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my-pdiet · 2 years ago
Enfermedad renal crónica y restricción de proteínas
Enfermedad renal crónica y restricción de proteínas, su principal objetivo es:
  - controla la ingestión de un componente que aporta las proteínas que es el Nitrógeno,   - disminuir  la acumulación de residuos que contengan nitrógeno   - tratar de bajar los síntomas que provocan los niveles altos de nitrógeno en el organismo: anorexia, nauseas y vómitos.
Algunas pautas que se deben seguir para cumplir estos objetivos.   - Se deben asegurar el aporte energético adecuado a las personas.   - Se debe controlar el consumo de sal añadida, Muy importante NO utilizar los sustitutos de sal porque son ricos en potasio.   - La restricción de la cantidad de proteínas que se debe suministrar a los pacientes, dependerá básicamente de como están funcionando sus riñones.   - Al disminuir el consumo de proteínas, esta se deberán sustituir por hidratos de carbono:frutas, verduras
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hugodroid-blog · 5 years ago
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Nuevo #flashcard y #resumenmedico sobre la #EnfermedadRenalCronica (#ERC). 🤓. . Puede definirse mediante 2 criterios. ➡️Daño estructural o funcional de los #riñones evidenciado por la presencia de marcadores de daño renal en la orina, sangre o en imágenes por un período de 3 o más meses. . ➡️Una disminución de la función renal (#filtradoglomerular menor de 60 mililitros/min) en ausencia de marcadores de daño renal por un período de 3 o más meses. . Existen muchos factores de riesgo. Sin embargo la #HipertensionArterial + #Diabetes constituyen el 88.6% de los casos. . Otros #factoresderiesgo importantes son: uso de #AINES, exposición a tóxicos o pesticidas, Sexo ♂️, Ac familiar de ERC, mas de 60 años, prematurez y bajo peso al nacer o Ac de preeclampsia y diabetes gestacional. . Puede clasificarse en 5 estadios segun la #TFG. . 1️⃣Una TFG mayor de 90 = FG normal o elevado. 2️⃣Una TFG de 89-60 = FG normal o ligeramente reducido. --------------------------------------. 🚧 Los 2 primeros estadios suelen ser #asintomaticos y para su #diagnostico requieren la presencia de #Albuminuria, #Proteinuria o #Hemituria. ---------------------------------------. 3️⃣a Una TFG de 59-45 = Disminución leve-moderada del FG. 3️⃣b Una TFG de 44-30 = Disminución moderada a grave del FG. 4️⃣Una TFG de 29-15 = Disminución grave del FG. 5️⃣Una TFG menor a 15 = Insuficiencia renal en fase terminal. -------------------------------------------. 🚧 A partrir del #estadio3a se considera como #InsufcienciaRenalCronica (#IRC) y no requiere de marcadores para su diagnostico. -------------------------------------------. . 👉 Etiqueta a un amigo/a para que aprenda sobre la #enfermedadrenal cronica. . 🧠 Sigueme para mas @cerebro_medico. 🧠 Sigueme para mas @cerebro_medico. 🧠 Sigueme para mas @cerebro_medico. . -------------------------------------------. ��� Activa las notificaciones para no perderte de ningun contenido. -------------------------------------------. . Miercoles de #resumendemedicina y #repasomedico. . #resumen #repasoenfermedadrenal #nefrologia #medicinainterna #repasomedicina #medicino #estudiantedemedicina #estudiantemedico https://www.instagram.com/p/B3-P2e9FPVr/?igshid=mxl7fe17ijvf
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davidaguilartrasplante · 5 years ago
Enfermedad renal crónica, 4a. Causa mortalidad y discapacidad combinada en México!
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richardwilblg · 7 years ago
There are several sorts of kidney stone dependent on the kind of crystals of which they consists. In case one kidney gets dysfunctional, the extra kidney will normally enlarge to compensate for the drop in filtration capacity. My Dad’s donated kidney was put on the suitable side.
People who have a kidney disease have to modify their diet, in order to cut the likelihood of further kidney damage. A person who has kidney failure can develop quite a few health problems because the body is not able to acquire rid of extra water and waste solutions. It is one of the most important organs that acts as a natural refinery, removes waste from blood and helps in keeping our body clean. Whenever your kidneys are first starting to get problems, and you don’t have a good deal of protein in your urine, you aren’t going to notice any indicators.kidney flush The kidneys play a critical role in human survival. Other techniques which might help avoid a kidney infection could incorporate the subsequent.
Well, first it’s contingent on what type of kidney problem your cat has. In the event of blockages in the kidney, it is going to impact the kidney. There are various types of kidney stones that can be produced within the body. Transplanted kidneys are put in the decrease front abdomen.
The absolute most typical types are easy and complex renal cysts. In fact, lots of people with renal cysts aren’t conscious of their situation. There are many sorts of renal cysts, classified depending on the visual appeal of the fluid-filled lesions.
In the event of any renal difficulties, you may safely trust the renal diet recipes mentioned previously. Before you observe any diet for kidney stones, seek advice from your physician. It’s also wise to be changing your diet plan. A diet followed to be able to fight kidney diseases is called a renal diet. The very first thing you ought to do is a correct healthful diet.
There aren’t any particular treatments for little and benign renal cysts. In acute scenarios a surgery might be necessary, but this’s not true always. Unfortunately, even today, there are lots of doctors who aren’t acquainted with Medullary Sponge Kidney. Also patients will sweat a lot that’s the practice of removal of wastes within the body. In this manner, the patients will have the ability to avert the approaching of kidney transplant. It’s known to each doctor that the best method to treat this issue is to drink lots and tons of water.
Dark viscous yellow urine may be an indication of concentrated urine and might raise the danger of developing kidney stones. If you’ve got high blood pressure, your physician may inform you to have a medicine to help reduce your blood pressure and safeguard your kidneys from further damage. High blood pressure is the 2nd most typical cause of diminished kidney feature, and it’s crucial that it’s managed effectively. Usually, the majority of the fluid is going to be returned to the blood, whilst waste products wind up concentrated in little amounts of extra fluid and go to the bladder
El Hiperparatiroidismo secundario es una de las complicaciones más tempranas y frecuentes de la enfermedad renal crónica. Se caracteriza por un descenso en la activación de la vitamina D y el consiguiente aumento de la concentración de hormona paratiroidea, que a su vez afecta a los niveles de calcio y fósforo. El desequilibrio de estos minerales provoca la enfermedad metabólica ósea en estos pacientes y por tanto sus huesos se ven seriamente afectados. Las estrategias de tratamiento consisten en activar los receptores de vitamina D presentes en varios órganos, disminuyendo el riesgo de hipercalcemia, y suplementar esta vitamina por vía oral, además del control de los niveles en sangre y los valores séricos de calcio, magnesio, fósforo, hormona paratiroidea y fosfatasas alcalinas. #paratiroides #hiperparatiroidismo #huesos #saludosea #SaludRenal #vitaminad #calcitriol #calcio #fosforo #enfermedadrenalcronica #fallarenal #nefrologia #parathyroid #hiperparatiroidismosecundario #bones #boneshealth #kidneyhealth #renalcare #renalhealth #dvitamin #calcium #phosphorus #chronickidneydisease #nephrology #kidney
A post shared by Dra. Egimer Caruso (@dra.caruso) on Jul 27, 2017 at 5:24am PDT
from Larry Michaels Moral Hazard Clothing https://larrymichaelsmoralhazardclothing.wordpress.com/2017/09/18/there-are-several-kinds-of-kidney-stones/
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richardwilblg · 7 years ago
There are several sorts of kidney stone dependent on the kind of crystals of which they consists. In case one kidney gets dysfunctional, the extra kidney will normally enlarge to compensate for the drop in filtration capacity. My Dad’s donated kidney was put on the suitable side.
People who have a kidney disease have to modify their diet, in order to cut the likelihood of further kidney damage. A person who has kidney failure can develop quite a few health problems because the body is not able to acquire rid of extra water and waste solutions. It is one of the most important organs that acts as a natural refinery, removes waste from blood and helps in keeping our body clean. Whenever your kidneys are first starting to get problems, and you don’t have a good deal of protein in your urine, you aren’t going to notice any indicators.kidney flush The kidneys play a critical role in human survival. Other techniques which might help avoid a kidney infection could incorporate the subsequent.
Well, first it’s contingent on what type of kidney problem your cat has. In the event of blockages in the kidney, it is going to impact the kidney. There are various types of kidney stones that can be produced within the body. Transplanted kidneys are put in the decrease front abdomen.
The absolute most typical types are easy and complex renal cysts. In fact, lots of people with renal cysts aren’t conscious of their situation. There are many sorts of renal cysts, classified depending on the visual appeal of the fluid-filled lesions.
In the event of any renal difficulties, you may safely trust the renal diet recipes mentioned previously. Before you observe any diet for kidney stones, seek advice from your physician. It’s also wise to be changing your diet plan. A diet followed to be able to fight kidney diseases is called a renal diet. The very first thing you ought to do is a correct healthful diet.
There aren’t any particular treatments for little and benign renal cysts. In acute scenarios a surgery might be necessary, but this’s not true always. Unfortunately, even today, there are lots of doctors who aren’t acquainted with Medullary Sponge Kidney. Also patients will sweat a lot that’s the practice of removal of wastes within the body. In this manner, the patients will have the ability to avert the approaching of kidney transplant. It’s known to each doctor that the best method to treat this issue is to drink lots and tons of water.
Dark viscous yellow urine may be an indication of concentrated urine and might raise the danger of developing kidney stones. If you’ve got high blood pressure, your physician may inform you to have a medicine to help reduce your blood pressure and safeguard your kidneys from further damage. High blood pressure is the 2nd most typical cause of diminished kidney feature, and it’s crucial that it’s managed effectively. Usually, the majority of the fluid is going to be returned to the blood, whilst waste products wind up concentrated in little amounts of extra fluid and go to the bladder
El Hiperparatiroidismo secundario es una de las complicaciones más tempranas y frecuentes de la enfermedad renal crónica. Se caracteriza por un descenso en la activación de la vitamina D y el consiguiente aumento de la concentración de hormona paratiroidea, que a su vez afecta a los niveles de calcio y fósforo. El desequilibrio de estos minerales provoca la enfermedad metabólica ósea en estos pacientes y por tanto sus huesos se ven seriamente afectados. Las estrategias de tratamiento consisten en activar los receptores de vitamina D presentes en varios órganos, disminuyendo el riesgo de hipercalcemia, y suplementar esta vitamina por vía oral, además del control de los niveles en sangre y los valores séricos de calcio, magnesio, fósforo, hormona paratiroidea y fosfatasas alcalinas. #paratiroides #hiperparatiroidismo #huesos #saludosea #SaludRenal #vitaminad #calcitriol #calcio #fosforo #enfermedadrenalcronica #fallarenal #nefrologia #parathyroid #hiperparatiroidismosecundario #bones #boneshealth #kidneyhealth #renalcare #renalhealth #dvitamin #calcium #phosphorus #chronickidneydisease #nephrology #kidney
A post shared by Dra. Egimer Caruso (@dra.caruso) on Jul 27, 2017 at 5:24am PDT
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