#emilia fox pregnant
weakforarwen · 2 years
Did you know that Emilia Fox was pregnant during Season 3? I think in the later episodes they had to shoot her from the waist upwards & give her a new wardrobe. That scene in 3x12 where Uther is kneeling in front of the throne - they used ASH's head to conceal her baby bump.
I didn't know but it's not surprising! I remember thinking at some point that she looked pregnant or that there was something "off" about her appearance. I think the long robes helped cover it up a bit. Wearing armor could've helped too.
Thanks for letting me know!
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beautyofthend · 4 years
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Every episode of Nikki Alexander - The Prodigal 
“I’m still affected by what happened in Hungary.” 
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alicehattera03 · 4 years
Yo author, im still in awe of how you write so much in so little time but im not gonna rack my heads about that superpower(I'll go insane). Just asking that how would you visualise wmmap characters as physical,human counterparts. Could I tempt you into posting pics of which actors or models you prefer for wmmap characters. Again i know you r in a tight schedule and i don't wanna disturb you unnecessarily,but if you find it fun to then i shall be looking forward to it. Best of my regards😘
ANON YOU’VE SEEN ME WRITE?!? WHEN WHERE HOW!?!? EXAMPLE?!?! *whispers* It’s my big brain energy working at max speed and I can type fast ehe ur so sweet! (Don’t go insane!!!) 
And like wow- I’ve never actually thought about that before!!! How interesting ^^ HMMM OH but dw y’all I imagine them as their character designs when I write (projecting irl people is kinda awks lolol) But omg successfully tempted, and you’ve given me a break from writing, BLESSYOU ANON!!!! Also y’all are gonna be like- they’re all WHITE-if we go korean omg pls I’d die, but it’s cause they’re white in the manhwa) 
Claude: ...Dan Stevens??? Tom Hiddleston??(blonde, like in the Night Manager?!) IDKIDKFIHDJLS IDK SOMEONE SUAVE BUT AWKWARD (like a Lee Pace in the Hobbit type of aura but like Gilgamesh- wait that’s anime whoops but all these actors are so ..rugged?? like gimme a pretty boi that can massacre!) 
Diana: Margot Robbie??(you know her as Harley Quinn but I know her as Mary queen of scots) Gigi Hadid?? (she’s a mom now lmao) (no one can top Diana’s gorgeousness but maybe..)
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Athy: (even the prettiest person alive couldn’t measure up to her but this pic of Alexandra Lenarchyk if she had blue eyes, and currently affirming that Athy would be russian, greek, french or well- yah descended from royalty in my hogw-nvm anyways!! ) 
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Felix: (the cutest blood knight ever so someone like Richard Madden’s character in Bodyguard but uhm soft I guess? Ryan Reynolds might be a good fit actually? Like personality-wise and the action required I’d say this is a good top pick- or Jack Lowden who was in Dunkirk??)
Lilian: Natalie Dormer(left)(right is Emilia Clarke- who if you say they play sisters I mean we’ve got Athy and Jennette right here if they were half their age lmao) (idk she’s just really insanely pretty HAVE I TALKED ABOUT HER IN PENNY DREADFUL UGH STUNNING HER IN ELEMENTARY? STUNNING- and so’s Lily)
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Ijekiel: What’s a list without a young Leonardo di Caprio on it??!(younger ver, cause well that’s all the ages this man is into lately-) (or maybe the unproblematic white man Logan Lerman who resurfaces every few years with new devastating pics by his girlfriend-HMM)
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Lucas: Dylan O’Brien (maybe?? bad boy style?? like lucas has to be hot but like man he’s otherworldly how tf are mortals to match up with him???) 
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Jennette(Jeanette??): Emily Rudd (That tumblr famous girl cause she’s gotta be pretty lolol) 
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Roger: A younger version of Mads Mikkelsen (cause rawr silver fox alert!!)
Penelope: Emma Stone (young-ish)
Anastasius: Ian Somerhalder (blonde ver ofc, younger, also cause he’s a douche for making his wife get pregnant by throwing out her birth control pills and making her think she was on them and thus got her preggos cause he wanted a baby yes he’s hot but he’s a nutjob-can you tell I hate this guy and therefore designate him as numero uno dirtbag)
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wildflowerirwin · 5 years
Runnin’ Just in Case - a.i. (5)
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Previously  Fic Playlist
Summary: It wasn’t love he was chasing, but he’s running just in case.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: some sexy stuff
Words: 2.3k
It took a long time. A very long time. The west barn was completely redone. If you asked Ashton, he’d say it took less time than he expected. If you asked anyone else, it took a lifetime. In reality, it took approximately three and a half months. During that time, not much happened on the ranch, besides the obvious remodel. No one had seen or heard from the Atkins or Barry, however that was about to change. Ashton walked into Bethany’s room at the exact moment she bolted to her bathroom. “Bethany?” Ashton watched her, a confused look lacing his features.
“What?” Bethany asked quickly before emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet.
“You feeling okay?” Ashton asked, stepping into her bathroom and filling a cup with water.
“I guess? I don’t really feel nauseous but I’ve thrown up every day this week.” Bethany sighed, taking the cup from Ashton. “I threw up a few times while we were working on the barn, remember?” She looked up at him and he nodded.
“Yeah, i thought you just worked yourself too hard.” Ashton said, watching as she sipped the water. The cup slipped from her hand as realization washed over her, much like the water she just dropped.
“Ashton..” Bethany looked up at him, tears filling her eyes.
“Bethany, what’s going on?” Ashton asked as he grabbed a towel. He knelt on the floor next to her and wiped the water from the floor.
“I-i think I’m pregnant..” Bethany looked down at her fingers.
“Oh, God..” Ashton ran his fingers through his hair. “This is bad. This is very bad.”
“We need to go into town. We can get a few tests and make an appointment with Dr. Waverly.” Bethany said, flushing the toilet and standing up.
“O-Okay, let’s go.” Ashton sighed, standing up. The two of them made it all the way to Ashton’s truck before they were stopped.
“Where are you two going?” Luke looked at them, eyeing them suspiciously.
“Just into town. We need to get a few things for the stables so we can fix those up next.” Bethany said. It wasn’t entirely a lie, but it wasn’t the sole purpose of going into town.
“Oh, can you pick up some more screws? We need a handful of the two inch ones and the four inch ones.” Luke said.
“Yeah, for sure.” Bethany nodded. “If you think of anything else, just text either of us.”
“Will do.” Luke nodded and walked back to the shop.
“Alright, let’s go before more people start asking questions.” Ashton said, getting in the truck. Bethany got in and Ashton was speeding down the gravel road before she even had her seatbelt on. “What are we going to do if you’re pregnant?” Ashton asked.
“I-i don’t know.. I’ve always wanted kids, but not like this. I thought I’d be married to the guy, you know?” Bethany sighed and looked out the window.
“Me too..” Ashton mumbled, turning onto the paved road. He sighed softly and rubbed his face. “I would like to keep it, but obviously, the choice comes down to you.”
“Let’s find out if I’m actually pregnant first and then we’ll make a decision.” Bethany sighed, her stomach churning. They arrived into town about 45 minutes later and Ashton parked at the drug store.
“Do you want me to come in with you?” Ashton asked.
“No, I’ll get the tests and then we’ll go to the bar and I’ll take them there.” She sighed, getting out of the car. Ashton nodded and leaned back in his seat as she walked into the store. While Ashton was waiting, he noticed Emilia and Barry talking at the gas station. This time, Emilia’s mother was with them. Maggie Atkins was as cunning as a fox. She always got what she wanted, no matter what it took. Bethany came back and got in the car, looking at Ashton. “What’s up?”
“Remember that guy from the bar that said he was gonna buy the ranch?” Ashton asked and Bethany nodded. “He’s over at Cenex talking to Emilia and her mom.”
“Probably plotting how to get the ranch.” Bethany sighed. “We can deal with that later, let’s just go find out if we’re gonna be parents.” Ashton sighed softly and drove to the bar, going inside with Bethany. She walked immediately to the bathroom while Ashton took a seat at the bar.
“What are you two doing here?” Calum asked, walking over to Ashton.
“You have to promise not to tell anyone.” Ashton sighed and looked at him.
“You out here to fuck without people knowing?” Calum joked, a playful smile tugging at his lips.
“Bethany’s pregnant..” Ashton looked down.
“Shut the fuck up.” Calum gaped, staring at Ashton.
“We don’t actually know for sure. She’s in the bathroom taking a few tests right now.” Ashton sighed, laying his head down on the bar. “I’m not ready to be a dad..”
“Hey, everything’s gonna work out. There’s always options.” Calum sighed and sat with him, patting his shoulder. It took another 20 minutes before Bethany emerged from the bathroom, her eyes red and puffy. “Uh oh..” Calum sighed.
“So?” Ashton asked, holding his hands out to her. Bethany opened her mouth to speak, but instead burst into tears. Ashton sighed softly and wrapped his arms around her smaller frame. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” He whispered, holding her close.
“I’m pregnant, how is this gonna be okay?” Bethany sniffled, looking up at Ashton.
“You know how much I care about you and how much I want to be with you, so why not just be together? We can be a family..” He said, wiping her tears with his thumb gently. Bethany nodded slowly and buried her face in his chest.
“You guys are gonna make me cry.” Calum said, hugging both of them. “Go see Dr. Waverly. Let me know how things go and if there’s anything I can do to help.”
“Thanks, Calum.” Bethany sniffed, wiping her eyes on her sleeve.
“Any time.” Calum grinned, kissing her cheek gently.
“Come on.” Ashton smiled softly and led Bethany out of the bar. They drove to the clinic and walked inside, hoping Dr. Waverly was available. Bethany walked up to the front desk.
“Hi, Frankie, is Dr. Waverly here today?” She asked softly.
“Yeah, he’s in his office. I’ll let him know you’re on your way back.” Frankie smiled at her. Bethany forced a smile and walked down the hall with Ashton. She knocked on the door belonging to Dr. Waverly.
“Come in.” He said, standing up from his desk. Bethany pushed the door open and walked in, Ashton trailing behind her. “Bethany, lovely to see you again. And, Ashton, how’s that thumb? Healed up nicely?”
“Yes, sir. Thank you.” Ashton chuckled softly, looking at the scar on his thumb from where he had cut it on the baler.
“What can I do for you today?” He smiled at the two of them.
“Uh, an ultrasound, probably.” Bethany sighed. “I took three pregnancy tests and they were all positive.”
“Oh! Congratulations, how exciting!” Dr. Waverly exclaimed. “Absolutely, let’s get you to the exam room and we’ll get started.” Bethany nodded and followed Dr. Waverly down the hall, Ashton still trailing behind her. They entered a room and Bethany laid on the table. Ashton sat in a chair by the door and watched as Dr. Waverly began the exam. “Ashton, would you mind stepping out for this part?” He asked, looking at Ashton.
“Of course.” Ashton nodded and walked out of the room, letting the door close behind him. He looked down the hall and noticed Barry talking to Frankie. The two of them made eye contact and Barry turned around and walked out the door. Ashton shook his head and sat on a bench in the hallway.
“You can come back in now.” Dr. Waverly said, peeking his head out the door. Ashton nodded and walked back into the room, sitting down once more.
“Well, Bethany is 18 weeks pregnant. That puts her due date at January 20th.” Dr. Waverly explained.
“The barn dance..” Bethany chewed on her lip, looking at Ashton. Ashton blushed softly and scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“So, she’s like 4 months pregnant?” Ashton asked.
“That’s right.” Dr. Waverly nodded. “Now, if you’d like, I can tell you the gender of your baby today.”
“You can?” Bethany asked, looking at him.
“Yes, with the developments in technology, we can tell you at 12 weeks.” He nodded.
“Do we want to know?” Ashton asked, looking at Bethany.
“I’d like to, would you?” She asked, looking back at him. He nodded and held her hand gently.
“Let’s do it.” Ashton smiled softly and rubbed his thumb over Bethany’s knuckles. Dr. Waverly smiled softly at the two of them.
“You’re having a little girl.” He said, handing a few copies of the ultrasound to Ashton.
“A girl..” Ashton whispered, looking at the pictures. Tears filled his eyes as he looked at each one. “She’s gonna be so beautiful, just like her mom.” Ashton grinned, pressing a kiss to Bethany’s head. Bethany giggled softly and squeezed Ashton’s hand.
“You’re gonna be an amazing father.” Bethany smiled leaning her forehead against Ashton’s.
“And, you’ll be an amazing mother.” Ashton grinned. “I’m so nervous, but I’m excited.”
“I’m terrified.” Bethany giggled and pulled her shirt down over her stomach and slid off the table. “But, I’m also excited.”
“Come see me again in 6 weeks for your next appointment. You have my number if you have any questions, see Frankie to set up your appointment.” Dr. Waverly smiled and walked out of the room with them. After setting up their appointment, Ashton and Bethany got back in the truck.
“I can’t believe I’m pregnant.. It doesn’t feel real.” Bethany said, looking at Ashton. “If you had told me 4 months ago that I’d end up having your baby I’d have laughed in your face.”
“You didn’t like me much at first,” Ashton chuckled.
“I did like you, I just liked you more for sex.” Bethany shrugged. “Let’s get what we need for the stables and get home. We need to figure out how we’re telling my mom that you knocked me up.”
“Your mom is going to fire me.” Ashton sighed, looking at Bethany.
“No, she’s not. She’s gonna give us a stern talking to and then call it good.” Bethany slipped her hand into Ashton’s. “She’ll like it a little more now that we’re officially together.”
“That will make things better.” Ashton smiled and laced his fingers with hers. They stopped at the lumber yard and the feed shop before heading back home. The two of them walked inside and Bethany slipped her hand into Ashton’s, pulling him into her bedroom. “What are you doing?” Ashton asked as she closed the door.
“We’re an official couple now.” Bethany smirked, wrapping her arms around his neck. “And, I’m having your baby. We get pregnancy sex and our first time as a couple all in one.” She bit her lip and looked up at him.
“Oh, really?” Ashton chuckled, his hands resting on Bethany’s stomach.
“I have a slight bump already. I thought I was just getting fat.” Bethany hummed, placing her hands over Ashton’s.
“Regardless, you’re beautiful.” Ashton smiled, pressing his lips to hers. His hands rubbed along her protruding stomach as his lips moved against hers. Bethany hummed against his lips as she pulled her shirt over her head. Ashton pulled his own off and pushed his jeans down.
“I’ll never get tired of looking at you.” Bethany giggled and pushed her leggings down, kicking them aside. Ashtin grinned and laid her down on the bed, settling between her legs.
“I’ll never get tired of looking at you either.” Ashton whispered, his lips attaching to her neck. Bethany gasped softly and ran her fingers in his hair, tugging gently. “You like that, princess?” Ashton chuckled, nibbling gently at her skin.
“Yes, daddy.” Bethany moaned softly and lulled her head back. Ashton smirked and hooked his fingers in Bethany’s lace thong, pulling the material down her legs. Ashton bit his lip as his thumb found her clit, rubbing in slow circles. “Fuck, daddy.” Bethany moaned, bucking her hips.
“Think you’re ready for daddy’s cock?” Ashton hummed, pushing his boxers down.
“Yes, daddy. I’m ready.” Bethany bit her lip and spread her legs further. Ashton chuckled and held Bethany’s hip in one hand as he guided his cock between your folds, pushing in slowly. Bethany moaned louder and gripped the sheets.
“Holy fuck..” Ashton groaned, gripping Bethany’s hips tightly. His hips hit hers roughly as his thrusts sped up.
“Oh, God, don’t stop.” Bethany whimpered softly.
“I don’t plan to.” Ashton moaned, pounding into her. His fingers dug into her hips as his own moved faster. “Your pussy was made for me.” Ashton groaned, bringing his thumb back to her clit.
“Fuck, I’m cumming!” Bethany moaned loudly and arched her back.
“That’s it, princess. Cum for daddy.” Ashton groaned, his hips slapping against hers. His name fell from her lips repeatedly as her walls clenched around his length. “Ah fuck.” Ashton let out a low moan as he released, his load coating her walls.
“So good, daddy.” Bethany moaned softly.
“Is it just me or is pregnancy better than regular sex?” Ashton chuckled, his hands moving to her stomach again.
“Oh, it’s better.” Bethany giggled, placing her hands over his.
Tag List: @lukespumpkinspice@calumculture@kinglycalum@babylon-corgis@novacanecalum@spookymashton@dontdoitluke@isabella10028@calumamongmen@bumblebet-20@lockthisheartinchains@bitterbethany@sublimehood@ashtonsghoul@ironicallyirwin@lashtoncurls@mukesreject@sanfrancjsco@boytoynamedcalum@opinionatedpisces-official@blahehblah @lukehemmings@harry-hallows-eve@findingliam-o @gh0st-0f-y0u-95
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Globe, December 30
Cover: Farewell to the legends we loved and lost in 2019 
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Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- Joaquin Phoenix carrying a blue dufflebag in NYC, Lady Gaga with crazy long nails, John Cleese looks like he has one foot in the grave 
Page 3: Sarah Silverman flips her hair in LA, Amy Adams with a toy at the Santa Monica Pier, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson takes a drink in London 
Page 4: William Shatner is divorcing his wife because he believes his beloved horses want him to put her out to pasture
Page 5: Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie are set for a showdown this coming awards season 
Page 6: Scandal-tarred Prince Andrew is being investigated for double dealing by secretly promoting the business of a tax-dodging banker pal while he was working as Britain’s roving overseas envoy 
Page 7: The marriage plans of disgraced Prince Andrew’s daughter Princess Beatrice are in chaos and she even had to cancel her engagement party because of her dirty dad’s scandalous ties to late sex fiend Jeffrey Epstein 
Page 8: Terrorist sleeper cell helped Pensacola Naval Air Station killer 
Page 10: Wheel of Fortune’s Vanna White wants to keep Pat Sajak’s host gig
Page 11: Miley Cyrus got the word freedom tattooed across her hand amid her ongoing divorce with Liam Hemsworth, Celine Dion is in an emotional frazzle after her new album debuted at no. 1 then disappeared from the charts a week later 
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- Eric Stonestreet, Camila Morrone said she didn’t want to end up like her struggling actor parents but dating A-lister Leonardo DiCaprio apparently changed her mind about acting, Kim Kardashian West used an old wives’ trick to predict that Jenna Bush Hager won’t have any more kids, Selena Gomez got a new tattoo on her thigh that weirdly resembles the praying hands inked on ex Justin Bieber’s ankle, Josh Gad will star in a reboot of Honey I Shrunk the Kids, pregnant Jamie Otis has HPV cervical dysplasia 
Page 13: Lisa Vanderpump’s face is smooth but her wrinkly hands reveal her age, Kendall Jenner nip slip, Simon Cowell eats French fries 
Page 14: Keanu Reeves’ girlfriend Alexandra Grant used to dye her prematurely gray hair until she read it was linked to breast cancer, Lupita Nyong’o thinks intimacy coaches for love scenes is a good idea, Fashion Verdict -- Danica McKellar 9/10, Chloe Sevigny 0/10, Emilia Clarke 2/10, Samantha Morton 1/10, Ruth Wilson 2/10 
Page 16: Jennifer Lopez demanded close-ups during her opening pole dance in Hustlers so fans would know it was her, Megyn Kelly has joined her old FOX sparring partner Sean Hannity to bash talk show host Jimmy Kimmel and sources say the odd-couple combo is part of the booted blonde’s big comeback plans 
Page 17: Cardi B reconciled with husband Offset with the help of a pair of priests 
Page 19: 10 Things You Don’t Know About Colin Firth, Rod Stewart has triggered bad blood with Elton John by slamming his Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour as money-grabbing, Gayle King took a bikini selfie to copy 23-year-old Mackenzye Schwab 
Page 20: True Crime 
Page 21: Cover Story -- Special tribute to the stars we lost in 2019 
Page 22: Battered wife Carol Channing was trapped in a sexless marriage 
Page 23: Recluse Doris Day put in an unmarked grave, Diahann Carroll’s tragic search for love 
Page 24: Valerie Harper’s gutsy battle against big odds, Luke Perry worked himself to death 
Page 25: Jan-Michael Vincent’s pervy passion exposed, Rip Torn’s talent frayed by booze 
Page 26: Kristoff St. John guzzled himself to an early grave, Tim Conway caught in deathbed family feud 
Page 27: For Alf’s Max Wright a sad crash landing, Beth Chapman’s gutsy battle against throat cancer 
Page 28: Captain Daryl’s deathbed reunion with Toni Tennile, Eddie Money ran out of luck 
Page 29: Ginger Baker marched to a different drum, bitter Ric Ocasek took grudge to the grave
Page 30: Farewell 
Page 32: Real Life 
Page 38: Health Report 
Page 44: Straight Talk -- Foul fans still buzzing around O.J. Simpson 
Page 45: Lovestruck and lonely Tom Cruise has flipped for Michelle Dockery and is on a mission to steal her away from her new beau Jasper Waller-Bridge 
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
The Dark Prince: Chapter Three: My Old Blue Friend
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"Let Amy go, Shadow!"
   It was raining heavily in Hasvely but the silhouettes of Sonic and Shadow the Hedgehog were still visible. Their furs were soaking wet just like their clothing. The townspeople hiding in their own homes, but still, there were ones who their curiosity had gotten the best of them and took up the courage to peek through their window. After all, it wasn't every day that you would see Sonic The Hedgehog, 'retired' world hero and Shadow The Hedgehog, the best world spy and recognized hero, together.    
   Tales that only kids would hear about when they were about to sleep. Superheroes that they only thought of meeting in their dreams.
"If you want her...come and get her."
   Shadow walked slowly but confidently towards the blue bur. Amy could only appreciate from afar, unable to do anything as she was tied down to a chair, mouth taped and she could only hope that this didn't end the way she was imagining it.
   The blue bur just stood there waiting for the black one to make a move. Sonic's eyes had changed over the years, it wasn't like him anymore.  Once they used to be filled with so much life, but now it seemed like that is a long time forgotten memory.
And so, the first impacted happened.
   One day before the events
   Hasvely was a small village. Around 5 thousand of population, in which the most dedicated their times in agricultural jobs to sustain themselves. Shadow and Amy had finally found their way to the village as they try to hide their looks to the other villages.
"Where do we start now?.", Amy questioned as she took a moment to look at Shadow.
"Well, asking around might be a good start but we don't want to give out too much of our information or how we look...A cup of black coffee it is then."
"Shadow!.", Amy stopped herself as she had realized that maybe she had said his name way too loud. Shadow walked away, pretending as nothing had happened, and looked around for the closest coffee shop, Amy couldn't do anything but follow him.
Is this real life? Or is just fantasy?
   Was Amy Rose really stranded in another village with Shadow The Hedgehog? With no other place to go? Yes, she was.  And the only thing Shadow was going to do about it was to look for coffee. Or at least that was his plan so far.
   Shadow opened the door for Amy and she walked in as she thanked him. It was a small place, more of a breakfast/restaurant kind of establishment. None the less, still pretty cozy and the smell of food had already made its way into Amy's nostrils, waking her senses up.
   They took a sit on the corner of the restaurant, and shortly after the waitress came up to them.
"Can I get you both something to drink?.", The waitress said as she put down the small menus on their table.
"Cup of black coffee.", Shadow said simply.
"And for your girlfriend?"
"Umh, I am n-",    Amy was about to correct her but was interrupted shortly after.
"She would like an Americano."
"All right, I'll be back with your drinks."
    The cat waitress left with a smile. Amy saw her leave and turned to Shadow who was reading the menu in front of him. Not really bothered by his own previous commentary.
"Yes?."  He said, still not parting his eyes from the menu.
"Why did you say that?"
   Shadow looked up as he took of this fake round glasses.  "Was I wrong?"
"Well... I mean...you and I never talked about those things." Amy said as she looked down to the table, blushing a little bit.
"We don't need to talk about it, for me to know it's real."
   Amy's heart stopped for a second. Was the Dark Prince really insinuating that there was something more than just friendship between them?
"I know that your favorite coffee is Americano. That's why I order it."
   Well, at least he wasn't wrong.
Amy sighed in defeat, "Anyways, don't you really think that right now is a good time to be drinking coffee? Shouldn't we be looking for Sonic?."
"You would be surprised to know that you can find a lot of information by just sitting and drinking a cup of coffee."
   Shadow smiled at her and looked shortly at the group of friends across from them, inviting Amy to do the same in a secret manner.
"I don't believe you, C'mon! We all know that Sonic the Hedgehog retired after the events of Eggman conquering the world.", A blue fox said, loud enough for them to hear.
"I am telling you, I saw him with my own eyes! The farm was on fire but there were still kids inside and then boom!  The blue bur went inside and save them all! It was so fast!  He left the kids in a safe place and left right after. There are people in town saying that they have seen him recently running around the fields too!", The other friend told his story, excitement on his voice.
"If there's no picture, it didn't happen."
"Ah, come on, don't you know how hard it is to get any piece of technology around here?."
   And the group of friends was going around and around about the topic. Amy and Shadow were concentrating on their conversation so much that they didn't notice that thirty minutes had passed just like that until their waitress had made a comeback with her personality backward.
"Sorry for the long wait." The cat girl said as she placed their drinks on the table, almost spilling them. "Just found out I am pregnant again. What can I get you?."
   Where Amy saw misfortune, Shadow saw an opportunity.
   "I can't believe you gave that lady more than half of our money Shadow!.", Amy whispered to his ear as they waited patiently for her to come back.
"Did you want to sleep on a cave again? On the cold floor? With no warm food on your belly?."Shadow responded back.
"Couldn't we just have gotten a hotel room?."
"It's Hasvely, they barely have a drainage system."
   Amy wanted to respond back to that but the sound of small feet running towards the dining table was way too noticeable to keep talking.
   Yes, Shadow had given most of their money to the cat girl in exchange for one night at her house with a comfortable bed to sleep in. She was pretty desperate and needed the money, so she really couldn't say no.
In a flash, three small cats appeared in front of the couple. One girl, two boys. The girl was red just like her mother and the boys shared a brown fur, which they both thought came from their dad.
Running around the dining table, screaming and playing between them until their mom showed up with what seemed to be tonight's dinner.
"Kids stop it already and sit down. Please don't bother our guests." The mom, which her name was clarified as Diana, explicitly told their kids who they obeyed.
"I am sorry, my husband passed away a month ago and it's been quite hard for me to control my kids without his help."
"We completely understand."
"Seems like your husband left you a present before he left," Shadow said as he looked directly at her tummy. "To be honest, I would of prefer something else. But I guess this is pretty nice too...A bit scary, but nice." Her face was filled with a nostalgic expression. Her eyes gleamed and twinkle as she softly placed a hand on her belly.
"Where are your babies, Mr. Angry?."
  The group of adults was interrupted by the youngest, the small girl could barely see beyond the table and focused her eyes on Shadow. "Emilia!" The mother tried to correct her but Shadow laughed under his breath, making it clear that he was far from being mad at the little girl.
"Mr.Angry doesn't have babies, red-one," Shadow responded.
"Why not?"
"I don't have a wife."
"What about Ms. Pretty?" The little girl then fixed her eyes on Amy who blushed at the moment. "Me-e?"
"You should marry her... Oh! I'll plan the wedding after dinner!"
"We will be looking forward to it then," Shadow said as he placed a hand on the small girl's hair.
  It was things like this that made Amy question Shadow sometimes. Amy smiles softly at him, really glad at the moment of her realization. Besides looking for a place to stay, Shadow was actually looking forward to helping this lady because, at the moment, her children needed the money more than they needed it.
Shadow was just good like that. A real-life Prince.
It was a peaceful dinner. The kids would do the normal play. The food was warm and homemade and to be honest it had been a while ever since they both had a peaceful night.
"I am so sorry, I need to leave for my night shift already. Do you mind putting my children to sleep?", The red lady said as she finished watching the dishes alongside Amy.
"Sure, it's no problem but....we just met each other. We are basically strangers and you are trusting your kids to me?", Amy said as she looked towards the living room, Shadow on the floor as the three kids played with him.
"Actually, it will be my honor if you and Shadow the Hedgehog stayed and took care of my children."
   Amy flinched a little, realizing that their disguise had failed. "You... you know us?"
"I don't know if he remembers but... Shadow the Hedgehog helped our village two years ago. We were on the blink of starvation. The government wouldn't help us but one day we just received a vast supply of seeds, machinery and other resources to help us grow. Everything was donated under the name of Shadow the hedgehog." The cat girl said smiling.
"How do you know it's him?"
"He personally came to distribute his resources. If it wasn't for him, I don't know what would have happened to the kids in this village, to be honest."
   As she finished to dry the rest of the dishes, Diana smiled towards her kids in the living room. Happier than ever to have someone else to play with. "I know G.U.N is looking for you both, but don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
"All right kids, just thirty more minutes!"
    Amy sat down on the floor alongside Shadow and kids who were brushing Shadow's quills. Amy noticed a black bow, crookedly attached to his white fur and a small black hat that was ok the verge of falling from his head.
"We need to get Ms.Pretty ready, fast!." The kids moved to 'work' on Amy's look as fast as they could. At this point, Amy just let it happened and let the kids have their fun.
"No looking at the bride while she's getting ready!." The oldest boy said and at this Shadow nodded and turned around. His back, now facing Amy's. Shadow played with his fingers as he waited for the kids to be done with Amy.
"So...you haven't seen Sonic since he 'retired'?" , Shadow decides to start a conversation to one, let time pass and two get more information that might help them in this mission.
Amy sighed, knowing that sooner or later the topic would come in hand. She closed her eyes as she saw the small red cat girl ready to put on some eye shadow on her.
"After the Resistance disbanded, Sonic left. The world was at peace again and without Eggman, there was no point on continuing saving the world and he quit being a hero. Or at least that's what I saw on the news..."
"That was around five years ago..." Shadow said as he felt one of the boys put some type of gel on his quills and began to play "crazy hair" on him.
"Last time I saw him was a year ago...when Cream's mom, Vanilla passed away...on her funeral. I saw him in the distance. We looked at each other...and then he left again. Without saying a word...That's why I am saying that it's going to be really hard to find him." Amy opened her eyes and saw the little girl place a small tiara she had made with paper on her head. Even now, talking about it hurt Amy on her inside. She couldn't hold it in much longer as she left her nose get watery due to the fact that she wanted to cry.
"Oh which reminds me," Amy added as she tried to change the subject. "Cream talked about you going to Vanilla's funeral and you told her something about-"
  Shadow pretended not to hear her sniff and his heart began to raised at the fact that may be a year ago, he had made a mistake by talking about his feelings to that rabbit.
"And we are done! You may look at the bride now!."
  Shadow was literally saved by the little girl and made a note to himself to thank her later. He turned around to face Amy this time and it took him a lot of courage to stop himself from laughing.
"You look...beautiful." Shadow tried to sound serious but Amy knew what meant. Her make up was all over the place, lipstick on her thee and on areas where they shouldn't be any. Blush as pink as her fur and eye-shadow all the way up to her eyebrows.
"Well, I am going to marry a very handsome hedgehog as well," Amy said as a take-back and Shadow could only guess how terrible his quills look at the moment.
"We are here today to marry Mr.Angry and Ms.Pretty so they can have babies." The third kids said as serious as he could. Standing in front of the couple while his brother and sister sat down next to Shadow and Amy as if they were guests of honor.
"Do you, Mr. Angry, swear to be with Ms.pretty um uh-." The cat boy pulled out a paper out of pocket as he had forgotten his lines. "-Forever, even if she eats your food without you knowing?"
Shadow looked at Amy directly on the eyes and his expression had changed. His eyes sparkled and he had a soft smile eating on his face. Softly and peacefully, an "I do" scapes from his lips and was heard loud enough for everyone to hear.
"And do you Ms. Pretty-"
   Even if it was just a game, Shadow's reaction at the moment had completely baffle Amy. He sounded so sensible and sincere that Amy's emotional self was on the blink to let down a tear, but instead a quick "I do" was said and such action of confidence never seen in her before had awed Shadow to his limits.
"Ladies and gentlemen... I know declare this two...husband and wife... may you both have a lot of babies we can play with!"
  The kids clapped all in different unison.
The little girl then gasped as she remembered something she had forgotten.
"Ah! Mr. Angry forgot to kiss Ms.Pretty!"
     Wow did this kids have pretty big adult ideas uh?
Shadow looked at Amy as she blinked at him. She wasn't sure if it was because of the heat coming from the fire or was it because Shadow was...blushing?
"Wait...you are not seriously thinking..."
    Oh, but he was; and as he tried to get back his composure, he got closer to the pink hedgehog as they felt the kids' eyes on them. Shadow placed his hand on Amy's check slowly chanting towards her and Amy tremble in all of her beings. The excitement, the fear she had never felt before because even at her 20s, she had never kissed anyone before.
  But now there she was. About to kiss the Dark Prince, no other than Shadow the hedgehog.
She closed her eyes ready for the impact...but felt the impact in another place... her cheek. Shadow had kissed her cheek softly, quick and once.
  What else could she expect from him? He wasn't just gonna steal a kiss, it wasn't like Shadow to do those kinds of things.
"There, now you all need to wash your teeth and head to bed," Shadow said as he stood up from the floor and looked at the kids.
"Fine!" The kids said in defeat as they all went to the restroom to get ready for bed.
"Well, that went nicely." Amy stood up as she took off the paper tiara from her head.
"Wait, leave it." Shadow interrupted her action in which exchange she gave him a concerned looked. "Why?"
"I think I just got an idea..."
And so, that's what brought us to this moment. The plan was simple. Use Amy as bait and hope for the blue but to come. The townspeople helped a lot too by spreading the rumor pretty fast that Shadow had taken Amy as a hostage. They knew it was risky since rumors run fast, they could expect a G.U.N militia coming for them any time soon. The best they could do now was to wait for the blue but to show up.
It began to rain heavily, thunder and lightning struck the village. Dark grey clouds above them and Shadow and Amy did their best to be patient.
"I am telling you he won't come," Amy said as she sat down on the chair Shadow had provided her. He was as standing next to her, holding an umbrella big enough to cover both of them. Even with it, they still manage to get their attires wet since the wind would throw water at them once in a while.
"Well, I want you to tell him that right now."
   Lighting struck and for a moment everything was visible in front of the couple and to the ones who were peaking through their window.
There he was in all of his might.
The one who has saved the planet multiple times. The one who runs as fast as the wind, the blue bur.
The worlds hero...Sonic the Hedgehog.
"It's been a while faker," Shadow said as dropped the umbrella and walked towards the blue one.
"Cut the chitchat, let Amy go and I'll be on my wa-"
Sonic then felt a punch on his face.
"Shadow! We said no fighting!"
   Sonic heard Amy from afar as he let the rain touch his body. "That's for making her cry." He saw Shadow looking down on him and walked away as he saw Amy approaching him. She covered his face with the umbrella as he recovered from the punch and sat down on the ground.
"What do you both want from me?, Sonic said as he stood up away from Amy's umbrella, acting as if she wasn't there.
"We want information. I don't know if you have heard but they are chasing Amy down for a murder she didn't do." Shadow sat down on the chair Amy used before as if there was no rain to worry about.
"Who did she 'murder'?"
"G.U.N's commander."
   Sonic looked at Amy with fiery eyes. For once in her life, Amy felt shivers run down her spine when he looked at her. And it wasn't like the 'electric' type she used to feel when she was younger; it was more like the 'scare' kind of type and that alone...terrified her.
"Well, you are screw"
   Just what the heck had happened to Sonic the Hedgehog these past years? He sounded more like Shadow in his teenage years, all edgy and dark. No, this wasn't the Sonic Amy had chased so many years ago.
"Sorry to inform you, but I got nothing. Now if you excuse me, I'll get going."
   Just like that. Sonic began to walk away. Shadow speed up and faced him. "I know you are lying."
"Good to know you are as perceptive as ever." Sonic walked past him, ready to make a run. He hesitated for a bit and sighed.
"Look, it's not only the commander. According to my informants,  G.U.N's leaders around the world have been killed as well under mysterious circumstances...as well as expert engineers, astronomers, scientist...mechanic geniuses."
   Shadow noticed that Sonic had stopped his movements. He turned around for a second to give Amy a comforting gift as he continued.
"You left for a long time...Tails Miles Prower became the top director for  G.U.N's elite mechanic's team...I wouldn't be surprised if he was on the list of fatalities next."
   Sonic turned around and if looks could kill, Shadow would be long dead.
"Follow me."
   Amy recognized the place as soon as she stepped on the base. A vast long memory she had wanted to forget but until this day, it hunts her on her worst nightmares.
"This is where you have been...all of this time?" Amy asked more to herself than to Sonic, who in return gave her a small growl.
"Take it or leave it"
   Yeah, in fact, it didn't take Amy nor Shadow to figure out what was going with him. A tragedy had occurred in that place, more than 100 soldiers from the Resistance lost their lives in that base. Pictures of not just them but of all other soldiers who lost their lives at the war with Eggman were plastered on the walls. Newspapers, articles, objects, everything was there.
"You are torturing yourself.", Shadow said.
"Its the only way to redeem my mistakes." Sonic sat down on a small cushion, near it there were blankets and small pillows, obviously the place he will sleep in.  Shadow and Amy sat down as well, but on the cold floor.
"When I was looking for supplies, I met this hedgehog boy. He was kinda weird looking, white fur, golden eyes. He sounded really desperate...anyways, he was asking people to take him to G.U.N.'s main base. He said that the commander was going to die soon and that would cause the destruction of his future.  Of course, nobody believed him."
   Sonic finished his story, Amy and Shadow looked at each other, waiting for more but nothing came out of his mouth. "What did you do?"
"I left, it wasn't none of my business."
"When did this happen?"
"Around a week ago."
"Where did you see him?" Amy asked the blue bur this time. "Persepolis, you can get there by foot in two days. But I am sure with Shadow's speed, time won't be a problem."
"It's not about time, it's about whether that white hedgehog is still in Persepolis or not" Shadow stood up from his place and took the freedom to walk around the place.
"It's our only clue now. Maybe someone in the city knows where he went." Amy quickly looked at Shadow who seemed in deep thought, reading the newspapers around him.
"We will leave in the morning, thank you for your cooperation, Sonic."
"Oh yes, we will sleep here. Now if you don't mind, I'll go get us some food."
"Wait, Shadow don't leave-", Amy stood up fast, not wanting to be left alone with the blue one.
"I'll be back soon."
Ten minutes passed, and no sign of Shadow yet. Just the quiet and strange calmness that came within the base.  Amy looked at the floor as she played with her fingers. She could feel Sonic's gaze at her. Just staring at her.
"How did you do it?"
   Sonic's voice stumbled on Amy's head. "What do you mean?"
"How did you get your life back together after what happened?"
   Amy took the courage to move towards the blue hedgehog. She could see it on his eyes, the silent suffering, the sleepless nights, the nightmares. Just like how she was years ago.
"I never did. To be honest, I stopped doing the whole heroine stuff when the war was over. I just couldn't see myself having people's lives depend on me again. I decided on a much simpler life. I opened a small cafe, actually."
Amy took a moment to look at Sonic who was waiting for more of her story for him to hear. And so she continued.
"Therapy helped. But the nightmares are still there. I don't think I'll ever forget. You just gotta...see life with a different outlook."
   A few seconds passed and Sonic was one the one to moved closer to Amy. He grabbed her hand delicately, trembling and Amy noticed this.
"I am sorry...for leaving you for so long. It seems like I am always leaving you when you need me the most. Just like how I did with the rest of the world."
"You may have left me...but you never failed me."
   It got quiet. Very quiet. They didn't dare to look at each other because they knew what would happen if they did. They just stared at each other's hands, holding each other. Sonic softly caressing Amy's and she just let it all happen. She soon felt her chin been touched by Sonic's hand, making her look directly at his eyes and then at his lips who looked so tempting to touch.
Way too tempting.
And it seemed like Sonic thought the same way about Amy's. He was craving it, her touch, her presence, her everything. If he hadn't been so shy, so cowardly, he wonders if things could of turn this way, years ago. When he wasn't so broken, when he was worthy of being with Amy.
"Am I interrupting something?"
   It was Shadow.
Amy and Sonic separated as fast as they could. Their faces showed their evident blush, they couldn't hide it.
"We are leaving."
"Shadow, wait-"
"We are leaving!"
   Amy stood quiet, Shadow had never talked that way before to her. It was shocking in a sense to find out that maybe her dark prince wasn't so 'princey' after all.
   Shadow gave Amy one last look before he walked back out the door he came from.
He waited a few minutes for Amy to come out and she did. As soon as she came out, Shadow began to walk away, slowly.
"Umm, Shadow...are you angry at me?", Amy couldn't just leave things like that. She needed to find out the reason for Shadow's sudden mood change.
"No, I am not... I just felt something.", Shadow said, still not looking at Amy on the eyes. It wasn't all lies, but at the moment he wanted to hide the fact that he was jealous on the inside. It was just so stupid of him to think that Amy was starting to feel the same way he does about her. He hated the part of himself that told him there was hope that he could be loved.
"You felt...Something?"
"We are being followed. G.U.N.'s agents are already questioning the people in Hasvely. If we don't move quickly, Sonic is going to get involved as well."
"Oh...so that's why."
   Amy needed to stop herself from having stupid ideas. There was no way that Shadow could ever-
"You sound disappointed...were you waiting for a different answer?"
   Amy's thoughts were interrupted by his voice. They were now entering the woods, although Shadow was walking slowly, his walking pace was still way faster than Amy's. She ran a little to catch up to him once in a while.
"No, I was just thinking of Sonic...he still not ready to come back...when all of this is over. I promised him, I'll come back."
   In a sense, she was saying the truth, but she also wanted to hide her disappointment somehow.
"And what about me?"
"About you?"
"Yes, about us"
   Shadow stopped for a second, realizing that Amy was a behind him, trying to catch up to him.  Shadow grabbed her hand as to stop her from falling behind. However, Amy took this as a sign to have a conversation.
"What do you mean, about us?"
"I think after what I am doing for you, I reserve a reward, don't you think?"
   Shadow noticed that Amy was starting to get nervous. He turned his body towards her, as to give her more comfort, but Amy had taken it the wrong way. She began to walk backward as Shadow unconsciously walked towards her, still holding her hand.
"I mean yeah, um, uh what about, I don't know, mo-money?", Amy's voiced cracked as she looked away.
"I was thinking of something more...personal."
   Amy's back touched a tree behind her, and Shadow placed a hand above her as, making it clear that she couldn't go anywhere. For Shadow, there was nothing wrong with what he was doing. But to Amy, it felt a whole different way. It was as is Shadow was teasing her on purpose.
"What-what do you want?"
   Shadow moved his face closer to her. Taking a breath as he appreciated her aroma. He looked at her in the eyes, and Amy felt her knees tremble.
"I want y-"
"Um, I am sorry."
   They were both interrupted by a white hedgehog, spiky, weird looking hair. Golden eyes, white chest fur, and his shoes looked weirdly...futuristic.
"My name is Silver and I think I am lost."
Next Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/185967014480/the-dark-prince-chapter-four-believe-in-him
The Dark Prince: Chapter Four: Believe In Him
Previous Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/185966809995/the-dark-prince-chapter-two-the-way-he-is
The Dark Prince:  Chapter Two: The Way He Is
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emilia-fox-fan · 6 years
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In a new dramatised film narrated by Emilia Fox, we follow the story of a mother wolf travelling across Europe in search of somewhere safe to raise her pups.
In northeastern Italy, an alpha pair of wolves leading a powerful pack are struck by tragedy. The alpha female, heavily pregnant with cubs, is banished from the pack, and must journey through the frozen Alps in search of a new life. She travels up to 40 miles a day, venturing into new countries and battling severe weather conditions and other predators to stay alive. Partway through her journey, she gives birth to six cubs, who she must feed and protect.
The programme is a “dramatised natural history special” and is in the style of previous programmes such as Hidden Kingdoms and Snow Chick: A Penguin’s Tale. 
The Snow Wolf: A Winter’s Tale is filmed using habituated animals and animatronics and will air on Thursday 27 December at 9pm on BBC Two.
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lovelyemiliafox · 6 years
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Emilia Fox in BBC One’s Who Do You Think You Are? - Series 8 Episode 5 of 10.
Emilia Fox, who was heavily pregnant while filming this episode, was intrigued to find out what family traits her baby might inherit. Part of the Fox theatrical dynasty, Emilia wants to find out just how far back the family's acting roots go.
Emilia also discovers, in an extraordinary tale of rags to riches, that her great-great-grandfather Samson Fox made one of the most important inventions of the 19th century. Born into an impoverished family, Samson started work in a Leeds textile mill when he was just eight years old, but ended up becoming one of the richest men in Victorian Britain. As Emilia investigates further, she discovers how her illustrious ancestor was later touched by scandal.(x)
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devinstonerpg · 4 years
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AVELINE ELLIOT (Emilia Clarke) is looking for her ESTRANGED SIBLING. This connection is currently OPEN and you DO have to contact the player before applying.
Character name
Aveline Elliot (Emilia Clarke)
Type of connection
Estranged sibling.
Suggested name and age
Their name is Elliot and they’d be roughly 24. Gender isn’t important. Their last name is up to the player, as they were adopted by another family when they were five.
Suggested FCs
Logan Lerman, Tom Holland, Timothée Chalamet, anyone who looks like they could be Emilia Clarke’s sibling.
Connection description
Aveline’s last name at birth was Fox-Harker, which are her parents surnames. They were neglectful, awful parents (see Avie’s bio for more info). When she was ten, her mother got pregnant, and instead of being excited, Avie was just scared for the poor kid. Predictably, she ended up raising her baby sibling almost on her own.
She did okay, but when she was 13, Elliot still wasn’t learning how to speak, so (after a lot of begging and convincing) their parents agreed to take the baby to the doctor where they were finally diagnosed with prelingual deafness.
Knowing she was too young to take care of a deaf baby on her own, and that her parents certainly couldn’t do it properly, she and her half-blind grandmother gathered up proof of neglect. Elliot went into care, and was eventually adopted.
When she turned 16, she tried to find Elliot, but their new family didn’t want them to have anything to do with their old life. 
Now, Elliot is old enough to make their own decisions, and has come to Devinstone to find Aveline, and to find out what happened to them.
TLDR: Character is deaf, lived in the UK with Aveline and their shitty parents until they were 5, then were adopted. Could have moved anywhere after that. When Avie moved to the states and changed her name she changed it to Elliot in their memory.
Do you want to be contacted prior to applying?
Yes, please.
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newagesispage · 6 years
                                                              JUNE       2018
 ***** Childish Gambino has the song of the summer with the brilliant ‘This is America’.  I am so reminded of Jean Luc Goddard and also the Talking Heads when I watch the video and yet it is so on point today. . Donald Glover is the star of the year with the fab season of Atlanta. The coat of many colors with the FUBU shirt episode was a beautiful reminder of thy child, thy self. The turn as host and musical guest on SNL was a triumph, best show of the season. His role in Ron Howard’s movie, Solo will only make him burn brighter!!
***** Arrested Development came back for season 5. We have wonderful things in there from seasons past to make us smile and new catchphrases to carry on in the future. This is just the first half of the season and the binge went by fast. We will have to be content with great new Arrested memories like APB (ah, poor Buster), hour mouth, peanut pockets, trophy cobbler, break up cactus, will he won’t he  and Strum! I laugh just thinking about them. I was particularly fond of the Howard family get together, Rance Howard was a national treasure. I was thrilled to see Kyle Mooney in the mix.
***** Days alert: I saw it coming.. Mexico?? Of course, Teresa had to be back.. Hooray!! ..It is time for Sonny’s new lover to go…. It is also time for John and Paul to get Shane and go get Chloe.. well, they did not get Shane but they got her. That was fast!!… Is Abby pregnant by Stefan??**We’ll miss ya Joseph Campanella.
***** Goodbye to The Americans!! Oh how I will miss ya.
***** Benedict Cumberbatch and Jennifer Jason Leigh have given us Patrick Melrose.
***** Well, Roseanne tweeted her racist rhetoric and got her show booted off ABC. If it can bring down Roseanne, we still may see it take down the President. It will cost the network plenty ( like 60 mil not counting the rerun revenue). Reruns were yanked by CMT, Paramount and TV Land. She was also dropped by her talent agency ICM partners. She blamed Ambien but the company issued a statement explaining that racism is not a side effect of Ambien.  I feel bad for the rest of the cast and crew but bye bye Roseanne!
***** I am hearing good things about Robin, the Robin Williams doc from Dave Itzkoff.
***** Ric Ocasek has separated from Paulina Porizkova.
***** What is this NFL no kneeling bullshit? I get that it is a business and we all have to adhere to our employer’s rules but it is very sad. How is that silent peaceful protest hurting anyone? Who needs football anyway? C’mon, America, no more football!! Some believe free speech is only for them.
***** The latest accused of sexual misconduct: Morgan Freeman** Weinstein has been indicted!!!!!
***** New money got its chance to buy a piece of old money at the Rockefeller auction at Christie’s. The private collection broke records with a take of $832 million which will go to charity.
***** TV cancelled shows all over the place. The list includes Designated Survivor, Kevin Can Wait, Scorpion, 9JKL, Alex Inc., Deception, Taken, Rise, Great News, Me Myself and I, Quantico, The Mayor and The Exorcist. Last Man Standing will move to Fox, Project Runway will move to Bravo and Brooklyn 99 will move to NBC. There should be more of this moving.. C’mon somebody take Last man on Earth and Me , Myself and I. LA to Vegas is on the bubble, please keep that one going.
***** The podcast Cocaine and Rhinestones with Tyler Mahan Coe sounds interesting.
***** Sears has not made a profit since 2010. They are closing hundreds more stores this year.
***** Who do you think you are? Is back with Molly Shannon, Jean Smart, Jon Cryer, Hillary Duff, Megan Mullally and Laverne Cox.
***** Can’t wait to see the new doc  The gospel according to Andre’ about Andre’ Leon Talley.
***** Black Rhinos have returned to Chad. Fifty years ago poaching had wiped them out.
***** Lung cancer is a trend with more women than men being diagnosed. It has become more common than breast or ovarian cancer.
***** The interior department wants to end the ban on hunting black bears, wolves and coyotes and their young.
***** Before the 2016 election the FBI had a codename for their Russian interference investigation: Crossfire Hurricane. The Stones have a little touch on everything.
***** Oliver North is the new face of the NRA.
***** Word is that over a 30 year period, there have been 27 complaints against Charlie Rose.. Ugh!** The Kennedy Center Honors has rescinded the Honors award and the Mark Twain prize from Bill Cosby.
***** Iowa has made the strictest abortion laws. They want no abortions once the heartbeat can be detected. The American civil liberties union and Planned Parenthood have filed complaints.
***** Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The press was telling us that 2 people fell in love and we all showed up. This actually did seem to bring people together. Harry and Meghan are 17th cousins.
***** Great to see Joel Mchale back to his green screen zaniness. It seems like old times on Netflix and with a little help from Jim Rash and Alison Brie.
***** There seems to have been some shading from the government on the actual death toll in Puerto Rico. Hurricane Maria has an official tally of 64 dead but estimates are saying that it could be 70 times higher. Most deaths happened after the actual threat and could have been prevented. How many people have to suffer or die before we get these clowns out of office?
***** Scary clown is in the habit of pardoning whoever he pleases. Why the hell would anybdy want to pardon Rod Blagojevich?
***** The 71st Cannes film fest has honored Spike Lee’s BlacKkKlansman, Nadine Labaki’s Capernaum and Hirokazu Kore-eda’s Shoplifters.
***** The Boys in the Band has been restaged starring Tuc Watkins, Zachary Quinto and Jim Parsons.
***** It seems the Black Cube operatives who worked for Weinstein have been trying to get dirt on former Obama administration officials and their spouses. Guess who set that in motion?
***** Cigna and Blue Cross Blue Shield say that policies advocated by the Trump administration and the repeal of Obama care would raise their rates up to 64%.
***** The Met gala had some fab fashion with a theme of Heavenly bodies/Catholic imagination. The best dressed according to me were Lily Collins, Zoe Kravitz, Frances McDormand, Mindy Kaling, Rosie Huntington Whitely, Arianna Grande, Amal Clooney, Gigi Hadid, Rita Ora, Donatella, JLo, Tiffany Haddish, Scarlett Johansen, Janelle Monae, Blake Lively, Gabrielle Union, Liu Wen, Sienna Miller, Emilia Clark, Miley Cyrus, Virgil Abloh, Emily Ratajkowski, Stephen Colbert, Cynthia Erivo, Mary J. Blige, Trevor Noah, Michelle Williams, Lena Waithe, Alek Wek and Jasmine snders. The worst dressed to me were Katy Perry, Kris Jenner, Anne Hathaway, Selena Gomez, Claire Danes, Sarah Paulson, Ariana Rockefellar, Greta Gerwig, Tracee Ellis Ross and Helen Lasichanh. 2Chainz proposed again to Nakesha Ward at the ball.
***** The new slogan from our first lady: Be Best
***** Are Emma Stone and Justin Theroux a thing?
***** Trump has withdrawn from the Iran deal.
***** Buddy Guy has a new cd with help from Jeff Beck, James Bay and Mick and Keith. Buddy id also a guest on Letterman’s My next guest needs no introduction.
***** There are 11 investigations into Scott Pruitt.
***** The ins and outs at the White House: Ty Cobb is out and Emmet Flood is in.
***** The Tony nominations are out with Mean Girls, Sponge Bob square pants, Angels in America, The Band’s visit, Carousel, My Fair Lady and Harry Potter and the cursed child leading the pack.
***** John McCain has a memoir and will retire soon. He and his family are also riding out the heartless comments that came from the White House who seem pleased that he may die sooner rather than later.
***** It’s stripe season. I have never seen people wear so many stripes.
***** R.I.P. Allan D. Smith,  Anne V. Coates, Scott Hutchison, Big T, Kristin Harmon Nelson, Peter Mayer, Margot Kidder, Clint Walker, Patricia Morison, Philip Roth, Tom Wolfe, John Bain, Joseph Campanella and Paul Bloch.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
OK, April 15
Cover: Colin Farrell and Angelina Jolie hot new romance 
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: Contents 
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Page 6: Spice Girls comeback crisis -- Mel B’s big mouth has gotten her into trouble with her bandmates just weeks before their reunion tour 
Page 8: Fuller House cast turns on Lori Loughlin as they fear her part in the college admissions scandal will cost them millions in Full House royalties 
Page 9: Lionel Richie advises Katy Perry to pump the brakes on her engagement to Orlando Bloom but she ignores him, Margot Robbie has signed on as a producer of the upcoming comedy Dollface but Gwyneth Paltrow is seeing red as it pokes fun at her lifestyle, Justin Bieber claps back at a fan who claimed he only wed Hailey Baldwin to get back at Selena Gomez 
Page 10: Red Carpet -- Florals -- Alexa Chung, Angela Bassett, Marren Morris 
Page 11: Elle Fanning, Elizabeth Chambers 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Cobie Smulders vs. Rita Ora, Linda Cardellini vs. Reese Witherspoon, Delilah Belle Hamlin vs. Martha Hunt 
Page 14: News in Photos -- Mandy Moore and costars Sterling K. Brown and Justin Hartley and Chrissy Metz 
Page 15: Maya Rudolph and daughter Pearl at Disneyland, Hilary Duff, Jessie James Decker 
Page 18: Will Ferrell, Toni Collette and Daniel Wyllie 
Page 19: Colin Farrell, Donnie Wahlberg filming a scene for Blue Bloods 
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Page 20: Tracy Morgan and wife and daughter, Andy Cohen with dog Wacha and son Benjamin, Nicole Scherzinger 
Page 22: Kaley Cuoco, Kobe Bryant, John Mayer 
Page 24: Cher’s villa in Malibu 
Page 26: Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman’s baby battle 
Page 27: Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz’s domestic bliss, Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson’s post-baby boot camp, Love Bites -- Christina Anstead is pregnant, Adam Lambert dating Javi Costa Polo, Nicolas Cage marrying Erika Koike
Page 28: Kate Beckinsale and Pete Davidson’s summer of love, Hilary Duff scared by her previous marriage to ever wed again, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner sparing no expense on their wedding 
Page 30: Cover Story -- More than a decade after their passionate fling Colin Farrell and Angelina Jolie have quietly reconnected 
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Page 34: Friends fear Khloe Kardashian has ruined her appearance thanks to string on nips and tucks 
Page 36: Julia Roberts and Danny Moder -- separate but happy 
Page 38: The Replacements -- these actors stepped in after the movie’s original star was dropped at the last minute -- Melissa McCarthy replaced Julianne Moore in Can You Ever Forgive Me?, Eddie Murphy replaced Sylvester Stallone in Beverly Hills Cop, Katherine Heigl replaced Anne Hathaway in Knocked Up, Michael J. Fox replaced Eric Stoltz in Back to the Future, Mark Wahlberg replaced Ryan Gosling in The Lovely Bones 
Page 40: Emilia Clarke on Game of Thrones and the character that’s made her a star Daenerys Targaryen (and Dany and Jon Snow) 
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Page 42: Heidi Klum’s wedding body blitz
Page 44: Food -- Smashed Potatoes with Shredded Brussels Sprouts from Tracy Pollan -- Please try a plant-based diet like this recipe 
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Page 46: Style -- Gigi Hadid’s sunglasses 
Page 48: Christine Evangelista 
Page 49: Kristin Cavallari 
Page 50: Chanel Iman 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Game of Thrones -- where the characters stand as they head into the final season 
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Page 60: Man Candy of the Week -- Idris Elba 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Aries Leighton Meester 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Gina Rodriguez 
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tabloidtoc · 6 years
Star, March 18
Cover: Lady Gaga Pregnant But Is Bradley Cooper or Christian Carino the Father? 
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Page 1: Jason Momoa living in fear as attacker could be paroled 
Page 2: Contents, Brie Larson and Samuel L. Jackson at Captain Marvel premiere in London 
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Page 4: Selena Gomez steps in to save Justin Bieber
Page 5: Vin Diesel is determined to direct the next Fast & Furious movie but Dwayne Johnson will drop out of the film if he does, Robert Pattinson wants big money to join the Batman franchise, Spot the Stars -- Kristen Bell, Simon Le Bon, Emma Watson, Katie Lee, Bobby Flay, Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka, Alexa Chung, Ellen Pompeo and Chris Ivery 
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Page 6: Fame by A.J. Benza -- Brian Austin Green and Megan Fox on the rocks again, Wendy Williams to sit down for a televised interview to bare her soul, friends fear Orlando Bloom’s partying lifestyle will hurt Katy Perry 
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Page 8: Ben Affleck asks Jennifer Garner to marry him again 
Page 10: Star Shots -- Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger, Christian Slater and wife Brittany Lopez
Page 11: Matthew McConaughey and family including mom Kay and wife Camila Alves and three kids, Hilary Duff and Sutton Foster, Idris Elba and Ellen DeGeneres 
Page 12: Lorde, Taylor Hill and Lupita Nyong’o and Zendaya
Page 14: Karlie Kloss, Elle Fanning, Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard 
Page 16: Academy Awards -- Rami Malek, Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, Regina King 
Page 17: Samuel L. Jackson and Glenn Close, Helen Mirren, Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet, Melissa McCarthy and Brian Tyree Henry 
Page 18: Kelly Rowland, Isla Fisher, Dakota Johnson and Tilda Swinton, Jennifer Garner 
Page 22: Giada De Laurentiis, Rumer Willis, Tracy Morgan and Kid Mero and Desus Nice 
Page 24: Normal or Not? Tori Spelling, Tara Reid and her dog, Channing Tatum 
Page 25: Jamie Foxx, Owen Wilson
Page 26: Fashion -- Best of the Week -- Oscars -- Brie Larson, Gemma Chan, Kiki Layne 
Page 27: Emilia Clarke, Jennifer Lopez 
Page 28: Hot Sheet -- Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman 
Page 30: Crushed Meghan Markle tells her dad that they’ll never talk again and Prince Harry is ready to go head-to-head with Thomas Markle 
Page 32: Why Tristan Thompson cheated on Khloe Kardashian 
Page 34: Miranda Lambert’s new marriage to Brendan McLoughlin on the rocks already, Rachel Brosnahan wants to be a mom, Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra building their dream home in L.A. 
Page 35: Kendall Jenner falls hard for Ben Simmons, Teresa Giudice tells Joe they’re through, Love Bites -- Robin Thicke and April Love Geary welcome their second child, Holly Madison and Pasquale Rotella split, Lily Collins and Noah Centineo getting cozy
Page 36: Cover Story -- Lady Gaga’s pregnancy predicament 
Page 40: Celebrities don’t make good neighbors -- Drake, James Franco, Hilary Duff 
Page 41: Natasha Lyonne, Hulk Hogan, Taylor Swift 
Page 42: Madonna, Robert Downey Jr., David Schwimmer 
Page 43: Charlie Sheen, Justin Bieber, Amanda Bynes 
Page 44: Burning Questions -- Miley Cyrus pregnant, Ed Sheeran secretly wed Cherry Seaborn, Ryan Seacrest and Shayna Taylor split 
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Page 46: Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner ask restaurant pianist to quiet down so they can make out, Shawn Mendes changed undies in front of everyone on Calvin Klein photo shoot 
Page 49: Double Takes -- Kris Jenner vs. Shay Mitchell 
Page 50: Style -- Coveralls -- Lily James 
Page 52: Beauty -- Jennifer Lopez, Heidi Klum, Thandie Newton, Jamie Chung 
Page 55: Bella Hadid 
Page 56: How They Got That Body -- Kaley Cuoco, Blake Lively
Page 57: Jessica Alba, Julianne Hough 
Page 58: Entertainment 
Page 61: Q&A with Alexis Neiers 
Page 70: Wait, There’s More -- Harry Hamlin and Nicollette Sheridan are unfriendly exes, Pete Davidson kicks out heckler for bringing up Mac Miller, Wise Words -- Olivia Colman
Page 71: Khloe Kardashian is not going to be The Bachelorette 
Page 72: Parting Shot -- Prince William and Duchess Kate playing soccer
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, September 21
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: How Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman make their love last 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- at the 77th International Venice Film Festival jury members Cate Blanchett and Matt Dillon came together for a photo-call with and without masks 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Jennifer Aniston was rumored to be pursuing her ex Brad Pitt when Brad was seen with his much younger new girlfriend Nicole Poturalski but Jen wasn’t bothered in the least by the news because she has a much younger love interest of her own -- after a string of hush-hush dates Jen’s zeroed in one handsome suitor in particular and he’s 20 years her junior and a proud beach bum unlike her other ex Justin Theroux who preferred city concrete to sand and surf 
Page 6: Miley Cyrus is on a bold new path toward motherhood -- after the rough patch she went through she’s grown up a lot and realized she doesn’t need the perfect partner to start a family and she’s always wanted to be a mom so that’s what she plans to do 
Page 7: This Is Us star Chrissy Metz is asking her happily married costar Mandy Moore to play matchmaker for her because she’s been without a boyfriend for nearly two years which was OK at first because she needed time to get over her ex Hal Rosenfield but now she’s finding the loneliness intolerable, Dolly Parton’s inner circle is growing concerned over her workaholic tendencies -- everyone from friends to business associates is coaxing her to slow down and enjoy life more but she won’t listen because she thinks taking a break is the same as letting folks down, though the Great White Way was forced to close its curtains due to the pandemic and keep them closed for the remainder of the year Bruce Willis is hoping to take center stage once Broadway is back in business -- he sold a lot of tickets during his limited theatrical run in Misery in 2015 even though it was a critical disaster -- he’s been itching to get back on the boards and take another crack at it and in a bid to make his potential gig even more buzzworthy he’s trying to convince amicable ex Demi Moore to be his costar even though it would be weird for Bruce’s current wife Emma Heming 
Page 8: Halle Berry may not be ready to reveal the identity of her new boyfriend to the public but her mystery man has already gotten the seal of approval from her pal and personal trainer Peter Lee Thomas, the pressure’s on for Natalie Portman as she preps to start filming her superhero flick Thor: Love and Thunder because they asked her to get shredded and put on real muscle to basically become the female equivalent of Chris Hemsworth on screen but it’s a tall order since she’s been trying to fulfill it pretty much on her own at home due to the pandemic and now that she’s on location in Australia her nerves are really kicking in, Carrie Underwood’s five-year-old son Isaiah recorded a track for her upcoming Christmas album and she pushing for both her sons to have full-fledged careers in the music industry
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars are fierce in fuchsia -- Sofia Carson, Isla Fisher, Angela Bassett 
Page 11: Idina Menzel, Zendaya  
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Naomi Watts vs. Hilary Duff, Chloe Bennet vs. Martha Hunt, Jessie James Decker vs. Melissa Gorga 
Page 14: News in Photos -- Bradley Cooper all dressed up as ‘70s hairstylist turned movie mogul Jon Peters while filming an upcoming Paul Thomas Anderson flick 
Page 15: Kristen Wiig taking a hike with one of her twins, WWE star Natalie Ava Marie at the drive-in premiere of Hard Kill, Rachel Zoe at the beach in Malibu 
Page 17: Sofia Richie relaxed and waded in the water while on vacation in Mexico 
Page 18: Kevin Hart and daughter Heaven wear masks as they grabbed lunch in Malibu, Tori Spelling’s son Finn celebrated his birthday with siblings Stella and Liam and Beau and Hattie, Lucy Hale took her dog Elvis for a walk 
Page 20: Gavin Rossdale and his dog hit the beach in Malibu, Taye Diggs during a run in Los Angeles, Cara Santana arriving at friend’s house with a bottle of wine 
Page 21: Brooke Shields read Howard Stern’s latest book in the Hamptons, Erica Banks posing for a photo shoot 
Page 22: Kristen Taekman picked up pizza for her kids in Malibu, Sarah Jessica Parker swung by her store to help customers try on shoes 
Page 23: Gordon Ramsay posed in front of his new pool which has a transparent wall with his son Oscar, Jessie James Decker spent her morning making phone calls 
Page 24: Inside My Home -- Emilia Clarke’s chic compound in Venice, California is for sale 
Page 28: Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich are working toward a reconciliation nearly four months after announcing their separation but things will be much different this time around: most notably they’ll be allowed to see other people -- the problem Jules had with Brooks was his possessive and controlling behavior and she likes the idea of a looser arrangement and although most guys would have balked Brooks figures there’s no sense in trying to discourage her free spirit 
Page 29: A year after tying the knot Heidi Klum is suddenly aching to have a baby with her husband Tom Kaulitz even though she’s 47 she’s taken care of herself her whole adult life and has no reason to doubt it will happen naturally but they’ll consider IVF too, Shania Twain and husband Frederic Thiebaud have grown closer during quarantine and with their 10th wedding anniversary approaching the want to celebrate their marriage by renewing their vows, though Bindi Irwin isn’t due until next year the pregnant star and husband Chandler Powell are already prepping for the big day -- they’re thinking about things like lighting and atmosphere and who’ll be in the room with them and Bindi even created a playlist with recordings of zoo animals and meditation music to listen to during labor 
Page 30: Ever since Katy Perry found out she was pregnant Orlando Bloom has been filming her every move so they can one day share the footage with family and friends and fans, Henry Golding wants nothing more than to see his wife of four years Liv Lo succeed as a fitness entrepreneur -- he’s financially supportive and is using his contacts to boost publicity for her company FitSphere because he wants her to be just as proud of her work as he is of his own, Love Bites -- Minka Kelly and Trevor Noah dating, Ed Sheeran and wife Cherry Seaborn welcomed their first child, Niecy Nash and Jessica Betts are married 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban stronger than ever -- after a few bumps Nicole and Keith’s 14-year marriage is back on solid ground 
Page 36: Jon Hamm tells all -- love and loss and starting over at 50 Jon is opening up like never before 
Page 38: Blasts from the Past -- find out what Hollywood’s former teen heartthrobs are up to now -- Kirk Cameron, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Scott Baio 
Page 39: Donny Osmond, Leif Garrett, Andrew Keegan 
Page 40: Interview -- Paris Hilton gets real -- the It Girl turned businesswoman is telling all in a new documentary 
Page 42: Ballroom Body Blitz -- the diet and fitness secrets of these Dancing With the Stars stunners -- Cheryl Burke, Peta Murgatroyd, Sharna Burgess 
Page 43: Jenna Johnson, Britt Stewart 
Page 46: Style Week -- Hunter Schafer is the global brand ambassador for Shiseido 
Page 48: The new Sandra Mansour X H&M collection 
Page 49: 5 minutes with Jenny Mollen on her style and her beauty routine and book suggestions 
Page 52: Fragrant Candles -- Kacey Musgraves 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A with Joyce Giraud 
Page 58: Buzz -- 2020 VMAs -- Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, The Weeknd, The Black Eyed Peas with new member J. Rey Soul replacing Fergie, Nicole Richie, Ariana Grande 
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Chloe Sevigny on becoming a mom, Kate Winslet on resuming filming for the HBO series Mare of Easttown, Brian Austin Green when asked if he and estranged wife Megan Fox would ever reconcile, Kevin Jonas on Toy Story 4, Jennifer Garner on loosening her parenting rules amid the stressful pandemic 
Page 61: Melanie C on never having a #MeToo experience while with the Spice Girls, Channing Tatum announcing he wrote a children’s book  
Page 62: Horoscope -- Virgo Jennifer Hudson turned 39 on September 12 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Macaulay Culkin
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
In Touch, May 20
Cover: Baby No. 6 for Chip and Joanna Gaines 
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Page 1: Contents
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Page 2: Who Wore It Better? Bella Hadid vs. Devon Windsor, Sarah Paulson vs. Lucy Boynton, please don’t wear leather 
Page 4: Sofia Richie’s plastic surgery after hanging out with the Kardashians 
Page 5: Insult of the Week -- Lisa Vanderpump calls Dorit Kemsley a stupid cow, Cuteness of the Week: Jennifer Lopez’s daughter asked her if she was her favorite, Jeopardy! contestant aren’t allowed to bet $69, Nick Viall and Kaitlyn Bristowe still feuding after 3 years 
Page 6: Crib of the Week: Marc Jacobs NYC townhouse 
Page 8: Stunt Doubles are just as hot -- Tom Hardy, Daniel Craig, Jai Courtney, Emilia Clarke, Zac Efron, Mark Wahlberg, Jaden Smith will play a younger version of Kanye West in Omniverse 
Page 9: Makeover of the Week -- Charlize Theron rocks short fringe, Man Candy of the Week -- Chris Hemsworth, Winner of the Week -- Sigourney Weaver showed up to a high school performance of Alien
Page 10: Billboard Music Awards -- Taylor Swift and Brendon Urie, Mariah Carey, Rob Gronkowski and Terry Crews, Kelly Clarkson, Madonna and Maluma 
Page 11: Drake, Halsey with BTS, the Jonas Brothers, Sophie Turner marries Joe Jonas, Cardi B and Offset, Ciara and her son Future 
Page 12: Paula Abdul, Julianne Hough 
Page 14: Pregnant Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, Channing Tatum, Zac Efron and Ellen DeGeneres 
Page 16: Reunited -- Beverly Hills 90210 Gabrielle Carteris and Shannen Doherty and Tori Spelling and Jennie Garth and Ian Ziering and Jason Priestley and Brian Austin Green, Charlie’s Angels Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu, Back to the Future Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd and Thomas F. Wilson and James Tolkan and Lea Thompson 
Page 18: Katy Perry, Celine Dion 
Page 20: Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga, Sarah Jessica Parker and Andy Cohen 
Page 22: Sweat It Out -- Derek Hough, Bella Thorne, Wells Adams, Jennifer Garner 
Page 24: Princess Charlotte turns 4, Amy Schumer and Chris Fischer and newborn son 
Page 26: George Clooney and Reese Witherspoon, Charlize Theron and Seth Rogen and James Corden, Johnny Galecki and Jim Parsons and Kaley Cuoco 
Page 28: Cover Story -- Baby no. 6 for Chip and Joanna Gaines 
Page 32: Julia Roberts and Danny Moder’s trip to Hawaii that saved their marriage 
Page 34: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s son is here 
Page 36: Baby no. 2 for Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel 
Page 38: Ricky Schroder’s shocking arrest for domestic violence 
Page 39: Ryan Seacrest wants out of American Idol, divorce crisis for Lori Loughlin, Star Sightings -- Venus Williams, Caroline Vreeland, Stellan Skarsgard and Alexander Skarsgard, Val Chmerkovskiy and Jenna Johnson, Blind Item 
Page 42: Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor shedding for the wedding 
Page 44: Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph want 3 kids and a dog 
Page 46: Taylor Swift’s pastel parade 
Page 48: Style -- Bucket hats are back -- Bella Hadid 
Page 49: Kaia Gerber 
Page 50: Beauty -- tomato red lip color -- Camila Mendes 
Page 52: Did I Really Do That? Michael B. Jordan, Madonna, Nico Tortorella 
Page 54: Animal Overload -- My dog looks like Charlie Hunnam 
Page 56: Sneak Preview -- L.A.’s Finest 
Page 58: My Night at Home -- Jonathan Lipnicki, Guess Whose Mother -- Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Reese Witherspoon, Drake, Katie Holmes, Chris Hemsworth 
Page 60: Double Take -- Brooke Burke 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Taurus Robert Pattinson 
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Page 64: Last Laughs
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