#energy magick of the vampyre
sekhemsha · 1 year
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Current read - highly recommend 📖
There is an entire section in the back about how this particular book greatly influenced Anton LaVey.
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theic-manic · 6 months
Some rough notes for my Vampiric Grimoire (planning stage) feel free to use and/or contribute your own perspectives.
"Energy vampire" is a misused term since all feeding in energy feeding, just in different forms.
So I've made some brief notes on Vampire subgroups I've made for a grimoire I'm planning.
🩸Sanguine vampires
Your blood suckers, these vampires need plasma (in small amounts) to access energy.
Since there's an abundance of literature on Sanguines, I won't reinvent the wheel here, however I'll remind everyone of the importance of consent & safety.
🍆🍑Tantric Vampires
Aka Succubi & Incubi.
Similar to Sanguines, however they feed via different bodily fluids.
The main difference between Tantrics & Psi Vampires (to be covered below) is their need for erotic contact & fluids.
Again, remember consent & safety.
Unawakened tantrics may engage in hypersexual or sex-addict like behaviours.
💔 Emotional Vampires aka Emphatic Vampires
These are usually mixed up with Psi/Psychic vampires as the latter can feed via emotions, in a limited capacity.
The best metaphor for these guys is the movie Monster's Inc. & how the factory converts screams (& later, laughter) into energy.
Emotional Vampires may feed by deliberately triggering people however many discover pleasant ways to feed such has becoming comedians or musicians.
Also typically found in Political & public speaking careers.
They also make great trauma counsellors.
They can feed in a similar way to Tantrics, however they end up getting really hurt and/or manipulating others when hungry...
🔮 Psi Vampires aka Psychic vampires, Pranic Vampires, Strigoi
We're the energy omnivores in that we can feed in the same ways as other vampires however these other methods aren't as effective.
The downside of this is it can take us longer to awaken as Vampires, we may get caught up in the "fluffy bunny" (the love & light toxic positivity) community and/or end up going through hypersexual stages like our Tantric kin.
Unlike Tantric Vampires, we can feed via online interactions & be fairly satisfied.
We best feed when close to someone we can establish a link with, physical touch can also enhance this.
Unlike others, we can distance feed either astrally or via meditation though this takes discipline.
Similar to emotional Vampires we can feed from crowds, though we send out our "tendrils" to nibble from the crowd's auras.
This isn't as effective as "deep feeding".
We can benefit from learning Reiki & other energy work however we must be careful to avoid unawakened vampires who work in those fields.
Feng Shui is critical for our living spaces & we benefit from learning what our Ayurveda Doshas & Humors (Greek medicine concept) are, adjusting our physical food diets according to those.
Unfortunately we are probably why it's believed that vampires burn in sunlight since we are especially sensitive & weakened by the sun & sensitive to other weather events due to the type of energy involved.
That said, due to our relationship with energy we are especially good at Weather Manipulation, witchcraft & energy healing.
While we may be drawn to careers in healing, we're often found in toxic workplaces due to our ability to feed from & transmute negative energy.
While we CAN feed via emotions like our Emphatic kin, we can become really unwell if force fed large amounts of negative emotional energy, e.g. people in crisis.
📝 Note on naming conventions;
I'll eventually expand upon these in my personal grimoire, and once digitised I can make it available either as a Google doc or even a Tumblr post.
I plan on updating the naming conventions to be more accessible to wider audiences
ie each "type" will be given a plain English name, an "old country" name inspired by old myths & a spiritual name for those more accustomed to spirituality.
Psychic vampire naming conventions might resemble
Psi Vampire (Plain English)
Strigoi (Old country/mythos)
Prana Vampires (Spiritual)
The fun challenge will be creating a 3-name system for Sanguines 🩸🧛‍♀️
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Art by Justin O'Neal.
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wanderlust-psifang · 1 month
I posted this on a facebook group I'm part of and was interested if other vampires have utilized this approach, or work within the cyber magic paradigm. To be clear, I am not talking about technosorcery where you use computers and technology, but the direct transference of information from sorcerer to target for a magical outcome.
Recently, I've been working with cyber magic through the information model of magic formulated by Frater U.D. and it made me ponder on the distance of feeding I brought up a few months ago.
"Principia Cyber-Magica: (Provisional Version)
1. All movements of energy in the entire universe are controlled by information.
2. Information has no mass or energy. It is therefore nonlocal by definition and can spread/move faster than the speed of light.
3. With the help of cyber-magical techniques, it is possible to manipulate information, meaning that it can be retrieved, transferred, copied, deleted, and activated. This occurs through the manipulation of the central information memory in human, animal, mineral and mechanical organisms." -Frater U.D., Cyber Magic, High Magic: Theory and Practice Volume 1
"Please remember that even though energy loops are transferred with the intention of them adapting to the target person's energy balance, this does not involve the actual transfer of energy itself!" -Frater U.D., Cyber Magic, High Magic: Theory and Practice Volume 1
This made me ponder the idea that if what a psychic vampire feeds is the energy of blood, then the sustaining force for a vampire from 'blood' is information in its purest form. Really, all things are information when broken down to their smallest parts. This is also an argument for why I don't think knowing subtle anatomy is all that important.
This would infer that feeding can be extended much, much further then when using an energy model approach alone.
Just some things I was pondering getting into this new model. I was wondering about other people's thoughts and approaches on this subject.
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carpethisnoctem · 18 days
Types of Living Vampyres
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In the world of living vampyres, several different types exist, each with distinct feeding methods and characteristics. The three main types of living vampyres are energy, sanguine, and eros vampyres. All three types, while sharing a need to feed on the life force of others, exhibit differences in how they obtain and use this energy. The following essay examines these types, their feeding habits, and how they interact with the energies around them.
Energy Vampyres
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Energy vampyres, often called psychic vampyres, feed off the life energy or "prana" of others. This form of vampyrism does not require physical contact, and energy vampyres often feed by expanding their awareness to encompass the subtle energies around them. Energy vampyres can feed through focused attention on a group or on a single individual by drawing energy into themselves, often using breath or visualization techniques.
Energy vampyres can even manipulate the energy of others from a distance, connecting their subtle bodies to someone else's and drawing energy across the room. Although most individuals are unlikely to notice this energy drain, those attuned to their energy may perceive it as fatigue or emotional imbalance.
One key aspect of energy vampyres is their ability to feed on intense emotions like fear, passion, or ecstasy, making environments with high emotional energy such as concerts or dance clubs particularly ideal for feeding. However, the ethical aspect of feeding from unaware individuals is debated, and some prefer willing energy donors who understand the vampyre's needs.
Sanguine Vampyres
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Sanguine vampyres differ from energy vampyres in that they feed on the physical substance of life: blood. While the act of consuming blood may seem purely physical, the vampyre seeks the life force contained within the blood rather than just the blood itself. The act of drinking blood allows them to absorb this vital energy.
The blood feeding of a sanguine vampyre is not merely for sustenance but is intricately tied to their spiritual and energetic needs. Blood serves as a bridge between the spiritual and physical planes, making this type of feeding particularly intense and profound for both the vampyre and their donor. 
In many cases, the act of feeding is described as deeply intimate, often associated with sensations of cold followed by warmth as the vampyre draws in life force. While blood is the medium, it is the subtle energy drawn with the blood that truly satisfies the vampyre's need.
⚠️ PLEASE NOTE! Ingesting of blood can be dangerous and requires a lot of research and proper precautions taken to be performed safely.
Eros Vampyres
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Eros vampyres, also known as tantric vampyres, feed on the sexual energy generated during intimate and emotional exchanges. This type of vampyrism is often associated with the practice of tantric magick, where the vampyre manipulates the kundalini energy—the primal life force that resides in the base chakra of the body. 
Eros vampyres can draw energy through sexual contact, often building up energy during the act and climaxing in a powerful exchange of life force. The energy drawn from this form of feeding is often described as explosive and mutually beneficial for both partners, as it can energize the donor rather than drain them, making it a sustainable form of feeding.
What distinguishes eros vampyres from other types is their connection to the root chakra and their ability to harness sexual desire as a means of sustaining themselves. While feeding on sexual energy can be productive, it requires skill and mastery to ensure that the exchange remains balanced and beneficial. 
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The different types of vampyres—energy, sanguine, and eros—illustrate the diverse ways in which these beings interact with the life force of others. Energy vampyres focus on drawing subtle energies from emotions or attention, sanguine vampyres absorb life force through the physical act of blood consumption, and eros vampyres utilize sexual energy in their feeding practices. Each form of vampyrism has its intricacies and ethical considerations, and understanding these differences can offer insight into the complex world of living vampyres.
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Watching M Belanger's live was so refreshing. They're right, there's still a weird vampyre stigma in spirituality. You either see "vampires are all evil and want to take away your energy without our knowledge" or "Vampires aren't real you're just playing dress up. Witchcraft might be, though". So much of modern witchcraft is just the exact glamour magick and otherworldly connections that otherkin and vampyres have. Stigmatizing "pop culture witchcraft" is a bit hypocritical too when alot of the old 16th century grimoires are from legends told over and over again from cultures all over the world, or just the Bible.
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arcane-abomination · 7 months
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“It was in my flaws, I found a much deeper truth and it is from them, I bloom; a black rose.” -Segovia Amil
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🌹 𝕸𝖞 𝕮𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙 🌹
⚜️ Path: Tenebris Luna
⚜️ Magick: Grey/Crooked/Left Hand
⚜️ Title: Chaote/Chaos Witch or Cosmic Occultist
⚜️ Magick Name: Oculus Bloodmoon
My path began in my childhood, where I struggled with the yolk of Christianity and its cruel, fear bated chokehold. I remember calling to the universe, begging to be taken away from the church and its perverse tactics of belief, not focusing on any singular god. Slowly, I came through my depression, led to freedom by an unseen force, laying a path out of the religious cage that bound me. However, it was easier said than done and even though I became a witch at 15, the PTSD from the lasting wounds inflicted by the church made my launch into paganism a difficult one.
Much of that fear still controlled me and I practiced under the label of a Christian witch for some time. Not out of a sincere belief, but rather out of the leftover fears and control the church had on me. Luckily, the spirits that led me, would not abandon me and slowly but surely would take my hands and guide me through the ridged terrain from which I found myself and slowly I would emerge from the filth of religious torment, blossoming into the creature of chaos I am today.
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🌹 𝕸𝖞 𝕻𝖗𝖆𝔠𝖙𝖎𝔠𝖊𝖘 🌹
⚜️ Primary Focus: Chaos Magick, Death Magick, Void Magick, Psychonautics, Eldritch Magick, Vampyre Magick, Blood Magick, Astrological Magick, Alchemy & Sex Magick
⚜️ Secondary Focus: Dragon Magick, Divination, Ancestral Veneration, Druidry, Shamanism, Hedgewitchery, Animism, Energy Healing, Kitchen Witchery, & Baneful Magick.
My practice mainly focus on the chaotic forces of the void and of worlds beyond our own. I spend my time diving into realms of viscous conception, dancing with death, and connecting my third eye to otherworldly entities that defy traditional comprehension. How I work isn’t always considered “normal” by many modern day practitioners. I take what’s comfortable and turn it on its head, cultivating methods that make sense to my own madness rather than tradition.
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🌹 𝕸𝖞 𝕯𝖊𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖊𝖘 🌹
⚜️ Working Pantheon: Loki, Hecate, Leviathan, Shub-Niggurath, Yog Sothoth, Mi’Taal, Lilith, Necros, Azazel, & Creator Azathoth.
⚜️ Veneration Pantheon: Ganesha, Set, Horus, Odin, Sobek, Artio, Bastet, & Veles.
⚜️ Other Entities: Chernobog & Belobog
⚜️ Spirit Court: Spirits that each have a specific role within my life. Some of the names as well have been left out for the spirit’s privacy.
Hör’hem - Black Adder Snake - Sacrina Guide
Florentine - Scarlet Rose Spirit - Astral Partner
Rakshaw - Panther - Moon Magick Guide
Khami- White Pteralykos - Shaman Guide
Jefi - Raven - Void Guide
Familiar - Thoughtform - Reaper Appearance
Dragon Guide - Storm Dragon
The spirits and deity I work with are partners. They are not above me and I not above them. They do not stand high on a pedestal but rather walk beside me hand in hand. We are the same, living on different plains for the time being. They offer me energy and I offer them the same, an equal exchange of talents and abilities between friends, family, and coworkers. I do not worship, I venerate. Nor do I buckle in subservients to beings without claim on this realm. I honor, and show gratitude but I do not bend a knee.
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🌹 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝕯𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖘 🌹
⚜️ Gender: Androgynous / Librafemme
⚜️ Pronouns: They/Them/It
⚜️ My Sexuality: It’s complicated…I’m a grey ace that likes masculine women, AFAB NB, Trans Men, monsters, & fictional characters of any sex. I’m also Demisexual, Ageosexual, and Panromantic.
⚜️ Beliefs: I consider myself a “Pagan Omnist.” I don’t believe in one single truth but rather the fact that everything has a level of truth to it, but nobody will ever be 100% correct because our mortal minds prevent us from comprehending or glimpsing the full truth until we leave our bodies behind.
⚜️ Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading, cooking, gaming, ghost hunting, & witchcraft
⚜️ Likes: Horror, Gore, Monsters, Dead Things, Storms, Autumn, Eldritch Things, & Roses
⚜️ Dislikes: Doing dishes, Hallmark movies, parasites, heights, talking on the phone, & doctors
⚜️ Disabilities: I have ADHD, OCD, and Depressive Anxiety disorder. Sometimes I misunderstand, misread, and process things a bit differently.
⚜️ Favorites List ⚜️
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houseofzoey · 1 year
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Sgiach is the personification of the Isle of Skye. Old Magick was thought to only remain on said island. Old Magick responds to Sgiach because she is the personification of this island.
Old Magick also responds to Zoey. Do you see where this is going?
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That's right: We're heading straight into ~*racism*~!
Old Magick responds to Zoey because Zoey is the personification of Oklahoma, which holds Old Magick in its earth. Zoey is the personification of Oklahoma and can wield Old Magick because she is Cherokee.
Alright, I've touched on these problems before, but let's run through them again:
Cherokee people are not indigenous to Oklahoma. They were forcibly relocated there through the Removal Act in a process known as The Trail of Tears.
Cherokee and other North American peoples don't believe the earth/nature are source of magic, at least not the way we conceive of magic. Nature is alive, enspirited, brethren, etc. It is something to respect and coexist alongside, not something you control, harness, master, etc. Drawing energy from the earth and manifesting it as magic feels much more pagan/Wiccan/Druidic to me, though I could be wrong.
Cherokee definitely didn't believe in Old Magick the way vampyres do, unless that is an alternate history unique to this world - which was never established, let alone explored, so I'm assuming that's not the intent.
Even speaking about the presence of magic in terms of state boundaries is inherently nonsensical because indigenous people didn't mark territory based on these boundaries. Why would their spirituality and beliefs reflect political boundaries for a state that wasn't officially founded until the early 1900s? Even if Cherokee people were indigenous to that region, they wouldn't conceive of it based on modern land divisions. The idea that Old Magick abides these divisions is also ludicrous. It's one thing when magic is specific to an island - islands are inherently isolated - but a landlocked region in the middle of a continent? Absolutely absurd.
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alice-the-witch214 · 8 months
Vampire/Vampyre book suggestions for energy vampire magick? Been feeling a pull to it recently. Found a book it doesn't feel right. The book is by Don Webb. Seems too..don't know how to describe it, dramatic?
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sanguine-inkwell · 11 months
I feel like I've neglected the blog again, so! Mod Smoke here again. Time for an update on the sanguinarian shenanigans.
I've added a few books to my reading list, and the one on my bedside table is Energy Magick of the Vampyre by Don Webb. I tend to keep my own council and use several grains of salt when it comes to witchcraft, especially when people start spelling magic with a k, but I can definitely see how this could scratch some of the itch. For better or for worse, there's something predatory and preening about the nature of the vampire, and the more educated you are about yourself and your options the easier it is to take your urges out for a little run in healthy ways.
I'm on the fence about auras, energy, and all of that, but I'm a theatre kid at heart. The power of presence and presentation, the intersection of stage magic and religious ritual, is absolutely a real tool. Mod Glass is more straightforward about it- she definitely believes, and to my eternal bafflement she manages to feed on trees and flowing water. I can definitely believe in that, and the way she's a little less primal after sitting in a park for an hour. Clearly something is being achieved there, so it's possible- I'm just tragically doomed to my own version of cynicism, and thus the awkward anxiety of trying to ask the butcher for blood.
(I still haven't.)
I've got my coconut water, my pomegranate juice, my aesthetic and my interests. It's enough for now. I don't know if I'm flourishing, but I'm nearer that than not, so I'll take what I've got.
I think in a lot of ways it's easier to separate what you "should" want from what you do want. Especially when you're a teenager, you want the validation of community- community for its own sake, to some extent, but also a mirror to tell you you're real.
I fell into that when I found the otherkin community, pagans, all of it- if I let myself keep on with that, I'd still be content with the idea that dragons are supposed to crave eating rocks or hoarding shiny things. That's not what I need, or even what I really want. I want community, and I'm not going to find it by conforming to any standards, or I quite simply wouldn't be me. I try to hold onto "build it and they will come", for better or for worse, but I do go looking in my own way.
You don't net as much weird, queer, and othered community in the Bible Belt as you might expect unfortunately. It's a work in progress.
Back on the more direct topic though, I'm having fun snatching the other mods for deep philosophical discussions over drinks. I think it named itself Mod Citrine...? It's not on here often, mostly because it's even less inclined to the kind of theatrics I get up to. No roses and candles and gothic spires for that one. We feed on different things, I think, when it comes to blood- and that's why I can't entirely write off the possibility of some strange unquantifiable energy being involved. It's incredibly, deeply intimate for me, and for a moment I could almost convince myself I do have powers beyond doing mostly even eyeliner wings. It's definitely not the same kind of power or even hedonistic high that comes from sex, but I can't define it to save my life except through poetry.
For Citrine... it prefers not to call itself a vampire except by the strictest definition. If pressed, it'll say alterhuman or otherkin, but mostly for someone else's benefit so they can slap a label on and move on. It's not a vampire with all the bells and whistles the way myself, Glass, and Key are, with the gothic yearning and nocturnal tendencies and the fifteen different types of black lipstick on top of the hunger for blood. It calls itself an object spirit, a thing that had enough sentiment attached to it to get reincarnated, with some urges left over. Objects aren't animals, aren't primal the way animals are- but the desires and dreams attached to them are human, in a way, as much as they're not, divorced from the breadth of human emotion and distilled into inhuman too-clean drives, the way a storm or a mountain has drives.
Even so, it has a relationship with blood, just like I have a relationship with blood, and that interests me. I come at it from the perspective of a vampire, the hunger of the human predator that seeks to thrive, and then beyond thriving seeks their own pleasure. Citrine comes at it from the perspective of a sword, skill and fulfilled purpose and occasionally even as an offering. Not a biological hunger, not in the same way, but a hunger of purpose. Maybe ideology or identity. It makes some sense. As a vampire, I have to feed. The community itself is proof enough that the definition of feeding is varied. A sword would want blood, and specifically blood, because that's what it's built for and meant to do.
Needless to say, next time I make my substitute I'm offering some and seeing what it thinks. Partially for science. Partially because I'm pretty sure it'll work and I want to see the look on Citrine's face. Join me in pretentious vampire hell, I drink pomegranate juice out of wine glasses and it's very very fun.
That said, dinner's almost done, so I'll leave off here. Have a good night!
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sekhemsha · 2 years
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Current read, as suggested by Don Webb in his Vampyric Curriculum. It also happens to be a first edition, which is neat.
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theic-manic · 6 months
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Psychic vampire techniques.
Source: "Sekhem Apep", Michael Ford.
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stardustwanderertarot · 7 months
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walkfromhome · 2 years
“Initiation can come as a blinding flash or a long agonizing process. It can come as bliss or pain or a wordless feeling.” Lilith’s short message to me came as wordless flash.
I had never understood the true nature of the Order. Blinded by their glamour and contemptuous of the pop culture myth that guided their aesthetic, I had never paid much attention to their practice. In that flash, I saw they were the masters of three things: working from the outside to the inside, dealing with wordless/silent states, and dealing with the body as a medium for Truth. I realized that I had indeed been working in their School since my earliest youth.
(Energy Magick of the Vampyre, by Don Webb)
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meruladelux · 3 years
🐍✨️" If my sensual and artistic nature in combination with the aestheticization and feminization of my body leads to objectification... I embrace that; I see power and pleasure in generating fantasies"
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Going to a party just to consume that sweet ass energy
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vvdts · 3 years
O rei morreu. Viva a criança coroada!
Aquele que rege com sua consciência repousada sobre a torre, iluminado pela abóboda celeste e pelo fogo da Vontade, que queima em seu peito como a fúria do Dragão.
Queima tudo aquilo que parece ser outro, taca fora o que é automático e automatizado, pois a criança coroada só avança quando está livre de impedimentos. Livre para agir, livre pra criar, livre pra amar. Como pode Um se conectar ao outro se o outro for limitado por aquilo que o envolveu e condicionou?
O primeiro passo para uma consciência liberta é a capacidade de estar presente, estar consciente. “Atenção plena” (mindfulness pros coaches), é o nome que a monja da cerveja dá ao estado de consciência tão buscado por todos aqueles que não conseguem frear a torrente de pensamentos e informações que nos bombardeiam a cada segundo (ouçam o que ela tem a dizer sobre atenção plena, a técnica que ela passa nos vídeos dela sobre respiração consciente ensina em poucos minutos e com resultados bem bacanas). Aparentemente muito difícil praqueles que nunca se dedicaram ou tentaram, de alguma forma, focar o pensamento em si mesmo, no próprio pensamento, mas um dos primeiros exercícios na maioria dos roteiros famosinhos de magia e desenvolvimento místico/mágicko que encontramos por aí (vide os exercícios de concentração que encontramos no Liber ABA, no Liber Null, nos manuais de wicca e bruxaria (o primeiro tomo oculto que passou por minhas mãos foi o querido “A Dança Cósmica das Feiticeiras” de Starhawk)).
Por meio da atenção plena conseguimos nos conectar à nuances da esfera das sensações que, muito comumente, passam desapercebidas pelo nosso aparelho sensorial. A meditação em sí, ou, como meu amado colega Frater Teth chama, a “metacognição”, é o ato de fazer com que o alvo da consciência ativa, observadora seja a própria consiencia, o ato de pensar e observar o próprio fluxo de pensamentos, sem viés e sem apego, e deixa-los ir, da mesma forma com que apareceram. Tendo dito isso, reitero aqui a importância da metacognição na minha abordagem de fazer mágicko. E reitero também a importância de estar “no alto da torre”, parafraseando sua majestade Lord A, pois é no alto da torre em que observamos, absorvemos e temos as condições ideais para agir de acordo com aquilo que queima a nossa Vontade, sem freios e livres daquilo que nos condiciona.
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