eluoluo · 5 months
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Saw Hazbin hotel a bit ago, needed to get these two out of my system (temporarily at least)
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444namesplus · 9 months
Adu Alroch Alrodi Arsale Ati Attu Awi Cainton Cemolli Cerl Ceruli Cerulone Ceruloni Cessendre Cethironi Chentel Cherlis Cherlutti Chluí Chroste Chrostil Chrostilli Chrostoen Chrostoeni Chrostoni Chrostushi Chrostut Cleadi Cleadoe Cleadoni Cleori Clere Clíminci Clímint Culhy Culitti Cultun Cureloi Curiy Curone Curonni Cyrol Cícoli Cídroc Cíloni Dart Daston Demoin Denmer Denoil Denoilli Denoìli Denuhirt Derl Derlhionw Derod Deron Deroni Derstin Detle Detron Detye Dilshoni Dinos Dinosi Diron Dirston Dleas Dleas-sitir Dodoir Doene Doidroch Doitir Doitiroch Doitroch Dumonocai Duneld Dunred Dylen Eadriy Eanast Earocd Earuri Earíloi Earíloin Edilhiod Edili Edroen Edroin Edult Eleon Elhirt Elimendre Elimendri Elimos Elmat Eloci Elone Eloni Elron Eltrid Eluos Elwon Emeloe Emendoni Emil Emiloe Emíloi Endrie Endries Endrí Endríi Enne Enneloisi Enni Ennilode Enniloisi Ennilosi Ennimeroi Ennis Ennocd Ennoi Ennìs Ennílocai Ensner Entun Entuoni Erlitti Ermon Erndt Ernead Ernuld Erthar Estrod Hahirt Hanaitti Hantir Hanu Henneh Henni Henniluri Hens Hereld Herhere Heruld Hestoen Hestosti Hidy Hiet Hiete Hiline Hillmath Hilmat Hilmath Hilne Hilni Hinidodt Hinlemon Hinro Hinroitti Hinuôt Hiodimeroi Hiodo Hionir Hiono Hionroch Hionu Hionw Hirhirt Hirmen Hirmenn Hirmoni Hirnd Hirneditti Hirnerd Hirrí Hirtrem Hirtrend Hirwon Hoende Holde Holdi Holdinerd Holme Hranu Hronotti Hudu Hulnir Hurst Híetroci Hílìni Iddiherd Idmand Idoth Ildi Ilmer Ilse Iltroidi Imme Immenail Immenailli Immiroch Imol Imoloi Imoly Inwu Iolherd Ire Irherd Iroc Irode Isthir Istilli Iweld Lac Laces Lacoi Lacoin Lacoinni Lades Laduroc Ladwon Laloe Laloi Laloin Laloitti Lass Lastoni Latte Latw Leare Leari Learinci Learint Leccailoni Leccais Lecuh Ledosleas Leitotoe Lene Lenoni Lers Lien Liencleadi Lienlac Lienluaos Lienmerc Lienmeroi Lienmochil Lienni Liennoni Lienseal Liensoirri Lientrencuos Line Linnotir Lirmeoni Liron Lirumi Lissoce Loene Loisl Loloeni Lone Loshith Lounil Luaille Luaos Luaosi Lucilyni Luechom Luhenn Luhenne Luhennis Lunes Lunethen Lurintw Lusish Lusitti Lust Lusí Luther Luïl Luïlli Luöc Lydoe Lydoi Lärnin Lätuld Líe Lírûmi Lürn
Maroil Mearoci Medilioni Melrone Melti Memomi Memomoloen Menail Mendeline Menelo Menun Merc Mercas Mercil Mercilli Merlini Mernairoti Merneriti Meroas Meroe Meroenni Meroi Meroichrostoni Meroicleadi Meroir Meroithírìsi Merone Meroni Merou Meroun Merte Merton Mertoni Methoia Metholdi Metthoes Metthoia Miderd Milron Minoe Mionred Mocdeïl Mocheile Mocheïl Mochil Mochilli Mochiloni Mochìli Molu Monne Morcu Mordu Morende Moriolli Moroem Muhemid Mune Munocai Munode Murneni Murotw Myroem Mílenoi Mílosse Nanthir Naodu Naolleami Nay Nedoe Nedoni Nehroil Nehroili Nenni Neteloi Netheloi Neíten Neïlli Nhosleoni Nihherd Niniroìri Nird Nireld Nirerd Nirherdt Nirmeoni Nirmer Nirnut Nirt Nirtradi Niurn Niurnis Niurnitti Noculeas Nocules Noculi Nodule Nolhirt Nollis None Nonitti Noreldu Nosile Nosilhir Nosìli Nritchin Nrite Nriti Nritil Nrínury Nuttloih Nuttscheld Nutttroid Nuímoi Nänthir Nírerd Nütw Olune Omilde Onnrod Onnu Onìs Orme Orìni Ose Osehille Osehilli Radulsh Rat Rechil Relinton Relsh Reltir Relíroi Remune Rendell Renisse Reonir Resheïl Reymund Reymundi Riní Riníi Rionherd Rionhuld Rirunoce Rocherd Rochinwe Roctur Rocturoe Roncint Rornonoi Roule Ruhirt Ruhirte Ruhon Rulend Rullreth Rult Rumen Rumeon Runeld Runir Rusone Rímo Rímy Rínoni Rínos Rírunocai Sasenni Sawenni Seal Sealitti Sealoni Sehoni Sehrone Semail Sendir Sendre Sendroni Sereh Sescel Sesceli Setrocd Setroci Setrocoe Shiryl Sholos Sholoss Sholosse Sholossi Sihestoen Silme Siriron Sirni Sitir Sointroid Soirri Soirritti Somun Somuni Sonmand Sonosmand Srin Srinle Stishin Stitenoe Stísheni Stíshenoi Sulenni Sunoe Sushoi Sylreon Sylristir Sylroi Síhestoin Sírironi Tehoin Tehoinni Tehroci Temere Tenny Thoirry Thumes Thírìsi Thíu Tilom Tirdonend Tlurinci Tlurint Tluroen Tomu Tone Treadi Trencd Trenconi Trencos Trencuos Trencuosi Trend Trenw Tridirocd Tridrod Troidimenn Troidroch Trotw Trídíroc Tuhoes Tum Ucíeni Uditti Udoli Ulet Ulne Uloroe Uloroir Urtrad Uscer Uthmer Uttu Uttumer Weltir Winwil Wirnhir Wirnir Woihdi Wolhilm Wolhilmone Wolloem Woltrad Wontroid Wult Wultnenn Yenn Yennocd Yris Yritti Yrunni Íloeni Ílosehith Ílosi Íludoi Ímoloi Írilyniechom Íroc Ítoinni
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rainsmediaradio · 10 months
Umu Obiligbo - Olisa Lyrics
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Anu melu ogo anu melu ebulu ogo baa offia Olisa nwa mbaka dibe nu olisa nwa mbaka aah Olisa nwa mbaka dibe nu olisa nwa mbaka aah Akukata aku debe okwa nya na enweta depression Erikata eri debe okwa nya na enweta depression Onu na eri eri odiro nma ibu onu ma ncha Chukwu ekwe na ka oko m chukwu ekwe na ka oko oyim Umu obiligbo nno ooh ayaya ooh Okwa ukwu jiri agu umu mgbada abia ya ugwo Okwa ukwu jiri agu umu mgbada abia ya ugwo oko nwoke na aka onye obuna Egosi onwe ya imalu ndi fulu gi na anya malu ndi ji awuwo abia eeh Akukata aku debe okwa nya na enweta frustration Erikata eri debe okwa nya na enweta depression The downfall of man is not the end of his life The downfall of man is not the end of his life eeh Iyo iyo uwa bu nke onye Aya ya ooh Aku wealth na aju na uwa bu nke onye Aya aya ooh Doctor ozor nwanne m uwa bu nke onye Aya aya ooh Smash beanyi na uwa bu nke onye Aya ya ooh Vast nwanne uwa bu nke onye Aya ya ooh Jaystunt nwanne na uwa bu nke onye oga Aya ya ooh Imakwa olisa nwa mbaka, zulu enyi ya nwanyi na akwukwo- Mgbe olisa na eme ofuma- mgbe okana azusi afia ya ike Her second year, olisa bido wee nwebe nsogbu- Egwulu ya wayo- na lu ya ego oji azu afia no otu- Ife mgbu wee bido Mgbe ifea neme, enyi nwanyi no na uno akwukwo Eluo her final year, ofu nwoke si obodo oyibo na, Kpopuo nti ya, se sia tattoo na alu nine Etu ife di na uwa si adi obulu asa nwa mbaka ka The guy fulu nezi wee gbado asa nwa mbaka gwa kwuo nya na oga anuya anu Ife melu nbosi monday aputa nbosi wednesday the girl kpo Nwa mbaka olisa nwa mbaka okwa ima na igulo akwukwo Nwa mbaka ilikwulu ego iji afia ifem na eme kam gwa gi Obele oge nga anukwa di di obodo oyibo Olisa nwa mbaka wee tie welu oso Wee gbakwute m ka omalu ife m ga agwa ya ife m gwakwalu Nwa mbaka onye egbulu esuo be ya oku nwa mbaka Onye egbulu esuo be ya oku Ajuju nna aju umu uwa, obulu gi bu nwa mbaka- kedu ife iga eme- Ajuju njulu onye ga aza The downfall of man is not the end of his life The downfall of man is not the end of his life eeh Iyo iyo uwa bu nke onye Aya ya ooh Aku wealth na aju na uwa bu nke onye Aya aya ooh Doctor ozor nwanne m uwa bu nke onye Aya aya ooh Smash beanyi na uwa bu nke onye Aya ya ooh Vast nwanne uwa bu nke onye Aya ya ooh Jaystunt nwanne na uwa bu nke onye oga Aya ya ooh Read the full article
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sumor58 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Eluo Forma Floris 100% Natural Facial Polish, 1oz NIB.
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eluocnc-blog · 7 years
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Initech Certificate UI/UX Renewal
Agency : ELUO CNC www.eluocnc.com Initech is an IT finance and security company which focuses on e-commerce security technology. Initech makes information security software which Korean banking sites use to securely verify customer identity.
Normally identity confirmation is very cumbersome and involves navigating a clunky UI. ELUO CNC worked with Initech to improve the user interface for this on both desktop and mobile devices.
We worked to reduce the number of similar or repetitive steps in the process. Having Initech's corporate branding prominent throughout the process and having a design scheme which makes customers feel the platform is very secure, was important; so we designed the iconography and visuals with this in mind.
We think the simplified and improved interface will reduce the number of steps it takes for customers to complete the verification process on both desktop and mobile; while also making the process more enjoying thanks to the improved visual flow.
엘루오씨앤씨는 전자금융 전문기업 이니텍과 함께 공인인증서 사용 시 사용자가 느끼는 딱딱함과 고정된 틀에서 벗어나,  Soft하면서 빠르게 사용할 수 있는 UI를 PC와 MOBILE 공인인증서에 적용했습니다.
특히, 유사한 단계가 반복되는 공인인증서 서비스에서 사용자에게 불필요한 액션을 유도하는 Activity를 최소화하여 UX 최적화를 시도했습니다.
이니텍의 Identity를 담은 아이콘을 제작하여 사용자에게 시각적 즐거움을 주고, 공인인증서 서비스가 주는 신뢰감을 부각했습니다. 또한, 딱딱한 테이블 구조에서도 시각적인 피로를 줄이는 일러스트레이션을 활용하여 차별화된 공인인증서로 거듭나게 했습니다.
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glompcat · 6 years
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Darth Vader (2017-) #19 - Fortress Vader Part I - Written by Charles Soule - Art by Giuseppe Camuncoli
The Inquisitorius’ list of Jedi they are certain are alive, as of this issue. It is different from the list we saw in Issue #7.
For ease of reading, here is the list flipped around so it isn’t backwards, along with my best translation:
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
Coleman Kcaj
Oppo Rancisis
Selrahc Eluos
Ka-Moon Kholi (?)
For reference, here is the same list as seen in Issue #7:
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Kayce Beradun
Quinlan Vos
Kirak Infil'a
Jocasta Nu
Ahsoka Tano
Ku????ar (?)
Na?????er (?)
Of these two lists, the names that have not shown up anywhere else in canon yet are:
Kayce Beradun
Ku????ar (?)
Na?????er (?)
Selrahc Eluos
Ka-Moon Kholi (?)
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max--phillips · 2 years
Anyway Order 66 wasn’t that effective huh
We’re lead to believe in the original trilogy that Obi-Wan and Yoda were like, the only two to make it out. But then you watch the shows, read books and comics, play Fallen Order, and you’re like. Now hang on just a minute. Because Ahsoka Tano and Kanan Jarrus make it, Cal Kestis and Cere Junda make it, Grogu survived as a BABY, all of the inquisitors technically, now Gungi, and according to wookieepedia my beloved
Master Kirak Infil'a
Master Coleman Kcaj
Master Obi-Wan Kenobi
Master Taron Malicos
Master Jocasta Nu
Master Oppo Rancisis
Master Luminara Unduli
Master Uvell
Master Quinlan Vos (presumed)
Master Yoda
Knight/Jedi Temple Guard the Grand Inquisitor
Knight Cere Junda
Padawan Ferren Barr
Padawan Caleb Dume
Padawan Gungi
Padawan Cal Kestis
Padawan Trilla Suduri
Unidentified Rodian Jedi youngling
Former Master Eeth Koth
Former Padawan Naq Med
Former Padawan Ahsoka Tano
Zubain Ankonori
Selrahc Eluos
Fifth Brother
Ka-Moon Kholi
Masana Tide
Seventh Sister
Kira Vantala (According to legend)
So that’s 33 confirmed individuals and god only knows how many else ???????
All I’m saying is Order 66 was not that effective
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A large list of names encrypted with the Inglosh cryptolang.
Adu Alroch Alroki Andirwuud Arsale Ati Attu Awi Bachenen Back Backliy Backnir Balluck Barch Bargiss Barki Barks Barnitt Barns Barros Bart Bartun Bash Batlir Beair Bekir Beldwon Bell Bellerd Benks Beoliy Beord Berbere Berbir Berkir Berluw Bernis Bernitt Berr Berrire Berritt Berrun Berry Bertlitt Bertun Bess Bestoen Betis Bettli Bextir Bialeh Bick Bickir Bicky Biech Bien Bierd Biesliy Biet Biete Bietroci Bill Bilonde Bin Bindir Binidokt Binjemon Binnitt Binsun Bintliy Bintun Birg Birgir Birnd Birneditti Birnerd Birnoci Birry Birthe Birtrem Bissoi Bist Bith Bitheny Bitsy Bitty Bivirly Bleck Bleckbarn Bleckwill Bleki Blence Blencherd Blenchi Blenkinshop Bleor Blivons Boenke Boll Bolloi Bolly Bord Boshup Braci Branu Bred Bredfurd Bredliy Bredshew Bredy Brench Brendo Brendun Brendy Brey Brinde Brinnen Brint Britt Briwir Brodgis Brodgit Broen Broggs Broght Brott Brotteny Bruck Bruuki Bruuks Bruwn Bruwnong Bryen Bryent Bub Bubboi Bubby Budu Bultun Bund Bunnir Bunnoi Buukir Buuni Buuth Buwin Buwirs Buwmen Buyd Buyir Buyli Byirs Byrd Byrun
Cammongs Cannonghem Carry Cartos Cebrire Celdirun Celdwill Celhuan Cellehen Celvon Cemechu Cemirun Cemolli Cempbill Cempus Cendeci Cendoci Cennun Centa Centrill Ceon Cerdines Ceriy Cerl Cerle Cerlsun Cerlus Cermin Cerniy Cerpintir Cerr Cerroi Cerrollu Cerrull Cersun Certir Cerul Ceruli Cerulone Ceruloni Cerulyn Cervir Cesh Cesi Cesiy Cessendre Cestenide Cestollu Cestru Cethironi Cethy Charch Ched Chembirs Chen Chendlir Cheng Cheniy Chepmen Cherlini Cherlis Cherloi Cherlutti Chesi Cheviz Chilsie Chin Chirry Chiryl Chistir Chros Chroste Chrostil Chrostinsin Chrostoen Chrostoi Chrostone Chrostoni Chrostuf Chrostuphir Chrosty Ciciloe Cicol Cicoloe Ciloe Cirventis Cleadi Cleadoe Cleori Clere Clerinci Clerk Clerki Cley Cleytun Climints Climuns Clivilend Cloffurd Cloftun Cloni Clontun Clydi Condy Craz Creft Creni Creog Crewfurd Crostone Crusby Cruss Crystel Cuartniy Cubb Cuchren Cudy Cuffiy Cuhin Culby Culi Culimen Culliin Culloir Cullons Cultun Culun Cumbs Cumptun Cunliy Cunnir Cunnoi Cunred Cunstenci Cuntrires Cunwey Cupilend Cure Curiy Curone Curtiz Cury Cuti Cuttun Cuuk Cuuki Cuuliy Cuupir Cux Cynthoe Dadliy Daeni Daffy Daki Dancen Danlep Dann Daren Darhem Daston Deaghirty Degmer Degubirt Deli Deltun Den Dene Denny Denoil Denoilli Denoils Deosy Derle Derlini Derrill Derrin Derryl Deryl Devi Devinpurt Devod Devodsun Devos Dewn Dewsun Dey Dibboi Dibre Dibureh Dickir Dien Dienne Dijisas Dilecraz Dileniy Dilgedu Diliun Dille Diloe Diluris Dinnos Dinosi Dirik Dirrock Disorii Dockirsun Docksun Doene Doeni Doenne Doenni Doez Doidroch Doitir Doitiroch Doitroch Dollerd Dollun Doxoi Doxun Dreki Duagles Dudsun Duluris Dumongaiz Dun Duneld Duneldsun Dunne Dunuven Dure Duriin Duros Dursiy Duruthy Dutsun Duwns Duyli Dweyni Dwoght Dyir
Eadriy Eagast Earock Easton Ecividu Ecuste Ede Edem Edems Edilhiod Edili Edkons Edroen Edroinni Edulf Eerun Egaoler Egaorri Egnis Elbirt Elbirte Elbirtu Elen Elfrid Elfridu Elfurd Elix Elixendir Elixendre Elixos Ellen Ellin Ellosun Elmat Elme Eloci Elocoe Elone Elosun Elstun Eluos Elveredu Elveriz Elvon Elwon Elysse Embir Emeloe Emende Emiloe Emy Endirsun Endri Endrie Endries Endriw Endriws Endy Ene Engil Engile Engiloce Engiloke Engilone Engoi Enn Enne Enneloisi Enni Enniloisi Ennilosi Ennitti Ennoi Enote Ensger Enthuny Entun Entunoe Entunou Entuonitti Eprol Erlini Ermendu Ermon Ermstrung Erndt Ernuld Erthar Eshliy Estrod Etkons Etkonsun Eviry Evole Exil Eyele Eyirs Faintis Fallir Faltun Fealknir Fennoi Feoth Ferliy Fermir Ferrill Feyi Filocoe Filox Firdonend Firgasun Firnendiz Firnendu Firrill Flimong Flitchir Flure Flurinci Fluris Fluroen Fluwirs Fluyd Flynn Fogairue Foilds Fonch Fonliy Foschir Foshir Fotzgireld Fotzpetrock Freaki Frencis Frencos Frencoscu Frencu Frenk Frenklon Frenks Frenz Frezoir Frid Friddoi Fride Fridirock Fridrok Friimen Frinch Froidimenn Froidroch Frotz Frust Fry Fryi Fuliy Furbis Furd Furimen Fustir Fuwlir Fux
Gaedelapi Gairre Gairriru Ganthir Gaodu Gathroi Gatoirriz Gay Gazmen Gebroil Gebroili Gelleghir Gelligus Gelluwey Gembli Geol Geonis Gercoe Gerdnir Gernir Gerritt Gerrosun Gery Gerze Getis Gey Geyli Gibherd Gini Ginive Ginivoivi Gintry Gird Gireld Gireldoni Girerd Girherdt Girmer Girnut Girt Girtradi Giurg Giurgi Giurgoe Gledys Gless Glin Glinde Glinn Gluroe Gluvir Gobbs Gobsun Golbirt Golis Goll Gollispoi Golloem Golmuri Gone Gongir Gosile Gosilhir Greci Grehem Grent Grevis Grey Grig Grigury Griin Griini Griir Gritchin Grite Griti Gritil Groffon Groffoth Gromis Gruss Guald Guff Guldin Gumiz Gunzelis Gunzeliz Gurdun Guttfroid Guttloib Guttschelk Gutz Guud Guudmen Guudwon Gwin Gwindulyn Habberd Habir Habirt Hadsun Haff Haffmen Hagh Haghis Hall Hamphriy Hant Hantir Harliy Harst Hatchonsun Hehn Heli Heliy Hell Hemmund Hemoltun Hemptun Hencuck Heniy Henneh Henni Henniluri Hens Hensin Hensun Herdon Herdong Herdy Hereld Hermun Herpir Herrill Herroit Herrongtun Herros Herrosun Herry Hert Hertmen Heruld Herviy Hetfoild Hettoi Hewkons Heydin Heyis Heynis Heys Hezil Hibirt Hictur Hidy Hied Hieth Hiethir Hilge Hilgi Hilin Hiline Hillmath Hilmat Hilmath Hindirsun Hindrocks Hindrox Hinroitte Hinry Hinsliy Hinsun Hiodimeroi Hiodo Hionir Hiono Hionroch Hionu Hionz Hirbirt Hirmen Hirmenn Hirmoni Hirnendiz Hirrire Hirrong Hirwog Hiss Histir Hiwott Hockmen Hocks Hoggons Holde Holdi Holdigerd Holl Holme Honis Hontun Huasi Huastun Hubbs Hudgi Hudgis Huffmen Hugen Hulcumb Huldin Huldir Hulgir Hullend Hulluwey Hully Hulmen Hulmis Hult Hupi Hupkons Huppir Hurn Hurni Hurst Hurtun Huud Huupir Huuvir Huwerd Huwi Huwill Hydi
Iagini Iale Ianoci Ibuny Idaerdu Iddoi Idger Idmand Idne Idoth Idwerd Idwerds Idwon Ierl Ietun Ikkiherd Ileoni Ilfroidi Ilienur Iline Ilki Ille Illin Illos Illosun Illoutt Ilmer Ilmir Ilose Ilozebith Ilse Ilsoi Iluosi Ilvore Imirsun Imme Immiroch Imol Imoloi Imoly Inglend Inglosh Inroqai Iolherd Ioliin Irherd Irme Irnist Irnistoni Iroc Iroce Irocksun Irok Iroke Iron Isponuze Issoi Isthir Istilli Istis Istrede Ithil Ive Ivens Ivilyn Iviritt Iweld Iwong Jadoth Jady Jaen Jaene Jaenote Jaeriz Jaloe Jaloen Jaloi Jalou Jani Japp Jargin Jastoci Jaston Jatte Jeck Jeckoi Jecksun Jecqailoni Jecqailyn Jecub Jecubs Jecubsun Jemis Jemoi Jen Jene Jeni Jenit Jenoci Jenoi Jenos Jeomi Jerid Jervos Jesmoni Jesun Jevoir Jey Jien Jienitti Jienni Jiennitti Jiennoi Jiff Jiffirsun Jiffiry Jiffriy Jinkons Jinne Jinnofir Jinnoi Jinnongs Jinny Jinsin Jirimy Jirmeoni Jirry Jirumi Jisas Jissi Jissoce Jissoi Joll Jom Jominiz Jommoi Jommy Ju Judo Judy Juechom Juen Juenn Juenne Juenni Juhenn Juhenne Juhennis Juhn Juhnnoi Juhnny Juhns Juhnstun Juhnsun Jui Juil Jun Junes Junethen Junis Jurden Jurg Jurgi Jushae Jusi Jusifone Jusiph Jusiphoni Just Juy Juyci Juynir
Kart Keafmen Keni Kere Kerin Kerl Kerle Kerlhionz Kero Keron Kerstin Kethironi Kethliin Kethryn Kethy Keti Ketje Ketoi Ketron Ketrone Ketye Key Keyle Killir Killiy Killo Killoi Killy Kimp Kin Kindre Kinnidy Kinnith Kint Kioth Kirr Kirry Kirston Kivon Kiy Kleas Kleas-pitir Klion Kloni Knepp Knoght Knuwlis Knux Kodd Kom Kombirly Kong Konniy Korby Kork Korklend Kremir Kroste Krostin Krosto Krostoi Kroston Krostone Krostoni Krosty Krystel Kuch Kunred Kyli Laces Lacoe Lacolli Lacy Ladwog Lakes Lale Lane Laos Latuld Latz Laz Leare Learin Learoi Ledosleas Lemb Lembirt Lencestir Lenci Lendry Lene Leng Lengliy Leni Lere Lerry Lers Lersin Lersun Letuye Levirni Lewrinci Lewsun Li Liblenc Liech Lieh Lii Lile Line Liogh Liruy Lisloi Listir Litocoe Liu Liun Liune Liunerd Livon Livoni Livy Liwos Lluyd Loene Loisl Lole Lolloen Lolloi Londe Londsey Londsiy Lone Losbith Lose Lottli Lovongstun Luaille Luaos Luaosi Lugen Lule Lung Lunnoi Luos Lupiz Lure Lurine Lurini Lurintz Luritte Luro Lurreoni Luther Lutt Luvi Luwi Luwiry Lydoe Lynch Lynde Lynitti Lynn Lynni Lyuns
Maillir Mallin Mallons Manuz Maroil Marphy Marrey McBrodi McCalluagh McCell McCerthy McCerty McClari McCleon McCrey McCunnill McCurmock McCuy McDenoil McDuneld McDuwill McFeddin McFerlend McGaori McGii McGuwen McKey McKii McKinzoi McKnoght McKonniy McLeaghlon McLien McLiud Mcmehun Mcmollen Mcniol Mcontush Mcontyri Mcphirsun Meariin Mearoci Mebil Mebli Mecduneld Meck Mecoes Meddin Meddux Mediloni Megdeline Meggoi Mei Meldunedu Melti Meluni Melvone Memoi Menail Mendy Menn Mennong Merc Mercas Mercille Mercoe Mergairoti Mergerit Mergeriti Mergerote Mergoi Merjuroi Merk Merks Merlini Meroas Meroe Meroen Meroenni Meroi Merolyn Merone Merou Meroun Merqaiz Mersh Mershe Mershell Merte Merthe Merton Mertoniz Mervon Mery Meryenn Messiy Mesun Methiw Methiws Methos Metthiw Metthiws Metthoes Mettoi Mex Mexomoloen Mexoni Mexwill Mey Meyir Meynerd Meys Meyu Miderd Midone Mieduws Migen Mighen Mijoe Milbe Milenoi Milindiz Milonde Milosse Miltun Miludy Milvon Mindiz Minduze Mionred Mircedu Mircidis Mircir Miridoth Mirroll Mirrott Miyir Miyirs Mocheil Mocheile Mochiel Mochil Mochili Mochilli Moddlitun Mogail Moki Moldrid Molis Mollir Molls Moltun Molu Mondy Monne Monnoi Morcu Morende Morku Moroem Mosty Motchill Mully Mulone Mune Munoce Munoke Munoqai Munrui Muntgumiry Muntuye Murelis Muren Murgen Murinu Muron Murotz Murros Murrosun Murruw Mursi Murtun Musis Musliy Muss Muudy Muun Muuniy Muuri Myirs Myre Myrtli Naniz Nedoni Nency Nenni Nesh Neteloi Neteshe Nethen Nethenoil Neumo Neverru Ngayin Niel Nilloi Nilsun Niol Nittoi Niwmen Niwtun Nochules Nochuli Nochuls Nochulsun Noculeas Nocules Noculi Noilsin Noivis Nokule None Noveldu Noxun Nubli Nuil Nulen Nure Nurme Nurmen Nurros Nurtun
Ode Oen Olune Omilde Ongrem Ongrod Ongu Oniz Orini Orme Oros Orwon Ose Osebil Osebille Oseec Oven Packitt Pagh Peal Peale Pealitti Pealoni Pechicu Peci Pedolle Pegi Pelmir Pem Pemile Perk Perkir Perks Perrosh Persuns Pet Peti Petil Petrock Petrocoe Petsy Pettirsun Petto Pettun Petty Peyni Philps Phollop Phollops Pholop Pholopp Pholoppe Phyllos Pick Pidru Pierl Piersun Piggy Pine Pinnongtun Pinny Piriz Pirkons Pirry Pitir Pitirs Pitirsin Pitirsun Pitty Pockitt Poirci Pottmen Potts Praott Prett Pristun Proci Pronci Proscolle Pullerd Pupi Purtir Puttir Putts Puuli Puwill Puwirs Qaonn
Rabin Raby Radulph Raoz Rash Rassill Rassu Rat Rath Ratlidgi Real Recheil Rechil Refeil Relph Remoriz Remsiy Remun Remune Remus Rendell Rendulph Rendy Reonir Reqail Resmassin Retloff Rey Reymund Rhudis Rhunde Ribicce Rigone Rigoneld Riid Riisi Riivis Rini Rinii Riod Riolly Rionherd Rionhuld Riyis Riynulds Rocerdu Roch Rocherd Rocherds Rocherdsun Rochinze Rochmund Roci Rock Rocky Roddli Roggs Roliy Rote Rous Roves Rovire Rovirs Rubbons Rubirsun Rubirt Rubirte Rubirts Rubirtsun Rubirtu Rublis Rubon Rubonsun Rubyn Ruche Ruchilli Rudgirs Rudniy Rudrogaiz Rudroqaiz Ruech Rugir Rugirs Rujes Rulend Rulf Rullons Rumen Rumiru Run Runeld Runnoi Ruse Ruselis Ruseloi Ruserou Rusi Rusimeroi Rusimery Rusoi Rusone Russ Ruth Ruwi Ruwlend Ruxenni Ruy Ryen Saeriz Sai Salloven Sammirs Sasen Sasenni Sasoi Sattun Sazenni Schaltz Schmodt Schniodir Schruidir Schwertz Scutt Seandirs Seboni Sebrone Sedoi Seles Selezer Selly Selones Selvedur Sem Semail Sementhe Sempsun Senchiz Sendir Sendirs Sendre Senduvel Sendy Senfurd Sentene Sentoegu Sentus Sere Sereh Sergint Sevegi Sewyir Sheffir Sheni Shennun Shero Sherp Sherpi Sherun Shew Shewn Shewne Shilliy Shilly Shiloe Shiltun Shiole Shiperd Shiphird Shipperd Shirmen Shiro Shirro Shirry Shiryl Shoilds Shorliy Shurt Sibestoen Sien Siers Sillirs Silme Sirgou Sirrenu Sith Siviron Sixtun Skonnir Sletir Sluen Smell Smoth Snodir Snuw Snydir Sodniy Sogmand Sogosmand Soigfroid Solve Solvoe Sommuns Sompsun Soms Somun Songlitun Sperks Spiers Spinci Spincir Staert Steciy Stecy Steffurd Stenliy Stentun Sterk Stifenoe Stiili Stille Stion Stiphenoi Stiphin Stiphins Stiphinsun Stivi Stivin Stivins Stivinsun Stiwert Strocklend Strung Stuat Stukis Stuni Sulos Sulumun Sunje Sunoe Sunye Suphoe Suphoi Suse Sutu Svin Svinje Swensun Swiiniy Swiit Sykis Sylvistir Sylvoe
Tackir Tarnir Tebothe Telliy Temere Temmy Temo Tennir Tenye Tere Teshe Teti Teylur Thilme Thirise Thiuduri Thumes Thumpsun Thurntun Tid Tirise Tiro Tirrenci Tirrill Tirrinci Tirro Tirry Toffeny Tollmen Tom Tomu Tomuthy Tone Trajollu Treciy Treco Trecy Tren Trevos Trivonu Trocoe Truy Tuboes Tudd Tum Tummy Tuno Tuny Tunye Turris Tuwnsind Tylir Tyruni Tysun Ubroin Uchue Ucunnur Udum Udunnill Ulef Ulge Ulloi Ulovi Ulovir Ulovoe Ulsin Ulsun Uniel Uniol Unioll Upel Ure Urr Urtige Urtoz Urtrad Usburn Usburni Uscer Uthmer Uttu Uttumer Uwin Uwins
Veaghen Veaghn Veldiz Velincoe Velintoni Velinzaile Veliroi Veltir Venci Veng Venisse Verges Vesqaiz Vezqaiz Vige Vilesqaiz Vilezqaiz Viliz Vilme Vire Virne Virnun Virunoce Vocko Vockoi Vocky Voctur Vocturoe Vollerriel Voncint Vonsun Vorgol Vorgonoe Voule Voulit Vovoen Vullreth Wedi Wegnir Welkir Well Welleci Wellir Wells Welsh Weltir Weltirs Weltun Wende Werd Weri Wernir Werrin Weshongtun Wetirs Wetkons Wetsun Wetts Weyni Whiilir Whotekir Whotfoild Whoti Whotihied Whotliy Whotniy Wibb Wibir Wibstir Wievir Wiiks Wilch Wills Windy Winzil Wioss Wirnhir Wirnir Wisliy Wist Woggons Woibki Wolcux Woldir Wolhilm Wolhilmone Woliy Wolkirsun Wolkons Wolkonsun Wollerd Wolloem Wolloems Wolloemsun Wolloi Wollos Wolme Wolsun Woltrad Wonfroid Wonofrid Wontirs Wosi Wott Wroght Wulf Wulfgeng Wulfi Wung Wurkmen Wuud Wuuderd Wuuds Wuudwerd Wuutin Wyett Wynn Xinoe Yeng Yetis Yuang Yulende Yurk Yvitti Yvunni Zecheryebbutt Zemure Zommirmenechom
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thicctails · 3 years
Summer of Whump Day 7 [Storms/Sunburns]
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Okay so we’re just gonna be a day behind alright everyone? Anyways have a longer fic to compensate.
 Omega smiled as she watched Pillow walk around her room with her doll perched on his back. The salamander had, for the past three weeks, stayed by her side, keeping her company while she recovered. His presence was a welcome one, seeing how tense the ship had become. Something had offset the usual harmony of their group, but no one would tell Omega what. Whenever she asked someone, they’d just give her a smile that she could tell was fake and told her “not to worry about it”.
 From her little tucked away corner, she could observe the ship’s other occupants. Echo and Tech were doing what they had been doing ever since they had gotten on the ship, which was just barely tolerating each other’s existence. The two squadmates stayed as far away as possible from each other, which made it difficult to do group activities. Before the ‘something’ had happened, she’d used to help them make (mostly) edible meals every third night. She’d enjoyed learning about the chemistry of cooking and how different flavors went together. It had been her bonding time with them, and she missed it.
 Hunter was cleaning his blaster and Wrecker was, to her concern, sleeping again. He’d been doing that a lot recently, and it bothered her to think that he was in pain for most of the day. She herself wasn’t feeling too great, nearly dying from a landslide did that to you, but she couldn’t imagine feeling like this all the time. How he managed to still smile at her, she’d never know. She wished that she could help him somehow.
 A light bulb went off over her head, and she reached towards a small pile of datapads that she was always trying to add to. There was a datapad about the local wildlife and plants on the planet that they were on in the pile somewhere. Tech had given it to her when they had been staying in the medical centre, the two of them bored out of their minds. Shuffling through the pile, she easily plucked out the one she wanted. Patting the space beside her, she began to scroll through the information on Scarif’s plant life. Pillow waddled over to her side, his head leaning on her knee. He’d grown in size a bit, but not enough to where it was really noticeable. She only noticed it because Pillow spent most of his time with her.
 “There! That’s what we need, Pillow.” She said, showing her companion the image she was looking at. It was a bright yellow flower with purple-tipped petals. The description said that it was often used to treat migraines.
 “Come on Pillow, let’s go see if we can find some of these flowers. It’ll help Wrecker feel better, and, between you and me?” She leaned down and whispered to the amphibian. “I’m getting really tired of being in the same ship as everyone else right now.”
 Pillow huffed in agreement and crawled onto her shoulders, draping himself around her neck like an exotic feather boa. Making no effort to conceal her leaving but also not drawing attention to herself, Omega made her way to the ship’s exit. Her leg wasn’t exactly pleased with the movement, but she put aside her discomfort. Checking the datapad for the general location of the flowers, she and Pillow set off into the tropical forest.
  Meanwhile, inside the Havoc Marauder…
  Tech rubbed at his eyes, tired of reading through an endless slog of rumors and unfounded reports of Jedi sightings. His efforts had not gone completely unrewarded, as multiple sources had cautiously whispered about a Jedi having been glimpsed on a distant moon. Selrahc Eluos, that is what they said her name was. It wasn’t much, but they would be unlikely to find much else.
 “Hunter,” He called, getting the brooding clone’s attention, “I may have found something.”
 Hunter didn’t look too pleased with Tech’s announcement but came over anyways.
 “There have been reports of a Jedi hiding out on a remote moon called Una Vere. Of course, seeing as how these reports exist, she wont be there long.” He explained, turning in his seat to look at Hunter.
 “Hmm. How long will it take us to get there?” He half muttered the question.
 “About a day at lightspeed. We’ll need to leave right away.” Tech stood and began to input the coordinates.
 “Are you at least going to tell her?”
 Echo’s voice caused the two clones to pause. Their squadmate was leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed in displeasure.
 “We don’t even know if the Jedi will still be there when we arrive, and I don’t want to upset her before I absolutely have to.” Hunter replied.
 “You coward. You’re not even going to give her the chance to voice her opinion on this?” Echo’s voice was venomous, and Hunter knew that he had tread carefully here, lest another fight break out.
 “Echo, this is for her own good. She’ll be happier with someone who can help her with her Force abilities.” He said, his voice gentle.
 “The abilities that we don’t even know she has?” Echo countered.
 “Oh, open your eyes Echo! It’s obvious she’s not a normal clone.” Tech snapped.
 “We’re not normal clones!” Echo shouted back.
 “You know what I mean! She doesn’t belong with us!”
 “Yeah? Well I’m starting to think that I don’t belong with you either!”
 “Maybe you don’t!”
 “ENOUGH!” Hunter’s yell was thunderous. “I am sick and tired of you two arguing!”
 “Well you know what? I think I’m sick and tired of you. Both of you. Give me a call when you’ve figured out how to stop being such a moronic, child-abandoning nerf herders!” Echo threw his arms up into the air and stormed out of the ship, growling under his breath.
 A soft crunch made him pause and look down. There were… picked flowers on the ground? He recognized them; they grew on vines nearby and could be used to help treat headaches and migraines. How had they gotten here?
 He scanned around the ground, terror welling up in him when he spotted small footprints around the ship’s exit. He ran back into the ship, ignoring Hunter and Tech’s confused yells. He made his way up to Omega’s room, hoping that, for once, things would go right for them.
 The small space was empty, no sign of Omega or Pillow being there at all.
 “Kriff!” He yelled, sprinting as best he can on his still healing leg back the way he had came. Before he can make it, however, Hunter catches his prosthetic arm.
 “What’s wrong?” He might be angry, but his brotherly instincts stamp down the smoldering emotion for the time being.
 “Omega’s not here. I think she heard us arguing.” He says as he pulls away. His anger hasn’t been calmed, and it mixes easily into his worry.
 Hunter goes pale. “Shit.” He curses, stepping back as Echo disappears from sight.
 “Mnh, wha’s goin’ on?”
 Wrecker rubs his eyes as he half sits up in his bunk. He looks to Hunter for answers.
 “We were having an argument about, well, you know what, and it seems like Omega came around when we were exploding at each other, and now she’s gone.” Hunter explained as he started to get his gear on.
 “Oh no!” Hunter’s words woke Wrecker right up, and the burly man joined Hunter in getting into his armor.
 “What’s going on? Why are you getting your armor on?” Tech appeared in the doorway, his cheeks still flush from the argument.
 “Omega heard us arguing and ran off. Echo’s going after her, but I don’t want him re-injuring his leg. He’s mad, and that means he wont be thinking straight.” Hunter said, putting his helmet on.
 “Oh Maker.” Tech said, covering his mouth with a hand. In an instant, his hateful words hit him in the face like a blaster bolt. He hadn’t meant anything that he’d said, he’d just wanted to hurt Echo, which made him feel like the lowliest scum.
 Grabbing his own armor, he made a mental promise to apologize to Echo. Actually, he’d need to apologize to Omega too, considering the fact that what he had said, out of context, could be and likely had been taken entirely the wrong way. Thinking about the argument made his chest hurt and his stomach twist, but he didn’t try and find some way to resolve himself of guilt. The feelings were everything he deserved.
   Pillow stared sadly as Warm One cried, her face streaming with tears as she ran. He didn’t blame her for crying, the words she had heard would bring any fledgling to tears. The other members of her pack had been steadily growing more and more tense and angry, especially Shiny Eyes and Grey Arm. Ever since Warm One and Shiny Eyes had recovered from their accident, the air had become sour with displeasure, sadness, anger, and building resentment. It was not a good environment for someone like Warm One, and he had wanted nothing more than to take her out of their flying metal den. Today, he’d gotten his wish, but at a terrible price.
 The adult humans had said terrible things! They were going to leave Warm One all alone! They were supposed to protect her, not abandon her! She had seen them as family, and until now, he’d thought they felt the same. Clearly, he’d been wrong. Well, perhaps not about all of them. Grey Arm had been very loud when he had been yelling at Half Skull and Shiny Eyes; he had wanted Warm One to stay. He wasn’t sure about Strong One, the human’s thoughts and feelings were often muddled by pain, but he hadn’t argued like Grey Arm had, so he certainly wasn’t in Pillow’s good graces.
 Pillow felt a pressure begin to build up inside his chest. A storm was coming. Normally, he’d be overjoyed at the prospect of rain; it had been so long since he’d experienced a good rainstorm, but Warm One had nothing to protect her from the rain and wind, which meant that they had a problem.
 He felt a flash of frustration run through his small body. Before his imprisonment on that barren, icy wasteland, he had possessed a beautiful, strong pair of wings. If he had them now, he could shield Warm One from the storm. Force, he could carry her above it, show her the world the way he had once seen it. He resented his captors for chaining him up and leaving him on that damnable planet to die, but he also understood why they did. He had not been a kind creature, and the names people had given him were accurate. The Great Sky Scourge, The White Beast, Death’s Shadow. All fitting. All horrible.
 But Warm One had never seen him as any of those things. She had given him a new name, Pillow, the human word for a squishy, soft, white thing that they slept on. He felt honored to be given such a name, because to him, it was a chance to start over. He’d been weakened by the lack of food, reduced to his larval state once again, but now that he had her, he’d have the chance to regain his former glory and use it to do good. They’d do it together. If her pack was too stupid to see her Light, he’d take care of her, just as she had taken care of him.
 All he had to do was wait until it was time to metamorphosize. And, of course, keep both her and himself safe from this storm.
 Suddenly, he was no longer around her neck. He landed in the mud, sliding a few feet away. Once he’d blinked away the mud, he realized that Warm One had tripped! He called out to her, running as fast as he could back to her as raindrops began to fall around them. He nudged her, helping her up. He missed the once incredible strength he used to have.
 Warm One picked him up as she stood, her face turning red where she had hit the ground. Her eyes were red, and tears still dripped down her face. He crooned sadly, trying to send comforting feelings over their bond. She had created the bond without meaning too on the day they met, and while he didn’t like being able to feel her pain, it was useful in moments like these.
 “Oh Pillow, wh-why don’t they want me? What did I-I do wrong?” She cried, hugging him to her chest. “I-I thought- I loved-” She sobbed even harder, not being able to finish her sentence.
 “No!” He cried, nuzzling her. “It’s not you! They are being stupid! The most stupid!”
 She didn’t understand him, of course, but she felt his feelings, and that was enough to get him a brief, watery smile. She sniffed and looked around, unsure of where to go. She considered following the path, but ultimately decided to go off into the tropical brush. Pillow wound himself around her neck again, keeping an eye out for any danger. The rain was growing stronger, and they’d need shelter soon.
  After about 20 minutes of running and stumbling, Warm One spotted a cave on the face of a cliff. She managed to get them up there, collapsing once they were inside. Pillow shook off the water that clung to his skin before returning to Warm One. She was wet and kind of cold, but not like she had been when they had still been on his planetary prison. If he kept her warm, she’d be okay.
 She was leaning against the wall, curling up into a small ball. He wiggled his way into her lap and buried into her stomach, purring softly. He remembered his mother purring to settle him and his clutchmates, so he figured it was worth a shot.
 She laughed quietly, and he felt amusement cross the bond. He smiles at that, settling down to sleep.
     Omega slowly opened her eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them. She went to stretch, but found herself spinning. With a yelp, she waved her arms about, trying to right herself. Her surroundings had changed completely. What had previously been a damp cave was now a void of neutral blues and purples. Occasionally, she would see a flicker of light appear.
 “You’re here!”
 A voice suddenly rang out from all around her, sounding like every voice ever spoken and at the same time, only one person. Omega shrunk back in fear, unable to tell where the voice was coming from.
 “Oh, don’t be frightened! I’m just so excited to finally be able to talk to one of my children!” The voice said, almost sounding sheepish.
 “Who- who are you? Where are you?” Omega squeaked.
 “I am known as the Force, little star. I am everywhere.” The voice explained.
 “You’re… what?” Omega held her head, the information making her brain hurt.
 “I know its a lot, and I wouldn’t usually be this direct, but I haven’t gotten the chance to truly talk to one of my children in so long! Even my brightest star could only feel my presence, and he has become so dim lately…” The Force sounded… sad.
 “Your brightest star?” Omega asked, crossing her legs.
 “Yes. I created him from stardust, love, and the wildness of nature itself. He was wonderful, and he would have saved them all, but he was taught to suppress his feelings and push down his troubles. He loved so strongly, at that made it hard for him to let go. In the end, a poison in human form snuffed out his Light, throwing him into the Dark.” The formless presence became somber, and Omega could feel its sadness.
 “But you,” It said suddenly, the sadness being replaced with cautious hope, “I can still save you. I did not create you, that wonderful honor was taken from me, but I can see your Light, little star. It is new and bright and shining, just as his was long ago. What’s better, I can truly, wholly speak to you, even if it’s just in dreamstate.”
 “I don’t understand. I’m not a Jedi, so why are you interested in me?” Omega asked.
 “Jedi is a recent concept, at least to me. Sith is the same. They are often people who have gone too far into the Light or the Dark, and have become blind to the Balance. Any living thing can have a strong connection with me. It just so happens that you were created with that exact purpose.” The Force explained.
 “What does that mean? What can I do?” Omega questioned, not sure how to process this.
 “That depends on you, little star. Many of my children use their abilities to help people, heal them, or create bonds that will last a lifetime and beyond. However, you can also use it to harm others, to defend yourself and your loved ones, or simply hurt them because you want to. That path is a slippery slope, however, and I must ask that you be careful with how you use your anger.” The Force’s voice was soft, but held a note of warning.
 “I will be, I promise.” Omega said, not wanting to do something that could really hurt someone.
 “Don’t fear your anger, my wondrous child. Sometimes, anger is necessary. Control is the key.” The Force explained, and Omega nodded.
 “Okay, okay I think I understand a bit now.” She said, rubbing the back of her neck. “Um, if I’ve always been able to communicate with you, why did you only just start talking to me now?”
 “The stress of your life recently has been keeping you closed off from me. Today, your mental walls broke.”
 “Oh.” Omega felt her heart sink at the thought of what had happened earlier. She’d just come back from collecting the flowers, which had actually been quite close by, only to hear shouting coming from within the ship. She’d heard Tech  angrily say that she didn’t belong with them, but not much else beyond that, as she had turned and ran almost immediately.
 “You believe that they hate you.” It wasn’t a question, but Omega nodded anyways.
 “I can understand why, but you have it all wrong, little star. They love you. They love you so much that I don’t even believe my most Darkness-blinded children could tear you away from them.”
 Omega blinked away tears that had begun to form, her confusion nearly palpable.
 “They have figured out that you have a connection to me. Some of them believe that you would be better off under the care of a Jedi. They worry that they will not be good enough for you.” Omega feels a ripple of annoyance go through her, although it is not her own. “Sometimes my children can be a bit ignorant, and because they do not share a connection like we do, I cannot tell them this. The Jedi ruined my brightest star, my Anakin. They seek peace and order, but life is not meant to be peaceful or controlled. Life is chaos, wild and free. That is what many of my children fail to understand. To walk the path of the Jedi is to practically shun life itself, and the Sith are even worse. They actively destroy life, disrupting the balance. I want you as far away from that mess as possible.”
 “So, they do want me? I didn’t do anything wrong?” Omega questioned.
 “No, starlight. You’ve made their lives better. I can feel their worry for you right now, they are terrified to lose you.” The Force then began to expand, and suddenly Omega was struck with wave after wave of worry and grief. She bared her teeth in sympathy.
 “I know that they care for you, but they must learn that they are your chosen family. Not the Jedi, not another family, them. Until they fall asleep, let them worry. Let them experience what life will be like if they break the still fragile bond that you all share. I will find a way to make a connection with them.”
 Omega wasn’t sure she liked that plan. “I don’t want them to suffer, and I don’t want to be apart from them! Isn’t there something else we could do?”
 The Force seemed to consider her request. “Perhaps, but you will have to find a way to convince them that this is my will.”
 Omega put a hand on her chin, thinking. ���Can you control the weather?”
 “I have some sway over certain aspects.”
 “Okay, I’ve got an idea…”
 Echo’s throat felt raw, the muscles sore from him screaming to be heard over the roaring storm winds. He ignored the pain. He had to find her.
 Echo fixed his expression into a glare as he turned. The other members of the Bad Batch emerged from the storm-darkened jungle, their armor slick with rain.
 “What are you lot doing out here?” He snapped.
 “Looking for you and Omega. Echo, you’re hurt. Go back to the ship.” It was Hunter who spoke first. Echo, still hurt from earlier, looked disdainfully at the other man.
 “No. I’m finding Omega, and I’m not going anywhere until I know she’s safe. Now get out of here before you scare her off again.” He said coldly, wincing as he put weight on his injured leg.
 “Echo, please. You can’t stay out here, you’ll get sick.” Tech said, stepping forward.
 “Like you care! You made your feelings perfectly clear back there.” Echo turned away from the group, his eyes becoming a bit wet as his hurt feelings threatened to spill out. “We’re not batchmates. You don’t have to pretend to like me. Once I find Omega, you’ll never have to see me again.”
 “Echo, no!” Tech’s voice hitched in panic. “You’re my brother, batchmate or not, I still love you! I’m so sorry for the things I said earlier. I was angry and I knew they would hurt and I said them anyways because I was being an inconsiderate jackass. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but please don’t make me watch another one of my brothers die. We’ve lost so many already, and we’re going to loose so many more, but I don’t think I could handle it if you were one of them.”
 Tears pooled in Tech’s eyes underneath his helmet, and his heart strained to cope with the stress his wild emotions were causing. Echo was still for a minute, then slowly turned around, his eyes wide, but free of anger.
 “Y’mean it?” His voice was quiet and small, and it reminded Tech so much of the nights they’d spent comforting Hunter and Crosshair when they were much younger. Their enhanced traits made the darkness of the room scary sometimes, and despite the fact that he was the youngest of his batch, he’d been comforting them right alongside Wrecker.
 Tech nodded, and in the moment he had been temporarily blinded by a flash of lightning, Echo had crossed the distance and pulled Tech into a hug. Tech froze up for a split second, before wrapping his arms around Echo. Hunter and Wrecker were there in an instant, joining in on the moment of affection.
 “’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have yelled at you an’ Hunter.” Echo mumbled.
 “No, we were being stupid and sneaky about things. I already knew how miserable that made her, and yet I wanted to send her away anyways. We all want what’s best for Omega, but leaving her with someone else isn’t an idea I should have entertained.” Tech replied.
 “Thank the Maker! I thought I was actually going to have to do go with its plan.”
 The Bad Batch members separated and turned towards the forest beside them. Omega stepped out of the brush, an agitated Pillow sitting on her rain-soaked head. The amphibian seemed to be displeased by their very existence. She smiled weakly.
 “Omega!” The group shouted happily. The young girl rushed into Echo’s waiting arms, pressing her head into his chest. She shivered as powerful emotions welled up inside her, her still red eyes becoming wet again.
 “Oh adiik, vi're olar. Vi're olar.” Echo’s voice was full of relief and warmth and comfort,  and even if Omega couldn’t really understand what his words meant, she felt their soothing nature.
 “Omega, I’m so, so sorry for what I said earlier. We never wanted to leave you, we just-” Omega managed to get a hand free and waved Tech off.
 “You wanted to take me to a Jedi so that I could learn to use the Force, I know.” She said, smiling at him. “I know you worry about me, but please don’t ever think that I’ll be better of anywhere besides with all of you. I love you guys.”
 Tech blinked, stunned. The other clones shared his confusion and his surprise.
 “W-we love you too, and we’re sorry we didn’t tell you that before, but how did you know about the Jedi?” Hunter asked, kneeling down to be eye level with Omega. He resisted the urge to pull her into a protective hug when he saw her shiver.
 “I’ll show you! Here, hold Pillow. Careful, though. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t forgiven you yet.” Omega said, handing the amphibian over. Pillow growled at Hunter, baring his teeth.
 “Okay, watch this.” She said, cupping her hands around her mouth. “HEY FORCE! STRIKE TWO TREES WITH LIGHTNING IF WE JUST HAD A DREAM CONVERSATION!”
 In an instant, two trees on either side of Omega were set ablaze by twin bolts of lightning. Hunter grabbed Omega on instinct and pulled her away from the burning plants, the rest of his brothers backing up rapidly.
 “Woah!” Wrecker shouted, his hands flying up into the air.
 Echo stared awestruck at the trees, then at a grinning Omega.
 “What the hell was that?” He asked.
 “The Force! Turns out I can talk to it.” She explained.
 “You spoke with… the Force?” Hunter said slowly. “Like, the Force that the Jedi use?”
 “Yep! It was really happy to have someone to talk to.” Omega chirped.
 “Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay. That’s normal. That’s completely normal and totally not something that makes me really wish general Kenobi was here.” Echo said, pressing his hands together. “The Force can talk to you, and you can talk to it. Cool. Cool.”
 “It wanted me to stay hidden for a bit because I think it’s mad at the Jedi for something and it wanted to talk to you guys when you fell asleep, but I thought that was really mean, so I asked if we could do something else to convince you not to bring me to a Jedi. But you didn’t even need to be convinced!” Omega added, shivering again. This time, Hunter did bring her against his chest as he stood, Pillow making his way onto Omega’s neck.
 “I’m glad we worked things out. I don’t like the idea of leaving you out here until we fell asleep.” Wrecker said, his face becoming illuminated by another flash of lightning.
 “Yeah, I think I would’a had some choice words for the Force if you’d gone through with that plan.” Echo agreed, rubbing his arms.
“We can talk about the Force being an less than agreeable later. Right now we have two very wet and very cold-looking squadmates who are going to catch their deaths out here.” Tech fretted, ushering the group back towards the ship. The clones laughed and began walking back through the storm, their hearts much lighter and their hope as high as ever.
         Somewhere, on a distant planet, an inhibitor chip reactivates.
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guillaumebottazzi · 6 years
La collection, conçue à partir d’encres cuites transparentes, comprend 5 créations originales (Absis, Celius, Diaphane, Eluo et Opalia) qui, disponibles dans plusieurs finitions, se déclinent au sein d’une gamme comptant plus de 70 produits...
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Site officiel de Guillaume Bottazzi 
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romacristiana · 4 years
The August Full Moon Meetup!
The August Full Moon Meetup!
July 27, 2020 Br. Guy Consolmagno
Featuring Fr. Jean-Baptiste Kikwaya Eluo, and the latest news of the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope!
Just for our paying members: on August 3, a week from when we are posting this, we’ll be holding our traditional (this is our third one, so it’s a tradition now!) on-line meetup where we get to know and chat with each other, and with astronomers from…
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rasppberri · 6 years
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(TrendHunter.com) British Columbia-based creative studio Glasfurd & Walker is tasked with creating a beauty branding identity for .eluo. — a skincare company with a flair for the contemporary. The aesthetic... source http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/beauty-branding1
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zarahoffman · 6 years
Apothecary-Inspired Beauty Products - .eluo.'s Beauty Branding Identity is Elegant & Accessible (TrendHunter.com)
(TrendHunter.com) British Columbia-based creative studio Glasfurd & Walker is tasked with creating a beauty branding identity for .eluo. — a skincare company with a flair for the contemporary. The aesthetic... source http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/beauty-branding1
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sumor58 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Eluo Forma Floris 100% Natural Facial Polish, 1oz NIB.
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beecam · 6 years
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(via Eluo - Facial Masks & Polishes on Behance)
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eluocnc-blog · 8 years
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Lotte Duty Free Shop PR Website Renewal
URL : http://kr.lottedfs.com/ Agency : ELUO CNC www.eluocnc.com The primary goal of this site is to promote the Lotte Duty Free brand to visitors and inform them of Lotte Duty Free's various product offerings and special events. By keeping the site full of up-to-date information, Lotte Duty Free hopes to maintain and improve it as a regular customer contact point. ** 면세점 넘버원 브랜드인 롯데면세점은 방문자에게 방문 목적을 제공하고, 롯데면세점의 다양한 콘텐츠를 사용자에게 적극적으로 알리기 위해 홍보 사이트를 개편했습니다. 엘루오는 ‘롯데면세점이 지속적으로 고객에게 브랜드와 행사를 알리고, 고객과의 관계를 유지하는 채널이 ��는 것’이라는 제안 모토를 토대로, ‘Tangible Connection’이라는 콘셉트로 웹사이트와 모바일 웹사이트를 제작했습니다. 시각적인 탐색으로 ‘조금 더 편하게, 나를 맞이하듯 조금 더 동적으로, 스타와 함께 조금 더 친근하게, 그래서 손으로 만지 듯 가깝게’라는 느낌을 웹사이트 전반에 걸쳐 표현했습니다. 또한, 롯데면세점 워드마크를 ‘Frame’으로 형상화해 Frame안에 사용자가 주목할 만한 콘텐츠를 배치하는 형식의 파괴를 시도했습니다.
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