tinovalduvieco · 5 months
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Visita guiada al Jaciment Romà del Roser .
Calella.Maresme 01-05-2024
©Tino Valduvieco
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Which muse is the one who enjoys reading romance novels? What's each muse's favorite genre of book to read/movie to watch?
unprompted asks | always accepting | @offrozenmemoirs
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Four syllables for you: Ai-mon El-rose. A prolific reader and investor in the arts, Aimon is very open to xyr accrued collection of novels and is very opinionated on which authors are the best and worst. A prior post better details the reasoning behind xyr insistence on creating a grand collection, which can be read here.
Xe will always take more to read fiction than nonfiction and would be very exuberant to take another enjoyer of romance. If anything, he will be direct and would give a chance to convene with someone who reads it. The truth of the matter is that Drakeshadow is suffocating in the many things he likes and what he does; resistance is had in many different ways, but letting himself digest and indulge in something that does not harm, impede, or abuse the power of someone is a very odd (and low hanging fruit) of resisting. 
At a point, I discussed with Luca ( @offrozenmemoirs ) that Aimon and Seraph would be the top contenders to start a book club and be as quick to bond with each other if they met in circumstances different from what goes on in the campaign. 
For all characters these are their genres of preference for reading:
Aimon—As stated in the beginning half of the ask, romance fiction is one of my favorite genres. The specific subgenres would be a historical romance that usually predates the Graneyean Empire's presence in Nihiran; these texts are significantly challenging to find and could be lost to time (hence Aimon's efforts to collect and preserve them). Nonfiction-wise, xe prioritizes finding illustrated books related to architecture, usually visual dictionaries and engineering books detailing modern and alternative technologies used globally. Their status in the Graneyean Empire makes this remarkably easier to locate and purchase. 
Discoverer—As an entity presenting more of a phenomenon, written or oral knowledge considered niche or "lost" would favor them. Genre means nothing to them as long as there is gain or, as its name suggests, something to discover. 
Estranha—Nonfiction writing that includes self-help autobiographies that venture into journal writing and, secretly, self-sabotaging. Most of their catalog has essays regarding the subject of their thesis. They have also been giving a chance to fiction, specifically children's fiction. 
Juniper—After spending countless years in the most wealthy library in the Graneyean Empire, this retired cat enjoys spending her late nights reading books on travel, specifically Tahrea, where her wife is from, and culinary. The latter isn't necessarily for learning new recipes but for reading through the autobiographical parts of a recipe writer's life (or their experience at a particular food establishment). Fiction-wise, they enjoy short stories and tend to pick up a good leaflet that offers several stories written by different authors with a vague uniting theme. 
Maisie—Called "nerd" in her first session by the DMistress herself, it would not be unusual to admit that reading materials often venture into nonfiction (i.e., cultural studies, history, and theory). However, this is not her preference since those are read not out of pleasure but necessity. She enjoys thriller and suspense novels but is very biased toward ancient myths. Sweetly, she carries a copy of her brother's old manuscripts to read throughout her travels when she has ample time to relax. 
Sino—Much like her counterpart, the gnome has a good list of reading material that explores theory-crafting and history due to her work with her patron. Unlike Maisie, Sino finds these enjoyable because they better acquaint themselves with the shadow plane. Her personal reading taste would include a guide on weapon maintenance and, hilariously, unsolved mysteries. 
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wordtotherose · 2 years
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An experimental exploration of autistic memory and communication, The Fisherman is my debut poetry collection coming out 19th March this year! Published by Barnard Publishing this promises to be a book that is made to be questioned, mulled over, and dove into by all readers. Keep an eye out over the next couple of months to see sneak peeks and learn more about upcoming launch events!
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mofred · 9 months
el Rosal
versión en movimiento
*publicado en www.instagram.com/lafalfy
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tuinmuebleseguro · 2 years
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EL ROSAL. Moderno apartamento TOTALMENTE REMODELADO. Listo para mudarse. Mtrs2: 50 2 habitaciones 2 baños 2 puestos de estacionamiento Precio: 155.000 MLS: 23-22919 . ALEXIS MOLINS Profesional Inmobiliario. 📞+ 58.424.2463544 / + 58.412.7255377 📧[email protected] . . #oportunidad #rentahouselalagunita #inmobiliaria #compra #venta #alquiler #realtor #caracas #lujo #confort #felicidad #abundancia #prosperidad #elrosal https://www.instagram.com/p/CpOcIbqN2aw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yagamisdiary · 2 months
I’m a person who views things further than they need to be, i’m just very imaginative in general as well as sentimental. of course we all feel emotional for eldia ending but genuinely there’s something so emotional about the fact we have grown up with both books and it’s a little scary to think how much time has passed and how many eras we have seen together as a community. Now that wasn’t even the point I was going for but might as well share what I was thinking lmaoo but I was going to say how I think of stories even after they end and make up so many scenarios and I was just thinking about the last chapter of eldia, andromeda and elrose will truly never understand how close their parents and friends truly were, how mikasa and y/n were practically two peas in a pod and how deeply they felt for each other and how jean and y/n has so much chemistry since kids. I think what gets me the most is they’ll never know elijah and of course ambrose and their grandparents it’s kinda sad to think how y/n has spent so much time with out them and it hits deeper knowing she has the power to heal and bring back life like how ironic and sad it is, you know? but I was thinking it’s the same how y/n only views her parents as just her parents and not their past and their feelings which is the same thing for her now and the twins, they truly will never understand the whole story and feelings shared between everyone and how it was like for their mother to grow up with her brothers and jean. this kinda all hit me while reading the end when they all run together it’s just very weird to think about feelings of characters who aren’t even physically real and it makes me feel a little more than intended. Anyway that’s all I wanted to say but the book and community have always been so close to me it brings me such nostalgia to remember the early years. 💜 thank you amara
OMGGGGG this just made me so sad because ur so right 😭 i just feel like one day they’re gonna ask her about everything and she’s gonna drop the most INSANE lore ever
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offrozenmemoirs · 3 months
“ how do you take your coffee? ” / Maisie and Ariortos.
Morning After || Accepting! @allthatisleftinthedark
Ariortos isn't exactly sure why he's allowed one of Nelia's friends to stay over, given that his sister lives in Drakeshadow. Though, he supposes he appreciates someone who keeps an eye on her, and encourages her. If there was one thing a Zarin always needed, it was people to push them to greater heights and ambitions. As far as what he's gotten from Maisie, she seems to be rather focused. He wouldn't admit that he looked her up, finding out that she seemed to be in House Elrose's good graces nearly put him off, but perhaps that could be turned to be useful.
A part of him, did enjoy their conversations. Perhaps she could be said to be the only other person besides his longtime friend and research partner Corvus that he got along with. He does find himself to be confused by her at times, given her personality. Sometimes Nelia talked about her friends in her letters or with him the few times he decided to return to Drakeshadow to visit her. She got along with the gnomish woman, and in turn, gave Maisie heart attacks with some of her experiments.
[Perhaps it's a good idea to try and put more effort into interpersonal relationships. Knowing Nelia's friends could be useful in the future. I can always use more outlets to have more information delivered to me.]
Her voice reaches his ears, and he stands up. He grunts as he begins to walk over to the woman in his kitchen, cane tapping on the ground. He could walk without a cane, but it tended to hurt more. Wyvern's poison tended to have outright fatal effects on most people, with him, it merely gave him nerve damage in his left leg that had a dull, constant throbbing pain on a good day, and could be crippling on a particularly bad one.
"I don't drink coffee, I find that it makes me lose my focus too easily. Not to mention, I don't like the feeling that caffeine gives me.
He remembers trying coffee as a child and his father's amused expression as he not only burned his tongue but hated the taste of it. Since then, he had stuck to tea exclusively. Not to mention that he hated the crash that had come with caffeine. He hated how sluggish it made him afterwards.
"I'll make myself some ginger tea. You can try some if you'd like."
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ofthescatteredstars · 11 months
Intro / Pinned Post
This is a private and selective blog focused on characters I have made for the P.F2.e ttrpg setting, across two campaigns I play with my friends (one of which I also GM for). This blog will mostly consist of worldbuilding, character building, scattered thoughts, and other such things relevant to my characters.
Activity will, as always, be sporadic, but all interaction is welcome. Also, icons and other formatting will not be present on this blog, and it will remain a text-heavy blog for the foreseeable future.
Below is a small summary of the available characters on this blog, with a few side muses being present upon request only;
The Twin Orchids
Soup Thornshield, seer elf, any pronouns. A travelling minstrel, runaway of one of the most notable families in the Graneyean Empire, and the ex-husband of Godiva Thornshield, the greatest blacksmith in Albarea. Favoured by the Lord of Spring, he uses her gifts to combat the forces of chaos with his beloved party members, using both his sorcery and his trusty fire poi to enchant his enemies in their last moments. Currently travelling with his beloved companions, Sino and Seraph.
Orchidus Flores, seer elf, he/they. A version of Soup from another timeline where he took the throne of House Elrose under his birth name, Salphan. Following a triapse into the void encouraged by his faithful companion, Severia Sarranne, he changed his ways and likewise abandoned the empire and the oligarchy, taking to the ground and fighting all those who would attempt to exploit the power vacuum of his making. Currently travelling within his own world with his acquaintances, Maisie and Makoto.
The Crownswatch
Dejin Rafaello Stabile, human, he/him. A compassionate and charming human mercenary of apparently Meraviglian origin. Once the romantic partner of beloved Crownswatch member Yorgos Megalos, the brother of Cassius, he now works to fill the void left behind by him - and is now equally as motivated to do all he can to save Yorgos' brother, Cassius Crow, wherever he may be. Currently recovering from injuries at Crownswatch Headquarters.
Garur Drakejaw, orc, they/them. A scrappy and jolly orcish barbarian, previously beholden to Clan Shatterstone, but changed their loyalties to the far-more-accepting Clan Drakejaw. For reasons they have yet to disclose, they now work for the Crownswatch to keep the peace in Tahrea in any way they can. Currently searching for Nowhere, and running other small jobs where they can.
Khiye Vasilescu, half-elf, she/they. A mysterious, knowledgeable, and sarcastic thaumaturge employed as a field medic for the Crownswatch. She is the caretaker of Nowhere, the tiefling, and arguably the most educated member of the four Crownswatch members that tend to form the same familiar squad. Currently heading back to Crownswatch Headquarters with Nowhere in tow.
Nowhere, tiefling, it/she. A feral, aggressive, and mischievous tiefling who behaves in a way that can only be described as animalistic. Although she is only able to communicate in growls, hisses, and other such noises, as well as very rudimentary sign language, she is apparently far smarter than she appears, and is able to understand everyone else's words and intentions perfectly fine. Currently travelling with her beloved caretaker, Khiye.
Those Stricken by the Elements
Cassius Crow, human, he/him. The bastard child of Petros Megalos, the reliquary keeper of the Graneyean Empire, and an unknown mother. After his brother's death, he was overcome by grief and an overwhelming need to prove his own strength to himself, his father, and the world at large. After unsuccessfully attempting to use Starflayer to connect himself to the power of the Astral Plane, and being stopped by the group of advenrurers that would go on to name themselves Team Crow, his essence was scattered across the elemental chaos, to apparently float aimlessly forever. Current location unknown.
Parveen Storm, suli, he/they. The bastard child of a genie and a refugee from a crumbling empire, born in a city of industry and raised in a city of freedom and indulgence. After coming into a set of elemental powers he scarcely understood how to control, he sought the help of Fourwinds Monastery, both to hone his skills, and to find a place he could finally belong. Currently serving the Cardinal of the Four Winds, in the ultimate mission to rid the world of the Maelstrom that plagues the skies above Tahrea.
The Cardinal of the Four Winds, unknown race, they/them. Prophesized figure of near-deific status, recently arrived to the world to purge the world of the tyranny of the Maelstrom. Bound by duty, or perhaps some other force, to Fourwinds Monastery, they direct their followers in their prophesized mission, striving to protect the land from elemental devastation. Currently within Fourwinds Monastery.
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mylenemadelo · 3 days
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Guide Questions I asked during the interview:
• What’s been the most challenging part of your week?
• What do you think has been the hardest part about dealing with that challenge?
• What are the main distractions you face when studying?
• How long do you usually stay focused before you start getting distracted?
• Can you describe what happens when you try to focus while studying?
• Have you noticed any specific patterns or triggers that cause you to lose focus?
• What strategies have you tried to help improve your focus?
In today's modern and fast-paced digital world, many individuals are struggling to maintain focus during study sessions. The demands of modern education and constant distractions like smartphones and social media make focus and concentration a daily challenge for many. During a recent interview, I spoke with Elrose, a graduate preparing for her licensure examination, who shared her struggles with focus. Her story reflects on countless students including me.
“At maximum, I can only focus one hour every time I study,” she explained “After that, I tend to lose my concentration because I can’t help but use my phone and browse on the internet,” Elrose said which describes her concern every week that even in review centers, where the environment is designed for studying, distractions are difficult to avoid. Like many of us, Elrose finds it a hard time to focus on one thing for a long period. Her experience is not uncommon. Students today face a challenge due to being accustomed to technology and being easily distracted making it an everyday challenge to stay focused for extended time.
One simple innovation will constrain her from using her smartphone and develop an app to limit her daily usage. An app that can still be used for emergencies but will automatically lock itself if it detects that the user is using too much screen time.
Another practical solution is the use of functional beverages which is a combination of natural ingredients known to enhance an individual’s cognitive function such as focus with the convenience of a drink. This functional beverage will provide a healthier alternative to energy drinks or excessive caffeine, supporting sustained mental performance without the negative side effects. With the increasing demands on students, such innovations could be instrumental in helping them achieve their academic goals while managing the distractions of modern life.
While the previous two solutions are practical and attainable, imagine a future where technology goes a step further. One particularly exciting yet still developing an idea is the use of brain interface to help monitor and improve focus in life, enhancing productivity with the help of a chip implanted in the brain.
However, while these futuristic innovations hold great promise, the most practical and immediate solution lies in the use of functional beverages. By providing a natural and healthier alternative to energy drinks, functional beverages can offer students like Elrose and me the focus and mental clarity needed without the drawbacks of excessive caffeine or artificial stimulants. With the fast-paced demands of education today, this solution offers an accessible and effective way to support cognitive function and sustained concentration.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 months
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"RAIN BRINGS MUCH RELIEF," Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. April 30, 1934. Page 3 ---- North Saskatchewan, Alta. Favored, Dust Storm in South === Rain throughout Alberta, rain and sleet in Northern Saskatchewan, dust storms in Southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba built Western Canada a varied weather map last night.
But the Weatherman had not overlooked Southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba's plight. He promised rain even though it might be in ocсаsional showers and accompanied by snow.
BAD AT SOURIS Northern Saskatchewan and Northern Alberta received the heaviest precipitation. Saskatoon district anticipated a slight delay in seeding operations but reported the moisture welcome to farmers. Edmonton reported a steady rain tonight after intermittent showers while rain fell at night in Calgary.
Dust storms ruled in Southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Scores of points reported heavy winds, whipping dust high and in some cases damaging early seeding. For the third day in succession, the Souris district of Manitoba was harried by dust storms.
Full extent of the damage has not yet been determined but in some instances reseeding is expected.
In Saskatoon and over a large area the intermittent showers brought trees into bloom during the day. As the day wore on buds became leaves and the grass became visibly greener. While rain fell from early morning at frequent intervals, in the evening snow and sleet fell to melt shortly afterwards.
North Battleford was favored with 12 hours of rain which saturated the city and district. With indications of a four-day halt in seeding operations, farmers of that district declared they would have preferred a further 10-day period of dry weather to complete seeding.
Through courtesy of Canadian National Telegraphs the following reports were received: Biggar, showers and snow flurries; Hanley, a heavy shower but not enough to lay the dust; Big River, cloudy, no rain or snow; Prince Albert, two inches of snow; Rama, a short shower in the evening; Aylsham, drizzling and turning to snow in the evening; Hafford, raining all afternoon; Girvin, bad wind storm and dust with showers at noon; Vonda, raining most of the day with snow in the evening; Dundurn, little rain; Elrose, hail in the evening.
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NAME: Aimon "To-Be-Titled" Elrose
AGE: 126
SPECIES: Cavern elf
GENDER: Masc-presenting, he/xe
ORIENTATION: Gay (homosexual, homoromantic)
PROFESSION: Heir apparent
—————————————————————————- { PHYSICAL ASPECTS }
BODY TYPE: Lanky and box-shaped; his chin is well-defined. He definitely is more 'arm' than 'leg.'
EYES: Much like the Boundless Azure, belonging to the lineage of Lord Ruvan and the sea nymph, he is pupilless, while the sclera and iris are one color. However, Aimon's eyes are much more teal in color (a personal theory between him and his advisor is that his connection to the nymph heritage is stronger, considering he can 'bend' water.)
SKIN: Rosewood orchard brown.
HEIGHT: 6'0"
—————————————————————————- { FAMILY }
FAMILY: "Adopted" grandmother; estranged father; estranged mother.
ANY PETS?: Sylvie, a chimera.
—————————————————————————- { SKILLS }
Adept flyer; architecture; thrifting; polyglot (ancestral linguistics); sailing; surfing; being a silly guy and getting away with it;
—————————————————————————- { LIKES }
COLORS: Bright oranges and pinks (enjoys an excellent blue and silver combo for his 'official' garbs)
SMELLS: Seasalt, kiwis, and strawberries, freshly burnt wood, polished wood, books
FOOD: Salted mango slices, meat skewers, grilled cactus
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES?: yes [ x ] || rarely [ ] || no [   ]
FAVORITES: romance (smut) novels, aerial sports, pub crawling (and partying), musical performances (die-hard fan of elusive 'Soup and Bread'), beaches, and whatnot. (he'd tack on names on here, too, but I'm not letting him embarrass Maisie.)
—————————————————————————- { OTHER DETAILS }
SMOKES?: yes  [ ] || no [ x ] || occasionally [ ]
DRUGS?: yes [ ] || no [ ] || occasionally [ x ]
DRIVER LICENSE?: yes [ ] || no [ x ] doesn't exist in his world!
EVER BEEN ARRESTED?: no [ ] || yes [ ] || almost/detained  [ x ]
tagged by: @eraba-reta-unmei tagging: @caustichatred
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10-fernandasaenzcougo · 9 months
Hasta que alguien dice algo de verdad 🤤
Por eso siempre me gustaba estar arriba 😍🤤
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tuinmuebleseguro · 2 years
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EL ROSAL. En venta apartamento remodelado y equipado. Cómodos e iluminados espacios. 🏠🌞 Conjunto muy bien mantenido, cuenta con vigilancia privada, gimnasio, sala de fiestas, áreas sociales. Estupenda ubicación, con variados accesos, medios de transporte y comercios. No pierdas la oportunidad!✨ Código 23-15034📍🏠 EL ROSAL Mtrs2: 64 1 habitación 2 baños 1 puesto de estacionamiento Precio referencial: 55.000💰 . ALEXIS MOLINS Profesional Inmobiliario. 📞+ 58.424.2463544 / + 58.412.7255377 📧[email protected] . . #oportunidad #rentahouselalagunita #inmobiliaria #compra #venta #alquiler #realtor #caracas #lujo #comfort #felicidad #abundancia #prosperidad #elrosal https://www.instagram.com/p/CmJtcLmu3Ih/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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canadianjobbank · 1 year
Apply now: https://canadianjobbank.org/server-food-and-beverage-services-58/
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yagamisdiary · 2 months
I have a love hate relationship with the fact that you enjoy making us suffer throughout the entirety of your books and making us think they will have a bad ending just to give us the best possible endings ever 🥲 ugh i love you so much youre my favorite author ever, while im here i apologize for the incoming paragraphs but i just need to say it:
1. Idk how you do it but the book covers you choose are always so perfect like?? Idk if im explaining myself but i feel like they capture the vibes of the books perfectly
2. Ok now this is kinda personal and i dont mean to sound like im venting, but have you ever read a fic that impacted you so much to the point where you find yourself still thinking about it to this day 😭 bc that's how i feel about both of ur books, they're so beautifully written and i'm always thinking about the characters or going back to read random parts of the books (edit: i had this paragraph written way before parasite was removed okay but i started rereading eldia yesterday because im truly heartbroken, devastated, downcast, miserable, dejected and inconsolable by the fact that its finished)
I discovered you in july-ish 2021 during parasite era but didnt actually read it until june 2022, i was devastated when i finished it but also had to cleanse my soul cause i accidentally burnt my self out during the last few chapters (i mean it in a good way lol, it was rlly hard to read the last 2 chapters 🙇‍♀️ they were written really well and i felt unsettled while reading the beginning of y/ns whole breakdown, i could feel the gloomy depressed vibe it had if you get what i mean), so anyway i moved on to Eldia. At that time, it was fairly new so there were only like 10 or 11 chapters, ive been keeping up with Eldia ever since and its truly bittersweet to see it end like i was literally full on sobbing for no reason 🥲 probably the sentiment of being a reader for 2 years idk lol. Anyway what im trying to say is that your books were one of the only things that helped me escape reality in 2022, i didnt really find joy in anything and hated my life, however ive definitely improved ever since, so im honestly rlly thankful for you Amara 💕
Edit: i just know it sounds stupid and youre probably tired of hearing the same thing over and over, but i've had this written out for like 5 months and was kinda scared to send it because i felt like it was corny, but with Eldia's resolution i felt encouraged seeing all these people tell you what they think :P so sorry for the long ass paragraph lmao, i just needed to say it because i know in 10 years ill be a grown ass woman and still thinking about these books, theyre attached to my brain forever (like a parasite, ironic)
Ok so i doubt ppl will read this (or that you'll even read all of it) so if you reached the end i must say that you actually ate with the baby names in Eldia 🤭 im saying it here to avoid accidentally spoiling anyone but Andromeda 😪 i remember in early july i sent you an anon ask saying that i pictured you as a girl mom and even listed a few names, i was gonna list Andromeda so its kinda funny to me 😭 and Elrose?? Andromeda is my fav name but Elrose grew on me and i actually rlly like it, idk why it just sounds and looks so satisfying OMG DAMN I JUST SCROLLED UP AND DID I REALLY WRITE ALL OF THAT?? IM SO SORRY AMARA 😭😭 i definitely had way more to say but i feel bad now, it was gonna be an anonymous ask but atp i'll just let it be public
to conclude i must say that whenever someone asks me what my favorite books are, i hate that im not able to say "Oh my favorite books are parasite and eldia" because they're considered fanfics and not 'real books', i think thats really stupid, not only because fanfiction is just as valid as what ppl consider 'real books' but because there are so many fanfictions turned into real books or movies?? Ok im done (for now) but as you can tell im not really good at going straight to the point sorry for writing about 10 paragraphs love you queen vivan las escritoras latinas 🤞
1. honestly i find a pic that fits the vibe i want the book to give before i even write the story then i just somehow find a way to incorporate the cover
ex) eldia’s cover is jean with wine all over him, iykyk there’s an exact scene in eldia that references the cover
2. thank u so much 🥲 the ppl who have stuck around the longest always say the most sweet stuff bc yall really have been alongside me for so many years now and were like growing together which is kinda cool
3. i wanted a name that had ambrose and elijah both in it and it was either elrose or embrose but i ended up liking elrose more, embrose was too similar to ambrose
4. i don’t mind the length of the message at all! i love love love reading all the stuff i receive and the ones that are the longest stick with me the most. 🫶🏼
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offrozenmemoirs · 3 months
Pride Headcanons
Seraph himself identifies as demisexual and demiromantic, with a lean towards masculine individuals. He's currently in a polyamarous relationship with his party members Sino ( @allthatisleftinthedark ) and Soup ( @ofthescatteredstars ).
Makoto is pansexual and demiromantic and was previously engaged to Robert, prior to his death. As of right now, Makoto has an interest in both of his party members, Maisie and Orchidus.
Nelia is homosexual and homoromantic, purely interested in other women, and she's a transwoman as well. Entirely confident in herself, and a bit of a flirt, she's in a situationship with Estranha Extrana. That being said, she's still figuring out her own feelings, as she's never held a desire to be in a relationship with anyone.
Ariortos is asexual and aromantic, he's more married to his work and plans than anything. Though, perhaps, once upon a time, he did hold interest in a fellow researcher...Didn't stop him from eventually using them as experiment fodder however.
Rafan is homosexual and demiromantic, and her wife Cecilia was the one who pursued her and made her interest known...Hell, she was the one who proposed to Rafan, catching her off guard. Despite her being focused on her work as Vadu's enforcer, around her wife, Rafan can be seen letting herself relax.
Liyan is demisexual and demiromantic, with an interest in Aimon Elrose. Though, they have no experience in romantic matters. Perhaps their interest in Aimon stems from him being one of the few people to befriend them.
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