug · 6 months
i wish youtubers and streamers showing their faces wasn't normal. i find it uncomfortable a lot of the time. i'm fine with like the vtuber faces and stuff because cartoon faces aren't scary. you can be a thomas the tank enginesona on youtube just not a real human person. please. for my sake.
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i-moved-shooshoogo · 4 years
Who wants info about they? (Enginesona, but shapeshifters edition)
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everysona · 3 years
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everysona · 4 years
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everysona · 5 years
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everysona · 5 years
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everysona · 5 years
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everysona · 5 years
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everysona · 6 years
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everysona · 7 years
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