#emma: my daughter's actually quite intelligent for her age thank you
Eorzean Academy AU: delinquency?
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"Are we really doing this?"
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"Your daughter's behavior of late is rather disturbing and has all the hallmarks of a beginning delinquent."
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"My little girl's becoming an academic delinquent?!"
"Daaaddddd! Look, all I said was that if Estinien wanted to be my boyfriend, he has to face my big brothers in honorable combat."
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"There wasn't an actual fight or anything!"
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"I don't understand this notion of my daughter being a delinquent. Her grades are excellent, as is her overall school record. And honestly...it is a smart way to deal with would be boyfriends..."
"Emma! You're not helping!"
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abifal · 6 years
Ch 2
Okey, so chapter 2. Yes, I know Henry is younger but 17 seemed like a good age to the story
Regina's head was throbbing, and her throat was rough as sandpaper. This was by far the worst hangover she had since the sheriff had arrived town.
Who was she kidding, that woman was going to be the death of her, and she knew it since they first met, when the tattoo appear. But, as always, she was too distracted with the blonde to notice.
She opened her eyes, thanking herself for having left the curtains closed. Looking to her right she discovered a glass of water and some aspirins, as well as a note saying Henry was downstairs. The boy was growing so fast. In fact, in a few days he was going to be 17. She had to make sure the new bicycle she ordered was ready.
She took the water and pills, and then proceeded to do her sunday routine. Half an hour later, she was going downstairs in better mood, the aspirins doing their work and the smell of coffee calling her body.
"Hello Henry, I didn't expected you until noon" Regina greeted him with a hug, something she was thankful she could do now.
"Yeah well, I wanted to come a bit earlier today, it's been a few days we don't see each other without being running" he said, motioning her to sit while pouring coffee her cup.
Regina hum in agreement, but something was off. Henry was watching her with suspicious eyes, ones that she knew too well. So, readjusting her clothes, subtle check on her wrist, she falled in the game they have played for years: subtle investigation. 
"So, your birthday is in a few days. Have you decided what are you going to do yet?" She said, raising an eyebrow.
"Actually, yes. I was wondering if you could do your chocolate cake and join us in the family dinner?" He said, hesitant, because even though Regina's and MM relationship was almost civil most of the time, having both in the same room for a few hours was not recommended. But it was his birthday, right? They could behave, at least he hoped.
"Are you sure?" Regina was stunned. Family dinner, with her. She focussed on her coffee to hide her face.
"Well I still have to plan a few things, but I would like you to be there. You're my mum too." If he was honest, he hoped things between his family started to flow more easily.
"I would love to" she said, touching his hand across the table.
Henry almost forgot the reason why he came here in the first place, but as soon as Regina extended her arm, he saw the beginning of a figure, he remembered.
She seemed to realize what he was looking at, and retreated her hand quickly.
"Mum, is that what I think it is?" His voice was low, quiet.
"What?" She said, evaluating her options. She could lie, but her son was intelligent and had the book, plus that would mean loose his trust. Or she could tell the truth, or at least part of it. Better to know what he knew before doing any action. She saw him thinking, then nod as he said "okey, sure. But you will have to talk about it sometime"
Smart boy, he truly was Regina's son, lurking people in giving information. But she was her mother after all, and saw that technique from miles away. But, seeing that he was giving her time instead of his usual push, she decided to take a leap of faith. So she put her hand in the middle of the table, making sure the tattoo didn't show, and motion him to take her hand. He did without hesitation.
"Just, not yet" she looked him in the eyes, hoping he would get the message.
"All the time you need Mom, don't worry"
Emma had a headache.
No one had answered her questions about the tattoo. Not Ruby, Belle, Granny, not even Mary Margaret. It was like a forbidden topic, every time she asked about it, they would totally flip the conversation to another thing.
Eventually, she let it go, but didn't forget.
Now, August 15th, Henry's birthday, she was trying to focus but somehow she couldn't, something about Regina stealing her attention.
She was gorgeous, Emma thought, having admitted that long ago, no use in denying it. The way her red dress fitted her body bordering the illegal. Maybe she should arrest her. 
"Why don't we change that beer for a bit of water Em?" David said, looking a bit concerned but playfulness in his tone. He had been watching her daughter all night, and he knew that after those two beers, she was still thinking clear, but reaching the limit
"Wise words dad, think you're right" she gently left the beer in the kitchen.
The dinner had been good. A little tense at the beginning, but after a look and a nod between Regina and MM, a silent agreement of peace for the night, everything went kind of smoothly.
Well of course, there were some times that Regina and Emma started the usual bickering, but it didn't went to far.
Now she was next to Henry, showing him photos of the new bycicle, waiting for him at her house. He seemed very happy, hugged to her side, enjoy the evening, listen to her talk.
"Thank you very much Mom! Maybe we could go out together, you know?"
Regina seemed to consider that, but then her smile faded a little.
"I would love to, Henry, but I don't really know how to ride a bike"
"What? No way! I don't believe you" he was truly surprised
"Well, we didn't have bikes in the enchanted forest"
Emma, feeling encouraged by the beers and knowing something Regina couldn't do, said one of the few things she didn't think she would ever said
"That's no problem, I will teach you"
The room fell silent. Henry's face light up even more than before, David was looking amused, MM confused, and Regina like she wasn't sure she heard right.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard what you said quite well, Sheriff"
"Come on, even I can ride a bike. I will teach you, it could be even funny."
"Yeah Mom, it could be funny" Henry said with a knowing smile. He was very amused by these change of events. He didn't really had an operation prepared for these two, but seemed like Emma was already doing the job without even realize it.
"I have a bike that will fit you, just let me clean it and I will be on your house tomorrow." 
Regina was speechless, like everytime anyone wanted to help her without wanting something back. Henry nudge her softly to take her out of her trance.
"I'm sorry but tomorrow afternoon, in case you have forgotten, there's a meeting, which includes both of us"
"Yes, Madam Mayor, I'm aware of that. But it ends usually at 5, giving us plenty of time."
Regina looked and Henry, who seemed so hopeful. And that made it.
"Okey, but I expect you to be punctual"
"You won't regret this" Emma said confidently
"I'm already doing so"
"Oh please, it's going to be okey, and then you have an activity you can enjoy with Henry"
"You are right" she said while hugging him "I'm sure we will"
Later that night, Regina knew without doubt why her wrist had been warm.
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drink-n-watch · 6 years
Back Rank Mate : A checkmate that occurs when your king is trapped behind a wall (usually a wall of your own pawns) on the back rank, and a queen or rook attacks on the back rank.
You know, I think I’m just going to reiterate my thoughts from last week – OMGWTFBBQPURPLEMONKEYDISHWASHER. What the heck is this show doing to me? All I know is that if I was to exist in the Promised Neverland universe, I would be pretty safe since this show has melted my brain. Hyperbole you think… maybe a smidge.
Still, I am grateful that Crow is here to keep me from completely losing it and you’re grateful too. Trust me. He makes these posts! Also, let me apologize in advance for this but I took an unreasonable number of screencaps again. If this post has been loading for  minutes…that’s why… sowwy…
But before we get started, how are you Crow?
Well, for starters, I’m bold this week! And for another, there’s no way I’m getting through this review without dropping some spoilers, so everyone beware!
Come to think of it, “everyone beware” is pretty good advice for anyone watching this show! Purple monkey indeed!
everything’s fine!
I’m just trying a little small talk to ease us in because this week got heavy! Unlike the usual light hearted slice of life comedy The Promised Neverland usually is….
This level of removal from reality is a different perspective for you! Looks like the show’s getting to you — and I certainly understand why!
If you’ve read our reviews before you know this, but it’s spoileriffic. If you don’t want to know what happens, please come back after you’ve watched episode 9.
oh no! not spoilers!!!
Last week ended on a double whammy courtesy of Moma as she broke the leg of one of her beloved daughters without hesitation, while gently announcing the execution of a beloved son. And this week brought us straight back to that devastating scene adding a few new details to the mix. I must say the impact was not lessened by repetition!
Just in case the show didn’t twist the knife quite enough last week!
If last week it dawned on me just how outmatched the kids were, this week the kids are starting to really realize it as well, and it’s heartbreaking. Don and Gilda were being held together by the other three but now that they’re seeing them unravel, they are left rudderless and very very scared. The juxtaposition of the bright sunny day and soft green grass, and the dire straits the kids are in made everything just a little sadder, don’t you think?
The imagery was great — it was almost taunting our heroes with a false normalcy.
the ephemeral nature of life is both tragic and beautiful 
The scene went from Don, Gilda and Ray barely holding it together to a cool and composed Norman sweetly comforting Emma. I thought “this child is terrifying”. The composure…the strength. The sheer loyalty to Emma that he would consider his own life immaterial as long as she’s fine. Honestly Norman is one impressive young man.
Did you see what Emma did the instant she woke up? She reached for him. That gesture was heartbreaking in its simplicity; in the trust it implied.
I saw – I screencapped
And then, his mask slipped. When finally alone, it became apparent that Norman was far from fine. He was horrified and lost. He did not want to lose his life. All of this was shown in a quiet patient scene. The emphasis and emotion expressed through long shots of nothing much. The lack of motion letting the emotion shine through rather than any overt display. I quite like that! So it turned out that Norman was just pretending for the sake of his friends. And I thought, Norman is a supremely impressive young man!
You could see the moment his will snapped. He had been pushed past what he knew he could handle, and he was faced with the question: What next?
While Norman was trying to calm himself, we jumped back to Ray who was by far the most agitated we’ve ever seen him. Ray seemed to accept his own potential demise with bitter but stoic resignation. However, the thought of Norman getting shipped out has gotten hm enraged and panicked. For a second, I thought it was a mix of feelings for his friend and of the discomfort of having his plans ruined. I thought Ray was intimidatingly impressive.
The sight of Ray, who for so long had plotted and planned and executed, coming to grips with the idea that not only were his plans ruined, but his understanding of their world was flawed to the point where he had no idea what to do. And still, after venting a bit, he started to rein himself in. These are pretty impressive kids! I’m pretty sure I wasn’t that composed (or intelligent or — thank heavens — tasty to demons!) at their age.
Ray was my rock…this shattered me
Having come back to his senses a bit, Norman decided to rejoin Emma. Did you notice the CG Crow? Of course you did, it was pretty obvious. And I think that was on purpose. Thinking back, I’m pretty sure the CG has been used as a narrative tool in this series.
The CG was only used in the scenes of Norman walking the hallway alone, even though we saw extremely similar scenes of Ray, Don or Guilda. And even though the CG was obvious, it wasn’t excessive. I think the slight uncanny dissonance, plus the impact on the character’s movement was used to make those simple scenes of Norman just walking that much more weighty and uneasy. I may be reading too much into this…
It reminded me a little bit of some of the photographic effects Alfred Hitchcock would use him his films. This show is very much in that tradition!
ok, still images don’t give you the right idea
We then got another classic scene of three small kids talking in a bedroom. This is 98% of the show and it’s still giving me anxiety.
I’m sure the conversation was littered with clues and foreshadowing but quite unlike myself, I couldn’t pay attention to that. I was actually too emotionally invested. Weird huh?
I appreciated this quiet scene, because it helped me process everything we’ve learned in the last 30 or 40 minutes of storytelling!
Emma and Ray have decided that Norman getting shipped out was simply not an option and came up with a simple but promising plan. Norman should disable his tracking device and hide just beyond the wall until they can join him once Emma is healed up. At this point Ray explained some simple gut-wrenching facts. The children are afforded a comfortable happy life because they’ll taste better that way. That’s all.
As Ray was talking and Norman seemed dubious I started to wonder why did Ray seem so desperate for Norman to live? He was the one saying that saving everyone was impractical. Their plan is riddled with potential pitfalls and unknowns. Ray of all people should accept Norman’s willingness to sacrifice himself for the greater good. And when Ray cried out, “If you die then what were the last 6 years of my life for?”, I realized something.
Ray has a bad poker face
Ray isn’t the cool and composed mastermind he makes himself out to be. This boy who since the age of five has patiently collected trinkets to create a disarming device all on his own without anyone noticing. This boy was a bleeding heart hero type. He may not be able to save everyone, but he needs to save his friends at least. How cute and innocent. How naive to think you can just throw them out there. This is why he had to accept Norman’s argument that should he escape neither Emma or Ray would be taken in his stead and sacrificing another for your own life is unbearable. Because he’s just a kid who loves his friends, that’s all. Ray is truly and undeniably impressive.
Have you noticed how easy it is to be stoic on behalf of someone? I’m borderline competent on my own. On behalf of my family or friends? I can be quite a different person, or I can at least seem that way. I see that in Ray, and in how Ray reacted when Norman was trying to give himself up. The walls just come tumbling down!
I have but then again, I’ve never been in a situation where I really thought I could die. Maybe survival instinct would kick in..
Just when all that panic, fear and loathing cam crashing together, that’s when Emma decided to be Emma and do what she does best. Just smother everything in powerful optimism backed up by short sighted but surprisingly rational propositions. Break Ray’s arm. If they’re both hurt, then they won’t be replacements – Norman can escape with his mind at ease. This emotional release allowed the kids to get back to themselves a bit. A nice little reprieve.
and just Norman
I couldn’t help but wonder – won’t Gilda or Don be chosen then??? It seems that wasn’t too much of a concern to the others.
They needed a little short-sightedness to keep themselves together, I think. I also wonder if either Don or Gilda would be considered a real replacement? If Emma, Norman, and Ray are prime grade, Don and Gilda would likely be choice. Still a fine grade, but not interchangeable. Maybe. I’m feeling strange talking about our heroes as grades of beef…
Say Crow, any thoughts about the fact that Ray knew right from the start? I think that may be better, since you don’t lose anything? Then again, maybe not.
The show’s doing such a good job at presenting Ray as a complex character that honestly, I’m not sure! It certainly could be!
there was tons of Norman in this episode, really!!!
The next day, Norman’s escape plan is ready to go. They have a new rope, a last hide and seek game, everyone knows their part. Momma informs the entire house that Norman is going to be “adopted”. First – darn you Phil! Second – some of those kids were crying a little more than justified, don’t you think. Maybe Emma and co. aren’t the only ones to know the houses secret?
I had that impression, too — especially that one little girl Norman had to hug!
um..it’s going to be…”o.k.”?
That was an exciting scene. Much like the rest of the episode, it used quick cuts beween the main characters as we saw Norman making his way to the wall and finally climbing it, while Emma and Ray are simply waiting back at the house. It got my blood pumping! And those colours were stunning.
Did you see the looks the kids were giving Isabella? Chilling!
As evening set in and the kids were getting ready to go in for dinner, I was actually holding my breath a little. And then, Norman just slowly walked back. After which, we finally find out what’s behind that wall. Talk about a cliffhanger!!!!
I see what you did there!
oh my
When we first see Norman climb to the top and look out, were you afraid we weren’t going to find out what he saw? I was all like, “Oh, no, Promised Neverland! Don’t you dare make me guess!”
And then we found out.
It might have been better had they made me guess!
And did you notice how self-satisfied Momma looked? Of course she knew what was beyond the walls. Of course she could guess what Norman’s reaction would be! Just another sign of her supreme control over the situation.
Krone who?
By the way, we saw Norman discover Krone’s pen and box in a drawer, but once again they didn’t show us what was in it. ARGH!!!
So this is Norman’s last day. Their plans are in ruins; their emergency plans are in ruins; and Phil is still smiling way too much. I have no idea how they’re going to get out of this, and honestly, I don’t want to guess! The show is doing a delightful job of entertaining me, and I don’t want to get in its way.
Irina, what’d you think of the music in this episode?
I’ll be honest I didn’t notice it. My mind got kidnapped by the plot. But tell me about it!
shhhs Phil
Starting just after Norman’s will crumbled , a simple piano melody starts playing. The camera switches to Ray, but the melancholy song continues and underlines their desperation — that begins to harden into resolve.
It’s a simple tune that lets the acting speak for itself. It ends when Norman enters and sees Ray and Emma’s serious expressions.
Later, as Norman’s running for the wall, there’s a more upbeat, drum-driven song with a woman’s beautiful voice harmonizing — no words. Emma and Ray try to stay calm, but the almost pop beat is more to support Norman’s spring to the wall than their attempt at patience. The woman’s voice disappears until Normal reaches the wall and makes it to the top. The crescendo? When he stands, shocked into silence, at what he sees on the other side of the wall. The music disappears, too.
The inarticulate voice lent an air of desperation that I recognized only in retrospect — when se see Norman’s shattered expression at the end.
whoa! I need to rewatch this episode…if I can
This show, man…..
The Promised Neverland Episode 1
The Promised Neverland Episode 2
The Promised Neverland Episode 3
The Promised Neverland Episode 4
The Promised Neverland Episode 5
The Promised Neverland Episode 6
The Promised Neverland Episode 7
The Promised Neverland Episode 8
You know, when I get really engrossed in a show, I can’t stop taking screencaps…
      The Promised Neverland Episode 9 – Back Rank Mate Back Rank Mate : A checkmate that occurs when your king is trapped behind a wall (usually a wall of your own pawns) on the back rank, and a queen or rook attacks on the back rank. 2,408 more words
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snowbellewells · 7 years
Looking for a Heart (that’s not walking away)  ~ Epilogue
(Well folks, this has taken way longer than I had hoped.  But here it is at last!  The concluding chapter of my first attempt at longer ouat piece not centered on CS.  It was certainly a challenge, but I’m sorry to see it end too.  The whole story can be found on ff.net as well, under my user name there: TutorGirlml.)
epilogue: no longer ships in the night
~eight months later~
           A light breeze on the placid, sunlit June morning comes in the opened windows of Storybrooke’s library, as Belle has opened them all to air the stuffy old building which sometimes takes on a bit of a musty smell along with the alluring scent of ancient pages.  It has never bothered the librarian, reminding her more of adventures yet to be taken, but she knows it can be a bit off-putting for most, as it can even tickle her nose a bit from time to time.
           Liam had helped her push them all up to let in the morning air before he left for the docks that morning in the early pre-dawn light.  The gentle gusts had ruffled her hair as she looked up into his rugged face, her word of thanks for helping with the corner frame that always sticks catching in her throat as he touched her face to brush off a flyaway strand, complete awe and adoration on his features, and she nearly forgot how to breathe.  Tucking the auburn lock delicately behind her ear, his fingers had lingered and she’d bitten her lip, shiver running through her, and she suddenly didn’t want him to go even as far as the water today, wanted to lock everyone else out, hold him close, and never let go.
           “There you are, Lass,” his warm voice, low and deep, had prolonged the shudders in her stomach.  He seemed hesitant to leave as well, even if he would return on his lunch hour as he often did; often stretching it to an hour and a half or ever two, and no one in town seems inclined to complain, or even notice.  If they spend that extra half hour in a far back corner like two lovestruck miscreant teenagers, his pleasantly solid weight pressed against her while she leaned back against the shelf of outdated encyclopedias no one ever looked at anymore… well, Belle smiles, deviously pleased with herself, that’s their little secret.
           Now, however, at half past noon, he is back with her and his lunch isn’t yet over. Liam doesn’t need to leave for another half hour at least, and he has joined her in re-shelving books the town’s residents have finished and returned. She is up on the ladder, sliding her beloved tales back into their places in the stacks, while Liam follows along with the cart, handing them up to her and – she knows – staying at the ready if she would reach too far, lose her balance, or risk falling in any way. She shakes her head slightly, knowing it’s a slim chance any such thing would happen – she’s been up and down ladders in libraries as long as she’s been able to walk – but she can’t help the touched, affectionate chuckle to herself. Liam’s protective streak a mile wide is just one of the many things she loves about him.  
           As if sensing her mother’s happy mood, Belle’s daughter chortles happily from her bassinet in the corner, waving her chubby little hands gleefully at the two of them and jabbering in her own cheery baby language.  
           “Is that so, Little Lass?” Liam calls over good naturedly, causing Mina Collette to squeal in delight at the sound of her favorite voice after her mother’s.
           Belle smiles at both of them from her perch; a few short months ago, she could never have imagined the scene before her.  It had seemed nearly impossible to have things work out this way – with nearly all her girlish hopes for a home and family of her own come true. Liam has turned out to be a doting surrogate father; she amends even that with a quick glance down at the glittering ring on her finger and a flush comes to her cheeks; he is soon to be father in name and law as well.  He is completely wrapped around the infant’s finger, and could not love Mina any more if she were actually from his own flesh and blood.  Belle can’t help but think that this is just another way her literature-inspired name suits her little girl.  Just as Mina Harker had inspired the devoted protection and chivalry of an entire team of men in Bram Stoker’s classic, her daughter seems to have done much the same in Liam, Killian, Henry, and almost anyone else she comes into contact with.  Belle had chosen the name for one of the first bravely self-possessed and intelligent female heroines in Victorian writing, hoping her daughter would be as stalwart and true in whatever she might face, with the middle name a tribute to her own beloved and long lost mother.  However, she has found that the second fit is amusingly apt as well.
           At any rate, this brilliant, noble, giving man, who laid down whatever childhood  he could have had in indentured servitude to try to be father, example, and only family to his younger brother could well have been lost here in this modern world – a man out of time, purposeless, drifting.  Instead, he has found his place, and quite possibly a sense of belonging, fulfillment, and happiness he never would have in his own.  Watching him now as he meanders over to peer down at Mina, whispering sweet gibberish to her and entertaining her with funny faces, Belle’s whole chest swells full enough to feel as if it may burst with love and pride for him.
           It hadn’t taken long, once things finally settled down with Rumple’s defeat, for them to set Liam up as Storybrooke’s harbormaster, monitoring the comings and goings from the town’s small port, making sure fishermen, pleasure boats, and all are lawfully satisfied and co-existing safely, as well as keeping the docks clean and well cared for.  The question of why the coastal town didn’t already have such a person had led to Killian’s shamefaced explanation of Cora turning the last one into a fish when they had first arrived on his ship some years back, when he had still been a villain and in cahoots with her, looking on without protest.  That poor man had actually been easily found once they knew – most large fish don’t linger right at the surface looking up at folks on the dock as if they want to be scooped out – and put back to rights, but he understandably wanted no part of his former position.  Liam is good at the job, naturally suited for it as well as possessing experience, plus he loves it and finds fulfillment there – as he does with she and Mina – but Belle would never begrudge him the exhilaration on his face, the twinkle in his eyes and the windswept hair when he returns from a day on the water.  It does her heart good to see him so satisfied.
           Liam has just glanced back to her, a mischievous quirk to his smile that make her nerve endings tingle just knowing he is about to cross the room in those ground-eating long strides and sweep her into his arms for a kiss, just like the dashing gallant men in her books whom she has dreamed of since she was a young girl. Her handsome hero found her at last. Her sailor has taken his first step toward her ladder perch when they hear the library’s main door open.  They smile at each other wryly, knowing just how Emma and Killian have felt for so long, always being interrupted, the sparkle of ‘later’ a promise in both of their eyes when they hear Henry call out a greeting a moment before he appears around the corner of the stacks.  
           “Hey Grandma!” he greets playfully, though she will soon be his aunt. “Uncle Liam,” he adds with a happy bob of his head.  Mina squeals with glee from her spot at the sound of Henry’s voice, equating it with bottles and stories the young man has been only to happy to provide while Belle feeds her many evenings after whole family dinners.
           Henry grins, blushing with pride in an endearing way at the babe’s recognition of him, and both Liam and Belle look on the sweet scene with love as the teen moves over to greet his young cousin, leaning over to the edge of her crib to speak with her and dangling his fingers for her to grab.  Clearly, he has come on a mission though, because once Mina has settled a bit, cooing occasionally still but calm, Henry turns back to them and steps forward, and a question clearly on his mind.
           “So,” he opens tentatively, looking from one to the other’s expectant face and then plunging on, “Violet’s birthday is next week, and I want to give her something she’ll really enjoy, and something she’ll know is from me.  I’m just not sure what.  If I ask Killian, he’ll give me too dramatic, grand gesture ideas – things I can’t pull off – and neither of my moms want us getting too serious for our age, whatever that means, so they’ll just suggest something nice but generic!” He looked up, his brow wrinkled as if personally offended by that last bit.  “She’s special,” he concludes after a short pause, “not every girl would understand all the crazy that comes with this family.  Anyway… I was hoping maybe you two would have some ideas.”
           “Well,” Liam ponders, smiling down at Henry paternally, a hand to his shoulder for a moment.  “We’re honored, aren’t we, Darling?”
           “Of course,” Belle agrees happily, her clever eyes sparkling in such a way that it’s clear she is already thinking on his request and simply bursting with ideas. Giving Liam a swift, silent glance; the two of them seem so in tune as to exchange a bit of conversation without speaking aloud at all.
           He nods his assent, and then looks back to his nephew, offering. “Well, Lad, you want something that says it’s from you and speaks of your connection, things the two of you have shared… What about a book?  You are the Author after all.  You met Violet in a land straight out of storybook and legend, and it is my understanding the two of you made quite a journey to a faraway city to see another library much larger than this one.  Perhaps the written word would be the most fitting symbol?”
           Belle nods vigorously, clearly full of suggestions if he seems interested. “Oh yes, Henry!  Books make the best gifts!”  She gestures a bit too excitedly causing the ladder to sway, and Liam to quickly steady it with his large hands.
           “Easy there, Lass!” he says with doting, humored affection.
           Henry shakes his head at them, both at the suggestion he should have seen coming, and at the fact that they are becoming almost as sickeningly sweet as his mom and Killian.  This makes sense, but there are so many books to choose from – so many stories – and Violet has been so understanding, so patient and supportive through so much craziness.  He really wants this gift to say thank you, to be just right for her and show her how special she is – just how very much she means to him.  Tilting his head slightly in thought, he offers, “Okay, a book does seem right, I’ll admit, but which one?”
           Liam speaks up first, “I’ve always found tales of adventure and valor to be the most gripping reads, especially if set at sea, but perhaps those aren’t the most suited to courtship or a young lady’s interests…”
           “Depends on the young lady,” Belle counters with an arched brow from her perch, making Henry snort a surprised guffaw at her quick comeback.  
           Liam merely nods to his love in deference, “Point taken. What about poetry?” he asks Henry.  “Do women not still love Shakespeare’s sonnets or the other blokes with romantic verse…um, Keats?  Or Browning, maybe?”
           Belle thinks for a moment.  “Browning is lovely,” she muses, “but isn’t poetry a bit predictable?  Too obvious?”
           Liam is the one who snorts this time, shaking his head at them both. “Predictable?” he challenges, “or popular because it works?”
           “Fair enough,” Belle concedes, grinning at his antics and thinking once more that now she knows the older brother and role model, her friend Killian’s quick-witted banter, his sense of humor, and his gentlemanly manner, and his caring nature all make perfect sense.  Still, after a moment beaming at him, she turns to Henry once more.  “Poetry wouldn’t be a bad choice, Henry.  But, I have another idea.  Violet strikes me as not being too fussy – despite the time and place she hails from.  I can’t help but think she would enjoy a bit of adventure and humor with her love stories.” She tilts her head in consideration then stretches far enough off to her left that Liam jumps to counteract the motion from below, overprotective but determined to be there if she would fall. However, this time the petite librarian manages without mishap, straightening up with a small, gilt-edged red leather-bound book.  “What if you tried your mom’s favorite?”
           Henry looks puzzled for a moment, then flushes as Belle hands the tome she has laid hold of to him and he glimpses the title.  “The Princess Bride…Oh, like the movie?” he asks, “Did they make it from this book? Mom did just have Killian watch this at our last movie night!”
           The young Author opens the book curiously and begins to leaf through the open pages, reading passages.  “How’d you know this was Mom’s favorite?” he asks after a few minutes.
           “She told me once,” Belle says.  “That, and she checked it out several times in the first couple of years she was here in town…said she’d loved it since she was your age.  Tell you what,” Belle says, “You keep that – regardless.  The library could stand to have a more recent printing anyway.”
           “Thanks!” Henry exclaims brightly, smile wide as he looks to her and Liam. “You guys were a lot of help.  I do think Violet will like this!”
           He talks with them a few more minutes, but before long Henry is bidding his goodbyes and heading on.  Belle smiles after him, and then turns to see Liam doing the same, looking after the young man with genuine affection.  
           Belle reaches out to take his hand in hers, smiling up at him, just marveling at the genuine, sensitive caring he has for all those he loves, and as he gazes back at her, she marvels at the openness in his eyes – no secrets or holding back.  He wants to let her in, to share a life in which she has an equal part, and she cannot help but lift his palm to her lips and kiss it in this moment.  This love is so different from what she’d grown used to, and she is grateful for that.
           “What is it, Lass?” Liam asks softly, a gentle smile on his face at her action and the soft smile she is directing at him. When she pulls back from the kiss to his hand, he simply pulls their joined ones to press over his heart.
           She merely shrugs at him easily.  ��You’re pretty wonderful, Captain Jones.  That’s all.  You know that, don’t you?”
           He shakes his head and flushes red, making him even more adorable, “If I’m wonderful, which I am not so sure about, Love.  It is only because you have given me a way to show it.”
~~~~~ 000000 ~~~~~
           That night finds them relaxed at home on the long, cushy couch they have put in the corner of Mina’s nursery, for nights like this when they want to relax together but still want to watch over their little girl a bit longer. Mina Collette herself has been asleep for at least an hour, her lovely long eyelashes fluttering gently against her cheeks as she dreams of whatever sweet and innocent things are viewed in infant slumber.  Not a sound but the occasional small snuffle or peaceful little sigh comes from the crib.
           Belle and Liam revel in the quiet of the moonlit shadows around the room, a lovely calm settling over the space – allowing them to relax and simply be. After some coaxing, Liam has stretched out on the couch, his head resting in his love’s lap, stretching the knee that had been twisted slightly when some crates took a tumble and he dove to catch them – once he had returned to work at the docks that afternoon.  It is nothing really; he has had much worse in his long life and afterlife, but it seems to please his lady to tend him, to offer help and have her expertise and caring be accepted.  He knows she has spent too long being disregarded, kept in the dark, or left out of affairs of which she had every right to be part, and so he had let her fuss without comment.  Truth be told, though he knows Belle is not magic as Killian’s Emma is, he finds that his lovely brunette’s very touch is as soothing to him as any cure could be.
           For her part, Belle runs her fingers through her sailor’s tight, close-cropped curls, marveling at their softness and the vulnerable way he gave himself up to her ministrations – knowing it did her as much good as it would really do him. She pauses for a moment in the reading she had been doing, aloud, for the both of them to enjoy and looks around, savoring this cozy nursery room and this little cottage at the edge of Storybrooke’s forest, the shore in view from their back porch; her whole life now compared to the turmoil and sadness of just before and at Mina’s birth a mere half year ago.  So much has changed, and for the better, that it almost takes her breath away.
           “Alright there, Lass?” Liam’s voice questions, low and relaxed, but he still senses her thinking as she pauses and wants to make sure she is alright.
           Belle shakes her head gently as she comes back to the present and glances down to meet Liam’s eyes, brushing light fingertips over his brow.  “More than alright,” she whispers softly, not wanting to disturb the perfect tranquility of this moment.  “This is the life I always wanted,” she explains softly.  “I can’t believe sometimes that I am finally living it.”
           “Aye,” Liam affirms in a warm murmur, reaching out to twine the fingers of her free hand with his, his larger digits almost fully enveloping her own and bringing their joined hands to his chest.  “I know exactly what you mean.”
           Mina gives a sleepy little coo from her crib, and he and Belle share another smile at her peaceful sleep; despite her rough beginning, the infant seems to have all her mother’s determination and pluck, bearing no ill effects of the first few tumultuous days of her young life and sleeping soundly without the fears that haunt those who have lived a bit longer.
           “Let’s read a bit more, shall we?” Belle suggests eagerly.  Her enthusiasm for someone who will share the written word she loves so much with her both endearing and contagious.
           “Certainly, Lass… if you aren’t tired of reading, that is.  In fact, this reminds me of long ago – one of the few pleasant memories of Killian and my time on that ship as boys.  Some nights in that dark hold, if the sea was rough or if we’d been sent to our bunks without food, Killian couldn’t sleep.  I’d find the stub of a candle and a bit of flint to strike, and read to him.  He was voracious in his love of stories, adored hearing the words read aloud, even if all I was able to find was a discarded page of some log or a shipping order.”  He chuckles softly, and then continues, “Having you read to me now, like this, in our home together… I can see why he loved it so.”
           Belle blinks a bit through misty eyes, watching Liam’s face as he speaks.  Picturing the two frightened, mistreated, and abandoned young boys they had been, hearing what they had gone through, and knowing especially the worry and pain Liam had endured in feeling responsible for his younger brother but often not being able to do much for him, always affected her so.  For the moment though, she pushes that sympathetic ache aside; just as her worst days are behind her now, so are her captain’s.  This moment they have now is beautiful, and she isn’t ready for it to end.  “I’m glad,” she replies, scanning the page to find where they had left off in Longfellow’s poem once more, and picking it up again, “Ah! What pleasant visions haunt me as I gaze upon the sea!  All the old romantic legends, All my dreams, come back to me…”
           She reads with lilting cadence, and Liam hums softly, as if approving the words, looking so comfortable and pleased as he lies there before her, eyes closed and nearly drifting off, he could almost be a cat purring as one strokes behind its ears.  She smiles even more brightly as she comes to the final stanza, “Til my soul is full of longing for the secrets of the sea, and the heart of the great ocean sends a thrilling pulse through me.”
           Upon finishing, Belle closes the book gently, sitting it on the end table at her elbow and turning off the one lamp still lit in the room.  She almost believes Liam truly asleep, until he turns slightly, pressing his face to her warm stomach through her robe.
           “That was lovely, Belle.” His whispered words send tingles along her skin deliciously, the love in his voice clear.  “Thank you.”
           Neither of them move, content to be in this moment as long as it can possibly last. To be here now, Liam thinks in the softness of long, blue shadows and the moonlight’s glow on Belle’s pale, perfect face, makes all his long struggle worthwhile.
Tagging a few folks who may enjoy: @whimsicallyenchantedrose @drowned-dreamer @mossandmushroom @nothingimpossibleonlyimprobable @bromfieldhall @kmomof4 @flslp87 @laschatzi @kimmy46 @jennjenn615
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