#engin miskunn
kropotkindersurprise · 5 months
While we're talking about Hatari, and because you cant add videos to replies, this is my favorite Hatari song: Engin Miskunn (No Mercy), about the fall of Capitalism.
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mylfcjournal · 1 year
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So, for me it's Barbie Era Mo Salah in the Icelandic dystopian world
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likopinina · 2 years
i'll never not think about this comment under the engin miskunn mv
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transcript under the cut
screenshot shows a comment by Nikola Baric:
Few takeaways from the video. 1. Matthias is clearly leading the metheor. 2. The machine Einar is playing on has Mona Lisa and Egyptian Mithology symbols instead of usual (one of them being allseing eye, commonly related to Illuminati). 3. At 1:08 Einar is doing a countdown and also before that another countdown, but this time in form of money being spent rapidly. 4. The girl wakes up when the metheor hits. 5. I don't know why, but the statue dancers are dancing below reminds me of Hammer and Sickle 6. When Matthias and Einar appear it's like they're not material, because nobody notices them. Furthermore, some of my thoughts. Since Hatrid mun Sigra I had a feeling that everyone of the group members plays a role. Matthias is hatred, destruction. Einar is passing of time, discontinuity. Klemens is the cry of helpless humanity. Andrean represents regular conformist population. Solbjort and Astros are unclear, but they could represent aparatus of authority and obidience. In this video- Matthias is leading the meteor (destruction, hatred). Einar is waiting to join him while simbolically counting down humanity's last moments. Judging by the symbols on the machine, it could be that evil (Illuminati or whatever you want to call it) took over the society. Andrien is helplessly lost in consumerism, even in his last moments, like a zombie. And finally, Klemens is being summoned be the last people who are willing to fight the system (or it could be he was already there before and the people are worshiping him). Interestingly, they appear to be in a mall of some kind. He tells them this is the day on which people will be saved (doomsday has arrived). But Matthias (evil, destruction) arrives and makes them corrupted by greed and consumption, so they kill/consume their own savior while living their last moments. I'm still not sure about the girl but it's interesting that it seems like she wakes up when the metheor hits. Pay attention to the metheor during the shot before the girl appears. Edit: now when I watched it again, it seems that only the main priest got corrupted. Interesting. It reminds me of the relationship betweehn the Church and regular folks. Whatever Church does, believers will act like sheeps, without any reaction to the evil that's going on before their eyes. They would rather watch their god being killed, but react. It also makes sense that Klemens is some kind of diety here. When you think about it, the concept of god could be viewed as a cry for help by people who are not able to live with the cruelty of life and need a hope for salvation. P.S. sorry for the bad English.
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those-pink-specs · 2 years
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Contemplating impending doom and humane marketing strategies for 2023.
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1000punks · 7 months
RULES: post 5 songs that you associate with your oc's, and 4 outfits they would wear/their style
(i didn't get tagged but saw this floating around)
for Festé:
Drowning - Radio Company
Forever Ain't Long - Radio Company
Big Iron - Marty Robbins
Cherry Wine - Hozier
Hey Man, Nice Shot - Filter
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for Roiben:
The Killing Moon - Echo and the Bunnymen
Sacred - Depeche Mode
Crimewave - Crystal Castles, HEALTH
Marduk - Heilung
Engin Miskunn - Hatari
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i'm tagging: @kirahlene @treshmind @song-writer-melo-wrath and @promtease
if you see this and want to partake too, go nuts!!
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Tagged by @marcusrobertobaq to post one song for each letter of my url
Oh, okay
I Can't Decide – Scissor Sisters
When You Die – MGMT
On the Sunny Side of the Street – Peggy Lee
Never Gonna Give You Up – Rick Astley
Dear John – I Monster
Engin Miskunn – Hatari
Roses – Nik Kershaw
Washing Machine Heart – Mitski
Hold on Tight – A Place To Bury Strangers
0% Angel – Mr.Kitty (you know how hard it was to find a song that starts from zero?)
Tagging mutuals with long as fuck names (sorry) @detroitbecomeonline @extraordinaryandroid and also @radibe5 and @maddsmallow
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isabella-gently · 1 year
@alicestrange98 tagged me.
5 songs I currently listen to:
tagging: @lokilaufeyson7
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human-antithesis · 1 year
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Hermit's Lair - Human Antithesis https://t.me/Human_Antithesis
Misthyrming - Með Hamri (December 16th, 2022) Country: Iceland Genre: Black Metal Format: FLAC
D.G. - Vocals, Guitars, Piano, Electronics
Tómas Ísdal - Guitars, Backing Vocals
Gústaf Evensen - Bass, Backing Vocals
Magnús Skúlason - Drums
Kristófer Páll Viðarsson - Interludes (Tracks 2, 3)
Alexandra Mágnusdóttir - Female Vocals
Sandra Kristjánsdóttir - Female Vocals
Klara Schweitz - Female Vocals
Vera Viglundsdóttir - Female Vocals
Miscellaneous Staff:
D.G. - Recording, Mixing
Tómas Ísdal - Recording
Christophe Chavanon - Mastering
Manuel Tinnemans - Cover Art
Void Revelations - Photography
Alejandro Tedín - Design
Label: Norma Evangelium Diaboli
Með hamri - 06:27
Með harmi - 08:10
Engin miskunn - 08:20
Engin vorkunn - 07:13
Blóðhefnd - 03:29
Aftaka - 09:52
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eriellesudario · 5 years
Neyslutrans Review | Hatari | Is it worth the €20???
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If you haven’t been following this blog lately, then you should be aware that I’m a fan of Hatari. Been listening to them since their announcement to compete for Songvakeppnin 2019 and still listening to them since Eurovision 2019. In fact, I somewhat interact with the Reddit community in r/hatari.
So when it was announced that Hatari’s newest album was going to be released on the 17th of January, I was really excited! I mean, the hype train started to take motion when someone in the subreddit showed their YouTube copyright claims on their hatari videos.
After giving it some time and listening to it once or twice, here are my thoughts on Hatari’s newest album – Neyslutrans.
PS: I will try to be unbiased as possible
First Impressions
Listening to the whole album gave me Muse – Resistance and Drones vibes. I guess it’s the orchestral music that gave me that feeling, along with the fact that the songs in the album are about hopelessness or submitting to the inevitability of the end.
Album art is quite off-putting in my opinion. I guess I just don’t know the context and people are saying that the girl featured will be seen in the upcoming Engin Miskunn music video (still unconfirmed).
What I want to discuss though is the price of the album. This, I want to compare it to K-pop album, more specifically – BTS Love Yourself: Answer.
You see, in the new Hatari album, there are 5 songs that were sold in other albums and singles. And some of them existed WAYYY before Hatari was announced for Songvakeppnin (eg: Spillingardans [2018]).
So we’re paying €20 for an album with 8 new songs.
If we compare this with BTS albums, Answer had songs come back from the ‘Her’ and ‘Tear’ versions like Fake Love, Singularity, Best of me, etc. This album cost similar to how much I will be paying for Neyslutrans (thanks Australia). So despite my ‘fomo’ kicking in, part of me is also like ‘Is it worth getting the album if I’m being sold similar songs‘?. I mean, I know singles get released before the final product but they’re usually at least 1 or 2 in a 10 song album.
Ok, so apparently, people didn’t like the BTS comparison (fair nuff, people don’t like Kpop). The reason I chose those albums is becuse it shares a similar point about releasing the same songs over and over and you question how much you’re paying for. But since nobody liked it, here is a new one.
Sergey Lazarev – Russia’s representative in 2016 and 2019. Whenever he releases albums (or his older ones at least), some of the songs, at least 3 or 4, came from other singles from a a year ago or two like Lucky Stanger or Идеальный мир (idealniy mir). In Discogs, an album is like $60 inc shipping.
This is where the song review kicks in.
Song Reviews
Side note: getting my translations here!
Spillingardans, Klámstrákur, Klefi / صامد (featuring Bashar Murad)
These songs are from the existing singles that were released prior. If you want to thoughts prior, here is my review for Klamstakur and Spillingardans was briefly mentioned here.
For Klefi, it’s a good collab with Bashar Murad. Icelandic with Arabi is an interesting language mix that somewhat worked well in the song.
Engin Miskunn
Good first song. It sets the mood on what to expect and the general theme of Hatari. That there is no mercy, that they live through this dystopia where all hope and love is lost. That the end is near if we don’t do something about it.
Literally one of my fave songs in the album. On the surface level, it sounds like a song about being a submissive in a sexual relationship/arrangement. I do question if it’s a healthy one or are we dealing with something ‘lowkey abusive’ as portrayed in Fekete Részem by AWS (Hungary 2018).[Context: people think that based on the song’s music video, that it’s an abusive sexual relationship that he’s not enjoying]
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Hlauptu (featuring CYBER)
This feels like a revamp from the original and I quite like it. It just sounds cleaner compared to the original so I got to appreciate it more. The intro felt more sinister which kinda match the theme of the song (I guess – I’m basing it off translations found online).
Spectavisti Me Mori, Op. 8 (featuring Pétur Björnsson) & Nunquam Iterum, Op. 12 (featuring Friðrik Margrétar)
The orchestral/choir music is just… wow. I wouldn’t say it’s amazing but it just felt alright I guess. Not that it’s bad, it’s just an interesting mix to the album itself.
14 Ár
Without knowing what the song is about, the vocal contrast between Matthias and Klemens is really interesting. Gives of a weird harmonic feeling that you rarely get when you mix screaming with heavenly falsetto.
According to Hatari-Translations, this song is about manipulation and being in a toxic relationship (or at least that’s what’s being portrayed in the lyrics).
Overall, a song about toxic relationship is interesting as it allows us to discuss how bad this is and we have the right to leave. And knowing that Matthias is the victim in the song gives off an interesting view on how we interpret him as. Cuz normally, Matthias is portrayed as the dictator (eg: Hatrid Mun Sigra) – but THE VICTIM?!?!? THE ONE WHO IS HURT!?!?!? OMG… maybe Matthias portrays the pain, hurt, and hopelessness that we feel has humans rather than a soulless/merciless leader.
Also – the title of the song in English is 14 years… 14 YEARS?!?!? OMG….
It’s an alright song. I don’t have that much to say about them. Ógleði is very heavenly though despite it Klemens is talking about feeling sick and disgusted. So gotta appreciate the contrast.
Helvíti (featuring Svarti Laxness)
I love rapping. Lately, I’ve been having a lowkey appreciation for Icelandic Rap (mostly from Kròli and JoiPè) so being introduced to another Icelandic rapper is quite beneficial.
This entire song is a rap – with only Svarti Laxness performing in it. The song is about being in hell or in a hell-like environment. So it’s not like he’s dead or anything. If we follow the idea that Hatari lives in a dystopian future of our society, I might assume we’re living in a Mad max/gang-like political landscape where it’s ruled by dictators. So a start of a dystopian society.
This is also another favourite song of mine in the album.
Niðurlút (featuring GDRN)
Apparently this song shares similar lyrics to Nunquam Iterum, Op. 12. I wouldn’t know cuz I don’t speak the language. I have not much to say about this song asides from it’s a good song to end the album with. It’s mellow and less harsh so it’s a good way to conclude it all.
Hatrið Mun Sigra (Xtended)
So… I know Hatari is known for their jokes and ‘messing around’ but when we first found out that there was going to be an extended version, we thought more was going to be added, like new lyrics. But instead, the first few beats of the intro at the start was just played three times before the snare kicked in. So literally, nothing was added and it’s just the same song.
As a Hatari fan, I kinda got the joke… sort off. They like to mess around, be hypocrites, and sometimes don’t take interviews seriously. But as a listener and a Eurovision fan, this kinda infuriated me because I was kinda hoping for more. You can’t put just ‘xtended’ to a song and put something that little.
To my current knowledge, 2 Eurovision song had extended versions and it added more meaning to the one that was submitted. An example – Dance You Off by Benjamin Ingrosso (Sweden 2018).
As you can see, more lyrics was added and it just added more meaning to the original, especially since Eurovision has a 3-minute limit to their submissions. So I guess this song begs to question ‘how much are we paying for, for the name itself‘.
Overall thoughts – Is it worth the €20???
At the end of the day, music is hard to produce and after visiting Iceland in 2019, I learned that making CD’s in the country is even harder. For me, I will buy it since I’m a fan of the band, the songs are good, and it’s nice to have a physical copy.
The songs are good. Nice to see some singles return (but it’s odd since they’re from 2018 and prior). The album kinda messes around the theme on purchasing something cuz of the band name itself (in regards to the idea of buying something) and the idea of various forms of dystopias/forms of hopelessness (song-wise). The song likes play with various themes of society, relationships, mental health, politics that it’s quite nice and fits into what Hatari is about.
I’d give it 4/5 – mostly because I’d like to hear a cleaner version of other songs that were performed live like Dansið eða deyið and fans thought it was gonna be there but wasn’t. I guess I wanted more variety in the albums rather than just hearing similar songs for nearly half of the album.
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theystolemyjawbone · 3 years
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Look.…… ……
….. . .. … ………….. im sorry
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likopinina · 2 years
engin miskunn spam below :)
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1000punks · 4 months
extras/comments under the cut!
overall, this is a playlist about religious trauma. roiben is a bhaalspawn, there's no two ways about it. his feelings towards it are that he can't fight destiny, and resigns himself to being an assassin in bhaal's name, albeit reluctantly. "this is all i can be," he thinks. "so i'll be the best."
king for a day - ptv
Please, won't you push me for the last time? Let's scream until there's nothing left So sick of playing, I don't want this anymore The thought of you is no fucking fun You want a martyr? I'll be one Because enough's enough, we're done
You told me think about it, well I did Now I don't wanna feel a thing anymore I'm tired of begging for the things that I want I'm over sleeping like a dog on the floor
roiben sees a lot of his relationship with bhaal mirrored in his relationship with astarion, and as such, he'll be a martyr for both of them. two birds, one stone, right? the only way that relationship is gonna end is if one kills the other. but until that happens, roiben is happy to be astarion's blunt little instrument.
knockin' on heaven's door - bob dylan
Mama put my guns in the ground I can't shoot them anymore That cold black cloud is comin' down Feels like I'm knockin' on Heaven's door
what a twisted, cynical version of heaven. heaven for a bhaalist, i imagine, would be dying bloody and screaming.
desolation row - my chemical romance (bob dylan cover)
They're selling postcards of the hanging Well, they're painting the passports brown Yeah, the beauty parlor's filled with sailors The circus is in town
the bob dylan version is more extensive but i just felt this fit the vibe of cynicism and mass destruction that roiben would cause during and after the events of the netherbrain crisis. especially with astarion. gods below.
r*** me - nirvana
i won't post any lyrics for this one, but the overall tone of it is "fine. take everything from me. you'll get it back tenfold."
the killing moon - echo and the bunnymen
Fate Up against your will Through the thick and thin He will wait until You give yourself to him
it's about bhaal. or is it about astarion? who can say for sure? roiben's head hurts.
sacred - depeche mode
Sacred, holy To put it in words, to write it down That is walking on hallowed ground But it's my duty, I'm a missionary
So here is my confession It's an obsession I'm a firm believer And a warm receiver
it's about astarion. or is it about bhaal? who can say for sure? roiben's head still hurts.
crimewave - crystal castles
Eyes lit on sharp threats from dark lips The lights press the soft skin to rough hands Eyes lit on sharp threats from dark lips The lights press the soft skin to rough hands
i have a scene in my head about the way that roiben approaches physical intimacy the same way he approaches murder. enough said.
marduk - heilung
i won't post lyrics here, but the lyrics are just all of the different names for marduk by the babylonians. i also encourage you to look at the marduk -> bel -> baal connections in ancient history. the name "marduk" translates to "lord," or "master."
engin miskunn (no mercy) - hatari
Eldur mun gleypa veröldu þína Haldreipi áttu engu að fagna Enga miskunn!
Fire will consume your entire world No lifeline to hold on to No mercy!
in the end, roiben is really in it alone. bhaal wants to use him as an instrument. so does astarion. so has everyone else in his life. the rage that must go along with that, hoo boy.
after dark - alper6nen
We're swaying; To drum beats In motion; I'm feeling My patience; Controlling The question; I won't speak We're telling; The stories Our laughter; He knows me We're leaving; We're talking You're closer; It's calming
all things considered, astarion is still the first person to show roiben an ounce of care. and under the cover of night, he can open up a little bit. a close second is shadowheart. he's never had friends before this, guys - give him a break :') also don't give mr. kitty money/streams - that's why i used this version.
join me in death - HIM
This world is a cruel place And we're here only to lose So before life tears us apart let Death bless me with you
there are only two things certain to roiben; astarion, and everything dies eventually. he loves him, but he's scared of love, he's never felt it. so it comes out this twisted broken thing as he watches the person he loves become the worst possible version of himself. roiben has to wonder, how did the two of them get here? is everything he touches destined to break?
I'm crossing the borderline Without a sound A wilderness No one could ever know The sadness How it brings me down I know I have no choice
Is it wise? Taking a life?
this is specifically about the Urge. the lyrics in general kill me, it sounds so hopeless. and it is.
zetsubou billy (billy in despair) - maximum the hormone
愛 知恵比べ 緊迫 エゴの屈折サディスト 断片邪念の鉄槌 奪れゆく生命
臓器広げ懺悔 ほくそ笑む死神 因果関係なぜ?
Love, a battle of wits, tension, bending of the ego, a sadist Fragments from the hammer of an evil mind, robbing one of life Saturated with criminals, the urgent murder of a sinner Snickering gods of death, why this repercussion?
these two parts, specifically? shit, dude. more about destiny and the fight, the death, the potential repurcussions, the emptiness it leaves in the chosen vessel. you get it.
dead souls - NIN
Someone take these dreams away That point me to another day A duel of personalities That stretch all true realities
That keep calling me They keep calling me Keep on calling me They keep calling me
the urge, and also the meta associated with roiben outside of the events of the game (inside the events of the tri-soul, for example).
tear you apart - she wants revenge
It's only just a crush, it'll go away It's just like all the others it'll go away Or maybe this is danger and he just don't know You pray it all away but it continues to grow
i don't know that i have to explain this one lmfao but it's about astarion.
i don't wanna be me - type o negative
i think this one does what it says on the can!
aerials - system of a down
When you lose small mind, you free your life Aerials, so up high When you free your eyes, eternal prize
this one is the theme song for roiben embracing his urge. it was touch and go in act 2, he didn't get isobel immediately but he got her in the end.
pretty handsome awkward - the used
Your market value Your resurrection (your resurrection) Your shallow concept help yourself I hope you choke and you die I know you meant it Nice fucking disguise (so hollow) Embrace the burn You bleed just like you puke while running a mile
you know that banter line you sometimes get when you click back to Durge? it goes "Wretched thing, pull yourself together." this song reminds me of that, like an inner monologue.
dig up her bones - misfits
I have seen the demon's face I have heard of her death place I fall down on my knees in praise of the Horrible things that took her away
And death climbs up the steps one by one To give you the rose that's been burnt by her son
this gives me a very post-orin battle vibe. i think roiben would ultimately feel guilty about it but carry on dutifully regardless.
kiss the ring - my chemical romance
Move back the walls And keep the faith Don't leave a dry eye left in the back of place Is it hard To stay clean? And if you all keep believing I'll keep believing
another embracing the urge anthem, it just gets harder to push aside from here on out, and roiben's head hurts.
leviathan - leathermouth
i'm not posting lyrics because i think you really need to experience this song itself. think, inner monologue. think, losing your mind. think, bloodthirsty.
smells blood - kensuke ushio
God can't stop me, we are coming You are one of us, remember God can't stop me, we are coming You are one of us, remember
God can't stop me, we are coming You are one of us, remember God can't stop me, we are coming You are one of us, remember
I don't need God Because I'm him I don't need God Because I'm him (ah)
this song is from devilman crybaby and it plays (almost) every time that asuka/satan does something. consider the lore of the fall of lucifer here. :0
the murderer - alesana
The knife slides down to the tip of my tongue. I'm finding pleasure in watching you writhe. I lean in just to lick the sweat off your face. I taste the reverence dripping down my throat.
shuffles notes uhhh, nuff said.
terrible lie - NIN
Hey God, why are you doing this to me? Am I not living up to what I'm supposed to be? Why am I seething with this animosity? Hey God, I think you owe me a great big apology Terrible lie Hey God, I really don't know what you mean Seems like salvation comes only in our dreams I feel my hatred grow all the more extreme Hey God, can this world really be as sad as it seems?
i think this is the song that plays in the distance when roiben is standing in the wreckage of the apocalypse and is maybe, considering the weight of what his hands have done.
gimme danger - the stooges
Now, if you will be my lover I will shiver and sing But if you can be my master I will do anything
this one really has to do with helping astarion ascend, and being his right hand. is he a lover? is he a master with an iron hand? yes!
head like a hole - NIN
God Money I'll do anything for you God Money just tell me what you want me to God Money nail me up against the wall God Money don't want everything he wants it all No you can't take it No no you can't take it (You can't take that away from me) Head like a hole Black as your soul I'd rather die than give you control
regrets? maybe there are some down the line. maybe when roiben gets a little older he'll wish he hadn't caused so much destruction. maybe later if there's any wiggle room he'll resist the urge to kill.
the hills - the weeknd
I only call you when it's half-past five The only time that I'll be by your side I only love it when you touch me, not feel me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, yeah
i definitely see a!a/roiben's relationship changing a lot after the events of the game. getting tired of one another emotionally, still craving that physical connection. roiben especially tiring of the theatrics and the promiscuity (i feel like a!a would be promiscuous as a power grab, but that's just my mind palace). their relationship is something that happens only in the dark of night.
came for the low - ZHU
We can be alone Push it 'til you're gone Tripping with the low I know you wanna go again
speaking of things that happen in the dark of night... their relationship is more of necessity than love after so long. it's a power struggle. very "you're the only motherfucker that can handle me (derogatory)"
hysteria - muse
'Cause I want it now I want it now Give me your heart and your soul And I'm breaking out I'm breaking out Last chance to lose control
i'm really hoping to explore these themes in a fic, so i won't say too much. maybe things eventually end for the both of them. sips drink
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cipherhunter · 5 years
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#when your favourite cereal is on sale
Andrean Sigurgeirsson in ENGIN MISKUNN
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rosarobot · 5 years
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I was drawing this girl from the album cover associating it with ógleði but when engin miskunn mv came out I had to make a dark version ⚙️
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mun-sigra · 5 years
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Matti making his way downtown
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