#ems holiday sleepover
rebouks · 5 months
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Jacob: I didn’t really see him that much anyway, y’know? Like he wasn’t a dad dad to me. Jude: It’s alright for you then. Jacob: At least you get to stay at Robin’s now, it’s like a sleepover every weekend! Jude: I guess-.. everything’s still weird though. [Jacob shrugged, unsure what else to say; he didn’t understand grownups any more than Jude did] Jude: I can’t believe dad n’ Pixie got to go on holiday without me. Jacob: Aren’t you going somewhere with your mom n’ Gavin in the summer holidays? Jude: I’d rather stay with dad then be bribed by my stupid soon to be step-dad… Jacob: Don’t tell her that. [Robin sighed, bored of his friends talking about grownups and their nonsense; there was enough of that at home without Jude and Jacob banging on about it all day as well. He almost felt grateful as Levi strode towards them, at least he’d change the subject] Levi: Any of you losers got a date for the dance yet? Jude: Not yet… Jacob: Who cares? Levi: I might ask Juniper later. Jude: You can’t! Levi: Oooh, why not? Jude: I mean-.. you could, but she wouldn’t say yes. Levi: Guess we’ll find out-.. what about you, Mutey? You could give someone a note or something, right? [Robin said nothing, much to Levi’s chagrin, eventually forcing him to continue without a response] Levi: Well.. three girls have asked me already, so you better hurry up or I’ll steal ‘em all. Jacob: [snorts] Like anyone would wanna go with you. Levi: I bet your mom would. Jacob: Which one? Levi: What? Teacher: C’mon, boys.. the bell rang five minutes ago. [Levi tensed slightly as Jude and Jacob wandered off, leaving him alone with Robin] Levi: Are you deaf as well? [Robin remained silent but passive, fascinated by Levi’s contradicting and tumultuous thoughts] Levi: I’m not actually gonna ask Juniper, I know she’s your cousin… [Robin shrugged; it wasn’t his business who Levi asked to some lame dance-.. Jacob was right anyway, who cared?] Levi: But if I did, she’d say yes. [Robin squinted; he wasn’t so sure about that] Levi: [scoffs] You’re creepy as hell, d’you know that? Always staring at people-.. such a weirdo. Teacher: Chop, chop, boys!
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wheels-of-despair · 9 months
A Slightly Late Munson Christmas Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie spent Christmas '85 with Evil Woman, but it's time to go home and celebrate with Wayne… what if he brings her along? Contains: Hangin' with the Munsons, Christmas gifts, a sleepover, Eddie finally accepting that this is not a temporary arrangement. Words: 1.4k
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"Wayne's coming home tonight."
You open your eyes and try not to show Eddie how sad you are about him going home. He's been with you most of Christmas break, since his uncle started working overtime, and you'd loved every second of it. But he has to go home sometime.
"I know," you mumble, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck. You're nestled into his side, as close as you can be, on the loveseat in your garage. Is it warmer inside? Yes. Do you prefer being out here so Eddie can smoke and you're forced to huddle for warmth? Absolutely.
"Wanna come do Christmas with us?"
"What?" You lift your head to look at him.
"Do you want to come over and have A Slightly Late Munson Christmas with us?" He glances at you, then focuses on the smoke rising from the cigarette in his hand.
You can't fight the grin spreading across your face. "Really?"
"Don't get all excited about it or anything, it's just frozen dinners and whatever's on TV."
He stubs out his cigarette and tries to play it off as no big deal, but you're more excited about this than your own Christmas. Eddie coming to you has become standard, because his uncle works through every holiday. You knew they did a little something together afterward, but he's never invited you to be a part of it before.
"I'd love to."
You shared the plan with your mom, packed a bag, hopped in the van, and went straight to Bradley's Big Buy for the essentials. (TV dinners, beer and soda, some holiday-themed snack cakes that were half-off.)
The trailer was cold when you got there. Eddie turned up the heat, and you both scurried around to straighten up a bit before Wayne came home. Blankets were folded, mugs were washed, ash trays were emptied. You placed your presents for Wayne on the table, as well as a plate of cookies your mom had saved for him.
The tin trays of something slightly resembling food were in the oven and Eddie was in the bathroom when you heard Wayne's truck door slam outside.
He ambles in with half-lidded eyes, and smiles when he sees you leaning against the kitchen counter. "Hey, darlin'."
"Hi, Wayne."
"Hey, old man," Eddie grins, emerging from the hallway.
"Watch it, boy," Wayne warns half-heartedly, causing Eddie's grin to approach Grinch-like intensity.
Wayne sits down in the chair beside the door to unlace his boots. "Y'all have fun?"
"Oh yeah," Eddie says, dropping into the chair across from him. "Stole some lawn ornaments, set fire to some Christmas trees, sacrificed some virgins. The usual."
Wayne sighs and looks to you. "Did he behave?"
"For the most part," you grin. "Chief Hopper let him off with a warning, since it's Christmastime and all."
"You weren't supposed to tell him that!" Eddie stage-whispers angrily.
You chuckle, and Wayne shakes his head. Eddie's watch beeps - which is standing in for the unreliable oven timer - and he reaches for a potholder. He transfers the flimsy foil trays from the oven to the counter to cool, like a pro, then stands next to you.
"Well, while those are coolin', how about presents?"
"Talked to Santa," Wayne says somberly, leaning back to lace his fingers behind his head. "Said he'd have to pass you by this year."
"Well, my girl's mom must've changed his mind, 'cause I had a packed stocking on Christmas morning just like everybody else," Eddie says proudly, hooking his arm around your neck and pulling you close. You wrap an arm around his back and smile up at him, remembering how excited he was every time he pulled out another little gift.
"Really?" Wayne's eyes flick from Eddie to you. You nod subtly, and Wayne smiles. "Well, in that case, I guess it's alright. In the corner, go get 'em." Wayne gestures to his favorite chair. Eddie lets you go with a kiss to the forehead, and goes to investigate. While Eddie's ass is in the air, leaning over the chair and trying to reach the gifts behind it, Wayne looks to you.
"When he was little, I had to lock his presents in the toolbox on my truck. Such a sneak. Gettin' lazy in his old age."
"Not lazy," Eddie grumbles, bringing a few packages wrapped in newspaper to the table. "Just knew I'd never get anything cooler than the Stretch Armstrong that Santa brought me when I was 9." He puts the items on the table and heads for the door. You raise an eyebrow and stay put. He comes back with a bucket, which he flips over and sits on. "C'mon," he says, patting the chair he'd recently vacated.
You sat around the table and exchanged presents while Eddie filled Wayne in on your first real Christmas together, and what "Santa" had filled his stocking with. When your tinfoil dinners were cool enough to handle without burning off your fingertips, you moved to the living room. Wayne propped himself up in his favorite chair, and you and Eddie took the couch. Eddie found an old western on TV, and you ate in a comfortable silence.
When you finished eating, you and Eddie stacked your trays on the coffee table, but made no move to get up. He put an arm around you, you cuddled into his side, and he covered you both with a blanket.
The Slightly Late Munson Christmas was very different from Christmas at your house, but you loved it just as much.
You were rubbing absent-minded patterns on Eddie's leg when a snore rumbled through the room. You jumped in surprise, and Eddie let out a quiet chuckle.
"C'mon," he whispers. "Let's let the old man crash."
You stand and quietly gather your trays and cans - and Wayne's - and take them to the trash can. You place the forks in the sink one by one to avoid clattering while Eddie pulls out Wayne's creaky fold-up bed. The lights are turned off, except for the one above the stove, and you retreat to Eddie's room and close the door.
"Is the chair bad for his back? Should you wake him up?" you ask with concern, sitting on the edge of Eddie's bed.
Eddie shakes his head with a smile and unbuttons his jeans. "He drank two beers, he'll be up to wiz in an hour anyway. Then he can crawl into bed and let the sugar-plum fairies… dance or strip or whatever."
You snort, and he dives into bed in boxers and the t-shirt he'd been wearing all day. You, a more civilized kind of person, slip into the bathroom to change into pajamas. When you return to Eddie's room, he's ditched his shirt and is lying there in bed in what you assume is an attempt at a seductive position.
You roll your eyes and crawl over him, unaffected. He pouts and flips over, so you're lying there facing each other.
"Thanks for inviting me to A Slightly Late Munson Christmas," you whisper.
"Thanks for putting up with me all week," he smiles.
"I want to put up with you all the time."
"Your window to get rid of me is like," he squints and pushes his thumb and index fingers together to leave just a sliver of space, "this close to closing forever."
You reach out and use your own fingers to push his together.
"You're mine, Munson."
Eddie's mouth slips into a lopsided smile, and he leans forward for a kiss. When he pulls away, he looks at his watch and laughs.
"You know it's like 9:30, right? And we're in bed like old people."
"I'm sure we can think of something to keep ourselves awake…" you smirk.
"Yeah?" He waggles his eyebrows. "Wanna make out a little?"
"Eh… I guess," you shrug, like that wasn't your intention all along.
Eddie scoffs and flips over to lie on his other side, facing away from you. He crosses his arms with a dramatic "hmph!"
"Aww," you tease, moving in close and spooning him from behind. You wrap your arm around his middle and nuzzle your cheek to his back. Eventually, his hand closes over yours.
"This was the best Christmas ever," you mumble into his back.
"Hell yeah, it was," he yawns, giving your hand a squeeze.
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yatgb · 3 days
3, 4, 19, 24, 33, 46, 47
Luv u
Bwaa!!! luv u too
3. do you leave the window open at night?
We cant open our window ;_; bc its where mom keeps her meds and theres risk or people just tearing the screen mesh and taking em so we arent doing all that (windows next to a walkway in and out the building)
4. which cryptyd being do you believe in?
I dont hardcore believe in any Traditional Cryptids but i do believe in ghosts
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
No bc i cant even paint my own nails
24. If we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Probly shit talking and vibing. What if i got u that super tasty hard apple cider we had last time
33. the last adventure you’ve been on?
Uhhhggvfuck i cant think of one q_q i guess ill count the card shop last week because that was an adventure of opening a fucken booster box and getting So many good cards
46. favorite holiday film?
Does Rise Of The Guardians count q_q i try to watch it every Easter
47. what was the last message you sent?
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annab-nana · 2 years
making handmade cards then sending them to your dearest people with sarah cameron. please and thank you!!
ahhh yes!
warnings: not proofread, holiday fluff
❀ masterlist ❀
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"you don't think they'll make fun of us, do you?" you asked sarah when you reached over the card she was making to grab the red marker.
"if they do, i'm gonna sock 'em in the jaw," she deadpanned, causing you to giggle as you started drawing a bow on the wreath you'd sketched earlier. "honestly, no. they're a load of softies."
"i know kie likes handmade stuff," you said before your tongue poked out of your mouth in heavy concentration.
"pope will enjoy it too," she added while she wrote 'happy holidays' in a pretty font.
"john b will say something like that's a cute art project with tears in his eyes and jj will probably hug us and won't let go." sarah giggled at your words.
"alright," the blonde started when she saw you finishing up on your last card, "ready to go make some boys cry?"
you chuckled before responding. "i would love nothing more."
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remember to support writers & reblog :)
turn on notifications for @annab-library to be notified when i post something new!
come join the winter wonderland sleepover ✧*:・゚
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akayna · 9 months
2 lighter or matches?
I don't have much need for either, but I mean you can't go wrong with a lighter.
4 which cryptyd being do you believe in?
Most of em. Why not? Have a little fun. The stories come from somewhere, even if sometimes the actual origin is mundane, the rich lore is so great!
19 imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
Absolutely! I may not do a great job at it, because obviously I'll try to do something fancy and out of my depth because that's what you do when you do someone else's nails!
34 is there a song you know every word to by heart?
Hahahahahahaha. Oh so many. SO many. I don't even know where to start.
46 favorite holiday film?
Don't really have one. I'm hit or miss on whether I enjoy em on a given year.
Sorry for the delay in answering... As you know, I was deep in the video game fixation 😅
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margseliserobbie · 1 year
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My dear Barbies and Kens,
Words cannot express how much I enjoyed this whole experience: from Barbie sleepovers, to dance rehearsals, to filming in our pink bubble, to the whirlwind that has been press and Barbie mania. I think I cried tears of happiness about a hundred times in the past few days seeing how much joy our film has brought people and seeing all the positive responses to it! I don’t think the world has ever been so pink! This film wouldn’t have been what it is without every single one of you. I love you all so much. Every single one of you is Kenough, exudes BBE and Kenergy and you’re all the most talented, beautiful bunch I have ever met.  Enjoy the ride of this pink wave and soak it all in with your loved ones. I can’t believe we are finally here after months and years of keeping it under lock and key. Barbie is the world’s now and we made something so special. Did I tell you how much I love you all yet? ;) Now c’mon Barbie(s) (and Kens and humans), let’s go party!!
Barbie Margot
Gifts Include:
B roses for the Barbies & K roses for the Kens (and honorary Barbies and Kens)
Pink champagne
Barbie Car Popcorn Bucket
Barbie Bracelet (for Barbies/honorary Barbies - A Ken version for the Kens/honorary Kens)
Funboy x Barbie Dream Clear Pink Swan Float (for your much needed holidays in the sun!)
Customized Barbies/Kens (Each cast member/crew member gets their own customized Barbies and Kens of themselves and their partner/children)
Customized Love Island Water Bottle (I talked everyone’s ear off about Love Island for the past year or so, especially in interviews, so now you all have your very own water bottle!)
Funboy x Barbie Orange Striped Tube
@americaferrexa @rycngczling @daulipa @em-mackey
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
Happy holidays my beautiful Col ❤️💚 I also vaguely remember from last year that your birthday is in December so I hope you have a wonderful birthday my love (if it’s not just completely ignore that 😅). For your sleepover I wanted to recommend a Bucky fic I think you’d like, it’s called Post-It by @crazyunsexycool. If you’re ever in the mood for a college au that will melt your heart with fluff, this is the fic for you!
Awwww thank you Em!! Yes my birthday was last week so thank you!!
This fic sounds amazing!!!! I love Val and will definitely DEFINITELY give this one a read. :)
Post-It by @crazyunsexycool
Winter Wonderland Sleepover!
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merrock · 2 years
sunday; post-holiday notes.
Morning, Merrockites! A lot of new stuff was posted this weekend to gear up for our holiday season, so here is a rundown of everything you should be aware of:
important mod post. -- READ & LIKE ASAP!
winter wonderland sleepover. (dec. 9-11)
winter market. (dec. 18-24)
new year’s eve party. (dec. 31)
holly jolly season moodboard task.
the week ahead -- we have snow coming!
Pretty, pretty please with icing on top make sure to pay attention to and like the mod post that is linked above -- read it and like it as soon as you can, so that we know you’re up to date with what’s happening in the group right now. Even if you’re in stealth mode and just checking mobile, or lurking while busy, read and give that little heart a click, that’s all we ask.
With the Thanksgiving holiday coming to an end, we would love to see some characters who have been MIA pop back to life once the food coma and shopping frenzies have worn off. Although we don’t normally encourage it, if you are feeling overwhelmingly behind on replies due to the holidays, this is the time to pop up new starters and start fresh, or reach out to get threads going. We’ve had a lot of writers express interest in wanting wintry, fun threads, so go get ‘em.
Enjoy your Sunday! xx
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omishu · 2 years
1, 4, 11, 19 (I’m 90% sure you would, so WHAT would you paint them?), 24, 33, 43, 46, 48
So many questions and I don't remember what they were! Lol had to go back and look up the ask meme.
1. Who is/are [my] comfort characters?
Probably Luffy from One Piece. I have so many fond memories of my connection to him as I grew up with the series, same for Sakura from Card Captor.
4. Which cryptyd being do [I] believe in?
Tbh I believe in a lot of supernatural/mythological/fairytale creatures, but I don't think they exist in all the same ways that people usually imagine them.
11. Favorite extracurricular activity?
Probably hiking. I just really enjoy spending time in nature, but I don't do it nearly as much as I'd like (thanks, depression).
19. imagine we're at a sleepover, would [I] paint [your] nails?
Hell yeah! People keep buying me nail polish but I never use it on myself. I love giving makeovers though. It's the cosplayer in me. I've done some fun designs on people's nails before. For you, I'd probably do a cat theme with different little kitties in neutral colors on each nail. I just think that'd be fun to have and might make you smile to look down at your hands and see. (ofc Napoleon and Lewis would make appearances)
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
I think we might each have a cup of warm cider and do plein air sketches of the sky or smth. And of course we'd talk about life and comfort each other and maybe laugh together. Maybe show each other recent pictures of interesting things we've done or seen recently. Just vibing.
33. the last adventure [I]'ve been on?
Well, my mom has been trying to drag me out of the house occasionally because y'know (depression). But recently we went out to this farm and stopped at every art gallery along the way. When we were on a main highway type back road (oxymoronic, I know), it was around lunch time and I saw a sign for a cafe detour. We pulled off and drove for a while through basically nothing and found a random tiny town. Little Washington has this fancy-ass inn that's like a 5-star hotel with a michelin star restaurant. The whole area is basically built up around this inn and has a bunch of art galleries and other little fun up-scale shops. It was so weird to find out in the middle of nowhere, and we'd never heard of it. But it was a pretty cool little place, even though it was kind of a ghost town when we were there.
43. what's [my] take on spicy foods? Hell yeah, BB!! I love 'em. One time when I was at a concert in high-school, a couple of my Korean friends made me some spicy ramen. Since then nothing really seems that spicy. But I love to get hot hot hot curry and wings. Now I'm craving spicy food, yummy.
46. Favorite holiday film?
Hm well we both know I love Klaus if we're talking about winter holidays. I feel like there are probably others that I like to watch every year, but I just love Klaus sm.
48. when did [I] first try an alcohol beverage?
I had a really awkward golden birthday (I turned 21 on the 21st) celebration, definitely one of the most disappointing and underwhelming. And I had never tried alcohol before I turned 21. My sister and I went to a winery for tastings, so I think that was probably my first wine. My first beer I split with a friend from my Japan-America cultural exchange group at a fancy sushi place after an obon matsuri at a local Buddhist temple, and I still haven't had a beer better than that one.
I think that's all of them! Hopefully these satiate your curiosity, my dear xoxo
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hecateisalesbian · 1 year
who is/are your comfort character(s)? Luz Noceda, Marcy, Anne, and Sasha, Catra, etc
lighter or matches? Depends. Tho I’ve mostly used lighters
do you leave the window open at night? No
which cryptyd being do you believe in? Gay People
what color are your eyes? Dark Brown
why did you do that? Do what
hair-ties or scrunchies? Neither cuz my hair is short
how many water bottles are in your room right now? Haha I actually got rid of all them a few hours ago loser
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? Cold coffee
would you slaughter the rich? Yes
favorite extracurricular activity? Uhhhhhh. Theatre?
what kind of day is it? Show Day Baby ✨
when was the last time you ate? Like 2 am
do you love the smell of earth after it rains? Yes
are you a parent? (all answers qualify) yes
can you drive? No
are you farsighted or nearsighted? Both
what hair products do you use? Shampoo, Conditioner
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? Yes
do you say soda or pop? Soda
something you’ve kept since childhood? My stuffed animal named Cheetah
what type of person are you? Introvert
how do you feel about chilly weather? Love love love
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? Looking at the stars and/or jumping off like idiots
perfume/body spray or lotion? Perfume, screw lotion tbh
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? How meeting moots would go :}
about how many hours of sleep did you get? Uh. Like. 4??
do you wear a mask? Like. Corona mask? No
how do you like your shower water? Hot but at the end I make it cold during sweaty/hot days
is there dishes in your room? Yes
what type of music keeps you grounded? My music
do you have a favorite towel? No
the last adventure you’ve been on? What counts as an adventure?
is there a song you know every word to by heart? Yes
what’s your timezone? Central USA
how many times have you changed your url? None
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years? My best friend
a soap bar that smells good? I don’t use soap bars but I imagine rosemary would smell good
do you use lip balm? No chapped lips all around
did you have any snacks today? Chocolate Covered Blueberries
how do you take your coffee? Iced vanilla
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? Pinterest
what’s your take on spicy foods? Can’t handle em 😔
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? The rich
can you remember what happened yesterday? Yes
favorite holiday film? The Nightmare Before Christmas
what was the last message you sent? A message to a moot
when did you first try an alcohol beverage? Errr, a few years ago probably?
can you skip rocks? Never tried
can i tag you in random stuff? Absolutely
0 notes
collecting-stories · 4 years
We got into an argument because of something stupid, but I slipped on ice on the stairs. I called you to help me, and our fight was forgotten when you got all worried - with Rafe please ❤️🎄
The passenger door slammed shut behind you as you walked away from the car, leaving Rafe behind. The fight had started somewhere between the driveway of his dad’s house and the first light at the end of the road. The ten minute drive felt like a lifetime as the two of you argued back and forth about his family and him and their opinion of you.
“Real mature!” Rafe shouted after you, punctuating his words with the slam of the door.
You turned, just at the edge of the steps, hand barely on the railing, ready to shout back at him. You didn’t care if all of Figure Eight heard you. But the only sound that came out of your mouth was a scream for Rafe as your foot gave out on the ice and you fell, hitting the stairs and sliding onto the pavement.
Rafe ran, the second you started to fall, and came to a stop, dropping down beside you. “Are you okay?” He asked, his voice sounded terrified as he brushed your hair back to check your face, hands moving down your body, waiting for any sort of indication that you weren’t okay.
“I’m fine,” you insisted; voice cracking with a mixture of fear and shock. You were trying not to cry but you couldn’t help it. The day had been shit from start to finish and this just seemed to add on to all the ache.
“Can you stand?” Rafe asked, pulling you further into him. He rubbed your back, kissing the top of your head as you caved into him.
“Yeah, I think so.” You replied, the feeling of him holding onto you settling the panic of the fall. “Thanks.”
“Hey, of course, as long as you’re okay.”
“I am.”
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salazarslytherin · 3 years
midnight rendezvous (b.w x y/n)
requested: yes! by @weasleyswizardwheezes1 [i love you arms your writing so uh anything w bill weasley. either smut, angst, fluff, etc. is fine, but could it be on the longer side. please and thank you, no pressure btw :)] send in your own request here
summary: where you and bill have a penchant for meeting in the night
part two here
🃛 masterlist
cw/tw: angst, smut AND fluff babes fem!reader, bill's kind of a dick for a part. sexual tension to the MAX doll. age difference (~6-7 years?) reader IS 18! jic anyone was worried. also i imply reader is short-ish? but in my mind bill is like 6’3-6’5 so he’s massive and like most people would be shorter than him
word count: 5.25k (so i heard u say ‘on the longer side’ and interpreted it as ‘i want a short novel’. hope this satisfies u doll, there'll be one or two?? more parts coming!!)
a/n: requested by @weasleyswizardwheezes1 . hope you like it! pls leave a comment, like or reblog to help boost if you did xx
☯︎ join tag list here
Being the best friend of the Weasley twins definitely had its perks. Spending summers at the Burrow, having a second family that was closer to you than your own, friendly banter that came along with the family.
However, there was an unexpected drawback that came with this.
A drawback by the name of Bill Weasley.
Although in the same year as the twins, you were a year older than Fred and George, meaning you had always felt a little more mature than the two pranksters.
Thus, you felt like you noticed things that the two of them never really noticed. Girls having crushes on them, boys being envious of them, the ways rumours would fly around about the three of you.
The main thing, however, that you felt the two of them didn't notice, was the way Bill treated you.
It wasn't that he'd always been like this. The first few years you'd known the man, he was very nice to you – familial and brotherly, much like the rest of the family had been to you.
However, sometime in fifth year, things changed.
You arrived at the Burrow with the twins for Christmas, ready to be welcomed by the family you'd come to call your own, but was left feeling hurt, weirdly hollow.
Every Weasley had welcomed you with open arms, except Bill. Harry, the only other non-Weasley around, was embraced heartily by the curse-breaker, but you were given a sharp nod, and nothing more.
Confused, you shook it off, moving to sit next to George, his arm wrapped around your waist as you snuggled into him. Fred landed on your other side, passing you a mug of hot cocoa as he landed a kiss on the top of your head, arm enveloping your shoulders with a tight squeeze.
Surrounded by the younger Weasleys as you watched Ginny, Ron and Harry play a game of Exploding Snap, you felt an intense gaze on you, looking up to see the four oldest Weasleys sat around the dining table, watching all of you.
You caught Bill's eyes, sending him a familiar smile, but was ignored as the man took a sip of his coffee, turning to look out the window instead.
Your hurt was short-lived as Fred leaned into whisper a soft quip into your ear, letting out a laugh, turning to relay the same quip to George.
The rest of the trip went similarly – every time you attempted to catch Bill's eye, to hold a proper conversation, he'd ignore you, or brush you off, pretending that he had something else to do.
The day all of you left the Burrow to go back to Hogwarts, Bill had even left the group before you could say goodbye to him, and you could only be left wondering, what did you do?
Now that you've graduated, you were relishing in the last summer you could spend in the Burrow as a teenager without the pressure of work hovering over you.
Determined to have the best time you possibly could with your 'family', your days were consumed by pranks with the twins, quidditch with the family, and helping Molly bake.
Yet, you still felt empty; a hole in the warm pit created by familial love, a hole marked with the name 'Bill Weasley'.
The cursebreaker was still actively avoiding you, for no known reason, and you stopped seeking out why a year ago. Instead, you sought to live your life with one less brother, one less family member to love.
Tossing and turning, you found yourself particularly restless one night. Not wanting to wake Fred, who was sleeping soundly in bed next to you, you got up, tiptoeing down to the kitchen to have a nice cool sip of water.
You'd taken to sleeping in the twins' room since the first holiday you were at the Burrow. Molly was against the idea at first of course, but was incapable of stopping the pranksters who managed to sneak you in night after night, insistent on having 'sleepovers' with you.
After the third night, Molly gave up, only giving you three a strict 'no funny business!' warning, before trudging back off to bed.
The dim lamplight from the kitchen illuminated just about enough for you to see your surroundings, having been around the Weasleys' long enough to know which boards to avoid so as to not have them creak and wake the family up.
However, what you hadn't taken into account was a body on the ground, hitting your foot into a blanketed torso, making you elicit a shriek, the unknown body on the ground letting out a muffled groan.
"What the fuck?"
You muttered a quick 'Lumos', pointing your wand at the person under the quilt, only for the fabric to be thrown aside, revealing a tousled Bill Weasley, sleep clouding his narrowed eyes as he massaged his abdominal with one hand, ruffling his hair with the other.
Realising that the man on the floor was, in fact, a Weasley, and not some thief who'd stolen into the house in the middle of the night, you dismissed the charm, lowering your wand and shifting awkwardly on your feet.
"Sorry, I didn't know you were there."
Throwing a curt apology at Bill, you moved off towards the kitchen, grabbing a mug from the cupboard above and wordlessly filling it up, intent on finishing your business as quickly as possible before heading back up to the twins.
"Pour me a cup?"
The deep voice startled you for a moment. At some point Bill had gotten up from his mound of pillows and now found himself stood behind you, his hand holding out a mug that had a 'B' painted on it, gesturing at the water jug you were holding.
Nodding curtly, you poured him his water, Bill thanking you before moving to lean against a counter, watching you from behind the rim of his mug.
"'m surprised you're down here."
Furrowing your brows, you looked up at the man in confusion.
"What'd you mean?"
He shrugged, downing the rest of his water before placing the mug down on the counter with a tad bit more strength than he needed. He stretched for a moment, arms pulled over his head to pull the sleep out of his eyes, shirt moving up with the movement to show off a slither of his toned stomach.
"You're always around the twins, never see you without 'em. Expected you to be, in their beds or something I don't know."
A protest spluttered from your throat, choking slightly on the water that you'd been drinking.
The man lifted an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side.
"Am I wrong? You've been in and out both their beds since you were firsties. I mean, it's not hard to guess what you're doing in there with 'em."
You huffed at the implications of Bill's words, putting your mug down with much of the same vigour as he had just now.
"First off, I'm an adult, and I can do what I please."
You were fuming, steam practically coming out your ears, and hearing the muttered 'clearly been an adult for a while' from Bill's lips didn't help.
"Second, even if I was sleeping with your brothers, which I am not, I don't understand why it'd be any of your business. It's not like we're friends or anything."
An odd, emotionless laugh came from Bill's lips, pushing off the counter to come stand over you. His tall stature forced you to stumble backwards, pressed against the wooden cabinets as he glared down at you.
"First off," Bill's deep voice was modulated up an octave, mocking your previous rebuttal.
"I am not saying your life is part of my concern. I'm concerned for my brothers."
A hand landed next to your head, pushing against the cabinet harshly.
"But second, you're practically a Weasley. It's my duty to look after you guys."
You laughed indignantly, looking away from the intense man to focus on his arm instead, as if studying the tattoos that covered his tanned frame.
"I'm sorry. It's your duty to look after me?"
You pushed him off of you, moving away with a huff, grabbing the two abandoned mugs to wash them with far too much tenacity, water splashing everywhere.
"Yes, that's what I said. I've known you since you were eleven – of course I have to watch over you. You're like family."
You rolled your eyes, giving up the facade of placidity as you left the mugs clattering in the sink, whipping around to face Bill.
"I'm like family? That's rich, William, truly rich."
Now it was your turn to advance towards the man, causing him to back up as your anger fueled you with energy, stomping dangerously close to his feet.
"If how you treat me is how you treat your family, I pity Molly for having you as a son."
Incoherent words left Bill's mouth in an attempt to argue further with you, but you didn't listen. Turning on your heel, you left the man in the kitchen, no longer concerning yourself with which steps to avoid as you stomped back to the twins' room, leaving Bill accompanied only by the dim light from the lamp, and the creaks coming from the floorboards.
After that infuriating night, it was no longer a 'hidden' fact that something was off between you and Bill.
While it had seemed that Bill used to be the one avidly avoiding you, the tables had quickly turned – you were now the prey ardently avoiding any encounters with your predator.
Any time Bill came into the room, you'd either leave, or place yourself as far away as humanly possible. During meals, you'd move yourself to sit next to Ginny, as opposed to in between the twins as you'd been sat for years, just so you no longer sat across from Bill. Even during quidditch, one of your favourite things to do with the whole family, you opted to sit out and stay in the twins' room or help Molly with the dishes, just to make sure you never had to interact with Bill.
Honestly, you weren't quite certain why the conversation with Bill had ticked you off so much. Maybe it was because he accused you of sleeping with your best friends, as if that was all you were good for. Maybe, it was because he had no right to insert himself in your life like that, to pretend like he cared about you in the first place.
It was clear he no longer wanted to be a part of your life when you were sixteen. You had no desire to welcome the curse-breaker back into your life now.
Three days after the midnight meeting with Bill, you found yourself restless again, unable to sleep.
George shifted slightly as you moved out of his bed, turning to cuddle with your now abandoned pillow as you slipped out of his grasp.
You decided to go for a quick midnight broom ride, hoping that the adrenaline rush and energy that you'd burn while flying would tire you out so you could finally fall asleep. A lot of the time you'd spent avoiding Bill turned into naps, which meant you were increasingly unable to fall asleep at night, disrupting your sleep schedule massively.
Cursing Bill under your breath, you creeped down the stairs, hoping that he wouldn't be down there again. You didn't want to have to deal with the eldest Weasley again.
Thanking your lucky stars, you landed on the final step, noting that the first floor was empty. Hoping that the door wouldn't creak when you opened it, you ran towards the small shed out back, grabbing a random broom from it and got ready to fly.
You were already mounted on the broom and ready to kick off as that dreaded baritone resounded from the door.
You should have known you weren't that lucky.
Yelling a quick "Nope!", you kicked off and flew out towards the countryside, only looking behind you to see Bill standing in his sleeping pants, hands gesturing out at you in exasperation.
"Now how's that for some good ol' avoidance?"
Though you'd initially planned on flying only for a little bit, seeing Bill at the door really put a damper on your plans, making you decide to fly to a nearby watering hole the Weasleys used to bring you to.
Illuminated by the moonlight, you descended upon the grassy area, smiling at the way the water rippled in the soft night breeze.
Tranquility was what the scene spelt.
In a moment motivated by something you'd come to dub as 'Weasley Whims', i.e the reason the twins had gotten the three of you in trouble constantly, you decided to strip down to your underwear to take a dip in the cool water, abandoning your clothes and wand on a mossy rock nearby.
Taking a running leap, you threw yourself into the water, feeling, for the first time in three days, free. A laugh rippled the waters as you broke through the surface, swimming back over to the edge, only for the laugh to be stolen away as you noticed a shadowed figure land next to your broom.
Bill Weasley was here to ruin your night, yet again.
You let out a strangled scream of frustration as the man alighted from his broom, feet and torso bared to the moonlight.
Clearly, he, like you, had not bothered to dress properly for the impromptu flight.
"Why are you following me."
Your question held no semblance of curiosity, only frustration as you demanded an answer from the man. His answer did not come, only moving towards the water to kneel in front of it, looking down at you.
"Why are you running away from me?"
Wisps of his ginger hair fell forward, covering bits of his handsome face as the rest was carelessly thrown up into a short ponytail, clearly done to prevent his hair from falling into his face during the flight, a precaution that you'd forgotten to take.
"I could ask you the same. Only, it must be a bit harder to hide from someone when they're already hiding from you in the first place, hmm?"
You turned away from the man, diving back down into the depths of the watering hole to kick yourself over to the other side, wanting to do nothing more than swim away from the ginger, or maybe, have him leave you alone and fly back to the burrow, alone.
But of course, fate never let you have your way.
You turned around only to see the man had sat himself down cross-legged, body illuminated by the moonlight as it highlighted the tattoos decorating his forearm, the several scars that littered his chest a sharp white juxtaposing his tanned skin.
"I never ran away from you."
Your head fell back as you tread the water lightly, looking up instead to admire the stars that embellished the night sky, recalling fondly the astronomy classes you'd taken in the past two years as you focused on constellation after constellation, intent on ignoring the man in front of you, hoping your disregard would drive him away.
"Y/N, I'm talking to you."
The words drew a monotone chuckle from you, your eyes snapping to meet Bill's.
"Well that's a first."
Bill moved to stand up, and your heart jumped for a moment. Maybe he would finally leave you alone.
But yet again, luck never did seem to favour Y/N Y/L/N.
Instead of moving further away as you'd thought he would, Bill moved closer, stepping into the shallow of the watering hole, the water soaking the bottom of his pants.
Your eyes darted at the ripple of his abs with every movement, swallowing as your eyes darted to look anywhere else you could. You were not about to find this man attractive.
You could see him coming towards you in your peripherals, and moved back to face him, his pecs the only part of his torso above the water.
"You haven't spoken to me for almost two years, and now you've just got so much to say to me, huh?
Bill looked down into the water, nibbling on his lip as he looked back into your eyes, almost sheepish as he tried to answer.
"You know how much that hurt?"
You swam closer towards him, your feet finding ground as you stood next to him, your shoulders bared to the world as you were no longer submerged.
"You were like family to me for almost five years, and then one day. You just fucking stopped. Stopped talking to me. Stopped joking around with me. For a while, you didn't even look at me!"
Your hands came up out of the water, gesturing wildly as you basically screamed at the man, Bill flinching slightly as the water splashed into his face, looking back down at the water again.
"D'you know how fucked up that was? I had no clue what happened, why one of the people I considered family, one of my favourite people in the world, just fucking despised me all of a sudden."
Bill looked up at you in surprise at your words.
"And you know the worst fucking part?"
Your voice suddenly fell to a hush, almost a whisper as a tear welled in your eye, prompting you to shut them as your head tilted down, urging your breath to slow down.
"The worst part, the worst part was that I thought it was my fault, that it was something I'd done to drive you away. I blamed myself for ages, didn't know what I said, didn't know why you hated me."
"Didn't know why you'd never like me back."
The last part was said in a true whisper, barely audible despite the silent night.
Yet Bill still heard it, and his breath hitched in his throat, eyes searching your face as a tear escaped you, rolling down your cheek.
Unable to restrain himself, Bill's hand darted forward out, cooled by the waters you two found yourself in, a blatant contrast to the warm tear as the pad of his thumb wiped it away.
You flinched away from Bill, feeling vulnerable for the first time that night, coming to the sudden realisation that you were clad only in your underwear, your unintended confession drawing heat to your cheeks as you moved away from the man.
"I, I was afraid."
Bill's own confession halted your movements, making you turn back around to look up at him, confused.
"I–, how do I say this. I was ashamed of myself."
It was now Bill's turn to feel vulnerable, his unease making him shift in the water, the water rippling around the two of you at his movements.
"That winter when you came back here, when you turned sixteen, I started seeing you as more than family. I– I found you attractive, and I felt disgusted with myself."
You huffed, disbelieving of the words you were hearing.
"I'm being serious Y/N. You just, grew up over those few months, and just came back different, somehow. I felt like a predator, I was twenty-three! You were still a kid, and I, I just didn't know what to do anymore."
"I wasn't a kid!"
"Of course you were! You were still in school, I'd been working for five years, I couldn't live with myself feeling like that. I didn't know what to do, so I just, distanced myself. Hoped that the feelings would go away eventually, then I'd just, go back to being normal."
Your eyes scanned the ginger's face, searching for a speck of a lie, a pinch of deception but only found uncertainty, attraction and lust dusting the man's face.
"But you never stopped..."
Your breath stopped for a moment as your eyes met.
"Are you being serious?"
His breath fanned your face as both of you instinctively moved closer towards each other, more of your body exposed to the world as you came further out of the water.
"As serious as I could be Y/N."
Your breath was taken away as Bill leaned in, ghosting his lips over yours, strands of ginger hair falling to tickle your face.
"Can I kiss you?"
A breathless whisper fell from Bill's lips, prompting you to nod in assent, the man falling to capture your lips before you even finished the move.
Sparks flew in that moment, the man's lips gliding over yours as he stole your breath away. You pulled apart after a second, before your lips fell back together again, insatiable in your desire to taste each other.
Bill's tongue teased you, mouth falling open for his teeth to graze at your lower lip, making you gasp such that your lips fell open in the same way, his hand moving to cup your jaw. Taking advantage of your momentary shock, the ginger slipped his tongue into your mouth, exploring every nook and cranny of you as you moaned into his lips, pressing your chest against his.
The water waded around you as Bill's left hand moved down your body, fitting snugly under your ass as he muttered a soft 'jump', which you obliged.
Your legs wrapped around the man's hips, Bill walking the two of you onto the soft grass, muttering a charm against your lips before placing you down.
Instead of feeling prickly blades of grass on your skin, a soft blanket had appeared, making you smile, pulling away from the man.
"Quite the romantic, Mr Weasley. Know how to treat a girl right don't you?"
A deep chuckle sounded from the man who hovered above you on his hands and knees, biting his lower lip at the sight of you.
"Only the best for my girl."
Your heart leapt at Bill’s words; were you his now?
Not wanting to dwell on it, to overthink this moment of passion, you pulled his lips back down onto yours.
His girl.
The moon hung high in the night sky as both your hands explored each other, frantic, as if it was your last day on Earth and you only had here and now to envelop yourselves in each other.
The pure animalistic need that pulsed through the two of you allowed no time for foreplay, fingers hooking into the soaking fabrics that clung to both of you.
“Can I?”
Bill fingered the waistband of your underwear, thumb brushing your hip bone with motions feather light, wildly disparate from the way his lips devoured yours hungrily.
One act designed to ruin you, the other almost afraid he’d break you.
“Yes, I need you.”
You deigned to show him just how much by hooking your own fingers into his waistband, soaked pajama pants pulled away to reveal his boxers, clinging to his muscular frame.
Bill responded by undressing you with much of the same vigour, moving to pull your underwear down to your ankles, his pants in very much the same state, gazing down at your soaked private with lust clouding his vision.
“Next time,” he breathed out onto your glistening lips, “I’ll make you cum with just my tongue.”
Your breath hitched at his words, no, his promise, of a next time as Bill made his way back up your body, peppering kisses on your exposed skin, his hard-on grinding against your leg as he moved up.
The cursebreaker’s deft hands unhooked your bra expertly, sucking in a breath as your pert nipples were revealed to him.
“Beautiful.” He mumbled, almost as if he was speaking to himself.
Bill moved to unclothe himself fully, before you stopped his movements, his hands already pulling at the waistband around his hips.
“May, may I?”
He nodded as you sat up, eyes glazed as he studied your body, memorising the way your breasts glistened in the moonlight. He would make it his mission to mark them, to show anyone who came near you that you were no one’s, but his.
You hooked your fingers into his boxers, pulling them down to his thighs at an almost agonising pace as every part of Bill was unveiled to you, standing proudly in the light.
“Are you... a virgin?”
The man above you asked as it dawned upon him. He was really about to have the girl he’d been craving for.
“No, I’m not.”
His jaw clenched at your admission, the thought of someone else’s hands on you ticking him off, before pushing it away.
It didn’t matter. You were with him now.
He nodded, coming back down to kiss you as one hand braced him by your head, the other reaching down to pump himself slowly.
Your hands wrapped around his neck, eyes falling closed as you immerse yourself in him.
Bill’s knee nudged your thighs apart, moving himself so he was lined up against you, hand brushing his cock up and down your lips, causing both of you to shudder.
His head dipped into you, your tight heat causing him to hiss, pausing for a moment to savour the feeling before pushing himself in fully, stopping only once he’d bottomed out.
“Are y’okay?”
You bit your lower lip as Bill moved away from you to scan your face for discomfort or pain. His girth, while not quite painful was definitely bordering on pain, your walls stretching as he filled you entirely.
“Yes, just, one second.”
Your hands gripped his neck, lacing your fingers through the tresses of his hair as you adjusted around him. As the pain receded, you nodded, a silent signal for the man to move.
He carefully pulled out of you, then pushed back in slowly, hands landing by your head to brace himself, testing the waters whilst both of you moaned at the feeling.
Bill obliged, moving to thrust in and out of you at increasing speeds with each movement. His hips snapped against yours at a speed that could only be described as vicious, eliciting sounds that defiled the tranquil nature you were surrounded by.
You were breathless as the man thrusted in and out of you, his movements only capable of drawing pants and whimpers from your mouth, the activity rendering you a simpleton who knew only two words - ‘Bill’ and ‘please’.
Your climax soon drew close, a coil tightening with his every sound and every move, your body notifying the man above you by the clench of your walls around him, the motion drawing him closer to his own orgasm.
“Are you close baby?”
A nod was all you managed as you threw your head back, Bill’s tip brushing against your g-spot edging you even closer to your precipice.
One of Bill’s hands moved down your body, landing on the bundle of nerves above where the two of you met, rubbing figure eights onto you, making you let out a gasp of surprise as the older man helped you move closer to your orgasm.
His movements didn’t falter as your moans grew louder, seeming instead encouraged by the promise of your climax, your moans growing loud and unabashed.
Each pant of his name made the man groan in return, moving both his fingers and his hips so ferociously that your breasts bounced with each thrust, your back sure to be red and chafed in the morning from the friction against the blanket.
But you didn’t care - the only thoughts you were capable of manifesting was how good it felt to have Bill inside you, how this was the one thing you’d ever needed to feel full, how he never stopped in his stimulation, the way his mouth felt on your nipples - sucking on the skin of your breasts, a reminder that would last of this fleeting night.
As Bill stimulated you with his cock, his fingers, his mouth, you couldn’t hold it in any longer - and you could tell Bill was reaching his breaking point as well - you let out a moan that would awaken the sleeping birds in the tree nearby, a scream of “Bill” that would leave the twins wondering why your voice was hoarse in the morning left you, legs trembling as you released around the man.
Yet he still never relented.
As you rode out your orgasm, your cunt throbbing, Bill never faltered in his actions, hips thrusting into you as he bit into your neck softly, intent on marking you for all to see as his cock twitched inside of you.
With a moan that you could only describe as sinful, yet angelic, a sound that would haunt your dreams and bless your nightmares, teeth grazing your sensitive skin, Bill came into you. Hot stripes of white liquid coating your walls while his thrusts slowed to a stop.
Getting up on trembling hands, Bill hovered above you, exiting you in a slow movement that had you whimpering at the sudden emptiness, your eyes still shut from your post-orgasmic bliss.
Lips pressed onto your forehead, as if Bill was savouring something he didn’t want to lose.
Something you didn’t want to lose either.
The flight back to the Burrow was silent, the two of you side by side as you flew through the wilderness of Ottery St. Catchpole.
When you landed, you looked out onto the nature around you, Bill landing almost immediately after you.
In the distance, you could see the sun readying to rise in the East, colours bleeding into the sky that had been pitch dark save for the spattered stars hours ago.
“Did you regret that?”
The man standing beside you asked after a moment of silence, not daring to meet your eyes as he appeared vulnerable, afraid, feigning an interest in the rising sun.
His muscular arm was what you were faced with as you turned towards him, his tall stature casting a shadow over you. You eyed the red marks you’d left on him, the little reminders scattered on his shoulders and back.
“No. Did you?”
The cursebreaker turned to face you, an unreadable expression on his face as he watched you, scanning your face for the umpteenth time that night.
“Of course not.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, drawing Bill’s gaze down towards them, a small smile telling you he was admiring the slowly darkening marks he’d left on you.
“Then why’d you assume I would’ve?”
He caught his lower lip between his teeth, gnawing on it absentmindedly as he shrugged.
“I dunno. Just assumed you wouldn’t have wanted that with an older man or somethin’, I s’just worried, s’all.”
You inhaled deeply, letting out a long sigh as you reached out towards the man, cupping a hand on either side of his chiseled jaw, making him look into your eyes.
“Bill, that was my decision to make. If I didn’t want to have sex with you, I wouldn’t’ve done it. It’s not your place to decide for me whether I wanted it.”
You leaned in to capture his lips in yours; this time deepening the kiss on your terms, slipping your tongue into his mouth and savouring his taste.
Cinnamon, with a hint of mint and tobacco.
You pulled away, tracing your lips to the sweet spot under his ear, sucking softly before turning to whisper in his ear.
“I wanted it, and I’ve wanted you for longer than you could have known.”
part two out now x
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yourmcu · 4 years
Body Pillow
 Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Natasha finds you cuddling a body pillow. In your dream, it’s actually her you’re cuddling. It’s Christmas Eve too.
Word count: 1,600
A/n: I’m takin a long time to post but I’ll get em out soon! I hope! thanks for 200 followers btw :))
Warnings: fluff, sleep talking
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It’s not a surprise to anyone in the compound when they find you sprawled on your favorite sofa in the lounge. Of course you had a room, but you just love it so much that you’d rather sleep there most of the time. Especially after or before your favorite holidays.
Bidding Sam and Bucky good night as they're the last ones to turn in, you ask Friday to dim the lights and to turn on a Netflix show. If you’re ever wondering why no one stays with you for a movie night or something it’s because you’ve had too many already, and most of the time you don’t mind being alone anyway.
After two or three shows, you finally fall asleep.
Few hours later, Natasha walks across the lounge to get to the kitchen, not all that fazed when she sees a lump shaped like you on the sofa. Though she stops in her tracks when she hears a faint voice coming from your direction.
She decides that she’s just hearing things, or you probably saw her come in then drifted back to sleep.
When she’s about to return to her room, you speak again.
She decides to reply this time. “Yeah?”
You don’t respond back immediately. So just in case, she walks up to the sofa to see if something's wrong.
Your hands are wrapped around the side of the body pillow and it's slightly bigger than you. The whole blanket is wrapped around you as well, so Natasha could only imagine how comfortable you are in your sleep.
“You give the best hugs, Nat,” you murmur, still fully asleep, oblivious of the same redhead witnessing it in real life too.
Everyone knows you’ve developed a lil something for Natasha. Does she know? Yes... and no. She refuses to believe you like her that way. If you do, she wants to hear it from you, not from the testosterone of the team.
But seeing you so adorably vulnerable and cute, in a way, it makes her heart flutter.
“I do, huh?” Natasha chuckles from above you and leans down to kiss your hair. “Too bad you’re gonna have to get up soon.”
“Aww, no,” you whine, snuggling closer to the crook of her neck.
Natasha just stands there and tries to process it - you, her teammate and close friend, is dreaming about her. It’s normal, right? Even she has dreamt of the others, including a weird one where Tony and Bruce were riding unicorns-
She flinches when you make a movement, but you just make yourself more comfortable on the pillow, sighing contentedly.
Obviously she’s giving you a good time in your head. Natasha believes she could do better though. If you ever ask her to cuddle, she’d make sure. Am I really jealous of myself right now?
The opening and closing of bedroom doors shake her from her thoughts. She clears her throat and walks back to the kitchen to wait for Wanda so they could make breakfast together. It the day before Christmas, after all, everything has to be special today and the next day.
Wanda enters the kitchen moments later, still a bit groggy from her slumber but she’s in a mood to make a good breakfast. As the pair gets started, they hear a yelp that sounded like yours from the lounge.
“Ow! Tony!”
“Wakey wakey,” Tony teases, defending himself from your playful punches. “For gosh sake, you need to stop having sleepovers by yourself here - you sure you don’t want that sofa in your room?”
You grumble and walk out of the room to get dressed, taking your blanket and body pillow with you.
The lounge and kitchen starts to get occupied by the inhabitants of the compound. One of them being you, out of your pajamas and in a casual Christmas sweater. You greet them with the usual good mornings including Natasha.
“Good morning,” she drawls out. “Sleep well?”
She's curious on how you’d react. But of course you don’t think much of it, you don’t know that she knows what you dreamt about.
“Yeah, it was... nice,” you try to play it cool, avoiding her eyes to pour yourself a glass of eggnog. I mean, look who’s asking. And the fact that she was just about to kiss you in the dream before Tony so rudely interrupted-
“Bet it was,” Natasha smirks after Steve grabs your attention to point out your favorite comic strip on the newspaper, thinking you didn’t hear her.
You chuckle at the Christmas-themed edition of the comic but your gaze returns to Natasha not long after because you did hear her. Maybe she was just being Nat but yeah, the dream was nice. Too nice to be real. You sigh and sip on your drink, getting lost in your own world as Tony loudly rambles about a party to the group.
It was just you and her, so many blankets, watching movies. You don’t know or remember what film specifically, everything was a blur except the way she held you.
As a kid you never got that much affection physically, so every hug from your friends means a lot to you. Well, especially the ones from Natasha.
You couldn’t bring yourself to admit how you feel for her. The men constantly tell you to do it, that it wouldn’t hurt to try, but you’d rather have a close and friendly relationship with Natasha rather than an awkward one just because she didn’t feel the same about you.
The thing is, you don’t know if she shares those kinds of feelings. That’s what Bruce was nagging to you about. ‘You won’t know until you try, until you tell her-
“Y/N, you with us?”
Your hand involuntary twitches as you snap back to the room. “Sorry, yeah. What’s up?”
“Well, instead of a usual party, we’re gonna have a movie night,” Tony says, stealing a piece of food from your plate. “Thoughts?”
You sent him a look but chuckle, “haven’t we already had enough of those?”
“But it’s Christmas!” Tony insists. “And we’re watching Die Hard.”
Steve frowns. “That doesn’t sound like a Christmas movie.”
“Alright Cap, it may not sound like a Christmas movie to you but it’s one of the best.” Sam jokes and plays the movie once all of you have settled.
The theater room is dim and composed of two large sofas, one in front and one just behind it, and a table filled with food. You're one of those who occupied the second sofa behind along with Clint, Wanda, Vision and Natasha. The rest fought for a place up front, which took a while to be honest.
“Hey Nat,” you mutter, eyes not leaving the screen but you do see her from the corner of your eye claim the spot beside you, the one at the edge of the sofa. She gives you a warm smile and makes herself comfortable.
An hour into the movie only the men seated at the front are fascinated by the fighting scenes. Well except for Clint who's seated at the other end, pointing and asking Sam questions about the plot. Wanda and Vision are half asleep leaning on each other, you and Natasha are the only ones calmly watching, probably because you’ve both seen it many times.
You make a sound when Hans Gruber appears on screen again. “Did you know that’s the same guy who played Professor Snape?”
“What?” Natasha chuckles.
“From Harry Potter,” you reply, smiling to yourself. Then you turn to her, “have you watched any of those movies?”
“I’ve heard of it but, no.”
You tilt your head at her, slightly surprised. “You should watch them with me sometime. I prefer the original source material but the films are good on their own.”
You wish you could photograph the way Natasha smiles at you. She’s all smiles today. I wonder why. “I’d love that.”
A loud explosion echoes throughout the room along with yells that sounds like Tony’s and Clint’s, making you yelp and scoot closer to Natasha. She wraps an arm around you instinctively.
“Guys, turn the volume down,” she calls out. Silent chatter fills the room once it turns into a more calmer scene, and Tony told Friday to lower the volume. “You okay?” 
Her arm is still wrapped around you and you want nothing more than to hide yourself in the pillow you’re hugging out of embarrassment. “Yeah... m’good,” you manage to say while holding a yawn. Natasha tugs the blanket more snugly over both of you.
“You can sleep if you want,” she speaks softly. “I think they’re planning on watching all the Die Hard movies until dawn.”
“That’s crazy,” you breathe out. Your eyes are starting to droop and your yawns became frequent. 
You know that cozy feeling when the room’s cold and you have a warm blanket over you? That’s one of your favorite things (the other one being Natasha).
There are only four of you left on the back sofa since Clint moved to the front. At this point your head rests on Natasha’s chest while she plays with your hair, and one of your arms loosely wraps around her waist. You exhale, falling asleep entirely.
Natasha admires how adorable you slept on her. “I hope this is better than your dream,” she murmurs, gently planting a kiss on your forehead and getting drowsy herself.
You snuggle closer to her, as if it was to say, it is.
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eunoiaflow3r · 4 years
i hate u, i love u // spencer reid x fem!reader
spencer reid x reader
aaron hotchner x reader
part one - part two
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a/n: did i damn near put this entire song in this fic? yes, yes i did i’m so sorry....highly unedited.
how was your guys’ holiday?
warning(s): language. angst. fluff....
word count: 2.6k
request(ed): yes.
summary: old things try to get fixed, while new feelings and places...arise and get mixed.
(wtf am i dr. seuss now??)
feeling used, but i’m still missing you. and i can’t see the end of this, just wanna feel your kiss, against my lips
and now all this time, is passing by.... but i can’t seem to tell you why. it hurts me every time i see you realize how much i need you...
Seeing Spencer and actually letting all of that out did a number on you. You apologized to Aaron countless times and he said it was okay countless times but you still felt so bad. He didn’t deserve that. He didn’t deserve your drama, and not to mention how embarrassing it’s been. You felt like you ruined his whole night. It was supposed to be fun and yet you didn’t have any. He said he did but you know Hotch didn’t.
You’d have to make it up to him somehow soon but you didn’t know how. How are you supposed to fix this? Any of this??
It feels like you’re being sucked into the eye of a tornado little by little and you just can’t get out. It feels like everyone else is safe on the ground feet planted and they’re all just staring at you and laughing. Staring and not helping.
Your chest hurt. You hated feeling like this. So helpless...and stuck. You were stuck and not ready to fix it...well...part of it. You could still fix one thing. You didn’t have to be stuck here. Here in this small apartment with no room for anything let alone breathe. You needed space. You needed change. You needed control. Everything is spinning in circles and there’s nothing you can do about it. You can’t stop it.
So why not do something that could help you? That you’ve been meaning to do but never had the time for?
Apartment searching. Well...bigger apartment searching.
Where you were staying now was a studio apartment. You loved the open concept except for how small it was. You just need room.
“I like it here. It’s so small and cute.”
You could tell cute was a foreign word to Spencer when it came to describing a building. But he was trying. You thought he was cute.
“Thanks Spencer but I’m thinking something different. Maybe another bedroom for a roommate...or just a bigger one for y’know...another person.”
You never really brought up the idea of moving in together before. Sure, it’d be easier...his job was nearby, and there was a bus stop at the end of the street, and there was you....so his reaction kind of put you...off.
“Roommate sounds good. One of your friends maybe? Although I wouldn’t want her to y’know...interrupt us.” He had that cute seductive tone to his voice but he wasn’t sounding very cute and seductive.
You weren’t going to argue. “Yeah...a roommate. Who do you think I should ask?” you paused. “Sara or Malia?”
Spencer was quiet for a moment, like he was thinking. “Malia maybe?”
You didn’t have a friend named Malia.
And that’s what hurt the most you think. The fact that you still thought about him 24/7 even though what you had with him wasn’t perfect. You thought it was before..you thought he was before..but now you’re realizing nothing about it was perfect but at least it was something. Now you have nothing.
It was only the afternoon so you decided to look for some places. You found 3 places suitable for what you were looking for. All 3 were good sizes, good prices, and a good amount away from your job and college. You felt almost lucky. This felt almost too easy.
Until you saw the first two places in person. They were okay, but not really what you were looking for.
The last place though...the place was great, the location was great, the neighborhood was great, hell even the yard. Hell, you’d have no use for it, you didn’t have a kid but it was still a nice looking yard. You could tell that someone in the apartment, hopefully your new neighbor, took great care of the gardens.
You looked around at the surrounding mix of apartments and houses (mostly houses) and saw 2 little kids playing in the house 2 houses over. One of them looked like Jack. It couldn’t be, right? Hotch’s house wasn’t over here.
Nevertheless you watched for a few seconds and it was Jack. You decided to go over and say hi.
Jack stopped playing and immediately ran towards you.
“Y/N!!” He grinned. You got down to his level and hugged him back just as enthusiastically.
“Hey Jackie! Whatcha doin?” He only let you call him that. Only you.
“Sleepover. This is Sam. It’s almost time for Ana to drop me off at home though.”
You said hi to Sam and asked if Ana was his mom. She was and as soon as you told Sam your name, Ana came out of the house and waved you over.
“Hey, I’m Y/N. Friend of Jack’s and Hotch.”
She smiled. And shook your hand.
“I’m Ana. I’ve heard about you! Jack talks about you quite a lot.”
You and Ana talked for a while. She seemed like a really amazing person. If you end up getting the place you could see you and her becoming great friends, and since she seemed really busy you offered to take Jack home. She protested but you insisted. It wasn’t like you were doing much anyway. The landlord had already left and you were just going to go home anyway.
On the way to Hotch’s you bought Jack his favorite ice cream. You couldn’t help it.
The whole car ride Jack’s conversation thankfully distracted you but when you got to his house you couldn’t help but remember that night and how embarrassed you felt.
Seeing Hotch only made it worse. Especially since he wasn’t wearing his work clothes- just a shirt and sweatpants, and you couldn’t help but look because he looked incredibly.....good. He looked so great and you were so mad at yourself for how that night ended with him. You were supposed to be having fun and neither of you did.
He hugged you when you got to the door anyway. You explained to him what happened- even the apartment searching while he invited you in for coffee.
A whole year with Spence and he never invited you in. Ever.
Do you miss me like I miss you? Fucked around and got attached to you Friends can break your heart too And I’m always tired but never of you
If I pulled a you on you, you wouldn’t like that shit I put this reel out, but you wouldn’t bite that shit I type a text but then I never mind that shit I got these feelings but you never mind that shit
“Mom, please, I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong.”
Your mom gave you a look over her mug that said, ‘Do I look like I’m dumb?’ And she wasn’t. Perhaps you weren’t any good at hiding your feelings. Could everyone tell?
You were doing better now.
It’s been a month? Maybe two.
Either way it’s been a while and you weren’t as hurt as you were before. Some nights you woke up heart aching, tears falling, but you aren’t as bad as you were those first few weeks.
Truth is, you missed Spencer. You spent those weeks blaming yourself and wondering why you why you?
But you accepted that you weren’t ready for that answer. A part of you had forgiven Spencer. A part.
You were still heartbroken. You were still angry and hurt. But you’ve been trying to move on. In fact, you’d be moving entirely. Yesterday you finished all the paperwork with your new landlord. You were going to finish packing after visiting your mom.
“Momma I’m fine there’s just a lot going on right now.”
She wouldn’t accept that answer. She persisted you told her what was wrong. So you did. You told her about Spencer...and about Hotch...
You had been spending some weekends with him. Some were alone, just the two of you, and other times it was the three of you. Him, Jack, and you. Whenever you thought about Hotch you had the feeling in your stomach you got whenever you heard from Spencer.
But you still have that feeling for Spencer.
Things were so confusing right now - you weren’t sure if you wanted to move on from Spencer. You didn’t want to rush in with Aaron either though. That’d hurt the both of you.
Last weekend...
“Y/N you cannot tell me you think New Girl is better than Friends.”
Aaron was in a gray shirt and sweatpants while you were in relatively the same. You both sat together on his couch each a cup of coffee in your hands. You had promised you’d help him shop with Jack for new clothes and you had just agreed to stay the night since it had gotten so late.
“Oh a hundred percent. New Girl is way better.”
Hotch laughed.
“Friends is a classic. There wouldn’t be a New Girl without Friends.”
“There wouldn’t be a Friends without Living Single Aaron.”
He rolled his eyes but conceded. “True but still. Friends is better.”
You hadn’t been that happy in a while. You were breathing...you were living. Out in the open. Unbidden.
You ever wonder what we could have been? You said you wouldn’t and you fucking did Lie to me, lie with me, get your fucking fix Now all my drinks and all my feelings are fucking mixed
Always missing people that I shouldn’t be missing Sometimes you gotta burn some bridges just to create some distance I know that I control my thoughts and I should stop reminiscing But I learned from my dad that it’s good to have feelings
There was a bottle of liquor in your hand
You would have gone to the bar but you were too sad for it. You didn’t have the will.
Earlier today you decided that you should get a muffin from the coffee shop and see how Em was doing. Right when you got to the door, who was in the window caught your eye.
Spencer and JJ.
Laughing, and eating, and kissing...
In the open. Out in public.
Were you just not good enough? Was that it? Could you not understand him because you didn’t work in the BAU? Was what you had all one sided?
Unanswered questions and half a bottle later you were passed out on your couch crying.
You thought you were over it for sure this time. But it still fucking hurts. Is keeping your heart open waiting for him even worth it?
The next morning you took a hot shower. The hottest shower you could handle. You were hungover, and you felt like shit but you still had to pack the rest of your things to move. You still had to move.
Your speakers were on the highest level and your music was so loud you didn’t hear the door knock. You only screamed when you felt someone behind you.
It was Aaron.
“Jesus christ!!” You went to turn down the music.
“You could have killed me!”
“Yes I very well could have!” His arms were crossed. He was upset but still in a playful mood. You could tell. “I could have been a serial killer, you have to lock your doors!”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay, okay, I’ll lock my doors next time.”
He nodded approval as you went to the refrigerator to get him a bottle of water.
“What’s going on?”
“Oh I didn’t tell you?” How had that slipped your mind?
He shook his head.
“I’m moving.”
“You’re moving?” He looked disappointed.
“Yeah not far. A few houses down from Ana actually.”
“Oh good.” He said relieved.”
After that, he decided he wanted to help you. It was nice not being alone even though you told him he didn’t have to stay. He wanted to.
He even helped you transfer the boxes to your new apartment. You didn’t know Aaron had a voice on him...but he did.
“We built this city!” he sang/shouted.
“We built this city on rock and -“
“We built this city!” he answered.
“We built this city on rock and -“
“Rollllllllll” you sang together.
You giggled when the song was over and he grabbed your hand for the rest of the drive. You didn’t pull away. It felt too nice. It felt too right.
After helping you put your boxes into your next place it was time for him to head home. He told you that he could stay and help some more if you wanted but you could tell he was tired. You were tired. You told him you’d call if you needed any more help.
He made you promise you would because he knows you won’t if you feel like you absolutely can do it yourself even when you shouldn’t.
You promised.
On his way out there was a moment where you could have kissed him. Where you were saying goodbye and you were in the doorway and you were close enough to...but you didn’t. You weren’t ready. He knew you weren’t ready. He knew.
The feelings you have for Hotch keep growing but the feelings you have for Spencer stay the same. Spencer used to be your everything. But you weren’t his. You needed someone who would put you first. Well...close to first. Jack should always come first. Always.
You need to come first when it comes to women. Spencer didn’t put you first. Would he ever?
All alone I watch you watch her Like she’s the only girl you’ve ever seen You don’t care you never did You don’t give a damn about me
Yeah, all alone I watch you watch her She is the only thing you ever see How is it you never notice That you are slowly killing me?
Your phones ringtone was blaring and when you opened your tired eyes to read the time on your bedside table it read ‘3 AM.’ Who would call this late? Or...early? Either way you didn’t check the screen and just decided to click green and put the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” Your voice was groggy and you were a little annoyed to be woken up so early. It’s rude to do that to someone. Especially someone who only went to bed three hours ago.
“Y/N.” It wasn’t a question and it wasn’t in command. It was a sigh of relief followed by sniffles and a hiccup. It was Spencer.
“I didn’t think you’d pick up.” he said.
“You’re lucky I didn’t check my screen I should just -“
The only form of communication you’ve had with him since the incident was a few texts. Dry texts. On both ends.
“No!” he panicked. “Please don’t hang up please, please, I - I couldn’t sleep.”
You shut your eyes in frustration. “You called me at three in the morning because you couldn’t sleep?”
“No, I - I’m apologizing because I couldn’t sleep, no I - I’m apologizing because I was - I don’t know -“
“Spencer I really don’t have time for this. I have things to do tomorrow. What’s today Tuesday? We’ll have coffee or something Friday, okay?”
There was silence on the other end for a few seconds. “I have a date, no I mean plans Friday..uhm, Sunday?”
And you hung up the phone. You didn’t mean to sound bitter, you didn’t but seriously? You were actually willing to see him for once - maybe a decision your unconscious, pining, mind made - but still, and he can’t because of a date? A date?
With JJ no doubt. Of course it was JJ. It’s always been JJ. Every single time. “I can’t today Y/N JJ needs,” or “JJ called I gotta go,” or “Shoot I’m sorry I know we had plans but JJ -“
Will it always be JJ? Will she always be number one? Has she always been number one and you just never realized it? Have you been the girl he just hung out with because he couldn’t with her?
A few months ago...
“I bought chinese.” You grinned.
“Smells so good.” Spencer took the bags from your hands and kissed you on the cheek.
Spencer picked the movie this time since you picked it last time. He was sitting in the middle of the couch while you had your legs draped across his. Occasionally he’d bring his hand down to rub your legs.
Things were fine. Things were content. Until his phone rang.
“Y/N, It’s JJ I have to go.”
“What does she need?” you ask genuinely worried.
“Nothing I don’t think. I just gotta go.”
I hate you, I love you I hate that I love you You want her, you need her And I’ll never be her
i literally have no idea what this is i -
team hotch or spence?
if you have any ideas or scene ideas PLEASE tell me
i’m really trying on this happy ending thing
a spencer apology/talk scene is cominggg
i’m liking the idea of two endings? maybe?
spencer tag list: @hotchsbabygirl @pinkdiamond1016 @thefemalestorywriter @sizzlingclamturtlesludge @samyilf123 @mathchampagne @studywithrosie01 @reniescarlett @drreidsconverse @eveliiinnn27 @bweakmybonez
comments tag list: @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks @geekgirleve @jhiddles03 @carlgrxmes @dreatine @meowiemari @thedaughterofhotchniss @we-are-dreamers42 @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @silverchains9182 @realalpacorn @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @matthew-gray-g @minami97 @mgg-th1996 @peculiarinsomniac @secondratecomplaint @fallinallinmendes @fantastic-fans @eldahae @psych0crybaby @tclaerh @ashwarren32 @spenciegoob @mustbeaweasleyginger @abschaffer2
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sunflowersteves · 3 years
      ᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ vic’s welcome back sleepover ⚘᠂ ⚘᠃
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hey guys! I hope everyone’s holiday break has been amazing and great. I wanted to make a little sleepover for coming back to tumblr and getting back into the grooves of things. I definitely wanna be more active on this app again. so send em in and let the sleepover begin! *ੈ✩‧₊˚
♡ headcanons [scenario + character]
♡ cast mutuals
♡ give me a movie & I’ll rate it
♡ fmk
♡ kink same or kink shame
♡ wlw things [thots and or feelings about women]
               ᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔 ⚘᠂ ⚘᠃
♡ you must be 18+!
♡ everything will be tagged #vic’ssleepover
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foreverindreamlandd · 3 years
Happy birthday Col! Could I please get a MASH 💖 with option 1? Also if possible to have a picture of Willa?
Col’s 1.5k Sleepover
Em thank you so much! Here’s what I got for ya 😌
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Okay I love this. It’s the holiday season and the bookstore you work at is receiving boxes upon boxes of inventory, and because everything is rushed and not always handled with care, you get shipped a *lot* of damaged books that you can’t sell. Luckily the local library is willing to take donations of damaged books to sell at book drives! You volunteer to drop off the donations and find a dashing young librarian at the front desk, eyes locked onto the pages of The Hobbit with a mug of tea in his hand. You smile at the look of pure joy on his face as he reads, and it kills you when you have to clear your throat to get his attention.
His head jerks up, blue eyes meeting yours and his mouth drops open. Suddenly he jumps out of his seat, because he was so captivated by you that he accidentally spilled his tea on his lap. You laughed at his sheepish grin, then offered to buy him a new drink at the cafe down the street. And the rest is history. ����📚
And here’s my sweet baby girl 🐈‍⬛
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