#enderman hybrid ranboo
kawaiikenna · 8 months
Hi! I wrote a thing! I’ve gotten myself sucked into the DSMP fandom cause of my little sister and I decided to write something for it. :3 Here’s the ao3 link for those that want to keep up with this fic because I will not be tagging people if/when I update. Time Lapse on ao3.
Tommy loses his memory and gets taken in by Tubbo and Ranboo. Plot twist, Tommy is actually Prince Theseus of the Antarctic Empire and the imperial family, his family, is looking all over for him. Sadly they don’t think to look in the little village of Snowchester.
Heavily inspired by the 1987 film ‘Overboard’. Just with the romcom bits switched out for friendship and found family. :3
Without further ado here’s the first chapter of the fic!
Ranboo wasn’t entirely certain about what happened or even how it happened. But when Tubbo had come back from his trip into town with a bloody and very much unconscious teen about their age there wasn’t much time to ask questions. Instead they busied themselves with helping Tubbo clean and bandage the mystery teen’s wounds. There weren’t many, thank Prime above, but there was a pretty severe gash that ran across his forehead and ran a bit into the matted and dirty blond curls. Ranboo suspected that that specific wound would be trouble in the future. They would need to take him to the healer in town to make sure nothing was wrong.
For now the teen was sleeping on their ratty couch in their tiny front room. His clothes were pretty much destroyed so Ranboo started to mentally go through some items that might fit the sleeping teen. He would probably want to change when he woke up sooner or later. They might have a set of pajamas floating around that should fit.
“I think he’s some kind of noble.” Tubbo finally said after a long moment of silence. “Because even if his clothes are all dirty and kind of destroyed-“
“Kind of?” Ranboo interjects, sarcasm prominent in their tone.
“-they’re made of ridiculously high quality fabric.” Tubbo finishes with a mildly teasing glare aimed at his platonic husband. “He has to be someone high up because I’m pretty sure that the trim on his shirt is actual gold.”
Ranboo hums. “Did he have any kind of jewelry on him when you found him? Nobles usually carry something with their family crest or a coat of arms on it.”
Tubbo shakes his head. “No. If he did then whoever did this to him probably took it. We’ll have to wait ‘til he wakes up.”
Ranboo sighs softly as they gather up the various items from the open med kit on the floor. “I’ll put this away. Why don’t you go take a shower. You’re covered in blood and dirt.”
Tubbo scrunches his nose in disgust, only just noticing how gross he was from the whole ordeal. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
And with that Tubbo ambles off into the bathroom, leaving Ranboo to finish cleaning up. After everything is picked up and packed away, they decide to start up dinner. It’s a bit early but they might as well get started since there wasn’t much else to do.
By the time they were finishing up Tubbo came out of the bathroom, hair still dripping and towel around his neck. With Tubbo’s normally fluffy hair laying flat against his head you could actually see the little horns that were normally completely covered. His ears flicked about, trying to get the water off of them.
“I made dinner.” Ranboo says as they dish up their own plate before sitting at the tiny table.
“Awww, Boo, you shouldn’t have. And I mean that. It was supposed to be my night to cook.” Tubbo says as he dishes up his own plate.
Ranboo shrugs nonchalantly. “I think you’ve had enough stress for today considering you found and helped someone that was fairly injured.”
“I’ll take dish duty tonight and do dinner tomorrow night. But thank you. I appreciate you.” He says the last bit with more than just a little bit of overdramaticness that made Ranboo roll their eyes with the fond softness in their gaze.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It took nearly two full days before their guest finally woke up. Ranboo was incredibly anxious with how long it took him to wake up whereas Tubbo was more excited to finally find out what had actually happened. Ranboo had been changing the teen’s bandages when he opened his eyes. It had entirely startled Ranboo to the point that they ended up teleporting outside of not just the room, but the entire house. Putting them squarely in the front yard at the very edge of the property. Tubbo poked his head into the room to see what the commotion was about where he found a dusting of purple particles where Ranboo had been.
“Um, hi?” Tubbo says when he finally notices that their guest had woken up.
The teen just looks at him with a slightly confused expression before squinting. “Hi?” He responds. His voice is rough and croaky sounding. “Where, where am I?”
“You’re in my and Ranboo’s place.” Tubbo answers as he hands the teen a half full bottle of water. The teen accepts and drinks it with little trouble.
“Ran-boo?” The teen questions, his confusion becoming more prominent in his voice and expression. His voice sounds a little better but not much.
“Yeah, Ranboo’s the one that was here when you woke up. I guess you scared them enough to make them teleport out of the house. They’ll come back in when they’ve had a chance to calm down.” Tubbo moves to sit on the chair across from the couch.
“Oh.” The teen says, turning his head to look back up at the ceiling. His brow furrows before he asks another question. “Where exactly, is here?”
“We’re in Essempi, in one of the northern provinces. The closest town to here is called Snowchester. It’s close-ish to the border. I found you in the forest not far from here.” Tubbo tilts his head with a curious gleam in his eyes. “How did you get there anyways? Snowchester is the only town for miles and miles. The only other thing out here is the Antarctic military base about 50 miles from the border. Which is like another 75 miles from Snowchester.”
There’s a long silence. Tubbo almost asks if the teen had heard him when he finally answers.
“I don’t know.” Is all he says.
“Ok. Well, that’s not optimal but we’ll come back to that.” Tubbo says.
Just then the front door opens to reveal Ranboo on the other side. They calmly walk inside and shut the door. They notice just what they had walked into and slumped into themselves out of shyness. Their tail coming to wrap around their left leg as they nervously thread their fingers together.
“Um, hello.” They say quietly, not daring to look up from the ground. “I’m glad you’re awake now. We were getting really worried about you.”
“Nah, I wasn’t worried about you. I knew that you’d wake up at some point.” Tubbo says with nearly imperceptible faux confidence. Ranboo glares at Tubbo. It doesn’t take long for him to crack. “Ok, ok, maybe I was a little worried. But only a little!”
Ranboo nods. Now feeling a bit more comfortable they look at the blond teen. “If I know Tubbo, and I do, he probably forgot to introduce us. So I’m Ranboo.” They put their right hand on their chest. “I’m an Enderman hybrid. And that’s Tubbo.” They gesture to the other. “He’s a goat hybrid. What’s your name?”
The teen hesitates for a moment before saying, “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Tubbo asks sarcastically though his tone sounded a little harsh. “You lose your memory or something?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know? I literally just woke up somewhere I don’t know with people I don’t know. Yeah my head’s a little fucky and I can’t remember a lot at the moment so cut me some fucking slack!” The teen suddenly bursts out. His face pinched into an angry expression.
“I’m just trying to help dude! Calm down!” Tubbo shoots back.
“Ok!” Both Tubbo and the teen startle when Ranboo raises their voice. “Yelling and cursing won’t solve anything.” They glare at Tubbo again then turn to the teen. “If you don’t remember your name we can always come up with something to call you right now until you remember. That way we have something to call you instead of just calling you ‘boy’ or something.”
The teen opened his mouth before closing it then opening it again, almost like a fish. He sat in an almost contemplative silence before giving them some kind of answer.
“I-I think it started with the letter T?” He knits his brows together in a kind of desperate concentration. As if it was on the tip of his tongue but just out of reach.
“T? Alright then I’m just going to start saying names that start with the letter T.” Tubbo replied, an almost evil smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
Ranboo thinks about trying to stop him but thinks better. So instead they just sigh heavily and go into the kitchen to hopefully find a snack or something. This was going to be quite a process but hopefully a short one.
“How about, Tim.”
“What the fuck? No.”
“Ha! You hesitated! I’m going to call you Theodore from now on.” Tubbo crows in victory. A smug smirk on his face.
The temporarily named ‘Theodore’ gives the other a death glare. “If you value your life you will not call me that.”
“Okayyyy. Fine, fine, how about Tobias?”
“Isn’t that your name?”
“Eh, legally it is but I don’t use it so you can have it.”
He rolls his eyes. “Gee. Thanks.”
“Uhh, Taylor?”
“Isn’t that a girl's name?”
“It’s actually a unisex name.” Ranboo pipes in when they come back from the kitchen, snack in hand.
“Huh. Anyways, no. Not my name.”
And hoo boy, did that get a reaction. The teen’s face screwed up in an odd kind of anger. The kind that speaks of siblings teasing each other. “I hate that name. You know I hate that name.” The same kind of venom as a hissing wet kitten is put into those words. He crosses his arms and legitimately pouts.
Tubbo and Ranboo glance at each other. So some kind of nickname for Thomas was their best bet.
“Tommy?” Tubbo tries hesitantly.
The teen looks up. Recognition in his eyes. “Yeah?”
“Cool. Looks like we figured out your name boss man.” Tubbo says as he stretches his arms above his head.
“Huh. I guess so.” Tommy answers. His name was Tommy. That sounded familiar but almost not quite right. He elected to ignore the feeling.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It had been a few weeks since Tubbo had found Tommy in the woods. Since then they had settled into a cozy routine. Some days Tommy would stay at home with Ranboo to help them clean and prepare meals. Other days Tommy would join Tubbo when he would go into town to sell various knickknacks and such as well as buy groceries and supplies for the week. And when Tommy found himself with some free time he would sit out in the chilly autumn air and try to remember things.
The healer in town had told him that he did lose his memory but to not worry. With how Tommy had lost his memory it should come back. Whether slowly as things just popped up as he continued to live life or suddenly all at once from a single trigger.
Tommy had hoped that it would slowly come back to him. Some things did, like how he woke up and knew that he had a family, but most things didn’t. All any of them could do was hope for the best. They had already checked around town to see if anyone recognized who Tommy was but there was no luck.
The only rumors they heard about nowadays were about the youngest prince from the Antarctic Empire. Apparently he had gone missing during a visit to one of the Military bases. None of the villagers knew which base the prince had been visiting so there was no way of knowing if Tommy could possibly be the prince. But with all things considered, it was a fairly low probability. So they didn’t look into much more.
Instead the three of them prepared for winter the best they could. First and foremost they needed to get Tommy outfitted with his own snow gear. Otherwise it would be far too much of a hassle to try and piece together things that they had around the house. It would also make it easier for when they all needed to go somewhere. With that out of the way, and a fairly pretty penny spent, they turned their attention to other things that needed to be done to get ready for winter.
Gathering blankets, storing away extra food, chopping or procuring wood for the cold days and even colder nights that lay ahead, things to keep themselves preoccupied during the expected weeks snowed in. Some things Tommy knew how to do, others not so much. When the winds took a turn for much colder temperatures they stayed inside and canned a good portion of their fresh produce. That way they could enjoy them throughout the winter when access was limited. Tommy had been put on bedroom winterization duty.
It was a strange thing for Tubbo to witness for the first time. After Tommy had been staying with them for at least two weeks, when they finally got around to clearing out their guest room to set it up for Tommy to stay in. In the beginning they all stayed in their separate rooms but after a few nights, Tommy somehow convinced them to all sleep in the master bedroom together. Once they had all moved in, the single full sized mattress was traded in for a king. Soon after Tommy turned it into what could only be described as a nest. Comforters made up the base as smaller, thinner blankets were intricately woven together to build up the sides. Inside were a plethora of pillows and various thickness blankets. There were even a few stuffies hiding amongst the bedding.
At first they thought that Tommy was some kind of avian hybrid but he didn’t have wings. So the only reasonable explanation was that Tommy was raised by an avian hybrid. Meaning that they passed some of those habits and such onto Tommy when raising him. Which was a great thing to learn since that meant they were just that much closer to figuring out who his family was.
They spent many days and nights working themselves nearly ragged to prepare for winter. It was worth it though. So that when the first snowfall came they were able to tuck themselves away in the warmth of their small cabin. All of them with a steaming cup of chocolate or tea in hand as they watched the snow fall outside the window to the soundtrack of the fire snapping and crackling.
During one of those snowed in weeks, Ranboo tried to teach Tommy how to knit. It didn’t end well. Somehow Tommy had gotten himself completely tangled up in the yarn then ended up throwing the knitting needles at Tubbo when he laughed at him. That then turned into a light hearted tussle where Tubbo was ensnared in the yarn still wrapped around Tommy. Tubbo ended up with not quite a black eye but a decent sized bruise on his left cheekbone from the needles thrown at him. Tommy now sported several small cuts and his own bruise that started blooming across the right side of his jaw from where he had tripped and smacked his jaw on the leg of the wobbly coffee table.
Once the two boys had finally calmed down some, Ranboo helped them untangle themselves from the yarn. And even with the two sporting battle wounds there were only smiles to be had. From there Tommy and Tubbo decided to get started on dinner. Talking jovially between the two of them as Ranboo continued to sit quietly on their armchair, knitting away.
Winter was a somewhat lazy season. Most of the time was spent making the various knickknacks and crafts that Tubbo took into town to sell. Although there were a surprising amount of times that the three of them had to get up on the roof to shovel the snow off.
“It’s because the original cabin is so old.” Tubbo answers when Tommy asks why they had to do it. “If there’s too much weight on the roof from all the snow there’s a high chance of parts of the ceiling, if not the whole ceiling, collapsing in.” He continues to keep throwing shovelfuls of snow off the edge of the cabin roof. The snow mound at the bottom is almost as tall as the damn roof at this point. “The expansions and add-ons are less likely to collapse since they’re so new. But since this portion of the roof is not only old but flat as well, we have to be extra careful when the snow starts piling up.”
“We’ve been able to put more supports in so this old gal can hold way more weight than when Tubbo and I first moved in, but it’s still better practice to just shovel the snow when it starts getting too high.” Ranboo adds on, only slightly out of breath and leaning on their snow shovel. “I’d really rather not wake up from the ceiling collapsing on top of me.”
“True, good point.” Tommy says. He shovels with just a bit more vigor now. He’d rather not wake up from the roof collapsing on him either.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time the snow finally started to let up and showed the first signs of possibly melting, Tommy had read just about every book in the house, semi-successfully learned to knit a wonky and fairly misshapen scarf, and could make potato stew without looking at the recipe.
With spring slowly coming upon them it marked nearly six full months since Tommy had come to live with Tubbo and Ranboo. Tommy hadn’t remembered a lot in that time but he had come to accept that he possibly wouldn’t get any more of his memories back at all. So instead he spent his time enjoying what he had.
“Tubbo! Hurry the fuck up! We’re already a half hour late getting to town for the market and we still have to pick up groceries!” Tommy shouts from his place by the door. He’d already packed up what they needed to take into town and was now just waiting on Tubbo so they could leave. “If you don’t get your ass in here in the next thirty seconds I will fucking leave you!!”
There’s a thump from the bedroom that they all share. Sounds like Tubbo was finally finished getting ready. Good, they were wasting daylight here. Tubbo came scrambling out of the bedroom. His hair a fluffy mess and his clothes bunched up in some places like he hadn’t pulled them on fully or properly.
“Fucking finally.” Tommy said in a mocking manner, though the slight smile on his lips spoke of fondness instead. “C’mon, let’s go.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” Tubbo responds, his voice a bit muffled from the hoodie he was pulling on.
Once on their way, the two lapse into a comfortable silence. It isn’t warm enough for the animals to have woken up yet so the only sounds they could hear were their own footsteps and breaths. The walk to town doesn’t take too long but it still leaves Tommy slightly out of breath. He still isn’t used to walking this far with so much weight on his back.
Snowchester was fairly large but was still considered a village. It had at least one chain grocery store but the rest of the businesses were all mom and pop shops that had been there for generations. The outdoor market had been moved inside for the time being considering that there was still at least four feet of snow on the ground. Which was better than the twelve feet they’d had for months up until recently but still too much for the outdoor market.
They walked down Main Street, heading towards the market, when they passed a music store. The front window caught Tommy’s attention almost immediately. He stopped and stared through the glass at a beautiful grand piano. It had definitely seen better days but it was perfect. While staring at it, vague memories of laughter and music echoing through impossibly large rooms flitted through his mind.
At this point Tubbo had noticed that Tommy was no longer walking beside him. Looking over his shoulder he spots Tommy staring through a shop window.
“What you looking at?” Tubbo asks as he walks back to where Tommy stands.
Instead of answering, Tommy heads into the shop. He walks up to the counter where a kind looking older man sits. Tommy assumes that he’s the store owner. The man smiles warmly as Tommy approaches.
“What can I do for you young man?” The possible store owner asks.
“That.” Tommy points over his shoulder to where the piano sits silently. “Would you allow me to play it?”
The store owner gives Tommy a pondering look. “Do you know how to play?”
“I-I think so?” Tommy responds, not quite as confidently as before. Could he play?
“Hmm. Sure, I’ll let you play. I don’t get many people to come in and it’s nice to see young folk taking an interest in musical instruments.” The older man smiles widely then gestures towards Tommy then the piano. “Let’s see what you got kiddo.”
Tommy just nods as he heads over towards the piano. He takes off his coat and pack and hands them to Tubbo then sits on the piano bench. Tommy stares at the keys for a bit. He can hear music being played but would he be able to play it? Was that something he could do?
Hesitantly, he presses a key. A clear strong note rings out in the silent store. Tommy presses another key. The two notes don’t sound right together. But then something happens. It’s almost as if something clicks into place, providing Tommy with years of knowledge that he didn’t remember he had. His hands positioned themselves over the keyboard then confidently started to play a song.
It was slow at first. Each note purposefully played in a way that almost sounded like grief. But there was a budding hope that started to grow and bloom as the song progressed. A beautiful melody that echoed in Tommy’s ears. Everything sounded correct but it felt as if something was still missing. As if there were other parts that were needed for the whole and full experience.
Out of the corner of his eye, Tommy could’ve sworn he caught just the barest glimpse of long pink hair woven into a complex braid, the sound of a violin accompanied. Then there was a quick shining flash of gold rimmed glasses and a red beanie as a bow was dragged across the strings of a cello. The two played in tandem to the melody as his fingers deftly pressed the keys, completing the song in a way he couldn’t even begin to imagine. But when the song came to an end and Tommy looked around, he could only see Tubbo and the store owner there with him. Had he imagined them?
The owner clapped enthusiastically as he walked towards Tommy. “I’ll have to say young man, that was some of the best playing I’ve heard in a long while. My name is Jonathan and you’re welcome to come back and play anytime you’d like.”
Tommy thanked him then hurried out of the shop. Tubbo sputtered the entire way to the market.
“Dude! When were you going to tell me that you could play the piano?!” Tubbo shouts after Tommy.
“I didn’t know until today. It kinda just happened. One second I had no idea what I was doing and then bam, I played whatever song that was pretty much perfectly.” Tommy says as he starts to unpack in their booth space. “I’m also pretty sure that song has accompanying cello and violin pieces. At least if my memory is right, which let’s face it, it’s not in the best shape.”
“True, true.” Tubbo starts to help set up their booth alongside Tommy. “Are you going to go back and play again?”
Tommy doesn’t say anything for a long moment, as if carefully considering his words. “Yeah.” He finally answers. “I think I will. If it’s the only thing that I can remember then I want to hold on to it. It’s not like I know when, or even if, my memory will come back.”
Tubbo hums and they finish setting up their booth. It was going to be a long day.
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okay if i dont get this out i will explode but
the white half of c!ranboo is a shapeshifter. they don't know how to like activate it or anything and don't even know it exists but when they feel comfy or something then they will subconsciously shapeshift into something more similar to the other person.
so like enderman/ram/human hybrid when he's married to tubbo. during the artic commune / syndicate stuff he's a enderman/piglin/human hybrid or an enderman/crow/human hybrid. his skin becomes pinker and he grows tusks when he's with Michael. when he hangs out with tommy he grows flowers in his hair.
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luna-jaden-shadow · 2 years
Dead On Your Feet
Prompts - Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can’t Pass Out
Summary -  Something that Ranboo wasn't counting on when he went on a walk was finding someone bleeding out, much less someone that was so similar to him Or In which Ranboo finds a dragon hybrid after they crashed in the snow and takes them home to heal them
Angst / Fluff
Warning - Blood/Gore, Injury, 
Pairing - C!Ranboo X Enderdragon!Reader
A/n - Did I write out a whole one-shot and then write a new one for this prompt? Yes. Yes, I did.
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“Stay awake.”
You mumble it to yourself like a prayer, eyes getting harder and harder to stay open in the cold. Your movements are slow, limbs feeling a thousand times heavier in the harsh cold of the tundra you're passing through. Every now and then, your wings give out, dropping you a bit before you catch the wind again. You're deathly pale from the cold, and a large cut rests on your back along your spine, still bleeding as you fly. Your head pounds from the injury on your head, blood covering the side of your face, staining half of your vision in a layer of red.
“Just a little further.” You promise yourself though you're still unsure of where you're going. The terrain you're flying over is unfamiliar to you; all you know is that you're going west, following where the sun is slowly beginning to fall towards the horizon line. “Just a little-” Your voice fails with your wings as you plummet from the sky, unable to catch the wind like before. Seeing that you weren’t going to be able to catch the wind or flap enough to fly, you wrap your wings around yourself and tuck your head down. A yelp leaves you as you crash into a forest area in the tundra, snow-covered branches only slowing your crash landing. You land in the snow with a groan, sliding a bit from where you hit before you came to a full stop. 
You uncurl your wings from around yourself; you lay in the snow and let out short huffs of air. A long moment passes before you try to at least sit up, your muscles ache for you to stop, and your body craves sleep. You're only able to push yourself up only an arm's length from the ground. Panting, you wince at the pain in your back as you move. 
Somewhere in the snowy forest, there’s a crunch in the snow, footsteps drawing closer to you as you shiver and bleed out in the cold. A figure appears, moving behind the trees as your arms give out, making you lay on the snowy ground once more, the side of your face against the snow. The figure slowly approaches you, breaking the small tree line till they’re just a few feet away from you. Tired eyes look up at them, catching the vibrant eyes that stare down at you in curiosity. 
With very little energy, you try to shift back in the snow, only to groan in pain and give up on what you believe would be your second death. As your vision blurs, the figure walks closer and kneels down, unclasping the cloak from their shoulders and wrapping it around you, gently pulling your wings to your body to move them under the cloak. “I got you.” His voice is calming, almost soothing to you, as he moves you to be able to be picked up. “This is gonna hurt.” He picks you up, holding you close to his chest in an attempt to keep you warm. 
You groan at the movement, your head against his shoulder. He starts walking instantly off in some direction. At some point during the walk, you finally pass out from exhaustion, becoming limp in the stranger’s arms.
. . .
The bright light of day burns through the window, laying a strip of light across your eyes. Your eyes screw tighter as you stir from your sleep, groaning as you turn your head to try and hide from the daylight. Slowly, you open your eyes and are met with an unfamiliar room and bandages all over your body. Purple eyes move around the room and find no one other than you in the room. Shifting, you slowly push yourself up on the bed, groaning at the pain in your back. you swing your legs over the edge of the bed. Reaching your hand to your head, you feel the bandages wrapped around your head and groan at the pulsing that hits you at the acknowledgment of the wound.
Relieved, you drop your hand before slowly pushing yourself off of the bed, and the second you are up straight, you stumble forward, and your knees give out. You hit the wooden floor with a soft thud, your wings shuddering in pain behind you. Somewhere in the house, there’s a different thud and then movement, making you panic as you scoot back on the floor till your back presses against the bed, making you hiss. 
The footsteps approach the room, and the door opens to show the person from before she had blacked out, only now she can see them clearly. They stand tall, with black and white hair that matches their skin and barely reaches their jawline. It was clear that they were a hybrid by just about everything about them. There's a certain pull about them that reminds you of home. You two are in a stand-off for a long moment, neither trying to move in any way. Both hybrids are unsure of where to go from here, both very unsure of what the other is capable of. 
“You should be in bed.” He voices, watching you shift uncomfortably. You don't say anything, trying to figure out if you should trust him or not. “You were on your last legs when I found you; if I was gonna-ya know-I would have out there.” He insists, hoping that would aid in your internal dilemma. He steps forward cautiously, holding his hand out to you; there’s a gold band on his pinky finger as well as one with some kind of green gem in it on his middle finger. You stare at his hand for a moment before taking it and letting him help you stand up and then sit on the bed. “Is it okay if I change your bandages?” 
You hesitate before nodding, watching him with cautious eyes as he moves around the room before he pulls up a chair beside the bed. Gently, he takes your right arm and undoes the bandages to show off all the little cuts that have since healed and no longer need to be dressed before doing the same to the other. 
“Can I ask what your name is?” His voice is soft as he gently cleans a large cut on the back of your hand. The washcloth he uses is dipped into a healing brew before being applied, aiding in the healing process of your wounds. 
You let out a hiss as he cleans and dresses the cut. “Y/n.” Your voice is quiet and cracks a bit, leading him to offer you the glass of water from the bedside table, you down half of it before setting it aside again. 
The man hums, suddenly standing up from the chair. You flinch at his movement, backing up on the bed as though he is going to do something to you. Your wings flare up despite the pain it causes you; you can't help it it's your body’s attempt at making yourself look bigger in the face of danger. He pauses all movements, staring at you and your barely stretched-out wings. “It’s alright.” He promises his hands up with his palms facing you. 
“Sorry.” You mumble, fiddling with your hands as he unwraps the bandage from around your head. 
“It’s alright.” He insists, looking at the cut on your head. “Do you remember what happened?” One hand pushes back your hair while the other cleans the cut that follows along your hairline. He’s cautious of accidentally bumping the dark horns on your head, the right one of which is broken, the faint cracks that travel down to the base faintly puls a purple color that matches your eyes. “You have quite the cut here, so I wanna make sure you don’t have brain damage.”
What happened to you comes to you in flashes, moments of chains, and pillager laughter. A ripping pain from your head and the burning cut down your back makes you shiver. You get lost in the broken memories of your time wherever you were, zoned out as the man wraps your head. As soon as his touch leaves you, you focus back on him and give him a small nod.
“That’s good.” He notes. “I’m gonna change the one on your back, okay?” You look at him for a moment before nodding. “Just turn a bit for me?” You shift on the bed, turning your back to him. He cuts the bandages away, and you wrap your arms around her chest. “Sorry about the whole missing shirt thing; I had to remove it to get to the cut.” 
“It’s okay…”
Mismatch eyes glance at you, “Ranboo.” 
You hum, flinching from his touch when he probes the cut along your spine. He mumbles out another apology as his touch changes to be gentle after that, cleaning the wound carefully to not hurt you too much. “Thank you.” 
He covers the healing wound, and with your help, he wraps your back and chest, maneuvering around the bases of your wings. “Don’t mention it, couldn’t just leave you to freeze in the snow.” He replies, starting to put away the healing supplies as you turn in the bed. “Are you hungry?” You look up as he turns fully to look at you. 
You give a small nod, your attention now drawn to the window. Outside of the building, it snows, a drastic change from when you had woken up. Ranboo takes a moment, observing you and the faraway look in your eyes as you stare at the snowfall. For the moment, you're a person of few words he’s concluded, of course, that could be due to shock or whatever trauma you've gone through before he’d found you. Regardless of what happened, he was prepared to help you through it.
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blockofhoney · 1 year
here’s the thing about elder guardians (n also the regular kind of guardians, for that matter): for all intents n purposes, they’re constructs. this isn’t to say they aren’t alive- it’s just that considering what they drop n the fact that they can survive out of water it makes far more sense w/in the lore of the game for them to be a creature that is built / summoned rather than a species that evolved into what we the player know as guardians n elder guardians
which opens the door for, say, an ender guardian.
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kora-kat · 2 years
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This mangy cat has crossed your path! Wdyd?
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rachelsquill · 2 years
workin on the benchtrio royalty au art !!!
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felidthing · 1 year
me taking songs from my "please dont compare him to ranboo" OC's playlist to make a generation loss playlist
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qprsmackdown · 1 year
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propaganda (under the readmore):
My friend wrote a fanfiction detailing their platonic relationship from childhood friends to spouses. It is over 1 million words long. Pls he needs this
my good friend sunny wrote over 1million words of fanfiction about them that was so good it permanently altered my brain chemistry. also i think the feat of over 1mil words is worth the win (:
Ranboo and Tubbo are canonically married, semi-canonically platonically so. Tubbo and Tommy have known each other for years, and have an understanding of each other that no one else does. Tommy and Ranboo went through a very awkward and begrudging beginning of their friendship, but Ranboo would go on to make Tommy's grave when he died.
I want to start off by stressing that these 3 are characters and are not at all connected to the real world creators that portrayed them aside from having the same name.
c!Ranboo and c!Tubbo were canonically married, with the nature of their marriage being largely ambiguous and up for interpretation! They live together in a mansion with their adopted child, Michael, a tiny baby piglin! c!Tommy was never an official part of their marriage, but the three spent so much time together(before the series' writing took a very unfortunate turn due to behind the scenes stuff) that they might as well have been a qpr polycule! It is confirmed that c!Ranboo(an 8'5 foot tall enderman hybrid) can only look 2 people directly in the eyes with it being STRONGLY implied those 2 people were c!Tommy and c!Tubbo! Their relationship didn't get as much time as it needed due to the series's unfortunate downturn near the end, but while it was there, it was a very comforting, very tender relationship between 3 traumatized young queer teens who were their for one another through their journeys in healing from their various traumas. Also one time c!Tommy and c!Ranboo got high together in a tiny smoke box they made(they also met when Ranboo hit him on the head with a giant flower. An allium, to be specific!).
i went so insane about them they spawned inside my brain, guys ever
They are the Mean Gills and they are canonically qpr!! They would also canonically die for each other
Canon QPR! Confirmed by cc!Martyn :D (he confirmed it on stream after the series ended)
They're canonically a QPR guys!!!! Both the CC's who play the characters have said that they see them as being in a QPR!!!!!! literally the first time ever i've seen any media ever portray a qpr of some sort
someone in Martyn's chat explained what a QPR was and he said "oh that sounds like me and Scott"
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doodleduck · 8 months
I have so many thoughts on my headcanons of cRanboos “other half”. So to me they are not a hybrid at all. They are actually fully enderian. (specifically the End subspecies of enderman) What gives them that half and half look and what makes Ranboo believe they are a hybrid is the fact that they are actually a genetic chimera. A chimera is when parts of the body are genetically different than other parts. It’s typically caused by a set of twins fusing together early on in utero. Sometimes it’s just small parts like your hand could have the dna of your once twin but sometimes it could be massive parts of your body. It also depends on whether or not the twins are fraternal or identical. Chimerism isn’t usually detected in identical twins without genetic testing on multiple parts of the body. It’s the fusion of fraternal twins that give the visible differences. So Ranboo was once a set of fraternal twins. One being a normal enderman and the other had albinism, they fused bilaterally and that’s what gives them that half and half look. This is also they reason they have two circulatory systems and why their pearl is deformed (my reason is to why they cannot teleport). Their different colored eyes are also caused by this. However the abnormal colors from the typical enderman is caused by one of their parents holding farlander enderman dna. Which is an entire different topic for me to talk about another day.
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sundewhasaudhd · 3 months
I'd love to hear your dsmp headcanons when you have the time!
I have multiple notes on my Notes app for this moment
TW: mentions of suicide, mentions of starving oneself, mentions of self harm
Tommy: aroace, he/him, 17, 6’1”, AuDHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD, prosthetic leg. No voice claim yet. Very skinny and scrawny, like he would struggle to lift a gallon of milk. But also insanely fast. Demi god (through Kristen).
Tubbo: queer, trans ftm, he/bee, 18, 5’7”, AuDHD, dyslexia, PTSD, half blind. Voice claim: David from Hilda. Pretty buff, I’ve also been seeing I good amount of chubby c!Tubbo designs, so I might do that as well. Goat hybrid.
Ranboo: pan, enby, they/them+neos, 18, 8’5”, AuDHD, anxiety, depression, body dysphoria. Voice claim: Freckle from Lackadaisy. The most twink to ever twink, y’know, on account of being half enderman. Half enderman, half love god.
Wilbur: bi, he/him, 23, 6’6”, AuDHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD. Voice claim: Red Guy from DHMIS. Another twink. Doesn’t help that he barely eats most days (most of the time it’s just because of the ADHD, but he has tried to starve himself as an [unsuccessful] suicide attempt). Demi god (through Kristen).
Techno: aroace, he/him, 23, 6’3”, AuDHD, social anxiety, depression. Voice claim: Sun Wukong from LMK. Buff. That’s all I have to say. Piglin.
Phil: bi, polyamorous, he/him, immortal, 5’11”, damaged wings. Voice claim: Bandit from Bluey. Again, same as c!Techno. Buff. Human that was gifted immortality, pointy ears, crow wings, and stick antler thingys.
Jack: bi-curious, probably not cis, he/him, 19, 5’9”, AuDHD, probably physically disabled as well, I need to think about my c!Jack design some more. Voice claim: Gyro from DuckTales 2016. Cyborg.
Niki: bi, demigirl, she/they, 29, 5’6”, AuDHD, anxiety. Voice claim: Bubblegum from Adventure Time. Fat and buff. Half demon, half human.
Fundy: gay, trans ftm, he/him, 16, 6’3”, AuDHD, anxiety, dyslexia. Voice claim: Steven from Steven Universe Future. Half fox hybrid, half siren.
Eret: bi, polyamorous, genderfluid, any pronouns, immortal, 6’3”, AuDHD, dyslexia dyspraxia, depression. Voice claim: Aaravos from Dragon Prince. Pretty curvy. Semi god (child of a demi god, that demi god being Herobrine).
Foolish: pan, agender, he/they+neos, immortal, 7’8”. Voice claim: Raine from The Owl House. Buff. Demi god.
Charlie: aroace, agender, he/it, immortal, 5’9” AuDHD. No voice claim yet. CHONKY :D. Plus sized c!Charlie my beloved. Walking piece of goo Normal human.
Quackity: gay, ambiamorous, trans ftm, he/him, 21, 5’8”, depression, PTSD, half blind. Voice claim: Whizzer from Falsettos 2016. Duck hybrid.
Purpled: ace, polysexual, enby, they/he/star, 18, 5’8”. Voice claim: Louie from DuckTales 2016. Alien.
Punz: bi, agender, he/they, 25, 6’0”, ADHD. Voice claim: Zane from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. Gold hybrid.
Ponk: gay, transfem, genderfluid, any pronouns, she/he preference, 34, 5’7”, ADHD, prosthetic arm. Voice claim: Mikey from ROTTMNT. Half lemon fairy, half human.
Sam: omni, male preference, bigender, he/they, 35, 7’4”. Voice claim: Raph from ROTTMNT. Creeper hybrid.
Dream: unlabeled, he/they+neos, 23, 6’2”, ADHD. Voice claim: Macaque from LMK. “Powerless” god.
George: gay, transmasc, any pronouns, they/he preference, 24, 5’8”, autism. Voice claim: Philip from The Owl House. Half mushroom fairy, half human.
Sapnap: pan, ambiamorous, he/him, 21, 5’10”. Voice claim: Finn from Adventure Time. Pretty buff. Half demon, half human.
Karl: ace, polysexual, ambiamorous, he/swirl/pop, 21, 5’11”, AuDHD. Voice claim: Bow from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power reboot. Time noodle (idk wtf to call it).
Bad: bi, demisexual and romantic, he/they/it, 36, 9’6”. Voice claim: Moxxie from Helluva Boss. Demon.
Skeppy: gay, transmasc, demiboy, he/it, 34, 5’7”. Voice claim: Percy from Lightning Thief the Musical. Diamond hybrid.
Puffy: bi, transfem, any pronouns, she/her preference, 31, 6’9”, OCD, prosthetic leg. Voice claim: Annapantsu. Goat hybrid.
Hannah: lesbian, trans mtf, she/her, 22, 5’4”, damaged wings. Voice claim: Katara from ATLA. Rose fairy.
Aimsey: lesbian, enby, any pronouns, 20, 4’11”, AuDHD, uses a walking stick. Voice claim: Hilda from Hilda. Bunny hybrid.
Boomer: bi, trigender, he/they/she, 23, 5’9”, ADHD. Voice claim: Ed from The Owl House. Frog hybrid.
Connor: ace, gay, he/zap/blast, 22, 5’7”, autism. Voice claim: Sea Hawk from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power reboot. Time noodle (still don’t know what to call it).
Schlatt: gay, he/him, 36, 6’3”. Voice claim: Haymitch from The Hunger Games. Goat hybrid.
Michaelmcchill: bi, he/him, 33, 6’2”, autism. Voice claim: Jake from Adventure Time. Panther hybrid.
Eryn: bi, demiboy, he/they/sharp/it, 16, 5’10”, ADHD. Voice claim: Leo from ROTTMNT. Half demon, half human.
CPK: pan, genderfluid, he/they/she/it/swish, immortal, 6’4”. Voice claim: Terry from Dragon Prince. Kitsune.
Callahan: gay, he/him, immortal, 5’7”, mute. Voice claim: no one. He’s mute. Demi god.
Alyssa: lesbian, she/it, 24, 5’5”. Voice claim: Sasha from Amphibia. Some sort of hybrid, I haven’t decided yet.
Tina: bi, trans mtf, she/her, 23, 5’3”. Voice claim: Candy from Gravity Falls. Half demon, half human.
Antfrost: gay, he/him, 29, 5’7”. Voice claim: Adrien from Miraculous Ladybug. Cat hybrid.
Hbomb: gay, he/she, 17, 5’8”. Voice claim: Launchpad from DuckTales 2016. Cat hybrid.
Vikk: bi, he/him, 38, 5’8”. Voice claim: Mr. Boonchuy from Amphibia. Parrot hybrid.
Lazar: probably queer in some way, he/him, 63, 5’10”. Voice claim: Fergus McDuck from DuckTales 2016. Gingerbread man.
Miscellaneous headcanons:
Cuddling with Quackity helps Wilbur sleep.
Whenever Tommy or Wilbur think about death, they play with the white streak in their hair 
When Dream was little, he used to draw his smile (TM) on stuff to “claim it”. Like, toys and shit like that.
The Syndicate gave each other hair styling tips.
The reason Quackity always wears a beanie is to cover his ears. For trauma reasons.
Tommy’s cardigan is made of Friend’s wool.
Sometimes Fundy, Foolish, and Sam spend the night at Las Nevadas, so they all have their own rooms there.
When Purpled winks, he winks both eyes on one side.
Karl has a bunch of those goofy ahh socks with like, fruit on them. You know want I’m talking about.
Dream’s birth name is Clay but he changed once more people started arriving in the SMP.
Techno plays violin and is teaching Ranboo.
Dream’s walking speed is the same as the speed walking of everyone else.
Bee duo wears their rings on their horns because Tubbo’s ring finger is busted and they wanted to match.
Fundy calls Eret dad, but not Wilbur. (Rip)
Ranboo’s a soprano.
Aimsey’s hair turns white in the winter.
Burger duo have to keep an eye on each other when they use knifes at the van. For… reasons.
Peer pressure duo practice controlled breathing together.
Techno’s bruh is a vocal stim.
Little Fundy used to jokingly bow at Eret.
Techno has reading glasses.
Techno’s hair gets really tangly if he doesn’t brush it after a day.
Callahan uses ASL to communicate and Alyssa’s his translator.
All of the fandom songs are written by the characters.
Ghostbur put stickers on his guitar.
Tubbo played softball/baseball growing up.
When Dream was in prison, he tallied the days he was there in the shape of a smile.
Wilbur sings and plays guitar to help Tommy fall asleep.
Charlie cries “human bits”.
Bad became really against swearing after he adopted Sapnap.
Wilbur taught Quackity how to play guitar.
Sam just saw George and Quackity all alone on the street and just adopted them.
Dream wears contacts.
Purpled’s UFO crashed on Earth when he was a little, so they don’t really remember anything about his home planet .
Tommy watches Bluey.
Tommy mainly listens to audiobooks.
Aimsey draws on their arm.
Kristen gave Phil immortality so they could always be together, but that caused him to only have one live.
Puffy and Schlatt are half siblings.
Quackity has a Medusa tattoo .
Before Quackity gave everyone in Las Nevadas rooms, Purpled slept in the van with Wilbur.
Boomer watches MHA.
Dream got a spider web tattoo on his elbow after prison break.
Hannah watches Miraculous.
Jack made Tommy and Wilbur matching chats.
It doesn’t matter how much sleep he actually got, Wilbur looks tired no matter what.
Fundy listens to the High School Musical soundtrack.
Karl was/is in the WoF and Warrior Cats fandoms.
Tommy sings Welcome Home and My L’Manburg to himself to help him fell asleep and/or destress.
Niki taught Tommy how to sew after Exile.
Every time Jack loses a life, he becomes more cyborg.
Phil started growing his hair out after Techno died.
Wilbur is that one annoying ass person that sings happy birthday well (everyone knows you’re not supposed to sing happy birthday well).
Wilbur masked for most of his time on the SMP (especially during the elections and Pogtopia) and only really unmasked after the people he was really close with.
Dream has retractable fingernail claws because of his limited shapeshifting abilities.
Sally and Milo are besties.
That’s it. I hope you like em :3
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honeycomb-hotel · 2 months
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⠀posted by mod ender .
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; names – ranboo, ran
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; age – ageless (mentally 17)
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; pronouns – he / they / boo / glow / void
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; gender – masc-aligned, endergender, dreamthing, clouvoidic, etherigender
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; orientation – bisexual, male-pref
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; transID – hallucinations, glowing, perma2020, lockdownera, minecraftheart
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; paraphilias – 💥, 🐊, 🩸, 🩹, ⛓️, 🤯
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; species – enderman-human hybrid
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; roles – caregiver, caretaker, memori
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; source – c!ranboo ; dream smp
︵⠀ᡣ𐭩 ; personality – a friendly and loyal person most of the time, constantly hesitant to do anything that may harm others. although he is generally helpful, his horrendous memory requires him to write everything down. it's hard for him to keep or remember secrets unless they are written. he struggles to admit when he has done wrong unless forced to. whenever he is close to showing any sort of emotion, whether sadness, anger, or something else, he suppresses it as much as he can.
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justaltruix227 · 11 months
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||Honeybee - Ranboo, Tubbo & Michael||
Song: Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe Art: FuzzyCryptid - YT Fandon: DSMP
"Oooo Ooo Oooo Ooo." The Enderman sat in a field of flowers humming to himself, tail flickering around as the wind carried some petals past.
"You didn't have to look my way." The Enderman tilts his head to the side, following the petals. Spotting the small ram and his son beginning to approach.
"Your eyes still haunt me to this day." A warm smile on the brunette's face slowly melted one on the Endermans' as well, Tubbos, mismatched eyes look down to the toddler in his arms.
"But you did. Yes, you did" The Enderman looks down to the allium he's holding and then back up to his boy.
"You didn't have to say my name" As Tubbo got closer, Ranboo reached over and placed the flower between Michael's ear.
"Ignite my circuits and start a flame. But you did." A smile formed on Michael's face as the two of them sat down to join the Enderman.
"Oh, Turpentine erase me whole." The memory of that day starts to go dark, as Ranboo's memory slips.
"Cause I don't want to live my life alone." Ranboo reaches a hand out to try and get Tubbo's attention, only for the Ram's blackout figure to move further away.
"Well, I was waiting for you all my life." Ranboo closed his outstretched hand, tears staining his face as he sat up.
"Oh." A small bzt comes from his hand as he begins to open the tightly closed fist.
"Why" A small honeybee sits in his palm, wings a little crinkled but not damaged from the pressure.
"Set me free, my... honey-bee," The bee begins to fly away. A small smile on his face as tears formed.
"Ho-ney-Bee." The bumblebee flies around the Enderman a few times before taking off for good. A sad chuckle as the Enderman gets up for the day.
"You didn't have to smile at me." An image of Tubbo comes into his mind when they first met, so innocent and sweet. His bee boy.
A soft smile on his face, horns barely showing past his fringe as he wore his green shirt. "Your grin's the sweetest that I've ever seen." Comparing the ram to how he looks now.
Scars trailing over his body from the firework, a detonation button for his nukes in hand. "But you did. Yes, you did." But he still had a smile on his face, he was still him, he still was his bee.
"You didn't have to offer your hand." He remembers following Tubbo around with a grass block on him, the ram talking his ear off about his plans to build Snowchester.
"Cause since I've kissed it I am at your command." A smile on their faces as they talk to Foolish about building them a mansion to live in together. "But you did."
"Oh, Turpentine erase me whole," The duo explained to Tommy how they fell in love after the marriage. Tom's mouth was wide open with shock but congratulated them.
"I don't want to live my life alone." Ranboo made it back to his house, only to find out his 'Do Not Read' book was missing, only to later find it in one of his double chests.
"I was waiting for you all my life." Reaching Dream's cell in Pandora's Vault he shifted awkwardly as Dream began to thank the hybrid for the help, Ranboo denied any form of help as Dream revealed his chest was full of copies of his missing book.
"Oh," Opening one of the books, he's met with the realisation the front page is blank...
"Why." Only a :) on the page.
"Set me free, my... honey-Bee." Ranboo began to freak out, as blocks around him began to collapse, and the prison floor began to crumble around him, causing him to fall to his death in the pit of lava.
"Ho-ney-Bee." He awakes in his obsidian 'panic room' rocking back and forward. The signs around the room provide no comfort. He cries as he tries to remember anything. His friends, his enemies, what side he was on - anything.
"Hello Goodbye, Twas nice to know you." Ranboo goes to find another stronghold, deciding to make a lab for him to relearn the powers he's long forgotten.
"How I find myself without you" He reaches for the potion labelled 'remember test #1'. Hands shaking as he gulped it down as he sat in his lab.
"That I'll never know." He panics as he flips through his first memory book. Seeming frustrated with the words, he lights a fire.
"I let myself go." As he slowly moves the book to the flame, the sides of the book begin to catch aflame. Only to quickly put out the flames realising to burn the book would mean to forget.
I let myself go.
"Hello Goodbye, I'm rather crazy." The cold breeze hit his face as he realised Nikki and Technoblade saw him. After talking to him and getting his opinion on things, they began to loosen up.
"And I never thought I was crazy." The two extended an invitation to The Syndicate with open arms. Only to have them discuss Snowchester. -
"But what do I know?" Ranboo runs into his and Tubbo's home to destroy the ladders up to Michael's room.
But what do I know?
"I let myself go." Finally exhaling as The Syndicate leaves, a chuckle of relief comes from Tubbo as he gently punches the Enderman's arm.
I let myself go.
"Honeybee." The chilled air flows through the window in Snowchester, Ranboo takes a second to regain his composure as a tear slides down his face because of the memories.
"Honeybee." He looks down at the rose sitting on the window sill, a small bee landed comfortably on the petals. the buzzing providing comfort.
"Hello Goodbye, Twas nice to know you." He hears soft giggles behind him from his son.
"How I find myself without you." "That I'll never know." He wipes the tears off his face as he turns and smiles at the toddler. The piglin gave a warm smile to the enderman as he waved to his dad.
"I let myself go." Ranboo walks over and leans down to place a kiss on Michael's forehead before moving back to the stove.
"Hello goodbye, I'm rather crazy." A sigh leaves his mouth as he's glad he's back in the present. He begins to make the rest of the pancakes.
"And I never thought I was crazy" He remembers finding Micheal in the nether.
But what do I know?" The smile on the Piglin's face when he saw the gold carrots in Ranboo's hand.
But what do I know?
I let myself go" Micheal laughed at Tubbo and Ranboo as they caught him a new chicken.
I let myself go.
Hello Goodbye, twas was nice to know you." Tuboo and Micheal sit patiently as Ranboo sets the timer of a camera before sprinting over to them. Smiles on all their faces.
That I'll never know.
"How I find myself without you." A small thump and something grabbing his leg causes the Enderman to look down.
"Hello Goodbye, I'm rather crazy." The piglin clings to his leg smiling up as Ranboo bends down to pick him up.
I let myself go.
"And I never thought I was crazy." He boops the kid's nose as he places him on the table next to where he's cooking.
Hello Goodbye, twas was nice to know you." Michael scoffs down the pancakes before taking Ranboo's hand to play with him.
But what do I know?
How I find myself without you." Ranboo smiles as he gets onto his knees to play blocks with his son, his tail flicking around.
"Hello Goodbye, I'm rather crazy." The enderman's focus on building the perfect tower stops him from hearing the door click.
"And I never thought I was crazy." Just as he finishes placing the last block, the Piglin is up and running to the door. A small brunette walks in shrugging his jacket off with a smile on his face.
Now you have to go.
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dreamsmp-polls · 28 days
What kind of hybrid is Ranboo?
(sent all three separate for more poll options)((please include a human option for all three!/nf))
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dreams-sies · 5 months
HOLY FUCK YES!!!! they both have an ender eye necklace that leads them to the end portal where their home is!
Also, after the ender royalty found out about them, the ender king casted a curse on them where they both lose their memories, dream wasn’t affected that much, he was still able to remember some parts of his memories before puffy took him in.
But for ranboo, he lost ALL his memories.
Dream, the older brother, having a feeling that someone is missing from his family, like it’s not complete, even though him, puffy and foolish are together having a picnic in a sunny day, he just can’t shake the feeling off.
He thought maybe because he had no friends! So he made friends with a blaze hybrid called sapnap and a mooshroom hybrid named george.
But the feeling didn’t leave his chest.
Until he saw the minute man of l’manburg.
Ranboo beloved.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 6 months
you asked and I deliver (I am exceedingly partial to “there are hybrid hunters and they are an active threat” osmp settings so be forewarned)
He spends a long time making bolt holes and hideaways around the valley, stocking them with weapons and food. When confronted, he says they’re in case of emergency for if hunters find the valley. They’re actually for the worst case scenario (the hybrids finally get fed up with having a human in their midst and run him out of town like he thinks he deserves) the rest of the crew finally put together their actual purpose only after Ran and Tubbo get angry one day after he messes with one of their projects. They yell loud and long enough to drive him into a panic, he vanishes, and the crew have to organize a party to find him before the hunters do.
They find Techno in the woods a few months after noticing the hunter’s traps seem to be sabotaged without their intervention. He gets cornered by a group of hunters, gutted and left for dead, and they barely manage to keep him alive. Niki is the first one he sees when he wakes up. he compliments her hair, and she decides right then and there that he’s staying.
Techno grew up in a mixed hybrid family and when they were captured, suffered a lot of scarring. He spends the first few months of his time with the osmp crew pretending to be a hybrid with his hybrid features surgically removed, because he’s afraid they won’t accept him and he can’t go back to the humans who did that to him in the first place.
None of the crew think about how dangerous it is for someone who can’t fly, can’t breathe underwater, cant shrink, and can’t teleport to navigate the floating islands and high bases. Techno manages through sheer stubborn grit for a while before a nasty fall takes him out of commission for a month.
He’s painfully touch-starved for a really long time. It takes a lot of late nights and awkward hugs before Phil sees him staring at a preening circle longingly and realizes touch starvation is also a human thing. He now gets to participate and they play with his hair until he passes out.
he’s usually barefoot. He’s also always got a few knives on him.
Ranboo has a lot of hair jewelry and Techno borrows it regularly. He’s the only one that’s allowed.
Okay okay okay, I'm munching and crunching on these as if they are a bowl of little snacks for me
Ough that one is painful but so so accurate to Techno's character. I wouldn't be surprised if the hidey holes are kind of meant for both, though at the end of the day Techno figures for a long while the hybrids are a bigger threat to him than other humans just because his expectations are so low
HSKJSQJHSQJSQQS YES nice and whumpy, perfect human!Techno osmp backstory
We've been over this but human!Techno pretending to be a hybrid is always tasty
YEAH, I love the 'accidental whump through oversigh' thing so much. Nobody is actively trying to make the commune hostile to Techno, it just is by design and he's too stubborn to mention it until he gets seriously hurt hehe
hsqkhqjqssq UEUEUEUEUE yes
I feel like walking around barefoot is such a bad idea he's gonna lose some toes. Good for him tho!
Peerpressureduo my beloved, I think Ranboo used to have long hair and then cut it off at some point (maybe because long hair was a sign of enderman royalty and they're doing the whole 'disowned by my shitty family' thing). Their hair is now a little above shoulder lenght and they still wear a lot of hair jewelry, but they love braiding Techno's hair and making it pretty and such. It's like, recontextualising something that used to be painful because it reminded them of their family
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maeizy · 1 year
C!ranboo little sister x reader!
I HATE MYSELF RN, I LOST THE DANG REQEST THERE WAS TWO AND I REMEMBERED THE FIRST ONE- sjdjdnsidndoanfiehidn anyways the request was by @fantasyfiction-net ! and no I dont have a discord server yet! Ill try and make one though, ty for the advice! And yes I'd love to be freinds!!:D annnyways- ONWARD!!
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SYPNOSIS:x-reader where very young sibling,age 4-5. of C!ranboos, gets close with the sbi, Tubbo, philza, tommy ecr. To where he thinks they like the sbi more than him but they dont.
TRIGGERS: getting hurt; (by water[since readers also half enderman]), no others!
Notes <3- totally didnt forget about this- I kinda hate it but its whatever I guess. Sorry for being so inactive as of kate, I'm making a lot of more fics, not in this fandom but in others like Lockwood and co ect. Please please please make sure to check out my blog info and my other stuff I have it linked in ever post :D sorry of this is trash but I hope y'all enjoy anyways.
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you and ranboo where getting ready to go to philzas house it had just started to snow. you had always been fascinated by the white floating specs that reminded you of your very own purple ones that floated around you from time to time connecting to you to your ender man heritage.
"Y\N!" your older brother Ranboo yelled out as your tiny bare feet thudded out of the shack door breaking free from your bigger brothers arms to excitedly run out to the snow and attempt to flop down on it, but as soon as your bare skin touched the cold frozen flakes of water it burned, the excitement was then sucked away, as a searing pain tore through the pads of your exposed feet.
an enderlike screech of pain burst from your shocked mouth and purple particles was all your vision picked up on as you subconsciously teleported back, with a soft woosh, you popped back into the small space of the entrance of the Shack, that you and ranboo called home.
upright and confused, you where frantically holding your foot with a Audible "ow,ow,ow,ow,ow-" trying to balance on one leg and hopping backwards. already loosing your balance due to your freakishly long limbs for your age. (Thank your enderside) with a hiss you where sent wheeling back. being uncorranated as is, and then adding the fact you where standing how you where at the moment, you knock things down with you as you fall and land on your back with another shriek and a loud thump.
You let out another small, half hurt half annoyed huff, as tears formed at the ends of your green and red eyes. ranboo panicked running over in a semi-shocked state to grab onto you checking the red scorch marks on your left foot as you pushed yourself up on your elbows to let out another soft "ow" as he bent down to pick up your small 5 year old form.
being carefull not to bump into anything as he stumbled to set you on the staircase as he went to go grab some bandages rambling on with a " oh no!- I said to get your enchanted shoes on! Water hurts us-aww no please don't cry- healing poti-TUBBO"
The shorter boys head popped around the thrown open door as cold wind pushing its way in in a blizzard you hadn't noticed brewing till now, too focused on the throb in your foot.
The boys chipper voice was followed by ranboo half falling down the stairs to greet him and help you "Hi ran boo and- RANBOO WHY ARE THEY CRYING?!" ranboo fumbled with The wrappings as he wrapped it around the fresh wound " they went outside! in the snow! without enchanted boots and got hurt when it melted on them!" The little kid rushed over to tubbo hugging him tightly completely oblivious to ranboo who was trying to help; and ran into the shorter hybrids arms tubbo stooped to pick the younger child up as he set them down again on the staircase.
She wasn't full blown crying now, just sniffling as she tried to wipe of runaway tears as tubbo patted her head warmly with a small comforting grin to calm her nerves. she let the goat boy wrap the rest of the bandages around her foot then gave him an exited hug and a small. "thank you tubtub!" And got to her feet ignoring the ache and running to the front door to pick up her shoes, while ran boo wined a little at The younger boo and crossed his long arms in silent protest, giving a little huff of annoyance.
Tubbo chuckled "apparently she just likes me more" he said in a joking tone. But ranboo frowned "pftt-no.she-" tubbo laughed again as ranboos face turned a shade out of embarrassment. "whatever" he grumbled as he walked over to little y\n as she finished yanking the big enchanted boots onto her much smaller feet. she hummed with a happy little smile as he watched her with furrowed eyebrows standing their a little she got up humming a song tommy taught her and unconsciously grabbed his bigger hand bouncing as she pulled him outside "Phil's!phils!phils!" She chanted as her hand slipped from his when they got to the front porch of their small home in the snowy biome. Phil and technos conjoined house in the distance, lit with a warm light as the girl twirled through the snow twords it.
Ranboo teleported to the front step of philzas house with ease and tubbos head peeked out of the door of ranboos house, confused and annoyed, his shouts unheard as he ran across the landscape to join ranboo, and his sibling, who was huffing up the steps. "Cheater" you glared with a tired face. Your brother grinned as tubbo caught up. they didn't bother to knock as tubbo opened the door lazily and thunked his snow boots on the side of the doorframe. piles of snow landing on the hardwood deck from his boot.
The younger boo copied his actions holding onto the door frame for balance. And with a less powerful kick, her boot collided with the door, sending a little amount of Triump into the girl as she soon forgot about it and rushed into the house.
when she spotted philza and Wilbur having a chat in the kitchen she ran straight to them ranboo trailed aimlessly after her finding a spot next to tubbo as he chatted with tommy. Tomny and tubbo where fighting over who got the last peice of cake to which ranboo intervened and took it holding it above their heads while he took little pieces to eat himself while tommy and tubbo complained.
The little girl rushed over to hug phil who managed a "hey mate!" and patted her head and before he could say anymore she found techno who was talking to Wilbur.
"no -you have to kill them, then you can drag them into the-" he spotted the younger girls salt and pepper hair as she was silently staring curiously at him. He switched up his words as she walked up to him with a small cautious and confused face "kill someone?!" You questioned "uh-but of course we would skip the uh first step. and We would -drag them... to a nice place to have a talk-" she laughed hugging the pig-man who akwardly patted her back with a grimance. A glare shot from wilbur burned into technos skull.
You then hugged Wilbur who already had his arms stretched out. and with a warm smile she ran straight into him as she gripped his jumper with all her force. She leaned her small form back to Look up at his muddy eyes. With a mischievous grin then snatched his glasses off his scarred nose putting them on there face quickly, and dodging his long arms they Ignored the shouts of the older man. running off to find philzas arms to hide in. You darted into the living room, stopping shortly to take in there surroundings. the chatter from the boys, the sun streaming through the window, and the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen of whatever Phil was mixing up. it was comforting, but the loud footsteps behind them where not.
You couldn't make it to philza in time so you went to the person you would normally go for comfort, ranboo. Your brothers long limbs where crisscrossed on the floor and he silently nodded along as tubbo and tommy conversed. His green and red eyes found yours and his mouth turned into a grin and you sprinted twords him. Tommy spotted you coming there way and intervened "HEY y\n!" His bandaged arms opened wide, with a boyish toothy grin. Before you could decide who to go to, Wilbur rounded the corner. a glare set on his face as he squinted at her. "AHAHHHH" you ran straight into tommy.
the betrayal on ranboos face was prominent, his arms dropped slowly to his sides as his smile faded. though he didn't show it his heart panged a little As Tommy's arms locked in around you. He was supposed to be the one you ran too. He was your brother!
Wilbur barreled into the living room trying to take you from him. Tommy attempted to throw you on the couch and quickly cover you up with a pillow but it didn't work. The fight was over, Wilbur grabbed his glasses back off your defeaded half dead looking form and grabbed the pillow and proceeded to beat tommy with it.
You lifted yourself up, your hair now disheveled from the two brothers. You looked over to ranboo, your own brother, who looked a bit downtrodden. A wary smile was shot tword you, you huffed, feeling a bit tired you walked over to him, laying your head on his shoulder and gripping his arm "you ok big man?" He said as he patted your head lovingly "yes-can we go home now?" you yawned "we can- but I thought you wanted to hang out with techno, and tommy and-" " ranboo! I wanna spend time with you!" you smiled up at him, your eyes squinted. ranboo, forgetting you where a very unfiltered five year old died at your next words "Tommy's a little loud anyways-" he Busted open with laughter as wilbur did too, pausing over Tommy's defeated form on the spot on the floor where he had been being hit multiple times with the soft round throw pillow clutched in wills grip, tommy yelled in protest "HEY! I PROTECT YOU AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME??" You look at him blankly " ummmmm- yes." Ranboo shoots grin his way, and scoops you up and grabs your shoes. As you slowly drifted off to sleep, you could hear techno voice echo " the kid was right, you are really obnoxious tommy" and another yelp from the blonde boy as a pillow thrown from techno this time, hit him square in the face. another loud scream was heard this time from tubbo "GET WRECKED" and a bust of laughter was heard.
This was your family.
And as you grew up, it always stayed that way, no matter what you went through, this, what some would call a ragtag group. was stuck with you, as family and you were ok with that, as long as your big brother stuck by your side, you felt impossible.
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