#ended up NOT being here over the weekend since many things happened but hiii im gonna try to write one or two shorter things!
deiscension · 8 months
"There's no way I'd let Pei Ming pin this on the State Preceptor of Banyue and protect Pei Xiu. It doesn't matter if you're a mortal, a god, or a ghost, you have to be responsible for your own actions. Bullying a little girl is low."
Sometimes I wonder how much these exact words come back to haunt Shi Qingxuan after everything is said and done because those have been and always will be her convictions: you can't trample over others and expect there to be no justice, whether it finds you in one year or one hundred years or a thousand years. It's unforgivable to use another's life as currency for your own. And yet, she might as well have been talking to herself. Even if she hadn't known, she benefitted from the lowly actions of 'bullying a little girl.' What Banyue was rescued from, He Xuan's sister and mother and fiancee weren't. All because of her (in her mind, anyway; the way she interprets her brother's actions being her fault is another can of worms). I think on late nights when she's nursing the aches of a mortal body, she'll remember so confidently saying those words to Xie Lian and cry for the girls whose breaths were smothered out and traded so she could know the wind as its master. Even though it's presumptuous, she'll cry for them and feel nothing but the type of shame that wells up from knowing her tears, too, are stained with their blood.
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hunflowers · 5 years
hiii are your requests open? I just wanted to request a imagine where harry is jealous y/n was hanging out with some of her male friends and he call her and pick her up from the club she is and they fight in the car, a little angst and then it end up smutty 🥴
because i managed to delete my first response im sorry if this is shitty sigh...............
so the way i’m imagining this is ...
You and Harry had made plans with your friend group to go out this weekend. It had been a long week for everybody so this was your perfect getaway to let loose and forget the responsibilities of adult hood for just one night.
So that Friday night you were anticipating the night, and you couldn’t wait to feel the familiar burn of alcohol trickle down your throat. When time was ticking down to finally head out, Harry had walked through the door of your shared home, giving you the news that he wasn’t feeling the best and it would be best if he stayed home to get some proper rest.
You wanted to stay home with him because going out without him just didn’t feel right but he insisted you go and have a good time because just like him, you deserved to have a night out. After a lot of convincing, you made your out with your friends, promising to text him throughout the night, keeping him updated on your whereabouts.
It was when you stopped texting periodically that Harry grew worried and frustrated because minutes before, you were posting videos on your Instagram – and most predominantly, the men that attended the night with you – yet you hadn’t responded to his latest message from fifteen minutes ago. He knows he shouldn’t be going crazy because you were allowed to not have to check in with him because you are a grown adult, but he still wishes you wouldn’t ignore him.
Then when thirty minutes passed and it seemed you had no intention on texting him any time soon, he called you. You hadn’t posted on your story either in some time, so really he was just seeing if you were okay at this point. Not for any other reason or anything.
You answered on the last ring, scurrying off to the bathroom to accept the call and so you could hear Harry properly. “Hey!”
“Y/N, why haven’t you been answering my messages?”
You furrowed your eyebrows at his question, quickly scrolling through your phone to see that you accidentally clicked on his message from before but forgot to respond. “I’m sorry! I didn’t see your text, but yes, it’s going great! Wish you could be here, Tom and Nick are heading up next for karaoke. They went before and it was absolutely atrocious, thought they could give it another try.”
Silence loomed over the other end of the phone, making you quickly wonder if you had accidentally hung up the call. You tended to do that sometimes and you needed to learn how to not click away so fast.
“I’m coming to get you,” you finally heard from Harry, and you made a face as if he could see your confused expression.
“What do you mean?”
“You seem drunk, I’m gonna come get you. You’re at Jake’s 58 right?” He questioned and in the distance you could hear the faint shut of a door, and you could tell he was already on his way.
“Harry I had one drink an hour ago–”
“I’ll see you soon, stay there.”
Then he hung up the line and left you in a pit of complete and utter confusion. You looked to your phone as if it held the magical answer as to what crawled up your boyfriend’s ass, because from what you could tell from his monotonous voice, he wasn’t in a chipper mood. If this was all over you missing a simple text from thirty minutes ago, he sure had some explaining to do. He wasn’t your father, he didn’t have the right to rain on your parade like this.
Storming out of the bathroom, you quickly walked over to where the rest of your friends are, ushering a small apology for your early departure, blaming it on not feeling well anymore. No one suspected a thing even though you were sure it was obvious you were angry.
Bidding your goodbye, you marched your way outside and into the cooler night air. Even though you were angry to be outside, you were somewhat grateful because it felt refreshing to feel the chill of the night wash over your skin, contradicting the hot air from inside because of the overcrowded space.
Keeping yourself busy on your phone, you thought of all the ways you were going to put Harry in his place when he arrives. It was just so hard for you to believe that he could act like this without any justification. When you saw the familiar car park against the curb, you rolled your eyes in annoyance at the sight of Harry’s face. Normally, you wanted to see his face every second of every day, but in this moment, he was the last person you wanted to lay your eyes on.
Walking up to the passenger door, you opened it and slammed it behind you as you settled yourself on the cool leather seat. Locking your seatbelt into place, you let out a very obvious huff, letting him know that you weren’t happy with him.
When Harry opened his mouth to speak after a few moments of awkward and tense silence, you were quick to talk over him, just the way he hated.
“Care to explain your hypocracy? You were so insistent that I go out, yet here we are now as you are insistent to get me home.”
“You’re not my fucking father, Harry. I’m allowed to go out and have fun and drink if I so choose to.”
By this point, you turned your body fully towards him, using your hands now as you talked, and whenever your hands came involved, you were deadly serious. Harry knew this, he knew you would be angry, but that didn’t stop him from acting like a fool.
Choosing to ignore your statement, Harry brought up another matter that still tied into you leaving early. “Don’t you have work in the morning anyway? Can’t be out too late, love.”
Your eye twitched.
It legitimately twitched.
“No. I got someone to cover my shift since I thought I would be out late,” you enunciated your last syllables, making it clear that you knew what the fuck you were doing with your life this night.
You weren’t some rebellious and irresponsible teenager, you know how to take care of yourself, and when you should be home if you have fucking work in the morning. He was acting more and more like your miserable father and you were growing more and more impatient with him.
He hummed in response, silence now falling over the two of you. The soft melody of the radio didn’t help to ease the uncomfortable atmosphere in the car and you were sure nothing at this point would. And when he finally pulled into the driveway of your home, you hardly even let him put the car in park before you were hopping out and striding up the steps to your front door. Taking your keys out of your purse, you inserted the small gold object, and hastily pushed the wooden door open. You hear Harry sigh behind you as you made your way into the kitchen, looking to get some water to see if that could calm you down at all.
You just didn’t understand why he was acting this way. It made no sense because he knew what you were doing and he knew where you were going and he knew who you were going with because he was originally involved in these plans! There was nothing he had to worry about, yet here he was, worried about you all because you didn’t answer a small text within two seconds?
You just couldn’t wrap your head around what made him this way, because the last time he was like this, he was–
Oh. My. Gosh.
When you heard him situate himself in the living room, flicking the TV on to some late night show, you rushed over to him, standing in front of the screen with your hands on your hips.
“Are you seriously jealous right now?”
Harry was quick to shake his head, which automatically meant that, yes, he was. His eyes flickered behind you, trying to avoid your stern gaze because he was feeling awfully nervous under this spotlight.
“Harry! How many times do I have to tell you you’re the only one I want?” You chided, tapping your sandal clad foot against the floor.
Harry pursed his lips, furrowing his eyebrows together and crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at you with those familiar pouty eyes.
“Harry,” you whined, knocking your head back in disbelief that he was seriously jealous.
“And how many times do I ‘ave to tell you Jack’s had his eyes on you since the moment you two met! Saw the way he was looking at you on Nick’s story, if he could, he would’ve fucked you right there on that table,” Harry snarled, the corner of his mouth turning up just slightly in irritation.
You let out a laugh at that one, not able to hold this back any longer. It’s true that Harry has told you countless times Jack has some sort of feelings for you, but that in no way meant you reciprocated them. Jack was a know-it-all who liked to think he was funny when in reality, he was just being a misogynistic idiot.
You stepped over to Harry, sitting down in the spot next to him on the couch, draping your one leg over his lap while your other bent at your chest. “Jack is a jerk who would never get the opportunity to touch me like you do. The only person I want fucking my brains out is you. So stop being a li’l bitch and accept that,” you patted his cheek sweetly, earning an eye roll in return from him.
Looking down to his lap briefly, Harry looked back up to your eyes while taking one of your hands and bringing it up to his mouth to place a chaste kiss on your knuckles. “‘M sorry for ruining your night. Just hate seeing him around you when I’m not there. Never know what can happen to you.”
“Just try and talk to me next time, yeah?”
Harry nodded his head in agreement, leaning forward and connecting your lips in a small kiss. A small kiss that led you to now want more. Harry was back in your good graces, and since you didn’t work tomorrow, better make the most of this night.
“Can you fuck my brains out now?”
He looked back to look at your properly, eyebrows shooting up on his forehead as his eyes widened at shock at your crass words. But, then that infamous smirk wormed it’s way on his lips, and his pupils dilated as he responded, “Do you even have to ask, darling?”
Then his lips connected to yours in a feverish manner, sending your mind into a frenzy as he laid your body down on the soft cushions of the couch, his body leaning over yours. There was nothing slow about the kiss as his tongue wasted no time in pushing into your mouth, running over yours. He enjoyed the remnant taste of the fruity drink you consumed earlier on in the night, basking in the sweet flavor.
Your one arm wrapped around his shoulders, pulling his torso closer to yours, your nails scraping over his back through the material of his sweatshirt. Your other hand traveled down his abdomen, quickly ducking under the sweatshirt and grazing his warm skin before you pushed past the waistband of his basketball shorts and cupped his growing erection in your hand. Harry wasted no time in rutting his hips into your hand, softly moaning at the pressure of your palm pressing down on him.
Removing his lips from yours, he trailed hot kisses down your jaw and your throat, leaving wet patches across your skin that felt cool as air continued to flow over them. Soon Harry nestled over your sweet spot, taking his time over the area, enjoying you squirming a bit under him as he bit softly into skin before sucking on it and running his tongue over the damaged skin.
At this point, you officially tucked your hand into his briefs now, wrapping your fingers around his girth, pumping him slowly and grazing your thumb over his leaking tip, earning a hiss from him. But, when he moved to fasten your movements, you removed your hand, very much wanting to be a tease, because when you tease, he really fucks you up, and since you didn’t have work in the morning you didn’t have to worry about hobbling the rest of the day. It would be completely worth it in the end.
Lifting his head from the crook of your neck, his darkened eyes bore into your own, a scowl resting over his sharp features. “Baby. . . you know I don’t like when you’re a tease.”
You loosely smiled at him, running your tongue over your swollen lips in your best seductive manner. Lacing your fingers in his hair, you pulled him closer so the shell of his ear was pressed to your mouth, your breath fanning over his skin, sending a shiver down his spine.
“What’re you gonna do about it. . . Daddy?”
And before you knew it, Harry departed from being on top of you. He all but ripped your jeans off your legs, along with your favorite pair of blue panties, leaving your bottom half completely naked and all bare to him.
All clothes were removed within seconds from both of you, and next Harry was flipping your body over so your chest was pressed to the cushion, and he lifted your hips up so your ass was now in the air. Giggling at his sudden assertiveness, you wiggled your butt at him to which he then smacked down hard on you, and you’re positive your skin was bright red now. You let out a yelp as he delivered another blow to your behind, then wrapping your hair around his fist and tugging your head back.
With his free hand, he dipped his fingers into your slick folds, gathering up your moisture and you could hear him put his digits in his mouth and suck on your juices. He moaned around the taste, bringing his fingers about to your center, slowly trailing from your dripping hole and to your throbbing clit.
“So, so wet for me, baby.”
You wanted to response vocally, but the only sounds that could come out of your mouth at this moment were breathless whimpers as Harry rubbed fast circles on your sensitive bud, but then would stop all of a sudden, taking a break for a few seconds before he would continue again.
Talk about being a tease.
When he didn’t hear words leave your lips, he leaned over your body, his mouth now pressing against your ear as he continued to attack your bundle of nerves. “Isn’t that right, Y/N? All wet and all for me, right?”
When you went to speak, he thrusted his fingers into your cunt, abrupting your train of thought, causing you to let out a guttural groan as his fingers caressed against your walls. He knew what he was doing, because you knew he hated when you didn’t speak up to voice your thoughts with him, and that would only encourage him to put you in your place; but since he was doing all of these things to your body that left you speechless, he knew you wouldn’t be able to respond like he wants.
You’re fully convinced he’s the devil in disguise.
“Words, love, need to hear ‘em. Who’s making you feel this good? Who has you dripping down your thighs, your walls clenching, your clit throbbing? Who, Y/N?” He growled in your ear, pumping his fingers in and out of you at much faster pace now.
Soon enough that familiar knot in your belly was growing tighter, and your legs were growing weaker as they began to shake and convulse at your impending orgasm. But, in order to reach your climax, you had to say something so he wouldn’t stop. So again, you went to talk but then Harry stopped all of his movements completely, pulling his fingers out of you, causing you to whine and push your hips back to get back the attention.
What you didn’t expect though, was Harry to replace his fingers with his cock so soon, thrusting into you quickly, hardly giving you time to adjust to his size before he was snapping his hips against yours in a hasty pace. His balls slapped against your clit at the speed, his tip hitting that special spot inside of you over and over again. You were a mess to say the least as you instinctively pushed yourself back to meet his thrusts, needing him to go rougher.
Placing his hands on your hips to stop your movements, he got the memo and pounded himself harder into your wet pussy, and pretty soon you would be seeing stars.
“C’mon, baby, use your words. Scream it– who’s doing this to you?” He murmured this time in a gentler tone, which was completely contradictory to his current actions.
That pressure in your stomach grew more intense and Harry could feel it too as your walls clenched around him, practically trying to push him out at the tight squeeze. And when you felt him twitch inside of you, you knew he was moments away too.
“Yo–” you started to say, but Harry yanked your body upwards so your back was fully flushed against your chest. He wrapped his large hand around your throat, applying slight pressure because he knew this is what would send you over the edge in due time.
“My name, Y/N, say my name,” he groaned, his thrusts getting sloppier by the second. His one hand that wasn’t wrapped around throat came up to your breasts, squeezing each one under his palm, finger tips tugging on your hard nipples, the sensitive sensation working as a push to let go of that knot.
With one final hit of your g-spot, you were seeing stars and didn’t even hesitate to scream out his name. You screamed his name as best as you could with his hand around your throat, a string of curses following and long drawn out moans. Soon, Harry followed in your steps, his own groans leaving his mouth as he released inside of you, coaxing your walls in load after load of cum.
You were both breathless, and when he let go of your body, you couldn’t help but collapse forward, gulping down as much air as you could, as if you had been suffocating this entire time.
Deciding to get someone to cover you in the morning definitely may have been your best decision as of lately, teasing Harry following close behind. You were at content with your night now, but you had a strong feeling Harry wasn’t planning on giving up any time soon.
You were proven correct when he spoke up, “Need you to clean me, love. Want your lips wrapped around my cock now.”
He wasn’t going to give you any sort of recovery period any time soon, and honestly, you were okay with that.
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