#emergency home repair bc we apparently have carpenter ants and they fucking ate the caulk around the tub
playingplayer2 · 3 months
I never want to caulk again in my life the fucking caulk gun handle pump thingy is like 2x bigger than I can reasonably use and the whole thing is unwieldy- my hands are not that big and not that steady and now all I can think of is that goddamn tiktok of a woman purposely mispronouncing "caulk" as "cock" and it's worse because my mom and I were making really bad condoms jokes about the stupid caulk tube rubber lid thing. And the whole reason I had to caulk anything at all is bc of ants and I really don't like ants and we have carpenter ants bc we have rotting ceder siding but we don't own the house so we can't replace it but we also can't move out because moving takes money and really good credit scores and both of those are hard to come by in this economy with an abusive fucking POS having spent over a decade financially fucking you over.
Anyways. I strongly disliked caulking.
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