#elsword fan fiction
ursbearhug · 5 months
Okay I will have a bit of a fan girl moment.
So hi, hello. If you don't know me, I go by Percy and one of my absolutely favourite fictional character creater ever is Laby from our most beloathed game; Elsword.
I will not go tangents as to why because noone asked, it's boring and time consuming. But I love all the care put behind Laby as a character. Especially, contrary to Lu, who is just demon lolicon bait for all the weebaos to beat their meat to. Laby is a child and acts like one, there is so much endearment in her and for her surroundings. So much joy and so much sorrow.
Which is why the Oliver and Thaniel subplot of trying to get Halsin into my pant- I mean my team, is sooooooo fucking hype and I'm so fucking happy it exists. You go writing team, you have my hole/pole and my heart in one go!
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Lusa, Please.
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Rating: R-13
Pairing: Lunatic Psyker x Erbluhen Emotion
Lusa entered the room.
Mochi noticed the brawler, but he didn’t look up from his book so as to not to ruin his concentration. He’s already in the intense part of the plot after all. The main character was on the verge of killing her lover to stay faithful to her mission. There’s no way he would let go of the book when the story was making him hang onto every written word. Lusa would understand for sure if the priest didn’t greet him.
It was afternoon. The sun shone brightly through the curtains, the light bouncing off the walls and making the white room appear brighter. That and the natural silence made it a perfect moment to read that novel the magician had lent to Mochi the other day.
The gray haired male was on the bed, back slightly propped up against the pile of pillows, eyes trained on the book. He’d been reading for hours; yet it didn’t occur to him that he’d been reading that long, so it was quite a surprise to him when Lusa entered the room.
Mochi felt the bed shift, which made him look up despite advising himself not to. There was Lusa, crawling his way up to him. When Mochi realized what the white haired male was trying to do, Lusa had already latched himself onto him, or to be more specific, had sprawled on top of him, head buried in the crook of his neck. The celestial set his book aside and patted the tracer’s back with a soft chuckle.
“Lusa?” he greeted. “Welcome home. How’s your day?”
Mochi only heard a groan from the bigger male. It looked like he wasn’t going to move anytime soon. Lusa was heavy, of course, that the priest couldn’t escape even if he wanted to.
“Lusa, you’re heavy.” He brushed a hand through the mop of fluffy white hair, letting the soft strands curl around his fingers, before wrapping his arms around his lover. “Lusa.”
Lusa must be tired, the priest thought with a small sigh.
That was soon confirmed when he heard a soft snore coming from the brawler. It was adorable seeing a big man sleeping so peacefully, but Lusa had to be kidding to actually sleep on him like this. No way.
“Lusa? Wake up,” Mochi whimpered. “Luuuuusaaaaaaa!”
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spirify · 7 years
Black Oath― CH. 2
Chapter 2  ― by. iReii  | Lu x Ciel
“Corrupt my mortals, I will give you my soul― the contract of black oath.”
BGM | Haikyuu!! OST - Greed
Alley after another, the white hair swayed in the air as if the mysterious woman was leading Ciel to somewhere unknown. Ciel chased after, ignoring his teammates yelling for him, however he could not easily ignore the demons that were constantly lunging on the fighter. Grunting with irritation and desperation of losing the sight of the woman he had been searching for years, Ciel sliced the bodies of the demons that were jumping for an attack towards the human. His breath became heavy as he used more and more energy on desperately running and fighting the demons off, and swiftly, he was becoming exhausted. Due to extreme tiredness, Ciel was not able to detect the existence of a demon that successfully landed a piercing attack on Ciel’s back leg, its sharp claws jabbed into his skin as blood spurted out. Grunting with pain, Ciel stabbed the demon’s hand as it yelled in agony. The demon’s hand was jabbed into the edge of Ciel’s dual bladegun, and as it hung loosely in the air, Ciel quickly shot another bullet as the demon busted with torment, rain of black blood splattering on Ciel’s uniform.
Ciel walked in a jerky motion due to discomfort of pain in his back leg. With heavy breaths, he quickly hid his shadows in a dark alley as he tried to ease the pain, yet the blood was profusely gushing out of his skin. Beads of sweat were forming on top of his forehead which quickly rolled down his temples, only to be fallen on top of the cold cobblestone.
He couldn’t dare himself to be let down like this; after a simple attack of the demons, he is already exhausted. How would he avenge his family’s death in this condition? Then the thought of the mysterious woman fluttered back into his mind. The woman who reassured him as he was in an internal torture; she was the only one who offered a hand to the hopeless child and helped him to get back on his feet. He doesn’t even know her name, her race, her voice― nothing. He could not define her.
She was just there… only couple feet away,
He thought to himself as he grunted with pain, the pain in his leg aching more as he shifted the position.
I need to… see her,
He does not know what he will achieve after finding her; meeting her once again was just a simple, pure mission he wanted to accomplish. However, even if he do find her, will she disappear once again like that night in the past? Or would he have the chance to talk to her, will he ever hear her voice? Thoughts about the mysterious woman constantly lingered in his mind, almost impossible to even erase her being trapped inside his soul. Effectively, the injured soldier’s eyelids became heavier, as his breaths started to soften. Slowly, the tensed shoulders started to loose, and his visions started to blur― into the void sleep, he entered.
Pitch black. Ciel glanced about as panic started to rise between his fingertips, causing his hands to tremble in hint of fear. He couldn't see anything, or perhaps there wasn't anything. Either the lights were turned off, or there was no source of light.
He yelled out rather courageously, only to have his voice return as an echo. The male started to walk, then he started to run; even though he had no idea where he was going nor the direction he was running to.
Then at that moment, Ciel caught a glimpse of light from afar. With hopes growing inside his soul, he started to dash after it, not blinking his eyes even for one second in hopes of trying to not lose the sight of the light. As he approached the mysterious radiance, he realized it was a rich blue colored fire. There was no source of candles, wood, or anything, yet the fire was lit up rather brightly, flowing in the air. He reached out without thinking; it was then Ciel came to another realization, that the blue fire did not burn him, instead it wasn't even hot. Perhaps he lost his sensation of touch, yet he could feel his droplet of sweat trickling down his spine. He knows for a fact that blue flames contain more heat than red flames, therefore this was unusual, yet he was somewhat mesmerized by it. He had never thought fire could hold such beauty. In fact, he was traumatized by the walls of fire that had burnt down his past life, yet this fire was different Ciel tried to grasp the flames in between his fingers, he would place the palm of his hands under as if he was the one conjuring it, yet nothing worked to actually move the fire.
Then a thought struck him.
Is this a spell? A demon’s spell?
Sudden panic started to rise within his alarmed soul, the fingers that were trying to attach itself to the fire started to tremble in fear. The midnight colored pupils of his eyes started to shake in nervousness. Ciel let out a silent sigh to relieve his alarmed soul, and cautiously he reached out for his dual gun blades that were attached to his belt located next to his hips. He slowly raised his weapons, one on the front and one on the back as his ears stayed perked up for any signals of demons appearing. However, although minutes have passed, there was no signs of demons. Not a single sound, not a single sight, and not a single smell. There was no demons around him. He let out a relief as he loosened his tensed muscles.
...At last, I've found her,
Ciel gently closed his eyes for relaxation and as he slowly opened them, the sight of the woman was in front of him. Just couple feet away, and in between them was the blue flame. He reached his hand out as he attempted to call her, yet he realized he doesn't even know her name.
“My name is Lu,”
Her angelic voice echoed throughout the void, resonating back into Ciel’s mind as if she read his thoughts. Surprisingly, he wasn't confused or nervous. He was just content enough to finally meet her, even if this was a dream. Ciel gaped his lips in order to speak, yet no voice rang out; he was muted.
Slowly, the female’s back that was facing Ciel slowly turned, her white hair that seemed to glow swayed in the air elegantly with each movement. As she faced Ciel, he couldn’t do anything except to gape in shock. She had no face. The pale skin of hers just radiantly glowed; the crystal blue eyes, her petite nose, and her cherry-colored lips missing. Perhaps, this is a dream. Because Ciel cannot fully recall her physical appearances, his mind decided to rather erase her face. But how was he able to hear her voice? Years ago, when he had faced her in actual life, he wasn’t able to hear her voice, nor acknowledge her name. After reanalyzing his thoughts, slight disappointment rose within Ciel, he wasn’t able to figure out if this was just a mere dream, or reality of a demon’s curse.
“Promise me a black oath…”
She softly whispered into Ciel’s ear, gently brushing his midnight colored hair, tucking his long strands behind his ear.
She whispered something once again into his ear, yet it came out as a blur. He tried to focus his eyes onto her face, yet she was slowly disappearing. As confused as he was, he reached his hand out in order to stop her from disappearing, yet it was too late. Then the blue flame that was lighting itself slowly devoured her, burning her into nothing but voidness.
He was finally able to speak, his desperation echoing into the blackness, unable to be heard by anyone.
With heavy breaths and sweaty palms, Ciel’s eyes suddenly opened, releasing the feared panic that was trapped inside his eyelids.
A dream.
He wasn't able to tell if he was glad that it was a dream, or if he wasn't glad that it was a dream. He was able to see her, yet he wasn't.
From afar, he could make the sounds of guns being fired, swords clashing one another, and the sharp claws of demon ripping through the flesh of humans. Then the pain that was lingering in his back legs started to ache. He was back to reality.
At that moment, he heard a rustle from not too far, perhaps just mere couple feet away. Cautiously and silently, he raised himself up although this injured leg jerked in pain. He prepared himself for a sudden lunge as he placed his weapons before him. The demon was near. If Ciel can time the attack right, then as soon as the demon is about to pass next to the alley Ciel is staying at, he will be able to lunge onto the demon.
Closer and closer, the sharp claws of the demons echoed throughout the brick stones. Ciel held his breath, did not move an inch, until it was the right timing.
He turned his back then jumped a foot away from the demon, appearing himself as he aimed both of his gun blades toward the head of the demon.
Then he saw―
“I've found you,”
She whispered. The silky white hair that shined under the moonlight, the crystal cyan eyes that glistened with courage yet contained hint of happiness, and the same angelic voice that resonated into his dream. Her face wasn't a blur, her voice didn't come out as a mumble, and no blue flames devoured her. She was real. She was standing before his eyes like the night she had rescued him. He found the mysterious woman. He found the one whom he had loved for years. He realized, it was love.
Ciel’s grip on his weapons started to strengthen itself.
She’s a demon… I have to kill her,
He thought, the grip becoming stronger and stronger, yet he was unable to fire the bullet.
But I love her.
He thought as he lowered his weapon back down.
Lu let out a smile, not a mischievous one, but true smile contained with nothing but happiness. She gaped her petite lips, and the angelic voice echoed into Ciel’s voice once again.
“I've lost everything. Before the embers of my life go out, promise me a black oath,”
The voice that was inside his dreams and the voice that is in the reality slowly completed the puzzle, becoming one, full voice.
“Will you become my royal strength?”
She asked as the chilly night wind played with her long, silky strands. Her crystal eyes held nothing but plea. She held out her hand, waiting for him to accept, or waiting for him to kill her.
Kill her.
Accept her.
Ciel’s eyes shaked in nervousness, what was the right choice? Before he could give another thought ―
He accepted her hand.
White aura started to soared from the ground and gleamed before their feet. Blue flames started to make their way up toward the top of their head as the contract of Black Oath was activated.
He wasn't able to fulfill his mission. He wasn't able to avenge his family. He betrayed the human race. Instead, he had chose to fulfill the other, to go with his beloved. He had two questions but only had one answer. Perhaps this was the punishment for falling in love with a demon, perhaps the answer was already made the day of the bloody battle.
“I'll give you my soul for you,”
He whispered and she smiled.
With nothing but betrayal that has corrupted his heart toward the humans, the male slowly turned into a demon.
Diala and Demonio―
The Altar of Evil and Transcendence―
The contract of Black Oath is sealed.
turns out i used haikyuu ost for both chapters. ironically, i've never watched haikyuu but i love their ost XD honestly, this is my favorite out of all the stories i've written and i'm slightly disappointed that it's only 2 chapters long. :c i thought about adding maybe Lanox adventures in this, but it didn't flow with the story so i had to edit it out rip.
anyways, thank you guys for reading my first lu x ciel story!
iReii’s fanfiction
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ankouravien · 6 years
Loveframe (Add x Elesis)
All living beings have the same fate for their end: Death. Everything is about enjoying life—which is hard. Honestly it would be good if we could ignore each other and didn't know anyone. How does it feel to lose someone close to you?
For me, I have mixed feelings. I'm grateful that they can go away from this cruel place, but at the same time I want them back. I want them to be with me here, in this cruel place called world.
This is the fourth time I visit my friend's grave. I have a group of people made by my little brother and his two friends, but I don't think they care about this friend of mine.
My little brother should be arguing with her magician friend like usual while the elf is trying to stop them along with the half-Nasod. We have Queen of Nasods spending time with prince of Hamel and daughter from Haan family. The demon should be doing anything with her servant. We have a gunner that doesn't seem to be part of the group because she loves doing missions on her spare time. Lastly, an angel that follows my little brother everywhere.
My friend here was an insane boy called Add. He used to try stealing Queen of Nasods' Core, so I think everyone was annoyed with him, but one day he just stopped doing that. It was so sudden and everyone was glad with it, but I wasn't. Something must be wrong with him and I was right.
When I first met him, I thought he's that guy who's willing to destroy everything, but I was wrong. He was a very awkward person to talk to. More like, he doesn't know how to make a conversation.
I tried to talk to him and he was... normal. When I met his insane side at first, I didn't expect him to act normal. He was obsessed with whatever he wanted, but aside from that, he was an interesting person to talk with.
He usually talked about something that I don't understand. It's fine to me because I think everyone needs someone to talk to, even though the person doesn't give any response.
I also talked to him about everything, including how much I hate Eve with her queen-like attitude. I knew she's a queen, but that doesn't mean we need to treat her like a queen. Luckily Add didn't get angry with me showing dislike to Eve. He didn't seem to care anyway.
"Ele, can I talk to you?"
He called me when he got his black sclera on his left eye. He told me he was able to move through time and space, then he began to talk about his past and dream to change his past.
Ever since that day, he began to call me "Ele". I don't really have a nickname beside "Red Haired Knight", so it was my first nickname and I was happy with it.
One day, he tried to go to the past, but he found a different world where his little self was happy with his mother. He destroyed the different worlds he met. He was still trying to go back to the past, but I told him that he would change the present. He didn't care though.
I was there with him, looking at him struggled and stressed over every failure he made. I wanted him to stop, but sadly he didn't.
I think he... lost in time and space now.
I don't know whether he's still alive or not, but it's been four years already. This grave is just a symbol of him going away.
And nobody visited this grave except me. If only all of us could show how much we love him as a part of the group, he might still here today with his maniac laughter.
After all of our hard battle, we celebrated our victory, but why were we celebrating when one of our comrades wasn't even happy?
Sigh... I think I'm going back to the place I met him.
I walk away and go to Hamel, the place where we met him for the first time. I do this every year because I'm afraid I might forget him someday—and I don't want that to happen. Although I don't think that would happen when I can't even stop thinking about him. I really miss him.
This town is lively as usual with its joyful people. I wish Add could be happy along with everyone here.
"Elesis! Hey!"
I hear a familiar voice calling my name. I turn around to find the Prince of Hamel, Chung. He doesn't change much since that time we fought alongside each other. "Good evening, Chung," I wave my hand at him as he gets closer.
Chung smiles at me and waves his hand back, "What are you doing at this hour? It's getting late, you know?"
"It's just... something I do every year. I'm just walking around," I smile back at him. He looks confused for a moment, but then he nods.
We walk around the town together. We're having small talks like how we're doing and obviously he asks about my brother. They used to fight together a lot in a battle.
I'm bored with all the small talks until I find something that looks really familiar to me. A white haired little boy with magenta eyes, wearing dark purple coat with cat ears, standing in the street and looking at the sky.
Oh fu—I shouted without thinking. As expected, Chung looks really confused right now, "You okay, Elesis?"
I don't know what to feel right now with the fact that he thinks I'm hallucinating about my beloved friend. I'm not even sure Chung knows that Add is gone.
I look at the spot I found the kid again. He's just gone. I face Chung beside me, "I-I'm just seeing things. I'm fine."
I can hear a kid's laughter. I look around and I swear there's no kid here.
"Are you meeting someone? Your boyfriend, maybe?" Chung smiles as he narrows his eyes.
Nice joke. I don't have time for that now. What is this laughter I'm hearing? Or maybe it's just inside my head? Am I going crazy?
The laughter that keeps bugging me slowly turns into a cry.
"Ele, save me...!"
I think my heart stopped for a second there. I look around once again to find... nobody. Not even Chung that was beside me.
I move my feet and start running. I don't know where to go. I just need to run and find this important person to me, "Add, where are you?!"
I run and keep shouting. I don't think I'm stll in my world. I don't even care where I am right now. All I need to know is I wasn't hallucinating. Add is around here somewhere. I just... can't find him.
I can still hear the cry in my head. It's just a voice that I don't know if it even exists, but it hurts me. I want him to stop crying.
I don't think I can feel my legs anymore. I didn't train as much as I did when Elrios was invaded by demons for the past few years. I'll admit I'm getting weaker. "Add! Where are you?! Please, say something!" I keep shouting as I run. Is this how it feel when Add was trying to find his past?
The sky cracks like a broken glass. Is this world going to get destroyed?
I run outside the town and find the same kid on a sea cliff. I catch my breath and walk toward the kid, "Add...?"
He faces me with tears in his eyes, "Ele? It's really you?"
I quickly hug him. "Where were you?!" I yell at him as I cry and let my tears roll down to my cheek. I can see the sky shattered into pieces, but the sky isn't gone. It's there without any change.
The town is going back to normal. Looks like I'm back with Add in my side and that's all I need.
He hugs me back. "I'm sorry," he apologizes.
I have so many questions, but I don't know where to start. Why is he getting younger? Where was he? What happened to him? "Don't leave me again, Add," I break the hug and wipe his tears.
Add holds my hands and looks down, "Ele, I got lost in time and space. I can't find my past. I was scared when I can't even find my own timeline."
It's weird to hear his kid's voice, but it doesn't matter. I wish everyone was here to welcome him back to this world. "You're here now. No need to be scared anymore," I smile at him.
Add's face turns red for some reason. "I thought I can't meet you like I can't meet my mom. I was afraid of losing you."
E-Eh? I can feel my face getting hot after he said that.
"I was trying to forget you when I got lost, but I can't. I realized how much I miss you after a few days—or maybe hours," he smiles back at me, "I'm glad I can meet you again."
Sigh... I guess this is the kind of reunion I would get from someone like Add. I don't hate it, though.
I flick his forehead, "It's weird when you said that in your kid form, you know?"
Electric sparks appear around him, revealing a—OH MY GOD! Everyone will recognize this Add with that insane face!
He laughs maniacally. "You look so surprised!" he shouted with his evil smile.
"What do you expect?! Everyone will be surprised with that!" I shout back at him.
He grabs my waist and moves our face closer to each other, "You don't mind with this form then?"
I narrow my eyes at him, "What do you mean—"
Before I could finish my words, he kisses my lips. I...
I hear a kid's laughter again, "Don't act like you resist it, Ele."
"You're going to do everything to get what you want, aren't you?" I smile before I kiss him in his kid form. If someone saw us and thought of me as a pedobear, I would require a different timeline in an instant.
Add chuckles and smiles at me, "Everything is fine this way. I don't want to change the past and doesn't meet you in the future."
I pat his head. I can't see him as anything other than a kid right now, "Stay at my place, Add. I have so many things to tell you!"
"Me too, Ele! We can stay awake for three days straight!"
OKAY HOLD UP I hate romance so the romance part should be weird XD
Thanks for reading tho <3
ok so how do I tag someone 
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Apostasy by notg s
Apostasy (n.) -to disassociate or disaffiliate from a religion --- Ainchase “Ain” Ishmael was still trapped in the Time and Space Gap, when he felt a sliver of El Power and chased after it. Instead of going back to Elrios, he finds Izuku Midoriya, a seemingly ordinary boy in a land of the extraordinary. --- A crossover fan fiction between My Hero Academia and Elsword.
Words: 1302, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Elsword (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Ainchase Ishmael, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Nedzu, Class 1-A
Additional Tags: Crossover, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Smart Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, technically, Overpowered Midoriya Izuku, i guess?, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Canon-Typical Violence, Out of Character, probably idk
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32005948
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dlamp-dictator · 6 years
Allen Rambles about Cross Tag Battle
So I already did an Under Night In-Birth Rambling a few months, and I don’t feel like retreading that game again for the sake of another half-baked Rambling like the Persona 4 Arena one. No, I’ll talk a bit more about Under Night In-Birth and it’s Light Novel elements another day when I actually have the drive to do so. Instead, I’ll  jump straight into talking about about Blazblue Cross Tag Battle, namely, expanding on my initial thoughts of it. 
I had a chance to play the beta of the game when it was available, had a lot of fun playing it, and left it feeling confident this game could sell well, but a bit uneasy as well. 
But first before I get to explaining that...
The DLC Issue
It wouldn’t be my Rambling unless I got out of the elephants in the room straight away, now would it? 
So... that DLC, huh?
I’m not gonna’ bother defending this, but I’ll say this much in its defense. The season pass and the game is about 70 US dollars all together. That’s 50 bucks for the game 1 dollar for every extra character. That’s not a bad deal on paper. Let’s be real here, Dragon Ball FighterZ has more expensive DLC than this and much more expensive season pass combo pack, Blazblue Central Fiction had more expensive DLC than this, and several other fighting games have done worse practices. Dead of Alive has cosmetics that total up to hundred of dollars. From what I’ve seen and played Street Fighter 5 has a handful of costumes can only be purchased with cash rather than the in game fight money, among a few other practices I’m not cool with. And we can probably go on and on about EA’s DLC practices. Worse has been done, and if an extra 20 buck for 20 more characters on an already decent rooster seems bad to you, then... well I think you haven’t been playing fighting games that long to not see this coming.
However, that’s on paper. In context, this is just flat out shady and I’d even say exploitative.
I’m not going to pretend that what Arc System Works is doing is okay. Let’s be real here, a lot of the assets we’re seeing are being ripped and reused from each character’s respective game save for some new animations, the gameplay itself is very simplified, and the fact that they announced such a large amount of DLC before the game was even released is already shady business. I hate it when companies do that, and Arc System Works shouldn’t get a pass for it either. 
Not to mention the fact that a portion of their EVO line up is DLC characters. That just kills me a little. I’ll admit that I have a negative opinion of the FGC and competitive fighting game community as a whole, and I’ve already talked about my opinion of EVO in the past, but I really don’t think this game deserves to be in the EVO line up when it only has a little over half its full cast in the game for competitive play, with about a fifth of that cast being DLC. That means you need to shell out at least 6 extra dollars just to have an idea of certain match ups and playstyles, or worse, play your main. That’s no where near fair on a competitive level, that’s a scam and I hope someone more familiar with the competitive side of the fighting game community calls Arc System Works out on it. If your main is locked behind a paywall then you have a right to be angry and even go as far as to boycott this game for this kind of practice. 
I’m not happy with the idea of paying to just to play as Orie and Naoto, but as I’ve said, worse has been done in the gaming world. If you aren’t buying this game for the reasons I mentioned, then I respect you’re opinion. However, I’ll also ask you to at least try and get this game on sale otherwise, as there is a good fighting game here, just one that needs to shake off a bad first impression. 
Ah, and speaking of the game...
This Game is Simple
Like I said, I took some time to play the Beta, and I have to say this game is a little too simple for my liking. Not that I’m some genius fighting game player that could tell you all the frame data and hitbox nonsense, but I feel like I’m grasping this game’s controls a little too fast for someone of my skill level. 
Let me explain. 
In the majority of fighting games I play I usually maintain a 10%-20% win rate, so I usually win 1 out of 10 matches. For a casual fighting game player that’s not bad considering I’m usually fighting competitive players, but with Cross Tag Battle I left the beta with a 50% win rate. That’s... quite a jump, but I don’t think that’s due to my skill, but how simple it is for someone that’s familiar with fighting game mechanics to understand the system. Now I’m also keeping in mind that everyone was learning the ins and outs of this game along with me during the beta, but this still.
This simplicity isn’t a bad thing. It works in the game’s favor and makes it much easier to grasp how all these characters works, which is needed for a tag-team style game, but it is something that makes me wonder how long this game will be popular. This game has two auto combos, for every character, and all the characters that aren’t from RWBY have a diluted moveset of their original game. It feels like you know everything about a character in about an hour of practice.
I had similar feelings about Dragonball FighterZ, all the character felt too similar to each other outside of some special moves. Cross Tag isn’t as simple and not all characters feel the same, but one of the big appeals of a fighting game is being about to learn a character for months and still find new techniques and strategies with them. Cross Tag Battle doesn’t feel like a game I’ll be able to do that in.
 Again, that’s not a bad thing, but it’s just something that has me wondering about the direction fighting games are taking... or maybe this is just a product of team-based fighters. That simplicity might be needed for the sake of everything meshing well. I mean, if Ragna could do all his rushdown stuff and have an assist to reset combos he’d be a nightmare to fight against. And Nu... don’t get me started on Nu.
 But then again, Skullgirls has a good balance of complexity, and the potential for 3-on-3 combat. All their characters feel and play in very unique ways too, so maybe my worries are founded in some ways...
But speaking of...
How Characters Play/Feel
Like I said, this game is very simple. These characters only play slightly like their original games. I've only played with a few people, namely my mains, but Yosuke doesn’t feel like the Yosuke P4A with his 48 mix-up tools, Linne and Hyde feel like themselves, but with less combo options than in their original game. Sadly, none of my Blazblue mains are in the current roster, so I can’t say much about them, but Ragna feels like a watered down version of himself at the very least. I think that goes for most of the cast. They all feel very watered down. This isn’t bad, it’s just different, and I’m not sure how I feel about that yet. 
I’m excited to know I’ll have Orie and eventually Izayoi in the game to play with, but I’ve seen gameplay of Orie, and she doesn’t play the way I play her in UNIEST. I get the feeling a lot of people are going to be playing around with the cast for the wrong reasons.
That said though...
The RWBY Characters
The RWBY characters play the best too me, but that should be obvious. They were made with this game in mind from the ground up. As such their combo animations are smoother than the rest of the cast, their sprites are a little nicer, and I can really see a lot of love went into make them feel and play like how they are in the show. The references and callbacks are great as someone that’s a fan of show, and I honestly think their voice acting improved a little in this game... then again, I’ve been hearing their voices for a few years now so I might just be a bit numb to how they’re directed in their series, but I’m surprised how well they mesh with the overall cast. I can see the shipping possibilities and fanfics already. I’m definitely going to have Blake in one of my presets when the game comes out, probably pair her up with Linne or Hyde.
Speaking of voice acting...
The English Dub
Thank God we have a dub again. It’s great to hear Patrick Seitz as Ragna again, and the rest of the cast as well. The Under Night In-Birh cast sounds great too, my favorites being Linne and Gordeau. Seriously, the UNIEST cast sounds great and their voice actors really capture their character well from what I’ve heard so far. It really makes me wish we got a dub for that game so those overlong light novel portions didn’t feel as long. 
I did little blurbs about voice actors when Elsword and Persona 5 voice actors were announced, and I’ll definitely do the same kind of blurb for Under Night In-Birth once all the voice actors are known. This game gives me hope that the next Guilty Gear will have a dub and then I can finally care about the story again.
But moving on...
The Roster (AKA Allen Gloats About Being Right)
So we know the full rooster of the game thanks to data miners (the buzzkills), and it looks like I can safely, confidently, and haughtily state that I was right with a few of my calls when I made my speculations. For the sake of maximum gloating I’ll give you all the breakdown from my Rambling on the matter.
Charge Characters
Puppet Characters 
Required By Popularity
Required by Tier List
ArcSys’s Persona OCs
Looking back, I wish I stated Nine instead of Izanami, but Izanamis were kicking my ass by the time I wrote up my speculation and I was very salty about that. I also wish I added Mika into my curve ball list instead of my wishlist, but... well, I can’t predict everything. Speaking of that wishlist, a few people made it like Izayoi, Hakumen, and Akihiko, but that was my personal wishlist and not a speculation, so I won’t count those.
Anyway, I got 5/14 right. I’d consider that pretty good for pure speculation.
My Hopes
I’m just gonna’ list these down, as now we’re getting into my unorganized thoughts.
A simple, fanservice-y story mode. Like I originally said, this game is Arc System Works fanservice incarnate. Frankly, trying to tell a serious story with all these properties, while possible, will just be a giant mess, especially trying to deal with all the quantum mechanical, timeline jumping, dimension hopping nonsense of Blazblue, so I really hope this story will be more like Super Smash Bros. Brawl’s Subspace Emissary where the story is simple and more fanservice for fans of all these series and just see everyone interacting with some fights in between. From what we’ve seen of certain cutscenes CGs being released this just might be the case.
Free DLC. I already bought the Season Pass because I’m a degenerate, but I really hope this game does what Skullgirls did and have all their character packs free on at least the first day of their releases. I have major issues with this kind of business practice and completely understand if you guys don’t buy this game because of it. I’m hoping Arc System Works will realize this and make all the packs be free for at least their day-one release to try and dowse the flames a little. And hey, the first pack and the rest of the RWBY team is free for the first while, so I think that’s exactly what their doing.
I’m gonna’ feel like a chump for waste twenty buck if that’s the case, but hey, I do like the series.
A Good Single Player Experience. I know it’s a fighting game and all, but I hope it’ll have something that’ll make this game fun three years from now when the online community is dead. Something BBCP’s Abyss Mode (because CF’s is garbage) or Persona 4 Arena Ultimax’s Golden Arena Mode. Something like that. I doubt that’ll happen, but it’s a hope for a reason.
Overall, despite my mixed feelings, I hope the best for this game. And as we count down to the final days before release, I hope you all enjoy this game as much as I will.
Unless you roll out with Team UNGA. If you do, then fuck you, fuck your family, fuck your house cat, and everything you stand for.
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sorcererniles · 6 years
Get to know meme
i was tagged by @punchanten,(it took a while i forgot >o<)
RULES: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs (you know, if you can) you’d like to get to know better.
NICKNAME(S): Eevee, Ever since Highschool its been Eevee
SIGN: Capricorn 
HEIGHT: 5′7″ - 5′9″ idk, i’m around there
TIME:  7:19PM as of this question
FAVORITE BANDS: Do I have one?
FAVORITE SOLO ARTIST: Um...gonna go with idk
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: The Final Song from Drakengard 3 (cover version by Milky)
LAST MOVIE I SAW: Infinity War with the family
LAST SHOW I WATCHED: Criminal Minds with mother
WHEN DID I CREATE MY BLOG: Hell if i know, just know I deleted an old one to make this one
WHAT DO I POST?: Random FE stuff and reblog some funny text posts and memes. Love fan art too.
Tumblr media
(yes it is pr0n related)
DO I HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS?: Yeah a NSFW one i don’t go on anymore. tbf all the NSFW stuff are on my likes (hence why i have them privated)
WHY DID I CHOOSE MY URL?: Okay so it use to be ElementalEevee because of Elemental Master in Elsword being my main and Eevee being my fav pokemon, but since i have very little elsword or pokemon on my blog (which i should fix in the case of pokemon) I changed it to SorcererNiles Since my Niles nuked a conquest run as a sorcerer lol
FOLLOWING: 170 (I though it was less holy f...)
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP?: Around 5-9 hours
INSTRUMENTS: I don’t play any but the Piano and Violin are my favs, they sound so beautiful.
WHAT AM I WEARING?: White shirt, Cookie monster pajama pants and some socks. Aka basic pajama wear lol
DREAM TRIP: Oh my where to begin, Paris seems nice, Hawaii and Canada, Maybe Tokyo too.
FAV FOOD: Pizza! I will never get tired of it at all.
NATIONALITY: American, Hispanic (but cant speak spanish to save my life lol)
FAVORITE SONG: Thats a thing?
LAST BOOK I READ: Green Eggs and Ham (to my Niece, that counts right?)
TOP 3 FICTIONAL UNIVERSES I WANT TO JOIN: I have too many to just pick three. Pokemon, Fire Emblem Avatar the last air bender, are some examples in no particular order. 
Who to tag who to tag...hmm... @that-one-theatre-ghost @lordknightmon oceanicdancer @gaming-rainbow @rainripplesdailythoughts @hero-soleil @sidekickbootyshorts @thirsty4vidyagem @luminous-umbra @rache1card @queenevaine @anonymusaxolotl @djkalis @djingorango uh...um...i think thats it...Note you dont have to do it if you dont wanna.
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servantproto · 7 years
BTW Proto, what made you interested in Elsword? I wanna bet its the boobs but like I'd at least give you a little more credit than that.
Please, Rena never did it for me. But I played Elsword back when it was three characters, and binged it when listening to old anime podcasts. Really wanted to be a Rune Slayer. Tried Raven, never got far. Deadly Chaser, woo. *sweats* And I’ve kept tabs on what characters came out and what classes they got.
So what resparked interest? I want to say lack of an MMO. I’ve been on a deep Final Fantasy XIV kick, and I needed a break to play over games. A replay of Automata, retry of Horizon Zero Dawn, Cuphead, etc.
But I want to get back in the grind?? And I remembered I was into Elsword?? And Star Wars The Old Repubic??! And like, “there’s fan fiction material here. Huge.” So here I am. I wanna play Lord Knight and have a giant sword. Or try Rune Slayer again.
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hypno-goggles · 7 years
i’m so ridiculously late to the “get-to-know-the-toonblr” party but i just found it in my drafts and better late than never right
original by @toon-ager here in case anyone else wants to be fabulously late to the party too
1: What’s your name? Do you have a few other names you go by, whether its your name IRL or an alias?
nicholai! almost everyone calls me nic or niccy, though.
2: What is your gender and/or the pronouns you use?
i’m a transboy, and i use he/him.
3: What is your main toon you play as (or whatever your most developed is)? Is it an OC? A sona? Your toon from Toontown Online all those years ago? Where are you in the game? (playground, gag, suit-wise). What game do you play (Rewritten, Fellowship, Offline?) Feel free to tell as much about them as you want and even include pictures if you can/want!
my main toon is a purple duck named bubbles sparklenerd on ttr! she’s currently 119 laff and has her sellbot and cashbot suits maxed. I had her on tto back before the game closed and she was a 137 laffer on there, hence why her “canon”oc laff is 137.
4: What type of blogger are you/do you consider yourself? Someone who makes fanworks of your ocs or others’? Someone who just reblogs what they think is interesting? Someone who posts fun/dumb screencaps? A person who develops entire stories/headcanons/lore with their own toontown characters/fan ideas? Or something else entirely?
all of the above. help me.
5: What is your favorite toon species?
6: Your favorite cog?
it’s a hard tie between minglers, mr. hollywoods, and flunkies. they’re all so valid.
7: Your favorite HQ and/or playground?
my favorite cog hq is lawbot hq, and my favorite playground is a tie between donald’s dock and donald’s dreamland.
8: What about cog boss fight? Which one is the most fun to you?
the cfo is the best boss fight. don’t @ me.
9: How long have you been playing? Have you been here all the way back from Toontown Online’s original release up until its closure? Did you just start playing recently?
i started playing way back in 2006 on tto with my brother, sister, and mom, and played it all the way up until its closing. In those seven years i got a 137 laffer, a 135 laffer, a 132 laffer, a 115 laffer, and a 39 laff four-track uber because I was homeschooled and had no life. i started playing ttr the day it came out on open beta and went from there!
10: What is your favorite gag?
hypno goggles, which is conveniently the name of my blog. winking noises
11: What stuff do you like besides Toontown? Other fandoms you’re in? Hobbies? Bands/music artists? Whatever you can think of.
i sort of like a little bit of everything from different anime and cartoons and books and games and stuff.
12: Do/Did you play any other MMO’s/MMORPG’s/Other Multiplayer games?
i used to play elsword online and blade & soul but i’ve mostly quit both games. the only other mmo I regularly play alongside ttr is closers online, currently.
13: Do you consider yourself social?
... kinda? i’m too shy to start conversations and friendships myself but if someone talks to me first, i don’t shut up. it’s awful.
14: Do you play Toontown frequently?
i have a terrible habit of binge playing for a month then not touching the game for four months.
15: What’s your favorite thing to do in Toontown? (try to max your toons, play trolley games, talk to people, do fashion shows/parties, help new users, ect. ect.)
if i actively did anything remotely productive in this game, bubbles would be 137 already
16: What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you in the game?
this is moreso terrifying than funny, but some months back i was in a ceo on bubbles and like, the ceo bumped into her, and instead of her getting knocked down then getting back up she repeated the animation like five times and lost like 65 laff and went sad. he was blinking red. i didn’t touch the game for like a month after that.
17: Is there anything that really annoys you that happens/people do in the game?
please, for the love of everything that is toony, stop hopping in people’s buildings at the last frickin’ second without asking, ESPECIALLY just to train YOUR gags when I got this building to train MY gags
18: Not Toontown related, but usually this tells a lot about a person- what’s your favorite fictional character(s), if any?
please don’t make me list a specific character but i’m a sucker for angry tsundere types and sarcastic smartass types
19: What’s your favorite thing about Toonblr?
everyone has such beautiful ocs. i’m stuffing them all in my bag and adopting them. i am their dad.
20: Anything else you’d like to share? Your main blog/other blogs you run? Fun facts about you? What you ate for breakfast? Go wild.
this questionnaire is like a year old and i would’ve totally forgotten about it if it weren’t for the fact i decided to check my drafts.
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Good Dads Deserve Reward
Genre: Romance
Rating: R-13
Pairing: Apostasia x F!Mastermind
A soft smile crossed the Mastermind’s face at the sight of her husband sleeping on the bed. It’s almost unbelievable that someone who was known for his abominable characteristics would do so much for her. MM thought it’s cute; but at the same time, she felt bad for giving almost all of the responsibilities to Sia. She didn’t think it would take a toll on the celestial.
Setting a cup of warm chocolate on the bedside table, MM sat next to Sia. She let a hand run through the strands of her husband’s hair and then leaned over. With a soft kiss to the man’s cheek, she pressed her lips against his ear and whispered, “Wake up, Daddy.”
As Sia’s eyes fluttered open, MM picked up the cup and took a sip from it. Sia propped himself up against the headboard and took the cup from MM when it was handed to him, the smell of the chocolate filling his nose. His mind was still a bit foggy from sleep; but he could pretty much tell that he’d slept long enough, which was a luxury he couldn’t afford as of late due to the demands of his role.
“Don’t worry; the baby’s sleeping,” MM assured him with a smile.
The baby’s sleeping. Good.
Sia didn’t make any response. He brought the cup to his lips and began to sip on the warm liquid, feeling it travel down his throat and completely wash away the sleepiness from his mind. Soon he felt arms wrap around his waist, his wife snuggling up to him and pressing her head against his side in an almost adorable way.
“Thanks, Sia,” he heard her say, sounding sleepy. “You’re a really great daddy. I couldn’t ask for more.”
Hearing this almost made him smile. Of course.
Sia was willing to do anything for MM even as far as assuming the role of being the mother and father to their child. It’s not like MM was neglecting her duties as a mother; but he knew MM was a busy person, so he’d rather not bother her when she’s deep into her research and experiments. After all, she’s doing her best. And it’s not like he didn’t like taking care of the baby.
Sia closed his eyes and made a low humming sound as a response, taking another sip from his cup.
“I love your buns.”
This almost made him frown, the words reminding him of that time when he was forced to tie his hair in buns so the baby wouldn’t chew on his hair. He was about to express his distaste for the memory when he felt a hand travel down to his side and try to squeeze his hind. His eyes widened a bit, his gaze shifting to the femme fatale whom was now climbing onto his lap.
“Daddy deserves a reward for a job well done, doesn’t he?” MM purred as she began to unbutton her vest, a smile full of lust and longing playing on her lips. “Don’t worry; the baby’s sleeping.”
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spirify · 7 years
Black Oath― CH. 1
Chapter 1  ― by. iReii  | Lu x Ciel
“Corrupt my mortals, I will give you my soul― the contract of black oath.”
BGM |  Haikyuu!! OST - Team Potential (Extended)
The boy sprinted with heavy pants as he scurried through pieces of broken edifice plastered with fresh blood. The cries of many villagers echoed loudly into his ear although he tried his best to ignore them. Innocent tears were constantly forming within his midnight blue colored eyes, and hopelessly they fell upon the villagers that are now in an eternal sleep, after experiencing the devastation. The boy glanced behind, only to take a glimpse of devilish horns and black fire burning through the intricate village once called home. As his gazed was focused on the background behind him, the boy clumsily tripped on fallen debris and helplessly fell upon. He raised himself up with the little force he has, only to have his palms painted with blood of his father. How desperately he wanted to cry in plea, while embracing his lifeless father within his arms, yet he had no time to lose. With two knees that has been scraped along the cobblestone, he ran and ran; until he faced a dead end. He glanced around with panic and found thrown away boxes along with trashes that were laying across the ground lazily. He swiftly grabbed the items near him and covered himself, the darkness of fear overwhelming his soul as he shivered in angst.
The boy’s heart was pounding rather furiously and beads of sweat was trickling down the side of his face in nervousness. He clenched his fist so tightly that his own nails were digging through his skin, blood slowly forming within his fingertips which was soon absorbed by his nails. He constantly prayed, for his family to be alive, for his friends to be alive, for his village to be alive. Yet the devastating sight of his dead father flew across his mind within that split second, and the boy couldn’t do anything except to let out silent desperation.
How long has it been? He thought, as he continued to shiver in fear as he closed his eyes in order to block the corruptions. Even before he could reanalyze his own thoughts, a hint of soft warmth embraced his cheek. As the warmth he wished for, the warmth he prayed for tickled his own skin, the boy slowly fluttered his eyes open. He glimpsed a silky, smooth white hair fluttering in the dusty wind, along with crystal blue eyes that shined in the void of darkness. He glanced up as he constantly blinked in order to clear his blurry vision, yet it was no use. Clumps of blood and dust have been collected on top of his eyelashes, clouding his eyesight as he desperately tried to clear his focus of the woman. She did not say anything, she did not show any emotion; the only expression the boy could acknowledge was the warmth of her hand as if was reassuring him. The boy closed his eyes, for how tired he was, and slowly the tenderness of her hands faded him to a peaceful sleep.
Sunshine peeked its way through the obstacles and made its ways on top of dark blue colored eyelashes, which was scrunched up due to sudden brightness. The midnight blue eyes that were covered by the clouds of eyelashes slowly revealed itself.
Ciel glanced about, then quickly came to a realization that he’s currently cuddled up in a sleeping bag, along with other members of the army that are in the same situation compared to Ciel. He let out a silent sigh and removed himself from the bag and folded it rather neatly and walked out of the room. The fresh air of crack of dawn welcomed the fair male as he inhaled deeply. With a deep exhale, he reflected back to just a mere year ago.
His entire family, no― his entire village have been swept by the devilish claws of the demons. The desperate plea of his friends and the sight of his dead father haunts him to every night as he always awake from nightmares, yet the ambitious feelings of revenge grows bigger and bigger within his soul. Then he remembers the mysterious woman with silky white hair, and with crystal clear eyes that seemed to shine its beauty past through the devastation. Who was she? He would wonder often times, yet no answers could be found. Years after the bloody event, he hadn’t spotted a single sight of her, but he knew, that she was not a mere illusion and that she was real, and she was the one that had helped him stand on his feet once again. Even he, does not know her exact existence. Is she human, or devil? Why was she there― in middle of a battle field? Those two were his main goals; to avenge and to find her. In order to achieve both of his goals, he knew for a fact that he had to grow stronger; joining the military that fights the demons was the only solution.
“Ready up, cadets,”
With those words, the young trainees in Demon Military Army raised their awarenesses and brushed off their sleepless exhaustion. Ciel grasped onto his dual gunblades and buckled them onto his side belt as he walked out of the room, as he always expects to fight a demon or to meet the woman; he always has to be alarmed and careful, not to make the tiniest mistake that will lose his chance of fulfilling his goals. He glanced down toward his hips, and the sun that has just rised shined its ways and reflected the true light of his dual gunblades. Gun and a blade, indeed it was a powerful weapon and that he is blessed with.
Before Ciel left on an embark to join the Demon Military Army, he sprinted along the fallen debris and dead bodies. For a  young boy who had just experienced traumatic fatalities of his loved ones, Ciel is considered to be courageous. Although he cried multiple shatters of tear, his screams did not echo throughout, instead, he would swallow the pain away. After passing the soulless body of his mother lying on the floor, he reached the basement of his house. Inside is the weapon that his father had kept away for years― he never knew why; perhaps it was for days like this. The dual gunblades, he picked up and with the weapon that contained the souls of his families, he seek avenge.
“Arms up,”
With the general’s alarming words, Ciel came back to his realization that he has entered the ancient battle ground. The intricate designs of the edifices are now piled upon each other, with dusts  that were collected along with overgrown plants embracing the broken puzzles that completes a building. From afar, Ciel heard hint of crows bickering, ready to snatch up any source of life within this ancient ground― but of course, not a single plant has bloomed within the bloody battlefield. He inspected further as he kept pace with rest of the army, yet somehow, this ancient ground seemed familiar and nostalgic. He caught a glimpse of a broken piece of door, which was painted in ivory and had intricate design. Then he saw a window, painted rich brown with two handles placed on the inside. Then the mixture of various gray colored cobblestone that rang loud and clear whenever a foot knocked on its surface. The copper colored roof that must have created a safe shelter for the villagers that once lived here. Then all of the puzzle pieces he had just glimpsed combined with one another to create the final picture― this ancient ground is his hometown. The place where he was given birth, the place where he created and defined his own morals, the place where he was part of a society, and the place where he said his last farewell.
“Cadet, don’t make us wait,”
The general’s voice echoed into Ciel’s ear as he realized that he had stopped his movement and was staring off into the ancient village while reminiscing his past. Ciel quickly bowed his head as apology and fastened his footsteps to catch up with rest of the army. The innocent memories of the past cannot interfere with his mission, for that will put him into a vulnerable situation and his goal will never be accomplished.
The general said with a rather quiet, yet firm voice. Acknowledging his warning, the entire group of army glanced about as they perked their ears up in order to detect any signs of demons lurking from behind. Indeed, the general was sharp. Ciel could feel a dark aura lingering in the air, not too far but not too close. The sound of sharp, but faint footsteps could be heard if one listened carefully, and the shadows of the demons swept back and forth behind the dark alleys.
At that moment, the general yelled firmly―
Placing one of his dual gun blade in the front and the other in the back, Ciel prepared for any sudden attacks by the demons. At last, the first step of avenging his family is bound to be happen, the place where his family died, is the place where he will fight.
All of a sudden, a demon lunged from the behind and quickly, Ciel swiped his movements to the left to dodge the piercing claws of the demon. He jumped back and aimed both of his dual gunblades  and shot out his first two bullets, cleanly killing the first attacker. He let out a quick sigh, the ancient battle ground will soon be plastered with blood once again― but this time, it will be the blood of the demons. Smile of triumph could be found under lips of the fighter and quickly he prepared for another attack ready to be lunged. Then at that moment, from the corners of his eyes, he saw a hint of long, silky white hair fluttering in the air. Without hesitation, he shifted his head with quick movements, but the sign of the white hair could not be found.
“At last… I’ve found you,”
He whispered.
this is my first lu x ciel fanfiction and i don’t have much knowledge about them, so this was totally out of my comfort zone! it’s kind of based on their actual lore with a little bit of differences that i added. lu is in altar of evil state and ciel is human. the story revolves around ciel and so lu won’t appear as that much. and there will be total of two chapters!! i hope you guys liked it, please leave a note! 
iReii’s fanfiction
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n74jw-blog · 7 years
Play Games Online - What is At present Out there?
Do you would like to play games online but aren't as well acquainted with what is presently available or tips on how to get began? Here's a speedy overview. Most on-line games are absolutely free, supported largely by ads, although some games charge users for premium features. Casual games would be the most well-liked since they may be user-friendly, uncomplicated to discover and can commonly be completed in ten minutes or much less. Massively multiplayer on-line games are rapidly gaining recognition and would be the subsequent key prospective game industry. Recent surveys carried out by Nielson show that 72.5% of households in the US have broadband connections. Homes with broadband connections are naturally the hottest target for on line games. Also advances in software program technologies, specifically the introduction of Java and Flash, have offered a increase to playing games on the web. Here's a summary on the many on line gaming options now readily available -- --Online Very first Individual Shooter Games These games allow you to take pleasure in an arena style of play whereby you take in your competitor head-to-head. Considering that the introduction of DOOM inside the early 90's this kind of online gaming has become very well known amongst the younger teenagers. What tends to make it a rage is its incredible graphics featuring exciting armed combat scenarios, deadly arsenals, and also a cast of nefarious enemies to shoot at. Children worldwide happen to be thrilled with all the release of Doom three, Far Cry, Halo2 and others. An additional, older on-line game, also with the initially particular person shooter variety, is what has been described as "The finest game ever" by the Computer Gamer Magazine. In Half Life 2 the player is tasked with saving Earth from deadly aliens who have attacked our world. It has won far more than one hundred gaming awards. An additional well-liked game may be the Jackal, which requires you to Africa in the search of a mysterious killer. To succeed inside your mission you have to exploit and play on the weaknesses of different warlords by way of crafting plots, utilizing force and organizing surprise attacks. --Strategic Games One more strategy to play games online is real time strategic games, which match you against other players or you are able to join a group or even a board and type lobbies within the game rooms. Some well known options to select from are Pokemonindigo, exactly where you may team up with as several as 6 members and battle your rivals to prove your team's supremacy. This is a absolutely free game and may be played indefinitely. Another award-winning game is Microsoft Age of Empires, where players must construct up their tribes' wealth and civilization by waging and winning war, thereby adding to their wealth. For anyone who is a Star Trek movie fan, then Netrek is the game for you personally where two teams representing two distinct forces fight for handle over the galaxy by combating enemy spaceships and conquering planets. --Web Browser-Based Games With the advancement in web technologies like JSP, HTML, Flash and Java, complex web browser-based games had been developed by developers which use Windows Explorer internet browser as a client. These are mostly single player games exactly where a user can develop substantial scores, but these days several multiplayer games are also becoming developed. The most significant advantage of these games is the fact that they do not call for any software program installation at your finish. The most well-known with the browser-based on-line games is definitely the well-known arcade game Pac Man. Other free arcade games is often searched at Freearcade.com. Browser- primarily based pet games are also extremely well-liked, like Neopets an Net Pet exactly where you are able to "virtually" adopt and play together with your own pet. You may even purchase them collars, meals, toys and the like. This sort of game is a significant hit amongst grade-school-age children who play games online. --Massively Multiplayer On line Games As said, high speed broadband access has produced a massive marketplace for massively multiplayer on the net games (MMOG's) exactly where men and women from around the globe can login and play simultaneously. You will find numerous forms of MMOG games, by far the most preferred getting massively multiplayer on-line role playing games or MMORPG. The ideal instance of MMORPG is Cyberdunk, the basketball MMORPG exactly where you are able to be a player, a trainer or even personal your individual basketball team. As in any function playing game you have fictitious "avatars" whose looks and actions could be controlled by you. If you would like to, you are able to outfit your avatars with coaching equipment and distinct accessories. The different players can even interact with one another. Some MMORPGS are also based on fantasy themes like sword fights, comic characters and even science fiction. Already, this sector with the gaming enterprise is taking inside a cool billion bucks a year. Discover much more information elsword free k-ching
0 notes
thegreenninja-blog · 7 years
Play Games Online - What's Currently Around?
Do you would like to play games online but are not also familiar with what is currently out there or ways to get began? Here's a swift overview. Most on the net games are free of charge, supported largely by advertisements, although some games charge customers for premium capabilities. Casual games are the most common because they're user-friendly, straightforward to study and can ordinarily be completed in 10 minutes or much less. Massively multiplayer on the internet games are fast gaining popularity and would be the next important potential game industry. Recent surveys carried out by Nielson show that 72.5% of households within the US have broadband connections. Residences with broadband connections are naturally the hottest target for on the internet games. Also advances in software program technology, particularly the introduction of Java and Flash, have offered a increase to playing games on line. Here's a summary of the several on the web gaming choices now accessible -- --Online Initially Person Shooter Games These games enable you to delight in an arena style of play whereby you take on your competitor head-to-head. Given that the introduction of DOOM in the early 90's this type of on the internet gaming has turn into really well-liked amongst the younger teenagers. What makes it a rage is its amazing graphics featuring fascinating armed combat scenarios, deadly arsenals, and a cast of nefarious enemies to shoot at. Youngsters worldwide happen to be thrilled using the release of Doom 3, Far Cry, Halo2 and other folks. One more, older on the web game, also in the 1st particular person shooter kind, is what has been described as "The best game ever" by the Computer Gamer Magazine. In Half Life 2 the player is tasked with saving Earth from deadly aliens who have attacked our world. It has won much more than one hundred gaming awards. An additional common game is the Jackal, which takes you to Africa inside the search of a mysterious killer. To succeed inside your mission you have to exploit and play on the weaknesses of numerous warlords through crafting plots, utilizing force and planning surprise attacks. --Strategic Games An additional way to play games online is actual time strategic games, which match you against other players or you may join a group or a board and type lobbies in the game rooms. Some well known options to pick from are Pokemonindigo, exactly where you are able to team up with as a lot of as six members and battle your rivals to prove your team's supremacy. This is a cost-free game and may be played indefinitely. Another award-winning game is Microsoft Age of Empires, exactly where players need to build up their tribes' wealth and civilization by waging and winning war, thereby adding to their wealth. If you're a Star Trek movie fan, then Netrek could be the game for you exactly where two teams representing two distinctive forces fight for manage more than the galaxy by combating enemy spaceships and conquering planets. --Web Browser-Based Games With the advancement in net technologies like JSP, HTML, Flash and Java, complicated net browser-based games had been created by developers which use Windows Explorer web browser as a client. They are mostly single player games where a user can generate enormous scores, but presently quite a few multiplayer games are also being developed. The most significant benefit of these games is the fact that they don't call for any software installation at your finish. Probably the most preferred of the browser-based on line games could be the well-known arcade game Pac Man. Other absolutely free arcade games may be searched at Freearcade.com. Browser- primarily based pet games are also really common, such as Neopets an Net Pet exactly where you are able to "virtually" adopt and play with your own pet. You could even obtain them collars, meals, toys along with the like. This sort of game is really a huge hit amongst grade-school-age youngsters who play games online. --Massively Multiplayer On the internet Games As said, higher speed broadband access has developed a massive market place for massively multiplayer on the internet games (MMOG's) exactly where people today from all over the world can login and play simultaneously. You'll find many sorts of MMOG games, essentially the most well known becoming massively multiplayer on-line part playing games or MMORPG. The very best example of MMORPG is Cyberdunk, the basketball MMORPG where you'll be able to be a player, a trainer or perhaps personal your personal basketball team. As in any part playing game you might have fictitious "avatars" whose looks and actions may be controlled by you. If you would like to, you could outfit your avatars with coaching gear and diverse accessories. The different players can even interact with one another. Some MMORPGS are also determined by fantasy themes like sword fights, comic characters as well as science fiction. Currently, this sector of the gaming small business is taking inside a cool billion bucks a year. Find out much more info elsword free k-ching
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fatfitgal-blog · 7 years
Play Games Online - What is Currently Available?
Do you want to play games online but are not also familiar with what's at present out there or the best way to get began? Here's a rapid overview. Most on the web games are free, supported largely by ads, even though some games charge users for premium capabilities. Casual games are the most popular simply because they may be user-friendly, quick to learn and can usually be completed in 10 minutes or less. Massively multiplayer on the internet games are quickly gaining popularity and would be the subsequent big potential game industry. Current surveys carried out by Nielson show that 72.5% of households within the US have broadband connections. Houses with broadband connections are naturally the hottest target for on-line games. Also advances in application technology, especially the introduction of Java and Flash, have provided a boost to playing games on-line. Here's a summary on the different on the internet gaming selections now available -- --Online Initial Particular person Shooter Games These games permit you to take pleasure in an arena style of play whereby you take on your competitor head-to-head. Given that the introduction of DOOM inside the early 90's this sort of on the web gaming has grow to be very well-known amongst the younger teenagers. What tends to make it a rage is its incredible graphics featuring exciting armed combat scenarios, deadly arsenals, plus a cast of nefarious enemies to shoot at. Youngsters worldwide happen to be thrilled with all the release of Doom three, Far Cry, Halo2 and others. A different, older on the internet game, also in the first particular person shooter variety, is what has been described as "The ideal game ever" by the Computer Gamer Magazine. In Half Life two the player is tasked with saving Earth from deadly aliens that have attacked our planet. It has won much more than 100 gaming awards. A further well known game is the Jackal, which requires you to Africa in the search of a mysterious killer. To succeed inside your mission you have got to exploit and play around the weaknesses of various warlords by means of crafting plots, applying force and preparing surprise attacks. --Strategic Games An additional strategy to play games online is real time strategic games, which match you against other players or you could join a group or a board and form lobbies within the game rooms. Some common alternatives to pick from are Pokemonindigo, exactly where you can team up with as several as 6 members and battle your rivals to prove your team's supremacy. This is a free game and can be played indefinitely. An additional award-winning game is Microsoft Age of Empires, where players must construct up their tribes' wealth and civilization by waging and winning war, thereby adding to their wealth. For anyone who is a Star Trek movie fan, then Netrek is definitely the game for you personally exactly where two teams representing two distinctive forces fight for control more than the galaxy by combating enemy spaceships and conquering planets. --Web Browser-Based Games Using the advancement in internet technologies like JSP, HTML, Flash and Java, complex internet browser-based games had been developed by developers which use Windows Explorer internet browser as a client. They are mostly single player games exactly where a user can make big scores, but nowadays many multiplayer games are also being developed. The biggest advantage of these games is that they do not need any application installation at your end. Essentially the most well known with the browser-based on the internet games could be the famous arcade game Pac Man. Other free arcade games might be searched at Freearcade.com. Browser- primarily based pet games are also really preferred, such as Neopets an Net Pet exactly where you could "virtually" adopt and play with your personal pet. It is possible to even invest in them collars, meals, toys along with the like. This type of game is often a major hit among grade-school-age children who play games online. --Massively Multiplayer On-line Games As stated, high speed broadband access has created an enormous market place for massively multiplayer on the net games (MMOG's) where individuals from all over the world can login and play simultaneously. You will find different varieties of MMOG games, by far the most preferred getting massively multiplayer on the net role playing games or MMORPG. The most beneficial instance of MMORPG is Cyberdunk, the basketball MMORPG where it is possible to be a player, a trainer or even own your personal basketball group. As in any role playing game you have fictitious "avatars" whose appears and actions might be controlled by you. If you want to, you may outfit your avatars with training gear and unique accessories. The a variety of players can even interact with one another. Some MMORPGS are also depending on fantasy themes like sword fights, comic characters and in some cases science fiction. Currently, this sector of the gaming company is taking in a cool billion bucks a year. Discover more info elsword free k-ching
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hellisnowlove-blog1 · 7 years
Play Games Online - What's At present Available?
Do you wish to play games online but aren't as well familiar with what is currently out there or the best way to get began? Here's a speedy overview. Most on line games are free, supported mostly by ads, even though some games charge users for premium capabilities. Casual games will be the most preferred simply because they are user-friendly, easy to find out and can commonly be completed in 10 minutes or much less. Massively multiplayer on-line games are rapid gaining recognition and are the next key prospective game industry. Recent surveys carried out by Nielson show that 72.5% of households inside the US have broadband connections. Homes with broadband connections are naturally the hottest target for on the net games. Also advances in application technology, in particular the introduction of Java and Flash, have given a boost to playing games online. Here's a summary of your several on line gaming choices now out there -- --Online First Particular person Shooter Games These games permit you to love an arena style of play whereby you take in your competitor head-to-head. Since the introduction of DOOM in the early 90's this kind of on the web gaming has grow to be exceptionally well-liked among the younger teenagers. What tends to make it a rage is its wonderful graphics featuring thrilling armed combat scenarios, deadly arsenals, plus a cast of nefarious enemies to shoot at. Children worldwide happen to be thrilled using the release of Doom 3, Far Cry, Halo2 and other individuals. An additional, older on-line game, also with the initial person shooter sort, is what has been described as "The very best game ever" by the Computer Gamer Magazine. In Half Life two the player is tasked with saving Earth from deadly aliens who've attacked our world. It has won extra than 100 gaming awards. Another preferred game would be the Jackal, which requires you to Africa within the search of a mysterious killer. To succeed in your mission you might have to exploit and play around the weaknesses of a variety of warlords via crafting plots, making use of force and planning surprise attacks. --Strategic Games A further technique to play games online is actual time strategic games, which match you against other players or you are able to join a group or maybe a board and type lobbies within the game rooms. Some well-liked options to pick from are Pokemonindigo, exactly where you may team up with as many as 6 members and battle your rivals to prove your team's supremacy. This can be a free of charge game and can be played indefinitely. A further award-winning game is Microsoft Age of Empires, exactly where players have to construct up their tribes' wealth and civilization by waging and winning war, thereby adding to their wealth. If you are a Star Trek film fan, then Netrek could be the game for you personally where two teams representing two various forces fight for control more than the galaxy by combating enemy spaceships and conquering planets. --Web Browser-Based Games Using the advancement in net technologies like JSP, HTML, Flash and Java, complicated net browser-based games were developed by developers which use Windows Explorer web browser as a client. They are largely single player games where a user can produce large scores, but nowadays several multiplayer games are also becoming developed. The most significant benefit of those games is the fact that they don't call for any software program installation at your finish. Essentially the most popular in the browser-based on line games may be the well-known arcade game Pac Man. Other absolutely free arcade games may be searched at Freearcade.com. Browser- based pet games are also incredibly well-known, for instance Neopets an Net Pet where you could "virtually" adopt and play together with your own pet. You are able to even invest in them collars, meals, toys as well as the like. This kind of game is a huge hit among grade-school-age youngsters who play games online. --Massively Multiplayer On the internet Games As mentioned, higher speed broadband access has designed an enormous market for massively multiplayer on line games (MMOG's) exactly where people from all over the world can login and play simultaneously. You will find many types of MMOG games, essentially the most well-liked getting massively multiplayer online part playing games or MMORPG. The most beneficial instance of MMORPG is Cyberdunk, the basketball MMORPG exactly where you'll be able to be a player, a trainer or even personal your own basketball group. As in any part playing game you have fictitious "avatars" whose looks and actions could be controlled by you. If you need to, it is possible to outfit your avatars with training equipment and distinct accessories. The several players can even interact with one another. Some MMORPGS are also according to fantasy themes like sword fights, comic characters and also science fiction. Currently, this sector on the gaming small business is taking inside a cool billion bucks a year. Learn a lot more information elsword free k-ching
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Play Games Online - What is Presently Out there?
Do you would like to play games online but aren't too acquainted with what is at present out there or how to get began? Here's a swift overview. Most online games are totally free, supported mainly by advertisements, though some games charge users for premium capabilities. Casual games will be the most well-liked mainly because they may be user-friendly, effortless to find out and may usually be completed in ten minutes or much less. Massively multiplayer on the net games are speedy gaining popularity and will be the next main potential game market place. Current surveys conducted by Nielson show that 72.5% of households within the US have broadband connections. Properties with broadband connections are naturally the hottest target for on the net games. Also advances in computer software technologies, especially the introduction of Java and Flash, have offered a boost to playing games on the internet. Here's a summary of the various on the web gaming selections now out there -- --Online First Individual Shooter Games These games let you to appreciate an arena style of play whereby you take in your competitor head-to-head. Given that the introduction of DOOM in the early 90's this sort of on the internet gaming has come to be extremely preferred among the younger teenagers. What tends to make it a rage is its amazing graphics featuring fascinating armed combat scenarios, deadly arsenals, in addition to a cast of nefarious enemies to shoot at. Children worldwide happen to be thrilled with all the release of Doom three, Far Cry, Halo2 and other people. A different, older on-line game, also on the initial individual shooter variety, is what has been described as "The most effective game ever" by the Pc Gamer Magazine. In Half Life 2 the player is tasked with saving Earth from deadly aliens who have attacked our globe. It has won much more than 100 gaming awards. One more common game may be the Jackal, which takes you to Africa inside the search of a mysterious killer. To succeed in your mission you've got to exploit and play around the weaknesses of numerous warlords via crafting plots, applying force and planning surprise attacks. --Strategic Games An additional approach to play games online is actual time strategic games, which match you against other players or you could join a group or perhaps a board and form lobbies inside the game rooms. Some well known possibilities to pick from are Pokemonindigo, where you are able to group up with as numerous as six members and battle your rivals to prove your team's supremacy. This can be a no cost game and may be played indefinitely. An additional award-winning game is Microsoft Age of Empires, where players need to construct up their tribes' wealth and civilization by waging and winning war, thereby adding to their wealth. For anyone who is a Star Trek movie fan, then Netrek could be the game for you where two teams representing two different forces fight for manage over the galaxy by combating enemy spaceships and conquering planets. --Web Browser-Based Games With the advancement in net technologies like JSP, HTML, Flash and Java, complicated net browser-based games had been created by developers which use Windows Explorer net browser as a client. These are largely single player games where a user can produce big scores, but presently many multiplayer games are also being developed. The biggest benefit of these games is that they do not need any application installation at your finish. By far the most common of the browser-based online games could be the renowned arcade game Pac Man. Other no cost arcade games could be searched at Freearcade.com. Browser- primarily based pet games are also pretty preferred, which include Neopets an Net Pet exactly where you are able to "virtually" adopt and play along with your own pet. It is possible to even acquire them collars, meals, toys along with the like. This kind of game is a major hit among grade-school-age children who play games online. --Massively Multiplayer On line Games As mentioned, higher speed broadband access has designed a massive marketplace for massively multiplayer on the internet games (MMOG's) exactly where folks from all over the world can login and play simultaneously. You'll find several types of MMOG games, by far the most common being massively multiplayer on the net function playing games or MMORPG. The ideal example of MMORPG is Cyberdunk, the basketball MMORPG where you could be a player, a trainer or perhaps personal your very own basketball team. As in any role playing game you have got fictitious "avatars" whose appears and actions is often controlled by you. If you want to, you could outfit your avatars with coaching gear and diverse accessories. The various players can even interact with each other. Some MMORPGS are also based on fantasy themes like sword fights, comic characters and in some cases science fiction. Already, this sector from the gaming enterprise is taking in a cool billion bucks a year. Discover much more information elsword free k-ching
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