#elon's never been in a room he hasn't felt the superstar in
goongiveusnothing · 2 years
I mean I was mainly talking about his queerbaiting and how he treats women, sorry if I wasn't clear on that lol. He definitely has an inflated sense of self when it comes to his talent and star power. You were right on with that one but when it comes to him as a person, I wouldn't say hes insecure about it per se but he knows that it would be bad for business if it was confirmed that he was a womanizing fuckboi. So I do think he feels pressured to uphold an image that isn't real, you know? I hope that makes sense lol.
I agree that he's pretty honest in his music, although I feel like it's mainly him dipping his toes to see how much of himself he can reveal but still get away with. I also think his music is a bit skewed to make him appear remorseful, which I seriously doubt he gives a damn.
And IF he's ever felt a smidge of remorse for how he's treated the women in his life, it gets washed away by all the praise his fans give him. It's why he always has a smarmy grin whenever he's pretending to be chivalrous or giving relationship advice. He can be a jerk behind closed doors and still be called a precious gentleman and he doesn't even have to try that hard.
His song boyfriends is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Theres so much cognitive dissonance in his fandom it's insane. He's literally singing about himself in that song but his fans think he's either alluding to his supposed queerness and therefore the one getting played or he's a distant observer calling out other men for being trash 🙄
i honestly don't even think boyfriends is about himself, i don't think he has that degree of humility or self awareness. i do believe that song is meant to be about gemma's boyfriends or something like that. it's him seeing himself as a saviour of women judging other men for not being at his standards (lmao). he's such a fuckboy he actually thinks he's a good boyfriend and that other men aren't, also he wants his fans to see him like that.
i agree about the queerbaiting. but i think he feels that the way he dresses, the flag waving, the ambiguity, the movie role has actually helped queer people so he thinks he's actually doing a good job. in that variety or was it deadline piece his people put out after all the fuss where they said he did MP for his fans and their LGBT stuff, i was like, yeah, harry thought he was actually doing them a favor. he sees himself as an LGBT hero.
but yes, he does know it'd be bad for business if we all saw him as a fuckboy. remember that video of him in a car covered in like a jacket, next to xander and another white guy, and then in the car in front or behind were a bunch of giggling white women who looked like generic influencer types, their dates for the evening all matched up? and how that video got deleted? he works hard so we don't see what a dried up basic fuckboy life he leads.
i definitely think he lives in fear of being outed as a heterosexual dude. i do think he gets the sweats about it a bit, hence why he stopped doing all his MP promo after he managed to offend the entire gay community with all his weird backwards homophobic comments. and the way he deliberately said "i've never publicly been with a woman" in that RS interview, out of nowhere. because he thinks it's so teehee cute to keep playing up the ambiguity, likely because his friends have been telling him he's a queerboss by never admitting to being with a man or a woman in any interview yet (he has though, is the weird thing).
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