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The stone before the tomb was the first to leap up and in its own way intone a song of praise and wonder. To celebrate Easter is to believe once more that God constantly breaks into our personal histories, challenging our “conventions,” those fixed ways of thinking and acting that end up paralyzing us. To celebrate Easter is to allow Jesus to triumph over the craven fear that so often assails us and tries to bury every kind of hope. The stone before the tomb shared in this, the women of the Gospel shared in this, and now the invitation is addressed once more to you and to me. An invitation to break out of our routines and to renew our lives, our decisions and our existence. An invitation that must be directed to where we stand, what we are doing and what we are, with the “power ratio” that is ours. Do we want to share in this message of life or do we prefer simply to continue standing speechless before events as they happen? He is not here… he is raised! And he awaits you in Gaiilee. He invites you to go back to the time and place of your first love and he says to you: Do not be afraid, follow me. - Pope Francis, Easter Homily 2018 #GiveHim3 #EvenTheStonesPraiseHim #pascha #easter #resurrectionday #powerintheblood #dontbeafraid #EncounterHim #WncounterSoFLo https://www.instagram.com/p/CNOeSEIAasI/?igshid=1s81biuktb9nk
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When my soul plunges in to the depths of despair, I THINK OF YOU When I am surrounded by foolishness, I THINK OF YOU When all I can see is the reddened eyes of those who persecute and hate me, I THINK OF YOU When I am tempted to believe all is lost forever and no hope is upon my horizon, I THINK OF YOU Every time I fall, I THINK OF YOU And then, I get up and walk with you. 🔥🔥🔥 Holy Spirit fill our hearts that we may think of you often, Jesus, and all you have endured for us. Strengthen our hearts each day that, in needing little consolation for ourselves, we might learn to console you. When I am tempted to believe my own failures have caused you great harm in your saving work, remind me that little me could never undo what you have already done! #livinglent #stationsofthecross #meditateonHisPassion #GOODFriday #EncounterHim #onTheWay https://www.instagram.com/p/CNLXJjHAWEg/?igshid=9kl2g2fivu0h
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Before I was a mom, I always had this inclination to be the mom who’s house everyone wanted to hang at but I had no idea how to become her. Children made me nervous and I always seemed to think they were up to no good. All things that don’t jive well with children who can sense your weakness like a shark smells blood. It took Jesus to open my heart to see them as he does. It took Jesus to take my desire from within and make it to manifest authentically. This week, I got to share our #StoryTime with some of those beautiful neighborhood kids and I have to tell you the joy at all their smiling faces was something I couldn’t have known if it hadn’t been Jesus stretching my heart to receive it. When my own children can back the next afternoon telling me their friends were here for Story Time, I felt the Joy of the Lord in a profound way. This is letting them come! For the first time I knew fully what a joy it is to him to see them come. There is nothing more joyful than sharing the Lord with children. 💛❤️💙 Allow yourself to be stretched. Grow. Learn to love like Him and he will show you the desires of your heart are just like the little children, let them come. #StoryEgg #EasterLove #SnackTime #NeighborhoodMom #CatKids #raisingreaders #homeschoollife #EncounterHim https://www.instagram.com/p/CNI_sCnAH0Y/?igshid=ds4lw6za2cqh
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There’s a preaching heart out there who needs this reminder. Sometimes people get so focused on condemning sinners they forget to focus at all on loving them like Jesus. Sinners know their sin. Jesus knows their sin. We don’t always need to point out the obvious. Love covers a multitude of sin because it’s focus is on redemption not condemnation. The Holy Spirit convicts us so that he can convince us we are loved. Sinners struggle with worthiness. Lovers focus on identity. Hurt people hurt people. Loved people love people. The prophetic gift is about releasing identity to people in a world where ‘while they were still sinners’ Christ came to love them. We partner with the Holy Spirit when we allow our life of holiness to convince others about what the Holy Spirit is already convicting in them. He convicts to convince. We need more prophetic people willing to lay down their lives to holiness in order to raise up sinners to new levels of conviction by His Spirit. If people aren’t convinced that you love them then all your self-professed convictions are just noise (a clanging cymbal, a gong, a mouthy nonsense). This is why the greatest commission of Jesus Christ is to love one another. By your words of love for them, the world becomes convinced Jesus is the real deal. Inside the heart of every sinner is a longing to be loved and to be known by Love. Instead of pointing people to the obvious, try focusing on helping what is hidden come to light. “And as they listen, their secret thoughts will be exposed, and they will fall to their knees and worship God, declaring, “God is truly here among you.” 1 Corinthians 14:25 #EncounterHim #EncounterSoFLo 🔥 #ComeHolySpirit #SpiritualGifts #ReleaseTheKingdom *INTERESTED IN MORE FULLY UNDERSTANDING THE SPIRITUAL GIFTS! Join me at EncounterSchool.org/PalmBeach https://www.instagram.com/p/CLJZAa6gefd/?igshid=gp65inj21mar
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There’s a preaching heart out there who needs this reminder. Sometimes people get so focused on condemning sinners they forget to focus at all on loving them like Jesus. Sinners know their sin. Jesus knows their sin. We don’t always need to point out the obvious. Love covers a multitude of sin because it’s focus is on redemption not condemnation. The Holy Spirit convicts us so that he can convince us we are loved. Sinners struggle with worthiness. Lovers focus on identity. Hurt people hurt people. Loved people love people. The prophetic gift is about releasing identity to people in a world where ‘while they were still sinners’ Christ came to love them. We partner with the Holy Spirit when we allow our life of holiness to convince others about what the Holy Spirit is already convicting in them. He convicts to convince. We need more prophetic people willing to lay down their lives to holiness in order to raise up sinners to new levels of conviction by His Spirit. If people aren’t convinced that you love them then all your self-professed convictions are just noise (a clanging cymbal, a gong, a mouthy nonsense). This is why the greatest commission of Jesus Christ is to love one another. By your words of love for them, the world becomes convinced Jesus is the real deal. Inside the heart of every sinner is a longing to be loved and to be known by Love. Instead of pointing people to the obvious, try focusing on helping what is hidden come to light. “And as they listen, their secret thoughts will be exposed, and they will fall to their knees and worship God, declaring, “God is truly here among you.” 1 Corinthians 14:25 #EncounterHim #EncounterSoFLo 🔥 #ComeHolySpirit #SpiritualGifts #ReleaseTheKingdom *INTERESTED IN MORE FULLY UNDERSTANDING THE SPIRITUAL GIFTS! Join me at EncounterSchool.org/PalmBeach https://www.instagram.com/p/CLJYySjg1_R/?igshid=10zrk48alzutw
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Shout out to today’s Gospel reading from Mark. 2000 years of social evolution and we’re still choosing our need to eat in our own homes over Christ’s mission to heal our bodies, bellies, hearts and soul! Can y’all relate 😆 How many of you’re own family are telling you “You’re out of your mind!” Praise God that they do. It means the mind you have is Christ’s. Onward, never back. #wotd #imnotbeingfed #feedmewithboldness #proclaimthegospel #mindofchrist #messiahinthehouse #gospeltruth #wakingeve #encounterhim https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZQHT2AAtG/?igshid=1492vbpiggti0
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What fuels us makes us stronger and keeps us going. 🔥🔥🔥 #EncounterHim #Encounter2021 #NewYear #NoMoreLies #WakingEve https://www.instagram.com/p/CJdt-s8gbKc/?igshid=1j8g34n1f40ua
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It’s official! Sheerah Ministries is thankful to announce we are partnering with Encounter Ministries to bring their Encounter School of Ministry to South Florida. The Palm Beach Campus Satellite School is being formally announced TODAY 🔥 LIVE at the Encounter Conference - the Registration link will be up soon for Fall 2021 classes on our website at www.EncounterSchool.org/PalmBeach (and also on our website at SheerahMinistries.com LINK IN BIO) 🙌🏼🕊 Come Holy Spirit! #EMSoFLo is about to #LightItUp in South Florida! We’re joyful to join with all the new and existing satellite campuses helping to spread the fire of Encounter across the globe 🔥🔥🔥 It’s time to #EncounterHim and Build the Cities of God with the same fervor as the #Sheerah of old, a lasting testament to the power of God, that #AncientBeauty #EverNew https://www.instagram.com/p/CJZjVgqAAvV/?igshid=1ua85ervhgiof
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Favorite pic of the night 😍 Our Adoration Kick-Off for Encounter Ministries South Florida began in the peaceful rest of St. Joseph, who reminds us that all we need to be saints of God is a restful spirit and obedience. Upon waking, he immediately did as the angel of the Lord showed him in his dream. St. Joseph is the model for all men of faith, and the women who long for a safe place to rest, because he demonstrates the life of obedience to the father by protecting the life of the Son, and His mother. He carries the mission of the Son forward for all of us by being content to listen to the Word of the Lord, especially from a place of rest and receptivity. May this year be the year all men return to the goodness and power of fatherhood at rest in obedience to the Son. The Year of St. Joseph will give rise to the Year of the Family. May family life be restored to its holy perfection as we see exampled in the Holy Family. We are all adopted into God’s Holy Family. This should make us all sleep more peacefully. Come, Holy Spirit! 🔥 #EncounterHim #EncounterSoFLo #encountersoflove #encounteringGod #adoration #blessedsacrament #catholicphotography #worshipwhileyoucan #sleepinheavenlypeace https://www.instagram.com/p/CI84Lo5AoVA/?igshid=weu1dz6syvsl
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#CountdownToTheKingdom #illuminationofconscience #theWarning #3Days #Advent #theComing #SeasonofLight #JOY #AdventLectionary #prophecy #wotd #scriptureoftheday #HolyOne #WakingEve #EncounterHim #EncounterSoFLo https://www.instagram.com/p/CIwy-Mxg58b/?igshid=1ssft3ar6z8yu
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And just like that...the Invisible was made visible, a heavenly language was revealed, and a man gifted by the Holy Spirit with dream interpretation was given access to the kingdoms of men. • While the world ignores reality, remember how Daniel was positioned to live out of it. . If you are a Child of God, when people think of you, may they say, “I have heard that the Spirit of God is in you, that you possess brilliant knowledge and extraordinary wisdom. I have heard that you can interpret dreams and solve difficulties...” . #ComeHolySpirit 🔥 #EncounterHim #EncounterSoFLo https://www.instagram.com/p/CIBfiy6AtSS/?igshid=fteg7yopszuh
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“I have found that it takes some time to catch fire in prayer. This has been one of the advantages of the daily Hour. It is not so brief as to prevent the soul from collecting itself and shaking off the multitudinous distractions of the world. Sitting before the Presence is like a body exposing itself before the sun to absorb its rays. Silence in the Hour is a tête-á-tête with the Lord. In those moments, one does not so much pour out written prayers, but listening takes its place. We do not say: "Listen, Lord, for Thy servant speaks," but "Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth." Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Treasure in Clay) 🍎 #SaintWisdom #FultonSheen #HolyHour #Adoration #EncounterHim https://www.instagram.com/p/CHssHBEATl9/?igshid=3kgytc5d2opu
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DAY 7 #RelicTour “Signs I Never Thought I’d See Again” • All too long ago, I once stepped over the threshold into these parts, into a marriage to another man, and dreams of a life filled with things I long ago abandoned in order to follow the Lord with all my heart. I entered Ohio with hopes and dreams of mesmerized things and planted them in Columbus and Cincinnati, never knowing one day ahead they might sprout in Steubenville, a place I never heard of then. Today, I’m reminded the seeds of our past are never wasted or forgotten. Though I am certain I planted many along the wayward path, God in His infinite Mercy saw to it they would appear and bloom in due season along the crooked path He would one day make straight. Now today I stand here again, having crossed the bridge and entered by a New Way, into a New Place, and I plant the seeds of hope and the FULFILLMENT OF ALL DESIRE for my children here in a place that has brought vibrancy and renewal to the Catholic faith in America through people like Scott Hahn and the efforts of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology and the Franciscan Friar Brotherhood that help to run this Catholic University in the New World. I think of all the sprouts of life that have come from the hallowed hills and I’m grateful that we even get to visit it today, even if only to enjoy the snow and take in the sites (we thought an Admissions Tour was a little “too soon” 😁) in a land I never thought I’d return to. • Today, I stand anew. A New Woman of Faith in a God who makes all things work for the good of those who follow His ways. • To say I am Humbled is an understatement. I’m GRATEFUL. I owe the Lord my life for turning me from sinful desires into a life of faith. For blessing my new marriage with the fruit of life and joy reflected in these faces. And I can hope with all certainty that He is making a New Way for me and for them, simply by letting us walk this different path, in places I’ve never been, hoping their future will look nothing like my past. And setting up new signs for us that tell us everything we’re looking for we’ll “Find it here.” • We’re TRUSTING Jesus to lead us to #EncounterHim in 2020 in ways unimaginable https://www.instagram.com/p/B60jOA4g0Yx/?igshid=1w33kpfimgx8t
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