#emperor of yuriana
aisururuby · 1 year
A bit questionable in the beginning but was still a better dad than Claude
Here's another good dad who has flaws like karavan: Emperor of Yuriana from The Twins' New Life.
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The next section will contain spoilers for those that hadn't read The Twins' New Life
Since the emperor doesn't have an official name, I'll just refer to him as Alistair.
Okay so Alistair is the father to the protagonists of The Twins new life, Arhen and Arienne. Now unlike Karavan and Claude, Alistair actual had a valid reason for why he didn't originally wanted the twins.
Rurahelle, the twins' mom, had approached Alistair and basically baby trapped him. Rurahelle is not human and apparently her species is called heibi. A heibi is basically a forest spirit that is loved by the and while a lot is not known about them. Heibis can become pregnant as long as they have the blood of their partner which can also a blood curse that connects the curser and the partner or victim hearts together. Meaning if she dies, Alistair will die too. And as a deal, Alistair would sent them away and was forbidden to see the twins a or else both he and the twins would be killed.
Alistair agreed thinking he would never care about the twins.
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But after they were born, he realized he was wrong. He did care about them. One day, Alistair lost contact with Rurahelle and was after the impression that they passed away because most children of mixed blood don't live more than five years. So he didn't look for them due to not wanting to see their graves.
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When they meet, he questions himself whether or not if he made the right choice. Mind you he didn't need anyone to tell him that "abandoning" and neglecting the twins was wrong. He knew what he did was wrong and actually felt remorseful for his actions. Hell he actually APOLOGIZED when the twins were still five. He didn't understand how his actions affected the twins and apologized for being inconsiderate.
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The apology was genuine. Alistair isn't even difficult to show his affection for Arhen and Arienne. He genuinely loves them and is willing to fixes his mistakes.
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Everyone, emperor of Yuriana! The guy who actually act like a parent and loves his children. Took responsibility for his actions something Claude could never and yet he's deem as a good father?
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Twin Sibling's New Life Prompt:
So Arien and Arjen have telepathy, right?
Imagine that, through the power of *plot convenience* (Spirit having fun, magical mixup, accidental curse, etc.) all of the Yuriana's, from the Emperor to the children, become part of a family telepathy circle.
(Kinda like a family groupchat, only, uh, can't message individual people. And you can't turn it off.)
So when one of the twins tries to message the other, suddenly the whole family can hear them.
Cue panic (and hurt/comfort. Gotta have hurt/comfort).
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theyurianas · 9 months
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🎉𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝑵𝒆𝒘 𝒀𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒🎉
✍🏻 It’s been a year already since I started this account. I am so happy that all my sims have grown up and lived their best life (of course!) and thank you to everyone who joined this journey, the story of The Yurianas.
This year, I might change something like more post that include the story but less of context that gonna make you get bored.😅 But I hope you all can still enjoy the story and love them as much as I do. 🥹❤️
✨ May all your dreams come true and all your hopes be fulfilled! Happy New Year! ✨🎉
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⚜️ Their Majesties The Emperor and The Empress of Yuriana.
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theserenity · 8 months
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✨Yuriana twin Siblings✨
“Prince Lloyd and Princess Alexis”
The Emperor and The Empress of Yuriana’s children.
✨ Prince Lloyd is a Senior year high school student. Intelligent, Handsome and charming, That’s him! He is the head of the chess club, sci-math club, football’s captain team and a vice captain of the basketball team. He’s very popular in Copperdale High School. He’s Calix’s close friend. He and his sister are friend of Elena. He has a crush on her. He’s a big brother to Alexis, he always protect his sister.
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✨ Princess Alexis also a senior in high school, she’s beautiful, wise and clumsy. She’s capable person. Elena and Georgiana’s close friend, she knows that her twin brother has a crush on Elena.
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yuzuki102 · 4 years
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Emperor Manhwa: The Twin Siblings’ New Life
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glitchy-npc · 6 years
02, 17 and 39 for Hal!
02. What is one of your character’s biggest insecurities? Are they able to hide it easily or can others easily exploit this weakness?
Hes very reactionary and emotional. He has a temper and gets offended easily. because of this my Smuggler, Zen likes to push his buttons just to get a reaction. She respects him, as a person and as leader of the Alliance but its just so so easy.
17. Does your character have dreams of getting married and/or having children?  
Hes actually been/will be married twice. First to Kira, and they have a daughter named Zana. It was a small ceremony of just close friends and secret because they did not get permission from the Jedi Counsel. 
He is also engaged to Theron and wants to have a legitimate ceremony despite how little Theron wants to fuss about it. Vette has some great ideas. 
Hal loves babies and hes actually pretty good with them though he has trouble with older children or particularly bratty padawans like Yuriana. 
(Until Kira comes back to the story I’m really not sure how I’m going to reconcile these relationships. Regardless if Hal and Kira stay married, they would all help raise Zana. I also think Theron and Kira would get along well and have the same sort of dry humor) 
39. When people look at your character, is there some assumption they might make about them just by appearance? Is that assumption correct?
With the yellow eyes and a pension for wearing black a lot of people assume hes a Sith. And while emotional and occasionally leaning towards the dark side nothing pisses Hal off faster than people thinking hes Sith. Possession by the Emperor, twice, has left him with permanently yellow eyes (he was born with grey) and they will occasionally turn orange/red in times of extreme distress or anger. 
Despite his emotional nature he tries to stay true to the Light Side of the force, even if he doesn't agree with a lot of Jedi rules. 
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aisururuby · 1 year
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Arienne found herself playing with dolls in the playroom with Astraea, Athanasia’s second younger sister. Arhen was sleeping in their room and Athanasia. . . . . well she’s not actually not sure. She wouldn’t see her since the morning and she couldn’t understand the servants. Yuriana and Obelia are two different empires in different nations. When they first reborn, they didn’t understand the imperial language of Yuriana and are still struggling with it. Their only guide was their aunt, Eden, who traveled a lot previously before landing in Yuriana. But now they’re in Obelia and as it turns out the language is completely different. Nevertheless they get it eventually. Or will they? The back of her head thinks this won’t last long. Why? They’re free, aren’t they? So why does she have this inking feeling?
To try and get those thoughts out of her head, she tried to continue playing with Astraea but she couldn’t help but hear the room door rattle. She turns around and sees the room handle shake.  ‘Is someone struggling to open the door?’ she thought. What seems like forever, the door finally opened and entered a tried Athanasia. Her hair was a bit messy but it seems like she didn’t care as much. Athanasia looked in the room and spotted her. Her eyes lit up with excitement(?) and ran towards her. “Sun-Hi, Sun-Hi! My plan worked!” exclaimed Athanasia. Athanasia was Practically bouncing off the walls at this point while Astraea started laughing at her sister.
“Jihye, what are you talking about?” Replied Arienne. What plan? Athanasia excitedly walked over to her and said, “My uncle, Dimitri, and Lily are getting married!” “Eh?”
Apparently, in Lovely Princess, Lilian York was in a love triangle with the emperor’s personal knight, Felix Robine and the emperor’s half-brother, Prince Dimitri de Alger Obelia, though it was implied that Lilian and Dimitri did have romantic feelings for each other. However neither acted on their feelings and with Lilian’s death, it was too late. Not only did he lose his niece but he also lost the woman he loved because of his own brother.
Arienne thought their story was sad when she read the book but how are they engaged now?
“How’d you got Dimitri and Lily together?!” Said Arienne. “People just like babies. With my uncle visiting the villa and Lily as my nanny, I thought ‘why not help my uncle and get Lily as my aunt.’ After my first birthday, Uncle Dimitri announced to my mom that he and Lily were seeing each other. Soon after everyone in the villa knew about them.” Athanasia said proudly. 
“So when you said plan you meant to get Lily as your aunt?” Asked Arienne. “Part of it, I just wanted them to be happy.” Said Athanasia. “Aww that’s sweet of you.” Said Arienne. “But uh can you help me with something?”
A week later~~~~~~~~
“So how did I agree to this?” Said Arhen.”You said you wanted to see Jennette too.” Said Arienne. A week after Dimitri proposed to Lily, Athanasia told Arienne of her plan for the newly engaged couple and the heroine of Lovely Princess. Getting  Jennette Margarita parents. Arienne questions if it would be more appropriate for Jennette to go to her stepmother, Dowager Empress Callista. Athanasia said she had thought of that but she figured it wouldn't be safe for her with Claude around. There is also the fact that Callista has no children and none of her family members have brown hair. So Dimitri and Lily are the safest bet as Dimitri already has jeweled eyes and Lily with brown hair. She knows that they would give the care and love Jennette wanted during her childhood. Athanasia asked if Arienne could help her with this little mission since she, Arhen, Eden and Verbena managed to come to Obelia through a portal or at least that’s why the twins told her. Arienne agreed and asked So-woon if she could find House Alpheus and someone with brown hair and eyes like Athanasia’s. Obviously Arhen found out and was semi-against the idea since this could end badly. 
“How would So-woon even bring her here? Would Jennette be carefully guarded since she’s basically Duke Roger’s tool for the future?” Asked Arhen. He was right though, how was So-woon gonna bring Jennette undetected?  
“Here? Oh no I told So-woon to lure Jennette to Dimitri and then disappear so he wouldn’t it was planned.” Said Arienne. “You what-?! Why?!” Said Arhen. “I mean we thought Jennette and Dimitri should meet first since she would recognize us if she sees us first before she’s officially introduced.” Replied Arienne. Arhen paused for a moment and reactively agreed with her. And apparently So-woon was coming back at the right moment.
“So-woon, did you do what I asked of you?” Arienne asked, expecting. So-woon nodded and their mission was complete now they have to wait for the results. Hopefully the plan works.
“My word, how is this possible? You look just like her.” Inside one of the guest rooms in the villa, stood Dimitri de Alger Obelia, third prince of Obelia and uncle to the current Obelia children. Dimitri just came back from abroad after dealing with an affair early. So he went to the villa his younger sister was currently residing in to visit his sister and his lover, Lilian York as a surprise. He finally managed to propose to Lily and all was well. So why did the offspring of his deceased eldest brother and his other brother’s fiance appear in front of him?
Anastacius and Penelope have a child. 
Anastacius has an heir.
This is bad. If Claude were to find out about her, she could- no she WOULD be executed. The only reason Callista is still alive today is because she was never pregnant with Anastacius’s child and Claude bears no hatred for her. This child on the other hand is the child of the two people who betrayed Claude. Meaning he’s going to have to hide her or-
Wait couldn’t he just adopt her like Selena with Athanasia? It’s not unheard of and nobles tend to adopt children into their care. Even wards. He’ll have to ask Lily first and tell Selena but first he should probably ask for her name. 
“Hello little lady, what’s your name?” Asked Dimitri. The little girl looked up at him and giggled. “Jennette!” she said. Jennette? As in God’s gift? Huh he figure Penelope would have named her daughter meaning immortal as the heir usually has a name meaning that. Guess she wasn’t as bold. “Jennette, how’d you get here?” “I followed a kitty here!” Kitty?
“Okay then Jennette who takes care of you?” Maybe he can find out where she has been hidden. Maybe House Juith? Penelope is from that family after all.
“Um this nice lady take care of me and I sometimes get to see Uncle!” Said Jennette. Uncle? So Penelope isn’t around? “And who is this ‘Uncle” Asked Dimitri. Whoever this is, he’ll have to look into them. Not every noble would house the former emperor’s child without interior motives. “Uncle Roger?” Jennette said Innocently. Roger? As in Roger Alpheus? Why him? Well she’s definitely not going back.
“Hmm do you know who I am? We both have unique eyes don’t we?” Said Dimitri. Jennette looked at him and said “are you my papa then? I don’t have papa. Uncle got upset when I called him that”
“Papa? No I’m not- at least not yet but-” Dimitri paused and looked down at Jennette. She looked like she was about to cry. He knew he couldn’t say no but not when he plans to take her in as his daughter. With a deep breath, he responded, “Yes.”
“Dimitri, who is this?” He turned around and saw Lily who just entered the room. She looked between him and Jennette when Dimitri replied. “Lily dear, how do you feel about adopting?” Dimitri said nervously.
“Children, we have someone we want you to meet.”
“Meet your older cousin, Jeanine!”
Note: Jeanine is Jennette's new name for this series. So if I include Jeanine please read that is Jennette under a different name.
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theyurianas · 11 months
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🕊️part two : I was made for loving you. (9/10)
⚜️The Emperor has a meeting with the high-rank nobles of the empire as usual but today he receives a new topic that he knows will come someday, but he didn’t realize it will come this fast. // So the council of nobles did agree that the crown prince should be engaged or marry someone to make his position more stable, but Julius wants to talk with Lloyd about this first.
⚜️Let me introduce The Empress’s eldest brother, the current head of the household Duke Philip Vincent Spencer.
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Duke Philip Spencer (The Empress’s eldest brother): …With all the respect, even His Highness the Crown Prince has been serving the empire for a long time, but having a good partner who can support both his work and life is also important as well, Your Majesty.
Marquess Grayson: Here are the candidate lists of the ladies who have the perfect qualifications to marry His Highness, and the first list is the most suitable candidate to be The Crown Princess, Your Majesty. …the beauty, talent, and benefit that The Yuriana Empire could have gained from that Empire is priceless, Your Majesty.
Duke Spencer: But we should ask his highness first if he is fine with political marriage.
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Emperor Julius : *Um, It’s true that having a good partner will make his position more stable, and he almost 17… come to think about it, political marriage is completely normal for the position of the crown prince but…*
Emperor Julius : I will talk with my son first.
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aisururuby · 1 year
"______" are you- Part 2
Here's part 2! Hope you guys enjoy it.
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“Your family’s trademark is golden blonde hair? How does that make sense?”
Arhen just shrugs, “How would we know?” Earlier they thought it would be best to talk at night while everyone is asleep. After All, they didn’t want their caretakers to worry about what they were up to. Arhen pondered on what to do next. They finally left Derolina castle with So-woon’s help, now living in a villa that belongs to the imperial family of another empire, and met someone who’s like him and Sun-Hi. But how long will that last? He wants to believe that they’ll be safe here but he’s aware of Claude’s presence. At some point, they’re gonna encounter if they’re going to hang around his children. Especially his oldest child, Athanasia. If he discovers them, will he send them back to Yuriana? Hold them captive? Or have they killed?
“Geon? You still there?” Arhen snapped out of his thoughts and noticed Athanasia and Arienne looking at him curiously. “Yeah, I’m fine . . . . .just thinking.” Said Arhen. “Right . . . . . . if you’re getting tired we can continue this tomorrow.” Said Athanasia. “No, I'm not tired, I can keep going.” Said Arienne. ‘Are you sure okay? You’ve been spacing out since we got here.’ ‘I’m sure. There’s a lot on my mind right now, okay?’
“If you say so. . . . .Hey, so that lady who came after you and that kid are your aunt and older sister?” Athanasia tries to change the mood. “Aunt Eden and Verbena? They’re the only family we actually have. We hadn’t met our grandparents yet,” said Arhen. “Auntie wanted to take us to their home but she didn’t have enough money for all of us to go.” Said Arienne. “Well you live here now so maybe mama can help with that?” Said Athanasia. “Maybe but there is also a chance she’d say no.” Said Arienne.
“Oh maybe I can ask if you can come to Siodonna with us in two months?” Said Athanasia. Siodonna? Isn’t that where her mother, Diana, is from? “Siodonna? Are you going on vacation?” Said Arienne. ‘Come on, Sun-Hi. Vacation? We talked about grandparents.’ “You’re going to meet your mom’s family?” Said Arhen. “Yep! Since I was born, my mom has been taking me to see Diana’s family for three months for a week and a half. Apparently she did it in honor of Diana since she wasn’t able to inform her family about her pregnancy with me.” Athanasia said thoughtfully. “I didn’t know she went THAT far. The novel only said that the two were close.” Arhen said in surprise.
“Yeah I heard from one of my siblings’ mom, that Diana asked Selena if she could be my godmother. I think she knew there was a possibility Claude wouldn’t take care of me.” Said Athanasia. Yawn “Oh that nice of her.” Arienne. “Tired already, Sun-Hi?” Said Arhen. “Give me a break, Geon. It's late.” Arienne whined. Sigh Okay we should go to sleep now. Come we pick this up tomorrow, Jihye?” Said Arhen. They agreed they could call each other by their past names but only in private so they would forget part of themselves. Arhen wanted to try calling Athanasia, “Jihye”, to get used to it.
“Sure I’m up for it” Replied Athanasia. The twins got out of Athanasia’s bed covers and walked to their beds. Once they got in bed, they instantly fell asleep however Athanasia stayed awake. Sign I wonder if “__” has been born yet?”
“I would like to name him Ambrosia.”
“Ambrosia? I think it’s a good name for the little prince, Your majesty”
Ten months ago in Obelia, Emperor Claude finally married after two years of nobles pestering him with the addition of Felix's input. Claude has been emperor for 2-3 years and yet he has not gotten married during that time and for unknown reasons his concubines were dismissed. This proves to be a problem as there is no known heir. But Claude craved in and married the second daughter to a marquess, Avrora. Claude never loved Avrora and made it clear she’s only there solely to bear a son. A month after their wedding, Avrora is confirmed to be with child.
“That brother of mine! Really, he could have at least shown up for his son’s birth!” Said a woman with straight pink hair and black jeweled eyes.
“It’s alright, Your highness. I'm used to this behavior from his majesty.” Said Avrora. “It’s not okay, Your majesty. This is extremely disrespectful towards you! You’re his WIFE for crying out.” Shouted the woman.
“Don’t be too loud, your highness. You could wake Ambrosia.” Avrora Hushed the woman. “Well don’t worry, your majesty. Sofia went to fetch Callista however I was unable to reach Dimitri. It seems he won’t be back to the palace until next month. Claude sent him to Huale to handle some affairs for him.” “And of her highness, Selena?” “She’ll be here in a few days. She is far from the capital, remember?”
“. . . . . Yes ""is something wrong, your majesty?”
“Your highness, can I ask you something?” Asked Avrora. The woman looked at her puzzled but answered regardless, “What’s your question, your majesty?” Said the woman. “When I fell pregnant, I started to hear rumors about the ruby palace. Can you confirm them for me?”
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theyurianas · 5 months
🕊️𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝑴𝒂𝒋𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔.
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⚜️Their Majesties The Emperor and The Empress take a walk together. Seems perfect to take a walk and get some fresh air outside, but that one urgent matter of their son makes them worry more than anything else.
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After the news was revealed, it has been 5 days already that the whole empire has been watching them even more closely than before. “Is The Emperor gonna let his son marry The Mermaid Princess?” “Are they going to change the laws just for love?” Or “What will The Crown Prince choose between one true love or his future throne?” At this rate, these are the questions that people want to know the most.
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The Yuriana Palace remains silent, with no official announcement anything about the scandal. Her Majesty The Empress has been worried for her son and came to talk with her husband. His Majesty The Emperor was well aware of his wife's concerns. He only wonders if this time he would be able to use his feelings to make a judgment for the future of his son.
Or should he have some “father - son” talk before making the decision?
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theserenity · 8 months
✨✨🐹🐰🐤 Besties! 🐹🐰🐤✨✨
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Princess Elena Serenity (Middle), Georgiana Venus (Left) & Princess Alexis Yuriana (Right)
✨🐰🐹🐤The friends of Elena Serenity. 🐰🐹🐤✨
Georgiana Venus is the closest friend of her, she is Sailor Venus’s daughter. Georgiana is now the sailor guardian to protect Elena. She’s wise, cheerful, sometimes a little clumsy just like Elena.
The Princess Alexis Yuriana, The Emperor and The Empress of Yuriana’s daughter. She has twin brother named ‘Lloyd’. Alexis is a good friend to her despite Elena’s mother situation, The Emperor didn’t want them to be close. Alexis is a remarkable person just like her twin brother, she’s very intelligent and capable.
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theyurianas · 5 months
The Yurianas after watched the news.
The Emperor : haa… /*sigh, not surprise at all* 😑
The Empress : Aww!~ 🤭 …eh!?
Alec : I know this day will come but bad timing….brother.😬
Eiji : W-What!!!!???😳… but seriously, she’s too good for you, brother. 😒
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theyurianas · 1 year
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Wellcome to The Yuriana Empire
“The Imperial Family blessed by God”
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About The Yuriana Royals
The Yuriana Royals Family is the royals family which blessed by god. All of the royals bloodline of Yuriana will received ‘the gift’ from the god since their were born, that gif are the guardian, the beautiful golden blonde hair (only Yurianas will have golden blonde hair, the symbol of the Yuriana royal) along with strength, intelligent and manifestation.
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House of Yuriana
The Former Emperor and The Empress : Aethelred & Freya (deceased)
The Current Emperor and The Empress :
👑 Julius Theseus A. Yuriana & Aurora Briar Yuriana
The Crown Prince : The First Prince, Lloyd
The Emperor Julius and The Empress Aurora has 3 sons,
The Crown Prince Lloyd (16), The Second Prince Alec (15) and The Third Prince Eiji (12).
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The Current Storyline
10 years laters, all of their children grow up and underwent manifestation to be young adult form, all the boys are currently studying at The Academy and The High school for the youngest one. Lloyd who is now 16 years old and as the heir to the throne, he needs to make his position stable and he has been doing excellent but those nobles still making it harder to him.
The Crown Prince Lloyd is secretly dating to Princess Rowena for year after they keep in touch by letters and spent most of their time at the academy together for a while. Rowena is the mermaid princess from the friendly neighbor kingdom called ‘The Mermaid Kingdom’ even Lloyd wants to make it official but he can’t, he can’t against the empire’s laws but …love is worth risking for, right? 🩷
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Follow my royals sims story 💖
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theyurianas · 1 year
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🩵 Part Two : I was made for loving you. (1/10)
Lloyd and Rowena’s secret place, they’re secretly dating that mean nobody knows so this is the place where they can be together and no need to hide their love, because everything that happen here is the secret.🤫
This place was created by The First Empress of Yuriana, The Empress Beatrice. In memoriem of her majesty and her lover, this place was enchanted with the most powerful spell to remain it forever and only responded to the yuriana’s mana, so no one can enter to this place beside The Yurianas bloodline.
The Empress Beatrice of Yuriana was regarded as the goddess of war from many battlefields and she always won, later she collected the realms together and that’s how it has begun for The Great Yuriana Empire until now.
Beside the strength, Empress Beatrice also know as the most beautiful woman on earth, even her appearance can catch an eye of the god himself.
Lloyd said that he knows this place from his grandpa (the former emperor), so Lloyd assumed that once he used to came here with grandma as well. The location of this place was never show up in the map but it is in The Academy area, also The Former Emperor first met with The Former Empress was at The Academy.
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theyurianas · 9 months
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🎄𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔.
✨𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘠𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘢.
🕊️The Iliana Palace released the annual Christmas card of Their Majesties The Emperor and The Empress along with Their Royal Highnesses The Princes and His Majesty The Former Emperor together at The Iliana Palace. The portrait was taken at The Iliana Palace.
🕊️This year is special, all the royal of Yuriana are here to celebrate the holidays together, so many years that HM The Former Emperor spent the holidays alone himself at The Filomena Palace, Tartosa.
✍🏻 Prince Eiji is Grandpa Aethel’s favorite.
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theyurianas · 9 months
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🎄𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔.
✨𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘠𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘢.
🕊️The Iliana Palace released the annual Christmas card of Their Majesties The Emperor and The Empress of Yuriana. The portrait was taken at The Iliana Palace, this is the second annual Christmas Card from The Royal Family of Yuriana.
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