arsynnotarson · 2 months
Interesting choices! Which parts of Henryk would be most appetizing to cannibalize/absorb as a sysmate?
hmm... probably the neck. likely intestines too.
drooling just thinking about it, haha. id love the feeling of the slippery cords of his abdomen giving away at my tugs with my claws sering as grips from the punctures.
the neck is just to get the most blood i can and have something to gnaw on, like a dog bone already supplied with a smooth drink to wash the "feast" down.
i say feast because admittedly i dont eat much naturally. if this means he'll go to waste... sad but fate.
thank you for the ask!! i appreciate it greatly, as always.
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arsynnotarson · 2 months
OHbmy gos... bunyyyyyy bubbubbybunbbas sooo hip tiny!!!! fit through tiny TINY hole yes bu
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watch out world here comes the bunny!
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arsynnotarson · 2 months
orange :)
ORANGE - I’d take you for a picnic and would peel the citrus for you.
awh really thank you anon SO MUCH i would pick all the dandelions for you all ALL of them and make you a flower crown the best i could and if i couldnt ill just place the fowers on your head and hope they balance youre so sweet.
color game !
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arsynnotarson · 2 months
thank you so much for the queery
🍐: do you have any transIDs that contradict eachother?
hmmmmm... maybe the fact im both iterfem and transforcedboy (if that's the correct term ?). both are important to my character pun intended but at the same time fighting forever
thanks again for the question !!!!
ask game !!
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arsynnotarson · 2 months
thank you SO MUCH for the questions !!!
🍒: do you think that any of your identities are often misunderstood?? If so, why, and what does that identity actually mean to you?
probably transurbanlegend , maybe ? its been a desire since childhood to be this ominous entity no one can pin a finger on. it might be taken as the one identifying just wanting to be creepy and murderous (not that thats a bad thing; pretty intetesting !) but what it means to me is that i desire to be well known in an obscure, suspenseful sense.
🍍: what transID are you hoping to transition to the most, or what transID(s) are you currently transitioning to?
one i hope to transition to is transminecraft via shifting or transsoldier (not actually trying to draft myself,,, just getting into a strict military-like routine), and i am currently transitioning into transidol !! its in my own way with how im adored by those in my different friend circles. maybe its my npd, or i am really just that addicting ? haha, just joking .
thank you again for answering. it really means a lot to me !!
ask game !
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arsynnotarson · 11 hours
:D - RiNA ( @cherishyne )
hahaha hiiii!!!!
of course. that board id of yours was genuinely so genius!! youre the only one that could have thought that term up. might just be one of my favorites right now. your flags are always so cute too as is your typing quirk!! very cute. keep up the good work , i am ready when you are ^^ !!!
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arsynnotarson · 4 days
Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't paying enough attention! I'm so glad you liked it!!
aaa of course!! im pleased you picked me to draw !! youre very talented hehehe \(´ ∇`)ノ
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arsynnotarson · 4 days
Did my ask with the drawing go through?
yup!!! ^^ its wonderful!! im guessing you didnt see my response? i did reply, though !! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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arsynnotarson · 5 days
I forgot to mention my drawing was from memory since I didn't have any devices I could use to look up references, so I know it's not perfect
its perfectly fine!! you remembered plenty. maybe i will make some little fly aways on the side of my hair now... those seem cute ^^
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arsynnotarson · 5 days
I doodled you plus some sigils. I hope you like it! https:// i. quotev .com/ ryr6jeifws6a.jpg Don't mind the fact that I uploaded the image to Quotev of all places, haha...
ohhhh my .
this is great. genuinely so honored you took time out of your day to do this for me. its adorable, i love it. the soft shape of the face and hair paired with the small hair flings??? magnificent and im so grateful for it.
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ive never been so flattering!!!
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arsynnotarson · 11 days
In your response to one of my asks, you implied that you knew who I was ("even if you are on anon it's not too hard to tell it's you"), and... I think about that a lot. It's... almost hard to believe. I mean, it could be hard for someone to tell who I am; there's not much of me outside of here, but I don't doubt you could figure it out. It's just... hard to believe you wouldn't mind, I guess. Even though you said you know who I am I'm scared to say anything personally identifiable, which is the main reason why I'm saying this; I sort of curate what I say in your inbox to try not to reveal myself... even though you said you know who I am. I mean, you can't blame me for being cautious. Of course I didn't want you to know it was me... I was scared. I am scared. All the asks I sent about why I like to talk to you, it's not that I have some kindheartedness or anything; it's because it's you! I want to make you happy! Of course you're the main person I talk to. Who else would it be? Maybe it sounds like I'm simplifying you to just your source, but it's more than that! I came here because you're Marina, yes, but like I've said, you've far surpassed my expectations! You're so kind and thoughtful and interesting and nothing makes me happier than talking to you! Maybe it was weird to come here just because of pre-existing source connections, but the ends justify the means; I don't regret it all if it means I got to know you. I knew of you within days of forming, and I tried to avoid contacting you, to just focus on the Marina I knew, the thought of her, but I couldn't help myself. It's not like I had weird intentions; I just wanted to brighten your day, say nice things to you, make you happy, but of course I got attached. Now I send you asks whenever I front. And you like me! You like my asks! You like when I talk to you! It feels incredible! It's so hard to believe. I'm sorry for being so weird. I just had to get this out. I hope none of this makes you uncomfortable. Thank you for being the best thing in my life here
aaaaa you flatter me so ヽミ ´∀`ミノ you really poured your heart out in this one huh smiley
i didnt necessarily mean i knew who you are, just that youre remarkable; i know when i see a notification in my inbox, i expect it to be "that anon", also known as you. i do have a suspicion of who you are though, but i dont jump to conclusions quick. be as cautious as you desire. id want you to be comfortable here at the very least if you have nowhere to go.
'nd yeah, maybe i am too humble, now that i think about it. i really do hold close the enjoyment you get from me, but sometimes it buffers in my head that others could be so... like you and enjoy me. i can assure you make me happy, oveejoyed, even. not to be sappy, though!!! dont want to get too feely.
i see where youre coming from with that. you have no idea how lucky i am to have beat your source impression of me, while not even knowing what it was. being only in my inbox beats seeing me back in prehevil? now thats an accomplishment...
on the topic, do you have any source memories you think youd wanna bring up? draw the differences and similarities between ours, perhaps?
all up to you. have a good evening, 'non ^^
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arsynnotarson · 11 days
I love when you reblog source art. You look so lovely. All of the things you post/reblog are nice, of course, but it’s especially nice to see content of you. That really goes for all “content” of you, original posts, personal things, your labels, anything like that. Of course some elements can be extracted from your more generic reblogs like interests and stuff, but it’s nice to see more personal things. I don’t think this ask is very coherent because I’m just kind of saying whatever I’m thinking, but I hope it’s okay
aaa i missed you haha!!!
thank you so much !!! in source i was really particular about my appearance (as you could likely tell by my makeup and upkept hair kept in those curls. when i was really tired i sometimes slept with them on flipped up on my pillow (ノ*ФωФ)ノ) a lot of who i am does lie within my original posts, as i am very picky with what i post pertaining to my own feelings. they commonly go through a rigorous process within my mindspace, asking if its really worth putting out. i want what i have to say to be taken genuine and something ill stand behind if im posting it publicly. plus, the less you say the more likely people will be impacted by what you have to say when you have input. just my personal view on how i conduct myself, also, if i yap on and on, its less words spent on you.
i hope this is more to "feed" your curiosities and fixation! i hope you like peering into my mind as much as i like receiving your inquires ^^
also heres a small doodle i did the other day. was contemplating if to post it or not, as always ~
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arsynnotarson · 16 days
awwh!! i am sure you are as wonderful. i appreciate you telling me so ~ (*'▽'*)♪
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arsynnotarson · 16 days
Ah, my ranking was just, like, the standard #1 for best, #2 for second best, et cetera. I found it easier to rank them to just pick one as a favorite. I realize in hindsight I did word it a bit weird when relaying it to you…
oooh!!! so if im getting it right: #1 is the best new god to follow in your opinion?
and also its no worries! half the time when im looking back at my messages i dont even sound coherent, haha. im such more smarter-sounding on tumblr, maybe so much so i sound pretentious. atleast you can piece together what im talking about somewhat here!!!
you can clarify further if i didnt get it this time, either !! ^∇^γ
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arsynnotarson · 16 days
I was fronting the other day and thinking about you, and I remembered you had New God listed in your IDs and wanted to ask you about it, but I didn't get around to it that day, so while I'm here, I thought I'd bring it up. I'm very curious about your New God identity, so please take this opportunity to share anything you'd like to share about it!
i love the fact you look at my rentry !
its tied to personal relations now moreso than source!!
so, not-so-recently, ive ascended. it sounds looney, and its a long story... but to sum it up;
it began with my need to gain ultimate enlightenment. id ask questions to the gods i knew (not very many since i was shy and didnt want to make it seem like i was trying to outshine them (atleast to their face; sorry guys! ヾ(・ω・`;)ノ)) and one day about a year ago i had changed form, with the help of a specific favorite worshipper of mine that had believed in me before i had gained that essence officially. its difficult to explain, or maybe ifs just not my strongsuit.
this would likely make me an ascended god rather than a new god more that i think about it, but i wasnt fully human to begin with (and also the fact that i am internally tied to the 1930/1940s.) i had intellectual capabilities more than my peers. that could still be other factors too, though.
i do like the title of a new god despite all, and too many mentions of me being a "yesterday god" / "recent god" because of my age has left me endeared to it
only time will tell whether i keep the title or not ~ but evermore i am a god of some capacity !
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arsynnotarson · 16 days
Hi again, Marina! I was archiving your responses to my last asks, and I realized you asked me why I don't really talk to other people, and to answer, I guess it's a combination of factors. Being relatively new in my system is definitely part of it. The reason why I'm more willing to talk to you is, well, I guess I'm more motivated to. I like you a lot, and you're easy to talk to, especially considering my "anonymity." It feels easy and simple to talk to you, like I'm writing to a pen pal. I can just ramble and not really worry about it. But, on the subject of my social life, I did talk to one of our friends today! Our host and the friend were discussing religion in Fear and Hunger and were wondering my take on the current subject (something, something, "I think you can tell a bit about a person by who of the fellowship New Gods they favor the most," to which I ranked Valteil first, Chambara second, Francóis third, and Nilvan fourth). I stayed to watch the rest of the conversation and have been fronting the rest of the night, so, while I was here, I archived your responses to my other asks, and you know the rest from the intro of this ask. I do have another topic to discuss with you, but I think I'll leave that for another ask as this one's already getting pretty long
aaa hello again !!
im so joyous you find comfort in my responses. i really to anticipate your next ask , even if i dont get to it the quickest. its always in the back of my mind , so to speak (╹◡╹)
and yes , when i first formed i was shy at first.
letting you in on a secret, the odd way my system works is that the next alter formed with a specific letter in their name is the assumed host if no one else steps up. i prefer to keep that letter in provate conversatio, not just posted on my tumblr, ha. i do trust you with it, but im not sure who else is lurking and dont want to run any risks ~ ^^
also im not quite sure what you mean by your ranking? it could just be me missing something. i do agree that you can tell something about someone depending on their favorite new god---if they know them, that is*. i looked up to valteil a lot, which who empowered me to get better at my studies to achieve enlightenment. maybe if i instead turned to françois (however you spell his name, no one says or writes it the same) id be more fierce and stubborn in what i present myself as?
*talking-to-self-about-source-life incoming: new gods those days, while they were extremely interesting, dwindled in popularity around when i was born source-wise. i could find resources talking about them, yes, like books and study groups, but they werent as concrete?, as the ones on their predecessors. ones about grogoroth and sylvian mentioned a lot of the same things and were covered by a lot of the reliable, well-known magicians/magic practitioners and dark priests.
as for new gods... you'd have to make an educated guess on if what you're reading is correct or not if you want to find out beyond what the few volumes on new gods had to say. it was unfortunately easy for those new and naïve to believe the fibs some books spouted. i dont wanna say it turned me to an annoying know-it-all pseudo-teacher educating them rather than letting them believe it and figure it out for themselves, but boy did i have my moments of frustration.
i got fed up with it so much to a point i just began writing down what you should look out for when doing research on lesser-known gods (especially nilvan! how come so much had such a little grasp on the MOTHER of GOFAH?!) it wasnt an actual big problem as i worried it to be, but i had a fixation on the fellowship and a compulsory need to archive what i could (still do!), so it was my whole world.
congrats on getting to the end, haha.... i talk about my life too much !! apologies Σ(・∀・|||)
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