#elprup does drugs
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Uuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh I don’t wanna go back to school
#spring break wasn’t relaxing#NOR was it productive#like. if I’d had a relaxing time I’d feel better about not getting shit done#if I’d gotten shit done I’d feel better about the lack of relaxation#instead I got to do a little of each and not feel like I’d done enough of either#and the rest of the time was spend having a bit of a mental breakdown#at least now I kinda know what to expect if I’m ever able to go off the prednisone#(what to expect is ‘mood swings. so many fucking mood swings. swinging wildly around with a bat and destroying everything’)#elprup does drugs
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Ok so I skipped getting dressed after taking my meds to make absolutely sure that I wouldn’t get distracted on my way to my laptop. And I did a whole lot of things while I was on my laptop (pre-check-in for a doc appointment, reserving a study room for a meeting later this week, updating my calendar with stuff for one of my other classes). And I finally get myself to look at stats. Turns out there not only wasn’t any homework, not only did he not upload any of the new notes he wanted us to look at instead of having class last week, not *only* did he not re-open the homework assignment dropbox I asked him about last week because I was 1 hour late turning something in. But all that and Also he didn’t schedule the midterm with the accessibility office, meaning I can’t do *my* part of scheduling taking the midterm with them
I was so fucking careful to not let myself get distracted, beat myself up when I got kinda distracted anyway, and then I still couldn’t do the thing I was aiming for cuz there aren’t any new goddam notes to take in the first place
#I’m so tired of my professors being so disorganized#like y’all. I think I’m more organized than all of you and I’ve got 2 different disabilities on file with the school#one of which is ‘im terminally disorganized and cant do things on time’ disorder#and the other is ‘I have no fucking energy so good luck getting me to do Fucking Anything cuz I cant goddam move my hands’ disease#like. please. please please please yall#I know I’m absolute dogshit at turning things in on time. which is why I’m trying to reach out and get medicated and all that jazz#but like. please. please please please. work with me here#I get it that you’re also super busy and at least 2 of you seem to have adhd too. I get it. oh my god I get it#but come on. please#elprup does drugs
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I think that was the fasted doctor appointment I’ve ever had
#bruh how the hell are you able to know how to treat me just from a 5 minute conversation#like. ok fine I guess there’s probably a standard progression of meds you put people on until something gets figured out#but like. huh? what?#he literally squeezed my fingers a bit. asked ‘hows the methotrexate make you feel?’#and then went ‘ok yeah you need to get off that cuz you actually need a higher dose and you shouldnt be that sick the nights you take it’#I didn’t even tell him any details I was just like ‘its awful Saturday nights’ and hes like ‘oh rip new drug then. see you in 2 months’#idk. idk! weird shit#I was planning on this taking longer#guess I’m gonna go get a snack?#elprup does drugs
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Train home from Chicago got cancelled for weather stuff (basically all trains in Midwest are canceled for the next few days) so Amtrak set us and all the other people on that train on a coach bus. It was SOOOOOO bumpy and awful and slow despite the driver speeding a lot to try and make us all not late. I finally got over the dizziness and nausea from that a little bit after we got home (and also while eating a snack and having more water which probably helped). And then I took my stupid immune suppressant pills that are gonna make my stupid immune system stop eating my stupid connective tissues. So now I’m nauseous again.
Not the greatest end to a vacation but whatever. Rest of trip was good. I’ve got *opinions* about how the field museum handles grave goods tho (unsure if that’s the proper term but Nauseau so whatever). Also Fat Ham is a very good play and I’m glad I saw it. Also I rode a subway for the first time ever which is neat. Maybe if they had a subway from Chicago to here then there wouldn’t be any worry about closing the trains for bad weather since underground is insulated. Wouldn’t be able to use the whole “look at the scenery it’s so cool” thing in advertising tho, and people would probably get claustrophobic
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Ok. Ok! I think I’m past the worst of the nausea. Unless it comes in waves in which case it’ll be back. But I think it’s dying down. Cool. Ok. This is manageable. The way I’d seen people talk about this med online, I’d thought I’d have to spend every Saturday night/Sunday morning with my head shoved in the toilet for the next several months. But this actually isn’t that bad comparatively speaking. Wouldn’t wanna deal with this while out in public or in a car or whatever, but sitting at home and taking a little time to sit in my glider with my feet up and my eyes closed? That’s perfectly doable
#oooohhhhhhhhh thank god. like genuinely I was so so so so so scared I was gonna be like. nonstop puking or something#I’m still not Great but I can open my eyes again without feeling queasy#I didn’t check the time when I first closed my eyes but it hasn’t been that long#elprup does drugs
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Still not used to how productive I am when I’m having both a decent joints day And a medicated for adhd day at the same time. I had a meeting with the school financial aid office to make sure I’m all good to go for the semester, added the approximate dates when I need to schedule another appointment with them to my calendar, updated both my personal budget spreadsheet And the one for my shared account with my gf for 2024, started a new budget spreadsheet for 2025, looked over my financial aid options, called my dentist (sadly they’re out of office, but I dialed the number!), and worked on a hat. It’s not even 4:30 yet
#fell off the schedule for taking my adhd meds cuz of holidays#you’re not supposed to take them too late in a day and I kept sleeping in#but now I’m back on schedule And my body is recovering from the non-stop stress of the holidays#meaning I’m both able to focus on things and Also physically capable of moving#still distractable as hell. but doing things!#elprup does drugs
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Ok fuck it. It’s been a couple hours and I’ve thought it through. It’s weird that the doc wants to immediately put me on an immune suppressant instead of maybe raising my dose on the other meds I’m on. Especially since I’m about to be going back to school in a couple weeks, where I’ll be surrounded by people who are bringing back all sorts of weird holiday germs that’ll combine into the crazy mutant flus you get around college campuses. Like, that shit already messes with me every year, if I’m on the med the doc talked about with me today I’ll end up in the hospital probably. AND I don’t wanna lose my hair yet. Gonna write him a message and hopefully hear back later this week since I think the clinic’s closed for new years
#like from what I can tell I’m not on that high a dose of the current meds#idk if the issue is that I’m fairly small so maybe there’s a worry about volume ratios?#or maybe the side effects get worse at higher doses?#like hell idk if I get a higher dose while I finish up my degree and Then switch to the immune suppressant I’d be able to handle it more#cuz then I won’t be on campus getting exposed to mutant college germs#and I was planning on going on hrt when I’ve got a job and that’ll thin my hair out too. so it would be less scary to lose my hair#cuz then I’d just be doing what everyone else in my family with higher T does (bald spot by age 30)#elprup does drugs
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after i got diagnosed, i started lurking a bit in the r/lupus subreddit. not super often, just peaking in to get a feel for what advice people give each other. and i'd kinda kept myself from freaking out too bad about things. cuz sure i'm gonna have to take meds for the rest of my life, but at least i'm not one of those poor guys who have to go on an immune system suppressant and have to figure out how to navigate a world where people don't give a shit about spreading illnesses while being unable to get the full benefits of vaccination.
ahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa. fuck. i am poor guys now.
#this sounds vain but i think the thing i'm most worried about is my hair falling out#from what i can tell i'm on a fairly low dose. but it still can cause increased hair loss. which is upsetting#i've always had trouble with catching every illness around me so that's nothing new. i wear a mask and wash my hands and do my best#but like. this is it. i'm like Sick sick. and i might lose my hair#i knew that was gonna be a risk for me at some point. baldness runs in my family and the moment i start hrt its gonna hit me too#but i'm not ready for that. not yet anyway#i'm trying really hard not to freak out. cuz when i got home from the doc and told my gf i'm gonna be on more pills it scared her#so i'm trying to be brave and i'm trying to be calm#especially since stress sets things off worse#but i don't wanna lose my hair. i've already gotten kinda used to being sick easier than other people#but now its even More easily than other people. AND i might lose my hair#elprup does drugs
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anxiety and increased heart rate and trouble sleeping are known side effects. so at least i'm not getting weird new scary ones. feeling less anxious. still anxious, but Less. gonna call the clinic when its not a stupid hour to be awake. hopefully i get more sleep. at least my appetite seems to be back? i'm actually feeling hunger again. sucks that its at a stupid hour
#hahaha what if i spent over a fucking month fighting with insurance and a drug shortage to get this med#and then the side effects freak me out so bad that i'm tempted to not take it anymore#hahahaha wouldn't that be sooooooo funny#not gonna do that without talking to doc first. especially since it really Did help the other day with getting shit done#and you should never make any big decisions on less than 5 hours of sleep#and seeing as i've gotten Maybe 6 hours total the past 2 nights. that rule is definitely in play here#i just wanna sleeeeeeeep but there are tigers and serial killers and the end of the world chasing me#elprup does drugs
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Mid-breakfast-update: I was able to get up and go to the bathroom without feeling like screaming. I made myself coffee without having to think about how many steps it would take to get me around the kitchen most efficiently. I didn’t have to hold back any pain noises. Not even once! I was able to make myself toast with jam for the first time in weeks cuz the benefits (yummy cherry preserve toast) finally outweighed the costs (opening and closing the fridge multiple times, opening the jam jar, holding the knife to spread the jam, walking from the fridge to the counter and back).
I haven’t even taken my meds yet today. This is all based on the effects of taking my first dose yesterday, not spending yesterday in pain, getting a decent night’s sleep for the first time in weeks, and feeling so fucking optimistic because holy fuck I actually have energy. Things still hurt and I wouldn’t exactly be able to run marathons or anything, but the pain is wayyyyyyyyyy lower and I’ve got the energy to deal with the remainder. Still can’t close a fist, but I’m not exhausted from the attempt. It’s fucking awesome. If I were better at crying I’d be tearing up from joy right now. Because holy shit holy shit holy shit I haven’t felt this good (or at least this “not bad”) in Ages
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Fun fact: cetirizine hydrochloride (zyrtec) has drug interactions with alcohol. Which it lists directly on the bottle if you remember to actually check for these things.
Further fun fact: if you’ve been on a med for years, like maybe you started taking it regularly before you were old enough to drink legally and underage drinking sounded like a lot of hassle, you might not have really cared about the drug interactions with something you weren’t gonna use anyway. So you might not have really internalized the “avoid alcoholic drinks” on the side of the bottle.
Yet another fun fact: there’s being a lightweight and then there’s “gets so sleepy and dizzy after slowly sipping a light beer along with a glass of water that you fall asleep in a chair for several hours, wake up still slightly out of it, and then go sleep in a bed for another 6 hours”. These are very different things. One of these may be caused by a drug interaction.
Tldr: y’all go double check your medication interactions. Both with each other and with other substances you’re using. Please. For my sake. Don’t be dumb like me.
#I’m fine this is just really embarrassing#shit like this is why I don’t drink in public lol#elprup does drugs
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………….one of the side effects of going on or off one of my meds is mood swings. And that’s the med I was out of for a day or so cuz I couldn’t get to the pharmacy cuz it was storming. Fuck
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Something really annoying about one of my meds. I need to take it with food or else it causes tummy troubles. Usually if I’m getting tummy troubles my body goes “oh we should eat less food to avoid having stuff the body needs to expel”. Except that’s the exact opposite of what’s actually gonna happen. The more food I eat at breakfast, the better my body can handle digesting things and the less likely I am to have a bad tummy time. But that’s counterintuitive and means I need to actively fight against my body. And it’s sooooooooooo annoying
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Todays plan: eat a slightly larger than normal breakfast to take my meds with. Immediately head to my laptop and look at school things and not let myself do *anything* else besides school until I can be sure the vyvanse has kicked in. And *then* after I’ve finished my stats homework, either do homework for another class or work on my sewing project. But not a moment sooner. Even tho I really really want to. So bad. But I won’t. Because I am strong and I am capable of manipulating my brain into focusing on the correct tasks. Probably
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Oh god I have no clue how I’m gonna be able to physically get through this week
#on top of all the shit I have going on my period started today#I have to somehow be normal while my gf’s parents are over today#and then tomorrow I have to somehow be normal during dnd while also having the weekly med induced nausea#and then I have class every day#I won’t be able to rest again until next week Saturday and by that point my period will be done anyway so I won’t need it as much#I knew when I started going to classes again things would get a lot busier but I wasn’t expecting it to be this bad#and I know that the rest of my period isn’t gonna be this bad. first day is always the worst#but also like. damn I’m gonna have to deal with this on top of all the rest of this stuff? seriously?#I’m excited for dnd and for going to class and seeing friends and eating birthday dinner tonight and all that. but also I need a day#elprup does drugs
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Spending breakfast reading the instructions and side effects of my new meds and organizing my new pill reminder box was. Maybe. Not the best thing for my anxiety
#watch out for signs of internal bleeding. watch out for signs of kidney failure. watch out for signs of liver failure#this drug is technically a cancer drug. but watch out! cuz sometimes it’ll give you newer and stranger cancers instead#If You Take This Thing Too Often You Will Die Painfully And Embarrassinngly#like. chill out buddy. holy fuck#so yeah I got the pill box thingy Specifically to make sure I don’t take this thing too often on accident#my previous system of ‘grab every pill bottle on my dresser and take 1 of each’ doesn’t work anymore lmao#elprup does drugs
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