#emerald is the most gorgeous girl in all the land
poppyplate · 23 days
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emercury as that one ekko and jinx scene from arcane
struggled with who to put where but neither of their roles perfectly fit ekko and jinx so i just went with my heart (i wanted to draw mercury looking like a sad wet cat)
manifesting emerald vs. mercury that ends with emerald dragging mercury along with her for the rest of the show
unshaded version, extra sketch, and ref photo below
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v3nusxsky · 6 months
Whispers of Seduction
*Authors note~ introducing Larissa Weems to Sinful souls. I wonder what kinks she’ll have ;) also can’t wait to get more into the storyline with the next few instalments smut coming soonnnnn*
Trigger warnings~ more harsh Leonora, shh jealousy is serious persistent Larissa club things overall teasing etc mentions of smut
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Nevermore continued to flourish and naturally the stress of having an Addams present ensured that the blonde shifter needed a break from being principal. Of course anything too close to the grounds of the school was off limits. As much as the woman deserves her own personal life, it seems most of the parents keep close watch on her time off grounds. Would that stop Larissa Weems from relaxing like she would in England? Absolutely not.
Attending Cambridge University taught Larissa many things, one being that despite her ability she too deserves pleasure. Naturally her dominance radiates in every aspect of her life, so that was how she found herself in a club one night, where the drinks were good and well, where she discovered who she is. In actual fact, Sinful souls looks similar to that club, luring her in with its tasteful, elegant style. The perfect location to unwind and be Larissa and not Principal Weems.
Settling into a booth in the back of the club her eyes instantly landed on you. You were manipulating your body up and down this pole with an unmatched elegance and skill. The six inch heels highlighting your gorgeous toned legs as your skimpy top caressed your beautiful pillowy balls of flesh as they spilled over the cups dark emerald cups. Your chosen song being buttons by the pussycat dolls adding to your addicting performance.
“Girl, I'm a freak, you shouldn't say those things” blared as you spam around the pole, practically seducing everyone watching with just one look with your beautiful irises. To say Larissa was drawn to you would’ve been an understatement. Promiscuous happened to be a regular song that clients asked for you to dance to, that’s why it’s okay fitting it’s the first song Larissa had the pleasure to watch. From there on she was hooked, ordering a tall glass of red as she settled In for the night, eagerly awaiting for Delicate Doll to return to the stage.
Larissa Weems is a stickler for routines which is her reason for returning to Sinful Souls every night after hours of Nevermore Academy, always managing to secure the same seat that provided her the best view of the stage. Of you. You’d had a particularly slow night the first time she tipped you, Slumber Party blaring through the speakers as your audience seemed to be predominantly sapphic allowing you to be a bit more flirtatious in your moves. And when her slender fingers reached up to tuck a twenty into your waist band her cheeks flushed red as you winked at her. You’d noticed her for the past few nights now, always there and always stunningly put together. Alluding dominance and elegance with every sip of the ruby wine.
From there Larissa would always secure private dances with you and only you, always tipping you well above the going rate and always complimenting you and trying to get to know you personally. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t cause your heart to flutter and your stomach to drop at her intense gaze and shy smile whenever she learnt something new about you. She made you feel like the only girl in the room, as if you weren’t a barely clad dancer in her lap, more like you were her lover.
Leonora prided herself on her awareness of the goings on in her club. Therefore, it should’ve been no surprise to you at all that she’d spotted the same blonde with you night after night. You also should have expected her to become colder, more harsh with your training and her comments on such things. See Leonora didn’t know why, but you affected her in this way, and Leonora wouldn’t stand for it. Every beautiful woman that worked their way into her sheets never seemed to compare to you. Often, she’d imagine you instead of them and on the odd occasion she was alone to satisfy her needs, it was your name on her lips, your eyes peering down at her blown pupils as she clenched around the fingers in her pulsing core.
If was you that the raven haired woman wanted on all fours pathetically begging her to make you cum, screaming for her as she tailed you into oblivion with her strap, her hands in your hair as she panted praises in your ear. You giving her the dances in the privacy of her room, for free. Yet, she also craved being the one you wake up next to, the one you smile up at, you being the one attends the club on her arm. Hers. And hers only. Not that pesky blonde woman you are constantly all over. No. You were her doll in her mind. Yet it seemed she now had some competition, and if there’s one thing she’s good at, it’s winning. Little did you know, you were the prize for both women. And little did they know you wanted them both in the most confusing yet beautiful ways.
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danisbrainrot · 1 year
queen of my heart
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Morgana x female! reader
she/her pronouns and girl used
canon divergent (aka an alternate universe where morgana doesn't turn evil).
word count: 2.6k
trigger warnings: spoilers (mild), fake body.
just two lesbians mutually pining over each other (even though it's kind of forbidden)
everyone in camelot knew the king's ward, lady morgana. she was the most gorgeous lady in all of the lands.
she would never be in line for the throne. however, that still didn't mean she could ever be seen with a lowly serving girl like you. not that you were often alone with her—gwen was her servant, not you.
no, you were confined to the kitchens. your job was more or less the same everyday: clean the dishes, sweep the floors, and put away leftovers.
it was late one night, you hadn't finished all of your chores because you'd fallen asleep on the job.
it wasn't your fault, really.
nightmares plagued your mind all night last night, ensuring you didn't get a wink of sleep. you'd had half the mind to wake gaius up and beg for a sleeping draught; alas, you were too cowardly and instead suffered with the awful dreams.
now, you found yourself bent over while scrubbing the floor from where so clumsy serving boy had knocked over a large vat of soup. you had stupidly decided to save that chore for last, now you began to regret it. the soup stuck to the floor and required you to heave as hard as you could. even distracting yourself with humming didn't work as you diligently slaved away.
you were too preoccupied with the task at hand, you didn't notice the sounds of footsteps. a figure leaned against the frame of the door, debating whether or not to interrupt you and ask for a drink before bed.
"ahem," you heard from behind you. you whipped your head around and noticed lady morgana in the doorway. she wore her dainty, silk nightgown, that she no doubt had no time to change. it was obvious she had woken up abruptly and rushed down to the kitchen to drink something before going back to bed. you couldn't believe your eyes—having rarely ever saw the royal family, let alone this close. "I was hoping you could fetch me something to drink. I can't sleep tonight."
morgana looked out of place. even down to her nightgown, she had a royal glow to her. yet here she was, in the kitchen where anyone BUT royalty would typically be. you nod swiftly, getting up and hurrying to appease the lady—all thoughts of your chores long banished from your mind. lady morgana was your first priority.
"here you go, m'lady. will this do?" you offer her the goblet; she accepts it graciously. she nods her head—answering your question—taking a sip. her eyes never leaving you. however, you keep your eyes trained on the floor—like how you were instructed to do when in the presence of royalty.
morgana places the goblet on the table and tilts her head, trying to get a better look at you. "are you new here? I don't believe I've seen you around before," she comments.
"I never leave the kitchen. . .m'lady," you answer deliberately. you debate lifting your head, daring to look her in the eyes. but you knew you could. it would be a stupid move to risk offending morgana—she may not be the king's daughter, but she was still his ward. insulting her would be like insulting prince arthur.
morgana's gaze lingered on you for a long minute, before she spoke again. "you can look at me, you know. I'm not like arthur," she joked. you meekly raised your head. immediately, you were captivated by her gorgeous green eyes that shone like emeralds. her luscious, black hair—although, unruly—framed her face perfectly. her lips were slightly parted, as she also took in your looks. even in that moment—where she was still in a groggy haze of sleep—morgana was the image of perfection. "that's better," she praised, making your insides swoon.
"will that be all, m'lady?" you ask again, not in a rush to get rid of her, but rather conscious of the fact she made your insides burn. she seemed startled as you said that—leading you to wonder if maybe she felt the same. . .
"thank you, for your help," you bowed as she gracefully exited, before turning to face the mess still on the floor. you fought back the urge to groan aloud.
you awoke to someone forcibly shaking you. "get up. the king wishes to speak to you," they whispered.
dread filled your stomach. it wasn't often that the king wished to speak to a lowly servant, so whatever it was, it couldn't be good. you trembled as you made your bed. perhaps he found out about your chance meeting with morgana. or that you sometimes fall asleep on the job. or maybe—a horrible thought entered your mind—maybe someone accused you of witchcraft. you took a few deep breaths, trying to calm your mind—whatever it was, no matter how bad, you would handle the situation with dignity.
you were accompanied into the throne room by two guards. the majestic doors slowly opened, revealing king uther, prince arthur, lady morgana all standing in anticipation. had you kept the king waiting? no you were really in trouble.
"good, we would like to speak to you about your duties," the king announced. your hands began to fidget with your apron as your eyes remained on the floor. "you work in the kitchen, am I correct?" you looked up, but no voice came out. taking a deep breath in, you swallowed the lump in your throat.
"yes, sire," you replied meekly.
"how long have you worked at the palace for, now?" he asked, you felt the hot gaze from morgana, but tried to keep your focus on uther.
"four years now, sire," you reply, slightly louder now—but not to loud to seem rebellious. he nodded in understanding, before turning to face morgana. she nodded as well. your confusion reached heights you never thought imaginable, as you tried to read the room.
"well, then. a spot has recently opened up, since lady morgana's last serving girl has taken up a higher position," he cleared his throat. you looked to your right and saw that gwen wasn't there. arthur's serving boy, merlin, stood alone. "morgana has requested that you fill her position," he proposed. you sighed in relief; all anxiety left your body. you already felt lighter.
"I would like that very much, sire," you replied, a smile etched on your face.
"good. now that affair has been settled, merlin will escort you to the lady morgana's chambers," arthur announced. merlin looked at him in shock, before turning to face you. it was clear he had not been informed of arthur's plan.
you bow to uther, before turning to face merlin. a million thoughts raced through your head as merlin gestured for you to follow him. why did morgana want you to become her serving girl? what happened to gwen? or worse, did she fire gwen to hire you?
your eyes flickered nervously towards merlin, "do you know what happened to gwen?" his head snapped back to face you, but he didn't stop moving.
"she's no longer lady morgana's serving girl," he replied.
"yes, well that much is obvious. but why did she stop?" you asked hastily.
"I'm not sure. I'll make sure to ask gaius when I see him next." merlin lead you down a few more halls before you finally reached morgana's chambers.
you stood at the door frame in awe. it was more magnificent than anything you had ever seen. a dark green canopy—to match her eyes—with emerald silk sheets, a matching rug sprawled across the floor. windows the size of dragons overlooked the entrance to the castle, while the deep green curtains were pulled to the side. the wardrobe stood mighty and proud. inside were exquisite gowns galore, in various different shades and colours—each more beautiful than the last.
"I'll leave you to it," merlin said, awkwardly leaving.
you waited patiently for morgana. you felt yourself growing antsy the longer she took. the door softly opened, alerting you to morgana's presence. you stood up immediately, curtsying as she smiled softly at you.
"it's a beautiful day outside, don't you think? I should like to change into my riding outfit," she announced. you nodded eagerly, racing to the wardrobe. your fingers combed through her various gowns, before landing on her desired outfit.
"untie me, please," she turned around. you bit your lip, as your fingers grazed her back—she shivered slightly. you took a deep breath in; you couldn't stop wondering what it would be like to run your fingers along the ridges of her back. your hands dropped to your side as you realized what your thought meant. she swiftly turned to face you, startling you slightly. her eyes flickered towards your parted lips as you felt her chest pressed up against yours.
her head tilted towards you; her breath fanning on your face. her grip on her dress softened, as the fabric fell elegantly to the floor. before you could lose yourself, you took a preemptive step back. this was lady morgana you were too close to.
her hand reached for your forearm, but pulled back when she realised what she was doing. the suggestion lingered in the air. she accepted the outfit in your hand and hid herself behind the divider. you breathed in harshly as you realised that you'd seen her almost naked. you could see her silhouette through the divider, turning away to give her more privacy. what were you doing? this wasn't allowed.
"are you still there?" she called out.
"yes, m'lady," you replied. she smiled gently, stepping out from behind the divider. she looked stunning. all the dresses in that wardrobe looked absolutely ravishing on her—but nothing could match the sheer beauty she carried herself in this moment.
to distract yourself, you rushed downstairs to ready the horses downstairs. it wasn't something you've ever done before, so merlin guided you through the process. it seemed arthur had given him the day off to teach you the ways of serving a royal member.
before morgana left, she turned to face you, offering you gratitude. "thank you," there was a pregnant pause as you debated whether or not to ask. temptation over took you—you need to know what happened to gwen.
"what happened to your last serving girl? gwen—i mean," morgana paused, focusing her gaze towards arthur and it clicked. "did she become a noble so that arthur could court her?" morgana flexed an index finger in front of her lips and nodded. "they. . .can do that?"
"apparently," she replied. there was another pause, before she clicked at the horse and rode away. you jump back, startled and the abrupt exit.
later that afternoon, you watched out the window as she strode into the citadel on her beautiful, auburn horse. you watched her swing her leg off it's side, flick her hair out of the way and offered it a sugar cube. you were transfixed by her.
a soft knock drew you from your daydream, as you hurried yourself to look busy while inviting whoever was at the door in. the door gently creaked open to reveal gwen—an awkward smile on her face. "I just have to grab something," she mumbled. you nodded, getting out of her way.
you clutched at the flowers you had collected while on a walk earlier that day. you'd gotten it as a thoughtful present for morgana, but after that morning, you began to double guess yourself. "is that for morgana?" gwen asked sweetly. you nodded. "she'll love it," you smiled back at her, the question ebbing away at you. gwen stopped before the door, turning to face you, "you'll really love working here. I already miss morgana—she treats you like a friend," gwen promised.
morgana entered soon after. the day's ride had soothed her mind and she'd thought a lot about what had happened that morning with you. however, all her plans flew out the window when she saw you standing there with a handful of wild flowers. her smile widened. "are those for me?" she asked.
you nodded, holding them out to her, "it's a thank you. for getting me out of the kitchen," you explained—although, it was much more than that and, subconsciously, you both knew it.
morgana accepted the flowers graciously, bringing them close to her nose to smell. "they're beautiful, thank you," she couldn't believe your kindness. you went to grab a vase, filling it with water. morgana placed the flowers by her bedside table, for when she went to sleep that night—she hoped they would soothe the nightmares that plagued her.
"do you want me to help you change for dinner?" you asked, she nodded, running to change behind the divider.
you brought the dress over to her, the fabric to pooled at her feet, allowing her to easily step into it and for you to pull it up. sweeping her hair to the side again—her neck, deliciously exposed—she gave you room to tie her up.
you knew that yearning for the king's ward was a bad idea. everything about it was forbidden. morgana was the king's ward and you were her serving girl.
your fingers made quick work of tying her corset up, tightening it—not so much that she'd suffocate—to enhance her figure. you were in awe of her; she was truly the most gorgeous woman you had ever seen. "done," you whispered. she let go of her hair as it cascaded down her back. she took a seat at her vanity table, slowly brushing her hair, "would you like me to put it up for you?" you asked. she nodded.
delicately twisting sections of her hair, playing with strands so they would frame her face, and pinning parts up—you finally finished. she looked in the mirror and smiled, twirling a strand around her finger. "it's marvellous, thank you," you nodded and watched her leave for dinner.
morgana's screams echoed through her room. you woke up abruptly, running into her room to see what had happened; you found her sat up straight, sobbing into her hands. she looked up at you with glassy eyes and puffy cheeks. you embraced her as she sobbed into your shoulder, "it's these dreams. I've been having them for months now—gaius' sleeping draughts aren't working," she lamented.
you held her until she finally calmed down. she looked up at you, teary-eyed as her lips parted. a pregnant pause overtook them before morgana couldn't hold it in anymore. gently, she pressed her lips against yours. she took her time, giving you an opportunity to shut her down—but was pleasantly surprised to find that you were more than willing to return the kiss.
she cupped your face—desperate to hold you closer. slowly, you pulled away, "morgana, you need to sleep," you whispered.
"stay with me until I fall asleep? please?" she begged. you hesitated—someone could stumble into you two and tell uther what was happening. finally, you relinquished, nodding your head in agreement. she smiled in relief, before snuggling into you.
you made yourself more comfortable as you covered the two of you in a blanket.
it didn't matter—after all these years of admiring her, you had never imagined that you would be in her bed while she fell asleep in your warm embrace.
it was still hard to believe that merely twenty-four hours ago you were just some servant in the kitchens and now. . .? you weren't courting, you were hardly anything. it could have been that morgana needed comfort right now and you were there, but whatever this was. . .you didn't mind seeing where it could lead. if arthur and gwen could have their fairytale love story, why couldn't you and morgana?
she may never be in line for the throne, but one thing was for sure—after tonight—she was the queen of your heart.
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Destiel Month, 9 Nov.: Sunshine
He waved up at the leaves. "You're putting on a real show, huh, buddy?" 
deancas ust
"Oh, hi, hey, heyyyy. There you are." 
Dean stumbled backwards over a multitude of hidden roots and a skiff of loose acorns and his back hit the trunk of an immense tree. One of those, um, maples or oaks. He looked up into the canopy and slid down onto his butt while staring up in breathless awe. After a minute, he remembered he was a creature dependent on oxygen and took a big, gulping breath.
He waved up at the leaves. "You're putting on a real show, huh, buddy?" 
The leaves seemed to return the wave, rippling to show their paler bellies as a breeze tossed the branches to and fro. 
"You'll be proud of me, Cas." Dean winked upwards. "I am just gonna sit right here with you and wait for Sam to show up. Don't keep moving around. That's what they tell Boy Scouts, right? And probably Girl Scouts too. No discrimination here, every kid deserves a chance to learn how to cook potatoes under burning embers or catch a fish using old shoelaces or whatever MacGyver shit they teach scouts these days." He snorted a laugh. "Probably something about how to sell more cookies by going viral on the YouTubes." 
An acorn fell out of one of the nearby trees and caught his attention as it bounced into the leaf litter covering most of the forest floor. He waited, in full suspense, as a gray squirrel came over and started scratching around in the leaves near where the acorn had landed.
"Good," he called out to the squirrel. "It's under there somewhere. Winter's coming."
He thought of something. "Hey, Cas. You ever finish the second season of Game of Thrones?" 
Spider web silk somewhere on his neck was driving him crazy. He scrubbed at himself for a few seconds and gave up.
"But anyway, Cas," Dean said. "We might be here a while. 'Cause my phone's crapped out and I don't exactly know where we left Sam. Somewhere around the creek? Or the stream that feeds into the creek?" Legs outstretched, he rubbed his boot heels in the leaves and enjoyed their crunchiness. "That rickety bridge that goes from one side of the ravine to the other?" 
After crumbling them in his hands, he tossed a few crispy leaves in the air; they floated around like confetti.
He looked up, up, up. Sunshine lit the canopy in gold, emerald, bronze, crimson, copper, peridot. Beyond that the sky was exactly the shade people meant when they said sky blue. Blue as jay feathers, blue as Cas's eyes.
All of Cas's eyes even, maybe.
"Cas, you're killing me here, man. It's too much. I could look at you all day and never figure out all these colors." Dean grinned and raised up his hands. "I don't know how you do it." He sighed, feeling dreamy and dazzled about his best friend. "You're gorgeous. And I don't wanna get in trouble for saying this, but you are not as tall as the Chrysler building. I mean, don't get me wrong, you are very taller. Taller than Sam for sure, which is what counts."
He let his hands drop to his lap. Oh, it was a nice day. Nice and cool. He and Cas were hanging out, he wasn't thirsty, he didn't need to pee, he hadn't given himself a heel blister, and he could still smell the smoke from the little fire by the entrance of that funky little shack, all the way out here in the woods. Mmm, such a spicy scent, like pine needles and something musty. Salty, like warm skin.
"I think," Dean said, "when we are back home and you are normal sized, we should–" A sharp pain stabbed him right above his eyebrow. "We should– Ow, fuck."
He squinted and rubbed his forehead with the heels of his hands. "Cas? Hey, do you think you could come down here now?" He recognized his voice growing fainter, as if keeping pace with the failing light. "Could you… Cas…?"
He awoke in a detonation of sunlight, concentrated down to the tips of Cas's fingers pressed against his temple. 
"Dean?" Cas was repeating his name, sounding frantic.
Dean opened his eyes to Cas's worried face mere inches from his, and Cas on his knees in the leaves. 
"Ohhhh. You're just a little guy again."
Cas's frown didn't evaporate but it did evolve. "What do you mean?" He put one hand on Dean's shoulder and tipped up Dean's chin with his other hand. "Your pupils are still very dilated."
"It's okay." Dean nodded. "Sam'll catch up to us eventually."
"Right here, dude." Sam appeared from nothingness, or possibly from behind a young birch, and squatted down beside Cas. "We gonna be able to walk him out of here?"
Dean squinted up at them. "I can walk."
"Yeah, but can you stand?" Sam grasped Dean's wrists and hauled himself and Dean to their respective feet. 
"Oooooof." Dean swayed, or Sam swayed, or the trees swayed. There was a lot of fucking swaying, was Dean's point.
Cas touched the crook of Dean's arm; the world righted itself instantly.
"Better?" Cas asked. He was standing too close as usual. His gaze was so piercing Dean nearly felt it pinch the back of his own skull.
"Better." A leaf the same hue as new pennies was caught in Cas's collar and Dean brushed it away, his fingertips grazing Cas's throat. Dean swallowed. "So, uh. I guess I'm the only one who got lost, huh?"
"Only for a few minutes," Cas said.
"Several," Sam muttered. "Almost an hour."
"And you took care of whatever the fuck was living in that shack?" Dean asked.
"He did," Sam said, tipping his head at Cas.
"It did not take much effort to obliterate the creature's attempts to lure you and probably devour you at a later date." Cas wore a modest expression. "Afterwards, you talking to me helped us pinpoint you." He looked around and up and down again at Dean. "We're quite far off the marked trail." 
He held Dean's gaze in a particular way – with tenderness, Dean realized.
Dean smiled softly at him. "Well, I wasn't worried. I knew you'd find me."
Cas smiled back, softly.
Sam rolled his eyes and moosed away in some direction, possibly bound for the aforementioned trail. Once he was many fallen logs away, he yelled back, "I'm leaving you both here if you're not at the car when I am."
Dean took Cas's hand in his own. It would be easier, after all, for them to not get separated again that way.
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[ID: A canopy of autumn trees in orange, green, red, and yellow colors, photographed in southern Indiana, October 2022. End ID]
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zacks-oc-house · 1 year
Happy Birthday Neith!! I couldn’t not write up something for the birthday girl! @cinnella
Minseok hurried down past the colorful walls of the library hall. His last seminar kept him late, and he knew finding a seat in the library was going to be next to impossible. His long legs breezed past the many flyers and posters that advertised local events, paying them no mind.
Usually he would have his friends save a spot, but none of them were free this hour, so he was thrown to the wolves. As he opened the old wooden doors, he scanned the library. Full..
His green hair bobbed back and forth as his eyes searched for somewhere amongst the fellow students. The main area was hopeless, so he went to investigate the mezzanine seating. He climbed the steps, finding a table of promise.
There sat a girl with the most beautiful pink hair. She was poring over a book on the desk, the space open next to her, save for a very fashionable purse. By what he could see, she was gorgeous, with a deep skin tone. *nerves!*
Realizing he probably, no, definitely looked weird standing at the landing, he forced his legs to move towards her. Funny how they seemed hesitant now, compared to the rush they had just been in. Nevertheless, he walked up to the girl, clearing his throat to get her attention.
“E-excuse me, can I sit here?”
The girl took her time lifting her head, waterfalls of hair cascading around her soft face. The most stunning and powerful violet eyes hit his own amber ones. An pink scar tore through her face, disrupting none of her beauty. The blush on his face was instantaneous. Her face was inquisitive at first before breaking into a warm smile that unfroze Min’s body.
“Of course! Just let me move this-“
She hefted her purse to the floor, the airy scent of her perfume dancing around for Min to enjoy.
“Thank you!” He quickly took the seat, trying to occupy himself with getting out his textbooks and supplies. He turned to face her, smiling shyly. “My name is Minseok, or Min. I prefer either.” He touched his glasses, a nervous habit it seemed.”
The girl proudly stuck her hand out, expecting a handshake from him. “My name is Neith, a pleasure to meet you~” Looking at her hand, he took it, feeling warm, worn hands. He hadn’t expected such a glamorous girl to have calloused hands. *another reminder to not judge people based on appearance..*
“Nice to meet you too.”
The two smiled a moment longer, sparkling energy dancing between them until they both went to focus on the work in front of them. The two were mainly quiet until Neith spoke up, a musical laugh leaving her full lips.
“It’s so funny. I have been sitting here wracking my brain for some inspiration in these fashion reference catalogues, but you just gave me exactly what I needed.”
Min looked up, incredibly confused and red again. “A-nd what is that?” He smiled, looking shaky and very cute. Even the tips of his ears were pink.
Neith brought what she had been working on to the center of the table. It was fashion sketches, some detailed and some rudimentary. They were all incredible though. “Wow!” Sprinkled across the sheets was the answer. Emerald and jade greens. The same shade as the hair on his head.
“I’ve been following too similar a color pallet on my fashions. A jewel tone collection is just what I need.” She hauled up her purse, rummaging through and pulling out a flyer for him. “I have a fashion show at the end of the semester. You should come. You can see me and the fashions inspired by you!” She winked, and he could have fainted in that moment.
Using all his willpower, he nodded, adjusting his glasses once more. “Absolutely! I’m glad I could be some help.” He smiled wide at her, Neith now also feeling the same warmth dance across her cheeks.
As the end of the semester drew nearer, it seemed the two spent more and more time together. First, at the library, then at more spots around the campus, until they were to be found at each others dorms. Neith was the one to make the first move, Min nervous but excited.
The fashion show was today, Min having kept the flyer on his wall in pristine condition from that first day in the library.
He got ready, wearing one of his nicest outfits, and headed to the art hall to support his girlfriend. *my girlfriend.. :3*
What followed next was still talked about to this day. Neith Desai’s first collection. Yes, it was university level, but the university still brought it up every few years to highlight their arts department.
Min sat front row with Neith’s friends as the show started. Neith had requested Min to not find her before the show. When she came out from the catwalk, he understood why.
Dripping off her dark complexion was a breathtaking gown in rich magentas. She embodied elegance. Neith started her speech, the room enraptured by the sheer confidence and willpower this young woman had. Their eyes found each other in the lights, connecting them forevermore. Violet and amber.
Following a lively afterparty, Min and Neith found themselves quietly roaming the university grounds, happy to escape the noise of the party. Neith had switched out the gown for a party dress of the same color and design. She had her heels in one hand while the other held Min’s. “You did so well! You’re going to be everywhere!”
Neith laughed, leaning into Min’s space. “I’m only interested if that everywhere includes you, Minny~”
He immediately blushed, glasses touched as per usual. “Of course! What’s an artist without her muse?” The two cracked up laughing as they walked down the still warm sidewalk.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
🍻: As a general rule, it's considered bad practice for a bartender to indulge in their wares when they're meant to be serving them. This, however, has never stopped Calum. On duty or not, he likes to have a drink, and right now, he's decided to have a drink as he slides into the booth across from Jinana. "So, I've been wondering, what with the pull you seem to have around here." He lifts his glass in hir direction. "Tell me your most awkward date story."
[ Drunken Confessions ]
@vissentasenadz 💖
“Oh, now that takes me back.” Jinana laughs and knocks back the rest of hir drink, then makes an expansive gesture with one ringed hand. “Let me set the scene for you: I’m 20 years old, a fully-trained magician, thinking I know what I want from life. I meet a girl, about the same age and absolutely statuesque, drop-dead gorgeous. Raven hair, amber eyes, like something from a poem.
“I manage to impress her with my magical prowess - or possibly just my audacity, as she’s almost a foot taller than I am.” S/he grins. “I finally get her where I want her, trussed up on my bed like a dream in silk cording... and she suddenly starts shrieking like a banshee, flinging herself around on the bed like a landed fish.
“In all the fuss, it takes me a moment to realize that the large emerald centipede I had rescued earlier in the day - and, unfortunately, rather forgotten about - had made its way out of my bag, onto the bed... and onto her leg.” Jinana shakes hir head ruefully. “I remove the thing, free her from the cords - and she dashes out the door, naked as the day she was born, still screaming.
“I did manage to return her clothes to her... though she never would speak to me again, or even make eye contact, until the day she left Vesuvia to marry some Firenti merchant or other. Ah, the one that got away.” S/he laughs merrily, then cocks hir head to one side, fixing Calum with a curious gaze.
“You aren’t afraid of bugs, are you?”
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Title: Officially
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 1108
Square Filled: Impala
Summary: You and Dean are on a drive. When Dean takes the wheels and you fall asleep, he uses that time to clear his head and make an important decision. (Gosh, I such at summaries.)
Warning: Fluff
Written for @spndeanbingo​ (round 2)
Disclaimer: All mistakes are mine. Gif by @frodo-sam​. Check out her page! She’s a content creator for all sorts of fandoms! I’m sure you will find something you like and more! :)
A/N: OH MAN! It has been so long since I’ve posted a fic! I’ve recently moved and did not have access to internet so I couldn’t post any fics (which were all on my laptop because I like to write them out on Word Docs before actually posting). But internet is back and I’ve been writing! Woohoo! I hope you guys like fluff because this is nothing but that! :) Love you all. Continue to stay vigilant and be safe!
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Dean was sitting in the passenger seat, allowing you to take the reigns this time, much to your surprise. Soft rock played through the impala with the volume down low, acting only as added background sounds.
With your eyes on the road and Dean fast asleep, there was nothing but content. Just being like this almost felt normal, like there wasn’t monsters running around killing people or demons and angels trying to rid you and the Winchesters of the world. It was nice. It was a well accepted change for once.
Baby purred smoothly, the sound enough to lull Dean to sleep, but it was the sound of something else that stirred him awake. He didn’t move his body as his eyes fluttered open, casting sideways to look at you. Your eyes were fixated in front of you, attention to the road, fingers lightly drumming against the steering wheel while you sang along to whatever song was playing. Your voice was soft, smooth, welcomed. It was in that moment of simplicity that he was happy to be alive, happy to be here with you.
Aside from the big wins with saving the world and the people he cared about, it was also the small moments like these that made his heart unbearably full. If he could, he’d stay in this moment forever. Just you and him on the unwinding open road. Soon, Dean fell back asleep to the sound of your soothing voice.
A few hours later, you and Dean switched places, giving you a chance to get some shut eye. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep. In fact, it took you all but forty seconds for you to knock out, hairline pressed against the window.
Taking a sudden hard right turn, your body shifted. “Shit,” Dean whispered, holding one arm to catch you, but he was a little too late, only able to slow and cushion your impending descent. Your head landed on Dean’s lap and your body quickly adjusted. You curled your body onto the seat with your feet bent and pressed against the door. Dean allowed his eyes to take in your form, a soft smile perching itself on his lips. God, did he wish you were his.
You were his best friend, the female adjacent to Cass. You had always been there for him, come through for him in a way that always surprised him. You were always on his side, no matter how stupid he was being. You were even bold enough to tell him like it is, giving him the tough love that was usually dished out by Sam. You’ve seen him at his best, darkest, and most vulnerable, and yet, you never looked at him any differently. He trusted you. You trusted him. Even Sam never second guessed you.
Finally reaching the bunker, Dean put the Impala in park however, he didn’t bother to move or wake you. He sat there in his beloved car listening to your soft intake of breaths. He didn’t want to ruin the moment, wanting nothing more than to spend more time with you. It was a little ridiculous considering he could have alone time with you in the bunker, but he just wanted to bask in this moment. He was in his favorite car with his favorite girl.
If life were different, and you two weren’t hunters, Dean could definitely live in this moment, although under much different context… If life were different, you’d be his girl, and the two of you would go out on drives just for the hell of it. Taking Baby and his baby out on the road just to spend some quality time. Damn, if life was different, he’d make sure this was how it would be. Not only that, but if life was different, both his parents would still be around, his grandparents too. Sam would come to visit on his breaks from Stanford, and you’d be wearing his ring on your finger. If life was different, Dean could have it all.
“Dean?” your groggy voice interrupted him from his thoughts. “We home?”
“Yeah, sorry. Didn’t want to wake you,” he half lied.
You stretched your arms and back, Dean’s eyes trailing over every curve. You were gorgeous. “What are you looking at?” you giggled. “Wanna help stretch a girl out?” you winked.
Fuck, he was lucky to have a best friend like you. Joking around, sleeping around, why didn’t he just make it all real? All he had to do was ask you to be his girlfriend. All he had to do was make it official.
“Actually, I wouldn’t mind helping to stretch my girl out,” he suggested.
“My girl?” you teased. “What you talking about?” the giggle that followed your question was music to his ears.
“You know what I’m talking about. You… being my girl. Officially.”
A wide grin spread across your face. “Whoa, easy there, Dean. Baby might get jealous,” you cooed, grazing your hand gently over Baby’s dashboard. “She’s been your only girl for a long time.”
Dean couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m sure Baby wouldn’t mind. In fact, I think she really likes you. I mean, she let you drive her without complications.”
“Well, you know how it is. Us girls need to stick together.”
Dean smiled. “So what do you say?”
“I don’t know,” you sighed. “Baby, what do you think? Can you share Dean with me? I promise to take care of him just as good as you have.”
Miraculously, a popping noise came from inside the hood, the Impala cooling down. You laughed along with Dean, taking it as a sign.
“That’s my girl,” Dean crooned, kissing his steering wheel.
“In that case,” you started, crawling closer to Dean. “Looks like I’ve got the green pass,” you mumbled, lips barely grazing his.
Dean didn’t waste any time, pressing his lips towards yours. Inevitably, the kiss heated up quickly and you found yourself on Dean’s lap, straddling him. As layers of clothing started to come off, your ass pressed on the steering wheel engaging the horn. You and Dean separated with a gasp and labored breathing.
“Sorry, Baby. Y/N and I will take things inside,” his told the Impala, emerald orbs sparking with mischief and, what you would assume was, happiness.
“Yeah, sorry Baby,” you giggled, scrambling out of the car with Dean. Once out, Dean smacked your ass before you could take off running. You yelped, looking back at him playfully before dashing out of the garage and into the bunker.
“Thanks Baby,” Dean tapped the roof of the Impala before shutting the door and chasing after you.
A/N: Please feel free to reblog and leave some feedback. I would love to know your thoughts. Thank you for reading, and know that I appreciate all of you for taking the time to read the things that I write :)
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
Heavenly Bodies
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Category: Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Mina Ashido, Eijirou Kirishima
Additional Tags: Quirkless AU
Howdy, everyone! Today I have my story for the @ashidobigbang! I had the privilege of working with the wonderful @mallowfac​, so be sure to go give her beautiful art some love!
The picturesque campus of U.A. High School was always abuzz with activity, even after the final bells rang to mark the end of the school day. As expected of the number-one high school in the district, the institution hosted a vast number of after-school sports and clubs, so much that it was almost unheard of for a student to be uninvolved in anything. Thus, even as the sun had sunk low across the sky, the halls were still packed with many students fervently discussing events and fundraising and planning, walking to and from their classrooms. 
The exterior of the school was no exception; one would be hard pressed to find an empty sidewalk or field—except for today, when the American football team would be taking on the baseball team in an impromptu flag football game to determine once and for all the title of best sport. The halls and sidewalks and fields were abandoned, for the entire student body had crammed themselves within the confines of the spacious practice field nestled in the back corner of the campus. The baseball team had asserted that football was so easy that even they could do it, and the school had become divided on whether or not that was true. 
“Kick their asses, Eijirou!” a particularly loud fan crowed from the top of the bleachers. He was standing tall, hands cupped around his mouth and stamping his feet as he cheered for the school’s idol and star quarterback. The bleachers sang with chants and stomps, trying desperately to smother the boos drifting from the opposite end of the field, where the baseball team’s supporters sat. Eijirou Kirishima, his grin blinding and his red hair gleaming in the spring sun, laughed nervously as praise was rained down upon him. 
As Mina zeroed in on him in the lens of her binoculars, she knew she’d found her latest victim— er, recruit. 
Mina Ashido was the president—and only member—of U.A.’s astronomy club. Well, it wasn’t technically a club yet since they needed two members for the administration to approve the application. An avid admirer of all things cosmological and an aspiring astronomer, Mina refused to allow her pride and joy to collapse before it had even begun. Thus, for the last few months, she’d been concocting hare-brained scheme after hare-brained scheme to recruit at least one more member and officially christen the U.A. Guild of Astronomers and Astrophysicists. All of her efforts, unfortunately, had crashed and burned brighter than a supernova. 
At first, she’d just camped out in the hallways and leisure areas pitching her case and attempting to garner interest in the subject, but she’d been met with polite refusals or awkward avoidance. With so many extracurriculars available, sometimes drastic measures had to be taken to garner interest in a club— the Shakespearean drama club, for example, had performed Macbeth completely backwards in the courtyard, and their numbers had swelled immediately. Mina had cooked up a dramatic scheme of her own, which involved her running around the school screaming about a falling star and the end times. After inciting a mass school panic that led to a lockdown and police involvement, all Mina had managed to acquire was a fierce scolding, detention, and the label as a kook—not even one person expressed interest in joining her club even for the shits and giggles! No, it was clear that the inner workings of her mind were too sophisticated for humble high school students and staff, so she would have to try a more nuanced approach—manipulating the most vital high school variable: popularity. 
Her first target had been gorgeous cheerleader and school sweetheart, Momo Yaoyorozu. Despite the stereotype that popular girls were great big bitches, Momo had been nothing but polite when refusing Mina, since her rigorous practice schedule would unfortunately not allow her to devote the time to the club it deserved (but they did regularly meet up for Sunday tea now!). The next one to fall into her crosshairs was the school heartthrob Shoto Todoroki. He’d entertained her for an afternoon, but he destroyed one of her very expensive telescopes while attempting a night viewing and she’d politely informed him that perhaps he wasn’t cut out for it. He didn’t seem too sad about it, though he did occasionally ask her how the recruiting was going when they met in the halls. Very sweet guy, but bless him, he was an airhead. 
Thus, Mina had moved on to her next opportunity—the pride and joy of U.A.’s sports program, star American football player Eijirou Kirishima. Incredibly handsome, charismatic, and kind-hearted, Eijirou was beloved by everyone at U.A. If Mina managed to recruit him to her humble club, half the student body would be clamoring to join before it was printed in the school news the next day. 
She snickered to herself as she watched him through her binoculars, hiding in the thick, leafy bushes lining the backside of the sports complex. Her cotton candy-colored hair blended well with the hydrangeas blooming amidst the emerald leaves, camouflaging her as she conducted her vital research. The redhead strode across the field with confidence, yet his sunny smile made him seem anything but arrogant. Though she couldn’t hear him, she could see his lips moving as he relayed orders to his team while they set up the play. The players seamlessly fell into an offensive stance, a testament to the faith they held in their captain—and how seriously he took their practice and performance. 
A deep and bassy “huuuuup!” resounded through the field, and then the player hiked the ball. With a speed much at odds with his muscular frame, Eijirou took off down the field. Mina admittedly salivated a little as she watched his muscles ripple, his gray muscle tank displaying his biceps and triceps in mouthwatering detail. She could see the sweat shining on his skin and flicking from his hair as he whipped his head around to eye the ball that was sailing through the air toward him. The baseball team’s defense could only watch in awe as Eijirou leaped into the air over the endzone. The ball landed in his arms like it belonged there, his grip smug and sure as he landed in the touchdown zone. The supporting crowd erupted into deafening cheers, while Eijirou just smiled bashfully and gave a little wave. 
Mina lowered her binoculars to compose herself, a blush dusting her cheeks. So effortless… And the crowd loves it! she thought in awe. No matter what, I have to get him to join the Astronomy Club! She snapped the binoculars back to her eyes, watching intensely. She really didn’t need to watch the entire game, but… damn, that was a mouthwatering piece of man. She had to find some way to entertain herself while she waited for the game to end and her chance to corner him to finally present itself. 
Needless to say, the football team absolutely demolished the baseball team. The rival players marched back to their diamond in defeat along with their gaggle of supporters, while the crowd flooded the practice field to heft a very bemused but giddy Eijirou on their shoulders with chants of his name. They dunked the container of water over his head as soon as his feet touched the grass again, making him laugh jovially. Mina’s heart fluttered at the sound; his laugh was as sunny as the rest of him, so bright she almost felt the need to close her eyes. He was just blinding, like the most intense star. 
And just like with a star, Mina gravitated toward him. 
Eventually, the raucous crowd dispersed and the football team started heading to the locker rooms to change out of their sweaty gym gear. They came tromping onto the sidewalk, with Eijirou trailing in the rear dripping wet and trying to wring water out of his tank. Mina almost forgot to spring out of the bushes, too occupied with the planes of his abs being revealed each time he wrung the fabric. She remembered her mission just as he passed the hydrangea bush, and leaped out in front of him with a delighted trill. 
“That was a wonderful game, Eijirou!” she squealed, throwing her arms up and hiking up one leg behind her in a cute little flourish. The redhead jumped back with a small gasp, startled by her sudden appearance and the leaves and hydrangea petals clinging to her clothes and the soft fibers of her pink hair. Once he recovered, however, he gave her a charming smile that nearly had her melting into a pile of space slush. 
“Oh! Thanks. Hey, you’re, uh—” he snapped his fingers quickly as he struggled to recall her, then pointed his fingers at her in a gun-like shape once it clicked, “Mina Ashido! You have homeroom with Tsuyu from the Amphibian Care club. She talks about you when she helps run the concession stand sometimes!” 
“That’s right! The one and only!” she chirped, trying to suppress the surge of anger at the fact that Tsuyu could recruit for her club about pet frogs and turtles but Mina couldn’t get one single underling. Not to worry; that will all change soon! 
“This might be an odd question, but, uh… is there a reason you were hiding in the bushes?” he laughed awkwardly. Mina blushed when he leaned forward to gently brush the leaves and petals from her shoulders and hair, which made her short-circuit for a second. It was only when he looked at her inquisitively that her brain jump-started again. 
“O-oh! I thought it would be fun to surprise you! Yanno, like in the movies where someone jumps out of a big ol’ birthday cake!” It was a bold-faced lie, but it wasn’t like she could tell him she was spying on him through binoculars while she schemed to reel him into her club. Trying to keep him from thinking too hard about it, she placed her hands on her hips and straightened up. “I watched your practice match with the baseball team and have decided that you’ll be a perfect fit for the Astronomy Club! So please join. <3” 
Eijirou blinked owlishly at her, his bright red eyes swimming with confusion. He smiled bashfully, clearly trying not to let his utter perplexity show on his face. He rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle. 
“Well, um, I’m really not sure how you made that connection watching me play…” 
“The inner workings of a woman’s mind are quite an enigma~” she hummed with a waggle of her finger. Eijirou only scrunched his eyebrows in confusion and jumped when she slapped her hand down on his shoulder. “Seriously! You seem like a great fit! Please consider at least trying it out for a little while?” She batted her eyelashes demurely; if nothing else, her womanly charms could entice the burly football player to at least humor her for a while. 
Sure enough, a pink blush dusted across his cheeks and a bashful smile curled onto his lips. 
“Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt checking it out… Stars are cool…” 
“Fabulous!” she squealed, making Eijirou flinch again as she clapped her hands together and jumped up and down in elation. Even if Eijirou didn’t join permanently, just the rumor of his interest in her humble little club was liable to attract attention. “I know that you’re busy with football practice, so we’ll schedule club meetings on Friday afternoons when you don’t have them, okay?” 
“Oh, that’s not necessary. I don’t want to inconvenience any—” 
“Great! So it’s settled then! I’ll see you on Friday afternoon in Room 310!” With that, she jumped back into her bush, leaving Eijirou staring at the quivering leaves in confusion. Through the gaps in the branches, she saw him open and close his mouth like he wanted to say something, look around and then up at the sky with a pensive look, and then smile with a shrug of his shoulders. Mina clutched her binoculars to her chest as a smile bloomed on her own lips, but one of satisfaction. Surely this will work! The Astronomy Club will be booming in no time! She thought with a giddy snicker. 
If nothing else, she could look at Eijirou’s absolutely dreamy body and face for a few club meetings and drive his fangirls nuts. 
At the end of the week, Mina paced impatiently in front of Room 310, chewing her fingernails to nubs as her eyes darted back and forth around the hall. It had only been a few minutes since the final bell had rung and the students had scattered to attend to their Friday afternoon obligations (or lack thereof), but anxiety swirled in Mina’s belly at the complete emptiness of the halls. Has he stood me up? Was I too pushy? Is he secretly a great big jerk who is nice to people’s faces but scathingly berates them behind their back to his football teammates and they all laugh evilly at the unknowing victim’s expense? 
With a dramatic sob, Mina flung herself against the classroom door and hugged it, her fingers just barely curling around the wide frame. Once again, it seemed that her recruitment plan had failed miserably, and she was still the sole member of the Astronomy Club. Was she a doomed stranded astronaut, left to traverse the stars in silence awaiting a bitter end? She sank to her knees, sliding down the door with a long squeeeeeeeeak and crying bitter tears. Stars were hella cool! Why did no one at this stupid high school appreciate them? 
Mina’s mood did a complete one-eighty when she heard Eijirou calling her name and his footsteps pounding around the corner. She jumped to her feet, her tears drying up instantly and her pout morphing into a giddy smile. The redhead came trotting up, a thin sheet of sweat on his forehead and an apologetic smile on his face. 
“Sorry!” he panted. “I didn’t get a chance to warn you that my class is all the way on the first floor. I hope you weren’t waiting long!” 
“No, no! I just got here mys— yeowch!” 
She had still been hugging the door, so when she tried to turn to face him, she accidentally pulled it forward and smashed her fingers in the doorjamb. She screamed as her knucklebones crunched and the skin tore; the pain rocketing up her arm sprang tears to her eyes immediately, and she released a petulant whine as she retracted her bruised and bloody fingers from between the wooden door and concrete wall. 
“Oh my gosh, are you okay, Mina?” Eijirou gasped, dropping his school bag and rushing to her side. Mina cradled her throbbing hand to her chest with little sniffles, curling away from the football player when he reached for it. He gave her an encouraging, sweet smile. “I know I look big and tough, but I promise, I can be gentle too. Let me see; you may have broken something.”
Whimpering but enticed by his soothing words and demeanor, Mina obediently allowed him to pull her hand forward to inspect her fingers. They were bruising already, big blotches of purple blooming around the torn and bloody skin. Eijirou leaned over her hand, and goosebumps sprouted on her skin as his warm breath puffed over her electrified skin and aching bones. With featherlight touches, he inspected her knuckles, prodding as gently as he could to feel for any deviations in the bone. 
“I know this may hurt, but can you bend them?” he asked, looking up at her through his red bangs. Mina whimpered again, hesitant to comply for fear of the pain. However, the glitter in his vermilion eyes urged her to comply. She hesitantly bent her fingers, wincing as pain skittered up her nerves— but it didn’t hurt nearly as much as she thought it would. Eijirou smiled satisfactorily. “You crunched ‘em pretty good, but I don’t think anything is broken or fractured,” he said as he straightened up. 
“Thanks… I can’t believe I did that,” she sighed, using her good hand to knock on the side of her head a few times. How embarrassing, injuring herself like that in front of him! “Well, now that all that drama is over, let’s go inside so I can tell you about the club.” 
Eijirou followed her inside. While she rifled through the teacher’s desk for some bandages, he looked around at the desks, which were empty aside from a build-your-own-telescope kit, Mina’s completed telescope, and astronomical charts and textbooks. As Mina wrapped bandages around her fingers, he looked at her with knitted eyebrows. 
“There’s no one else here yet?” 
“There’s no one else to be here,” she replied with a shrug and a wan smile. “I’m the club’s only member.” When Eijirou’s eyebrows shot up to the roots of his hair, she sadly added, “If that information makes you want to leave, go ahead and do so,” she said with a wave at the door. She then looked down at the adhesive wrapped around her knuckles. “You wouldn’t be the first.” 
“No, I don’t want to leave,” Eijirou said quickly. He marched up to the front of the desk, leaning against it. Mina didn’t know what to look at—his flexing muscles or his bright smile. He tilted his head slightly as he smiled charmingly at her, then said, “Tell me about your club, Mina. I want to know everything.” 
Oh God, he’s hot! Mina screamed inside her head, her good hand flying to her rapidly-beating heart. It took everything within her not to absolutely swoon at the complete sweetheart of a man gracing her with his presence this Friday afternoon. Her eyes watered a little in gratitude, or maybe it was the sheer emotion at being witness to such a wonderful human being’s kindness. 
Thus, Mina did as he asked. She first instructed Eijirou how to build the telescope that he would use on nights they did observations; he bungled through it a little, but remained patient and tried his best to follow the instructions. Mina had to giggle at the absolutely triumphant grin that plastered his face when he successfully assembled the telescope; he held it up over his head and pranced around—nearly giving them both a panic attack when he bumped into a desk and nearly dropped the telescope on the ground. Mina didn’t think she could handle a Shoto 2.0. 
After assembling the telescope, she started him off with easy information—constellations. She unrolled her star map which had all the constellations displayed by season, explaining specifically which ones they could see at the moment. Eijirou was very excited to see them in person, so they arranged a meeting for the following week. True to form, he showed up that Friday night with his telescope and all his zeal, his smile brighter than the full moon hanging high in the sky. 
“It’s hard to believe that people stared at the sky thousands of years ago and traced shapes out of ‘em!” he exclaimed as he plonked his telescope down to the ground. “And made up all these stories to go with ‘em. And all the stories and constellations are different based on what civilization was lookin’ at ‘em!” 
“The stars have always been fascinating,” Mina hummed, gently setting up her telescope and adjusting the lens. “Sometimes I like to find my own constellations and make up stories about them.” 
“Really? Tell me one!” 
“Well, my favorite is the Alien Queen!” 
“The Alien Queen?” Eijirou laughed, making Mina flush shyly. “Show me!” Not waiting for an answer, he shouldered in next to her telescope and peered into it. She flushed darker as his sturdy shoulder dug into the meat of her side, warmth blooming across her skin. With slightly trembling hands, she moved the telescope to the right section of the sky. 
“Do you see that big, bright shiny star right there?” she asked, waiting until Eijirou confirmed. “Well, that’s the tip of the back of her head. If you follow them like this—” she gestated in front of the lens, tracing the star pattern— “it looks kinda like the alien from the horror movie!” 
“Leave it to Mina Ashido to find the Xenomorph constellation,” Eijirou snickered, straightening up to smile at her in amusement. “No wonder you’re the club president.” Mina shyly played with the hem of her skirt, unable to control the giddy smile playing over her lips. 
They spent the rest of the early evening finding the constellations and discussing the various mythologies behind each. Eijirou loved the Greek-based patterns and myths the most. Every time they pointed one out, he would flex dramatically and proclaim how much he loved the famous heroes of old—Hercules, Achilles, Odysseus, Perseus. Mina laughed at his sensational flexing and grunting each time, her giggles bouncing around the empty practice field to join the cricket song. 
Monday morning, Mina was surprised to find Eijirou rushing down the hall towards her as she went to enter her classroom. His face was flushed pink and his forehead dotted with sweat, indicating that he’d sprinted all the way to her. He pin-wheeled to a stop, nearly bumping her with his broad chest, and his breath puffed in her hair as he grinned brightly down at her. 
“Mina! Guess what I saw on the news this morning! The Creati comet is gonna be passing by this Wednesday, and it’ll be visible here that night!” 
“Yeah, I know!” Mina cried. She’d been glued to the news program this morning as astrophysicists and space program officials discussed the once-in-a-lifetime event; it was rumored to be an absolute gorgeous comet, with a rare rosy pink-lavender tail due to its high concentrations of lithium and potassium chloride. She then blushed, warmed by the fact that Eijirou had found it so important to inform her that he’d run all the way across campus first thing in the morning. 
“Yeah! We’re gonna watch it together, right?” he asked, clapping his hands on her shoulders. Mina flushed, fidgeting in place and chewing on the inside of her cheek. 
“A-are you sure? I’m sure you’ll be tired after football practice.” 
“Are you kidding? What kind of Astronomy Club member would I be if I didn’t see this comet?” he objected. 
Mina felt her heart thrum at the statement. Does he enjoy being a member that much? She’d only recruited him as a means to an end, but was it really turning out that Eijirou liked being a member of her club? She felt her belly twist with guilt and a cold flush pulse through her body. She curled into herself a little, blood roaring in her ears and nearly drowning out what he said next. 
“I know you’re planning on going to watch it, so let’s see it together, Mina!” 
“Okay,” she found herself saying before she even processed it. The next two days were a similar blur of guilt and anxiety amidst preparations to view the comet Wednesday evening. All traces of excitement she would normally possess was swallowed up by the remorse poisoning her from the hard ball in the pit of her belly. She couldn’t help but obsess over the fact that she’d recruited Eijirou on false pretenses, abusing his kind heart to use his popularity for her own gain. She’d already received a flood of interest in the club once news had spread that Eijirou was seemingly an official member, but she’d evaded them with half-hearted promises that she’d contact them soon to set up a general interest meeting. 
On Wednesday night she stood by the hydrangea bush, chewing on her bottom lip and tempted to hide within its emerald leaves and pink blossoms so she wouldn’t have to face Eijirou. Before she could take shelter in its branchy depths, the redhead came trotting up the sidewalk, his smile gleaming in the starlight as he called her name. His telescope flopped on his back in its canvas sheath. 
“Hey, Mina!” he grinned when he came to a stop in front of her, panting slightly. Always in such a rush, she thought fondly. No wonder he’s the star quarterback. “Are you excited? I sure am!” 
“Yeah,” she lied. There was no room to be excited with all the guilt filling her to the brim. Eijirou’s smile somehow managed to get brighter. Despite everything, her heart still jumped in her chest when he grabbed her hand, his thick and calloused fingers so strangely perfect around her slim ones, and pulled her onto the practice field. 
“This is perfect!” he exclaimed, looking up at the starry night sky with his hands on his hips. Mina only hummed quietly, robotically unfolding a blanket and placing it over the grass. She’d arranged for the school to shut off the nighttime lights for the evening, giving them a clear view of the moon and stars. Thus, they were the only things that provided illumination as Mina and Eijirou sat down on the soft blanket together. “I didn’t know if we would want to get a better look at the comet, so I brought this!” he said excitedly, slipping the telescope off his back and setting it down between them. Mina hummed again, anxiety swirling in the pit of her belly. In the gloom, she could still see Eijirou’s bright red eyebrows scrunch. 
“Mina…? What’s wrong?” he asked quietly. Mina debated lying for a moment; she nervously plucked at the loose fibers of her stockings, unable to meet his pretty vermillion eyes. The lie never got the chance to dance on her tongue. She knew she had to come clean, to tell him the truth before she toted him along even further. 
“Eijirou… I have to confess something,” she admitted quietly. He shifted beside her, eyebrows raised. 
“What is it?” 
“I’m not as good a person as you think I am.” Her voice shook as tears flooded her eyes. She bit down on her lip as a sniffle slipped free. Eijirou looked at her in utter bewilderment, confusion swirling in those gorgeous vermillion eyes that had struck her the moment she had first seen them. He gently reached out to stroke his fingertips ever-so-lightly down her cheek; she turned away, a tear slipping down her cheek that was still tingling with his featherlight touch. “Don’t,” she begged, her voice nothing more than a strained whisper. “I don’t deserve your sympathy.” 
“I used you, Eijirou,” she said finally, choking the words out as her throat constricted with guilt. “I used your popularity for my own gain. I just wanted my club to be popular.” 
She didn’t look at him as the silence hung heavy between them, like an anvil suspended on a slowly fraying rope. She waited with bated breath for the rope to snap and for it to plummet, for him to explode on her like he rightfully should, to tell her she was selfish and cruel and for him to storm away and never look back. She cringed when he inhaled sharply, already preparing for his raised voice. 
He didn’t yell or scream or curse. Instead, his voice was heartbreakingly soft when he murmured, “That doesn’t make you a bad person. That just makes you lonely.” 
Mina’s eyes fluttered as her heart swelled with hope. She didn’t resist when he cupped her cheek and gently turned her tear-stained face to look at him. Her watery eyes met his red ones, and she was so relieved to find them brimming with understanding, not hate or anger. He swept his thumb over her cheek to catch the tears still streaming over her ruddy skin. 
“Mina… I knew that already,” he confessed with a small smile. She gasped in shock, while Eijirou smiled bashfully and rubbed at the back of his neck with his other hand. “As soon as you told me that you were the only member of the club, I figured that you wanted to use my popularity to recruit more people. I was a little bitter about it for a second, but… Then I saw how sad you looked.” He used both his hands to cup her cheeks and leaned forward to press his forehead to hers. “I didn’t want to see that look on your face. Even if you were using me, I wanted you to be happy.” 
“Why?” she hiccuped, chest drawing tight like a balloon ready to burst. “Th-that was so horrible of me… And you still wanted to do that for me? Why?” 
“Because from the moment you jumped out of that hydrangea bush, I’ve been head-over-heels for you,” he purred, mouth twitching up into a smirk. Her face flushed with a fierce, fiery blush and her mouth dropped open in shock. “And maybe I was a little hopeful that I could get you to be head-over-heels for me, too,” he added with a playful wink. Mina couldn’t help but laugh, mostly from the overwhelming relief bubbling up inside her body. She leaned into him, finding solace in how well her small body fit into his muscular one—like a lock and key, like they belonged together. 
Sniffling happily, she curled her fingers into the leathery fabric of his varsity jacket and smiled joyfully. 
“Well, you didn’t have to try very hard. How could I not be head-over-heels for you?”
Before they could say anything else, the sky was suddenly filled with bright light. They both turned to see that the comet had appeared among the stars. Its powdery tail streamed pinkish-blue behind the large white body, slowly traveling across the expanse of inky blue like a leisurely sailboat. Mina inhaled sharply as the pastel colors reflected in her eyes and the light danced over her skin and hair; it truly was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. She was so entranced that she didn’t register Eijirou’s hand sneaking under her chin again until he turned her face back. The comet danced in his red eyes, making it a pink nebula of stars and space and beauty. 
No. Those eyes of his were the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. 
She almost didn’t want to close her own as he leaned in to kiss her, but as soon as his lips smoothed over her own, she couldn’t help it. They drifted shut as she melted against him, savoring the gentle motions of his mouth against hers. Her heart fluttered when his hand drifted up into her cotton-candy hair, twirling around the strands like he was memorizing the feel of the silky threads. He kissed her with rising passion, like an astronaut adrift in space who’d finally found the oxygen he needed. 
They pulled apart slightly panting and blushing the same color as the comet streaming slowly above their heads. He stroked her face gently, then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down on the blanket. She laughed when he hugged her tight, nuzzled into her hair and inhaled deeply. 
“You smell like hydrangeas.” 
“Eijirou, I thought we were here to watch the comet.” 
“It’s pretty,” he remarked with a glance up at the sky. He then looked down at her with that dazzling smile she adored so much. “But I’ve got a heavenly body right here that I’m more interested in.” 
“Oh my gosh! That’s so corny!” she howled, throwing her head back in laughter. Eijirou snickered and snuggled into the side of her face, making her laugh more at the ticklish sensation of his nose brushing her skin. He peppered butterfly kisses over every inch of skin he could find, making her squirm and giggle in his grasp. 
Finally, he rolled on his side, one arm still snug around her shoulders while he watched the comet slowly make its way across the horizon. She pressed against him, warm and fuzzy and happy. 
“You know, despite the circumstances, I’m still glad you asked me to join, Mina,” Eijirou said with a contented sigh. His fingers drifted up to play with the fluffy strands of her hair. Mina rested her head on his chest, smiling while she watched the comet. 
“Me too, Eijirou. I can’t wait to spend the rest of the school year checking out heavenly bodies.” 
Eijirou gave her a wan look as she snorted piggishly in laughter. 
“You’re not going to let me live that down, are you?” 
“Absolutely not. I’m already planning to sell tee shirts!” 
Eijirou laughed, then rolled over to attack her with snuggles and kisses again. Mina welcomed his embrace and affections. Their laughter drifted up into the sky to join the stars and the streaming glittery trail of the comet, finding a home forever in the vastness of space…
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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japan national team x reader | w.c 1.3k
a/n: omg guys here’s the super cute epic collab fic i made w all my frieednsies <33 we all worked superrrr hard on this so pls don’t be mean!!!!!!!!! pls enjoy its xoxox and don’t forget to follow everyone here on this kidnapped by hq collab <33333333333
warnings: not proofread bc who does that xD (guys pls free me from this hell i’m in so much pain i didn’t even look at this i skimmed over it i left it as is, gg)
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Read this while lsitening to the best song evar!!!!!!!!!!!1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_cXhBy78T4&ab_channel=JonasBrothers if you dont listen whil reading ill eat ur family MONCH MONCH MONCH
i go dwnstars, yelling ‘by mum!’ bfor laceing up my wite convrrse hightops (NOT blck becauz u cant sharpi on it) wth 1d lyrics scribbled on it. i rmb to draw a directioner infinite sign on mywrist. perfect, i think to mysdlf.
I never thot i would get to go to the olympics all the way on the other side of the planet in toky o japan! It was a dream come true for a simple, average, run of the mill girrl like me, who is 5’7 with naturally wavy hair, that’s not curly or strait and eyes as blue as the dark blue part of the ocean. 
I been dreaming of the olypoics since fetus. I just knew I had to be here, but I never thought it would actually happen. The only thing that would make it better is if I had a smezxy smexy boyfrwend! (A/n: Tee-hee! Maybe even two! (Or five! <333) haha! Aren’t I so quirky? <3)
I’m Wearing A Mint Green Crop Top That Ties In The Front And Some Denim Shorts With Black Converse. I Don’t Need Makeup Because My Skin Is Naturally Smooth And Clear And My Lips Are Already Red #wokeuplikethis And I Listened Only To MCR And P!ATD On The Plane Ride. I Bet You Dont Know Who They Are, THey’re My Favorite Banxds And Are Super GOod And Like Underground Bands. (A/n: Okay But If You Don’t LIke Welcome TO THe BLack Parade GTFO Of My FIc I Don’t Need YOu Here xoxo) 
ok so like,, im on my way to the olympics but then like, i get kidnapped !!! the car i was in was like super expensive and i cant see anything with the blindfold on. i hear voices of men all around me though, for like, a whole 30 minutes before they bring me somewhere and tie me up? "Take Her BLindfold off," one of them say, i hear. and im so nervous. but it's like a dream when they tug my blindfold off and im met with the prettiest emerald orbs ever looking back at me.
my stomach knotted in fear (more like an angry swarm of butterflies fluttering around ) i feel like screaming or squealing or both bc those eyes belong to someone so gorgeous . even more gorgeous than harry styles. hes like a god. i woukd so worship his foot. or something. (squee omg i can’t believe this is happening. i bet you wish that it was you huh?) 
bro who tf has emerald orbs green eyes im blanking rn
^ yo i was gonna ask i cannot for the life of me remember who
his #afff14 sppheres peered into my soul i really just felt seen. i took a deep breath before fainting he was just so pretty. *one hours later* i woke upa nd saw the pretty viridescent peepers staring into mine. like he was literally two inches away from my face omg i could feel his minty breath on my lips it smelled so good.
“My name is atsumu miya,” he said gruffly, the gruffness in his voice so gravely. “And me and me mates here think yer the most gorgeous girl weve ever seen. I blink up at him, orbs gleaming amd full of tears. 
“What do u mean, i’m just a normal quirky girl?” I say shakely, biting my lip. I bit my lip as the piss blond man spoke.
“U may be a normal quirky girl but ur OUR nroaml quirky girl now” his friend said with a deep voice. It was so deep that i almost thot it was like the ocean, he had curly balck hair and his eye were sooo mysterious (a/n i loooove sakusa i can’t believe him and his friends kindapped me omgggg XD)
“Stop it go away” osamu said (hee hee i can never remmber  tell which twin is which LOL i think its osamuuu) “no u have to share” sakusa responded angrily. I starred at them and didn’t know what theyd do next!
I looked over to he side ans see sakura pulling out hand sanitizer passing it around to his teamates. The green orbed boys huff as they put it on. i wished i could see his whole face hes so sedy, look over here pretty girl, i gasp pulled from my thoughts by their captain kita walking into the room with his hands on his hips and was theat aran? “You look even better in peroiusn” aran said to me, walking over to me “how do you know who i am?” i ask.
“listen bbygurl...” he yealls, pulling out a chair to sit acros from me. “you dont get to ask the questions, we are your new masters, and you shall do as we say.” i gulp nervously, my stomach feeling like a sharkndao is happening inside. “we hope u will be worth every penny we payed foru.” 
“M-m-m-masters?” my head felt like it was spinning in a teacup from disney land as i thought about what he just said to me. what did this mean? was i gooing to miss the olympics?? I wanted ot hate him with his super smug look on his face but i cant deny that he looks kind of hot and i’m into guys who look just like him,, the other guys r also relly attractive it makes my heart race. I look around trying to find answers when i make eye contact w a really really reall y tall guy who i thinks name is gao only to see another really really relly tall guy next to him,, hyakuzawa?
“what are yo going to do to me then?” ((*lenny face))
you ask, stomach bubbling. maybe i shoudnt have ateen that stale pizza earlier and washed it down with watermelon-lemon minute maid because now i felt like it was gonna come up. ((ew gross um tw vomit mention hehe)
“Dont worry were going to grab seme din din soon lil one,” one of them says. His name espapes me. Hes a ginger. They wont answer me for some reason and i suddenly miss my freedom when i would go to school (i go to an expesive private school for rich kids ahahah).
“WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH ME??” i yell again batting my fists against the ginger but he doesnt even blink. Ive decided hes hot but in a short king kinda way. His hair reminded me of of like cheeto coloured fine thread woven into waves.,,, like the ocean xD (ans...this has an ocean theme)
sudenly there was another voice it was yalling “BOKE HINATA BOKER” i looked with my stricking dark blue orbs and there wasd inother pair of stricking dark blueor bs like the ocean and blck hair. his voicde was veryy deelp an sexxcy (a/n lololol i luv u gakeyama kun *w*)
theres suddenly a loud voice in ur ear screaming directly into ur eardrum " BAKA KAGYEAMA BAKA"  (wtf our they communicating ????  ? )    i cringe at the yellign and another pair of strong arms bulls me away . i land against a hard, solid chest, i can feel the six pack thru his track Suit. 
and then my alarm clock playin what makes u beatyful goes off n i woke up. 
i rub my eyes wakng up, starrn into the mirror at my super borng brwn ugly eyes and brsh my equaly borng brwn hair. i lok up at m wall and see harey stylz and niallr starinf back at me on t walls. i sigh dreamily. they wud twll me my brwn uairs beatufil. 
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loveissupernatural · 4 years
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                                         To Love in a Foreign Land
                                            Draco Malfoy x reader                                 
Chapter One: The Letter
[ Read Part 2 here ] 
The day had finally come.
It came in the flurry of an owl’s wings, in the nervous vibration of your sweaty palms.
A delicious breakfast had just been served by your mother that sunny summer morning in suburban America, your fourth term at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry only recently finished. Loud, impatient tapping on the kitchen window glass made you choke on your coffee.
“Mom! Ch-check if it’s from H-Hogwarts!” you managed to cough, pointing frantically at the window. Your mother bolted out of her chair at the kitchen table so you can recover.
She squealed for you, letting the gorgeous but exhausted-looking owl into your kitchen as quickly as she could. It landed in front of you on the table, holding out its leg with what could only be described as relief. Your shaking hands untied the cream-colored envelope from the owl’s ankle, and as soon as you did, it fluttered to the large cage in the corner of the room. Your silver-grey owl, Cinna, hooted indignantly at the unexpected visitor that was gulping from her water bowl.
“Now, Cinna, be nice. He’s had a long journey,” your mother said, wagging her finger. Cinna would have rolled her eyes if she could.
“Mom,” you squeaked, “this is it, this has to be it. I’m finally gonna know.”
You’d decided halfway through your fourth year at Ilvermorny that you wanted to take part in the International Wizarding Student Exchange Program, or I.W.S.E.P. It was a decision that you didn’t make lightly – you’d discussed it at length with your teachers and with your mom. You loved Ilvermorny with all of your heart and soul, after all, it was your home. But you also knew that the world was much bigger, that there was so much in the wizarding world that you hadn’t seen and hadn’t experienced. As a newly 15 year-old, you felt somehow ready for things to change.
Of course, you didn’t want too much change, which is why Hogwarts was at the top of your list. Ilvermorny was modeled after it, and you didn’t have to worry about a language barrier. Hogwarts contained four houses, just like your school, and was a large castle in the middle of the mountains, just like yours. You were ready to experience new things and new people, in a new (but somewhat similar) place. You had roots there.
The Headmistress of Ilvermorny, Celestia Pukwould, had one final meeting with all prospective exchange students before the end of term. The day exams ended, you and a small group of upcoming fifth years were invited to her large study. She pressed the importance of upholding your school’s good reputation as you traveled, to be a shining example of what it was to learn magic from America’s impressive magical education system. Only one of your peers was requesting Hogwarts as their first choice too, a quiet girl that you hadn’t spoken to much over the years named Eleanor.
After the other potential exchange students left her office, Headmistress Pukwould requested for you and Eleanor to stay behind for a bit.
“Ladies, I have sent an owl to Professor Dumbledore himself expressing my full confidence in you two,” she had said, standing from her ornate high-back chair that sat in front of her fireplace. She twirled her wand between her long fingers absentmindedly, fixing you and Eleanor with a kind yet serious stare. “You two are some of the brightest witches in your class. I told him so. I have known Albus Dumbledore for many years, and he is by far one of the most talented wizards alive today. You would be very lucky to learn magic at his school.”
You and Eleanor nodded profusely, eyes wide. While Headmistress Pukwould was a kind woman, she was also not to be trifled with, and her word backing your acceptance at Hogwarts held much weight.
“Don’t disappoint me, ladies,” she said, the smile fading from her face. She tapped her wand on her nails once, sighed, then turned back to the fireplace. “Have a wonderful summer. Owls containing your acceptance or rejection should arrive to your homes within the next few weeks.”  Her tone was final. You were dismissed.
You flashed back to your bright kitchen, took a deep breath and let it back out in a shaking sigh. Your fingers gently traced the refined emerald green writing. You flipped the envelope over and touched the blood-red wax seal, the crest of Hogwarts. Your hands paused.
“Mom, what if I don’t get in?” You’d spoken your greatest fear aloud.
She smiled at you, almost a little sadly, and came to rest a hand on your shoulder and a kiss on your head. “They’d be idiots not to accept you, Y/N.”
“What do you think Dad would say? If they said no?” you all but whispered, a familiar ache rising in the back of your throat. Your father had attended Hogwarts over two decades ago before he moved to America and met your No-Maj mother.
Your mother wrapped her arms around you from behind, pressing her cheek to yours and rocking you gently.
“He would think they’re idiots, too, honey,” she said, a grin in her voice. Your father loved his alma mater, so to imagine him saying anything negative about the school was enough to make you laugh. But you knew she was right, your father had been your biggest fan.
“I miss him,” you said quietly. Your thumb ran over the wax seal again.
“I know, baby. I do too,” she whispered, kissing your cheek. “But he’d be so proud of you, no matter what that letter says. Okay?”
You nodded. You’d lost your father two years ago, but the wound still felt fresh most days. You’d be lying if you said that going to Hogwarts wasn’t an attempt to feel him again, in some form or fashion.
“Here goes nothing,” you breathed, slipping your finger underneath the sturdy paper and ripping it away from the seal. Your heart pounded in your ears like a bass drum as you pulled out the parchment, catching a glimpse of the neat scroll in the same dark green ink. Your mother’s hands tightened on your shoulders.
Dear Miss Y/N Y/L/N,
           We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
           All students accepted to our institution through the I.W.S.E.P. (International Wizarding Student Exchange Program) will be required to travel via portkey on the evening of 29 July. Upon arrival to London, arrangements will be made for you to stay in the Leaky Cauldron before gathering your supplies on 30 July. A representative from the school will assist you in procuring the necessary books and equipment for term, beginning 1 September. You will be expected to arrive at King’s Cross Station, Platform 9 ¾, no later than 09:00 AM on 31 July. Bring all necessary luggage and equipment.
           You will find an enclosed list of all required literature and materials for Year Five.
           We will expect an owl containing your confirmation no later than 20 July. We are honored to invite you into our sacred halls of magical learning.
Yours Sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
 You lowered the letter, disbelief coursing through your veins. It was real, truly real. You were now officially a Hogwarts student.
After at least a solid 20 minutes of dancing around the kitchen with your mother, you scribbled a quick confirmation and laid it by the feet of the tired Hogwarts owl.
“Don’t worry, you won’t have to leave for another few days,” you said, answering the owl’s accusatory glare. He hooted ruefully and tucked his head underneath his large wing, ignoring Cinna’s still wary stare.
Your mother excused herself from the kitchen shortly after, attempting and failing to hide the proud tears in her eyes. You hugged the Hogwarts letter to your chest, breathing in the scent of the still stiff parchment. Slowly, you walked out to the empty living room and paced to the fireplace mantle that contained family portraits of all shapes and sizes, some moving in their frames and others standing still.
With tears tickling the corner of your eyes, you picked up your favorite picture of you and your dad. You were six years old, missing a tooth and laughing hysterically, while your father conjured glowing butterflies that danced around your head. The glow of his happy smile outshined those butterflies any day, you thought. You gently stroked his smiling face.
“Well, it’s official, Dad,” you whispered, a single tear sliding down your cheek. “I’m going to Hogwarts.”
That summer passed more quickly than you would have ever expected. Your friends from Ilvermorny came to visit as often as possible, taking advantage of every moment they could grab with you before you left for an entire year. Many days were spent wandering nearby cities and towns, No-Maj and magical alike, with your school friends. You ate as many cliché American meals as you could and soaked up every drop of sunshine possible by the pool. You always looked better with a bit of a tan, and you doubted that you’d be getting much strong sun at Hogwarts.
“So, what House do you think you’ll be sorted into?” Eleanor asked you one afternoon. You’d invited her to stay a week with you and your mother in early July. You two would be the only Americans at Hogwarts in the upcoming year, and you both thought that building a friendship with one another would be nothing but beneficial. Being so far from home, you needed to have each other’s backs.
You were both sitting on the edge of the pool, drinking fresh lemonade and dangling your feet in the water. You took a long sip through your brightly colored straw.
“Good question,” you said, staring at the rippling blue water in thought. “I’ve heard rumors of what each house represents, but how true is it really? I mean, we know at Ilvermorny that more than one House can pick you, and that you can make the decision for yourself. Do you ever wonder if people pick the right one? Think it’s like that at Hogwarts?”
“I don’t know,” Eleanor said quietly. She seemed a little nervous at the thought. “What if we don’t get sorted at all? What if we’re too old?”
“I mean, surely that wouldn’t happen,” you tried to say confidently. “They wouldn’t subject us to public sorting if there was a chance of us getting rejected, right? Talk about embarrassing.”
“I’m sure you’ll get sorted,” she said with an admiring tone. “Everyone remembers what happened when you stepped up to the Knot on our first day.”
You remembered that day with a strange and heady combination of pride and trepidation. When you stepped up to the large Gordian Knot engraved into the shining marble floor of the circular sorting chamber, everything changed for you. For the first time in over a decade, all four large wooden carvings came to life, and the room went dead silent. You’d never felt so many eyes on you, boring into the back of your skull, wondering what made you so special and what House you would choose.
The gem set into the head of the Horned Serpent glowed, the Thunderbird beat its large wings, the Wampus roared and the Pukwudgie raised its arrow into the air. The carvings themselves seemed to stare a hole through you.
The four Ilvermorny Houses have been described as each representing a different part of the human being; Horned Serpent represents the mind and favors scholars; Wampus represents the body and favors warriors; Thunderbird represents the soul and favors adventurers; Pukwudgie represents the heart and favors healers.
You were overwhelmed in every sense of the word. At the small and awkward age of 11, you truly didn’t feel that well-rounded. You were certain that, somehow, these magical carvings had made a mistake.
“What made you choose Thunderbird, by the way?” Eleanor asked curiously, breaking you from your reverie.
“Honestly… I’m not totally sure,” you shrugged bashfully. Talking about this always made you uncomfortable. “Thunderbird is supposed to represent the soul, right? I guess I think that everything is rooted in the soul. We wouldn’t be human without them.”
Eleanor had been chosen by Horned Serpent, but nodded in agreement. “I guess that makes sense. I don’t know what I would have done if I were you.” She laughed a bit uneasily. “At least my choice was easy – I didn’t have one.”
In many ways, you found yourself wishing that only one carving had chosen you. Sure, it’s a bit less flattering, but much less stressful. The pressure of being that student, the once-in-a-decade student that was supposed to accomplish amazing things, was almost suffocating. As a child, you had a mountain of expectations piled on top of you from the moment those four carvings came to life. You couldn’t make a mistake.
In your second year, when your father died, so many of those expectations crushed you in a way that they never had before. His death weighed on you more than anything ever had, and the strength of his support was gone and left you breaking underneath the heavy cinderblocks of watchful eyes. Your grades suffered, and so did your relationships. You shut down.
Only when a year passed after your father’s death did you begin to find yourself again. With the help of your understanding teachers and a loving group of friends, you were able to establish a better academic standing within Ilvermorny. Not that anyone held your lapse against you – after all, you were a 12 year-old that had lost a parent. But you were still that kid, the one that all four Houses wanted, and you’d proven that you were far from perfect.
“What House do you want to be in at Hogwarts?” you asked Eleanor. She smiled, quiet in thought as she threw her brown hair into a messy ponytail.
“Really, I’d be happy with anything. But I’ve heard Ravenclaw is similar to Horned Serpent, academically focused and stuff.” She took a gulp of cold lemonade and wiped the sweat from her forehead. “What about you?”
“My dad was a Hufflepuff, so that would be nice I guess. I don’t know. Let’s just hope the Sorting Hat doesn’t explode,” you joked, setting aside your now empty glass. With that, you jumped into the chilly crystal water, letting it soothe your hot skin. Eleanor quickly followed.
You enjoyed the last inklings of summer vacation together before your new adventure began. You talked about missing friends and family, what Hogwarts would be like, whether or not you liked hot tea and what classes you would be taking. True to teen girl form, you were both excited to meet cute guys with foreign accents. And with a mix of thrill and nerves, you both realized that you two would be the foreign ones to them, and hoped that it would play in your favor.
“I wonder if British guys will think American girls are hot?” you asked her after the sun went down. You’d both climbed out of the pool at this point, your sun-kissed skin beginning to prune.
Eleanor laughed. “Geez, I hope so. Could you imagine getting a handsome British boyfriend? Talk about the adventure of a lifetime.”
You couldn’t deny that the thought of kissing a handsome boy with an attractive accent at the top of a castle turret excited you, but your mind always went back to connecting with the spirit of your father. Maybe you could feel closer to him there at Hogwarts, and would a boy distract you from getting that closure? You knew a boy would distract you from schoolwork, and you were determined to make such outstanding grades that Professor Dumbledore would have no choice but to write back to your Headmistress. After the academic crash and burn that was your second year, any and all glowing recommendations were not only welcome, but needed.
“It would be fun,” you giggled, wrapping yourself in your pool towel and squeezing the water out of your hair. “But wouldn’t it kinda suck when it’s all said and done? I mean, what if you got close to someone and then you have to leave to come back here?”
“I didn’t say we had to fall in love,” Eleanor shrugged. “I just want a hot piece of British ass.”
You busted out laughing. Eleanor always seemed so quiet at school, but once she got comfortable with you, she really came out of her shell.
“Come on, girls!” your mother called, sticking her head out of the back patio door. “Dinner is ready. I’ve got your salads on the table.”
You both trotted inside, whispering and giggling about the possibility of a grand foreign romance. After a pleasant dinner with your mother, you both went to bed, smelling of chlorine and sunlight.
Eleanor fell asleep before you did. You laid awake for a while, watching the shadows of swaying tree limbs dance across your ceiling. Your mind wandered back to the possibility of finding romance at Hogwarts. You doubted it would happen for you, especially since your priorities were elsewhere, but it wouldn’t be so bad to just dream about it, right?
You drifted into a deep sleep, flashes of colorful magic and the shadow of a boy dancing through your head.
[ Read Part 2 here ]
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
RWBY Recaps: Volume 8 “Amity”
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Welcome back, everyone! I hated this episode.
As in, I’m nominating “Amity” for the Most Stupid Episode of RWBY award. Was there some cool action? Yes. Good Penny development? Mm hmm. Some surprise cameos in the Maya Engine? You know it. Was all of it almost entirely undermined by the sheer number of times I went, “Wait, what?” over the course of twenty minutes?
Sadly, yes.
But let’s start at the beginning.
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We get a gorgeous opening shot of Amity Tower and, aesthetics aside, my first thought was, “There’s no one around to protect it?” I mean, this was Ironwood’s super secret project. Watts just tried to sabotage it a few hours ago. Prior to the reveal that Amity wasn’t finished (cough), Team RWBY was trying to convince Ironwood to give calling others a chance, but you’re telling me after all that there’s not a single guard there? Pietro, Maria, and Penny just waltzed up without any problems? The only reason it might be abandoned—yes, even with a grimm attack looming—is if it was useless. Because remember, it was supposed to be useless. Unfinished. Not worth protecting in its current state because its current state is non-operational. That would have explained why Ironwood would leave it undefended, yet as we’ve known since the premiere, Amity was apparently finished by magic at some point, leaving the question of why it’s unguarded (or why Ironwood wouldn’t want to use it himself for something) up in the air. Pun not intended. 
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So these three have free rein to do whatever they want and what they want to do is, apparently, blow up the dust mine. Love that we spent an entire volume worrying about dwindling resources! I’d find the sacrifice justifiable under the circumstances if this Amity plan weren’t so foolish. Also, I’m not going to pretend that I know anything about explosives and whether providing that kind of “thrust” would actually work, but in this case I think RWBY’s sci-fi/fantasy status gives it a pass.
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Penny, however, isn’t so sure. “Dad? This… does not seem like a very good idea.” Yeah. Pietro gives a short speech about good ideas not necessarily being best ideas, which would have been a great perspective to adopt for the series’ massive Ironwood arc, not a three minute solution to a problem I didn’t even know existed until now.
Pietro also weirdly teleports during this scene? He’s talking to Penny outside of the tower, tinkering with things, and then the next sentence he’s suddenly deep inside it. I mean, based on the dialogue this sentence could have come later, but it doesn’t read that way given that they were just chatting. It feels like a continuous conversation. He was outside one second, now he’s not. 
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During all this Maria is doing… something with a mech. That she got from who knows where. I really don’t know what the point of this was besides a very brief airship fight, but I’m just happy Maria is doing something. In fact, she’ll do far more later in the episode—we’ll get to that—so congratulations, RWBY, we can officially ignore half of your Maria square on the bingo card. Keep her alive for the next nine episodes and you’re golden. 
Our trio has the message ready to go which they recorded… when? Sometime before everyone split based on the fact that Ruby is standing in the Happy Huntress’ hideout. This episode throws out a LOT of information that seems to come out of nowhere and doesn’t hold up well in terms of timing. Or, you know, general sense. Take, for example, the next exchange between Penny and Pietro. She wants to stay here in case no one is able to come help Atlas and Pietro panics about her staying with them, heavily implying that they’re leaving leaving. Once they go up they can’t come back down because otherwise… why not just send out the message, land, and then Penny goes off again to help? Later in the episode landing seems inevitable and then it seems planned for—what, are Pietro and Maria just going to hang up there forever? So what’s the conflict here?
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Specifically, what’s the conflict for Penny? Amity should just be a quick side mission she completes before heading back into battle. Why does she care about doing what’s essentially an errand while Ruby nurses Nora back to health? She’s not missing anything. I’m having a hard time understanding why she’s acting like getting the message out means she’s removed from the fight indefinitely. Pietro, however, makes a little more sense if we read it simply as him not wanting Penny to be involved in the fight, period. As we see later, he fears for her safety and will do everything he can to keep her here with him, safe: “I’m your father. I’m telling you, you belong on Amity.”
Penny gives a sad “Yes, sir” and Maria chides Pietro with, “Don’t you think Penny has had enough people telling her what to do?”
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Oh boy. There’s so much wrong with this line. The general demonization of ever following orders, even when those orders are sound. The comparison between Ironwood’s new villainy/his “bootlickers” (“Yes, sir”) and a father’s justifiable fear. Ignoring that Ruby has also been giving orders and no one is reminding her that Penny is an autonomous person capable of deciding things for herself. Where was this sort of chiding when she took away Penny’s scroll and spoke for her to Ironwood?
So Penny, of course, flies up and I guess provides them with the launch sequence or something? She sort of perks up and makes tech noises, then the tower is ready to go. Just like that. 
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Pietro makes a joke about not having time to install seatbelts.
Funny, shouldn’t there be safety measures for the people operating the tower? If the tower was finished and ready to go? 🙃
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Everything is going to plan until Cinder shows up, melting a giant hole while Neo pilots the airship through it. So she came! Too bad she’s not going to achieve anything. Despite the stowaways, the bomb Penny left goes off and the dust mine explodes in a massive cloud of color, sending Amity up into the sky. This pops up on Ironwood’s feed and he gives an ominous “It’s time.”
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For the first minute or so no one can move due to the pressure and Cinder takes the time to taunt Penny some, saying she expected her friends to be here and, since they’re not, she’s just “a tool to be used.” While she lashes verbally she also summons a massive number of swords. When they’re able to fight Penny is briefly overwhelmed…
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…Until Maria comes to her aid!
“Get away from her, you bitch!”
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That was great. If anyone other than Tyrian was going to curse, you know it had to be our snarky grandma. So I’m cheering, watching Maria make use of her (acquired off screen) tech to help, despite the fact that she’s too old to fight anymore and—
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Okay, here’s my problem with this battle. First of all, Cinder’s group should have decimated them. This is an experienced Maiden (see: Raven fight) with a grimm arm vs. a girl who only got the powers a few hours ago. I know a few weeks back I mentioned how insanely powerful Penny is in theory, but that was before she was nearly taken out by the Ace Ops. You know, the group who was all knocked unconscious by a bunch of half-trained, exhausted teenagers. So the comparisons here don’t make Penny look too good. More importantly—because Cinder doesn’t have a great track record anymore either—she’s backed by ‘I was kicking a Maiden’s ass before she whipped out her magic’ Neo and ‘I can make anyone see anything and I just mentioned last episode that I’ve been working on this semblance’ Emerald. They are a power team. Who is Penny backed by? A non-combat scientist and a woman who stopped fighting years ago.
I have no problem with Maria being powerful. In fact, after her Grimm Reaper reveal I had hoped we’d see her fight, both to give the group a power to aspire to—here’s what a fully trained huntress with experience looks like. This is what our personal inspiration and a huntress beloved by the world looks like—and to have an older fighter providing diversity. Sure, there’s Ozpin, but he reincarnates into young bodies. Maria is a Mexican coded, disabled, old as balls fighter and that’s AWESOME. Problem is… she never fought. She hobbles around with her cane, using it in a way Ozpin never used his, implying that she really needs it. She’s not spry anymore. Every time there’s a battle she’s in an airship or other tech, providing help through the use of an assistive device. She never offers to train anyone. We never see her accompanying a group—like JNOR—to provide extra protection. During the grimm attack Maria exchanges a fearful look with Pietro and then presumably hides in his shop off screen. Why has the story been ignoring Maria when she can fight like this? How can she fight like this when we haven’t seen her throw so much as a punch since we met her? 
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I mean, this is Neo! Neo. One of the most powerful, non-Maiden fighters we’ve seen to date. She took out Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Oscar without breaking a sweat, but a few minutes with Maria has her collapsed on the ground?
Something is very wrong with this fight. Either the writing nerfed Neo to allow Maria to win, or the writing has been pushing one of the most powerful characters off screen, relegating her to comic relief. Maria should be insanely powerful given her Grimm Reaper status. I had come to accept that she was powerful and, like people in real life, simply lost that with age. Now, the story suddenly reveals that this was never the case.
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During all this Emerald helps Neo one (1) time, despite presumably standing there watching the entire fight. Before it begins Neo randomly decides to turn into Ruby, but then has dropped the illusion by the time we return. Maria is laughing like a loon for the first half of the battle. The only reason she (briefly) looses is because she gets distracted. Then Penny K.O.’s Neo’s aura with a single blast.
See, this is why I rarely enjoy the fights anymore. Beyond that fact that I thought some of it was rather lackluster compared to our Penny vs. Ace Ops fight, it just doesn’t make sense. There’s moment after moment that has me scratching my head and if you’re going, “Huh?” at the screen the whole time, it’s pretty hard to get immersed in the story.
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During all this they reach the necessary altitude to broadcast, but it won’t go through because of a “stabilizer fail.” You mean the giant hole that Cinder blew in the side of the tower? 
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Never mind that everyone except Penny should be dead by now. How are they breathing up there? It’s like if someone blew a hole in your airplane and everyone just went about their tasks as usual. 
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You’ve gotta input the code, Penny.
I joke, but Pietro does start desperately typing. I guess because stabilizers might be fixed with a code or something? Anything is possible in this show.
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It’s the Penny vs. Cinder fight that I’m bored with though. At least before Cinder manages to nearly the powers. I think part of it is because we already got this fight last volume, partly because they don’t do much that we haven’t seen from them both before: Penny flies around a lot, Cinder tosses variously summoned weapons, etc. Details I did appreciate though were the return of Cinder’s arrows and the fact that she didn’t let Penny lead her from Amity for long. Look at our villain making a smart decision!! Love that.
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Cinder starts destroying the tower instead and Penny asks why she’d want to serve Salem. “I don’t serve anyone and you wouldn’t either if you weren’t built that way!” Penny looks sadly down at Pietro and for one horrible moment I thought the story would actually have her buy into that nonsense, but then Penny rallies and announces that she chooses when to fight because she wants to protect those she loves.
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Penny has some really great moments here. What’s less great is the setup for them. I mean… why is Pietro in danger? Penny is clearly trying to keep the top portion of the tower from collapsing after Cinder’s attack, but you’re telling me the tech-obsessed scientist hasn’t put flight capabilities into his chair? That’s not how he got way up high on the outside of the tower, it was just a random hatch or something? When every piece of tech in RWBY serves triple-duty, the Atlas tech mastermind hasn’t included the one thing in his massive chair that would save him here? It’s all very… “Really?” Especially when Cinder is smart enough to realize that Penny cares about the tower, but not realize she cares more about her dad. Just grab Pietro and threaten him, demanding that Penny stand down so Cinder can grab the powers. Penny, horrified by her father’s potential death (and ambivalent about having this responsibility in the first place) lets her. Something other than this weird setup of destroying the platform itself. 
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Penny’s scream though is fantastic. Kudos to Taylor for that moment. So yeah, Cinder starts taking the power—did she get a bit then, like with Amber?—before Penny rallies and knocks her off. From then on Cinder doesn’t stand a chance. Emerald reappears to provide assistance in the form of an illusion, except that Penny’s tech allows her to see through it with ease. The real Cinder is marked with ‘Danger’ and Penny takes her out easily once Cinder doesn’t think she needs to dodge anymore.
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I should be feeling something considering that Penny just won a battle against the woman who orchestrated her murder volumes back, in the exact same place where she died… but I’m not. Penny’s resurrection was shrugged off. Amity was used for joke license parties. I’m endlessly confused about what message RT is aiming for in regards to Penny’s autonomy (a real girl, but hackable) and this fight has been a collection of power ups, power downs, or skills just conveniently not working. What improvements has Emerald made to her semblance? This is everything we’ve seen from her before. When did we establish that Penny’s android nature makes her immune to techniques of this nature? I don’t mind that she is immune—in fact, it’s a cool skill to give her—I just wish this sort of stuff didn’t suddenly appear in the story only when the plot most needs it to. Or, to be more charitable, it would be a cool reveal if the rest of the fight held up better. I don’t mind a, “Hell yeah, Penny had the trump card she needed to win!” if the whole scene wasn’t Team Cinder being oddly weak the whole time. The most they manage to do is escape via Emerald threatening to fill the tower with holes from her gun… after the tower has had a hole blown through it, shot with flaming arrows, and had two of the beams keeping it in place melted. The most Cinder accomplishes here is unintentionally putting Penny in a position where she falls when she���s hacked. That’s it.
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The villains should have won. Not just because of the team dynamics making victory a very likely outcome, but because allowing the group to successfully get their message out was one of the worst things RWBY has done to date. 
Gimme just a moment to get there. 
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Amity is drifting back down, out of the range they need to send the broadcast, so Penny offers to “hold Amity in place” until the message is done. Pietro freaks out… why? He starts to say “Even just the temperature out there—” implying that the cold and altitude can kill Penny, except she fought Cinder outside no problem. Literally minutes ago. Hell, Cinder was fine outside and she’s not an android. 
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There’s that massive hole letting the atmosphere in too. I’m so confused by these conflicts that randomly appear and, as such, I can’t take the emotion attached to them seriously. How can I be invested in Pietro’s worry about this killing Penny and Penny offering to sacrifice herself when I don’t understand why it’s dangerous to begin with? 
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And it is treated like a sacrifice. Penny tells him that she’s trying to “live her life,” kisses Pietro as a sort of goodbye, and spends a few moments enjoying the beauty of the night sky. 
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She’s acting like she’s about to die and yet none of this comes across as particularly dangerous. Indeed, Penny pushes Amity for as long as Ruby’s message needs her to and then, presumably, would have come back inside, a-okay, if she hadn’t been hacked. This is like that Parks and Rec moment:
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Except it’s treated seriously. Penny is doing something mundane based on what we’ve seen her do before and the fact that this cold/pressure isn’t negatively impacting anyone else who experiences it, let alone the android. So why is the story trying to convince me that this is a death sentence?
Combine this with Penny’s origins: she was built to “save the world.” That’s why Pietro created her, to fight these exact sort of battles. So why is he so resistant to her doing just that? I’m not saying he can’t change his mind and grow to love her as more than a tool—in fact, their relationship is one of the few things I’m enjoying about this volume—I just wish we’d seen how that came about. When did Pietro move from building Ironwood a weapon to having a daughter? Back in Volume 3 he was on Ironwood’s side about Penny not having friends or going out because it was too dangerous for someone like her. She has secrets to maintain and responsibilities to prep for because she was, first and foremost, created for a specific task. We get an inkling through is admission that he can’t bear to see her die again that Penny’s first destruction really changed his view of her, but all of that happened off screen. We had a whole volume with Pietro prior to this where we might have watched him struggle with his new understanding of Penny as his child, rather than dumping this on us literal seconds before she engages in this non-sacrifice. We know almost nothing about Pietro except what tiny scraps we’ve been told, so dramatic lines like, “I don’t care about the big picture, I care about my daughter!”—while wonderful—appear to come out of nowhere in regards to his development. It’s jarring. Early RWBY presented Pietro as a morally ambiguous scientist aligned with Ironwood, then he suddenly became a scientist who loved his creation in Volume 7, the scientist who betrayed Ironwood, then Volume 8 has Penny dropping “Dad” left and right and Pietro willing to throw away helping a kingdom for her sake. When did all these changes happen? Where’s the progression?
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Also, I hope people understand that this is why the world needs someone like Ironwood. Is it heartwarming that Pietro wants to ditch their plan at the last second for the sake of his daughter? Hell yeah. Is that good for the millions of other people who would like their own family members to survive this war too? Nope. “I don’t care about the big picture,” while human and great characterization, is dangerous when the rest of the world depends on you. Whoever runs this show doesn’t have the luxury of saving their preferred, individual life at the expense of everyone else.
So Penny goes out and gets Amity high enough for Ruby’s recording to start, complete with her acting funny-awkward for the first few seconds.
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The cameos we get throughout this? Excellent. The speech itself? Rather horrifying. So the good: we get glimpses of everyone else in this show that the story has essentially left behind. Saphron, Terra, and Whitley start things off. 
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(Interesting that Whitely went to his father’s office rather than his room...) 
Sun and Neptune (even though that “Dude” again messes with tone).
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Ilia getting a call from Ghira.
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The group sitting with a recovering Nora while Ruby watches her own words with the most ridiculous expression.
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Tai, desperate not to lose the one link to his daughters he’s seen in years. (Side note: I’m not interested in any of the Tai hate. He’s still at home because the writers don’t know what to do with him and because Ruby literally ran away. Are people made at Ghira and Kali for not running after their daughter too? No, because they’re minor characters that the story needed to sideline.)
Tyrian, sitting beside a very pleased looking Salem... 
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(Love that she’s petting him.)
Even the shop dude!
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I’m thrilled to see her. In the sense that I love getting her in the new engine, but I’m salty that she’s unlikely to become an important part of the story again. In fact, there are so many characters at this point that she shouldn’t be re-incorporated, just because that would bloat the cast even more. That… and did they really have to give her massive cleavage? The darker glasses are fine—even if I personally found them a bit distracting compared to her original lenses—but seriously, why does a woman always reappear with even bigger breasts?
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At this point everything in RWBY has a sour taste attached to it because it’s been handled so badly for so many years. It’s only now, watching them do many of the things I wanted them to do volumes ago, that I realize how badly they’ve played themselves. RT messed up so many core aspects that when they re-appear they can’t hope to provide the same sort of enjoyment we would have gotten if they’d never been dropped and/or messed up to begin with.
Case in point: Ruby’s speech. I’m not going to cover the stupidity of telling the world about Salem because I’ve already talked about that to death on my blog, but I do want to add that Ruby managed to accomplish that dubious task in the absolute worst way possible. I need a list for this one.
So, about RWBY ruining core parts of its story? We had a whole volume about how horrifying learning about Salem’s immortality was, something we never resolved because the cast randomly went from thinking they’d entered a doomed war to being #confident about how they’ll win. But at the very least they’ll be careful and considerate when they tell others that very demoralizing info, right? Ha. Ruby never even uses the term “immortal.” She mentions Salem being around for “centuries”—which, remember, was info the group also had but never put two and two together—and then says that “Just because she can’t be destroyed doesn’t mean she can’t be beaten.” What does that mean to people who have never heard of Salem before now? Ruby doesn’t even explain who she is! What’s a “force” in this context? A person? An entity? Endless grimm? She gives the people nothing here.
Alongside just casually dropping that Salem has been around for “centuries,” Ruby says that she is “a force we’ve faced before,” as if the world has ever had to deal with an outright attack from her. No, Ruby. They haven’t faced this before. That’s the point.
“I know the idea of Maidens and Relics seems crazy”—does she even mention them before this?? I don’t think she does. Ruby just name dropped two things and never bothered to explain wtf they were.
Also, great job telling the whole world, filled with bad guys not already aligned with Salem, that there are two powerful, mystery things out there that they can now start hunting down. That’s why Ozpin decided to keep the Maidens quiet in the first place. He says in Volume 3 that people were killing them when they knew they existed.
She tells everyone that Glynda and Theodore can vouch for all this information, just casually dropping that responsibility into their lap. I mean, can you even IMAGINE being Glynda right now? This kid you taught for one year heads back home after your school falls, you lose touch with the inner circle after Ozpin dies, and then said kid suddenly appears on every scroll and TV in Remnant, telling the entire world that YOU, personally, can explain to them the things you’ve helped keep hidden for a good portion of your adult life. You are one of two people they can now turn to for answers. If I were Glynda I would be furious.
She also says that Theodore and Glynda “might even be able to organize a way to fight back” RUBY. WHAT DO YOU THINK THE INNER CIRCLE WAS? A KNITTING CLUB? WHAT ELSE HAS OZPIN BEEN DOING FOR A THOUSAND YEARS EXCEPT “ORGANIZING A WAY TO FIGHT BACK”? 
“But, sadly, General Ironwood can no longer be trusted.” Wow. That’s one hell of a simplified take to give to a world already working under the incorrect assumption that Atlas caused the Fall of Beacon, an assumption Ruby admitted was wrong to Cordovin. So let’s unite the world except for this one leader, right? So much for practicing what you preach. 
“If she was really unstoppable she wouldn’t have acted with such caution before now.” Oh boy, that’s risking a lot on Ruby’s interpretation of Salem’s motives. After eight years even we, the audience, don’t know why Salem didn’t attack until now, so where did Ruby get the idea that it must be because she fears them? That’s not the real explanation based on how happy Salem looks while hearing the message. When did Ruby even think about this? Outside of Nora’s realization that maybe someone other than Ozpin could beat her, we haven’t seen the group discuss Salem at all, but now Ruby thinks she has everything figured out? I honestly want her to explain her thought process here. Does she think Ozpin was mistaken about the immortality business and if he’d just had the guts to unite everyone and attack her, Salem would have been defeated lifetimes ago? 
(Funny how that was Ironwood’s plan...) 
Ruby ends with another call to band together because “That’s how we’ll win!” complete with smiling energy.
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With the exception of the cameos I hated every moment of this. The unclear reason why Ruby thinks bringing the world together is the answer in the face of how badly that’s gone each and every time others have done it, Amity magically becoming available for them to use, her dropping in random beliefs we’ve never seen her express before, turning the whole world against Ironwood, failing to actually explain any of this… I mean, imagine you’re in Remnant’s place for a second:
This child (looking entirely unprepared) suddenly hacks every device and tells you that the most powerful kingdom in the world is under attack. Who is attacking it? It’s someone you’re familiar with! But not really. It’s Salem. Who’s Salem? I won’t say, but she’s responsible for every bad thing from the White Fang to the grimm themselves. Those Relics and Maidens, those are real crazy sounding, huh? Oh, I forgot to say what they are? Nm that’s not important. Talk to my old teacher and someone I’ve never met if you’re confused. What is important is that we all come together. Except Ironwood. I don’t trust him. But I expect you all to trust everyone else, including me! Because we can totally win against this “force” I haven’t defined. You should help us. In whatever non-specific way you choose. Should you come to Atlas and save us all from the confusingly explained attack we’re under? Fight an immortal enemy somehow, with the forces you don’t have, cross who knows how many miles in under a day? I don’t know. You all can figure the preparations part out :) 
If I were watching I would, at best, think this was a prank. At worst I’d be panicking over a whole lot of scary information, none of which I understand. Which in this world brings grimm.
Ruby should, in an internally consistent story, have just caused a massive number of attacks across the globe. She should be responsible for the biggest mass grimm death Remnant has ever seen. In fact, that’s my final hope for the series. I want the world to lose its mind at this confusing, terrifying announcement, from rioting in the streets to grimm swarming major cities. Ruby is left dumbfounded at the destruction she’s caused. No one can—or will—come to assist Atlas. The Kingdom falls, taking plenty of civilians with it. Ozpin escapes and is finally allowed his anger, wanting to know how the safety measures he spent lifetimes building were undone by her in one profoundly stupid move. Ironwood (if he’s still alive) coldly tells them that they could have left and saved who and what they had at the time. Ren is proven right.
I need this story to decimate our heroes, humble them, and then let them rebuild. Teach Ruby something and let her grow from it, making up for her mistakes as she goes. Because for two and a half seasons now we’ve watched this girl commit one horrible act after another—whether it’s attacking allies or unintentionally giving the world the most damaging message possible—and something needs to come out of all that.
Can’t say I’m too hopeful of seeing that though :/ 
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The rest of the episode isn’t any better. Ironwood continues his stupidity streak by trusting Watts to do the hack himself. I really can’t believe this is what his character has been reduced to. Granted, it appears as if Watts really did do what he was asked, it’s just that none of them could have known Penny would be outside of Amity and at the height of an airplane when her systems went offline. That trust does, however, allow Watts to nab Ironwood’s crushed scroll before he’s taken back to his cell. Because, you know, at this point Ironwood is so stupid he just chucks personal tech at a villain and thinks nothing of it. 
Also... all this happens before the jail scene last episode when Watts was returned, but after Ruby’s group gets to the Schnee manor. The bingo board is getting another check.
Ironwood says that “It seems Polendina’s proxy trick worked.” So Pietro deliberately built Penny with this kill switch (for lack of a better word) embedded? In this villain!Ironwood world, is the story ever going to acknowledge that Pietro is far from innocent, having helped to create and support all the things people hate about how Ironwood (supposedly) interacts with Penny? 
Penny’s hack doesn’t take until Ruby’s message is complete, because of course it doesn’t. 
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Yang’s group is all excited—“That was the broadcast!”—despite not having a signal last episode. If they can use their scrolls at the outpost, why didn’t they call for help?
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Penny then says “I love you” to Pietro before she—maybe?—falls to her second death. I don’t know. This absolutely deserves a longer rant because either Penny was resurrected for a brief, narratively meaningless existence before dying again, or we’re expected to believe that she’s falling far and fast enough to become a meteor, but will turn out just fine. Perhaps the show will forget that Pietro said he couldn’t rebuild her again. I pretty much expect it at this point. 
(Either that, or Pietro will sacrifice himself for Penny. Coming at it from a father-daughter relationship, I like the idea. As a black man dying for his white daughter in a show notorious for how it has handled its race allegory... ehhhh.) 
Then, we end this episode with “a river of grimm.”
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Seriously, am I the only one who laughed during that moment? It sounds ridiculous. What does that even mean, “a river of grimm”? Did Salem expand her territory somehow? Is this the same grimm soup she makes them out of? What, can she just cover the whole world with grimm making goo now? Out of everything that could have been coming out of the ice, THAT’S what we end on? 
I think this episode may have broken me lol. There was so much that I knew I was meant to be invested in, so many moments trying their hardest to be emotionally compelling… and only the tinniest slivers of it worked. I want to care about Penny falling. I want to care (more) about an unexpected Glynda appearance. I want to be cheering for Ruby’s message getting out, but it’s all just so badly done. I ended this episode feeling like I had watched a RWBY parody rather than an episode. Like for funsies someone had pulled together the most ridiculous ideas they could think of, like:
The villains come and then immediately leave again, like in Fury Road except in this case that’s not the point of the story.
Super powerful fighter gets her ass kicked by laughing grandma.
Nonsensical sacrifice going on but give it just a hint of ~real~ emotion.
Huge reveal for the rest of the world but the message with be near incomprehensible.
Toss in random characters we haven’t seen in years, people love that.
End the episode with grimm soup flowing towards the kingdom.
It honestly feels like someone set out to write an absurd episode, but then gave it just enough artistry that the viewer finishing the vid goes, “Why am I actually invested in this omg lol.” Except when that’s your canon we’ve got a problem.
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I don’t know. At this point RWBY is so broken I can’t even articulate everything that’s continually going wrong when we get an episode like this one. For anyone who may have missed it, we’ve got two more episodes before a six week hiatus and frankly I’m glad. Mostly because I obviously want our crew to have the time they need to keep their sanity intact during the hell that is 2020 and the likely hell that will be 2021, also because that will give them time to spruce up the second half of the volume… but there’s also a part of me that’s just glad for a break. There are still pieces in RWBY I enjoy (like the Hound, or dad!Pietro, always Ozpin) and I love writing these recaps, but it says a lot about the writing that I hear we won’t get RWBY for two solid months and I am, at best, indifferent. Can’t mess up what you don’t air, right? 😂
Man, this bingo card… it’s getting three marks today. “Two day timeline wreaks havoc on continuity,” “Needless episode cliffhanger” (grimm river??), and “The team gets Amity up and running.” Yet we somehow STILL don’t have a bingo. Amazing.
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Alright, I’m done. If you enjoyed this episode, bless you. I’m really glad. Please enjoy it for the both of us. And pray for us all over the next two weeks 💜
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multimilfs · 4 years
Eda Clawthorne x Fem!Human Reader: Forever
Summary: You never told Eda how you felt. You couldn’t. But sometimes life has it’s own way of revealing all of your secrets. 
A/N: This is a little bit of hurt/comfort for all of you. Thank you so much for all of the notes on my first imagine. I hope you like this one! 
Warning(s): none :)
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“Hey Owlbert, what did you bring today?” You asked the little owl, giving him a little scratch under his chin.
It was human trash day and somehow, Eda had scammed you into running the stand while she was off doing who-knows-what. You had just been waiting for Owlbert’s newest bag. Unwrapping it, you let out a disgusted noise. Yup. Mostly trash.
Warily, you dug around the rotting food and old wrappers, trying to find some salvageable items. Something shiny at the bottom of the bag caught your eye. Doing your best not to touch any of the gross items, you stuck your arm into it, hoping you’d reach it.
You did.
Pulling your arm out of the bag, you looked at the most gorgeous ring you’d ever seen. It was a silver band set with a large emerald, tiny diamonds lined in a circle around the green gem. It sparkled like nothing you’d ever seen before. And Owlbert, who normally couldn’t care less about anything he brought over, even seemed intrigued.
“Woah,” You muttered, looking at it from every possible angle, “This is the biggest gem I’ve ever seen.”
Owlbert hooted from your shoulder. You held it up for him to look at, but he couldn’t do much with it besides peck at it. That was probably a good thing. Turning it, you noticed an engraving on the underside of the ring.
“To our forever. Love, E.” You read softly.
“Hey, did Owlbert bring anything interesting back?”
Eda’s voice seemed to startle both you and the little owl on your shoulder. Turning to her, she looked mostly normal. Her hair was just slightly more disheveled than normal. Smiling, you presented the ring to her.
“Look at this!” You grinned.
The owl lady didn’t seem very impressed. She looked at the ring, then to you, then back to the ring. She raised an eyebrow.
“I know things are different in the human world, but this isn’t very exciting to anyone in the Boiling Isles. You can find gems anywhere these days.” Eda said.
“Yeah, but isn’t it beautiful? And someone even had it engraved - see!”
You shoved the ring out in front of her. Eda squinted her eyes to read it, before promptly bursting into laughter. Loud laughter. A frown took over your face. What could possibly be so amusing about this?
“Geez, that’s about the sappiest thing I’ve ever seen. ‘Our forever,’ who even says something like that?” She asked, wiping tears of laughter from the corners of her eyes, “Good one, Y/N.”
Her reaction stunned you. Sure, Eda wasn’t exactly a big romantic, but you hadn’t expected anything like that. You felt your face heat up with embarrassment. Small things like ring engravings were something you loved. They showed that romance wasn’t dead. You were more partial to old love letters and postcards, but rings always seemed to take the cake. The way someone could completely encapsulate their love in the tiny space a ring provided was amazing to you.
“Lots of people say things like that.” You defended, “It’s not weird to show that you love someone.”
Normally, you knew this wouldn’t bother you so much. But it stung coming from Eda. Ever since you’d met the woman, you’d been head over heels for her. She had a natural charm that made it all too easy to catch feelings. Secretly, you’d hoped that you weren’t alone in those feelings. You imagined a million different scenarios where Eda swept you off your feet, like the giver of this ring might have done for their significant other. The way she seemed to scoff in the face of romance, though, had you thinking otherwise.
“Whatever you say, Y/N.” She smiled, seeming to miss the expression on your face.
You snatched the ring from her hand, before walking away from the stand in a huff. Eda’s voice called out from behind you, but you didn’t turn around. She could manage on her own for a while.
Thoughts seemed to crash into one another like waves in your head, making your chest ache. If Eda had that kind of reaction to anything romantic, then she couldn’t return your feelings, could she? Being in love with someone made you softer. Warmer towards other expressions of love, whether it was yours or not. These thoughts plagued you, keeping you in your own head, until you realized that you’d walked all the way back to the Owl House.
How long had you been walking for?
From your assessment of the house, a long time, but not long enough for Eda to be home. All of the lights were still off inside. Good. It meant you could be alone for a while.
Ignoring Hooty’s attempts to make conversation, you opened the door and walked inside. You kicked off your shoes, not caring where they went, before trudging up to your room. And holding the ring to your chest, you fell asleep.
Eda had been shocked to watch you walk away like that. You were level-headed, even at the worst of times. That type of response was extremely out of the ordinary.
“What did I do?” She asked, looking at King. The demon shrugged.
“Beats me.”
It bothered her for the rest of the day. She was able to forget about it during the few sales she had, but the second they left it was all she could think about. Eventually, she packed the tent up early, hoping you’d be at the house and you could talk.
She felt a little nervous, wondering what to say to you. Eda didn’t do well with feelings. A lot of the time, she preferred to ignore them; let them all go away. But she’d never been able to shake you. You hadn’t been in the Boiling Isles for a long time, but it hadn’t taken very much to capture her attention. Eda cared about you a lot. A lot more than she felt comfortable thinking about.
“Hey Hooty, did Y/N come home?” Eda asked, trying to sound normal. She didn’t want to seem too worried.
“You bet your hoot she did, but she didn’t even say hello! Kinda rude. Hoot.”
Eda opened the door, throwing off her shoes, before taking off towards your room. First you walked away without saying anything, then you’d ignored Hooty? None of that added up.
Arriving outside of your door, she noticed that none of the lights were shining underneath it. She tried to knock gently. No answer came. There was an internal debate about whether or not she should open the door. She wanted to check and make sure you were okay, but she didn’t want to invade your privacy. Worry eventually ruled supreme.
“Y/N?” She whispered, peeking in.
She noticed your form wrapped up in blankets in the middle of the mattress that she’d found. Tiptoeing closer, she felt a piece of her heart shatter. Your eyes were closed, but they were puffy, with tear stains drying on your cheeks.
“Oh, Y/N,” Eda muttered, sitting herself on the floor next to the mattress.
With a gentleness that she rarely let shine through, she wiped the last few tears off of your cheeks. A sigh escaped her. She couldn’t help but wonder what had caused this, then her eyes caught the ring in your hand.
Your eyes fluttered open, landing on her. It took a few moments before you came to. Then you sat up on the mattress, wiping furiously at your cheeks, trying to appear even the slightest bit composed.
“Eda! When did you get back?”
You tried to put on a bright smile, but it didn’t reach your eyes. Eda didn’t smirk or grin like she usually did. She sighed, before pulling one of your hands into her lap, holding it.
“What happened today?” She asked, looking more serious than you’d ever seen before.
She raised an eyebrow. You weren’t the best liar, certainly not when it came to her. Eda could see through you like it was a superpower. Knowing that you were caught in a lie, you broke eye contact.
“I just… I was feeling a little sensitive, it’s fine.” You said softly.
“Y/N, you don’t blow people off like that when you’re sensitive. You overcompensate. Whether it’s smiling a little too big or acting a little too cheerful. That’s not what happened today. So what is really going on?” Eda asked.
You felt frozen. It had always been easy to lie, to make people believe you were fine. Nobody could read you. That had been something you’d prided yourself on. But Eda could read you like a book she checked out from the library. It hit you then that your emotions had always been plain, easy to read, but nobody had ever cared to ask before.
“Eda, I… I made myself feel like this. I overthought something, it isn’t your fault.”
You removed your hand from Eda’s, though it pained you to do so. It was your own fault for believing she’d fall for you too, wasn’t it? You moved away from her, looking out the window, so you didn’t have to meet her eyes. It was better this way. It was better that she never knew.
“Don’t lie to me.”
Her tone was one you’d never heard. She was lighthearted, fun, maybe even annoyed sometimes. Now she sounded stern, almost… angry?
“Eda, please don’t.” You whispered.
“Don’t what? Don’t ask for the truth? We’ve been through too much, don’t think you can lie to me and get away with it. Tell me what’s got my girl so upset.”
‘My girl.’ You wanted to cry at the words. She didn’t mean it the way you wanted her to, right? It was something she’d say to anyone, surely. You could never be lucky enough to be her girl.
“Just leave it alone, Eda.”
You heard her growl before you were turned around, your back pressed into the wall next to the window. There was a fire in her eyes, but there were also tears there. You felt so lost.
“I know you, Y/N Y/L/N. I know the way you carry yourself, the way you talk, even the way you smile. When you walked away from me today, I knew you were out of sorts - I thought maybe it was just random. But now you’re standing here, lying to me, pretending to be fine. We don’t lie to each other. Let’s not start now.”
“I can’t.” You said, your voice breaking.
“Can’t what?”
“I can’t ruin this!”
Eda’s brows furrowed, moving her face away from yours slowly. Hearing you raise your voice was unusual. You never yelled. And if you did, never at her.
“What are you talking about?” She asked softly.
“I can’t… I can’t lose you because I convinced myself of something that wasn’t true - because I made myself think you’d care for me like I care for you.”
You forced it out, the tears flowing freely now. Eda looked confused before her eyes widened with understanding.
“I’m sorr-”
Eda cut you off by pressing her lips to yours. They were soft. You found your eyes slipping shut as you leaned into the kiss, moving your lips against hers. Her golden fang caught your bottom lip slightly. It didn’t hurt like you thought it would, instead it made you grin. You could feel her grin too.
“Do you think I’d be this worried about you if I didn’t feel the same way?” Eda whispered, pulling away slightly, “If I didn’t… love you?”
“Oh, Eda,” You let out in a sob, “I love you too.”
It startled you when, instead of kissing you, Eda grabbed your hand. She extracted the beautiful emerald ring from your palm and slipped it onto your finger.
“It couldn’t have meant all that much to them if it was in the bottom of a trash bin,” She offered up with a shy smile, “To our forever.”
“To our forever.” You repeated back.
As she kissed you, you could feel it. The emotion in her frame. In her words. She meant it. And your forever was just beginning.
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thegreatbigfourmain · 3 years
The young chief had a somber expression on his face as he readjusted the fur cloak resting upon his shoulders. Although Drago and the former Alpha retreated to the ocean, the battle had taken many casualties within the village of Berk. Both dragons and Vikings suffered in the crossfire, leaving them with half their population still standing. It left him with the drastic decision of needing a treaty with a neighboring village to keep his people and dragons armed for another attack.
However, that proved to be a problem. No one wanted to encounter what Berk did in their village. Many of his allies rejected his request no matter how much he emphasized the superb protection done by his dragons. Thankfully to the gods, one did accept. The kingdom of Corona could never turn away a desperate plea for help. And Thor Almighty he was in dire need of assistance.
The arrangement showed to be more than what the Vikings bargained for.
As a way to kill two birds with one stone, the King of Corona agreed to the Viking chief’s wishes if he complies in escorting his daughter, the princess. All other suitors were sent away by her highness, though she is compelled to choose one. He tried to weave his way out of it, but the king would not budge. In his words, “It is not an arranged marriage, but rather being a potential candidate for the role.” To his displeasure, he had no choice but to accept it for the good of his people. It forced him to have a very long conversation with his girlfriend, who was livid when she heard of the final decision. It was the cause for the look on his face.
Hiccup Haddock the Third put on a brave face before entering the throne room where her grace awaited his arrival. He did notice how Corona was the complete opposite of Berk. Everything from the buildings to the atmosphere was different and foreign to him. Banners of the kingdom’s emblem hung everywhere. It seemed like these people are obsessed with the sun. He shouldn’t think much of it considering he’s just as obsessed with dragons, something Astrid also poked fun of whenever they trained.
The brunet made his way down the aisle as he stepped on the softest lavender carpet his feet have ever felt. Then again, he hasn’t much use for fancy rugs and such in his home. The closer he moved toward the royal family, the more his heart sank in his chest. A future without Astrid was unheard of, but the world without dragons was one he simply could not live without. Like the king said, it is not an arranged marriage, just a courtship. If the princess prefers not to marry him, she might be willing to tell her father to keep the treaty. It was the only shred of hope he had for his relationship.
Finally, Hiccup stood in front of the three of them sitting in their lavish thrones. He had seen the queen and king before, but never the princess. He bowed respectfully to them before his forest green eyes couldn’t help but glance at the rumored beauty. When he did, it took every ounce of power within him not to gawk in wonder.
In layman’s terms, she was gorgeous. No, that did not fully define the vision before him. Hiccup could not find the words to describe being in her presence. He was utterly speechless. It horrified him.
The chief knelt down before the princess in an attempt to not gaze any longer. He kept his eyes on the carpet beneath him.
“Your highness,” he said as soon as he realized no words escaped his shocked lips.
“I am here to escort you back to my village of Berk. I hope you will enjoy it there for the time being.” Hiccup said while his fingers rubbed against each other, something he does when thinking of his next sentence. If he raised his head, it would only entice more emotions and thoughts within him.
"You may rise, Dragon Rider," spoke a soft, yet confident voice. Despite what his brain was telling him, Hiccup did what the voice told him to. In the back of his subconscious, he knew he would do anything that voice would tell him to do from now on.
Once he looked up, he was hooked.
Just what was it with him and blondes?
The blonde beauty dressed in a lavish lavender gown with intricate patterns stood before him. It felt as if they were the only two people in the room, no doubt due in part to the way his forest green eyes met her emerald irises that reminded him of spring. Her adorably speckled freckles spread across her button nose seemed to disperse once they reached her rosy pink cheeks. Her unusually long golden hair was braided behind her frame and decorated with freshly picked flowers will most definitely be out of place in Berk, though he wouldn't mind if she asked for him to pick those flowers for her every day.
What was he thinking?!
Probably depicting his nervousness, the princess flashed him a heart-piercing smile. If she meant it in a friendly way, it was anything but. It took every ounce of his being not to continue gawking at the princess before Hiccup cleared his throat to form some sort of response.
"Are, are you ready to leave Your Highness?" He stuttered his words like he was back to being a teenager, though his 20 years of age.
She gave a quick nod as she descended from her throne to meet him, the Viking holding his breath for the close encounter. When she was a mere few feet away, Hiccup gulped down the knot in his throat.
"What is your mode of transportation to Berk, Chief Hiccup?" she inquired curiously, with a slight tilt of the head. Could she stop being adorable for a moment while he tries to wrap his mind around everything right now?
"Umm, dr-dragons. Dragons Your Highness."
"Rapunzel. You can call me Rapunzel," she responded with a soft grin.
"Rapunzel," he repeated, testing out how the name rolled off his tongue.
"Is it safe?" A loud, anxious voice asked in the room. The pair glanced behind to the king standing up at the mention of his only daughter riding on the back of a dragon. Hiccup has mentioned their way of living in between the letters they exchanged, but maybe the realization finally caught up to his majesty.
"Very much so, Your Majesty. I built all the mechanics myself and tested them out numerous times. I have the scars to prove it," he chuckled, though it did not seem to ease the tension in the room.
Tough crowd.
The blonde giggled behind him, grabbing the brunet's attention. He didn't think he's heard such a melodious laugh before in his life.
"I'm sure it's fine, father. If Chief Hiccup believes so," Rapunzel confirmed as she stood beside him. Her presence alone was enough to nearly hinder the Viking under her spell.
The king still seemed to be hesitant, though gave the pair a nod in conformation to allow this stranger to take his child on a possibly dangerous journey back to his homeland.
"Very well. I wish you both well on your route to Berk," he replied in a baritone voice, though there was a hint of sadness in his bright blue eyes. Rapunzel must have seen it as well, considering she picked up her dress skirt to rush over and give her father a hug. The whole image might have been heartwarming if Hiccup didn't first notice the fact that this certain blonde seemed to be barefoot.
Just who is this girl?
The princess then gave her equally gorgeous mother a hug, the small family exchanging a few words before the blonde returned to Hiccup's side. Her smile was something his heart was beginning to enjoy.
"Ready when you are Chief Hiccup."
"Hiccup, just Hiccup is fine Your- Rapunzel," he chuckled, running his fingers through his hair out of embarrassment.
"Okay, Just Hiccup," she joked before taking the lead to show him outside.
The pair walked through the same elegant doors Hiccup did when he arrived to find his best friend waiting for him. He was accompanied by a guard who nervously kept his distance away from the nigthfury.
"Hey bud," Hiccup greeted, feeling much better seeing one thing familiar in this land. The nightfury jumped over to him like a dog, licking his face.
"No Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out! The princess is here~" the Viking groaned when Toothless backed away when he was satisfied.
"I'm so sorry Rapunzel," he muttered, clearly embarrassed by how informal the interaction was. The blonde didn't seem to mind, evident by the huge grin on her face. Toothless already lost focus on his human, examining the blonde and advancing towards her. His snout sniffed her face, getting close enough to ruffle her bangs. Hiccup noticed the way more guards readied themselves in the chance this might turn ugly. He chuckled, how naive.
"Hello, Toothless. Are you going to be taking us to Berk?" She asked softly. A slow yet confident hand reached for his snout, which surprisingly Toothless went in with no hesitation.
"What a sweetheart," she beamed as her other hand went to cup the dragon's muzzle. Hiccup couldn't help but smile himself. It seemed she could easily adapt to their ways faster than he assumed a princess would be.
While she kept herself occupied gaining more of Toothless' love, Hiccup glanced at the royal couple who gave him a knowing nod. His high from facing the princess quickly faded away with the realization that there was an agreement between the two lands. This was a courtship for potential marriage, not simply showing her around his land. The thought of Astrid returned to his mind and the guilt of anything he felt towards Rapunzel weighed heavy on his chest. She never once passed through his thoughts once he met Rapunzel's eyes.
The Viking mounted himself on the nightfury to ready himself for the long trip back to Berk.
"Are you ready, Rapunzel?" Hiccup asked in a monotone voice as emotions swirled within him. Thankfully, the blonde was oblivious to his change of attitude from playing with Toothless when she heard him.
"Yes Hiccup," she replied, walking over to him and trying to figure out how to mount the dragon. "Umm, Hiccup, how do I...?" she trailed off.
He had been so caught up in himself, he didn't realize her unfamiliarity with riding dragons. It reminded him of when he taught Astrid all about them a few years ago...
"Oh, I'm sorry. Here," he stuttered over his words as he reached his arm out. The blonde gently took it and steadied herself for Hiccup to heave her body weight, which was lighter than the axes he swings around, to settle behind him.
Thor Almighty give him the strength for the remainder of the trip to not have his heart pound like a Thunderdrum's roar when her arms wrapped around his lean form. He could feel her warmth all down his back, his arms frozen in place sensing Rapunzel adjust herself comfortably in her seat.
"Okay Hiccup, I'm ready," she said in a nervous, yet excited state.
Sensing her anxious tone, Hiccup absentmindedly reached down to gently hold her arm to ease her nerves.
"Don't worry. I got you," he muttered softly, sighing in defeat that this girl was doing something to his soul. It must have to deal with the fact her people are still new to dragons, and the more positive promotion they can have, the better it is for future generations. At least that's what he kept repeating to himself in hopeless denial.
"Take it easy with the flight bud, we need her to like us" Hiccup whispered to Toothless. The last thing he needed on his plate was Rapunzel not having an easy time on the way to Berk.
The nightfury seemed to get the message as extended his wings out for the wind to gingerly lift him off the ground. Despite the easy takeoff, Rapunzel still tightened her arms around him while letting out a cute squeak of surprise at the new sensation of being in the air.
This is going to be a long ride.
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spiralhigh · 3 years
ranking the sdr2 cast by how much their formal wear hits
this is just my opinion, but my opinions are great and i know what i’m talking about! this will be long so it’s under a cut
s tier is reserved for only the best of them all, the cream of the crop, the fit that i would gladly lay down my life for. s tier is the crown jewel. s tier is what everyone else should strive to be... but only one can take the prize.
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the undisputed champion. this look is everything to me. EVERYTHING. the red-trim cape with the fur. the contrast of the airy, gathered blouse with those skin-tight shiny (leather? vinyl??) pants. the pumps. the belt that screams disco style. the necklace accentuating the tasteful titty window. the red white and gold color scheme  are you FUCKING WITH ME miss owari this look could bring ARMIES to their KNEES in an INSTANT. whoever drew this deserves full creative control of the danganronpa franchise and i’m not kidding
a tier is for the fits that frankly own bones. they’re not as jaw-dropping and legendary as owari, but they’re still razor as hell and deserve to be met with riotous applause.
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kazuichi, i didn’t know you had it in you, but this FUCKS. the character of the pins on the lapels, the sneakers, and the mispinned tie. the absolute CLASS of the suspenders, watch, and tiny round glasses. the handsome slick in the hair now that the greasy beanie is gone. the tasteful highwater. he looks like the host of the larry king show if the larry king show was exclusively about ska bands and he has never looked better
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tell me this isn’t the cutest shit. the colors here are EXQUISITE. the bright notes from the blue on top, the way the soft pink is a perfect middle ground of the pink + white flowers on her sleeves, the subtle way the green in her bow matches the green in her collar, the white petals breaking up the sky blue that might otherwise look out of place? remarkable. stunning.
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the ELEGANCE is EVERYTHING here. the monochrome is offset by just a splash of red that ties everything together with her eyes and the flower in her hair, the checkerboard pattern is visually interesting but not distracting, and her hair in that loose ponytail with the little white ribbon? ugh. ADORABLE! but most of all, look at those BOOTS. those CUTE LITTLE HEELS on those SICK LACE-UP BOOTS..... QUEEN shit!!!
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rounding out our a tier is chiaki in this adorable little dress just LOOK at her!!! she looks like a little rose, a perfect flouncy skirt with a glittery mesh overlay, a fun and fresh over-the-shoulder collar, a fucking big old bow tied in the back?? i can literally feel the way this dress would feel in my hands. it’s simple and perfect and frankly a GORGEOUS color on her this is flawless
b tier is a perfectly respectable place to be. these fits lack the lustre and flavor of the a tier entries, but they’re still dressed to impress and they still look fine as hell.
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say what you will about teruteru (and i do) but this suit is ADORABLE and it fits in with his theme + talent better than any other mfer on this list. the tasteful white/brown/red palette gives it a flashy chocolate cookie look, which is amplified in the fun pattern on the jacket. the chef’s hat switching out for a little top hat and the way the cumberbund looks a lil bit like a chocolate bar is also VERY cute
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now on its own, the suit is just alright. a vibrant pinstripe blue three-piece with the classic red tie wouldn’t land the impostor in b tier on its own... but that FUR COAT, LUXURIOUSLY DRAPED OVER THE SHOULDERS does WONDERS to pull this look together. not only is it worn with “yeah, it’s real mink, no, you can’t touch it” confidence, but it also ties the otherwise arbitrary white loafers into the structure of the look. it’s subtle and class as hell.
c tier is full of looks that are... fine, but ultimately either are boring, lack cohesion, or have a confusing design choice or two that make it hard to get all that amped about. c tier is a passing grade, but nothing more.
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there’s a lot that’s good about this outfit, but there’s also a lot that doesn’t really work. let’s start with the good: the slutty loose bowtie and collar, the tight-fitting vest that ends before the hipbones so you can see the belt, the cute little ponytail? (chefs kiss) exquisite, all of it. but the suit itself is boring as sing, and who the hell decided to put the t-shirt symbol on the sleeves??? was it to add visual flavor to an otherwise bland suit? this does NOT have the black/white/red elegance that peko had.
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the silver and gold mob-boss look, complete with matching shoes vest and fedora, are a nice nod to fuyuhiko’s talent! the plaid is teetering on the edge between fun and garish to me, but the fact that it’s consistent and the only pattern means it isn’t too offensive. quick question though: why are his pant legs rolled up like that?? this isn’t a cute “cuffed at the ankle” look, dude looks like he had to wade across a pond to get to the venue. what gives
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out of everyone here, gundam’s suit might be the most boring of all. the scarf is just his normal scarf. the red tie and trim don’t do anything to tie the look together. the only mild point of interest is the asymmetrical vest, and i can’t even tell if that’s intentional. simply put, this “““fancy”““ outfit isn’t even in the same ZIP CODE as the level of ostentatious chuuni that gundam serves us every single day in his casual wear. maybe even worse than being ugly... it’s disappointing.
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now, look. is this dress buckwild and ugly as hell? yes. but you know what else it is? it is IBUKI MIODA’S DRESS. there might not be a single cohesive thing about this dress aside from its color scheme. the huge poofy ruffles of the skirt and arm things with the spiked bow and corset are baffling. the artist somehow managed to draw the awkward, clumping shape of the skirt to make it look exactly like an emergency cosplay sewn four hours before a convention. frankly, i can’t justify ranking it as a c! but i’m doing it anyway, because the sheer level of craftsmanship demands it, and in this house we respect diy queens that are totally off the shits.
d tier is for outfits that aren’t offensive, exactly... but like, they sure don’t look good! d tier is not a respectable place to be. those in d tier won’t be laughed out of the ceremony in shame, but they should really run their outfit by someone else first next time.
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now don’t get me wrong: i have nothing but respect for the titties-out look. keeping the shirt unbuttoned all the way down to where the lapels of the jacket end? that’s sexy as hell. however, this flawless idea has a confusing execution. why emerald green and orange? what’s with the... long-sleeved printed (hawaiian?) shirt? why the red pocket square? and the jacket itself, while fitted perfectly along the chest and midsection, has a weird, unflattering scallop shape flaring out at the bottom. i want to like this fit, but there are just too many bad choices.
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oh, hajime... literally nothing about this ensemble is it. the creamy manila suit might have had potential if there were literally any color variation in the vest (or potentially shoes) to give it a little more shape, or even if you just went with a white shirt underneath it! i could get behind a light, off-monochrome look! but that leprechaun-green shirt is downright perplexing to me. it looks like a mistake! did you get dressed in the dark? did you spill something on your other shirt? this is a mess.
f tier is inexcusable. f tier should never have happened. how does it get this bad. who did this? who’s responsible for this?
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y’know, the colors are pretty! i dig the white and teal! but... girl... what the fuck is this construction. the ruffles are all over the place. the bodice looks like it has less fabric than space it needs to cover. the bottom half of the skirt looks like it was sewn on as an afterthought because the top half was too short for dress code. what’s with the weird choker collar detached from everything else. why is the hairband a slightly different shade of green. so many decisions were made here and none of them are flattering
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yknow, i like the idea behind this. i can see what you were going for! the dress on its own might have worked, even! but everything else about it is just... so ugly. what the fuck is happening with those shoes??? the sheer black tights aren’t the sexy OL look you think they are. the collar of the dress looks like it’s... braided for some reason??? those earrings are so huge for no payoff, statement jewelry with nothing to say, and worst of all... that headband. GIRL. that headband and that belt...... there’s nothing here. also i love orange but it’s not her color.
and finally... the worst.
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what the fuck. what the fuck is this. this is straight up cheap rubber fetish gear. why is the HAT rubber? that skirt ruffle makes this look like fucking polly pocket clothes. why the fuck is she wearing that. the clothes are so bad that it makes her hair look like rubber too. was she dared to wear this? is this some cruel punishment? i don’t even know what to say. this is the worst possible outfit. there is not even one redeeming quality about it.
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dreams-got-dimmer · 4 years
NEW GIRL (BolinxReader)
Summary: multiple part fic?? + AU kind of (The reader is 18, Bolin is 18 and mako is 20) Reader desperately needs a place to live and finds an advertisement for two brothers who need a roommate. Maybe more than just living arrangements may come out of this deal... (reader x Bolin) (slow burn)
Warnings: abandonment??
Word count: 1600~
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Time was running out and I still didn’t have a place to stay. I can still hear my fathers voice telling me that no bender belongs in their family. I never asked to be born a bender, but it was a part of me. Something I couldn’t deny and my parents didn’t want to accept that. I had tried to keep my practicing a secret but my little sister let it slip that I was working on fire bending. I thought I would resent her for the slip up, but nothing in me could hate her for it, she meant no harm. Even still that slip up cost me my relationship with my family. There was no hesitation in throwing me out. We fought and screamed and eventually I lost my temper and my emotions boiled over. As tears spilled down my face I burned down our whole dining room area. That right there is what solidified me never being able to return to my family.
“You monster! Look at what you did! Get your things and leave, you’re not our daughter anymore,” my mother spat at me in disgust. I ran as fast as I could to gather my things and slipped out in the dead of night.
Since then I haven’t seen or heard from my family and it hurt so bad. Even if they didn’t accept who I was I just wanted to be loved and cherished by them and I would never get that. It was hard to go a day without a lump forming in my throat and my eyes welling up, but I had to be strong and determined for myself. Three weeks at the shelter had already been wasted and they only allotted a month for you to get back on your feet.
Most days were spent trying to find some sort of income, most jobs were just quick money, but I was closer and closer to finding steady income soon. If I wasn’t looking for a job I was trying to find a place to stay. Most, of not all were out of my price range. I ended up back at the shelter day after day discouraged and frustrated by my lack of luck. The staff at the shelter were getting increasingly annoyed by my outbursts of anger and flame and I’m sure they were happy that I was almost out of there. Granted I felt bad about being destructive but they always gave me a tight smile and assured me that things will get better.
And today was the day things got better. I almost squealed out of happiness seeing the paper plastered on a bulletin board at the pro-bending arena. I thought I wasn’t reading it right, but after a few moments I knew it was true.
The poster read,
•Three bedroom loft just above the pro-bending arena
•Great view of Air temple Island
•100 Yuans a month
If interested just knock on our door
- Mako and Bolin”
That’s all I needed. I ripped off the poster and made my way to the loft. I didn’t care who they were, just the fact that 100 yuans was totally doable. I had about 500 yuans saved up from the little jobs I had done here and there and the little bit I had saved from birthdays. I nearly sprinted my way to the loft and left myself breathless in front of the door. I was too excited to even feel nervous as I started knocking. Practically banging until the door swung up.
“Is it that necessary to bang?” Before me stood a very attractive. Like very attractive man. Tall and even a bit lanky. He towered over me. And while he seemed serious he didn’t seem too intimidating. Maybe it he was and I just couldn’t realize it because I was so determined at this opportunity.
“Yes. Definitely,” I rushed out quickly as I pushed past him. I took a look around and while it was simple, it was perfect. Roomy and open and a great view through big windows. The light flooring made the place seem so much bigger too. “Are you going to tell me who you are since you just barged in like you own the place?” I turned back towards the tall man and saw him narrow his eyes and his hands twitch. His eyes were like fire.
“Oh yeah sorry, I’m y/n and I’m most definitely going to own this place,” I nodded my head assuringly, more for myself then for him, “well not own, but at least pay rent,” I waved the poster a bit.
“Okay okay before you introduce yourself let me guess which brother you are,” I surveyed him and then looked at the poster with the names. Bolin didn’t really seem to fit so I went with the latter. “I’m gonna guess your Mako. I feel that it fits with your whole persona you got going on,” I smiled, but he just stood there wordlessly, “Oh wow I’m so sorry I know I must sound crazy and very upfront right now. I’ve just been desperately trying to find a place to stay. My parents kicked me out and I have no where else to go. I’ve been stuck at the shelter and my time is almost up and I saw this poster and I thought this was my lucky break. Now I’m just rambling...” I trailed off and was surprised at how honest I was.
“Mako! Who are you talking to down there?” My head whipped towards where the sound came from and saw a form jump down the stairs and landed loudly on our level. And once he straightened out I was faced with ANOTHER gorgeous man. What the hell have I gotten myself in to!? My breathing stopped as I got a good look at him. He was stocky and you could tell he had thick arms and legs without him even taking his clothes off. His broad build and wide stance lead me to believe he was an earth bender and his emerald green eyes were something to get lost in. I shook my head waving these thoughts away. These are potential roommates, not people to drool over.
“I’m y/n I’m trying to find a place to stay and I luckily found your poster. I hope no one has taken you guys up on the offer,” I smiled sheepishly. I fiddled with the poster looking down, “I promise I’ll be a great roommate, I can cook and clean and I’ll stay out of your way-“ I was trying to plead my case and ultimately got cut off
“You’re perfect!” Emerald eyes broke out into the cutest grin there could be “let’s get you moved in right away! Are you a bender? I’m an earth bender,” he flexed his arms subtly, “My brother and I are pro-benders and that’s how we get to live up here in the loft. Oh by the way I’m Bolin. We’ve had people try to be our roommate, but they’ve all been a bit... how do you say serial killer-esque,” he grimaced at the last sentence. He was so much more talkative and charismatic than Mako who I guess was the older brother. Had to be serious to contain this ball of energy.
“BOLIN! you can’t just let her move in we need to discuss this together. We barely know her!” Mako clenched his jaw.
“Well, what do you want to know?” I asked quietly looking back and forth between the two.
They both started firing questions at me. Bolin a bit more enthusiastically than Mako. His questions were also a bit more light hearted. Favorite color, food, what my hobbies were and easy things like that. Mako on the other hand was digging real deep asking questions that I wasn’t even sure I wanted to answer, but I knew they had to be said.
“What did you do to get kicked out?” Mako looked at me with an accusatory glare.
“I didn’t do anything!” My eyes welled up, “I got kicked out for being who I am! I’m a fire bender and no one else in my family has there bending ability. They are so against it. My whole life was a battle. I wished so bad they would love and cherish me even, but all they wanted to do was suppress who I am,” I started crying without shame and I knew the boys didn’t know what to do, “My sister let it slip that is have been practicing bending. I’ve gotten away with it for 10 years and it just now became known,” Bolin handed me a tissue with the utmost concern in his eyes. Even Mako looked a little sad, “Well, my family disowned me immediately and in the midst of our fight I lost control and burn our dining room to bits and that made them hate me even more. So, here I am a month later trying really desperately for two brothers to let me become their roommate,” I smiled weakly my face sticky with drying tears.
“Alright you can stay but I need the first two months rent right now. Please don’t make us regret this. I feel for you and your hardships, but if you do anything to fuck over what we have I won’t hesitate to throw you out,” Mako looked at me sternly and Bolin was almost jumping with excitement.
“REALLY!??” I practically screeched. I rummaged through my bag and threw the money at Mako all while pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. I moved to Bolin and did the same thing.
“You guys won’t regret this I promise!”
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kazoo5480 · 3 years
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Almost finished! 30 chapters down, a few more to go. Thanks to those of you who wrote awesome notes, and who provide inspiration to us newbies every day with your lovely tales!
Chapter 1 Arrivals
Prologue – September 1943, New York City
25-year-old Killian Jones steps down the ramp off the Algernon straight from Belfast. He has $40 to his name, the clothes on his back. Having lost his brother in an accident, his mother to illness, and abandonment of his father when he was 7, Killian made a choice to leave his homeland and make his way to America. America was currently engaged in World War II, with no family left, he decides that a fresh start in a new land and a new line of work away from the IRA is just what he needs after the arrests and massacres taking place back in Ireland.
Gun running and violence is not a life he wants any longer, nor is a life in prison, or death. He is hopeful that despite his heritage, he will be able to settle into a new life, away from the massacre left behind on the emerald isle. Finding honest work is harder than he expected, even in a city this large.
Waiting in those long lines with all those other expats, hoping to find honest work and nothing. He goes every day for two weeks but quickly realizes that no one wants to hire an Irishman or give him a fair shake. But he believes you make your own destiny and believes in hard work and determination.
He hears the other men talking, that security and lounges, the US Army, and driving taxis are just about the only people hiring anyone right now if you aren’t American.
Killian has no interest in joining Americas crusade, so he finds a gig working the doors and security a little dingy nightclub at first, but slowly descends into the more glamorous nightclubs and lounges.
Word spreads quickly to his newest employer, Louis Lepke, who owns the Riobamba- one of Manhattan’s most posh nightclubs that Killian was once part of the IRA and has a hell of a left hook. Lepke, one of the most dangerous mob bosses in New York at that time sees potential in Killian, thinks that his past IRA ties could be beneficial to their enterprise, and he offers him a better paying job running pickups and drop offs of packages that Killian doesn’t open and doesn’t want to open.
While the money is nothing to turn your nose up at, Killian continues this path, socking away the cash and crafting an entirely new persona for himself while making his own contingency plans to disappear for a quieter life someplace near the sea, perhaps finding peace and burying his demons for good at last.
Killian will never forget the day he was able to move out of the vermin infested room he had been renting in a boarding house on the lower east side, and into a three-room apartment of his own for $80 a month near Washington Square Park. Not cheap by any means, but it’s a second-floor walkup, with a fireplace, and wide windows that overlook the street.
Lepke pays him three hundred a month right now, but he always earns tips from both ends of pickup and delivery, and that extra cash is always appreciated.
He will never forget the first suit he purchases, or his first pair of new shoes in god knows how many years. He knows with his new employment, he needs to look the part, so he only is careful in his wardrobe choices, dark colors that won’t show dirt easily, well-tailored shirts, wingtips in black and white, and two hats that he sees the other men wearing.
He manages to pry a floorboard in the back of his new closet loose, securing the hole with a thin layer of wood, ensuring nothing would fall through or be lost to the ageing building, and he uses this as home for his cash and very little valuables. He has no furniture to speak of, except a mattress on the floor with linens, but he knows soon enough he will have money to furnish his new home.
For now, he is only willing to spend money on rent, and groceries, he saves every dollar that he earns after his necessities are purchased.
What he does not expect is meeting Emma Swan, an enchanting blonde lounge singer at the Riobamba. Frank Sinatra even plays there on occasion, so the joint was always packed. But amongst all those entertainers, is Emma. With the voice of an angel, the body of a bloody goddess, and a fire in her green eyes.
He knows that from the moment he saw her dancing and singing across that smoke filled room, that he was going to have her no matter the cost. Tonight, her golden curls pinned back on one side with a glittering clip, wrapped in a floor length sequin dress cut scandalously low in the front, even for the nightclub scene at that point in time.
She is easily the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and he wonders if she works for Lepke as well, a personal relationship perhaps, and the thought of any man touching her at all has him see red when those thoughts flit through his mind. He always hopes divine intervention is on his side to catch a glimpse of her during her sets, whether picking up or dropping off to his boss.
Occasionally he just sits in the back nursing a rum while he watches her, gliding around the small stage, dressed like sex personified, singing in that angelic voice of hers, enchanting the entire room.
She sings songs of love and happiness, sometimes she covers popular music of other entertainers, but he sees the sadness and demons lingering behind those emerald eyes, the glittering dresses and gorgeous gold curls. He wants to know more, scale those walls he can spot a mile high surrounding her.
On more than one occasion he is thankful for the low lighting of the club and his dark suits to hide the evidence of his rock-hard arousal that she stirs up every damn time he lays eyes on her. Green eyes that sparkle in the low lighting, locking on his blue. She sees him and he sees her, never exchanging words, just eye locks and then he is off.
In a rare occasion that Killian indulges the other members of his crew in playing craps, he casually asks about Emma to one of the kinder men, Bill Starkey, a slightly older married man, who handles the books for the clubs that Lepke owns.
“What of that lounge singer Starkey, she is a sight for sore eyes if I may say so myself”, Killian mentions with a smile. The older man looks him over for a second, and replies “She is a quite a dame, isn’t she? Voice of a siren an everything, but she is not to be trifled with - She keeps to herself, is a bloody fantastic piece of entertainment, draws the crowds in, but she does not mess with our crew. Many of ours have learned that the hard way he says with a laugh, Tough as brass that one is, so don’t bother with her”, and the man went back to the game.
When Starkey bids goodnight, leaving the younger men to their games, another crew member that Killian has somewhat befriended named Victor Whale leans over, exhaling a cloud of smoke. “If its Emma you’ve set your sightings on, you are not as slick as you think ya git, my girl Ruby mentioned that she caught you watching her shows on occasion, but Emma doesn’t date anyone around here, if she does date, it isn’t anyone related to our line of work”.
Bidding goodnight to Killian and the few stragglers still playing, he stands and Killian notices Ruby Lucas in her coat waiting by the door with a smile on her face. Whale takes her hand and pulls them out the door. Killian feels a pang of jealousy at their obvious companionship but pushes the thought away.
Ruby Lucas, the costume coordinator for the club, is a gorgeous specimen of her own right with long chocolate locks, hazel eyes, and legs for days. She has worked in the club a long time, and if anyone knows Emma, its Ruby. Killian decides that perhaps he shall inquire to Ms. Lucas about Swan but tucks the thought away for another time.
He has gained enough information about her for one night, he will have to just be patient. If Ruby has noticed him watching Emma, he would bet the few dollars left in his lightened pocket tonight that she has told Swan about him, and that is something he is not quite sure he knows how to feel about.
He wonders what Ruby would tell Emma, since she was obviously very much with Whale, she must know more about their conducted business, but appears to know when to keep her mouth shut. Maybe, the tides will be in his favor since he tends to keep a low profile in his job. The bosses like him because he is discreet and is known not to be messed with.
Emma sees him alright, black suits, navy wool suits, tuxedoes at parties, custom made shirts, and she would bet her last dollar that those cufflinks he always wears are actual sterling silver.
He has slicked back inky hair, tousled in just the right places, a permanent five o’ clock shadow, and forget me not blue eyes that haunt her for days every single time she catches a glimpse of him staring right back at her. 
She notices the way he carries himself, so confident, dangerous, and definitely a hustler. He must be connected somehow, and Emma does not want that complication in her simple life.
He looks at her sometimes like he would devour her like a man on death row, and she being his last meal. She cannot get mixed up with someone like him, she has survived this long without someone, and the last time she allowed someone into her heart it nearly broke her in two.
Her friend Ruby has casually mentioned him, his name is Killian Jones, he works with her boyfriend Victor, but she does not know exactly what his role is. Ruby giggles as she talks about how handsome Killian is, and notes that he always throws her a generous tip, never ogling her or being disrespectful like some of the other crew who think that any woman in the club is dumb enough to roll in the sack with them.
Ruby has been with her boyfriend for a few years from what she mentions, having been together since before Victor’s job with Lepke’s crew, whatever that may be. Ruby is also one of the few people that makes Emma smile genuinely and lifts her spirits. Emma considers the brunette one of her very few real friends.
One night after her set is done, Emma enters her dressing room, and slips out of her dress, carefully hanging it inside the garment bag, and lights a cigarette, swallowing a sip of her Manhattan. Her roommate Mary Margaret is getting better and better with her sewing skills, her emerald green gown tonight is delicate, covered in sequins and green feathers float around the hem of her dress, she admires the gown once more before zipping the bag.
Standing in her silk stockings and garters, she begins removing her jewelry and realizes suddenly that she is not alone. Sitting in a low chair in the back corner of the dressing room is Killian fucking Jones. She grabs for her silk robe, tying it quickly- trying to regain some of her modesty. Watching her with those blue eyes, fingers crossed under his chin while he leans forward, elbows on his knees.
"Don't stop on my account love, I simply wanted to introduce myself, and I thank the bloody gods that I was granted enough luck to watch your private show just now. He smirked at her, running is tongue over his bottom lip, and she wanted to punch that smirk off his smug face, even if her heart beat faster in her chest and not from anxiety.
“Emma breathe,” she internally chastises herself. Her brain reconnects, she stamps out her cigarette, and she manages to spit out “listen pal, I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I am not that type of woman. Go buy one down the street if you need to get your rocks off but get the hell out.”
He stood up, adjusting his trousers by the belt, which she noticed were fitting awfully tight, the evidence of his arousal clear but now covered as he buttoned his coat up.
He spoke, his voice a lilting Irish accent, “I apologize lass, I simply wanted to introduce myself and give you these in person,” he held out a large bouquet of creamy white roses tipped in pale pink, tied with a black silk ribbon. 
“You are a vision, both on and off the stage Swan, and I simply was hoping to make your acquaintance as we seem to catch each other’s eye from time to time. I thought perhaps my interest was reciprocated, but clearly it is not, and I shan't bother you again”.
Emma did not know what to say, still shocked, her red painted mouth in a grim line. She caught his cologne as he made his exit, carefully avoiding touching her in any way. He smelled of wood and spice, and definitely rum.
Right as he was crossing the threshold to exit, Emma made a rash decision, and grabbed his hand, locked eyes with him and said, “Don't ever do that again, thank you for the flowers, but I am not interested.” 
“They're nothing compared to you Emma, but I do apologize again”, and with that parting line Killian quietly exited, making sure to close the door fully behind him.
Emma locked the handle, ensuring no one else would interrupt her. She cleaned most of her face off and pulled on her burgundy wool dress and matching coat, gathered her things, and her flowers hailing a cab home.
Tagging a few who might be interested! @wefoundloveunderthelight @itsfabianadocarmo @purplehawkcaptain @the-lady-of-misthaven @the-captains-ayebrows @thesschesthair @myfearless-love @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @hookedpirate @xhookswenchx @let-it-raines @letmedieahooker @captainswanouat @captainswoon @cathloves @laschatzi @timeless-love-story @asluve @ao3feed-cs @ahookerandproud @ineffablecolors @the-darkdragonfly @donteattheappleshook @kymbersmith-90 @elizabeethan @the-darkdragonfly @tnlph @the-captains-ayebrows @captainswoon @captainswanouat @captain-swan-coffee​ @jrob64​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​ @captainirishstubble @onceuponadaily​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​ @greenlef777 Let me know if you want to be added or removed! 
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