#emergency food storage company in Utah
driedfoodstorage2 · 4 months
Building the Ultimate Emergency Food Kit: Essentials for Preparedness!!
In the face of natural disasters, power outages, or other emergencies, having a well-stocked emergency food kit can provide peace of mind and ensure your family remains nourished. An effective emergency food kit should be carefully planned to include a variety of non-perishable, nutrient-dense foods that are easy to prepare and have a long shelf life. Here’s a guide to assembling an emergency food kit that will keep you prepared for any situation.
The Importance of an Emergency Food Kit
Emergencies often strike without warning, disrupting daily life and making it difficult to access food and other necessities. An emergency food kit ensures that you and your loved ones have access to essential nutrients and calories needed to maintain health and energy levels during a crisis. By planning ahead and assembling a comprehensive kit, you can reduce stress and enhance your ability to respond effectively to unexpected events. Get the best emergency foods at Legacy food storage.
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Essential Components of an Emergency Food Kit
1. Non-Perishable Foods: Choose foods with long shelf lives that do not require refrigeration. Opt for items like canned vegetables, fruits, beans, and meats. These foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and protein to sustain you during an emergency.
2. Dry Goods: Include a variety of dry goods such as rice, pasta, oats, and beans. These staples are versatile, easy to store, and can form the base of many meals. Additionally, consider incorporating dried fruits, nuts, and seeds for quick snacks and added nutrition.
3. Ready-to-Eat Meals: Ready-to-eat meals like canned soups, stews, and chili are convenient and require minimal preparation. Ensure you have a can opener or choose cans with pull tabs for easy access.
4. High-Energy Foods: Pack high-energy foods such as granola bars, peanut butter, and trail mix. These items are dense in calories and nutrients, providing a quick source of energy when you need it most.
5. Hydration: Water is a crucial component of any emergency food kit. Store at least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking and sanitation. Consider water purification tablets or filters to ensure a safe water supply if you run out.
6. Cooking Supplies: Include a portable stove or camping stove with fuel, matches, and utensils. A manual can opener, multi-tool, and basic cookware are also essential for meal preparation.
Storage Tips and Maintenance
Proper storage is key to maintaining the quality and safety of your emergency food supplies. Store food in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Use airtight containers or vacuum-sealed bags to prevent moisture and pests from damaging your supplies. Regularly check expiration dates and rotate items to ensure freshness. Replace any expired or damaged items promptly.
Planning for Dietary Needs
When assembling your emergency food kit, consider the dietary needs and preferences of your household members. Include gluten-free, dairy-free, or other special diet options if necessary. Ensure that you have baby food and pet food if needed.
Sample Emergency Food Kit List
Canned vegetables, fruits, beans, and meats
Dry goods: rice, pasta, oats, and beans
Dried fruits, nuts, and seeds
Ready-to-eat meals: canned soups, stews, and chili
High-energy foods: granola bars, peanut butter, trail mix
Water and water purification tablets or filters
Portable stove, fuel, matches, and utensils
Manual can opener, multi-tool, and basic cookware
Building a comprehensive emergency food kit is a crucial step in preparing for unexpected events. By including a variety of non-perishable, nutrient-dense foods and essential supplies, you can ensure that your household remains nourished and ready to face any challenge. Regularly maintain and update your kit to keep it in optimal condition, providing peace of mind and security for you and your loved ones.
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storagechefutah · 8 months
Exploring Utah's Food Storage Companies and Emergency Preparedness
In the picturesque landscapes of Utah, where the majestic mountains meet vast deserts, residents understand the importance of preparedness, especially when it comes to food storage. Utah is home to a burgeoning industry of food storage companies, with a particular focus on emergency preparedness. Let us learn what a food storage company does.
One of the leading sectors within this industry is emergency food storage. Utah residents, known for their resilience and foresight, have embraced the concept of preparing for unforeseen circumstances. Companies involving emergency food storage Utah provide long-term food solutions that are not only nutritious but also have extended shelf lives.
These companies offer a wide range of options to cater to diverse needs, from freeze-dried fruits and vegetables to dehydrated meals that retain their flavor and nutritional value. The emphasis is on creating food stores that can sustain individuals and families during emergencies, ensuring they have access to essential nutrients even when traditional food sources may be scarce.
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The unique geography of Utah, characterized by both urban and rural areas, has spurred the growth of food storage companies catering to a variety of lifestyles. Whether you live in a bustling city or a more remote location, these companies offer solutions that suit different preferences and requirements.
One notable aspect is the convenience of ordering and storing these emergency food supplies. Utah's food storage companies often provide a hassle-free experience, allowing residents to build their emergency food reserves with ease. Many companies offer customizable packages, enabling individuals to select the types of food that align with their dietary preferences and restrictions.
The emphasis on emergency food storage in Utah is not just a response to potential natural disasters but also a reflection of a proactive approach to personal and community well-being. As more people recognize the importance of preparedness, these food companies in Utah continue to play a vital role in ensuring that Utah residents are well-equipped to face unexpected challenges.
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storagechef · 10 months
Utah Food Storage Companies
Are you looking for food storage companies in Utah? Look no further than Storage Chef, one of the state's top providers of food storage products. Whether you need to stock the pantry with essential items or prepare for an emergency, we offer high-quality, long-lasting food storage items. For more information visit our website: https://www.storagechef.com/emergency-food-storage-utah
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/covid-19-news-live-updates-on-vaccines-variants-and-global-cases/
Covid-19 News: Live Updates on Vaccines, Variants and Global Cases
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Here’s what you need to know:
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Vaccines were still being administered on Thursday at a community center in the Bronx.Credit…James Estrin/The New York Times
With vast swaths of the United States pelted by heavy winter storms that brought Covid-19 vaccinations to a near-halt over the past week, health officials say a daunting task has become even more difficult.
But not impossible.
“We’re going to just have to make up for it: namely do double time when this thing clears up,” declared Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, a top pandemic adviser to President Biden.
Jennifer Psaki, the White House press secretary, said the Biden administration was working closely with manufacturing and shipping partners to assess weather conditions, and would have more updates on delivery issues on Friday.
The brutal winter weather delayed the delivery of hundreds of thousands of doses across the country just as vaccine distribution was beginning to gather steam in the United States. Part of the problems is that the storms affected a FedEx facility in Memphis and a UPS facility in Louisville, Ky. — both vaccine shipping hubs.
Shipment delays have been reported in California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, Utah and Washington, among other states, forcing vaccine sites to temporarily shutter and coveted appointments to be rescheduled.
In Texas, where millions of residents lost power during the powerful storm, a delivery of more than 400,000 first doses and 330,000 second doses was delayed. A portion of those shots, roughly 35,000 doses of Pfizer’s vaccine, were sent to North Texas providers on Wednesday, but shipments will continue to depend on safety conditions.
Chris Van Deusen, a spokesman for the Texas Department of State Health Services, said on Thursday that the state was “asking providers that aren’t able to store vaccine due to power outages to transfer it elsewhere or administer it so it doesn’t spoil.”
On Monday, health officials in Texas scrambled to give people more than 5,000 doses after a power outage in a storage facility where they were being kept. But Mr. Van Deusen said that “reports of vaccine spoiling have been minimal.”
The Houston Health Department said on Thursday it would restart vaccinations for second doses this weekend and schedule additional first- and second-dose appointments next week. The Federal Emergency Management Agency said that more than 2,000 vaccine sites were in areas with power outages.
In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference that “a vast majority of the resupply” the city was expecting for this week had not yet shipped from the factories.
The city has had to hold off on scheduling upward of 35,000 appointments for first vaccine doses because of shipment delays and vaccine shortages. The opening of two new distribution sites was also postponed.
In Los Angeles, the city said that appointments for about 12,500 would be delayed.
Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida said that while 136,000 Pfizer doses had arrived this week, the state had not received its shipment for the week of 200,000 Moderna doses. He said the shipment could be delayed as late as Monday.
“Because the storms we are seeing in the rest of the country, it’s basically sitting in the FedEx warehouse — and I don’t think they can even get into it because of everything,” Mr. DeSantis said at a news conference, encouraging those who had appointments rescheduled to “hang in there, the doses are going to get here.”
Dr. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, called the weather delay “significant.”
“Obviously it’s an issue,” he told MSNBC on Thursday. “It’s been slowed down in some places, going to a grinding halt.”
Dr. Fauci said, “We’re just going to have to make up for it as soon as the weather lifts a bit, the ice melts and we can get the trucks out and the people out.”
As of Thursday, the C.D.C. said that about 41 million people had received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, including about 16.2 million people who have been fully vaccinated.
United States › United StatesOn Feb. 18 14-day change New cases 71,874 –44% New deaths 2,620 –39%
World › WorldOn Feb. 18 14-day change New cases 405,130 –24% New deaths 11,497 –17%
U.S. vaccinations ›
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After taking office, President Biden directed federal agencies to come up with “a framework for donating surplus vaccines, once there is sufficient supply in the United States, to countries in need.”Credit…Oliver Contreras for The New York Times
An international effort to speed up the manufacture and distribution of coronavirus vaccines around the globe got a boost Thursday on two fronts: White House officials said the Biden administration would make good on a U.S. promise to donate $4 billion to the campaign over the next two years and the pharmaceutical company Novavax committed to eventually sell 1.1 billion doses of its vaccine.
President Biden will make his announcement on Friday during a virtual meeting with other leaders from the Group of 7, where he is also expected to call on other countries to step up their contributions. The $4 billion was approved last year by a Republican-led Senate when President Donald J. Trump was still in office.
Public health experts often say that unless everyone is vaccinated, it is as if no one is vaccinated. One of the officials, who spoke anonymously to preview the president’s announcement, noted that the move to help with efforts abroad to diminish the impact of the pandemic was also in the interest of international security for the United States.
Countries such as India and China are already using the coronavirus vaccine as a diplomatic tool; both are giving away doses to other nations in an effort to expand their global influence. National security experts said the United States should consider doing the same.
But, an official said, the United States will not be able to share vaccines now, while the American vaccination campaign is still continuing to expand.
The international vaccine effort, known as Covax, has been led by the public-private health partnership known as Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, as well as the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and the World Health Organization. It aims to distribute vaccines that have been deemed safe and effective by the W.H.O., with a special emphasis on low- and middle-income countries.
So far, the United States has pledged more than any other nation, according to the White House. Officials there said the money would be delivered in multiple tranches: an initial donation of $500 million right away, followed shortly by an additional $1.5 billion. The remaining $2 billion will delivered by the end of 2022
The Novavax sale will not come immediately; its vaccine has not yet been approved by a government regulatory authority. [An earlier version of this article incorrectly described the company’s planned action as a donation, not a sale.]
Under a memorandum of understanding between Gavi and Novavax, the company agreed to provide “1.1 billion cumulative doses,” though it did not specify a time frame.
Mr. Biden was not the only G-7 member urging greater contribution to the global vaccination effort. President Emmanuel Macron of France said the United States and Europe should allocate up to 5 percent of their vaccine orders to developing countries.
“We are allowing the idea to take hold that hundreds of millions of vaccines are being given in rich countries and that we are not starting in poor countries,” Mr. Macron said in an interview with The Financial Times.
António Guterres, the United Nations Secretary General, also offered choice words for what he described as a “wildly uneven and unfair” distribution of vaccines. In a high-level meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday, Mr. Guterres called vaccine equity “the biggest moral test before the global community.”
He called on G-7 countries to “create the momentum to mobilize the necessary financial resources” at their Friday meeting.
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Syed Hussain, 14, serving food at his father’s restaurant in Queens on Wednesday.Credit…Victor J. Blue for The New York Times
In the few days since indoor dining resumed in New York City, customers appeared to be trickling in, but usually in modest numbers, and interviews with owners, workers and industry experts suggested that many people were still leery of being inside.
Industry experts also say that allowing restaurants to open their doors to patrons at 25 percent capacity is unlikely to significantly reverse the economic damage that the pandemic has inflicted.
Thousands of New York’s 25,000 restaurants, bars and nightclubs have closed for good. Many others are barely holding on. They are way behind on rent, furloughing or laying off workers and making a fraction of their usual revenues.
The restaurant industry, one of the city’s most vital economic pillars, once employed 325,000 people. It has shed more than 140,000 jobs.
A survey by the New York City Hospitality Alliance, an industry group, found that 92 percent of restaurants reported being unable to afford their rent in December, up from 80 percent in June.
“We have been the eye of this crisis,” said Andrew Rigie, the alliance’s executive director. “When Covid-19 hit, we were told to socially distance, but restaurants are where we come together to socialize. Restaurants are part of not only the economic foundation, but also the social and cultural fabric of New York City.”
The return of indoor dining has renewed public health concerns after a post-holiday spike in infection rates across the city, the emergence of new virus variants and limited vaccine supplies.
W. Ian Lipkin, a professor of epidemiology at Columbia University, said he would still be cautious about where he dined indoors, despite having been vaccinated. He said he would choose only restaurants that took appropriate safety measures, including spacing tables at least six feet apart, maintaining adequate air flow, installing high-quality air filters and requiring servers to wear masks and gloves.
Not even the draw of a warm seat in the frigid winter could bring some diners inside.
“I’m still not ready to do indoor dining,” said Jennifer Brehm, 37, a teacher who huddled with her 8-month-old daughter, Cassia, at an outdoor cabana at Queen Bar & Restaurant in Brooklyn, noting that Cassia “can’t wear a mask yet.”
Ms. Brehm said she was concerned about new virus variants and had been following the vaccinate efforts. “Until it seems more under control,” she said of local virus caseload, “I won’t be ready to eat indoors.”
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The day before Thanksgiving last year at a nearly empty LaGuardia Airport in New York City.Credit…Jonah Markowitz for The New York Times
Air travel has recovered somewhat in recent months, but it remains deeply depressed compared with 2019, and no one knows when business will return to previous levels.
Now and for the next several months at least, airlines are flying whomever they can wherever they can. That often means catering to a small group of people who are undeterred by the pandemic to travel to ski slopes or beaches.
“As a quick strategy, fly where people are,” said Ben Baldanza, a former chief executive of Spirit Airlines, the low-cost carrier. “That’s been a real smart strategy, but that’s not a long-term way for those airlines to make money.”
Such leisure travel offers limited comfort to an industry so thoroughly clobbered. Tourists and people visiting family and friends typically take up most of the seats on planes, but airlines rely disproportionately on revenue from corporate travelers in the front of the cabin.
Before the pandemic, business travel accounted for about 30 percent of trips but 40 to 50 percent of passenger revenue, according to Airlines for America, an industry association. And those customers aren’t expected to return in great numbers anytime soon.
The four largest U.S. airlines — American, Delta, United and Southwest — lost more than $31 billion last year, and the industry over all is shedding more than $150 million each day, according to an estimate from Airlines for America.
The industry spent much of the past year scrimping and saving, trimming older, less efficient planes from their fleets; renegotiating contracts; and encouraging tens of thousands of workers to take buyouts or early retirement packages.
But it hasn’t been enough to offset a drop of nearly two-thirds in air travel as public health experts and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continue to discourage travel. Airlines for America does not expect passenger numbers to return to 2019 levels until at least 2023. And airlines might have to wait even longer if the economic recovery falters because of the spread of coronavirus variants or a delay in vaccinations.
Some experts say that corporate travel may never return to peak levels, with many in-person meetings replaced by video conferences and phone calls.
Airlines are more hopeful, perhaps because they rely heavily on corporate travel.
Ed Bastian, Delta’s chief executive, said on a conference call last month that about 40 percent of Delta’s big corporate customers expected their business travel to be fully recovered by 2022, and an additional 11 percent by 2023. Citing the airline’s internal research, he said 7 percent expected that business travel might never be fully restored, while the rest said they were unsure when things would return to previous levels.
American is “very optimistic” that corporate travel will return as vaccines are distributed, Vasu Raja, the airline’s chief revenue officer, told investors and reporters last month. But, he added, “the rate of that is unclear at best.”
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Waiting for passengers arriving on international flights before getting transported to their place of quarantine, at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Thailand in November.Credit…Diego Azubel/EPA, via Shutterstock
BANGKOK — Once again, a Thailand hotel guest who posted complaints online faces the threat of a defamation charge. This time, it centers on the guest’s claim of cockroach legs in his macaroni.
Topp Dunyawit Phadungsaeng, who spent 14 days in coronavirus quarantine at the Ambassador City Jomtien Hotel after arriving last month from San Francisco, had plenty of time on his hands to record complaints about the quality of the food, the lack of cleanliness and the presence of bugs.
On Monday, after checking out, he posted on Facebook about his stay, including 46 photographs and four videos that he took of the hotel, a government-designated quarantine facility. His posts were widely shared, especially a photo of what he said were the legs of a cockroach in his stir-fried meal.
“It turned out to be the worst 14 days of my life,” he said in his post. “Don’t call this quarantine. A forced prison stay looks better than this.”
His complaints were widely picked up by the Thai news media. And a day after his post appeared, the hotel issued a statement calling on a “certain group of people” to stop posting “false information” with the intent of damaging the hotel’s reputation. Otherwise, the hotel said, it had the right to pursue civil and criminal charges “to the utmost.”
Because of the coronavirus, anyone coming to Thailand must spend 14 days in quarantine. The government will cover the cost of some hotels, including the Ambassador City Jomtien, which is near Pattaya city. Guests can pay to stay at higher-end hotels, including some with five stars, that are designated quarantine sites.
Mr. Topp said he regretted not paying for better lodging. Among his complaints were that his room had no Wi-Fi but plenty of mosquitoes and cockroaches. Water dripped from the ceiling, bedsheets were moldy, and he was served food that was sometimes inedible, he said.
“I didn’t expect it to be a luxury five-star hotel,” he wrote. “But have you ever been disappointed despite not having any expectations?”
In September, an American hotel guest was arrested and charged with criminal defamation after posting complaints on TripAdvisor about his stay at the Sea View Koh Chang resort on Koh Chang island.
The guest, Wesley Barnes, eventually made a formal apology in exchange for the hotel’s dropping the charges. But the Sea View’s strategy backfired. It was widely criticized on social media, and TripAdvisor posted a notice warning travelers that the hotel was behind the jailing of a guest for harsh reviews.
A spokesman for the defense ministry, which has a role in overseeing quarantine facilities, said he hoped Mr. Topp and the Ambassador City Jomtien Hotel resolve their difference.
“In this case, it is the right of the reviewer,” said the spokesman, Kongcheep Tantravanich, “but we would also ask for sympathy for the hotel owners.”
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Fran GoldmanCredit…Ruth Goldman, via Associated Press
To get her coronavirus vaccination last weekend, Frances H. Goldman, 90, went to an extraordinary length: six miles. On foot.
It was too snowy to drive at 8 a.m. on Sunday when Ms. Goldman took out her hiking poles, dusted off her snow boots and started out from her home in the Seattle neighborhood of View Ridge. She made her way to the Burke-Gilman Trail on the edge of the city, where she then wended her way alongside a set of old railroad tracks, heading south. Then she traversed the residential streets of Laurelhurst to reach the Seattle Children’s Hospital.
It was a quiet walk, Ms. Goldman said. People were scarce. She caught glimpses of Lake Washington through falling snow. It would have been more difficult, she said, had she not gotten a bad hip replaced last year.
At the hospital, about three miles and an hour from home, she got the jab. Then she bundled up again and walked back the way she had come.
It was an extraordinary effort — but that was not the extent of it. Ms. Goldman, who became eligible for a vaccine last month, had already tried everything she could think of to secure an appointment. She had made repeated phone calls and fruitless visits to the websites of local pharmacies, hospitals and government health departments. She enlisted a daughter in New York and a friend in Arizona to help her find an appointment.
Finally, on Friday, a visit to the Seattle Children’s Hospital website yielded results.
“Lo and behold, a whole list of times popped up,” she said in a phone interview on Wednesday. “I couldn’t believe my eyes. I went and got my glasses to make sure I was seeing it right.”
Then came the snow, which would ultimately drop more than 10 inches, in one of Seattle’s snowiest weekends on record. Wary of driving on hilly, unplowed roads, Ms. Goldman decided to go to the hospital on foot. She took a test walk part of the way on Saturday to get a sense of how long the trip might take.
And on Sunday, she trekked all the way to the hospital to get her vaccine.
“I hope that it will inspire people to get their shots,” she said. “I think it’s important for the whole country.”
The rollout in Washington State, like many around the country, has been complicated by failures of technology, shortfalls in equity and a persistent imbalance of supply and demand. State officials have struggled to set up the infrastructure necessary to schedule and vaccinate the millions of people who are already eligible.
Ms. Goldman is scheduled to receive her second dose of the vaccine next month. She plans to drive.
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Arriving to get vaccinated at the Maccabi Health vaccination centre in the Israeli coastal city of Tel Aviv-Jaffa.Credit…Jack Guez/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Israel has raced ahead with the fastest Covid-19 vaccination campaign in the world, inoculating nearly half its population with at least one dose. Now its success is making it a case study in setting rules for a partially vaccinated society — raising thorny questions about rights, obligations and the greater good.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet voted this week to open shopping malls and museums to the public, subject to social distancing rules and mandatory masking. For the first time in many months, gyms, cultural and sports events, hotels and swimming pools will also reopen, but only for some.
Under a new “Green Badge” system that functions as both a carrot and a stick, the government is making leisure activities accessible only to people who are fully vaccinated or recovered starting from Sunday. Two weeks later, restaurants, event halls and conferences will be allowed to operate under those rules. Customers and attendees will have to carry a certificate of vaccination with a QR code.
Israel is one of the first countries grappling in real time with a host of legal, moral and ethical questions as it tries to balance the steps toward resuming public life with sensitive issues such as public safety, discrimination, free choice and privacy.
“Getting vaccinated is a moral duty. It is part of our mutual responsibility,” said the health minister, Yuli Edelstein. He also has a new mantra: “Whoever does not get vaccinated will be left behind.”
Four million Israelis — nearly half the population of nine million — have received at least one dose of the Pfizer vaccine, and more than 2.6 million have gotten a second dose. But about two million eligible citizens aged 16 or over have not sought vaccines. The average number of new daily infections is hovering around 4,000.
Israel’s central government — eager to bring the country out of its third national lockdown without setting off a new wave of infections — was spurred into action by local initiatives. Chafing under the country’s lockdown regulations, an indoor shopping mall in the working-class Tel Aviv suburb of Bat Yam threw its doors open last week for customers who could prove that they had been vaccinated or had recovered from Covid-19.
In Karmiel, the mayor made a similar decision to open his city in the northern Galilee region for business. Other mayors want to bar unvaccinated teachers from classrooms while some hoteliers threatened unvaccinated employees with dismissal.
Mr. Edelstein, the health minister, said on Thursday that vaccination would not be compulsory in Israel. But his ministry is now proposing legislation that would oblige unvaccinated employees whose work involves contact with the public to be tested for the virus every two days. And he is promoting a bill that would allow the ministry to identify unvaccinated people to the local authorities.
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olko71 · 4 years
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2020/12/moderna-shot-expected-to-bolster-u-s-vaccine-efforts
Moderna Shot Expected to Bolster U.S. Vaccine Efforts
A green light for Moderna’s vaccine would help meet a federal goal of getting a vaccine to anyone who wants one by the spring or summer of 2021.
Photo: Hans Pennink/Associated Press
Peter Loftus
Peter Loftus
Updated Dec. 18, 2020 7:58 pm ET
Health officials across the U.S. are counting on the arrival of a second Covid-19 vaccine to boost scarce supplies and sidestep logistical issues encountered by the first vaccine, which began distribution this week.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the vaccine from Moderna Inc. MRNA -2.62% on Friday after an advisory panel recommended the agency approve its use. It will join a vaccine from Pfizer Inc. PFE -0.92% and BioNTech SE BNTX -2.06% that received authorization on Dec. 11.
The green light should nearly double this month’s expected U.S. supply of Covid-19 vaccine doses and help meet a federal goal of getting a vaccine to anyone who wants one by the spring or summer of 2021. Moderna expects to add 20 million doses of its vaccine to Pfizer’s expected U.S. supply of 25 million in December.
A Food and Drug Administration vaccine-advisory panel voted in favor of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine for broad distribution, clearing the way for the FDA to grant an emergency-use authorization for the second vaccine in the U.S. Photo: Henry Ford Health System/AP
“The addition of the Moderna vaccine to the response will be huge,” said Claire Hannan, executive director of the Association of Immunization Managers, whose members direct state vaccination efforts. Not only will the Moderna vaccine boost the supply of doses, but also it will “be much easier to send [it] to smaller providers and rural areas,” she said.
Moderna’s vaccine has easier storage and handling requirements and will be shipped in smaller quantities, health officials say. It can be stored in most standard medical freezers, while Pfizer’s must be shipped and kept at ultracold temperatures requiring either specialized freezers or dry ice, resources more common in large hospital systems and urban areas.
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Once thawed, Moderna’s vaccine can be kept refrigerated for 30 days, while Pfizer’s can stay refrigerated for only five days after thawing.
Moderna’s vaccine also can be shipped in containers with as few as 100 doses, while Pfizer’s minimum order size is about 975 doses.
Pfizer’s larger minimum order size “poses challenges especially in rural areas of the country where that volume of product is more difficult to manage,” Anita Patel, deputy of the vaccine task force at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said during an FDA advisory panel meeting on Dec. 10.
“This ultracold really, really makes it difficult to plan, based on the large quantity, and then also the ability of our partners to vaccinate during that time frame,” said Rich Lakin, immunization director for the Utah Department of Health. It is directing doses to hospitals, local health departments and pharmacies in the state.
Both vaccines are highly effective in preventing Covid-19 and use a similar gene-based technology. Pfizer’s vaccine was 95% effective at preventing disease in a study of 44,000 people, while Moderna’s was 94.1% effective in a 30,000-person study. Both vaccines were developed and tested at unprecedented speed.
Both vaccines also require people to come back three or four weeks later for a second dose. However, Moderna’s can be injected into people as is, while Pfizer’s has to be diluted in a separate solution before injection.
“Moderna definitely makes it easier from a logistics standpoint,” said Kristen Ehresmann, director of the infectious disease division with the Minnesota Department of Health. “It will help to fill in gaps for greater Minnesota, for the more rural parts of our state. Some areas of the state may not have access until the Moderna vaccine comes along.”
Federal and state officials said they have shaped their distribution strategies around the different features of the vaccines.
A delivery of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is delivered to Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego on Thursday.
Photo: K.C. Alfred/San Diego Union-Tribune/Zuma Press
A Pfizer spokesman said the company’s supply-chain infrastructure is designed to ensure that people can get access to vaccine doses that meet its temperature requirements. A Moderna spokesman said the company has worked to improve the storage and shipping requirements for its vaccine, and stability testing this year has shown that it can be kept at higher temperatures.
A Covid-19 vaccine authorization is Moderna’s first government clearance for a drug or vaccine in the 10 years since the company was formed to try to exploit an emerging gene-based technology. Anticipation of the Covid-19 vaccine has catapulted Moderna into the ranks of the most highly-valued drug companies, giving it a market capitalization of $54 billion.
The authorization also validates the gene-based technology that Moderna has used to develop more than 20 other products for various diseases. FDA approval signals that the technology could yield future vaccines and drugs using the same basic building blocks behind the Covid-19 vaccine.
Moderna and Pfizer are ramping up production, but so far the U.S. has committed to buying more of Moderna’s vaccine. On Dec. 11, the U.S. government agreed to double its purchase of Moderna’s vaccine to 200 million doses by the end of June. Pfizer has agreed to supply 100 million doses, though federal officials are in talks to secure additional doses, Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told reporters on Wednesday.
Initially, when supplies are limited, both vaccines are being reserved for health-care workers and residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. As more doses become available, next in line are expected to be other essential workers, like police and teachers, senior citizens and people with underlying health conditions that put them at higher risk of severe Covid-19 disease.
Additional vaccines could also boost the mass immunization campaign if they prove successful in testing and are authorized for use.
Johnson & Johnson is testing a single-dose vaccine and expects to have results of a study of its vaccine in more than 40,000 people in January. That vaccine, unlike Pfizer’s and Moderna’s, wouldn’t require patients to take a second dose, and the company may seek U.S. authorization in February, if results are positive.
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More on the Covid-19 Vaccines
When do you expect to be able to get vaccinated? Join the conversation below.
Write to Peter Loftus at [email protected]
Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Appeared in the December 19, 2020, print edition as ‘Moderna Approval To Double Supply.’
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dietpillswatchdog · 7 years
Modere Trim
Weight loss supplements are so common these days, that we have begun to see the emergence of several novel spins on the old formula. Everything from weight loss sprays, weight loss patches, and weight loss earrings have been offered to the product, each promising to be more effective than the last at promoting lasting weight reduction. Others attempt to juggle several different roles in one, such as promoting weight loss whilst also supporting healthier skin.
Below we take an in-depth look into Modere Trim, to see whether this weight loss/beauty product is all that it’s cracked up to be.
Modere Trim Pros
Product has attracted some good feedback from customers
Certain ingredients should improve joint health
Modere Trim Cons
Product is far too expensive for what it is
Many customers highlight the product’s poor taste
Ingredient quantities are not listed and money back guarantee is misleading
Product is unlikely to be effective as a weight loss aid
WATCHDOG TIP: Consider using the consumer #1 rated weight loss product – CLICK HERE
What You Need To Know About Modere Trim
Modere Trim is a weight loss/beauty supplement that comes in the form of a liquid, and is consumed in much the same way as fish oil. Its main ingredients are collagen (a component of the cartilage in our joints) and conjugated linoleic acid (a popular weight loss ingredient). Trim is said to improve joint, skin, and hair health, whilst also causing weight loss. It is often sold as an optional additional to the M3 Pledge diet program.
Trim and the M3 Pledge are both sold by Modere, an American supplement manufacturer based in Utah. Modere not only sells products through their official website, but also through many independent distributors that have been recruited across the country. As with all Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) systems like these, most distributors are in reality other customers who have effectively been tricked into buying massive amounts of stock that will be hard to sell on.
What Are The Side Effects Of Modere Trim?
Customers shouldn’t expect too many side effects as a result of using Trim, although at least one customer has complained of stomach upset. This is likely the result of the product’s use of CLA, which sometimes causes stomach issues, fatigue, nausea, and diarrhoea. Medicinal doses of glycerine may also cause similar effects on occasion, with the added potential for vomiting and headaches.
How Much Does Modere Trim Cost?
On the official Modere website, one 450ml bottle of Trim costs a whopping $89.99. Prices from independent Modere distributors may vary considerably (although it’s hard to imagine that anyone could get away with selling it for a higher price than this!). Delivery charges still apply and may vary depending on your location on the country, although standard 5-7 day delivery charges rarely exceed $4.99.
Our Verdict On Modere Trim
Modere Trim tries to be two things at once, with fairly disastrous consequences for customers. By attempting to act as both a weight loss aid and a beauty product all in one, it uses short-cuts for both and achieves neither.
As a weight loss product, Trim is incredibly basic. It uses a simple dose of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), an ingredient which is known to be slightly effective but realistically very weak and inconsistent. Most customers using CLA-based weight loss products should expect to see very few effects, a fact which is slightly scandalous when you realise that this extremely expensive product costs $95 to purchase!
The beatifying effects are not much better. All of the beauty ingredients support joint health in one way or another, although based on the marketing this is surely not the reason customers are drawn to this product. The promised skin, hair, and nails improvement has only very weakly been associated with the ingredients, meaning that customers should not seriously expect to see any appreciable effect. Why anyone would choose a product like this over dependable mainstays like skin scream or hair products is beyond us!
All of this is in keeping with what we now expect from Modere. The company is known for their brutal approach to a money back guarantee (in which customers have to prove that they also dieted and exercised whilst using the product). The company also uses the much-maligned MLM model to sell their products, tricking unfortunate customers into buying mountains of useless stock under the false assumption that they will be able to sell it on. Their promises are junk and their products are junk – avoid at all costs!
We would not recommend Modere Trim to our readers.
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Key Features
Side Effects
Where to Buy
Modere Trim Review
Modere Trim is a weight loss liquid that contains a dose of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). It is intended to be used as a metabolism booster, fat burner, and beauty product, as its ingredients reportedly both aid with weight loss and restore youthful skin, hair, and nails. Though not part of its manufacturer’s main M3 Pledge diet program, Modere Trim is often offered as an optional extra to accelerate weight loss on the program.
Modere Trim Facts
Manufactured by Modere Inc
Contains 450ml (15.2 fl oz) per bottle
Weight loss and beauty product
Modere Trim is manufactured by Modere, an American company based in Utah. Modere have a stylish and interesting presence on the Internet, with a logo that is more reminiscent of a fashion company than a diet supplement manufacturer. Their unique M3 pledge is extremely expensive however, and seems to rely far more on encouraging customers to undertake lifestyle changes than through providing high-quality products. The company can be contacted using the information found at the bottom of their official website.
How to Take Modere Trim
The directions for use are as follows:
Take one tablespoon directly by mouth daily, preferably in the morning.
Modere Trim Concerns:
Product is extremely expensive
“Money back guarantee” on offer does not protect consumers
Ingredient quantities not listed
What Does Modere Trim Claim To Do?
Modere Trim is said to inhibit the formation of fat cells and “reduce fat cell size”, as well as help dieters to build muscle mass. The formula is also said to raise the body’s metabolism. Taken together, Modere claim that the overall effect is to help customers to look leaner and sculpted.
The collagen used in the product also supposedly promotes youthful skin, healthy hair and nails, healthy gums and eyes, and strong supportive joints. The full list of benefits listed on the product factsheet are as follows:
Inhibits cellular fat storage
Supports fat metabolism
Supports a reduction in fat cells
Promotes a healthy body composition
Improves muscle tone
All products formulated with our exclusive Collagen/HA Matrix Technology™ support joint and muscle fitness, connective tissue health, restore youthful skin, and support healthy hair, nails, gums, and eyes
Does Modere Trim Work?
Modere Trim is not the most advanced weight loss product out there, as all weight loss and fat burning properties are supposedly the result of one ingredient: CLA. Though thought to be somewhat effective, CLA is generally regarded as a weak and inconsistent fat burner, and it doesn’t seem to possess even a small number of the vast amount of qualities ascribed to it. It may work a little bit (enough to counteract the calories of a small snack), but don’t expect dramatic results whilst using it.
The only other ingredient in the mix that may help to improve skin is type II collagen, which has the backing of at least one scientific trial. Most of the other beauty ingredients are not wholly useful, with most being focused on alleviating joint pain for those suffering with osteoarthritis.
What Are The Ingredients of Modere Trim?
The ingredients included in Modere Trim are listed below. Readers should note that the ingredient quantities are not listed on the product or on the official website, which can make it difficult or impossible to estimate how effective the mix is overall.
Glycerin (natural vegetable based): Glycerin is sometimes used to improve the skin, but this only works when applied to the skin. It’s (hopefully) more likely that this ingredient was included to act as a food additive that maintains moisture levels. Source
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (from Safflower Oil) (Omega-6): Although some early trials indicated that CLA could burn a small amount of fat when supplemented, more recent evidence may be suggesting that it often fails to do that. Although it may cause a tiny bit of weight loss and may lower blood pressure, it is generally inconsistent and weak when compared to other fat burners. Source
Purified Water
Sunflower Oil
Natural Flavors
Citric Acid
Potassium Bicarbonate
Vitamin E (as Alpha Tocopherol from Vitamin E Succinate)
Gum Acacia
Liquid BioCell®
Hydrolyzed Collagen Type II: Collagen is similar in form to gelatine. Although thought to be effective as a means of relieving joint pain and arthritis, there is no credible evidence supporting the use of collagen as a weight loss aid. Collagen supplementation may also benefit skin quality over a prolonged period of time. Source
Chondroitin Sulfate: This ingredient is most effective when used as a pain reliver for patients suffering with osteoarthritis. The pain relief offered is said to be small at best. Source
Hyaluronic Acid Matrix: Naturally found in the body, but can also be extracted from rooster combs or made by bacteria in a lab. Hyaluronic acid is found in fluids in joints, and so is used to treat joint disorders including osteoarthritis. There is some interest in its role in fighting visible signs of aging, but there is no clinical evidence available to suggest that it could affect this at all. Source
Does Modere Trim Have Any Side Effects?
Customers shouldn’t expect too many side effects as a result of using Modere Trim. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) may occasionally cause stomach issues, fatigue, nausea, and diarrhoea. Hyaluronic acid also has the potential to cause serious allergic reactions, although the potential for this is extremely rare.
Glycerin should never cause side effects when used as a food additive, although we are not sure why glycerine was used for this particular product. Without ingredient quantities provided, it could be assumed that its inclusion was intended to improve skin. Such high doses for this (impossible) purpose may cause diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and headaches.
Caution: Do not exceed recommended serving size. Use only as directed. Not intended for use by persons under 18 or by those with a serious medical condition. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Please consult your physician before using this product.
Are There Any Customer Reviews For Modere Trim?
The only customer comments or reviews available online for Modere Trim are found on the official Modere website. Here at Diet Pills Watchdog, we remain suspicious of reviews posted on official websites, as they are often edited to remove any and all negative comments. On the occasion however, a couple of negative comments have remained, with most customers still happy with their purchase. Trim seems to work well for most people, with some dissenters complaining that the product tastes bad or causes stomach aches.
Great product. Really helps burn away the fat and you get used to the flavour super easy
My wife uses this stuff and says it tastes amazing. Noticed a difference in her skin and inches lost within a couple of weeks, very impressed
Love trim, results are amazing been doing this for almost 4 months and am seeing a waist again, not real excited about the taste or texture but worth it
Love what this product does. Still trying to find a way to take it with keeping it down
The product is similar to a placebo. After using this product along with other recommended products, there was little effect. Waste of my time/money
Does Modere Trim Offer a Money-Back Guarantee?
On the Modere FAQ page they state that “Modere offers a 30-day 100% full refund guarantee to all Modere Customers.”
However, this does come with a huge disclaimer;
“*Money back guarantee if you do not lose weight. M3 requires lifestyle changes. Consult your physician prior to starting any new diet or exercise program. The typical person can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week depending on a variety of factors including the amount of exercise and motivation to stick to a reduced- calorie diet.”
Having such a huge disclaimer means that the company do not really offer a money back guarantee. Customers who want a refund should contact the company directly before sending any products back, as they will need a shipping label.
Where Can I Buy Modere Trim?
Modere Trim can be purchased from any Modere independent distributer or from the official Modere website. A single bottle containing 450ml of liquid costs $89.99 (with $10 off your first order). Delivery charges vary depending on what the customer requests, although 5-7 day shipping for one bottle should cost $4.99 for most US states.
How does Modere Trim compare to Phentaslim?
Criteria Clinically Proven Ingredients Side Effect Free Positive Customer Reviews 24/7 Support Money-back Guarantee FREE SHIPPING Review Phentaslim Review
The post Modere Trim appeared first on Diet Pills Watchdog.
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pareshtmr · 7 years
In-Pipe Hydro Systems Market: Moderate Upfront Capital Requirement for Restructuring Bodes Well
In-pipe hydro systems implies the use of micro turbines that can be embedded inside an existing network of pipelines, or onto them, and make use of the natural gravitational water flow within the pipes towards the high pressure heads. The micro turbines are able to convert the kinetic energy of flowing water into electricity that can be fed to a local power grid, or sent back to the main grid. The overall technology used for in-pipe hydro systems does not need additional infrastructure. Because of this unique perceived benefit, the market has been making impressive progress.
The global in-pipe hydro systems market to expand at a CAGR of 7.2% within a forecast period from 2017 to 2025. The market which was valued at US$8.83 mn in 2016 and is expected to reach US$ 16.13 mn by the end of 2025.
Obtain Report Details @ http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/in-pipe-hydro-systems-market.html
What is the Need for Restructuring Pipeline Networks?
In-pipe hydro systems can be advantageous in the sense that they are relatively easier to set up than conventional hydro systems and do not require users to install bulk supportive infrastructure thereby saving them quite a bit in costs. Other factors creating a more optimistic growth curve for the global in-pipe hydro systems market include the swift urbanization rates in key emerging economies and an equivalent high rate of construction activities across the world. Governments of nearly all nations are showing a high inclination towards supporting the developments in renewable energy as well energy storage and conservation technologies, creating a heightened demand for in-pipe hydro systems.
These factors are opening up a massive scope of implementation in the current scenario of pipeline networks, not just in terms of laying down new networks to suit these systems, but their use in existing ones. And this will require moderate to low investments in restructuring or redesigning the existing pipeline networks. The incorporation of renewable energy production technology would certainly boost the overall cost effectiveness of a pipeline network project by reducing its dependency on grid electricity.
However, the essential conditions of natural gravity flow of water and high pressure heads within the pipeline is posing a challenge to the global in-pipe hydro systems market.
For more information on this report, fill the form  @ https://goo.gl/WWTCCv
What Systems are More Preferred Today?
Internal systems have so far been the more preferred type in the global in-pipe hydro systems market. This segment took up a massive 80.0% of the market’s demand volume in 2016 and is likely to continue this trend for the coming years. Internal systems are embedded inside the pipe, and hence their specification depend upon the diameter of the pipe. External systems are installed onto the pipe but they require enclosure vaults.
More and more companies are recognizing the use benefits of using in-pipe hydro systems as a means of energy conservation. Rentricity, for instance, recently completed its installation work of a 360 kW in-pipe hydro system in Utah, for the Richmond Irrigation Company. The installation is expected to generate energy that will be distributed across a Rocky Mountain Power grid.
About Us
Transparency Market Research (TMR) is a market intelligence company, providing global business information reports and services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insight for thousands of decision makers. TMR’s experienced team of analysts, researchers, and consultants, use proprietary data sources and various tools and techniques to gather, and analyze information. Our business offerings represent the latest and the most reliable information indispensable for businesses to sustain a competitive edge.
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thecoroutfitters · 7 years
The survival market is changing. It has come a long way since the days that it could barely support a couple of magazines and the occasional book.
Now it seems like TV series every time I turn around, which is remarkable to many of us who have been survivalists for twenty, thirty, forty years or more, because aspects of survival are being accepted as mainstream for the first time in our lives.
This is what the last PrepperCon show was about, it was an opportunity to show off solutions for a changing market.
For a couple of days, survival experts and gear providers gathered in Utah, for one of the main preparedness and survival expos in US. I’ve been there, and now I’m sharing with you the highlights.
Preparedness is Going Mainstream
This year, I was interviewed by a major media outlet from NYC and the NY Times is writing an article about PrepperFash, the fashion portion of the expo.
I certainly never thought I would see the day either of those events would happen, but the survival market seem to attract more moderates concerned with the inevitability of climate change. You don’t have to be conservative or liberal to understand that as our world grows more complicated, it also grows more fragile or to understand that being prepared for emergencies is a responsible precaution.
This level of growth in the survival has made it possible for many more of us to make a living in the field we are passionate about, brought about survival expositions like PrepperCon and has made possible much more specific, detailed and well thought out survival solutions than existed in years past.
Here are a few highlights to help your prepping.
Survival Medical
The owner of the company is a supply chain logistics genius who supplies hospitals with medical supplies. This enables Survival Medical to sell hospital quality supplies packaged for long-term storage cheaper than you can buy the individual components.
Long Term Storage: Survival Medical engineered special layers for their Mylar packaging so cotton won’t yellow and turn brittle, adhesives won’t stop sticking and ointments won’t dry out. This is huge for survivalists storing or caching medical supplies. They have kits packaged in 5 gallon buckets with Gamma Seals lids that store neatly with food storage. 5 gallon buckets are tremendously useful tools in a long-term survival situation or infrastructure breakdown. They are extremely useful for hygiene and water treatment, lots of them. Survival uses for both forms of packaging are only limited by the imagination.
Price: Prepping is expensive and time consuming and saving both enables you to reach your preparedness goals sooner. Being able to buy long-term packed kits for less than you could buy the components saves time and money.
Survival-Specific Solutions: They have created a vast array of mission and threat-specific solutions for survivalists. If you are a boater, they have a kit for you. Whether that boat is a kayak or a blue water sailboat, they have a kit for you. Going to store it at a fixed site or transport it in a vehicle? Need a kit for a pack? Ride a horse? Having a baby? It just goes on and on.
Modular: I pioneered the Modular Survival Kit so it is exciting for me to see someone else applying modularity to survival kits and specifically to the first aid aspect of them. You can use a module without cracking the seal another and then just replace what you used. This is a huge deal.
FithOps 209 Shotgun Primer Perimeter Trip Alarm
You may have noticed a perimeter trip alarm in my article about booby traps that you can slide the base of any number of 12-gauge shotgun shells into. That type of contraption is not without its uses, but it is heavy and shells or even just shell bases are bulky.
The upside is the ability to fire flares, blanks or less-lethal munitions such as OC (Pepper Gas) cartridges and FithOps has a model of that type of perimeter trip alarm coming soon.
What the owner of FithOps has done is that he has dramatically reduced size and weight of the device by creating a trip alarm that fires only the 209 shotgun primer as opposed to an entire shotgun shell base. That’s all I use most of the time, so I was glad to find this product.
What this means is that the device takes up very little space and weight in your pack, enabling you to do the same job with a lot less equipment or carry more of them and deploy a lot more alarms. The body is only about .5″ diameter and just under 3″ in length making it a little fatter than a .410 shotgun shell and since it is machined from aluminum, it is very light and the 209 shotgun shell primers it fires are tiny but are plenty loud.
You could create a perimeter with just two of the devices, but I recommend J-hooking your trails in and out of camp and setting up a couple more or maybe even mix in model or two that uses shotgun shell bases to add flexibility, but that would depend on what you are trying to accomplish.
At just $25 each, they are a great value and I know from personal experience that this type of alarm is very effective. I have set up many a trip trap for students and buddies over the years and have yet to ever have anybody find one before tripping it. Just make sure they don’t have a heart condition, because they can really get the old ticker thumping on excitable types. And yes, the owner claims they work on bears and tweakers alike.
Deluxe Camping
Anyone who has been into emergency preparedness for a long time knows that you need pretty much the same stuff to survive a great variety of threats. A simple solution for many of our basic needs is vehicle-portable camping gear.
Deluxe Camping has taken functionality and efficiency of many basic needs of camping to the next level. The owner was a primitive skills student of Larry Dean Olsen so he understands the fundamentals of camping at a level which most folks do not and this enabled him to innovate some
Rocket Stoven Combo
Very efficient multi-tier rocket stove/oven that can cook an entire meal at once with very little wood.
Burns wood completely creating very little smoke.
Deluxe Tent Shower
Pressurized hot shower that can be used inside or outside a tent.
Captures water and drains it outside.
Deluxe Filtration Camp Sink
Hands Free: Foot pump means you can wash your hands and pump water at the same time.
Self-contained: Captures gray water so no puddle on the ground.
Deluxe Off-grid Laundry
Large 28-gallon capacity the same as a home washing machine.
Rust Free
Smooth circular motion. No repetitive up and down or back and forth motion.
Can re-capture and reuse water
Ringer attachment for complete off-grid laundry solution
Education on Laws Governing the Use of Public Land and Natural Resources
The Celebrity Panel gave attendees the incredible opportunity to ask questions to Dave Wescott, David Holladay, Dr. Nicole Apelian and Alan Kay regarding the relevance of primitive survival skills in our modern world.
One of the topics that came up was the laws governing use of our public lands and resources and how we can practice primitive without running afoul of the law. For instance, Alan Kay pointed out that in many states it is illegal to harvest road kill.
The answers boiled down to the fact that life is an act of consumption.
Dave Wescott shared:
You can’t preserve it, you can conserve it. Leave no trace is a physical impossibility, we need to consume to be alive.
Everything comes from somewhere, but unfortunately “leave no trace” is the guiding ethic determining how most of our public lands are used.
The primitive skills veteran advocated “technique over tech” and that “camping badly in any mode is bad.”
David Holladay said that he loves the story of Robin Hood where the king owned all the deer but the people fed themselves anyway.
He said:
There is going to be a day when it is illegal to eat or be a human being.
He and explained how one of our neighbors to the South sprayed defoliants on people’s gardens because they were worried that they might contain an insect that could damage the monocultured crops of giant corporate farms and how Mexico passed a law declaring it illegal to be Yaqui.
Members of the Native American tribe were forced to abandon their religion and their culture or move to Arizona. He said: “Live long enough to apologize to the judge, in a survival situation.”
Dr. Nicole Apelian noted that in some states it even is illegal to catch rainwater or highly regulated.
The sick irony is that it is often illegal to feed yourself or to shelter yourself without using products made from fossil fuels that came from some land somewhere and will end as trash somewhere else.
The food in backpacking meals and bags they are packed in come from somewhere and so do the bags many areas require you to use to haul out your urine and feces.
Do they really think food comes from the grocery store? Is it OK to leave a carbon footprint as long as it is in someone else’s country? Because that is exactly what we are doing. We are essentially trying to preserve our own lands in glass showcases while we exhaust resources of other nations or land we call farmland.
Everyone would probably agree that we need rules for high traffic areas, but our current laws serve to separate man from nature. This is an unnatural practice. Humans have been part of most land-based ecosystems a lot longer than we have had laws. Rights and property predated law. Law was created to protect them but is now used to legally plunder the very rights and property it was created to protect.
Our forefathers followed this path and survived for centuries. Learn from their knowledge to find your own way to survive!
This article was written by Cache Valley Prepper for Survivopedia.
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amusementparkives · 8 years
In the late 1960s, monorails were a futuristic mode of people mover transportation being installed in many places in the United States and Canada. Monorails were featured at various expos, with some being installed in amusement parks. One monorail was installed at Dutch Wonderland, in Lancaster, PA; the Disney World monorail is perhaps the best-known theme park monorail today.
During this time frame, there was similar consideration being given to having a monorail in Hershey, Pennsylvania. In the summer of 1968, plans were being pulled together to have such a project come to fruition. The monorail they chose to buy was manufactured by Constam Corporation, of Salt Lake City, Utah, and designed by Habegger Engineering Works of Thun, Switzerland. (By the time the Hershey monorail would open, Constam would be reorganized into Universal Mobility, Incorporated.)
The system Constam was selling would later be called the UNIMOBIL Type II minirail system. It was called a minirail because it was a light weight miniature monorail system. Most other monorail systems made at the time had larger trains and thus were heavier. The lightweight nature of the system is ultimately a fault, as the rest of the monorail industry would not adopt similar light trains. This Type II minirail system proved difficult to upgrade as it was quickly outdated.
On December 18, 1968, a new company, Monorail Amusement Company, announced it would be opening a monorail in Hershey in 1969. The Monorail Amusement Company ownership was split between Hershey Estates and Hershey Foods Corporation for a 50/50 share. The board of the company was comprised of six people: Lloyd Blinco, John O. Hershey, Wallace Mayer, Earl Spangler, Sam Tancredi, and Richard Zimmerman.
The Monorail was to have two stations, one in downtown Hershey near the chocolate factory, and the other next to Hersheypark Arena. The route would go in a counter-clockwise direction. If you started at Station #2, the downtown station behind the Hershey Estates offices which housed the Hershey Drug Store, the route would proceed as follows: The ride would pass the chocolate factory and go through Hershey Park Zoo (later ZooAmerica). The Monorail would then cross Park Avenue the first time, entering Hersheypark. From there it would cross the park to get to Station #1 at Hersheypark Arena. From there, the route would continue through the park, by the original main entrance of Hersheypark, across Park Avenue again, and then back to the downtown station.
Monorail, as seen in 1970, from the downtown Hershey station (Station #2). You can see the main entrance to the park in the background.
Steel for the track was fabricated by Constam at their facility in Salt Lake City. The steel beams were then transported to Hershey by train. The beams were then placed at various spots around the Monorail route. The monorail system was quickly constructed, and the trains and autopilot system were delivered to the park.
Monorail opened on June 20, 1969. There was a ribbon-cutting ceremony before the ride officially open. It was led by the Master of Ceremonies, Robert M. Mumma, then Secretary of Commerce of Pennsylvania. Trudy Petersen of York, PA, Miss Pennsylvania of 1969, cut the ribbon.
To ride Monorail, you had to pay a fare of 25 cents. This fare was paid using tokens which has the Monorail Amusement Company logo stamped on them. In some cases, guest received free ride tickets.
Monorail Amusement Company ticket for one free monorail ride.
Above are several types of ride tickets a person could receive. All feature the Monorail Amusement Company name and logo, and one kind was specifically issued by Hershey Foods Corporation (today, The Hershey Company).
In September of 1969, the American Vecturist Association published their monthly newsletter, The Fare Box. In this issue, there was a report that a Mr. Ed Dence took a ride on Hershey’s Monorail and was surprised that the monorail used tokens. Ed Dence is known in the vecturist community for being the author of a book titled A Visual Guide to Store Charge Coins, amongst other things. It was quite significant that tokens were used for the Monorail.
The ride had three trains, one of which was initially enclosed and air conditioned. After the 1969 season, the enclosed car was renovated to match the other two trains. The trains were also extended, with an extra car added to each train.
Monorail, as seen in August 1971, from the station by Hersheypark Arena and one of the five entrances of Hersheypark. (That entrance would become the main entrance for the park in 1972, before the entrance was moved to its current spot in 1973.)
In 1973, this was changed when Monorail was converted into a Hersheypark ride. With Hershey Food Corporation moving the chocolate factory tours into a new facility, Chocolate World, there was far less a reason for tourists to be in downtown Hershey. Hersheypark weighed the option in consultation with R. Duell & Associates, the company that created the design for the renovations for Hersheypark in 1970.
Hersheypark decided to make the Monorail a scenic tour ride instead being of a people mover. From that point forward, the downtown station was not commonly used. There were occasions where the Monorail would operate before the park would, in the spring or the fall. Those would be the only occasions the downtown station would be open to the public. This did not happen consistently from one year to the next. Eventually, the downtown station was only used for private events, and even that stopped around 2001. From that point onward, the downtown station was only used for emergency unloading in the event of a ride breakdown.
Monorail ran three trains until June 2000. The fiberglass of several cars on the back of the Train 2 and the front few cars of Train 3 were cracking. These cars from the two trains were retired and the remaining cars were merged into one train. For a brief time, this gave the joking appearance of the Monorail having 1 and 2/3rds trains because when Train 2 and Train 3 were merged, the front of the train had the number 2 while the back of the train still had he number 3. That was quickly corrected.
In 2011, Hersheypark purchased a small amount of steel rail and the three trains from Six Flags Magic Mountain Metro monorail. The park has not operated any of these trains since purchasing them, leaving the park with still having two trains.
Here are the Metro trains, in storage, June 2011.
In January 2017, the downtown station was removed from the Monorail, and the Monorail track was slightly adjusted. The Monorail now barely crosses through the parking lot behind the old Hershey Drug Store and old factory. Click here to read more.
Thank you for reading this article about Hersheypark’s Monorail. An article about Six Flags Magic Mountain’s monorail system, Metro, and the system at the California Exposition, is next. 
Monorail | Hersheypark In the late 1960s, monorails were a futuristic mode of people mover transportation being installed in many places in the United States and Canada.
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