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brighteyesalive · 7 years ago
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Unfortunately, Elvis’ eye recheck revealed he has glaucoma. So he started on a new eye drop which he needs 3 times a day for the rest of his life. He’s going to see a veterinary ophthalmologist ASAP. We also learned removal of the eye in rabbits is not without significant risk. But Elvis is a real trooper and lets me hold his head up for his eye drops so they don’t just roll out. The new drop is syrupy and I have to tilt his head so it’s evenly distributed. Elvis’ spirit is exemplary. In this photo, you can see how his left eye, or the eye on the right side of the photo, is pushed into his skull more than the other eye. That’s because of the blunt force trauma he received before he was found as a tiny baby, cause unknown. #rabbitopthalmology #specialneedsbunny #bunnysanctuary #elvisparsley #lasvegasbunnystrong #rabbitglaucoma #glaucoma
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sandyhollycom · 5 years ago
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Starting new life🌱 in the uncertainty of the old!🙌🌱☀️ #godisonthethrown #hereigns #seedlings #sowingtheseedsoflove #elvisparsley #sweetchivesofmine #dontbasilly #aintnobodygotthymeforthat #noneedtotellmeioregano #sayitaintcilantro #youmeanagreatdilltome #sustainablesprout #sillyseeds @sustainablesprout (at Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NRyepF4wE/?igshid=1r3t0a1touai5
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brighteyesalive · 7 years ago
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Elvis’ is healing well! Severe corneal trauma is coming along well. The goal is to wean him off Meloxicam within two months although it’s looking like he’ll be on Flurbiprofen for life. Time will tell! Maybe he’ll end up just needing Reiki for life. Mama hoomin is a Level II Usui Reiki Practitioner. #usuireiki #specialneeds #lasvegasbunnystrong #bunniesmatter #elvisparsley #rabbitrescue #bunnysanctuary #bunnylover #whiskerwednesday #minirexwhiskerswednesday
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brighteyesalive · 8 years ago
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Just rockin n rollin with Eddie Rabbitt and Capn Ashley tonight tryin to chill. All eyes are on Elvis' 68 Comeback special. Mama hoomin gets to paint the town red tomorrow so it's gonna be busy. Thank you so much everyone for your kind words about this latest Running Bun Magazine issue! It means so much to this ol' rocknroller! #houserabbits #rabbitrescue #rescuerabbits #rockerrabbits #elvisparsley #runbunmag #eddierabbit #brighteyessanctuary #ashleywilkesbun
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brighteyesalive · 7 years ago
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Well a tsunami of rabbit refugees from Las Vegas rolled through Western Maryland today. One young fella came through here who wears a flashy sandy gold cloak sprinkled with Elvis dust. Fresh from leaving Las Vegas in the dust, please welcome young Elvis Parsley! He already has a bunny match just waiting for the doc’s approval. Mama hoomin and Papa hooms think this little Elvis baby, Eddie, and Everett the Leveret could form the E Street Band, yes? Ok whatev, got three E’s and all hunks 😊👑👑👑⭐���⭐️⭐️🐰🐰🐰#lasvegasbunny #lasvegasbunnies #rabbitrescue #houserabbit #rabbitsofinstagram #bunniesofinstagram #elvisparsley #elvisbunny
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