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collabwithmyself · 4 years
I can't believe you've made me emotionally invested in a Santa Clause AU in such a short time span.
oh God oh fuck
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fear-is-nameless · 5 years
Top 5 favorite items in the box from Heist
(Ok but I LOVED how the exact item that you needed in your specific situation/ ending was in the box xD )
The 2,000 year old salt shaker (that was my first ending ever, I was very confused we went through all that for a salT SHAKER),
the teleportation that took us to Wilford's interview,
the skeleton key,
... that damn fairy was actually pretty funny xD
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paperbaghero · 5 years
I'm 21, but I do feel like I should still be 15-17
Oof, yeah, sometimes I don't feel like I'm 24
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Jack listen, I... I don't think you should be afraid if you are similar to Anti. If anything, you might be able to take that to your advantage.
...what do you mean?
Look if this is—is true, then...then why can he do so much more than I can? I can’t do anything! I can’t even touch anything or be seen by anyone! Exactly what am I supposed to use to my advantage?
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I... I just don't get it. How can some people give up on their morality so easily when I couldn't?
Morality is a game of perspective. The “good” and “bad” are blurry, constantly shifting, melting into each other only to be torn apart again, bits and pieces of each getting stuck amongst the other. You don’t need to “give up” on your morality, no, not at all. Give yourself the freedom to assess things from points of view you’ve never seen before. You’ll never get anywhere if you remain stuck in stubborn mud.
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How many people are in the Thompkins Household?
There’s always at least four of us here! The owners of the house come and go, as do their guests.
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pizzaguy-yo · 5 years
Pizza Guy A3 and/or Lyra D2
This really had no business taking 12 days to get around to...Went ahead and decided to be extra by doing both!
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montaukistoxic · 6 years
Oh, are you the one who sent me that? If so, hi ^-^
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bukbot · 6 years
Does bukbot is gay?
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"And then everything just disappears."
Dark sat at the bar, scotch in his hands. Every plan he had developed had just been ripped from his grasp, anger filled inside him, everything he worked for everything he wanted was gone.
No, it couldn’t be
The world would be under his control, and Mark was the perfect leader for that.
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lucimorningstar812 · 7 years
I'm thinking back to this theory I posted before (peanutsreblogs(.)tumblr(.)com(/)post(/)166465074930(/)maybe-maybe-dark-left-us-all-behind-not-just). How do you think it compares to the whole “when all the light has gone away, all that’s left is Dark” thing.
Ooo I like that actually! I think what you’ve said here is a pretty accurate description, or at least of what I think Mark meant. Dark is just darkness, but he was also confirmed as a fusion of Damien and Celine, so he has to be their darkness, right? And if there was any darkness inside us, it’s probably still trapped in our body, but all the goodness and light was ejected, so our soul as such was pushed out.
I don’t know, honestly. I’m still a little confused on the matter myself and I only got 3 hours sleep because timezones suck
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fear-is-nameless · 7 years
Ḭ̦̬̜̜- I'm still at the hospital corner of the bunker right?
:D Of course you’re not fri-….
What’s with that first letter, friend?
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What if Hyper Fangirl vs McNitpick?
i have a headcanon they went to prom together in high school. im writing a fic about it.
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"Two minds, a soul cleaved in half." Well, that's already building up a bunch of theories in my mind.
Oh? Is that a new message? Well, I understand that one, at least. That’s me.
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rantsaboutponies · 7 years
I'm sorry, but I'm very glad to have seen this movie in theaters. I get if some people don't like it, but isn't saying that you'll feel robbed of your money a stretch?
Well, obviously everything’s objective. If you did think it was worth spending money on, that’s fine. This is just my best guess as to how someone would feel. I definitely don’t think the animation is good enough to see on a gigantic screen. In terms of the story itself, $8-12 is too much for me to spend to see a movie I have seen countless times before.
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