#emma lawson
p-redux · 6 days
I'm still in my fandom "meh" mood, but these are in my Inbox today, so I'm posting them just because. Make of them what you will. 🤷‍♀️
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sigmundsdottir · 1 year
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lift-move-sweat · 1 year
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Emma Lawson
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akuma-tenshi · 4 months
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helena is holding this fucking class together
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tvcartoonme · 1 month
Buffy the vampire slayer pt .2
1997 7 seasons
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otakusparkle · 1 year
Identity V x Lawson 2021 Collaboration
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Merchandises List
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Acrylic Stand
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For more information :
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a-fucking-tornado · 5 months
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I started reading this Webtoon thinking I'd enjoy reading the first episodes, but then lose interest after a while and stop reading, like I usually do. But it didn't happen. Instead, this became one of my favorite Webtoons. This was one hell of a ride and I'm so sad it's over, but I had a lot of fun while it was still going and it brought me and lots of other people a lot of happiness. I'm so proud of all the characters, who all matured throughout their journey, and of Jimena, for creating one of the best stories I've ever seen. Thank you so much for the laughs and the crying and all the emotions I felt while reading your comic! ♡♡♡
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thethistlegirlwrites · 8 months
15 for all of them?
15: Is your character dangerous? Do they think they are? ...for the squad!
Thank you so much for the ask!!!!
--- Compass
Sierra - Yes and yes. Sierra was a vigilante vampire hunter before she was recruited by an agency, and she is the sort of person to shoot first and ask questions later. She's honed her skills and is well aware of what she's capable of.
Pete - More than he thinks he is, actually. Pete doesn't see the results of his work as often, given he's on the forensic accounting side of the hunting process, but he's capable of unleashing a lot of chaos on an organization if he finds the right financial pressure points.
Shay - Yes, but he's LESS dangerous than he believes himself to be. Like most vampires who are not turned hunters, Shay doesn't really know what vampire un-life is like, and thinks that he will remain in the bloodthirsty fledgling phase permanently. Thus, his lack of resistance at being taken to what is basically a death sentence.
Saanvi - Saanvi is dangerous if cornered, and she doesn't always realize that until the time comes. She reacts in a moment, without a lot of planning as to her responses to danger.
Wren - Wren is very dangerous, but occasionally overestimates her intimidation factor, which is how she sometimes ends up on medical leave. She's a master manipulator, though, and doesn't often need to rely on her brute strength.
Joey - Joey thinks she is much more dangerous than she actually is, with the caveat that if you are a threat to her family or the people she considers family, she is the shadow you don't see coming until it's too late. But in terms of how dangerous her vampirism makes her, Joey is much like Shay in that she doesn't fully understand how being a vampire can progress and how it can be controlled.
Nico - Nico is dangerous, but keeps it under control. He was a hunter before he turned, and working with a bit of a rogue type of agency besides, so he has a skill set from that as well as his vampire powers. And never, ever, underestimate a threat from the cleaning crew. They KNOW how to sanitize a crime scene.
--- Magic & Silver
Robin - Robin's opinion of how dangerous he is shifts over time. Sometimes, he feels like his fae powers are a curse, and he's wondered if he's in some way responsible for his mother's death, but for the most part, he understands his spot in the natural order and where he falls on a 'food chain'.
John - John is dangerous and definitely knows that. He's been trained since he was a child to know how to hunt and kill vampires, and he likes his dangerous side, actively pointing it out whenever possible.
Kira - Kira made herself dangerous. She taught herself to kill vampires, and gained a reputation as a vigilante before being folded into an agency. She's a force to be reckoned with because she's never let anything slow her down, and as a black Deaf woman she's had plenty of things standing in her way.
Emma - Emma is dangerous and proud of it. It's an asset in her line of work. She's got more morals, and more of a soft side, than she shows the world, but she actively projects the image of a heartless, power-hungry vampire to everyone but her closest friends.
Cody - Cody is probably the least actively dangerous to anyone but himself member of the M&S crew. He's been known to make snap decisions and to trust people without a lot of reason given, but that's also how he and Robin met, so it's worked out okay for him.
Maira - Maira is a master of political manipulation. She doesn't need to be physically dangerous to be intimidating. She's good at reading people and using their secrets against them at the right time. Thankfully, she uses her powers for good.
--- Scrapbook
Lina - Lina is dangerous if you do something to make her see you as a threat. She's a journalist, so she's good at playing the long game, but once you are in her books as a villain, it would take a lot to get you back in her good graces, and she WILL dedicate herself to taking you DOWN for good.
Matti - Matti is technically dangerous by nature of what he is, but he's grown up knowing what he is and how to control it. He's like a big dog, looking scary but really just wanting to be friends, even if sometimes that means you get a bit squashed.
Jim - Jim is potentially dangerous, because he has fae magic he doesn't even know he has, much less how to control, but for the most part it's benign stuff like glamours and plant affinities that the danger is in knowing how to use and actively manipulating. He doesn't want to hurt anyone with any of it, so unless it was defending his life, even his lack of control won't do much more than cause some weird looks. If he's put in mortal danger, or one of his friends is, though, there's every chance the magic will break free on its own.
From this ask game
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emlansbritt · 10 months
Emma, Alan and Britt with Charity and Artem before their freestyle (via harrison.milford)
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chmerkovskiyvalentin · 10 months
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dwtsfun · 11 months
Dancing with the Stars Season 32 Week 6: Halloween
We are kinda late with this, but it's okay. I just want to make note of a few things. As the whole season has been, Halloween night was fine. It wasn't amazing. It wasn't terrible. It was fine. The level of dancing for everyone this year (yes, everyone) leaves a lot to be desired. And I think the judges are not doing at least two couples any favors by being extremely lenient with them. Also, I have already said this a few times, but I found Niecy to be an amazing guest judge. She was kind when she needed to be. She gave tough love when it was needed. She was real with everyone. She came having done her homework. She looked for specific things regarding technique and she was on point with all of it. I'm going to split this up into the top scores, middle of the pack and bottom of the leaderboard.
Top Scores
I'm going to start this with saying that I don't think anyone deserved a 10 this week either. However, unlike last week, I can see why the 10s happened. Xochitl's dance was fine. I don't like contemporary, so that's already a point against it. And Val has NEVER impressed me with his contemporary choreo. Like Charity last week, this dance felt oddly disconnected from the actual music and I'm just not sure why. She still has balance issues though the judges still have yet to call it out. I got the 10 though because Niecy talked about powering through an injury and all that.
Ariana I think had the best created Argentine tango that I've seen on this show in YEARS. I think the music added to giving us the right mood and the choreography was classic ATango. Props to Pasha for that. It might have been my favorite piece of choreography of the season (not performance). Now Ariana did well, but her legs were nowhere near as strong, sharp or precise as I needed them to be. Again, no 10 from me, but I understand Bruno's 10 for the very classic Argentine tango that was mostly fine.
Jason was the closest to perfect for me, but he still felt slightly off. Not sure what was happening, but he just wasn't as grounded as he typically is.
Middle of the Pack
Okay, so this is the point in the season that I have to tug on Artem's edges a bit. WAKE UP, MAN! Your partner is amazing. Why do you have her tipping her way through a jive. He has the same problem that Tony had where most of his partners kinda just mark their Latin dances. This jive was low energy and boring. Niecy was right to tell Charity to just go for it and Derek was right to say that Lele and Charity can learn from each other. The problem with Charity though is while Lele can and is making progress on refining her dances, Charity is not making progress on the letting go aspect. And again, that falls at Artem's feet more than her.
Last week was a breakout dance for Lele. I think this week was the week that cemented her as a legit contender, score be damned. It wasn't perfect but it was a very good dance. It was actually better than the judges (namely CAI) made it out to be. Yes, we need just a tad bit more refinement, but Lele is basically there. Ariana, Charity and Xochitl are not that superior to her in terms of performance or technique anymore. Either those three need to not be scored as high as they are, or Lele needs to be scored higher.
I put Barry in the middle of the pack because even though he scored lower than Mauricio overall, in my opinion, he had a much better night in his individual dance. As a performer, I think Barry is the best of the season. No one embodies a character like he has. No one commits to the dance like he does. He lost some of the grace and refinement as a result of this, but it was still a really good dance.
Bottom of the Leaderboard
Mauricio is gone, but I fully expected it. He improved but he is not the dancer that folks were acting like he was and with his fanbase being questionable, his time was quickly running out. To me, it was his best dance and also a perfect dance for them to leave on.
Alyson had her best dance in my opinion. Her timing was much better, she wasn't as hoppy as she usually is in her dances and she looked much more confident. Her technique was much more sound as well. Niecy was right about the grace and refinement. She is lacking that. But it was a definite improvement and it was a dance that made me sit up and finally take notice of her.
Okay so Harry is not as bad as many folks want him to be. He's not great. He's really not good honestly. But he's not terrible. He is trying. He is getting better. And he actually has potential to be a decent dancer. His big issues are that he dances very small. Between the way he dances inward, his posture kinda caving in and him not fully using his lines, it's a problem. He also just doesn't bend his legs when he dances. It's weird. It's almost like he gets out there and forgets how to move from point A to point B. I'm not a professional, but I wanna just get in the studio with him and work on that. I think fixing that would make his dances look a lot better.
Thoughts on the Marathon
So I shared some of this throughout the week, but here is a more comprehensive look at my feelings. It was actually handled much better than last season. It felt like they were trying to give a specific person more points (like it usually does), but they didn't go out of their way to crown her the winner if she didn't deserve it. Ariana probably should've been 4th, but she got 2nd. Meh. Not too big of a difference. Xochitl probably should've been 3rd but won. Again, not terrible. I feel bad for Jason and Lele being shafted. Usually they get the top 2 right, but after that nonsense last season, I will gladly take the top 4 being right. Everyone else went out about when they should've. I've seen talk about Charity sneaking into the top 4, but she just would've been 4th anyway, so it doesn't make much difference to me that she was 5th.
A few things. That was the sloppiest and worst danced marathon I have ever seen on this show. The fact that they ran out of steam that badly when it was also the shortest marathon that they have ever had was disappointing. I also do not like how they get the couples off the floor anymore. In seasons past, the producers would come in, tap them and quickly leave. The couple would exit the floor on the sides or into the audience and go onto the raised part of the stage. I did not like the pros, dressed as grim reapers, going to tap the eliminated couples. They did too much, took too much attention off the dancing and got in the way. I just want that to never happen again. Cute idea. Not practical at all for the competing couples or the viewers. I also don't like how they stuff the couples in the audience. Put them on that stage to lessen the chances of them running into the other couples. If a couple just has to go up the stairs when they get eliminated as opposed to exiting to the side, let them do that so that don't run into people.
So those are my thoughts. Let me know you all's lingering thoughts and we'll be back on Tuesday.
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sigmundsdottir · 1 year
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sodascherrycola · 2 years
Family Bios (The Adler Family)
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Leonardo Augustus Adler
Job: Surgeon Fav Colour: Blue School(s): Princeton University, Harvard Medical School Was Almost Named: Thomas First Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Aniston Ethnicites: Italian & Swiss Fav Band/Artist: Blink-182 Fav Animal: Tiger Fav Movie: Dead Poets Society (1989) Fav Parent: Georgia Best Subject in School: Civics High School Superlatives: Most likely to get married first Biggest Fear: Cynophobia (fear of dogs) Languages: English, Spanish, Latin, French, and German Fav Childhood Memory: Sitting on his dads lap during concerts and playing drums
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Annabelle Charlotte Adler
Job: 3rd Grade Teacher Fav Colour: Orange School(s): University of Houston Was Almost Named: Claire First Celebrity Crush: Ashton Kutcher Ethnicites: Italian & Swiss Fav Band/Artist: Britney Spears Fav Animal: Horse Fav Movie: Notting Hill (1999) Fav Parent: Georgia Best Subject in School: Art High School Superlative: Most School Spirit Biggest Fear: Hemophobia (fear of blood) Languages: English, Italian, and Spanish Fav Childhood Memory: Riding horses on her grandparents ranch back home in Alabama.
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Emma Sophia Adler
Job: Social Worker Fav Colour: Magenta School(s): Auburn University Was Almost Named: Caroline First Celebrity Crush: Leonardo Dicarprio Ethnicites: Italian & Swiss Fav Band/Artist: Radiohead Fav Animal: Otter Fav Movie: Flashdance (1983) Fav Parent: Steven Best Subject in School: Science High School Superlative: Most likely to lead a protest Biggest Fear: Gelotophobia (fear of being laughed at) Languages: English, Italian, and Spanish Fav Childhood Memory: Bike rides with her dad and older brother.
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Lawson Ford Adler
Job: Racing Driver Fav Colour: Red School(s): Amarillo College Was Almost Named: Benjamin First Celebrity Crush: Audrey Atwood Ethnicites: Italian & Swiss Fav Band/Artist: The Strokes Fav Animal: Tiger Fav Movie: The Amazing Spider Man (2012) Fav Parent: Georgia Best Subject in School: American Sign Language High School Superlative: Biggest Procrastinator Biggest Fear: Metathesiophobia (fear of change) Languages: English, Italian, Spanish, and ASL Fav Childhood Memory: Cooking in the kitchen with his mother, and fast food runs with her when she was pregnant w/ Mia.
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Mia Lynn Adler
Job: Student Fav Colour: Yellow School(s): Carroll Senior High School Was Almost Named: Tara First Celebrity Crush: Matty Healy Ethnicites: Italian & Swiss Fav Band/Artist: The 1975 Fav Animal: German Sheperd Fav Movie: Mamma Mia! (2008) Fav Parent: Steven Best Subject in School: Poetry High School Superlative: Most likely to be late for class Biggest Fear: Emetophobia (fear of vomiting) Languages: English, Spanish, and Italian Fav Childhood Memory: Going to the 1975 concert with her dad and getting kicked out because some guy was hitting on her and Steven beat him up. Then went to get chick-fil-a afterwards
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akuma-tenshi · 3 months
listen. the post about making an idv edit for every song on this album was a joke. i don't want that kind of pressure. but every day i get closer and closer to making it a reality.
i made this rather quickly because i was listening to this song while packing and got so excited i immediately stopped what i was doing just to make it. despite being pretty simple, i'm actually very happy with it; i used some techniques i never even knew existed back when i first started editing, and it's cool to think about how far i've come.
song is hardwired by ennn w/ defoko and dex
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otakusparkle · 1 year
Lawson x Identity V collaboration is underway! I'm working at a convenience store with everyone from the manor♪
Today we'll be introducing everyone's work! I can hear Emma's voice inside the store♬
And our store also has a mascot... right?
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(Read from right to left)
Identity Convenient Store
Narrator : A convenience store has arrived near the manor!
Emma : "Let me introduce you to our exciting members!"
Narrator : The Inventory Mastermind! “Luca Balsa"
Narrator : Master of cash register! "Norton Campbell"
Narrator : Stocking items professional! "Helena Adams"
Narrator : Princess of cleanliness! "Emma Woods"
Narrator : A reliable store manager! …And a mascot? "Mr. Luchino"
Luchino : Welcome~
Narrator : It doesn't seem like it's a mess...?
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a-fucking-tornado · 8 months
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I love them so much
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