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Régua para Extensão
Com uma régua para extensão, você pode conectar vários aparelhos eletrônicos próximos uns dos outros, permitindo um acesso mais fácil a todos eles. Faça já uma cotação conosco: https://bit.ly/3KP7G6g
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caracoldimi · 4 months ago
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the GANG relics
(i fixed the errors now lol)
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santisimo1 · 2 months ago
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ratfantasy-sims · 6 years ago
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Democratic Dominion of Eneria (2) - 2 years exactly
I was going to wait to take a less in-progress-looking screenshot that was during the daytime, but while I was waiting for the floors to be completed some other nonsense happened and I decided to post anyway.
The biggest threats in this year were repetitive XUV flares, and starving animals. The biggest problems were the management of materials. However, a lot was accomplished - the main living area was mostly completed, defenses were installed and partially fine-tuned, and we were able to begin our quest for world domination, starting with item stashes. One colonist was lost - Johnson. Johnson was killed not by wild animals, but by a torso shot to the chest with a cutebold’s arrow. RIP Johnson - she was my main grower and her death is why the fields ended up barren for awhile. The other growers couldn’t catch up quickly. Nana was also lost due to a glitch, not death.
There was one relationship formed between colonists - Paola and Eggank. They broke up before this picture was taken, but they were together at some point. Eggank later formed a relationship with Misaki instead. He gets along with the ladies I guess.
We did acquire several new colonists. (under a read more)
Timoleon was a raider, recruited the natural way. His was previously a Macedonian before his resistance was broken. Timoleon is engaged to Paola now.
Knave is a staggeringly ugly refgugee who for some reason never defected despite being regularly miserable. In this photo he’s gone berserk, thankfully away from base. Carol is also a refugee - she’s got decent skills.
Jutta was purchased. She has a 19 in melee skill and kicks butt. She’s also a lesbian. A combat lesbian. Did you know that Gnolls have a habit of biting and scratching, moreso than humans? They do, and it causes bleeding. Don’t fuck with Jutta.
Schultz was purchased also. He’s not too great - but he is Paola’s brother. Paola’s father was also available from the same trader but I did not have enough silver to purchase them both.
Savumm was born as well. Savumm is the child of Paola and Huth. He is also their second child now - way to go. Savumm’s traits are Night Owl, Clean (more efficient medical skill), Optimist, and Chemical Fascination. His sister Cella’s traits are Nymphomaniac, Abrasive, Fast Walker and Beautiful. They have very little in common.
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greenmeister · 4 years ago
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innervoiceart · 4 years ago
O'SISTERS - Climate Change (Official Video)
This track is a spiritual song, asking the universe to forgive us, for what we're doing to our planet, with a poem from Kathy Jetnil Kijiner who has dedicated her speech for her baby daughter, feeling useless front of climate change refugee issue, and a piece of speech from Greta Thunberg. 
We wanted to act, in our way, thru our frequencies, our music, to continue to awake people, hoping for more respect and responsibility for our only world.
 Composed by Missill for Eneria  Written by Seny Camara
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mezzopieno-news · 5 years ago
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Il più grande impianto di cogenerazione alimentato a biomassa del mondo è talmente ecologico da essere stato costruito in mezzo ad una città, a Stoccolma, capitale della Svezia.
La centrale trasforma i residui della lavorazione del legno e gli scarti industriali a base di cellulosa in energia e in calore per la città ed è costruita in terracotta. Si chiama Värtaverket ed è circondata da uffici, appartamenti residenziali e aree ricreative. Questo grande impianto ecologico è stato costruito in tre anni di lavori e di collaudi, adattando la sua forma alle aree su cui sorgevano già una serie di querce protette, destinate ad area faunistica per la zona settentrionale della grande capitale. L'edificio è in mattoni rossi curvi, gli stessi dei vecchi edifici industriali pre-esistenti sul sito. L'elettricità prodotta dall'impianto alimenta la rete di teleriscaldamento del centro-sud di Stoccolma e il calore prodotto dalla cogenerazione dei biocarburanti riscalda circa 190.000 appartamenti di dimensioni medie, compensando l’equivalente di 126.000 tonnellate di emissioni di anidride carbonica all'anno.
L'impianto di cogenerazione è stato sviluppato da Fortum Värtan e dallo studio di ingegneri Gottlieb Paludan e mira entro il 2030 a produrre calore ed elettricità a Stoccolma utilizzando solo risorse rinnovabili, utilizzando trucioli, corteccia, rami, cime e ramoscelli provenienti dalla Scandinavia, dai paesi baltici e dalla Russia. La sua capacità di elaborazione delle materie prime è di circa 12.000 m³ al giorno, da tre a quattro navi e cinque treni di materiale a settimana.
Fonte: Gottlieb Paludan - 28 gennaio 2020
✔ Buone notizie cambiano il mondo. Firma la petizione per avere più informazione positiva in giornali e telegiornali https://www.change.org/p/per-avere-un-informazione-positiva-e-veritiera-in-giornali-e-telegiornali-e-portare-la-comunicazione-gentile-nelle-scuole
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balvinupdates · 8 years ago
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jbalvin MONTEVIDEO- URUGUAY #migenteEste miércoles 9 Agosto en el palacio Peñarol !!! LEGOOOOO
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autolovertumler · 5 years ago
Thank you for watching  Julie Ann Eneria Tiktok Dance. If you like video please "SUBSCRIBE" - "LIKE" - "SHARE" -"COMMENT"
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paiedad · 8 years ago
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Venha saborear o melhor café de #Sampa no #aro27bikecafe e conhecer uma das melhores loja de bike e acessórios no conceito #fixed e de uso urbano transporte alternativo #menoscarro mais #eneria e #saúde #vegano #veganos #bora #sportfordiabetc #maiasaude (em Aro 27 Bike Café)
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herbluesky20 · 2 years ago
Always. For keeps. My two bessi.
Mark Dio & Gabrelle Eneria.
I always love you both!!! I miss our good old days together. Di ako magsasawang suportahan kayo. Malayo man tayo sa isa't isa at madalang mag-usap. Kailanman di nagbago ang ating samahan. Salamat sa Dios at kayong dalawa ang ibinigay sakin. Mahal ko kayo sa tunay na kahulugan.
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super-rayssa-love-blog · 3 years ago
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Que a noite chegue trazendo enerias tranquilas................
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ratfantasy-sims · 6 years ago
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Democratic Dominion of Eneria (2) - 68 days - Permadeath
This screenshot was taken with just over a year in gameplay. The main threats in the first year were acquiring food and warding off hungry wild animals.
My original three colonists are Huth, General Cemm, and Teleda (half-eaten by a giant babboon, RIP Teleda)
Johnson and Misaki were once wild women and were tamed.
Cass is a chased refugee
Eggank and Cerelressian are wanderers
Nana and The Chosen were purchased.
Paola is the colony’s singular designated nymphomaniac - she has one child here, Cella. Cella’s father is Huth. I find more than one nymph annoying, so the event gets turned off.
Besides Teleda, there are two other graves. One belongs to Booker, another wild man tamed, half-eaten by a giant spider. The other belongs to Marks, a chased refugee, also half-eaten by a giant spider.
Modlist in read-more
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Currently Hospitality isn’t playing well with what I believe to be a custom race / faction mod (likely deathjacks, which is a bummer, because I like the addons for it). I get regular ‘visitors scared to enter because no beds’ messages, and when I ensure safety anyway, they never approach. If guest beds are on the map, the message stops appearing, and visitors never show at all. If I force visitors with dev-mode it works fine, but they’re not deathjacks.
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procurarcurso · 5 years ago
Como MONTAR O SEU NEGÓCIO DE ENERGIA SOLAR mesmo sem dinheiro para investir
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The post Como MONTAR O SEU NEGÓCIO DE ENERGIA SOLAR mesmo sem dinheiro para investir appeared first on Cursos Online.
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goferfermon27 · 5 years ago
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TELEFONOS: 53-58-68-88 / 53-94-07-57 / 53-83-48-99 / 58-21-32-26 / 16-60-57-24
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eliseosebastiantames · 5 years ago
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