#empires smp false
choco-bloop · 2 months
Thinking about E!False again and I think she would've loved to see David Copperfield (and should have seen him at least once)
Imagine False talking about her copper problems, given how much she uses and how much she oxidises in the nearby field, and Pix catches on and shows her David. I could just see False getting extremely interested in all the details with Pix just going "Its a mechanical marvel"
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exiledsundew · 1 year
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Day 2 of Empirestober:Homeland
I have never drawn False, so this is a first!
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leekyrainbow · 3 months
Hey there, I just found the post you made about the seablings in a more 'realistic' timeline, and noticed your tags.
So I, as a headcanon gremlin, am now asking you for that 'long ass list of headcanons', if you wouldn't mind.
i will say i never wrote any down aside from the ones ive posted BUT i still have a bunch hidden in my brain. also, i will be mentioning some of the headcanons ive already posted.
so here we go!
•even though its canon that Gem and Fwhip are siblings, i like to think that Sausage is apart of their sibling relationship in a found family sorta way
•like lizzie, Jimmy is also an ocean cryptid-demigod whatever they are. They are siblings, so it makes sense to me
•Xornoth was originally from rivendell before he was corrupted, basically was taken when he was a baby.
•Scotts antlers grew when he found the aeor exor lore book.
•fwhip tripped one time and fell into a BUNCH of gunpowder, he had to make sure to not go near anything fire related until he could get it off
•pearl isn't an emperor, shes just a simple farming lady. the only reason why she was ever classified as one was because Sausage and a few others said she was a emperor.
•because of Sausage, he made Pearl a saint by a complete accident and never realised it.
•Gem has a whole room dedicated to amethyst. She sits in it when she needs to calm down.
•joey almost tripped down the stairs leading down to his temple one time. the only reason why he didnt fall was because he had an elytra on.
•(this one is kinda hermitcraft related) with how the empires fell, Joel couldnt find Lizzie and after a few months/years of being unsuccessful. He decided to go with Grian (before you ask, YES Grian was on the empires s1 server if you didnt know) and together the two went to hermitcraft s10.
•scott and xornoth battle it out using their horns
•shrub threw a mushroom at xornoth once when he scared her
•shrub fell down the massive hole she had dug and almost died
•Katherine is like 8ft tall
•Katherines crown is a flower crown that has a undying spell on it. (basically, this means that the flower crown cant die)
•when pix went missing, he got lost in the desert and unfortunately died.
•pix has some shelters from the sun scattered around his empire
•pix occasionally forgets to add a candel to the vigil and only remembers once someone reminds him
•Xornoth could have killed shrub to complete his plan, but decided to wait for the group to come.
•when Xornoth was in the crystal, he cursed at scott for making him jewellery
•Scott and xornoth occasionally get their horns stuck on things
•some things in the alternate reality that scott brought him and xornoth into, remind xornoth of the things from the original reality
•Xornoth has as much control as scott does in the alternative reality
•Lizzie uses crutches to help her walk on two legs
•lizzie wears a pink wig
•stratos only gained the floating buildings when Joel was made a god.
•joel was a scrawny boy before he got made an 11ft god
•sausage has a BIG axe, he uses it as a weapon and to cut trees more effectively.
•one time sausage got his big axe stuck in the ground and struggled for half an hour to get it out
•fwhip sometimes goes through other emperors chests for gold
•if proper technology existed in empires, gem would definitely have solar panels everywhere in her empire.
•Even though ollie and gem are meant to be opposites, i personally think its fwhip and gem instead.
•sometimes ollie goes to peoples empires in the middle of the night to dig through unwanted items and people thought he was a racoon
•joey is some sort of animal hybrid, possibly a parrot
•even though joeys empire might be to hide from skeletron, he built a huge ass gate that would give him away in an instant.
•joey putting his empire next to sausages was definitely a decision he did on purpose.
•Jimmy is actually a good sheriff even when he was made into a smaller version of himself
•the mayor of tumble town definitely went missing, Jimmy was in his place in the meantime.
•messing with the fae was a really bad decision for jimmy, as it cursed him for the rest of his life.
•the skull that scott had found was originally xornoths skull.
•xornoth exists somewhere in season two, probably really far away though
•sorry im a xornoth enjoyer i gotta hc him in s2
•like sausage, katherine has a big sword instead of an axe
•shubble one time threw a potion at someone who scared her (like what shrub did)
•pix is really fond of different types of rock, he and fwhip sometimes just talk about them
•though fwhip does mention how the specific rock tastes.
•Shubble has really strong teeth and jaw. she ate rock one time so i gotta hc that
•False went missing, people just assumed she fused with her hermitcraft self or something(please forgive me i dont know falses lore in empires so this one might be canon)
•even though lizzie and jimmy arent fish anymore, they still have a connection to the ocean and to eachother.
•lizzie was the first to find the rift, when she told people about it she was called crazy.
thats all!
i do have more headcanons, i literally just cant remember anymore than what i wrote.
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thesupernaturalhouse · 2 months
Mama witch au art dump
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And then "what you got there?" Meme
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dragonheart2497 · 1 year
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[You're looking for something called 'correctness', aren't you?]
Directly inspired by the cover art of Sumia's Despair Incident | スミアの「絶望事変」から触発を受けました
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Empires SMP Hybrids
So been watching a lot of Empires SMP Season 2 And I’m gonna make them Hybrids of sorts from my personal Minecraft Lore
ScottSmajor: Starborn (Not just for Origins, but in my lore Starborns are born of the Gods magic that fell to the earth. They flush their stars color and bleed dust of their star as well. They also have a wander lust to them)
Joel: Minor Demigod of Skies (Joel likes to talk a big game, being he’s the child of the God of the Cloud Kingdom and Avians. Demigods don’t have lots of power, even if they can call upon god like magic, they don’t really have the fraction of power their parents do.)
Jimmy:  Aetherian/Aer (Aer people hail from the Aether, having a wanderlust to them if they were born on the Overworld. They love to create things and being structure to it. However they can be rather snobbish at times and dislike things not going to plan. They also lose their minds if order is not established.)
Shubble: Sorcerer (Despite being in the Witches Academy, she is actually a Sorcerer. A much rarer breed of magic. Witches often can only do alchemy and small magic. Sorcerer can do any magic, having no limits other than their knowledge of it. Shubble just hasn’t found out it’s why her spells often are over powered)
PixilRiff: Voidling of Creation (Voidlings come form the Void itself, they are said to be the first creatures ever made by the two Titan Gods Order and Chaos. Creation Voidlings are said to be the kindest of their kind, loving to create things and brings to life things of the future and past. They often has strange powers to see magical objects and into the past or future)
False: Ner (Netherians are creators of weapons and jewelry. They love the heat of the Nether and are a strong race of beings. They craft their weapons and irons deep in heated mountains.)
fWhip: Changeling (These creatures are fragile beings, but can change based upon what they see, what they like, they change to fit it.)
GeminiTay: Enderian (These beings are praised for their smarts, resources, and advances in many fields. If a bit upright about structure and how things should be. They also can be isolated, disliking other people. Despite this they love nature, overworld Enderians are found of grass and flowers)
Katherin: Valkyrie (these women are strong leaders and combat ready, they often take justice and honor very seriously. They hail from the halls of the Aetheric God, and protect the Aether form outside threats. Overworld Valkyries are often ones that deviated from their purpose on the Aer. this just means they found their Free Will.)
Lizzie: Gem Folk (Crystal people whose skin is often encased in or producing gems. They don’t often live on the surface, but some do. Depending on their gem can depend on their values. Amethyst ones value Truth... if truth only according to them lol)
Sausage: Witherling (These beings often can go their whole lives without knowing what they are. They bring strange magic with them, given they are closely related to Voidlings. Black Sand often emits from them when over use of their power is there.)
Orion: Jungle Avian (These guys love song, dance, and bright colors. They wander around, and sign their songs to others. Basically just Bards with Wings, they love to tricks and trades for awe and inspire people.)
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spirit-of-a-kiger · 2 years
What if FalseSymmetry was evil before she arrived in Empires?
You know how they say that part of what makes a person who they are is their memories? What if False was a villain in her old home, but when she came to Empires, losing her memories caused her to become not much more than a frightened, confused woman just trying to survive?
The little tiny flashbacks... I don’t know what to think of them since for almost of them, it’s so hard to hear what the other people are saying. Some people said that the dialogue they heard suggested that False was evil and people were hiding from her or something. Personally, I don’t think that’s the case, but anything is possible. From what I heard, it kind of sounded more like the people in False’s memories were maybe trying to protect her or something? I think I heard somebody telling her to wake up in one of them.
But then, she threw a splash potion of amnesia at an unsuspecting Pixlriffs, presumably while sleepwalking since she doesn’t seem to fully remember the incident (she said she thinks she visited Pix, and she didn’t even mention the potion). That sounds, if not evil, then definitely sus. Maybe stuff like this is her relapsing in her sleep, doing evil things when she can’t control herself.
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amaryllisoup · 2 months
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false pulling out that tcg card did something to me
“Huh.. that’s odd isn’t it” enough already 😞
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azaleastobloom · 13 days
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Oh my brother!
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kippsnaps · 2 months
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False of Cogsmeade!
Most of my favourite lore and buildings, from empires season 2, was from False. Genuinely one of my favourite perspectives!
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justl-12 · 1 year
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Im a bit insane about false's empires series
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choco-bloop · 2 years
CW for Blood, Violence and (kinda) Temporary Character Death
The first thing that came to False’s mind when she was told the rift was open was that she could return back to Hermitcraft. 
Back home. 
And not locked up in her own twin’s lab.
And so there she was, with all the other rulers (excluding Pixlriffs, Jimmy, Oli and Fwhip), standing on the stone bridge that was lined by their shops; all waiting for the call of the horn to fly in and stop the hermits.
The sound of Fwhip’s horn echoed in the area. Everyone there took off quickly in a flash of fireworks and smoke. 
False paused for a moment, should she just blow everyone up and assume the identity of “Hermit False”? 
Or should she have a bit more fun toying around with her own twin as revenge?
“False? Are you coming? Everyone else is probably already at the rift,” Gem’s voice cut her out of her thoughts. 
She paused for a few moments. Thinking about what would be the best response to it without raising any suspicions. “Don’t worry about me, I just need to do some final checks on my items,”
Gem gave her an unconvinced glance before flying off towards Fort Riff-less. 
False clutched her head, more memories of her time being stuck in a lab under her own base returning.
‘She’s going to pay for everything.’
Gem was beginning to wonder if she should have stayed with Empires False for longer. 
She assumed that the Hermits would be easily able to break through the defences and enter the rift; but another look at her communicator said that no one so far had gotten past.
Which wasn’t good as she had been expecting a fast escape before Empires False snapped and tried to chase down… well the other False.
Gem looked at the mess of the bridge, hermits and rulers scrambling back and forth trying to stop the other group; it would be impossible to safely bring False to safety without either of them getting hurt in the process.
She remembered the conversation she had with False a while after she had tagged Oli. Where False had explained to her that she and the False from “Cogsmead” were not the same False. 
And that Hermit False had erased Empires False’s memories in a moment of desperation, which was why she seemed so lost.
And that if Empires False were to ever regain certain parts of her memories, Hermit False would be in danger.
Basically the main takeaway from that conversation was that the two Falses should never meet under any circumstances.
Gem had a feeling that Empires False had those specific parts of her memories recently - it would explain why there was a sudden chain of deaths for the hermits with no explanation and no link to the game of tag going on.
Of course there were some hermits who did not die during that period of time but it was more likely because either 1) they weren’t with the initial group of hermits or 2) attacking them would cause major upset from other rulers
The sounds of distant fireworks going off snapped Gem out of her thoughts - Empires False was closing in. She spread her wings, diving down towards False, who had still yet to realise what was going to happen.
A force shoved her to one side - sending her flying into the nearby hill.
A few voices called out to her, not before being quickly drowned out by an even bigger commotion. Despite her blurry vision, Gem still knew what had gone down 
Empires False had arrived.
False had been on edge since she saw some of the rulers guarding the rift, trying to prevent the hermits from entering. The longer they dwelled in Empires, the higher the chance that she and her would bump into each other. 
And given her returning memories, that would not end well for False herself.
So far, everything seemed alright - it was just Pixl, Oli, Jimmy and Fwhip. None of the other rulers.
And then Fwhip blew his horn and the rulers all came flying in, causing the bridge to become one huge mess. 
Despite the mess, the only two rulers who had yet to appear were Gem and her.
False hoped that either Gem was keeping her twin occupied or that she was just not notified by the other rulers that they were planning to stop the hermits.
She pulled her bowstring, letting an arrow fly and hit Shelby before bringing up her shield to block a shot from Fwhip.
With both hands on her sword, False leapt up, preparing to slam it down on Katherine.
She could barely register others’ exclamations before she felt a sword in her stomach.
False coughed out a mouthful of blood as the sword was quickly removed, causing her to fall down towards the river. She tossed her sword to her left hand, using her right to grab onto the bridge.
A boot stomped down onto her right hand, causing her to let out another shout of pain.
“Look what we have here,” she taunted, crouching down to look at her. “I finally found you,” her lips contorted into a cruel smirk. 
The last time False had seen that smirk was moments before she destroyed the lab; which had almost killed her and revealed their identities as twins to the entire server. 
That also meant that she had to find a way out of her current situation quickly before she got killed and everyone would get their memories of the incident wiped.
She could let herself drop, giving herself an opportunity to use her elytra and fly just a bit away from the bridge. But False didn’t know how much her stab wound would affect her flight - for all she knew she could end up crashing straight into fort riff-less. Or she would be able to easily catch up with her and finish her off.
Or False could attack her to get her off her right hand, giving herself the chance to hop back onto the bridge. And at least then she might have a semblance of a fighting chance.
Of course False was going to take her chances with the second option. Making sure she wasn’t looking, she put away her sword before taking out one of her arrows. With her hand close to the tip, she lifted her left hand up and plunged the arrow into her foot. She grimaced internally - she did not want to do this to her own twin.
She stumbled back from the pain, giving False the chance to swing herself onto the bridge. She put a hand over her wound, watching the blood quickly stain her glove; she was on a race against time to kill her before she gave out to her injury.
False gave a look to the hermits who still hadn’t crossed the rift, trying to tell them, “Get to the rift. Now.” Thankfully they seemed to understand her quick message and ran behind her - now swarming Fort Riff-less in one last ditch effort.
“Oh you bastard,” she spat, standing up from her earlier injury. False took out her sword, preparing herself for one last fight to stop her. She looked at the rift - most of the Hermits had gone through, with the rulers following after either in curiosity or fear of what would happen should they stay.
False sighed. She didn’t want to hurt her own twin. They had spent so long pretending to just be “FalseSymmetry”. Not as twins. Just as a single player on the Hermitcraft server. 
But she couldn’t let what her own twin did to the other hermits slide. False knew that she messed up when she forgot to remind Xisuma not to chase after her - resulting in him forgetting everything he was told.
False raised her shield to block a swing from her twin. Between the two of them, she indeed was the better fighter. But her twin’s face read only one thing - bloodlust. 
Her desire to kill her seemed to be the only thing keeping her twin going. False knew that in any other circumstances her twin would’ve moved away to create some distance between the two of them.
Another slash on her chest sent blood splattering all over the bridge and False stumbling backwards. She ducked down to avoid a slash aimed at her neck before returning the attack with a slash that left a similar gash along her twin’s chest.
“Deciding to be selfless today huh? You’re not scared of what could happen?” Her twin taunted, slowly backing up towards the rift. 
“Stop stalling. I know you want to go back into Hermitcraft,” False spat as she drew her bowstring again, landing an arrow into her shoulder. She ran past her twin, blocking her path to the Rift. “But I’m not going to let you go through,” 
She sure hoped that the rift would close on its own. Otherwise she would have to do it herself.
Her twin didn’t verbally reply, only smirking in response. False stood there waiting, her vision beginning to blur from the blood loss - but she couldn’t rest, she couldn’t risk all the hermits again.
Her twin readied her sword, False did the same.
This was going to be her last chance. 
Her twin swung first, barely missing her eye and instead leaving a bloody streak along her cheek. Using the opening from her swing, False plunged her sword into her twin’s chest, watching blood splatter all over both of them.
“I’m sorry.” False wasn’t the emotional type; but having to kill her own sister with her bare hands was something she never wanted to do.
False removed the sword, about to walk away when something smashed into her head, causing her vision to blur significantly. She looked down at her twin’s hand, only shards of glass remaining in it.
‘Shit… the amnesia potions…’ the world began to spin for False, her grip on her sword loosening.
With her last few breaths before she had to respawn, False watched her twin collapse to the ground from her wounds.
Then she fell and began to forget
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xkaru-karux · 1 month
for requests, perhaps empires!false?
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the steampunk cooper queen herself :)
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theminecraftbee · 2 months
So you don't talk about it.
In a lot of ways, it's a little dumb. It's not like it didn't happen. It's not like you've really forgotten. Memory potions wear off, wear thin; if you've learned anything, you've learned that. You can stare at pictures and say 'that's odd' or 'I don't remember that' or 'I don't talk about her' all you want, but it's not like it didn't happen, it did, it did, and everyone saw it.
But no one else knew what it meant.
So you don't talk about it.
Because you haven't heard from her again, is the thing. (Whichever her it is doesn't really matter, now does it; whichever her you are doesn't either.) The Rift is closed, and the way there is empty, and Joel builds statues you don't talk about, either, because if you talked about the statues you'd have to talk about there, and if you talked about there you'd have to explain how you know, and if you explain how you know you'd have to explain why you don't, and anyway. You haven't heard from her. Not one word. Not one little bit.
(It keeps you up at night, though. Memory potions wear thin, sure, but the mind's even better at forgetting what it doesn't want to know. Some days, you're on opposite sides of the glass. It's not like you don't know, you think, and you turn over in bed, and you look at your reflection, and the thing is--would you know the difference?)
You ask around. You aren't the only one who hasn't heard anything; some Hermits are good at family, but Grian just looks sick when you ask him about it, so it's not strange. It's not strange to throw yourself into rivers and avoid Tango's base. The blimp is nice; it's pretty. You never want to step in an airship again, though, and you aren't building one yourself, and when was the last time you talked to Joe. (It's a good question. Memory potions are at least supposed to wear off.)
You're going to run vaults with Iskall again soon. He asks if Create's still alright. Apparently, you've been looking at it funny. You don't know why you would be.
(You wouldn't be able to tell the difference.)
You don't talk about it, anyway.
No one asks. You think maybe they assume you've heard. You think maybe they assume you haven't. You ask Xisuma about it, and he gets a strange look on his face, and he says he'd rather not talk about it. His fingers twitch like he's shocked. You nod once. It makes sense, really. It's not like it matters anymore, for anyone involved. It's not like the word 'sister' means much, for anyone involved.
(It's not like you remember what side of the glass you're supposed to be on.)
Beef shows you a card he calls your alter ego.
"What an odd thing to make," you say. "What an odd thing to call it."
He asks you to elaborate, and you don't. After all, you don't talk about it.
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dailyfalsesymmetry · 9 months
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day 95
today’s daily is brought to you by @spiderziege!!! thanks so much again marly you're literally a lifesaver
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shootingst4rpress · 8 days
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two of swords for the hermit arcana!
hermitcraft falsesymmetry and empires smp falsesymmetry, representing stalemate, indecision, difficult choices, and denial. the card is vertically symmetrical to reflect the confusion over the true false & the lack of a correct way to view the situation.
please check out the full project at @the-hermit-arcana!! many amazing artists :]
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