#engage with the boar / starter call
whirling-fangs · 2 years
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This is a permanent starter call for Inosuke’s demon verse! You can find more detailed information about this AU right here.
Leave a ♥ on this post at any time, and I’ll get you a starter asap!
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Back to back... Zenitsu X reader
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This is a Kny modern AU starring our fabulous lemon boy Zenitsu!
You were an… interesting individual to say the least. Not so much that you could be classed a scumbag, but you could unabashedly say that you enjoyed the occasional fight on public transportation as much as the next person… It was a welcome distraction, one where you could pick sides and silently rate the insults exchanged between the involved parties. What you did not appreciate however, was being caught in the crossfire.
You should have known of the chaos that would ensue as soon as you saw them get on the train. A weirdo in a boar mask. Check. Another weirdo, dressed like a lemon that looked like he was perpetually on the verge of tears… Check.
The last of the troupe looked normal, with pretty red hair and gentle features. But looks could be deceiving and judging but the fact that boar mask had repeatedly referred to him as an “underling” you knew his kind face was probably a façade and that they were in league with one another.
At the time their peculiarity had only served to spark your curiosity, allowing you to momentarily escape the monotony of your own life and enter into the world of their colourful attire and animated conversation. Boar mask or “Inouske” as you’d come to know by overhearing their discourse, was engaged in a histrionic display of attempting to jump out the window and pit his speed against this “beast” that was the train… probably an acting student. You’d also watched as the crying lemon tried desperately to restrain his eccentric friend.
Their idiosyncratic ministrations caused you to erupt in a fit of withheld giggles and made you wonder of the interesting adventures that would arise from being a regular in their company.
Such was the blissful state of ignorance you found yourself in. But once enlightened you’d come to realise that it was not acting, nor anything cultured that functioned as Inouske’s motivation for wearing such bizarre animal skin, but rather to hide a glaring absence of brain cells.
The start of the era of aforementioned “enlightenment” was commenced by raised voices, for a few incoherent shouts later and you had realised you were witnessing the beginnings of an argument… about what, you could not tell.
A couple moments later the lemon and the boar were engaged in a heated exchange whilst the man you’d come to know was named “Kamaboko Gonpachiro” had restricted Inouske by the underarms. Again, you had almost been enjoying the front-seat experience but - to your own detriment - the boar slipped out of Gonpachiro’s grasp, and he sent the lemon flying in your direction.
You briefly heard a pained grunt of surprise, but you hadn’t the time to analyse the particulars of the sound any further as before you knew it his sturdy back had slammed into your face. In any other context you might have welcomed the notion of being smothered by built muscle, but you were on a rather stinky train going home and of all the empty cars you had to have been seated near some (newly regarded) boisterous fools and a drunkard singing Beyoncé.
Gone was the simplicity of an evening train ride. You get on, you get off. Bob’s your uncle. Was it too much to ask? Apparently.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand. With murder on your mind, you pushed the lemon away from you and cupped your face. As if your body was sharing your mental vexation, blood started to dribble out of your nose and onto the train flooring. “WAAAAH! IM SO SORRY MISS,” he screamed. You decided to dignify his apology with a curt scoff; this fool has the audacity to look more distressed than me! “Save it, just leave me alone.”
Kamaboko was busy scolding Inouske and offered up his apologies along with a handkerchief, but you waved them off and told them to forget about it. They’re probably worried I want to press charges…
The lemon, however, completely ignored your dismissal, continuing to ask desperately for your forgiveness and for a way he could make amends (whilst Inouske snorted arrogantly in the background). You, in a wave of sympathy and despite initial annoyance, agreed.
That was how you ended up in a small coffee shop on the corner of a quiet road. What you hadn’t expected was for you both to become good friends and for it to become the spot for your regular rendezvous. You’d come to learn allot about the lemon you now called Zenitsu. He, despite occasionally being overbearing, had a kind heart and was quick to make you laugh, so you had asked if he wanted to meet again, he’d accepted (a little too enthusiastically), and you’d become increasingly fond.
There were also casual gatherings - on occasion - with the rest of his enigmatic companions, ones you enjoyed very much, but had always found such meetings could never allow you to hold the same sort of enthusiasm you did for the almost intimate setting you and Zenitsu would frequent together.
However, on one such visit to said setting, there had been something noticeably different about his behaviour.
These observations were substantiated by the understanding that you had recently come into the knowledge he was interested in you romantically to some capacity and – to your own amusement – it was becoming progressively evident.
He’d been fidgeting in his seat, fiddling with his hands, and tripping over his words. Not to mention the fact that he’d turned a bright shade of plum red. You subsequently decided to humour his antics and dissipate the tension.
“Stop blushing, it’s running your colour scheme.”
What, in your mind, served as a witty, ice-breaking, apprehension abolishing conversation starter was met with more blushing and followed by awkward silence.
Tough crowd…
“um … Yn-chaan” Eventually, his timid voice broke the silence and captured your attention.
“I- I like you.”
You smiled into the cup and took a long sip of your hot chocolate “Yeah, I like you too Zenitsu.”
Rolling your eyes, you let out a laugh “I know what you mean…”
And I mean it too
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suresaint-moved · 5 years
!   / 1832  ,  starter call  :  @velvetipped ( alex drake ) .
Would you be surprised to find out that this is not the first time she has gone on a hunting trip with the husband of the woman she, quite frequently, engaged in (to put it politely) “amorous congress” with? By which she means she was a part of the same convivial society as his wife, where no man was allowed to join because nobody wanted them there. Particularly its president. Chiefly, her. Glancing sideways at him now, she sees that his crossbow is by far the largest one there, but she’s less impressed by it than she is curious about the size of his third leg, and how much he must be compensating with the oversized hunting weapon presently settled between two fat thighs and the spine of the horse (which she pities) he sits on. It makes her imagine him on top of Alexandra; how heavy he must be, and disgusting. But she ate eggs for breakfast and, scared that it might all come up again, doesn’t think about it for long, though it leaves her gripping the reins of her own horse tighter, and causes her jaw to jut out a little sharper than before. Hunting is not a sport she enjoys doing, but to spite this man she’ll bring back the biggest boar that this forest has to offer. That way she will embarrass him and, more importantly, impress his wife. 
Zelda slows her horse long enough to trot alongside Alex, and when she does, she smiles widely at her. “A lovely morning to be killing a bunch of innocent pigs.” If it sounds like she disapproves, it’s because she does. Not enough to say no to the challenge entirely, mind, because her arrogance gets the better of her, but just enough to vocalise her distaste for it. “Your husband is very good at choosing the most suitable game for us to play. Although, Peter - and I mean no offence by this - but you don’t at all look the sort to go hunting very often.” She is confident enough to mock him in front of the group, staring into the back of his head and imagining his face to be a deep beetroot colour. If it isn’t, then a couple of hours with her and it would be. He seems the sort of man to have a quick temper. If only Anne was there, they could enjoy this together. Zelda looks at Alex again, at the way she sits rigidly on her horse. Nervous, maybe. “How are you feeling about all of this? You look like you want to be anywhere but here.” But Alex had insisted on coming for some reason. Maybe to keep an eye on her husband and her lover. To make sure nothing went horribly wrong.
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whirling-fangs · 2 years
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This is a permanent starter call for Inosuke’s canon verse! Interactions will most often take place after the Yuukaku arc, but I can adapt to any timeline your muse might work best with.
Leave a ♥ on this post at any time, and I’ll get you a starter asap!
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whirling-fangs · 2 years
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This is a permanent starter call for the Kimetsu Gakuen verse! You can find more detailed information about this AU right here.
Leave a ♥ on this post at any time, and I’ll get you a starter asap!
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