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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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When you understand where you are in life and "let go" you actually have more control than you ever realised. For some they will never understand this, for others they will understand every word. It matters not, its what and how you live your life that counts not others. When others have no control over you, you are invincible and have a mind that rests in peace. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BtO5q7vgNN6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3m6ftwtd1xn2
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rjrahuls · 6 years ago
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#passion #radio #showhost #rainbow🌈 #morningshowhost #anchor #goodmorning #rjrahul #talks #emotions_expert #sportsfreak #adventurer #travellover https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQfxOZnYI-PV30R1sL_SFnjp2Kt83NsncydmE0/?igshid=81ps9mb9pdp8
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shellseeker76 · 6 years ago
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#Repost @psychology.tricks (@get_repost) ・・・ Follow @psychology.tricks for more! 😉 . . . . #psychogia #psychologicalfact #psychologyclass #psychologytoday #psychologytricks #psychologymajor #psychologystudent #psychology101 #psychology_health #psychologyoflife #mindfullness #positivethinking #emotionless #emotionalhealth #emotionaltimes #emotions_expert #deepemotions #trueemotions #realemotions https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx_Uq1UFgMMgpJrQdWd-4nxBfVyJJS5OxTl7vs0/?igshid=1pdwisgylnwq
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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Especially today with pseudo devisive politics and lying media it's more important than ever to hold on to the truth. This truth applies to those around you too, they change which you may not like but must accept that and if pertinent move onwards. Be happy having the ability to take charge and seek newer and more compatible people, don't move forward with endless regrets. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs3KWxMlqPc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6how36cy7tgg
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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You are No1 in your life because if you aren't are you a permanent second best? Your life was designed for you, no one else. You are not a toy or plaything for anyone else either. No one controls you unless you allow it to happen. Stop being a nobody and start being a somebody its who you are. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/BsQvDwLlUn8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9lp84fakeq39
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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The media, presenters, reporters, very talkative people, etc all have in reality nothing to say. The expression "empty vessels make most noise" is so true. Your truth is the only one that matters. Go your way and disengage with the abundant "fake news" it has nothing to do with you. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BsI95Nol9xO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b9rpue1d4yzy
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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The ONLY people that matter in your life are those that either love you or want to be with you. Everyone else even family that doubt you or treat you as less of a person are not warranted to be on your future no matter how hard you look at the so called "sentimental" ties. You are not a toy or a plaything for anyone else regardless of who they are so don't make yourself a toy by fooling yourself as something you are not. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BsI7QsMl8cN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vss6o9lk4vzb
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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Stop listening to others sob stories of their past and upbringing because that was then, nothing to do with now. What you have to ask yourself is why have they not changed when they know the difference, why did they chose not to make the change? Whatever the reason, and you dont need to know, just move on you are not a sponge to their stupidity. You try yourself for a better life and that's all that matters. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BsIwj8ElXkR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kyryv7oypjx8
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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Your heart and your mind are in unison, they don't comprise a check list or a devised thought structure or an emotional desire. This unison seeks what is inherent in your own blueprint and this is what both excites you and draws you which may be different from your previous structured thoughts. Go with this inherent feeling its where you are happy. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BsIjmuVFdtE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w084myqtets8
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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Always look beyond the wicked smile, the contrived deed, the peseudo rhetoric, the designer deeds, it denotes the makings of a sociopath playing their game like Teresa May, only seeking a single way forward with no thought for anyone else. Its a mental health problem nothing more. Do what excites you and not follow the broadcast strategies by useless people. You are better than being a puppet. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BrvK4UtlSiQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=57my7do0wz9n
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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Many people end up as hasbeens" because they never started. They never got their act together. They never prepared. They never tried. They never had a go. They never indulged in their activity. They never thought "what have I got to lose" . They just thought and never did. Failure is not things not working out, it's about not even trying. It's about not even giving it a chance. You have to do it for you, because you are you, no one else will ever be you. Just do it. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq5MQ7AF0MN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11ykxewy9lcrj
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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Despite the fact that many other people have contacts or the ability to lead us in favoured direction the bottom line is that this infrequently happens. Our thoughts are not in alignment with others abilities or ideas. It's always down to us to make connections and go forward as it won't happen by magic or wishful thinking, don't waste your time, make it happen yourself. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BqbsD06lu3V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14sqmc0lnqf2h
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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Wherever you are, whatever your religion, colour, creed, culture, education, ability, knowledge you were born a new person without any previous shackels. What you learn from your respective parents, religion, culture, etc is what will form your narrow existence ahead of you. If you see the light in your teens and break free to become that unique person you have evolved, otherwise you become part of the pond life. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BoRT8dhl2-Z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ielceusm93e8
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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Everything in life is cause and effect. Do nothing and life will take you it's way, usually nowhere. If you have faults or habits you don't rectify you'll keep making the same mistakes. Life is holistic, everything works together not just isolated aspects if it. If you want a better future hang out with better people who don't pamper to your my stakes and comfort zones. Grow, move upwards, change your thoughts, but move. Your life only comes around once. Don't be an expert in excuses. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay https://www.instagram.com/p/BnyOZoylObP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pxb6vyi8okgb
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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Familiarity can offer advantages in many areas of our lives especially with friends. However, their lies a fine line for if we are not careful we can be taken advantage of. Never be afraid to say "that's enough" and break away, this also allows you to grow, whereas many "old" acquaintances never really grow and hold you back. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay
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johnsrushton · 6 years ago
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Whatever you have, are going through, enduring, experiencing, living a less than happy life, remember one thing. You are enough, you are perfect the way you are, don't ever let your mind or negative emotions take control and make you feel bad. It all will pass with a positive mind, never ever give in to negativity no matter what or you will live your thoughts in your false reality. #johnrushton #auntybronwyn #happiness #hope #emotions_expert #coming_out #thelifedoctor #gayteen #gaylife #gayboy #thelifedoctor #fashion #alone #success #happiness #hope #thelifedoctor #gay #emotions_expert #perfume #fragrances #cooperjohnsonlifestyle #liferadiointernational #gardening #wine #fashion #food #picoftheday #instagay
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