#endahl menhit (ic)
kenztrolls · 2 years
Endahl: ♥ + ⊙﹏☉ [We've been talking about Endahl and Veketi certainly. So gimme details on the Cerulean <333]
♥ = Character’s preference for relationships (sexuality, type of person, etc.)
⊙﹏☉ = What flusters the character
Now usually for memes like this I like to speak in-character but since Endahl rarely speaks and these are rather detailed questions I'll just speak for them! I'm sure they won't mind-
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" . . . "
Hey don't look at me like that it's not my fault (yes it is)
ANYWAY! Like 80% of the trolls on this blog Endahl is pansexual and has no preference when it comes to relationships! As for their preference on a person-to-person basis... Well, it's complicated. They are not a super open person by themselves even with people they're close to (except Khonsu) so I can at least tell you they do not like those who pry. Let him open up first.
Although if they were to say what they prefer in a partner it'd definitely be someone who is, like, very self-concious about their own actions and the actions of others. Not someone who steps and trods on the weak, people who don't take responsibility and definitely not any of those hemoloyal asshats.
As for what flusters them? Uhh. Haha. I don't know! I don't think it's possible to fluster him at least where flirting and non-committed relationships are concerned. You are much more likely to confuse them than actually get any sort of reaction from them.
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kenztrolls · 2 years
Endahl - 🤖 + 🔥 Shu - 👽 + 🎭
🤖- How do you feel about drones? Do you try to avoid them when they come around?
🔥- Have you ever done something (outside of murder) that most likely should be considered a criminal act, but either wasn't or was just swept under the rug due to your status?
The mention of the drones make you wince slightly.
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As for other crimes... There's nothing that ever went unnoticed due to your status. They probably would if you targetted the less fortunate but that's not how you roll. You always bring the fight to those higher up the food chain. Well there are those times that you-
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Yeah. Thanks for the help on that, Khonsu.
👽- What is your stance on aliens? Should they be treated just like mutants?
🎭- How do you access entertainment? What is available to you to do for fun?
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" gee, i dunnoo! i doon't think i've ever met an alien. doo the anoons coount? i'm noot sure if they're troolls oor noot. "
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" well, either way, i doon't have stroong oopinioons oon them! if they foound their way here and intoo my hoome i'd be a-ook with them. soo loong as they doon't try too kill me. "
" as foor entertainment i've goot a loot oof access too things too entertain me! thoough if yoou ask me noothing entertains me moore than the antics my friends tend too get up too. the grooup chat is always having soome kind oof crisis oor argument gooing oon there! "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
I've been asking my friends which one of your characters is the hottest and Yeonah won with 3 votes, Endahl with 2 votes and Uraeus falls 3rd with 1 vote
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" no duh. comp@}red +o me everyone else looks like @} st@}ck of h@}y wi+h eyes~ "
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" ...? WHY ME? "
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" I Ssuppose everyone has their tastes. Third place isn't bad. "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
Hey Sethar! Since you're a detective and all that. Have you encountered any sort of cases that have really stumped you? Like an absolute head scratcher.
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" Well there have been a cOuple that have certainly made the Ol thinkpan wOrk Overtime, but there's nOthing that I dOn't sOlve eventually! "
" || in fact, One Of my hardest cases invOlved One Of Our Own here On this blOg... a certain cObalt actually- || "
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" FOrtunately we came tO an agreement and neither Of us had tO suffer unwanted cOnsequences fOr the Other's actiOns! Haha! "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
Menhit how many men do you hit? (im giggling to myself like an idiot as i type this)
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" . . . "
Their hand is reaching for their machete.
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kenztrolls · 2 years
Endahl (I'm assuming he's the cerulean?), you have a pretty cool style. Any particular inspiration for it? Is it practical for what you do night to night or is it mostly for the aesthetic?
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" . . . "
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" BOTH. "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
That last names a mooood but I knoow noothing aboout yoou menhit. What are yoou like?
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" . . . "
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kenztrolls · 2 years
28 for endahl
28. Are they a #gamer?
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" . . .A WHAT? "
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" (( I'll have to answer this for them (even if it should be pretty obvious... )) "
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" (( No. She is not (and i dont think hes ever seen a gamegrub before) )) "
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