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Ecce lignum Crucis, in quo salus mundi pependit. Venite adoremus.
#wielkipiątek#wielkipost#triduum#triduumpaschalne#krzyż#eccelignumcrucis#veniteadoremus#goodfriday#lent#romancatholic#catholicchurch#missaleromanum#mszałrzymski#tradycjakatolicka#traditionalcatholic#latinmass#catholicphotography#catholic#anna słapek#holy week
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The Basilica. My favorite place to spend some time in prayer, say the divine mercy chaplet and to say the rosary after Monday mornings with the sisters and a chat with my spiritual advisor. #catholic #carmelite #praytherosary #holyrosary #basilica #basilicata_love #elizabethannseton #catholics #catholichurch #catholicism #catholiclife #catholicfaith #catholicchurch #catholicphotography #catholicwomen #catholicwoman #traditionalcatholic #catholictradition #catholicprayer #catholicchurches #catholicconvert #divinemercychaplet #catholicconvert #catholicconverts #catholicconverted (at The National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0UWaA8FQ8EVqbpeTiFnCTAYtF3fFur2Jx_Btg0/?igshid=k86slxr7ft1r
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Less than one week away! We already have 3 buses confirmed for this day! We cannot wait to have our Italian Speaking Pilgrims at Teopoli. If you would like to hop on a bus from the GTA please give us a call at 416-243-7319. Can't wait to see you all! Pellegrinaggio italiana a Teopoli - 7 luglio 2019 Dal 1977, quando una grande croce di legno fu eretta vicino alla cascata, Teopoli è diventata un centro di pellegrinaggi mensili da maggio a ottobre. Questi pellegrinaggi hanno tre punti salienti di preghiera in comune ovvero, la Santa Messa, le Stazioni della Croce e il Santo Rosario con Benedizione Eucaristica. Per favore, ricordate che questi sono giorni di preghiera. Tutti i partecipanti devono assistere a tutte le funzioni religiose della giornata. Teopoli si trova a: 1458 Housey’s Rapids Rd. (RR.#3) Gravenhurst, Ont. P1P 1R3 Tel. 705-687-4488 Per eventuali informazioni e per prenotare il posto sull’autobus pregasi telefonare a: Società Unita, 416-243-7319 #Catholic #Passionists #StPauloftheCross #StGabrielofOurLadyofSorrows #Teopoli #TeopoliGravenhurst #Gravenhurst #priesthood #Musoka #catholicchurch #catholicconnect #catholicfamily #catholiccommunity #catholiclife #catholicfaith #catholicphotography #BeAPassionist #PassionistVocations #Toronto #PilgrimageTours #JesustheListener #SrCarmelina #DayTrips #Prayer #catholicpriest #ourladyofguadalupe #ourladyoftherosary https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbAaYql5Tt/?igshid=1pxx79jnhk8mw
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🇯🇵長崎のカトリック。 🇰🇷孤独の韓国人男性の自己紹介。 ➡️https://2haerang.tistory.com/1069 ⭐YouTube : MakaNai [韓国人男性の暮らし] #カトリック #カトリック教会 #amen #catholiclife #catholicchurch #catholicschool #catholicphotography #nagasakigram #nagasakilovers #japan_travel #japanphoto #長崎旅行(長崎県에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgqL_7CpXRB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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David consulted with all his officials, including the generals and captains of his army. Then he addressed the entire assembly of Israel as follows: “If you approve and if it is the will of the Lord our God, let us send messages to all the Israelites throughout the land, including the priests and Levites in their towns and pasturelands. Let us invite them to come and join us. It is time to bring back the Ark of our God, for we neglected it during the reign of Saul.” The whole assembly agreed to this, for the people could see it was the right thing to do. But when they arrived at the threshing floor of Nacon, the oxen stumbled, and Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the Ark. Then the Lord’s anger was aroused against Uzzah, and he struck him dead because he had laid his hand on the Ark. So Uzzah died there in the presence of God. David was angry because the Lord’s anger had burst out against Uzzah. He named that place Perez-uzzah (which means “to burst out against Uzzah”), as it is still called today. David was now afraid of God, and he asked, “How can I ever bring the Ark of God back into my care?” So David did not move the Ark into the City of David. Instead, he took it to the house of Obed-edom of Gath. The Ark of God remained there in Obed-edom’s house for three months, and the Lord blessed the household of Obed-edom and everything he owned. {1 Chronicles 13} 🙏🏼 Lord, when the world tries to steady your glory, may we not be afraid to watch you burst out. Though we may watch many die in your Presence, let us not be afraid to take the Ark into our home where we may be blessed like Obed-edom, as Elizabeth was blessed by your Presence in Mary. #CountdownToTheKingdom #illuminationofconscience #theWarning #3Days #Adoration #theComing #theComing #JOY #AdoreHim #catholiclife #inhispresence #catholicphotography #prophecy #wotd #scriptureoftheday #HolyOne #WakingEve https://www.instagram.com/p/CJc3K2rgW-n/?igshid=165gfb7kb5yt0
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Piropos a María #rosary#rosario#prayrosary #katolikindonesia #catholic#católico #katolik #katholische #catholicism #catholicchurch #romancatholic #romancatholicchurch #proudcatholic #catholicimagery#catholicphoto#catholicphotographers #catholicphotography #katolik_indonesia#gerejakatolik #mediakatolik #novenatigakalisalammaria #instakatolik #berandakatolik#sehabatkatolik#omkindonesia #ekatolik#lensanuswantara (en Urb. El Bosque - Rimac) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_-osxhB0HQ/?igshid=1r58apkczoljl
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There’re active Christian in here 450years ago. Here’s seminary for Christian. They’re persecuted by Tokugawa shogunate. Here’s Saint Paul Miki graveyard. 450年前ここはキリスト教の神学校がありました。迫害によって今は何も残っていません。ここに聖パウロ三木のご遺骨が埋蔵されています#saintpaulmiki #seminary #catholic #catholics #catolica #catholics #catholicchurch #catholicphotography #catholicfaith #catholicsaint #romancatholic #パウロ三木 #カトリック (at セミナリヨ趾) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuxBZRtjo2K/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o1wwu8ju6yw8
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#ciudad#mexico#cdmx#cdmx oficial#iglesiasmx#arquitecturareligiosa#arquitecturephotography#artebarroco#barroco barrocomexicano artebarroco artesacro baroque arssacra architeture catholicphotography latincatholicphotography
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"Au nom de notre autorité apostolique, Nous concédons et accordons que ce même missel pourra être suivi en totalité dans la messe chantée ou lue, dans quelque église que ce soit, sans aucun scrupule de conscience et sans encourir aucune punition, condamnation ou censure, et qu’on pourra valablement l’utiliser librement et licitement, et cela à perpétuité."Saint Pie V, bulle Quo primum tempore, 14 juillet 1570."Atque ut hoc ipsum Missale in Missa decantanda, aut recitanda in quibusvis Ecclesiis absque ullo conscientiae scrupulo, aut aliquarum poenarum, sententiarum et censurarum incursu, posthac omnino sequantur, eoque libere et licite uti possint et valeant, auctoritate Apostoloca, tenore praesentium, etiam perpetuo concedimus et indulgemus."Sanctus Pius V, Quo primum tempore, 1570, pridie Idus Iulii."In virtue of Our Apostolic authority, We grant and concede in perpetuity that, for the chanting or reading of the Mass in any church whatsoever, this Missal is hereafter to be followed absolutely, without any scruple of conscience or fear of incurring any penalty, judgment, or censure, and may freely and lawfully be used."Saint Pius V, Quo primum tempore, 14 July 1570."Anzi, in virtù dell’Autorità Apostolica, Noi concediamo, a tutti i sacerdoti, a tenore della presente, l’Indulto perpetuo di poter seguire, in modo generale, in qualunque Chiesa, senza scrupolo veruno di coscienza o pericolo di incorrere in alcuna pena, giudizio o censura, questo stesso Messale, di cui dunque avranno la piena facoltà di servirsi liberamente e lecitamente."San Pio V, Quo primum tempore, 14 di Luglio 1570.#TraditionalMass #TraditionalChurch #MesseTraditionnelle #Tridentine #TridentineMass #TridentineLatinMass #TridentineMassLover #SummorumPontificum #LatinMass #CatholicTradition #TraditionalLatinMass #TraditionalCatholics #RitoTradicional #RitoTridentino #TraditionalCatholic #MissaTridentina #InstaCatholic #CatholicChurch #CatholicLife #CatholicPhotography #RomanCatholicChurch #EgliseCatholique #Catholicisme #Catholique #FranceCatholique #Catholicism #Catholica #Catolico #Catolicos #Catolicismo https://bit.ly/3BanBF1
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random.... • • • • • • • • • • #catholic #catholicchurch #religiousphotography #religion #religionphotography #ga #gafollowers #georgiaphotography #cross #sunburst #blue #bluesky #clouds #cloudy #cloudphoto #cloudphotography #catholicphotography #imnotcatholic #though #jesusmaryjoseph (at Lawrenceville, Georgia)
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Mikepanlilio.com #goingoldschool #catholicphotography
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Beautiful thing to see when stepping out of the church office. God’s glorious sky above St. Peter’s #catholic #catholichurch #catholics #catholocism #catholiclife #catholic_church #catholicfaith #catholicphotography #catholicism #catholicworld #catholicwoman #catholicchurches #catholicconverts #catholicconvert #catholicimagery https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxh7XsTHcafJWSb6jVj--dN3Z8F9gG7o1onYNM0/?igshid=2wfj9yipp4sk
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We already have 3 buses confirmed for this day! We cannot wait to have our Italian Speaking Pilgrims at Teopoli. If you would like to hop on a bus from the GTA please give us a call at 416-243-7319. Can't wait to see you all! Pellegrinaggio italiana a Teopoli - 7 luglio 2019 Dal 1977, quando una grande croce di legno fu eretta vicino alla cascata, Teopoli è diventata un centro di pellegrinaggi mensili da maggio a ottobre. Questi pellegrinaggi hanno tre punti salienti di preghiera in comune ovvero, la Santa Messa, le Stazioni della Croce e il Santo Rosario con Benedizione Eucaristica. Per favore, ricordate che questi sono giorni di preghiera. Tutti i partecipanti devono assistere a tutte le funzioni religiose della giornata. Teopoli si trova a: 1458 Housey’s Rapids Rd. (RR.#3) Gravenhurst, Ont. P1P 1R3 Tel. 705-687-4488 Per eventuali informazioni e per prenotare il posto sull’autobus pregasi telefonare a: Società Unita, 416-243-7319 #Catholic #Passionists #StPauloftheCross #StGabrielofOurLadyofSorrows #Teopoli #TeopoliGravenhurst #Gravenhurst #priesthood #Musoka #catholicchurch #catholicconnect #catholicfamily #catholiccommunity #catholiclife #catholicfaith #catholicphotography #BeAPassionist #PassionistVocations #Toronto #PilgrimageTours #JesustheListener #SrCarmelina #DayTrips #Prayer #catholicpriest #ourladyofguadalupe #ourladyoftherosary https://www.instagram.com/p/ByqT3IylY7f/?igshid=ca602ojqymle
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And Jesus advanced in wisdom, and in age, and in grace, with God and men.
Luke 2:52
📸 @dario.bonds
🗓️ March 24, 2022.
#catholic #catolico #SaintJoseph #SanJose #picoftheday #today #catholicphotography
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Favorite pic of the night 😍 Our Adoration Kick-Off for Encounter Ministries South Florida began in the peaceful rest of St. Joseph, who reminds us that all we need to be saints of God is a restful spirit and obedience. Upon waking, he immediately did as the angel of the Lord showed him in his dream. St. Joseph is the model for all men of faith, and the women who long for a safe place to rest, because he demonstrates the life of obedience to the father by protecting the life of the Son, and His mother. He carries the mission of the Son forward for all of us by being content to listen to the Word of the Lord, especially from a place of rest and receptivity. May this year be the year all men return to the goodness and power of fatherhood at rest in obedience to the Son. The Year of St. Joseph will give rise to the Year of the Family. May family life be restored to its holy perfection as we see exampled in the Holy Family. We are all adopted into God’s Holy Family. This should make us all sleep more peacefully. Come, Holy Spirit! 🔥 #EncounterHim #EncounterSoFLo #encountersoflove #encounteringGod #adoration #blessedsacrament #catholicphotography #worshipwhileyoucan #sleepinheavenlypeace https://www.instagram.com/p/CI84Lo5AoVA/?igshid=weu1dz6syvsl
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Stock photo Retouching
#stockphoto #stockphotography #shutterstock #stockimages #stockphotos #photography #stockphotographer #number #adobestock #microstock #godongphotoagency #agencegodong #godongphoto #agencephoto #catholicphotography #imagelibrary #instafaith #instapray #igersreligion #religiousphotography #igersphotography #igerschristians #christians #christianchurch #photographer #photoagency #shutterstockcontributor #stockimagery #canon #bhfyp
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