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bills-bible-basics · 7 months ago
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Bill's Bible Basics Used to be Endtime Prophecy Net As some of my longtime friends will know, since about the middle of 2016, my online Christian ministry has been known as Bill's Bible Basics, and can be found at https://www.billkochman.com. However, what some of my newer friends probably do not know, is that prior to July of 2016, the BBB ministry was known as Endtime Prophecy Net. In fact, it was called by the latter name since the year 2000 when I first purchased the domain names endtimeprophecy. net and endtimeprophecy. org. Furthermore, it was during the early part of those sixteen years that I began to create the over 5,000 Bill's Bible Basics graphics which now populate many corners of the Internet, such as on eight of the major social networks. For reasons which I have explained before, in July of 2016, I took both www.endtimeprophecy. net and www.endtimeprophecy. org offline, and I replaced them with https://www.billkochman.com. It was the same content as before, but with a new ministry name, and a new website URL. While I took them offline at that time, I did not fully relinquish ownership of those two domain names until November of 2017 when my registration for them expired. So why am I sharing the previous information with you? Well, for several reasons. First of all, given the nature of the Internet, many of the original versions of my graphics are still floating around on the Internet. These original and older versions have the domain name www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. Since creating all of those original versions years ago, ALL of my graphics have been both enlarged, as well as updated and improved in quality, making them better than the originals. You will know if you are looking at a newer version of one of my graphics, because the domain name on it will be www.billkochman.com, and NOT www.endtimeprophecy. net. One reason why I am telling you this is because I really don't want anyone sharing the older versions of my graphics which have www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. One of the main reasons behind my making this request is the following: After I relinquished endtimeprophecy. net and endtimeprophecy. org back in 2016, some unscrupulous person -- who remains unknown to me -- purchased the endtimeprophecy. net domain name, and for years now they have been using the domain name to advertise a hotel chain. Obviously, it has absolutely nothing to do with our Christian faith. So what they are doing is both dishonest, as well as misleading. If you put www.endtimeprophecy. net in the location field of your web browser, you will be taken to a page which shows a very old -- and broken -- version of the Endtime Prophecy Net website. Of course, none of the links will work, because the site is dead, and the page is bogus. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see a pile of links for the aforementioned hotel chain. So as I said, that person is using my old domain name for dishonest and misleading purposes. They are using our faith, and my former website name and website URL as bait. Shame on them! For the record, a few years ago, I made efforts to get them to stop, but they refused to even communicate with me. Furthermore, I was unable to locate any information regarding the ISP they are using. So, it was basically a dead end, and they have continued with their scam. So that is why I am asking everyone to please NOT use or share any of my old graphics which have www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. Because if you do, you will be unintentionally leading people to that bogus website. Please direct all of your online friends to Bill's Bible Basics at https://www.billkochman.com instead. All of my original content -- articles and series, poetry, graphics, KJV Bible Verse Lists, etc. -- can be found there. Regarding the endtimeprophecy. org domain name, if you attempt to go there in your web browser, you will be taken to a page which contains a number of related links, and which will inform you that endtimeprophecy. org is for sale, and that it can be purchased via networksolutions. com. Let me also mention that over the years, certain dishonest individuals -- particularly on Facebook -- have stolen literally thousands of my images, altered them, and chopped them up. In particular, they intentionally remove my www.billkochman.com website URL from the graphics, and they place their own URL there instead, or something else. Again, this is shameful, and a poor Christian example. In conclusion, I hope you all continue to enjoy and are blessed and edified by the material which I freely share online via the Bill's Bible Basics website, the Bill's Bible Basics Blog, and on the various social networks. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I appreciate it. By the way, if you want to see a very early version of the Endtime Prophecy Net website, check out this link. You can tell how old it is by reading the descriptions for the EPN and EPO versions of the website near the bottom of the page. A 56K modem? Really? :) https://www.billkochman.com/Original-EPN.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/bills-bible-basics-used-to-be-endtime-prophecy-net/?feed_id=200924&Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Used%20to%20be%20Endtime%20Prophecy%20Net
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bills-bible-basics · 5 days ago
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Bill's Bible Basics Used to be Endtime Prophecy Net As some of my longtime friends will know, since about the middle of 2016, my online Christian ministry has been known as Bill's Bible Basics, and can be found at https://www.billkochman.com. However, what some of my newer friends probably do not know, is that prior to July of 2016, the BBB ministry was known as Endtime Prophecy Net. In fact, it was called by the latter name since the year 2000 when I first purchased the domain names endtimeprophecy. net and endtimeprophecy. org. Furthermore, it was during the early part of those sixteen years that I began to create the over 5,000 Bill's Bible Basics graphics which now populate many corners of the Internet, such as on eight of the major social networks. For reasons which I have explained before, in July of 2016, I took both www.endtimeprophecy. net and www.endtimeprophecy. org offline, and I replaced them with https://www.billkochman.com. It was the same content as before, but with a new ministry name, and a new website URL. While I took them offline at that time, I did not fully relinquish ownership of those two domain names until November of 2017 when my registration for them expired. So why am I sharing the previous information with you? Well, for several reasons. First of all, given the nature of the Internet, many of the original versions of my graphics are still floating around on the Internet. These original and older versions have the domain name www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. Since creating all of those original versions years ago, ALL of my graphics have been both enlarged, as well as updated and improved in quality, making them better than the originals. You will know if you are looking at a newer version of one of my graphics, because the domain name on it will be www.billkochman.com, and NOT www.endtimeprophecy. net. One reason why I am telling you this is because I really don't want anyone sharing the older versions of my graphics which have www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. One of the main reasons behind my making this request is the following: After I relinquished endtimeprophecy. net and endtimeprophecy. org back in 2016, some unscrupulous person -- who remains unknown to me -- purchased the endtimeprophecy. net domain name, and for years now they have been using the domain name to advertise a hotel chain. Obviously, it has absolutely nothing to do with our Christian faith. So what they are doing is both dishonest, as well as misleading. If you put www.endtimeprophecy. net in the location field of your web browser, you will be taken to a page which shows a very old -- and broken -- version of the Endtime Prophecy Net website. Of course, none of the links will work, because the site is dead, and the page is bogus. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see a pile of links for the aforementioned hotel chain. So as I said, that person is using my old domain name for dishonest and misleading purposes. They are using our faith, and my former website name and website URL as bait. Shame on them! For the record, a few years ago, I made efforts to get them to stop, but they refused to even communicate with me. Furthermore, I was unable to locate any information regarding the ISP they are using. So, it was basically a dead end, and they have continued with their scam. So that is why I am asking everyone to please NOT use or share any of my old graphics which have www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. Because if you do, you will be unintentionally leading people to that bogus website. Please direct all of your online friends to Bill's Bible Basics at https://www.billkochman.com instead. All of my original content -- articles and series, poetry, graphics, KJV Bible Verse Lists, etc. -- can be found there. Regarding the endtimeprophecy. org domain name, if you attempt to go there in your web browser, you will be taken to a page which contains a number of related links, and which will inform you that endtimeprophecy. org is for sale, and that it can be purchased via networksolutions. com. Let me also mention that over the years, certain dishonest individuals -- particularly on Facebook -- have stolen literally thousands of my images, altered them, and chopped them up. In particular, they intentionally remove my www.billkochman.com website URL from the graphics, and they place their own URL there instead, or something else. Again, this is shameful, and a poor Christian example. In conclusion, I hope you all continue to enjoy and are blessed and edified by the material which I freely share online via the Bill's Bible Basics website, the Bill's Bible Basics Blog, and on the various social networks. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I appreciate it. https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/bills-bible-basics-used-to-be-endtime-prophecy-net/?Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Used%20to%20be%20Endtime%20Prophecy%20Net
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bills-bible-basics · 4 months ago
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Do NOT Share Old Endtime Prophecy Net Graphics https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/do-not-share-old-endtime-prophecy-net-graphics/ Dear friends, as I explain in my 2016 series called "In the Ages to Come", and as some of you may already know, from the year 2000 to 2016, I was the owner of the domain name endtimeprophecy.net, and my website and ministry was known as "Endtime Prophecy Net". However, as I explain in the aforementioned series and elsewhere, for a variety of reasons, seven years ago in 2016, I relinquished ownership of the aforementioned domain name, and I switched my website to the billkochman.com domain name instead. It was also at that time that I changed the name of my website and ministry to Bill's Bible Basics. Of course, by that time, I had already created thousands of graphics which had the endtimeprophecy.net URL included on them, as a means to drive traffic to my website. The result is that for at least sixteen years, thousands of my graphics with "endtimeprophecy.net" on them were propagated all across the Internet via the various social networks. After the 2016 domain name change and the website name change, I immediately began redoing all of my graphics with "billkochman.com" included on them, instead of "endtimeprophecy.net", and all new graphics since then have been made with "billkochman.com" on them as well. But, alas, not long after that, a problem developed! You see, after I let go of the "endtimeprophecy.net" domain name, some unknown domain name squatter -- that is, people who buy and sell domain names, sometimes just to sit on them -- purchased "endtimeprophecy.net" and they began using the domain name to advertise a hotel chain. It had, and has, absolutely nothing to do with the Bible or with Bible prophecy. What they are doing is obviously dishonest, and an intentional deception, in order to draw people to their website, by using a popular Christian phrase and domain name. Over the years, I have tried contacting the current owner of the "endtimeprophecy.net" domain name several times, and requesting that they stop doing what they are doing. Sadly, to this day, they have never responded to any of my emails. It's just a wall of silence from them. Furthermore, they continue to use the "endtimeprophecy.net" domain name to advertise their hotel chain. Worse yet, in order to purposely deceive people -- particularly Christians -- and trick search engine bots into driving traffic to their website, near the top of their page, the domain name squatter includes portions of one of my very early versions of the Endtime Prophecy Net website from almost 18 years ago! But that is not all. If someone sees the "endtimeprophecy.net" URL on one of my older graphics somewhere on one of the social networks, or anywhere else for that matter, and tries to go to "endtimeprophecy.net", depending on their security settings, their web browser will display an error message and warning, advising the user to NOT proceed, because the bogus website is NOT safe! However, if the person chooses to ignore the web browser warning, and proceeds anyway, they will be taken to the URL below, and they will see everything that I described above: https://www.hotels-atlanta.net/en/endtimeprophecy.html So, it is for the aforementioned reasons, that I advise and request that anyone on any of the social networks who may still be sharing some of my old pre-2016 graphics which have "endtimeprophecy.net" included on them, please immediately remove said graphics from all of your social network pages. Failure to do so will lead your friends to a bogus website which is NOT about our Christian faith. In fact, the reason why I am posting this current message on my Bill's Bible Basics blog, is because just this past week, I came across two people on Facebook who recently used two of my old graphics with "endtimeprophecy.net" on them. As I said, all modern versions of my graphics now have "billkochman.com" on them. You are free to share these new and updated graphics from whatever social networks you participate on. Or, if you would like to see all of the graphics I have created to date -- there are over 4,300 of them arranged by topic -- you are welcome to visit my Bill's Bible Basics Graphics Library at the URL below. There are currently 4,300+ images there: https://www.billkochman.com/Graphics-Library/ God bless you, and thank you for taking the time to read this. https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/do-not-share-old-endtime-prophecy-net-graphics/?feed_id=254466&Do%20NOT%20Share%20Old%20Endtime%20Prophecy%20Net%20Graphics
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bills-bible-basics · 1 year ago
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Do NOT Share Old Endtime Prophecy Net Graphics https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/do-not-share-old-endtime-prophecy-net-graphics/ Dear friends, as I explain in my 2016 series called "In the Ages to Come", and as some of you may already know, from the year 2000 to 2016, I was the owner of the domain name endtimeprophecy.net, and my website and ministry was known as "Endtime Prophecy Net". However, as I explain in the aforementioned series and elsewhere, for a variety of reasons, seven years ago in 2016, I relinquished ownership of the aforementioned domain name, and I switched my website to the billkochman.com domain name instead. It was also at that time that I changed the name of my website and ministry to Bill's Bible Basics. Of course, by that time, I had already created thousands of graphics which had the endtimeprophecy.net URL included on them, as a means to drive traffic to my website. The result is that for at least sixteen years, thousands of my graphics with "endtimeprophecy.net" on them were propagated all across the Internet via the various social networks. After the 2016 domain name change and the website name change, I immediately began redoing all of my graphics with "billkochman.com" included on them, instead of "endtimeprophecy.net", and all new graphics since then have been made with "billkochman.com" on them as well. But, alas, not long after that, a problem developed! You see, after I let go of the "endtimeprophecy.net" domain name, some unknown domain name squatter -- that is, people who buy and sell domain names, sometimes just to sit on them -- purchased "endtimeprophecy.net" and they began using the domain name to advertise a hotel chain. It had, and has, absolutely nothing to do with the Bible or with Bible prophecy. What they are doing is obviously dishonest, and an intentional deception, in order to draw people to their website, by using a popular Christian phrase and domain name. Over the years, I have tried contacting the current owner of the "endtimeprophecy.net" domain name several times, and requesting that they stop doing what they are doing. Sadly, to this day, they have never responded to any of my emails. It's just a wall of silence from them. Furthermore, they continue to use the "endtimeprophecy.net" domain name to advertise their hotel chain. Worse yet, in order to purposely deceive people -- particularly Christians -- and trick search engine bots into driving traffic to their website, near the top of their page, the domain name squatter includes portions of one of my very early versions of the Endtime Prophecy Net website from almost 18 years ago! But that is not all. If someone sees the "endtimeprophecy.net" URL on one of my older graphics somewhere on one of the social networks, or anywhere else for that matter, and tries to go to "endtimeprophecy.net", depending on their security settings, their web browser will display an error message and warning, advising the user to NOT proceed, because the bogus website is NOT safe! However, if the person chooses to ignore the web browser warning, and proceeds anyway, they will be taken to the URL below, and they will see everything that I described above: https://www.hotels-atlanta.net/en/endtimeprophecy.html So, it is for the aforementioned reasons, that I advise and request that anyone on any of the social networks who may still be sharing some of my old pre-2016 graphics which have "endtimeprophecy.net" included on them, please immediately remove said graphics from all of your social network pages. Failure to do so will lead your friends to a bogus website which is NOT about our Christian faith. In fact, the reason why I am posting this current message on my Bill's Bible Basics blog, is because just this past week, I came across two people on Facebook who recently used two of my old graphics with "endtimeprophecy.net" on them. As I said, all modern versions of my graphics now have "billkochman.com" on them. You are free to share these new and updated graphics from whatever social networks you participate on. Or, if you would like to see all of the graphics I have created to date -- there are over 4,300 of them arranged by topic -- you are welcome to visit my Bill's Bible Basics Graphics Library at the URL below. There are currently 4,300+ images there: https://www.billkochman.com/Graphics-Library/ God bless you, and thank you for taking the time to read this. https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/do-not-share-old-endtime-prophecy-net-graphics/?feed_id=138606&Do%20NOT%20Share%20Old%20Endtime%20Prophecy%20Net%20Graphics
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bills-bible-basics · 1 year ago
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Bill's Bible Basics Used to be Endtime Prophecy Net As some of my longtime friends will know, since about the middle of 2016, my online Christian ministry has been known as Bill's Bible Basics, and can be found at https://www.billkochman.com. However, what some of my newer friends probably do not know, is that prior to July of 2016, the BBB ministry was known as Endtime Prophecy Net. In fact, it was called by the latter name since the year 2000 when I first purchased the domain names endtimeprophecy. net and endtimeprophecy. org. Furthermore, it was during the early part of those sixteen years that I began to create the over 5,000 Bill's Bible Basics graphics which now populate many corners of the Internet, such as on eight of the major social networks. For reasons which I have explained before, in July of 2016, I took both www.endtimeprophecy. net and www.endtimeprophecy. org offline, and I replaced them with https://www.billkochman.com. It was the same content as before, but with a new ministry name, and a new website URL. While I took them offline at that time, I did not fully relinquish ownership of those two domain names until November of 2017 when my registration for them expired. So why am I sharing the previous information with you? Well, for several reasons. First of all, given the nature of the Internet, many of the original versions of my graphics are still floating around on the Internet. These original and older versions have the domain name www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. Since creating all of those original versions years ago, ALL of my graphics have been both enlarged, as well as updated and improved in quality, making them better than the originals. You will know if you are looking at a newer version of one of my graphics, because the domain name on it will be www.billkochman.com, and NOT www.endtimeprophecy. net. One reason why I am telling you this is because I really don't want anyone sharing the older versions of my graphics which have www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. One of the main reasons behind my making this request is the following: After I relinquished endtimeprophecy. net and endtimeprophecy. org back in 2016, some unscrupulous person -- who remains unknown to me -- purchased the endtimeprophecy. net domain name, and for years now they have been using the domain name to advertise a hotel chain. Obviously, it has absolutely nothing to do with our Christian faith. So what they are doing is both dishonest, as well as misleading. If you put www.endtimeprophecy. net in the location field of your web browser, you will be taken to a page which shows a very old -- and broken -- version of the Endtime Prophecy Net website. Of course, none of the links will work, because the site is dead, and the page is bogus. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see a pile of links for the aforementioned hotel chain. So as I said, that person is using my old domain name for dishonest and misleading purposes. They are using our faith, and my former website name and website URL as bait. Shame on them! For the record, a few years ago, I made efforts to get them to stop, but they refused to even communicate with me. Furthermore, I was unable to locate any information regarding the ISP they are using. So, it was basically a dead end, and they have continued with their scam. So that is why I am asking everyone to please NOT use or share any of my old graphics which have www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. Because if you do, you will be unintentionally leading people to that bogus website. Please direct all of your online friends to Bill's Bible Basics at https://www.billkochman.com instead. All of my original content -- articles and series, poetry, graphics, KJV Bible Verse Lists, etc. -- can be found there. Regarding the endtimeprophecy. org domain name, if you attempt to go there in your web browser, you will be taken to a page which contains a number of related links, and which will inform you that endtimeprophecy. org is for sale, and that it can be purchased via networksolutions. com.
Let me also mention that over the years, certain dishonest individuals -- particularly on Facebook -- have stolen literally thousands of my images, altered them, and chopped them up. In particular, they intentionally remove my www.billkochman.com website URL from the graphics, and they place their own URL there instead, or something else. Again, this is shameful, and a poor Christian example. In conclusion, I hope you all continue to enjoy and are blessed and edified by the material which I freely share online via the Bill's Bible Basics website, the Bill's Bible Basics Blog, and on the various social networks. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I appreciate it. By the way, if you want to see a very early version of the Endtime Prophecy Net website, check out this link. You can tell how old it is by reading the descriptions for the EPN and EPO versions of the website near the bottom of the page. A 56K modem? Really? :) https://www.billkochman.com/Original-EPN.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/bills-bible-basics-used-to-be-endtime-prophecy-net/?feed_id=97514&_unique_id=653a8684826ac&Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Used%20to%20be%20Endtime%20Prophecy%20Net
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bills-bible-basics · 1 year ago
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Bill's Bible Basics Used to be Endtime Prophecy Net As some of my longtime friends will know, since about the middle of 2016, my online Christian ministry has been known as Bill's Bible Basics, and can be found at https://www.billkochman.com. However, what some of my newer friends probably do not know, is that prior to July of 2016, the BBB ministry was known as Endtime Prophecy Net. In fact, it was called by the latter name since the year 2000 when I first purchased the domain names endtimeprophecy. net and endtimeprophecy. org. Furthermore, it was during the early part of those sixteen years that I began to create the over 5,000 Bill's Bible Basics graphics which now populate many corners of the Internet, such as on eight of the major social networks. For reasons which I have explained before, in July of 2016, I took both www.endtimeprophecy. net and www.endtimeprophecy. org offline, and I replaced them with https://www.billkochman.com. It was the same content as before, but with a new ministry name, and a new website URL. While I took them offline at that time, I did not fully relinquish ownership of those two domain names until November of 2017 when my registration for them expired. So why am I sharing the previous information with you? Well, for several reasons. First of all, given the nature of the Internet, many of the original versions of my graphics are still floating around on the Internet. These original and older versions have the domain name www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. Since creating all of those original versions years ago, ALL of my graphics have been both enlarged, as well as updated and improved in quality, making them better than the originals. You will know if you are looking at a newer version of one of my graphics, because the domain name on it will be www.billkochman.com, and NOT www.endtimeprophecy. net. One reason why I am telling you this is because I really don't want anyone sharing the older versions of my graphics which have www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. One of the main reasons behind my making this request is the following: After I relinquished endtimeprophecy. net and endtimeprophecy. org back in 2016, some unscrupulous person -- who remains unknown to me -- purchased the endtimeprophecy. net domain name, and for years now they have been using the domain name to advertise a hotel chain. Obviously, it has absolutely nothing to do with our Christian faith. So what they are doing is both dishonest, as well as misleading. If you put www.endtimeprophecy. net in the location field of your web browser, you will be taken to a page which shows a very old -- and broken -- version of the Endtime Prophecy Net website. Of course, none of the links will work, because the site is dead, and the page is bogus. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see a pile of links for the aforementioned hotel chain. So as I said, that person is using my old domain name for dishonest and misleading purposes. They are using our faith, and my former website name and website URL as bait. Shame on them! For the record, a few years ago, I made efforts to get them to stop, but they refused to even communicate with me. Furthermore, I was unable to locate any information regarding the ISP they are using. So, it was basically a dead end, and they have continued with their scam. So that is why I am asking everyone to please NOT use or share any of my old graphics which have www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. Because if you do, you will be unintentionally leading people to that bogus website. Please direct all of your online friends to Bill's Bible Basics at https://www.billkochman.com instead. All of my original content -- articles and series, poetry, graphics, KJV Bible Verse Lists, etc. -- can be found there. Regarding the endtimeprophecy. org domain name, if you attempt to go there in your web browser, you will be taken to a page which contains a number of related links, and which will inform you that endtimeprophecy. org is for sale, and that it can be purchased via networksolutions. com.
Let me also mention that over the years, certain dishonest individuals -- particularly on Facebook -- have stolen literally thousands of my images, altered them, and chopped them up. In particular, they intentionally remove my www.billkochman.com website URL from the graphics, and they place their own URL there instead, or something else. Again, this is shameful, and a poor Christian example. In conclusion, I hope you all continue to enjoy and are blessed and edified by the material which I freely share online via the Bill's Bible Basics website, the Bill's Bible Basics Blog, and on the various social networks. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I appreciate it. By the way, if you want to see a very early version of the Endtime Prophecy Net website, check out this link. You can tell how old it is by reading the descriptions for the EPN and EPO versions of the website near the bottom of the page. A 56K modem? Really? :) https://www.billkochman.com/Original-EPN.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/bills-bible-basics-used-to-be-endtime-prophecy-net/?feed_id=94541&_unique_id=652f04c063372&Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Used%20to%20be%20Endtime%20Prophecy%20Net
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bills-bible-basics · 2 years ago
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Bill's Bible Basics Used to be Endtime Prophecy Net As some of my longtime friends will know, since about the middle of 2016, my online Christian ministry has been known as Bill's Bible Basics, and can be found at https://www.billkochman.com. However, what some of my newer friends probably do not know, is that prior to July of 2016, the BBB ministry was known as Endtime Prophecy Net. In fact, it was called by the latter name since the year 2000 when I first purchased the domain names endtimeprophecy. net and endtimeprophecy. org. Furthermore, it was during the early part of those sixteen years that I began to create the over 5,000 Bill's Bible Basics graphics which now populate many corners of the Internet, such as on eight of the major social networks. For reasons which I have explained before, in July of 2016, I took both www.endtimeprophecy. net and www.endtimeprophecy. org offline, and I replaced them with https://www.billkochman.com. It was the same content as before, but with a new ministry name, and a new website URL. While I took them offline at that time, I did not fully relinquish ownership of those two domain names until November of 2017 when my registration for them expired. So why am I sharing the previous information with you? Well, for several reasons. First of all, given the nature of the Internet, many of the original versions of my graphics are still floating around on the Internet. These original and older versions have the domain name www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. Since creating all of those original versions years ago, ALL of my graphics have been both enlarged, as well as updated and improved in quality, making them better than the originals. You will know if you are looking at a newer version of one of my graphics, because the domain name on it will be www.billkochman.com, and NOT www.endtimeprophecy. net. One reason why I am telling you this is because I really don't want anyone sharing the older versions of my graphics which have www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. One of the main reasons behind my making this request is the following: After I relinquished endtimeprophecy. net and endtimeprophecy. org back in 2016, some unscrupulous person -- who remains unknown to me -- purchased the endtimeprophecy. net domain name, and for years now they have been using the domain name to advertise a hotel chain. Obviously, it has absolutely nothing to do with our Christian faith. So what they are doing is both dishonest, as well as misleading. If you put www.endtimeprophecy. net in the location field of your web browser, you will be taken to a page which shows a very old -- and broken -- version of the Endtime Prophecy Net website. Of course, none of the links will work, because the site is dead, and the page is bogus. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will see a pile of links for the aforementioned hotel chain. So as I said, that person is using my old domain name for dishonest and misleading purposes. They are using our faith, and my former website name and website URL as bait. Shame on them! For the record, a few years ago, I made efforts to get them to stop, but they refused to even communicate with me. Furthermore, I was unable to locate any information regarding the ISP they are using. So, it was basically a dead end, and they have continued with their scam. So that is why I am asking everyone to please NOT use or share any of my old graphics which have www.endtimeprophecy. net on them. Because if you do, you will be unintentionally leading people to that bogus website. Please direct all of your online friends to Bill's Bible Basics at https://www.billkochman.com instead. All of my original content -- articles and series, poetry, graphics, KJV Bible Verse Lists, etc. -- can be found there. Regarding the endtimeprophecy. org domain name, if you attempt to go there in your web browser, you will be taken to a page which contains a number of related links, and which will inform you that endtimeprophecy.
org is for sale, and that it can be purchased via networksolutions. com. Let me also mention that over the years, certain dishonest individuals -- particularly on Facebook -- have stolen literally thousands of my images, altered them, and chopped them up. In particular, they intentionally remove my www.billkochman.com website URL from the graphics, and they place their own URL there instead, or something else. Again, this is shameful, and a poor Christian example. In conclusion, I hope you all continue to enjoy and are blessed and edified by the material which I freely share online via the Bill's Bible Basics website, the Bill's Bible Basics Blog, and on the various social networks. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I appreciate it. By the way, if you want to see a very early version of the Endtime Prophecy Net website, check out this link. You can tell how old it is by reading the descriptions for the EPN and EPO versions of the website near the bottom of the page. A 56K modem? Really? :) https://www.billkochman.com/Original-EPN.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/bills-bible-basics-used-to-be-endtime-prophecy-net/?feed_id=24483&_unique_id=63cdefbc2f4d0&Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Used%20to%20be%20Endtime%20Prophecy%20Net
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bills-bible-basics · 2 years ago
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Do NOT Share Old Endtime Prophecy Net Graphics https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/do-not-share-old-endtime-prophecy-net-graphics/ Dear friends, as I explain in my 2016 series called "In the Ages to Come", and as some of you may already know, from the year 2000 to 2016, I was the owner of the domain name endtimeprophecy.net, and my website and ministry was known as "Endtime Prophecy Net". However, as I explain in the aforementioned series and elsewhere, for a variety of reasons, seven years ago in 2016, I relinquished ownership of the aforementioned domain name, and I switched my website to the billkochman.com domain name instead. It was also at that time that I changed the name of my website and ministry to Bill's Bible Basics. Of course, by that time, I had already created thousands of graphics which had the endtimeprophecy.net URL included on them, as a means to drive traffic to my website. The result is that for at least sixteen years, thousands of my graphics with "endtimeprophecy.net" on them were propagated all across the Internet via the various social networks. After the 2016 domain name change and the website name change, I immediately began redoing all of my graphics with "billkochman.com" included on them, instead of "endtimeprophecy.net", and all new graphics since then have been made with "billkochman.com" on them as well. But, alas, not long after that, a problem developed! You see, after I let go of the "endtimeprophecy.net" domain name, some unknown domain name squatter -- that is, people who buy and sell domain names, sometimes just to sit on them -- purchased "endtimeprophecy.net" and they began using the domain name to advertise a hotel chain. It had, and has, absolutely nothing to do with the Bible or with Bible prophecy. What they are doing is obviously dishonest, and an intentional deception, in order to draw people to their website, by using a popular Christian phrase and domain name. Over the years, I have tried contacting the current owner of the "endtimeprophecy.net" domain name several times, and requesting that they stop doing what they are doing. Sadly, to this day, they have never responded to any of my emails. It's just a wall of silence from them. Furthermore, they continue to use the "endtimeprophecy.net" domain name to advertise their hotel chain. Worse yet, in order to purposely deceive people -- particularly Christians -- and trick search engine bots into driving traffic to their website, near the top of their page, the domain name squatter includes portions of one of my very early versions of the Endtime Prophecy Net website from almost 18 years ago! But that is not all. If someone sees the "endtimeprophecy.net" URL on one of my older graphics somewhere on one of the social networks, or anywhere else for that matter, and tries to go to "endtimeprophecy.net", depending on their security settings, their web browser will display an error message and warning, advising the user to NOT proceed, because the bogus website is NOT safe! However, if the person chooses to ignore the web browser warning, and proceeds anyway, they will be taken to the URL below, and they will see everything that I described above: https://www.hotels-atlanta.net/en/endtimeprophecy.html So, it is for the aforementioned reasons, that I advise and request that anyone on any of the social networks who may still be sharing some of my old pre-2016 graphics which have "endtimeprophecy.net" included on them, please immediately remove said graphics from all of your social network pages. Failure to do so will lead your friends to a bogus website which is NOT about our Christian faith. In fact, the reason why I am posting this current message on my Bill's Bible Basics blog, is because just this past week, I came across two people on Facebook who recently used two of my old graphics with "endtimeprophecy.net" on them. As I said, all modern versions of my graphics now have "billkochman.com" on them.
You are free to share these new and updated graphics from whatever social networks you participate on. Or, if you would like to see all of the graphics I have created to date -- there are over 4,300 of them arranged by topic -- you are welcome to visit my Bill's Bible Basics Graphics Library at the URL below. There are currently 4,300+ images there: https://www.billkochman.com/Graphics-Library/index.html God bless you, and thank you for taking the time to read this. https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/do-not-share-old-endtime-prophecy-net-graphics/?feed_id=22153&_unique_id=63b6ee92aa60e&Do%20NOT%20Share%20Old%20Endtime%20Prophecy%20Net%20Graphics
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