#ember g6
Mlp g6 concept project
I'm being silly !
fake g6 concept designs comprising of reworked versions of g1 characters!
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Read about the plot ⬇️
Ember is an orphaned earth pony foal living in a town of all unicorns. She was found and taken in by twilight, a shy and mysterious unicorn. Ember struggles with identity issues because of her lack of a horn. She feels out of place surrounded by magical unicorns. Until one day she sees a fast flying pony zipping through the clouds. That's it! That's where she's supposed to be. She has to meet this pony so she can join her true family. She convinces twilight to leave their small secluded valley. Twilight reluctantly agrees to travel with her foal. Together, they travel as Twilight grapples with the fact that she will have to let Ember go. But they begin to discover far more about Ponyland than they thought was possible.
click on images for character tidbits (゜∀゜))
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onebadpunspoilsabunch · 4 months
Even though we all know G5 of MLP turned out to be a total disaster, I do like the idea that the dragons have their own elemental powers, and that Spike became the Dragon Lord. That's about it.
I agree. That was cool at least…
But I know that these things would be 1000% better if they were in G4, not G5.
Imagine an entire episode of G4 dedicated to the discovery that since the dragons became friendlier with each other and ponies due to Ember and Spike, it caused them to develop more magic for themselves. 
It would've been revealed that Spike (up to that point) was the only dragon seen with a special fire breath power (teleporting paper, lol) because of him being more friendly thanks to the ponies’ influence. 
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The newer generation of dragons hatched would be born with wings, since they have more magic and don't have to go through the Molt. Also, they have the ability to gain cutie marks after they discover their special fire-breathing magic. 
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Then some dragons, in an attempt to have their own special power, would try to force friendships with each other and ponies. There could be some lesson there about how forcing a friendship just so you can get something out of the other person is wrong, or something along those lines, idk.
Not only would that be a good character development episode for the dragons (better than Sweet and Smokey at least), but it's a good world-building idea.
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Spike being the Dragon Lord is cool. Although it makes me wonder what happened to Ember… she must've decided to retire early and give it to him, or something. Or she died :/
I like to imagine that there was something more important for Spike and the Mane 6 to do after season 7 and the movie. 
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But then the new writers came along and ruined everything.
It all would've been better in G4.
I hope that when G6 begins, it will be the prequel to G4 that we should've gotten.
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Magnolia Reverie
I recently made a new sim for the legacy challenge I am currently in the process of writing and am obsessed with her, so I thought I'd share links to all her cc. She isnt up on the gallery yet, but I plan to upload her once I'm done with her generation.
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Skin Details
Blueberry Skin by Northern Siberia Winds
Misc Face Details by okuree
Freckles #2 and Freckles #4 by sims3melancholic
G6 Hairline by goppolsme
Contact #101 Default Eyes by sims3melancholic
Eyelids Overlay N16,17 by obscurus-sims
Lip and Nose Mask by sammi-xox
Eyeshadow N12 by obscurus-sims
Eyelashes N6 by obscurus-sims
Highlight #7 by sims3melancholic
Ember Lipstick by peachyfaerie
Look 1
Hermine Hair by simstrouble
Eva Flower Crown by miiko
Overalls & Bag by new_en092
Low Top Sneakers 07 by jius-sims
Flower Earrings by gorillax3
Look 2
Leah Hair by arethabee
Belted Mini Dress by gorillax3
Strappy Gladiator Sandals 01 by jius-sims
Flower Charm Jewellery Set by gorillax3
Look 3
Hermine Hair by simstrouble
Eva Flower Crown by miiko
Jasmine Top by arethabee
Button Denim Skirt by Elliesimple
T Strap Sandals by Elliesimple
Flower Charm Jewellery Set by gorillax3
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undertsums · 10 months
My Little Pony G5 Chap6 Reveiw
Spoilers below but does anyone care at this point?
So...This was the shortest chapter and sadly could be the last. Which is odd because the special ends with a new villain reveal so like...It's just weird.
What did I think? Honestly not bad though we really could have add an extra episode for actual lore.
Spike made his appearance and it's not bad but besides his mention of foggy memory he doesn't mention much about Twilight or the others besides one scene.
So Twilight sent spike with the dragon stone to the dragon lands to go and hibernate. If that's so then where is Ember? How long has it been? He never mentions anypony else like Fluttershy, Rarity etc. So I can only assume that yes Twilight outlived her friends and became immortal despite a lot of show writers stating the opposite.
But was it so long that Ember died or retired? I mean yes Spike was younger than Ember but even so there are no old dragons there. Unless Opaline killed all the other dragons which if so like damn...Twilight could have done better.
Also Opaline got a weird death? I don't know if she's dead or sealed in the tree. Like for G5 that's a pretty badass death, she basically got the Sombra treatment if she's ya know dead dead or the Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy treatment only worse because she is stuck alive in that tree and will most likely starve to death.
Either way she's gone.
It's kinda sad though because we barely got to know too much about her. Like why did Skyros kick her out and not warn Equestria? Why did Celestia and Luna not help?
The special 'Secrets of Starlight' was okay. The new villain looks super cool. It's kinda sad that we potentially won't see more of her and no I am not going to count Tell your Tale because that series is just ugh.
Also we got another new addition to the crew Comet and yes those ponies should have just been called Crystal ponies. I don't get why they had to make a whole new race when the Crystal ponies are RIGHT THERE! Plus you could add more G4 lore (yes I am aware of the whole issue with Hasbro having to pay Discovery Family in order to use the characters) Spike is an exception because Spike is fully a Hasbro made character from the start of G1.
But that only makes it worse because they are basically replacing the Crystal ponies. Plus we need to know lore wise why Flurry Heart and Cadence didn't help Twilight (Shining Armor is most likely dead here).
It's a shame because the series was getting better, did the dragon designs suck ass? Oh hell yeah, they look awful. But was it outright terrible? No.
G5 was getting better with every season, it's a shame this is maybe the final one. Excluding Tell your Tale which again I do not count because it is not as good. But that's just my opinion.
Either way goodbye G5. Now we have to wait a very VERY long time for G6.
Techno: Creator? Hm? Techno: Am I getting retired? Oh... Techno: I mean I was only here because G5 had a connection to G4 and since it's technically over I technically should go retire right? I mean yeah but like...I don't want Kana to be all alone so you can stick around. Techno: Oh thank Luna I did NOT want to retire Yeah I didn't think so
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nanamis-bigtie · 4 years
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Before brainstorming remember to check (all clickable):
general rules (gender rule do not apply for sfw headcanons, ficlets and scenarios!)
alphabet headcanons masterlist (if you won an alphabet prize)
list with accepted requests
If you want your request to remain Anonymous, make a copy of your request before sending it, send it first off-Anon, paste the request and re-send on Anon. I will contact you on priv if I will have questions regarding your request but I won’t reveal your url and only your Anon ask will be answered. 
Not every spot was claimed, so I decided to randomly divide empty spots among people who took part in the battle. Lucky number and their additional cells are:
H7 - A1
F8 - B6
H4 - B8
F5 - C1
A6 - C6
H6 - D1
C4 - D4
E5 - E2
C7 - E6
D7 - E8
A2 - F1
E1 - F2
B7 - F4
D6 - F6
B2 - G1
E3 - G2
D3 - G8
H5 - H1
A7 - H3
If you won an additional prize, remember to send message separately :)
5 letters from fluff OR ns.fw alphabet
Winning cells: A2, A7, B1, B8, C2, C4, C5, C7, D3, D6, E3, E6, F2, F4, F5, F7, G1, G8, H2, H7
All fluff alphabet letters are written as gender neutral as default and for ns.fw alphabet I assume female reader as default. Have it in mind when deciding on your request.
Fluff Alphabet Templete | NS.FW Alphabet Template
Bullet headcanons
Winning cells: A3, A4, A6, B3, B5, B6, D1, D7, D8, E1, E2, E8, G3, G4, G6, H3, H5, H6
Sfw headcanons available for any gender of the reader, ns.fw only for female reader. As a default I use 2nd person and I assume female reader - if you want 3rd person or you aim for sfw headcanons to be gender neutral, for male reader etc. YOU NEED TO TELL ME.
Max. 3 characters or one polyamorous triad (Reader + 2 characters). Also need to follow rules (linked at the very top).
Ficlets (500-1k words)
Winning cells: A1, A8, B2, B7, C3, C6, D4, D5, E4, E5, F3, F6, G2, G7, H1, H8
Sfw ficlets available for any gender of the reader, ns.fw only for female reader. As a default I use 2nd person and I assume female reader - if you want 3rd person or you aim for sfw headcanons to be gender neutral, for male reader etc. YOU NEED TO TELL ME.
Only one character or one polyamorous triad (Reader + 2 characters). Also need to follow rules (linked at the very top).
Remember we are talking about a very short text, so called drabble or snippet. Try to think of a request that won’t have too much details. Ficlets are more suitable for domestic fluff, short scenes. Take Fluff(t)ember or Sinvember as an example of what we are talking about.
Winning cells: A5, B4, C1, C8, D2, E7, F1, F8, G5, H4
Sfw scenarios available for any gender of the reader, ns.fw only for female reader. As a default I use 2nd person and I assume female reader - if you want 3rd person or you aim for sfw headcanons to be gender neutral, for male reader etc. YOU NEED TO TELL ME.
Only one character or one polyamorous triad (Reader + 2 characters). Also need to follow rules (linked at the very top).
Remember scenarios are longer and more detailed texts: usually somewhere around 2k-3k in my case. But I need your request to allow me to write for something that long. I need a plot! Take Fern Flower or Shared Pains, Shared Aches as an example of what we are talking about.
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tumblitech · 7 years
Egy karakter halála - valami ilyen ótvar, de legalább hangzatosnak tűnő felütésen gondolkodtam, amikor az LG bemutatta a V30-at - a V-széria legújabb tagját, ami talán meg sem jelenik idehaza. És hogy akkor miért érdekes? Mert talán mégis kap belőle a magyar piac, és egyébként egész ütős lett. Csak éppen olyan semmilyen.
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A V10 és V20 után az ember azért várt volna valami karakteres jellegzetességet, de az LG idén tényleg csak biztosra megy, megfogták a G6 újításait, növeltek a speciken és kész a V30. Na jó, örökül kapta a V20 32bites DAC-ját, van benne pár szoftveres trükk, kicserélték a tavalyi hardvert ideire (Snapdragon 835), a kijelzőt LCD helyett OLED-re, a kamerák előtti plexit pedig üvegre cserélték, utóbbit állítólag azért, mert annyival jobb lesz a képminőség. Van továbbra is széles látószögű második optika, IP68 és ezek mind szépek és jók. De nekem akkor is hiányzik az a második kijelző (lásd lenti kép), amit itt egy béna, oldalról behúzható gyorsmenüvel akarnak helyettesíteni, meg az kicsit industrial dizájn, ami mintha csak egy komolyabb fejhallgató robosztus jack csatlakozójához lett volna kialakítva.
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(V20 fent, V10 lent) 
A lapok és tesztelők egyébként joggal vannak elájulva olyan dolgoktól a fentieken kívül, mint mondjuk hogy a RAW fotózás mellet van Cine Log videóformátumban rögzítés, (egyfajta nyers videó, amit könnyebb mókolni PC-n is), meg hogy úgy tényleg bitang jól össze lett rakva és semmi nem hiányzik belőle. Maximum a karakter, mint a Note8-ból. Árak és tényleges megjelenés még nem ismert. Specifikációk:
Qualcomm Snapdragon 835, 4GB RAM, 64GB/128GB bővíthető tárhely,
6 colos, Quad HD+ (280x1440 pixeles) OLED kijelző,
16 megapixeles, f/1.6-os elsődleges kamera optikai képstabilizátorral és 13 megapixeles, fixfókuszos, 120 fokos látószögű f/1.9-es másodkamera, 5 megapixeles előlapi egység,
3300mAh-ás akkumulátor,
7.1.2-es Android,
151,7 x 75,4 x 7,39mm-es készülékház, 158 grammos tömeggel,
IP68 és MIL-STD 810G strapabírósági tanúsítványok
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