captainelliecomb · 2 years
WIP Wishlist End of Year 2022 Updates
WIP Wishlist
I love doing the WIP Wishlists. Cheers for the first full year! Your comments and tags are brilliant and make me happy every time.
WIPs that have been updated since I did the mid-year update in July.
The Blue Knight vs. The Kingslayer by SeeThemFlying @seethemflying From round eight, last updated 20 Sep 2022
Things I love: Brienne and Pod’s friendship and teamwork, the sheer silliness and threat of the Kingslayer, Imp, and Evil Queen, the Honor League, the sweetness and softness between Brienne and Jaime while their alteregos wage war on each other, how over-the-top and joyful and perfect this is as a comic book story.
Break the Shape We Take by ClasseySpanks From round eight, last updated 19 Oct 2022
Things I love: Intriguing worldbuilding, particularly around the Evenstar prophecy, Jaime needling at Brienne because he loves to see her eyes and her blush and to argue with her, something dangerous lurking in the trees and impaling deer on branches, Brienne brave and fearless when she’s doing what she’s been born to do and awkward and withdrawn otherwise, Jaime and Brienne teaming up.
The Crossover by LadyRhiyana From round sixteen, last updated 29 Sep 2022
Things I Love: The humour, the comic book characters and their stories, Jaime and Brienne clashing and brilliant together, Tyrion and his Halfman Comics team, the descriptions of the creative process, everyone’s characterisations.
Golden Lion by chrkrose Mentioned in round fourteen, last updated 28 July 2022
Things I Love: The entire premise, the failed conquest of the seven separate kingdoms of Westeros, Queen Joanna fiercely leading her family, the dragons of Tarth, a woman as Evenstar, sweet, honourable young Brienne, Queen Joanna and the Evenstar helping each other.
The Keeper by PalyGirl From round two, last updated, 14 Aug 2022
Things I love: Intriguing plot and world building, Brienne with friends and dragons, Young Griff is sometimes fantastic, friendships.
The Kingsguard by LadyRhiyana From round nine, now complete
Things I love: Modern AUs with Brienne as a princess, why Selwyn joins the rebels, Jaime the undercover Kingsguard, the way they annoy each other to no end, Brienne’s friendships, the way they protect each other, the history of Evenfall Hall, Lannister sibling dynamics, and spring break shenanigans.
Oh Lazarus, Were You So Afraid? by enemiesloversparadise From round fifteen, last updated 3 Dec 2022
Things I Love: Jaime actually dealing with the sept explosion, Tommen, queer Westeros, how Brienne and Pod relate to each other, Jon Snow and his politics, Sansa and Brienne’s friendship, the secondary pairings, the adventure of the story so far and potential to come.
An Old Lion Amongst Young Wolves by Angelic_Temptress From round three, last updated 02 Nov 2022
Things I love: Arya and Sansa friendship; Sansa’s clever playing of the game; complicated, difficult incursions of the dead more than just one hard-to-see long night; dialogue that is smart, and witty, and sarcastic; more practical ways to go to war.
Play On by motorbike_on_the_avenue From round fifteen, last updated 16 Nov 2022
Things I Love: The humour, Jaime and Brienne’s bickering, Brienne’s friendship with Margaery, the slow reveal of Brienne’s history, Brienne’s relationship with Cersei, the job choices for secondary characters, and the sheer entertainment of the setup.
she can't be convicted, she's earned her degree by aeemmmoor @kishibashiinghiing From round eighteen, last updated 26 Nov 2022
Things I Love: Jaime and Cersei swapping places, Cersei’s ambition, Cersei’s gender issues, how intrigued Jaime is by the plan but how strange it feels too, Cersei’s height, Tyrion’s response to everything, the obsessive love that does not lead to incest.
Silk and Steel by LadyRhiyana From round ten, now complete
Things I Love: Brienne the Targaryen with a dragon and an army of Stark, Baratheon, and Arryn fighters, Brienne’s advisors warning her away from her beautiful, golden spoils of war, Brienne growing up beloved and respected as a strong, fierce, determined alpha who rose against her mad uncle Aerys.
the top of my to-do list by Valmalpal From round seventeen, now complete
Things I Love: Jaime’s obsession with Brienne, how hot they are together slowly moving closer to sex, Brienne’s mix of stubborn and shy, how they care for each other, the way the tension builds.
unfiltered. by SeeThemFlying @seethemflying From round fifteen, last updated 23 Nov 2022
Things I Love: Brienne’s characterisation, Olenna Tyrell in all her glorious sharpness, Jaime’s inexplicable – to him – reactions to Brienne and to other people appreciating her, the punch of sexual tension, Jaime’s emotional softness set against his sharp words when he feels attacked, and the pining, conscious and unconscious.
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crowcoven · 3 years
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captainelliecomb · 2 years
WIP Wishlist Round Fifteen
WIP Wishlists
Oh Lazarus, Were You so Afraid? by enemiesloversparadise @crowcoven (24,034 words, first posted 19 June 22, last updated 21 Aug 22)
Summary: He somehow smells it before he sees it. Whether that’s impossible and simply him sensing something wrong in the air, or as real as what he now sees he doesn’t know. What he does know is that the city is on fire, and the smoke carries the faint trace of green flame.
Jaime leaves Cersei at the end of season 6 instead of 7, and arrives early enough to save Tommen. My rewrite of seasons 7 & 8, where character arcs are payed off, timeline (hopefully) makes sense, and my favs get the endings they deserved.
Title from the song "Blood on my name" by The Brothers Bright.
Things I Love: Jaime actually dealing with the sept explosion, Tommen, queer Westeros, how Brienne and Pod relate to each other, Jon Snow and his politics, Sansa and Brienne’s friendship, the secondary pairings, the adventure of the story so far and potential to come. 
Play On by motorbike_on_the_avenue (42,379 words, first posted 27 April 22, last updated 25 July 22)
Summary: Problem: Cersei Lannister, pop-star extraordinaire has eloped and sailed off on honeymoon two weeks before she’s supposed to open the newly built King’s Landing stadium in London. She’s got engagement events booked solid, but all calls and texts to her phone go unanswered.
Plan: Jaime Lannister, Cersei’s twin brother and one of the two people she text to tell what was happening will pretend to be her for the two weeks. He’s spent his whole life hearing how him and Cersei are a mirror image of each other. All he needs is her diary so he can plan how to fool the public until she comes back.
Problem: Brienne Tarth, Cersei’s assistant and the only other person Cersei told about her elopement is not on board with Jaime’s plan.
Plan: Jaime doesn’t need her help; he used to be Cersei’s PR manager, before he went travelling for three years. He’s sure he can pick up where he left off.
Problem: He can’t.
Plan: After a failure, Brienne is now on board.
Problem: The more time he spends with his sister’s assistant the more time he actually wants to spend with her. These feelings certainly weren’t part of his plan...but just what will Cersei be coming back to?
Things I Love: The humour, Jaime and Brienne’s bickering, Brienne’s friendship with Margaery, the slow reveal of Brienne’s history, Brienne’s relationship with Cersei, the job choices for secondary characters, and the sheer entertainment of the setup.
unfiltered. by SeeThemFlying @seethemflying (27,326 words, first posted 17 Aug 21, last updated 18 June 22)
Summary: Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye - William Shakespeare, Love's Labours Lost.
Supermodel Jaime does a photo shoot with plus size model Brienne.
It makes him reconsider everything he knows about everything.
Things I Love: Brienne’s characterisation, Olenna Tyrell in all her glorious sharpness, Jaime’s inexplicable -- to him -- reactions to Brienne and to other people appreciating her, the punch of sexual tension, Jaime’s emotional softness set against his sharp words when he feels attacked, and the pining, conscious and unconscious.
when gold turns to rust by ifancymyselfawriter (3,216 words, first posted 01 May 22)
Summary: Brienne had heard tales of his valour and bravery and political genius, his beauty and style and humour. She had heard other tales as well, of his rage and cruelty and bloodlust. And, now she smiled at him for she did find him impressive and oh, how she craved an impressive enemy.
Things I Love: Complicated King Jaime, shades of grey when Brienne wants black and white, Brienne and her mission, the layers of intrigue, Shae’s view of how Tyrion uses her, and, of course, the sparring.  
and things we’ve never seen will seem familiar by lilsherlockian1975 (9,330 words, first posted 30 Dec 21, last updated 16 Jan 22)
Summary: Jaime's ghost is haunting the Lord Commander of the Kingsgard. Or perhaps it's not. Perhaps she is haunting him.
He smiles fondly now like he knows he’s gotten to her. “Until I met this stubborn wench who dragged me through the Riverlands and told me to fight. She reminded me why I wanted to be a knight in the first place and of the honour I thought I’d lost. She wouldn’t shut up about vows and oaths.” Biting his lower lip in that way that always makes Brienne’s tummy do flips, he steps closer. “We had this… bath together, you see. I bared my soul to this wench.” His eyes travel the length of her, taking her apart as they move. “And she bared herself, all her beautiful strength, to me. I had never seen anything quite like this wench.”
Things I Love: The creepiness of Brienne’s point of view in the first chapter, the twisting little details, Brienne’s broken heart, Pod and Sam worrying about her so, everything that comes after.
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crowcoven · 3 years
Enemiesloversparadise ——-> waywardcrow
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