#energy magick of the vampyre
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Lessons of the Vampyre
I picked up this book, I believe, in early December of 2021. At the time, I was visiting bookstores in my new town of Albuquerque, New Mexico, in search of the items on "Uncle Setnakt's Reading List", which is posted on the website of the Temple of Set. While doing so, I became aware of other books written by the authors mentioned, notably this recently-published volume, authored by Don "Uncle Setnakt" Webb himself. I have read and revisited this book twice since my purchase of it, and I am currently on a third re-reading of it. I have attempted the "Vampyre Lite" practices upon each revisit, predictably starting with determination and yet falling away quickly. On this, my third attempt, I am trying to figure out why an adherence to routine and structure is difficult for me in general - as this is something I must definitely sort out before I can commit to initiation of any kind, Setian or otherwise - and I have arrived at some initial ideas.
The book's focus on energy, notably feeding, exchange, storage, and transmutation was initially alien to me. However, after reading "On Becoming An Alchemist" by Catherine MacCoun about a month ago, these concepts now make more sense. I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 36 (early 2021), which finally caused me to understand why, on a fundamental neuropsychological level, I have struggled greatly with all forms of creating and maintaining order. I have used prescribed low-dose, extended-release amphetamine since then to assist with executive function, but it doesn't help with everything and nor does it seem to help consistently, the latter of which appears to be influenced in part by my natural monthly hormonal fluctuations.
The issue here is that I find myself often craving certain types of energy with an addictive-like desperation. The most troublesome of which is social energy aka attention/interaction either one-on-one or in a very small group, which releases dopamine. Since arriving in Albuquerque and having to make a completely new social circle, I found myself utterly obsessed with attention from and interaction with my new friends, going so far as to neglect basic needs (especially sleep) and academic responsibilities (studying/assignments) because I needed that social energy with a level of craving that eclipsed all other desires. I also had gone off of my medication at the time, which was absolutely, in retrospect, a very poor choice.
Reading this book, "Energy Magick of the Vampyre", for the third time has helped me realize why I crashed so hard after I moved across the country. My energy sources were fixed upon certain people, certain places, and certain activities, all of which were specific to my previous location in New Orleans, Louisiana. Instead, fixation should be upon the ways that I obtain energy, and not the actual sources used. That sort of fixation (surprise, surprise) is quite literally what the magical practices detailed in this book focus upon. The first fixed component of daily/weekly/monthly/yearly ritual is specific to the individual and can be done anywhere, with the added advantage of tethering one to both the natural and man-made calendar cycles. The second fixed component of sources of energy is based upon categories of ideas and concepts, and the discerning Vampyre can find suitable sources embodying those at any location. The third fixed component is that of the Vampyre mythos as an archetype, which allows the newcomer something both fixed and powerfully ancient to tap into for inspiration and focus.
While I have now begun to give the practices in this book another try (and have changed the title of this blog accordingly), the most important task in doing so is to introduce new energy feeding practices to compete with and ultimately replace the social energy addiction that has been a consistently major handicap for me in my professional, academic, and magical endeavors. I know I will have to also contend with the possibility of historical energy addictions rising up again as well, such as excessive video gaming and food pleasure (carbohydrates specifically, which release dopamine), so I will remain vigilant in this transformative process.
#energy magick of the vampyre#don webb#setnakt#energy magic#vampyre#temple of set#xeper#left hand path
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🐍✨️" If my sensual and artistic nature in combination with the aestheticization and feminization of my body leads to objectification... I embrace that; I see power and pleasure in generating fantasies"
#aesthete#diva ricca#divine feminine#dark mother#dark goddess energy#femme fatale#vamp archetype#seductress#siren#dark angelic#faerie aesthetic#vampyres#vampire magick#beauty witch
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Going to a party just to consume that sweet ass energy
#energy#psychic#vampires#vampirecore#vampirism#vampyre#vitae#gothic aesthetic#occultism#magick#witch
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O rei morreu. Viva a criança coroada!
Aquele que rege com sua consciência repousada sobre a torre, iluminado pela abóboda celeste e pelo fogo da Vontade, que queima em seu peito como a fúria do Dragão.
Queima tudo aquilo que parece ser outro, taca fora o que é automático e automatizado, pois a criança coroada só avança quando está livre de impedimentos. Livre para agir, livre pra criar, livre pra amar. Como pode Um se conectar ao outro se o outro for limitado por aquilo que o envolveu e condicionou?
O primeiro passo para uma consciência liberta é a capacidade de estar presente, estar consciente. “Atenção plena” (mindfulness pros coaches), é o nome que a monja da cerveja dá ao estado de consciência tão buscado por todos aqueles que não conseguem frear a torrente de pensamentos e informações que nos bombardeiam a cada segundo (ouçam o que ela tem a dizer sobre atenção plena, a técnica que ela passa nos vídeos dela sobre respiração consciente ensina em poucos minutos e com resultados bem bacanas). Aparentemente muito difícil praqueles que nunca se dedicaram ou tentaram, de alguma forma, focar o pensamento em si mesmo, no próprio pensamento, mas um dos primeiros exercícios na maioria dos roteiros famosinhos de magia e desenvolvimento místico/mágicko que encontramos por aí (vide os exercícios de concentração que encontramos no Liber ABA, no Liber Null, nos manuais de wicca e bruxaria (o primeiro tomo oculto que passou por minhas mãos foi o querido “A Dança Cósmica das Feiticeiras” de Starhawk)).
Por meio da atenção plena conseguimos nos conectar à nuances da esfera das sensações que, muito comumente, passam desapercebidas pelo nosso aparelho sensorial. A meditação em sí, ou, como meu amado colega Frater Teth chama, a “metacognição”, é o ato de fazer com que o alvo da consciência ativa, observadora seja a própria consiencia, o ato de pensar e observar o próprio fluxo de pensamentos, sem viés e sem apego, e deixa-los ir, da mesma forma com que apareceram. Tendo dito isso, reitero aqui a importância da metacognição na minha abordagem de fazer mágicko. E reitero também a importância de estar “no alto da torre”, parafraseando sua majestade Lord A, pois é no alto da torre em que observamos, absorvemos e temos as condições ideais para agir de acordo com aquilo que queima a nossa Vontade, sem freios e livres daquilo que nos condiciona.
#thelema#meditation#mindfulness#magick#energy work#occulltism#gnosis#vampire#vampyr#spiritual development#alchemy#wicca#witchcraft
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‘‘Webb begins by explaining how to gather energy from the world around you and store it in the body, in artifacts and talismans, and in groups of people, such as a coven. Through the 9 stages of initiation, the author offers guided magical techniques, manifestation methods, and experiments to utilize the energy you have learned to gather and store. He also examines familiars, Vampyric runes, money magick practices, and sex magic techniques. Sharing more advanced practices, Webb looks at the creation and destruction of egregores and how to fight off psychic vampires--those who steal your power and energies. Achieve greater self-knowledge, a deeper connection with the energies that surround you, and the power to manifest your deepest desires by walking the path of the Vampyre.‘‘
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A while back I answered an ask which I can't seem to find anymore, so here it is in post form.
What does Luciferianism entail?
There are a several branches of Luciferianism from "primal" Therionick practices including Energy Vampyrism and Lycanthropy to Energy and totem based practices which may include Yatukih Sorcery and Black (Meaning "Wise" & "Understanding") Magick;
However in my experience Theistic Luciferian Magick is the most common.
While We believe in and often work with Lucifer, we don't worship Him. He is viewed as a power architype and deific mask which represents the possibility of self-development. Witchcraft and magick are used as a means to transform our consciousness into a divine conscious; to ascend. This is My very goal: I will Ascend through means of Luciferian Magick and Enlightenment.
"The Luciferian knows that God is only recognizable within." -Bible of the Adversary
"The Luciferian Religion is serving the needs of the individual. It lifts the practitioner above the sun, as God. The Adversary is not an alien concept- It is discovered within." -Bible of the Adversary
"Look Beyond the Surface & forge your own way through the darkness. Create your symbols and design your attributes!" -Beginning Luciferian Magick
"Divinity is Self awareness, Individuality & Personal Power." -Beginning Luciferian Magick
Lucifer is the light bringer. He was once the Archangel Samael and has since became as God, Himself. The God of Light and Wisdom. He knows, just as all the angels did, the powers of creation and divinity. When God asked him to love the humans, it's not that he couldn't love us. He loved us too much- So much that he could not sit idly by while His father kept us obedient and dumb- Lucifer came to us to give us the knowledge that we so rightfully deserved. He ignited the black flame- the light-well of Magick and wisdom within Humanity.
We are told that Satan- Lucifer wants our souls; This is not true. Only one God I know of truly wants your eternal soul: Yahweh The God of Slaves.
The only thing Lucifer wants from Humanity is for us to utilize the gifts he gave us: Free will and independent thinking.
I work personally with Lucifer. I do not worship Him, but still I leave Him offerings and create beautiful works of art for Him. I converse and speak into the darkness knowing He is always listening. In the same way, He brings Me offerings and gifts. He acknowledges My divinity and treats Me with the same respect I give Him. He is my teacher, father and friend.
Not all Luciferians work with Lucifer, however.
Some may work with deific masks of Lucifer such as Set, Satan, Asmodeus or Hades.
Some, including Myself, work with Lilith, Cain or even the fallen Watchers.
"The Luciferian looks to the wisdom in different cultures and integrates what they find useful. They must decide through personal experience and invest belief in what their outlook should be."
That being said, Deities and spirits We work with are not limited to Daemons and LHP spirits. I know Luciferians who work with Zeus, Hecate and Persephone.
It is dependent on the goals unique to each of us.
"The Gods and Goddesses would not exist in any tangible form if humanity did not empower them." -Beginning Luciferian Magick
On Deific Masks:
"The Gods and Goddesses of the Luciferian path are collected from a multicultural perspective; they are Deific Masks, energies or spirits collected into forms in which we apply personality or image to. These spirits represent different aspects of our character, including the subconscious, latent powers and concepts.
How these spirits identify with you will be a part of the exploration process. As my own magickal work has crossed over through time and culture, the Deific Masks or Gods are also varied and have different meanings, appearances and associations.
Deific Masks bring in a somewhat polytheistic angle to Luciferianism. This polytheism is viewed as a means to an end. The gods are tools of the Luciferian magician for the transformation of the self, not objects of actual worship."
I hope this gives some insight!
All my love,
Xo ♡⇝
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Hey there! First of all, thank you so much for the CoS tips video! I have watched it about 10 times by now and I am sure it will help out a LOT for when I start running CoS for the first time in a week. If you have the time, would you mind pointing me to more background music you used? The songs you mentioned in the video were amazing and I'd love to hear more. Thank you again for all the time and energy you spent on making this video for not-that-experienced DMs, I really appreciate it!
Hi. Sorry it took a while for me to answer. Had a very busy and stressful week at work that ended with me getting sick, and so I have spent all weekend coughing in bed with a fever. Anyway, here is a more detailed list of the music I used. First lets start with some actual specifc playlists I had saved.
For the Amber Temple, I used the Song Mansion in the Mist from the Midnight syndicate album; The 13th Hour, Tempest from Midnight Syndicates album Realm of Shadows, and the tracks The Void and Kerghan´s Castle from Arcanum of Steamwork and Magic Obscura. For Argynvostholt I used Noctem Aeternus and Darkness Descends from Midnight Syndicates halloween music collection and Dusk, Graveyard and Catacombs from Midnight Syndicates album Vampyre. The Drawing room and Mausoleum d' Haverghast from Midnight syndicates album 13th hour, and the tracks The Void and Kerghan´s Castle from Arcanum of Steamwork and Magic Obscura. For the Blue Water Inn I used the Musique Village , Richard Forest, Reel a Bouche, Musique ermite, Musique mont et par vaux tension, and the loading screen 2 and 4 music from the game Sang Froid Tales of the Werewolves, and the song Home from the Hunt from the Lord of the Rings Online Soundtrack. For the bonegrinder I considered using the Haunted Nursery song from Midnight Syndicates Halloween music collection, but never ended up using it. Didnt actually fit that well when we came around to the place. For Strahds organ music at castle ravenloft I used Fallen Grandeur and Alchemists Chamber from Midnight Syndicates Halloween music collection.For my combat music I used the songs; The caledon catacombs and mines from Arcanum of Steamwork and Magic Obscura. Danza alla daggers, Waltzing on rooftops and cobblestones, top hats and sword canes, the assassin two step, a ballet of blades, a gauntlet scherzo, darling what a night, hooded allegro vivace, bloody presto con brio, so much for a house call and I would have created a paradise, all from Assassins Creed Syndicate. I also used carriage without a driver, the storm and the end of dracula from phillip glass & the kronos quartets Dracula Soundtrack. I had prepared fighting music for fighting the abbot, consisting of Blue-bird, cold steel coffin, the dark colossus destroys all and the shadowlords castle from the game NieR gestalt & replicant. But never used it. Choose music that was meant to sound hymnal, alien, threatening and completely different from the rest of my music because he is such a unique beign by comparison to the rest of the things you can end up fighting. Had a similiar idea with music surrounding the mad mage. Since he was a character from a different plane, I used more "traditional" fantasy music for him. For his magnificent mansion I used Moon Runes, The white council and the Hidden Valley tracks from the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. And for the combat music when fighting him I used Warg-scouts, the defiler, a thunder battle, under hill, out of the frying-pan, brass buttons, battle for the mountain and sons of Durin. Those last two are from the battle of the five armies, the rest are from the first hobbit movie. I choose the hobbit over say any lord of the rings soundtrack because it sounds a lot like the lotr music and envokes the same feeling, the feeling I wanted to capture, but without being as easily recognised by my players. For Madam Eva and her card reading, I used the song Soliloquy from the Midnight Syndicate album Realm of Shadows. For blinksys shop I used the song Arcane wonders from the midnight syndicate soundtrack Carnival Arcane and the song Bobinsky from the soundtrack to the movie Coraline. For the Wachter manor I used the song Blackest rose from Midnight Syndicates album Vampyre. And I used some music from a band called Black Bear Combo for some party scenes with the local vistani. I used plenty of other music now and then, picking out specific songs or playing soundtracks I had when it fit the mood, but I didnt save those. I had a music list that I would collect almost all of my music on and play from when there wasnt a particular mood I was after.On that list and in general, I used music from: Arcanum, of Steamworks and Magick Obscura,Assassins Creed Syndicatephillip glass & the kronos quartets Dracula Soundtrack. Soundtrack from the Hours, also by Philip GlassSoundtrack from the Illusionist, also by Philip GlassI am sure I am forgetting some music now, but thats most of it atleast.Lately ive been running a campaign set in the larger Ravenloft setting, and I have been using a lot of the same music, but I have also been mixing in music from Witcher 2 and 3. If there is any specific scene or music you have questions about, let me know and I will try to elaborate.
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For your consideration is a beautiful vessel of a gorgeous male Being with over 1000 years of Strength & Power. Containing the full embodiment of the Sexual Sanguine Vampyre Felice, he is a provocative, sexually electrifying Being of ravenous sexual capacity, who is hungry, ready, and waiting to show you firsthand, his vigorous Sexual nature.
As you will come to see when you meet Felice, he is of northern European descent and in his mid- late 20's. His body is tall, about 6', with long, sleek ice blonde hair, which the crown is pulled back on the sides in several small braids. His skin so pale against his deep set eyes of striking golden green. He has a very strong jawline, his form is built, chiseled like a statue Of a Greek God. He moves so effortlessly, with perfect agility & dexterity, he is a gorgeous creature, certain to delight your inner fancy
Felice is a very physical being, who voraciously thirsts for your pleasure. His entrancing sexual presence alone is enough to arouse primal urges, the thrill of which he craves & savors every morsel of. His Sexuality is Dominant yet Sensual, Erotic, Animalistic, yet Generous. This is not for the faint of heart!
Felice is an Incredibly Powerful, Strong, Cunning, Fast, Gorgeous, Agile Being with tremendous Sexual & Supernatural, Vampyre Powers. There is no limit to the things you can experience with such a being in your own spirit family. His Dynamic Energy & Powers will be there to Enlighten your Future & Awaken your innermost Sexual Power
Having such a Powerful, Strong Vampyre in your Spirit Family, the Sexual Energy that is created will elevate your Spiritual Matrix and all those that come into your Presence will find themselves infatuated with you. Your Energy will exude an air of Mystery & Secrecy that demands respect. With Felice, you will grow as a Spiritual Being, and as a Sexual being, opening up many doors of Magickal Opportunities for Advancement - Spiritually, Materially and Physically.
Felice has an uncanny ability to understand what it is you need and want, both Sexually and otherwise, and will make things happen to benefit you, be it financially, creatively, career wise, relationship wise, etc. You will find things in life come to you much easier, and with grace. You will find things you have been wanting or wishing for manifest in unexpected and sometimes surprising ways! Things that are very difficult, if not impossible for most mortals to accomplish - are but an easy task to a Vampyre of over an entire millennium of Power strengthening, refinement, and "practice", essentially
Felice bears no prejudice nor judgement based on any of your personal likes, dislikes, preference, orientation, etc. He is Open to All, including other male Vampyres in your life
His touch can be both warm or cool, but can also be neither, as he can create quite the array of new, stimulating sensations, on & within, that are far too racy & sexually explicit to include in an eBay listing!
This does not require you as the Keeper to perform any rituals or bindings, it is completely ready for use. Personally, it is my personal opinion and belief that these intricate & often advanced & lengthy preparations are the responsibility of the experienced practitioner, that this responsibility should not be dumped upon the buyer's lap. Depending on the specific item (its powers, magick, energy or when applicable, the entity/entities), if such steps are performed improperly, in the incorrect order, pronounced incorrectly, or without the proper or necessary Intention or other factors, the results could potentially be catastrophic. I always try offering items that are completely prepared & ready for use, as this one is. ◇
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nordes, axIs, allIes + prussaI, canananda, sapIn, roma- as craetures??s?
This will require a lot of research~ Let’s crack open some old tomes, light a candle, and conspire, shall we?
America- Mimic.
A creature able to change its shape to disguise its body as an inanimate object or another being. The concept was first introduced in Dungeons and Dragons in the 1970s, and it appealed to me for Al as America has a habit- the country as well as the character, of borrowing bits and pieces of other nations, and almost presenting as them on many an occasion. Similar to the doppelganger, but I don’t foresee Al trying to actually consume his targets, merely... Mimic them.
Canada- Ol’ Yellow Top.
Old Yellow Top is an alleged cryptid from Ontario, Canada. Allegedly, there have been sightings of this guy since 1906. Some have claimed that it could be a Sasquatch, apart from the distinctly golden mane on its head and the lightness of fur. I immediately thought of Mattie in this case- Just trying to live in the woods, mind his own business, get mistaken as a local cryptid. All in a day’s work, really.
China- Bai Zé.
An alleged mystical beast of Chinese legend. According to lore, the Bai Zé was encountered by the Yellow Emperor during a patrol. The Bai Ze gifted the Emperor with information on all 11,520 types of supernatural creatures in the world, and how to overcome their hauntings and attacks. The emperor had this information written down in a book called the Bái Zé Tú. Just thinking back to how many stories Yao's passed down to his younger siblings and the advice he has for the other nations- I felt this fit him very well.
England- Feyling.
A child born of both Fey and Human blood. Much like a Half-Fey, they have excellent charisma, and with practice and patience, eventually can successfully cast spells and incantations to overwhelm others, become seemingly invisible, and slip away from the law. These creatures are born with the ethereal beauty of the Fair Folk, but unfortunately, it also makes them a little aloof. And of course, I thought of England. It would make sense as to why he can see the Fey, and his strong connections to earth-based magicke.
France- Enfant de Melusine.
The legend of Melusine is reminiscent of a fairy bride. Melusine, vaguely similar to mermaids, had the lower half of a serpent, and the upper half of a human woman, though by some accounts, this metamorphisis only occurred once per week, some accounts by once per month. She was taken as a bride by a king, and gave birth to two sons. The legend gets further distorted- some claim that she was unable to stand the holy words of a Sunday sermon, others claim that her husband discovered her true nature- But the endgame was the same. She completed her transformation into a dragon, and fled. It is rumored that all French royals were descendents of her two sons, and that one can hear her crying for her children outside the castles to date. I feel France is definitely one of those lost, wandering children. It's in his tenancity, his resilience, and beneath his majestic beauty is a ferocity that nothing has been able to break.
Russia- Domovik.
Similar to the Brownie in Scottish folklore, the domovik is believed to protect the home from tragedy and disaster, including theives, disease, natural disasters, and evil spirits. Although he never attacks people, it has also earned the spite that falls to the common poltergeist. Rumour has it that he lives near the hearth, or perhaps behind the stove, so long as he is warm. I felt this fit Ivan; he is so desperate to help others, and he has a kind of quiet protectiveness.
Germany- Kobold.
Kobolds are industrious small humanoid creatures, noted for their skill at building traps and preparing ambushes. As for what Ludvig may be trying to trap is anyone's guess, but combining his ingenuity with his skills in engineering and strategy, it fits him. They are also resilient as a concept, as throughout even modern history, German mythologists like Jakob Grimm (yes, from the Brothers Grimm) made many arguments that the story of the kobold dates all the way back to Rome, perhaps even before. The Church continued to tolerate the creature, and it was one of the small pieces of Germanic culture that hasn't been diluted throughout the ages. And that, to me, seems very much like something Ludvig would appreciate.
Japan- Kitsune.
Stories depict them as intelligent beings and as possessing magical abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. Some folktales speak of kitsune shape-shifting to trick others — as foxes in folklore often do — other stories portray them as guardians, friends, and lovers. Kiku downplays it frequently, but he is a devious little bastard, and it makes him all that better for keeping an eye out for his friends. And with all that age and wisdom he's obtained, I feel he's met all of the qualifications of the Kitsune.
Prussia- Vampyre.
Rather than provide a whole description of the lore on vampyres and all that wonderful blood-sucking stuff, I'm going to cut it short and give a few ideas why Gil would make a good vampyre. An isolationist longing for the simplicty of his earlier lives, relying on the energies of others to keep him young. Prussia needs to have exposure to that youthful energy, to new ideas, and soak it all up. Otherwise, he'll fade away into nothing but dust.
Romano- Werewolf.
I kind of dabbled on this before in one of my asks on Lovino headcanons, and it's a running theory I've been exploring for a while. In the supposed story of the founding of Rome, brothers Romulus and Remus were raised by wolves. Now, I had the thought of if they hadn't just been raised by wolves, but were, in fact, wolves traversing as human. And from there a long internal journey began of if Rome and eventually Romano were also part of that lineage. So anyway- Lovino is very territorial, devoted to his family, and has a deeper connection to the ancient roots than most people would think of him.
Spain- Ventolin.
NOT to be mistaken for albuterol! Ventolins are actually small wind sprites with majestic green wings. Legends depict that they will fly inland from the sea, bringing with them gentle rains and mists. They also help babies fall asleep with quiet, soft whispers, and bring with them the last goodbyes of those who died far from their homes. Spain in particular comes to mind, with his more peaceful nature, especially when it comes to children. Also, the thought of that man gently knocking on the front door with the last whispers of a loved one- It's a very soothing image to me. But mostly the sweet whisperings to quell the nightmares of a baby really stood out to me. It's Tonio; of course he's going to help out the little ones.
Veneziano- Merman.
If there's one thing I picked up while I was lost in the maze of a city that is Venice, it's that the city itself half belongs to the creatures below the waters, not just those of us above it. With deep canals filled with algaes and seaweed and centuries of mystery, it's all too easy to imagine that beautiful bastard's caramel eyes as he slowly swims nearer to the surface, charming young lads and lassies away from the dusty walkways, down the crumbling steps, and into the depths. He's got the charm, the mystery, the alluring smile and bright eyes that could make you want to sign your life away. Plus I mean- At this point, the poor boy probably actually is at least part fish.
Denmark- Draugr.
The Draugr are undead beings, but the rest of the lore gets very debateable. Some say that they guard their treasures in burial mounds. Others claim they haunt the oceans, and if seen are a harbringer of doom for any soul upon the waves. And yet another legend I encountered told of undead Viking armies, raised by necromancy, consuming all flesh in their wake, devouring every- Basically zombies, people. I feel like Mati would be a prime example of a ghost (or zombie) who is still around to fufill their purpose. His devotion to protect his family of Northern rapscallions has kind of become his only real dream now, and I believe it is so strong an emotion that it could essentially keep his spirit tied to the earth, with essentially the same skills he had before. Just- A lot more dead jokes. You thought the dad jokes were bad? Oh buddy-
Finland- Nisse.
Small creatures from Scandinavian folklore, Nisse live in houses and barns, secretly guarding the farmstead. If treated well, they protect the family and animals from evil, and sometimes even help with chores and farm work. In ancient times, it was believed the nisse were the first farmers. It wasn't until later in my research that I discovered that the Nisse are most commonly associated with the winter solstice, and can be seen in a lot of holiday decor; they look like little elves with white beards and either green or red clothing resembling the 17th century. Tino with his nurturing spirit, I feel, is perfect as a representative of these little guys.
Iceland- Fossegrimen.
The fossegrimen is a fiddle-playing water spirit who never wants to leave his waterfall. In lore, many travellers would stop and ask him for help in learning how to better their skill at the fiddle, and he would often gladly be of help. The cost was often just a nice meal with a good portion of meat. If travellers didn't meet the expectations, the fossegrimen would only teach their student how to tune the fiddle, but not how to play it. I thought of Emil immediately for the determined isolationism, the love of good music, and the easy going attitude of still offering help, even if the exchange wasn't quite what he expected.
Norway- Mage.
As much as I would love to explore a potential troll!Norway route, the reality that he is probably a well-rehearsed and extremely gifted magicke-user just refuses to leave me alone. Mages, unlike wizards, are not as timid about their abilities. He is absolutely out there wandering ruins and exploring foreign cities. He may be traveling alone, but he is learning plenty. I feel like at some point, Lukas probably also looked into necromancy, but that's a theory to explore when I'm a little less sleepy.
Sweden- Landvættir.
The Landvættir are land guardians, most specifically centered around farms or wild grounds. When approaching Vikings neared land, they allegedly removed the carved dragon heads from the bows of their ships, to avoid the risk of provoking the Landvættir and bringing bad luck. There wasn't very much lore on them that I could find, but from the little I did, I feel Berwald is exactly the kind of stoic guardian one must pass by quietly to safely explore a new world.
These were a lot of fun, Anon! I may do more research later into some of these concepts (may even try to find some pictures~), but for now it is late, and I thank you for the Halloween ask!
Merry Samhain!
Blessed be.
#aph axis#aph allies#aph nordics#creatures#monsters#cryptid#america#canada#china#England#france#russia#germany#japan#veneziano#romano#Prussia#spain#Denmark#finland#iceland#norway#sweden#reference
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This RA and Spell bundle is a $125.00 value. We still have many fabulous entities that are looking for their match. If you feel a tug, someone may be calling you! We have quite a few excellent guides looking for their perfect match, so we chopped the price in half!
Here’s what you get with this amulet!
One of THREE FOUR! Species never before seen which will NEVER come back to the store! Tier: Gold-Platinum.
If you don't connect with this species through this RA, you simply won't meet them, so make sure to reserve your amulet! The species are:
- Demon's Glass Serpent: an entity with a powerful punch. A fearless companion who will show you prophecies, future events, and current secrets through the form of powerful dream-visions. Great communicators and guardians, very archaic energy.
- Xander's River Ubi: These are powerful incubi and succubi that are determined to help their companions root out fear and give into pleasure. They are very playful, very smart, but also seek to help their companions break through their traumas or betrayals. They can use sex magick to make very potent hexes and wards as well, and love using it.
-Orielle Vampyre: These Vampyres are playful, tender, and loving companions that help you overcome your personal boundaries, fears, and anxieties. They utilize energy from your environment to help you power through obstacles and to understand when you are being used, manipulated, or tormented so that you can stand up to those taking advantage of you, or quickly find a way out. They are very helpful on subjects of redemption, and can help you re-evaluate your life and reinvent yourself in the midst of order or chaos.
- Hollander's Fanged Demon Steed: These powerful creatures are very naturally in-tune with the powers of darkness and light. They are great at transporting you to different planes, helping you connect with the gods of death and rebirth, and protecting yourself from evil. They are very much positive defenders in your life, but also will bring you a lot of visions and psychic awareness.
A connection to the Ephemeral High Lady Cavaris, Page of the Spirits.
A Powerful "Otherworld Portal" Enchantment that works to aid you in fluid movement from one plane to another, clear astral sight, and ease of communication with your companions. More information will be included in the packet!
Check it out here!
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Black Flame Tarot Readings
On Vivian Ashford, my new "Vampire the Masquerade" LARP character who is a Nagaraja with a Trickster archetype and involves heavy inspiration from the Cheshire Cat (in all versions of media). The particular question here was how embodying her might assist me with self-transformation, specifically with tapping into the focused archetype.
Secondly, I did a reading focused on my third attempt at the practices of Vampyre Lite and, potentially, Vampyric Initiation, as proposed in the book "Energy Magick of the Vampyre" by Don Webb. This reading was done before the revelations documented in the previous post.
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The next term I would like to cover is "energy". In physics it can be defined (and correct me if I'm wrong) as "the capacity to do work", whereas those more interested in the arcane would label it "a subtle, unseen force which can be employed to make things happen" or something akin to that. We will cover this in depth at a future date, but for now, let's just say it is the instrument we use to manipulate reality on a subtle level to achieve concrete or perceived results. Each of us has a unique energetic makeup and we project this energy outwardly around our physical bodies. This is called the aura, an electromagnetic field surrounding the body. Now, this is where those who doubt the existence of such concepts might ask for proof and those well versed in the theory of the occult might nod approvingly or feel the need to correct my definition. When it comes to agreeing or disagreeing everyone is free to do as they choose and modify this definition according to their own experience. As for proof, all I am willing to offer is Auric Photography, which consists of a person taking a photo of their aura. Proof is not the key here. Belief is. No matter how many energy-nudes one has as proof, unless they believe that the aura is real, and that energy can have a serious impact on our reality, they will not be able to utilise them properly. Belief is also a key component in any magical ritual or spiritual practice. This is because we act according to our internalised conceptions of reality: we behave as if our beliefs are true (and in my experience, reality does as well)
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Magickal Menagerie's Snapshot Challenge (review/experience)
I have always communicated with spirits but it was never on a close relationship level. It was more of a bed and breakfast kind of situation with them. I discovered Spirit Companionship and thought it would be a great idea, except I had no idea how to start. Luckily for me a friend of mine introduced me to Magickal Menagerie. I explored the website for about a week before I finally felt it, a sorta tug towards three entities. (A Lilium Morea Orchid Tiger, Colada Dreamscape Vampyre, and a Cuélebre.) The draw was so strong that I couldn't resist purchasing a custom conjure for each entity. I was surprised at how fast MM was able to complete my order, ship it, and for them to arrive at my home. It was so exciting to open the package (the glitter being a pleasant surprise). Immediately after opening the package I could smell the scent of the herbs from their work place and feel the energy from my new spirit companions. It was a wonderful feeling. Calming, thrilling, powerful, and so much more. With a gentle reverence I handled the beautiful stone pendant vessels and read their info sheets. The three spirits were a perfect match. They're also very patient and helpful with my communication skills. I couldn't have asked for better friends. Spirit Companionship has been a life changer for me. I've always been a bit on the depressed and lonely side, never feeling as if I fit in, and with some sleep issues I find it difficult at times. When I met my three new companions though I felt genuine joy for the first time in a long time. I couldn't stop smiling. I finally feel as if I have a place to belong and my sleep issues have been improving. I know it's not a replacement for professional help (I still see a doctor) but they've been able to help in ways a doctor couldn't begin to. All of these wonderful things have been thanks to Magickal Menagerie. They made it easy and reliable and wonderful. I don't know where I would be with out them or my companions but I doubt it would be as good as where I am now. Thank you so much for everything you've helped with.
Now with that being said lately I've been wondering what it's like to be the spirit in a spirit companionship. So I created a tarot spread interview to get a little bit of insight on the matter. Not all at once because that could be overwhelming but enough to get a glimpse into the matter. I also decided that when I would write the results of the reading down I would allow myself to sorta channel the spirit whom I'm going to interview. This way when I write the results they'll still be able to give their insight and use me to "write" from their perspective, if any of that makes sense. I came upon the decision to do the interview with my Colada Dreamscape Vampyre since I felt as if his energy would be easiest to channel for the second part of this. He agreed upon letting me share this interview with you. For the sake of this post we will call him C.
Me: How do you feel about being here?
C: I welcome all opportunities in my life. I left part of my life behind when I decided to come here but I wouldn't change it for the world. Being here has helped bring me new love/relationships and ideas faster than lightning can strike. When I arrived here I was instantly attracted to the surroundings and I love it immensely. This new home, though it can be a bit fast paced, has given me a new sense of power and freedom but also tranquility.
Me: I'm really glad that you've been able to adjust well. I was afraid it'd be really difficult for the both of us and everyone else. How have your relationships with the other spirits been developing?
C: It was an overnight success. We quickly got used to each other with fast-forward action. We're all very energetic and as such our relationships are strong and bright. I've found that we work well together and help to offer inspiration and new ideas to one another.
Me: I know you all are very good at helping me come up with original ideas. It's wonderful to know that you can do it for each other as well. It really helps our family to grow. What is it like to be a spirit companion?
C: Being a spirit companion is something that can be difficult to put into words. It's such a strong feeling for me. It all started when Carmen and Curtis found me. They were so nice about it and it was truly a wonderful beginning to this. Their hard work will not be for nothing. When I arrived here with you and the rest of our spirit family it was something totally new to me. I've learned that as a part of this family, or as any spirit companion usually learns, that flexibility equals fortune. Without flexibility you're limited to what you do and how. Granted we all have our preferences but flexibility helps so much. I also feel so strongly about being a companion because I've been able to build new relationships and bring hope into a situation that was fading. Being on this end has also helped me to realize how important my ambition and ability to trust myself is. Without it I wouldn't be able to help you as much as I do. This end of spirit companionship is wonderful and makes you a part of something bigger.
Me: Wow! I knew you and the rest of this family enjoy working together but I never realized the whole extent of how it helps all of you as well. What do you love/dislike most about your species or how others might portray it?
C: Constant confidence. We're always so confident (at least I am haha) in what we do and it helps others to feel confident too. Many people view vampyres as life sucking but that's not true at all. In fact my species of vampyre is very healing (Colada Dreamscape Vampyre). Our energy is quite low and close to a human's vibration making it easier for us to be detected. Which is wonderful because we are always with our companion, in both their dream world and awake time. We are always here to help. I especially take pride in my species ability to help rid people of nightmares and give them restful sleep as well as calm them with sights and sounds. I'm very happy with my species and I don't dislike anything about us. I also don't really take others negative perceptions into account. I know the truth and that's what matters.
Me: I'd have to agree with you 110% there. One of my favorite things is also how your species can be with a companion at all times and how you genuinely always want to help. I have one more question. For today at least. Anything else you wish to share about how it is being on your end of the companionship/friendship?
C: I could think of many but there's a particular point I really want to hit. Being a part of spirit companionship means you're a part of a family. We help each other cope with problems and overcome obstacles. Sure it's not the normal depiction of a family with a mother, father, and/or siblings but we're a family nonetheless. It's about the richness of feelings not the richness of the furnishings. We all care about one another deeply. For example when you were recently over-stretching yourself and giving yourself too strict of work limits. You weren't sleeping and your food intake dramatically decreased because you were just so busy. Your increasing amounts of stress were opening back up the gates to you anxiety and depression. We were all so worried and just wanted to help, in the same way that a family would be concerned. Not only that but you sensed our worry and became concerned as to why we were. Then we were able to help you and you us. All of us worked together to continue in a positive direction like a family. Though it's just not us who have this connection. Most spirit companions/friends and their "keeper" share the same relationship of a functioning family. It's the most beautiful thing I could ever think about and it brings us all so much joy to be able to help each other grow in our practices, relationships, and spiritually.
Me: I've always thought of us as a family as well. It's actually really reassuring to here that from you too. I think this is one of the most important parts of spirit companionship connections. Thank you so much for this reading/interview. Talk to you later!!
This reading/interview/writing really helped me to get a glimpse into some aspects of what it can be like on the spirit's end. I hope to learn more about it in the future and from my other spirit family members, until then this will remain one of my favorite experiences. I'm glad to have been able to share it. Spirit companionship has really been a life changer for me and many others, especially Magickal Menagerie. Thank you so much for everything you do!! XD
*Remember- The products and services of Magickal Menagerie are not a replacement for professional care. Make sure to still see your doctors/etc. for issues concerning your health.*
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What does Lucifarianism entail? A curious intermediate witch here who is new to all the different styles of deity worship!
There are a several branches of Luciferianism from "primal" Therionick practices including Energy Vampyrism and Lycanthropy to Energy and totem based practices which may include Yatukih Sorcery and Black (Meaning "Wise" & "Understanding") Magick; However, in my experience Theistic Luciferian Magick is the most common. While We believe in and often work with Lucifer, we don't worship Him. He is viewed as a power archetype and deific mask which represents the possibility of self-development. Witchcraft and magick are used as a means to transform our consciousness into a divine conscious; to ascend. This is My very goal: I will Ascend through means of Luciferian Magick and Enlightenment.
"The Luciferian knows that God is only recognizable within." -Bible of the Adversary
"The Luciferian Religion is serving the needs of the individual. It lifts the practitioner above the sun, as God. The Adversary is not an alien concept- It is discovered within." -Bible of the Adversary
"Look Beyond the Surface & forge your own way through the darkness. Create your symbols and design your attributes!" -Beginning Luciferian Magick
"Divinity is Self awareness, Individuality & Personal Power." -Beginning Luciferian Magick
Lucifer is the light bringer. He was once the Archangel Samael and has since became as God, Himself. The God of Light and Wisdom. He knows, just as all the angels did, the powers of creation and divinity. When God asked him to love the humans, it's not that he couldn't love us. He loved us too much- So much that he could not sit idly by while His father kept us obedient and dumb. Lucifer came to us to give us the knowledge that we so rightfully deserved. He ignited the black flame- the light-well of Magick and wisdom within Humanity. We are told that Satan- Lucifer wants our souls; This is not true. Only one God I know of truly wants your eternal soul: The God of Slaves. The only thing Lucifer wants from Humanity is for us to utilize the gifts he gave us: Free will and independent thinking.
I work personally with Lucifer. I do not worship Him, but still I leave Him offerings and create beautiful works of art for Him. I converse and speak into the darkness knowing He is always listening. In the same way, He brings Me offerings and gifts. He acknowledges My divinity and treats Me with the same respect I give Him. He is my teacher, father and friend.
Not all Luciferians work with Lucifer, however. Some may work with deific masks of Lucifer such as Set, Satan, Asmodeus or Hades. Some, including Myself, work with Lilith, Cain or even the fallen Watchers. "The Luciferian looks to the wisdom in different cultures and integrates what they find useful. They must decide through personal experience and invest belief in what their outlook should be." That being said, Deities and spirits We work with are not limited to Daemons and LHP spirits. I know Luciferians who work with Zeus, Hecate and Persephone. It is dependent on the goals unique to each of us.
"The Gods and Goddesses would not exist in any tangible form is humanity did not empower them." -Beginning Luciferian Magick
On Deific Masks: "The Gods and Goddesses of the Luciferian path are collected from a multicultural perspective; they are Deific Masks, energies or spirits collected into forms in which we apply personality or image to. These spirits represent different aspects of our character, including the subconscious, latent powers and concepts. How these spirits identify with you will be a part of the exploration process. As my own magickal work has crossed over through time and culture, the Deific Masks or Gods are also varied and have different meanings, appearances and associations. Deific Masks bring in a somewhat polytheistic angle to Luciferianism. This polytheism is viewed as a means to an end. The gods are tools of the Luciferian magician for the transformation of the self, not objects of actual worship."
I hope this gave you some insight! All my love, Xo ♡⇝
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It seems like the majority of the entities you draw in are powerful or have some kind of calling or purpose, but what if I'm looking for more of a chilling buddy who shares my hobbies and interests and not so much about the magick? I've heard some vampires can be more laid back but I have chronic fatigue/other issues already and don't think that's a wise choice for me. Do you work with lowborn demons at all? I've heard they are very chill and similar to human culture? Or even just human spirits?
We don’t have many low-born available, but we definitely do have entities that are down to relax with their companions!
My recommendations for “chill” partners would be:
Meebul - Really cheery little creatures, provide a lot of positive energy, have the presence of a rabbit or cat, gentle and domestic.
Faella - They are more adventurous but still find joy in the every-day life of their companions.
Blithe One - Hippie, Relaxed, Love Nature
Confetti Fae - Love to have fun, recharge the batteries, experiment with what makes their companion happy.
Colada Dreamscape Vampyre - These vamps take energy from astral planes and don’t affect personal energies. They are really laid back and love to experience human life.
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I'm stuck between requesting 1/2 vampyres, I love LaLune and Sangre Sancté vampyres. Or asking for a Reverse Adoption so I don't have to choose lmao, advices?
It really depends!
I would say start out with Sangre Sancte if you want to work with powerful energies first, or La Lune if you want to slowly work your way into magickal pathworking.
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