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aiaaeeoe · 8 months ago
Ember to Eclipse: Legacy Challenge
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Tired of playing The Sims 4 with the same repetitive things to do? Try this short 5-generation Legacy Challenge! It's perfect for those who attempt to play a Sim Legacy Challenge but struggle to complete it. Each generation has its own storyline-specific objectives that must be accomplished. Dive into this engaging and continuous gameplay experience to keep things fresh and exciting!
Freerealestate: You can only use the ‘freerealestate on’ cheat in the first generation.
Mods and CC: Feel free to use mods and custom content to make the game more exciting.
Funds: Begin with 40,000 simoleons. You can use a money cheat for up to 1,000 simoleons at the start of each generation. You can change the amount of household funds if specified in the storyline.
Aging: Aging must be turned on, and preferably play in long sim lifespan.
No Relationship Cheats: You cannot use cheats to alter relationships.
Traits: Each generation will have 2 predefined traits; you're free to choose the third trait.
Objectives: Every objective must be met before the next heir takes over.
Gender and Sexuality: Some generations will have specific gender requirements for the heir. For generations without gender requirements, the heir can be of any gender and sexuality, and their partner can be of any gender as well. You may adopt or use the ask for a science baby option to produce the next heir.
Heir Death: If your heir accidentally dies with no existing child/children, consider the challenge over.
Storyline Flexibility: You can stick to the provided storyline or create your own. Feel free to add personal storylines and gameplay elements with other family members.
Have fun playing and enjoy the journey from Ember to Eclipse! Don’t forget to use the hashtag #embertoeclipse in tweets/videos/and posts for me to see your legacy challenge.
Generation 1: Ember
Characteristic: Fire Starts with a male sim: Loves Outdoors, Romantic Aspiration: Successful Lineage Location: Henford-on-Bagley; San Myshuno
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You are an orphan but have been left with 40000 simoleons by your late parents. Life in the countryside was great and seemed perfectly planned out. You aim to continue your legacy, making money through farming and marrying the love of your life, your first love. However, things take an unexpected turn when you meet another Sim and she becomes pregnant. In an attempt to do the right thing, you marry her.
Initially, everything goes smoothly. You become a loving father to your son, who is now in elementary school, and a devoted husband to your pregnant wife, expecting your second child.
One fateful day, you encounter your first love again and discover she has a daughter and no husband. Overcome with guilt for how things ended, you offer support to her and her daughter. When your wife finds out, she becomes enraged. A huge fight ensues, and she threatens to leave with your children. To keep your family together, you make the drastic decision to leave everything behind and relocate to San Myshuno.
Moving from the countryside to the city made you realize that you want to be a politician, but can you juggle that many responsibilities without giving up anything? Will you be like a fire that brings warmth and light, guiding your family and career to success? Or will the pressures of your new ambitions cause the fire to burn everything down, consuming your relationships and dreams
○ Start in Henford-on-Bagley ○ Fall in love with your first love and ask to marry her ○ Get to Level 8 Gardening Skill ○ Get to Level 5 Charisma Skill ○ Earn 10000 simoleons through farming ○ Meet a woman who has bad compatibility with you ○ Get the woman pregnant ○ Break up with your first love ○ Marry the woman you got pregnant with ○ Firstborn must be a SON ○ Get to Level 5 Parenting Skill ○ Increase your Friendship level with your wife ○ Increase your Romance level with your wife ○ Have a high relationship level with your children ○ Reconnect with your first love and fix your relationship level ○ Fight with your wife until the relationship level falls below 50
○ Make a critical decision: a. Driven with guilt: Continue sending money (via mods/ transfer funds via household transfer) to your first love and her daughter. Send at least 1000 simoleons every two weeks. Maintain a below50 friendship level with your wife, and a negative romance level.
b. Family over guilt: Cut off any connection with your first love and focus on working on your relationship with your wife. Take her out on a monthly date, and maintain an above 50 friendship and romance level.
○ Relocate to San Myshuno ○ Get to Level 3 Logic Skill ○ Reach Level 6 Politician Career: Politician Branch ○ Complete Aspiration at least until Level 3: Trusted Mentor
○ Obtain at least 1 money tree ○ Have more than 2 children ○ Get to Level 3 Research and Debate Skill ○ Enter university with a History Career ○ Divorce your wife as an Elder and give her 80% of the household funds
Generation 2: Azure 
Characteristic: Water Male Heir Traits: Unflirty, Loyal Aspiration: Big Happy Family Location: San Myshuno; Britchester
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Now living in San Myshuno, you grew up witnessing your parents' constant fighting, all because your father could never forget his first love. Sworn off love, you believe it’s just a waste of time and have built a wall around yourself that no one seems able to penetrate. But despite everything that happened in your family, you are still your father’s son and now trying to follow in his footsteps by becoming a politician. 
As a young adult, your main goal is to enter the University of Britechester. Determined to step out of your father’s shadow, you strive to gain admission without using his connections.
In a twist of fate, you fall in love at first sight with a lovely woman majoring in Arts at the same school. However, it’s only upon introducing her to your mother that you discover she is the daughter of your father’s first love. Your mother, bitter and unforgiving, swears to make her life miserable. This leads to a huge fight with your mother as you strive to protect the woman you love. Will you be like the water that is calm and collected, providing a stable foundation for your future? Or will you become like a wave, occasionally violent and disruptive, risking everything for the chance of love?
○ Get to Level 3 Charisma Skill while a Teen ○ Get to Level 3 Logic Skill while a Teen ○ Have a high relationship level with your mom ○ Get to Level 2 Research and Debate Skill ○ Enter the Univerisity of Britchester with a History Major ○ Meet a woman and fall in love with her ○ Ask her to be your girlfriend ○ Move out of your house after graduating; Must be in an apartment in San Myshuno ○ Get only 15000 simoleons in your household fund ○ Earn 20000 while working in Politician Career ○ Introduce your girlfriend to your mother ○ Fight with your mother until the relationship level falls below 50 ○ Meet your girlfriend’s mom (a.k.a The First Love)
○ Make a critical decision: a. Fight for the woman you love: Maintain a high romance and friendship level with her (above 75) and propose to her. Convince your mother to accept her by raising their relationship level to at least 50.
b. Obey your mother’s wishes: Break up with your love interest and maintain a high relationship level with your mother (above 75). Marry a woman who shares at least one trait with your mother.
○ Reach Level 7 Politician Career: Politician Branch ○ Relocate anywhere and start a family ○ Get to Level 5 Parenting Skill ○ Have at least 3 children ○ Complete Aspiration at least until Level 3: Loving Guardian
○ Max out 2 skills ○ Your mother and your woman must have a negative relationship level ○ Maintain a relationship level below 25 with your father’s first love ○ Quit Politician Career after relocating: Switch to another career
Generation 3: Aurora
Characteristic: Light Traits: Romantic, Family-Oriented Aspiration: Soulmate, Super Parent Location: Anywhere
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Raised by loving parents, you have always cherished the idea of true love and dreamed of building an ideal family of your own. You envision yourself as a dedicated spouse and a nurturing, affectionate parent, committed to creating a warm and supportive home for your future family.
However, life doesn’t always go as planned. Your first marriage, filled with hope and passion, eventually ends in divorce. Heartbroken but determined, you find love again and start a second family, only to face another painful separation. Now, as a single parent to children from both marriages, you struggle to provide for them while still holding onto your dream of a loving family.
Despite the setbacks, you remain hopeful. You continue to search for true love, striving to be the best parent you can be for your children. Will you find the light of true love that brings your family together, or will the challenges of single parenthood dim your hopes? 
○ Have a child/children as a teen (use mods/cas cheats to make it happen) ○ Move out of your parent's house with only 15000 simoleons; you can move anywhere, preferably an apartment ○ Finish high school with at least a B grade ○ Marry your spouse when you reach Young Adult ○ Enter university with any major of your choice; max of 2 subjects per enrollment ○ Try to maintain at least B- grade in university ○ Get to Level 3 Parenting Skill ○ Get to Level 5 Cooking Skill ○ Fight with your spouse and divorce ○ Your child/children will be in your custody ○ Graduate university ○ Go on dates ○ Marry a sim who shares at least one trait with you ○ Have a child/children in your second marriage ○ Catch your spouse doing something bad behind you back and divorce ○ Your child/children will be in your custody ○ Get to Level 7 Parenting Skill ○ Maintain a relationship level above 50 with all of your children
○ Make a critical decision: a. Focus on Career and Children: Continue to advance your career as a dedicated single parent. Remain unmarried and receive 6000 simoleons (via cheats) while reaching Level 6 in your chosen career.
b. Marry for Love AGAIN: Choose to marry for the third time to provide your children with a stable and loving family environment. Quit your career, deduct 9000 simoleons from your household funds (via cheats), and become a stay-at-home parent.
○ Complete Aspiration at least until Level 3: Love Handler
○ Don’t hire a nanny ○ Max out 2 skills. ○ Have at least 4 children ○ Maintain your children’s grade to at least B in elementary and high school. ○ If married, maintain a high romantic level with your spouse; If unmarried, go on dates at least once every three simweeks.
Generation 4: Onyx
Characteristics: Earth Traits: Vegetarian, Rancher Aspiration: Expert Nectar Maker Location: Chestnut Ridge
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With an elderly parent and siblings to care for, you have moved to Chestnut Ridge to pursue your dreams of working with nectars and horses. Ever since childhood, you've been fascinated by horses, and now you have the chance to turn that passion into a reality. Despite starting in a modest one-bedroom house shared with your family, your determination to succeed and provide a better life for your loved ones drives you forward.
You work tirelessly on your ranch, cultivating a vineyard and caring for your beloved horses. Gradually, your hard work begins to pay off, and you start to see the fruits of your labor. With this success, you now want to start your own family. However, your parents' tumultuous love life has left you traumatized and fearful of marriage. Despite cherishing your partner deeply, the idea of tying the knot terrifies you. Therefore, you decide to remain in an open relationship, building a life together without the formalities of marriage.
As you nurture your ranch and family, will you remain like the earth—steadfast and grounded—by choosing the safety of an open relationship? Or will you confront your fears and fully commit to marriage, embracing the stability and dedication it offers?
○ Relocate to Chesnut Ridge as a Young Adult with only 15000 simoleons ○ Share a one-bedroom house with your family ○ Get to Level 5 Gardening Skill ○ Get to Level 5 Cooking Skill ○ Get to Level 3 Nectar Making Skill ○ Earn 15000 simoleons through ranching and winemaking ○ Take care of your elderly parent and unmarried siblings, ensuring their needs are met ○ Go on 3 dates and ask them to ‘just remain friends’ if your Romance Level falls 50 ○ Buy/Adopt a Horse ○ Have a partner with a Horse Lover trait ○ Renovate and build additional rooms in your house ○ Move in with your partner, but continue seeing other people ○ Maintain an above 50 relationship levels with your partner
○ Make a critical decision: a. Stay in an Open Relationship: Continue to build your life together without the formalities of marriage. Embrace the freedom and safety of your current arrangement. See at least 2 other different people aside from your partner, and try to convince your partner to permanently open the relationship. Ask your partners for a date alternately every 2 weeks, and on every date, deduct 400 simoleons from your household fund.
b. Commit to Marriage: Overcome your fear and fully commit to your partner by getting married. Cut all contact with all your previous partners/flings. Have a grand wedding and go on a honeymoon destination. Maintain an above 75 relationship level with your partner and go on a date every month.
○ Have a child/children ○ Max out Nectar Making Skill ○ Get to Level 3 Parenting Skill ○ Get to Level 4 Equestrian Skill ○ Complete the Expert Nectar Maker Aspiration
○ Breed and Sell Horses as main business ○ Have a thriving nectar-making business ○ Maintain a below 25 friendship level with your child/children ○ Throw a successful ranch gathering ○ Win a Horse Tournament
Generation 5: Eclipse
Characteristics: Darkness Traits: Mean, Horse Lover Aspiration: Championship Rider, Public Enemy Location: Chestnut Ridge, Tomarang
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Born into the world of equestrian sports in Chestnut Ridge, you were destined for greatness with horses. From a young age, you excelled in riding, winning competitions and gaining recognition. However, your success bred arrogance and a mean streak. You developed a disdain for children and families, focusing solely on your career.
Despite your achievements, your personal life remained empty and isolated. Your arrogance and hostility alienated those around you, leaving you with no true friends or companions. As you aged, tragedy struck when a devastating illness swept through your prized herd of horses, decimating your livelihood.
Facing financial ruin and unable to sustain your lavish lifestyle, you were forced to sell off your estate in Chestnut Ridge. You moved into a desolated, moldy apartment in Tomarang, a far cry from your former glory. Alone and penniless, you succumbed to illness in that desolate apartment, passing away without anyone by your side.
As you approach the end of your life, will your legacy be defined by the brilliance of your achievements yet overshadowed by personal darkness, like an eclipse that hides the light? Or will you seek redemption and light, transforming the shadow of your past into a story of reconciliation and growth?
○ Maintain a grade of A in Elementary and High School ○ Get to Level 5 Equestrian Skill as a Teen ○ Maintain an above 50 friendship level with your horse ○ Get to Level 8 Equestrian Skill as a Young Adult ○ Win at least 5 GOLD trophies in a horse tournament ○ Complete the Championship Rider Aspiration ○ Maintain a negative relationship level with ALL Sims, including family and neighbors ○ Enroll in a university with a major of your choice. ○ Make an enemy of at least 6 sims ○ Graduate with a grade of at least B+ ○ Move out of your house and take at least 25000 simoleons ○ Move into a ranch and start a Horse Selling Business ○ Earn 50000 simoleons in your Horse Selling Business ○ Go on dates once every two weeks ○ Perform ONLY Mean Interactions to your date ○ Perform ONLY Mean Interactions to every child you meet ○ Live alone until Elderly, with only horses around you ○ Sell all your horses ○ Get evicted from your house ○ Move to an apartment/lot in Tomarang with a moldy trait with only 10000 simoleons ○ Complete the Public Enemy Aspiration ○ Make a Critical Decision: a. Embrace the Eclipse: Let your life be a metaphorical eclipse—brilliant yet overshadowed by personal darkness. Maintain a negative relationship level with ALL Sims, including family and neighbors. Stay in desolation as an Elderly and pass away without anyone by your side.
b. Seek the Light: Strive to reconcile with your past and make amends with family or former acquaintances. Attempt to bring light into your life during the eclipse by reaching out and mending relationships, despite your inherent negativity. Maintain an above 50 friendship level with your neighbors and an above 75 friendship level with your family members before you pass away. ○ Pass Away with no heirs.
As you journey through the Ember to Eclipse Legacy Challenge, you'll navigate a whirlwind of passion, family struggles, and personal transformation.  From Ember’s fiery beginnings to Azure's love struggles, Aurora’s pursuit of family, and Onyx’s grounded dreams, each generation offers its own challenges and opportunities. With Eclipse’s final choice between darkness and redemption, your Sims' legacies will unfold in unique and compelling ways. Enjoy the adventure, and remember to share your stories using #embertoeclipse. Happy simming! xoxo
Packs used in the game:
Seasons (optional but highly recommended) Cottage Living City Living Discover University Horse Ranch For Rent Parenthood
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