#ellis lifeguard training
elliebarker · 1 year
what if lifeguard ellie! and reader are dating and r does a prank on her and makes her think shes drowning
HAHAHA LMAOOOOO this made me giggle out loud
lifeguard!gf!ellie just looooooves pushing you into the water. and you absolutely hate it. so, in order to get payback, you decided to put her to work.
the storage closet door slammed closed and ellie's keys fumbled in and out of the knob, locking it.
"babe," she said, noticing you standing right next to the edge of the pool, i swear she sets me up for these! she thought, "ready to go," she calmly said whilst smirking up at you. you nodded, smiled, as she walked over. "cm're" she said, grabbing you by the waist, and pulling you into a kiss.
"ellieee..." you said, slightly embarrassed, her action coming out of nowhere and throwing you off a bit. that was until you did exactly what you expected to do. "AH!" you let out a little scream as her hands went from your waist to your stomach, pushing you into the deep end of the pool. and unlike the last 4 times, you didn't rust to get back up to the surface. putting on quite the persuading act, so you thought, that you had drowned. ellie had just dusted off her hands, proud of her work, to see- rather to not see you gasping for air, when all hell broke loose. she couldn't lose you, she couldn't. not only could she not lose you, but she also could not lose you at her own hands. she dove in extremely fast and immediately went to grab your body and rush you back to the surface. by this time you were having too much fun, and you wanted to keep the bit going, like those girls who call their friends saying their dead just to get their reactions.
"wake up, love, please." you could hear the cracks in her voice, she was trying not to cry, trying to hold it together for you. she then went to do the one thing lifeguard training had made her learn. cpr. she went to tilt your head and pinch your nose so she could breathe into your-
"ouch!" you squealed, all high-pitched. "let go of my nose els!" trying to get out from under her grasp, simultaneously laughing at her look of epiphany.
"you- you fucking asshole!" she punched your arm as you started to laugh non-stop. "i-i thought i lost you." she stuttered over her words, yes she was mad, but she was just so goddamn relieved you were okay she could barely stay mad. "don't," she said, beginning to laugh herself, "do that, again, please."
"as long as you don't push me in again," you said, grabbing a towel to dry the both of you off, then grabbing your bag to finally head out, "no promises."
an: this was actually so adorable and fun to write tysm anonie!! i've teased you guys long enough, i'm done with my anxiety, i'm releasing my full lifeguard!ellie fic tomorrow. bring your popcorn. i worked really hard on it and even though you guys don't know it, all of your reblogs and likes and comments mean the world to me so make sure that if you liked my fic(s) to reblog, comment, etc to not only boost my page to other ellie enjoyers but to let me now whether or not you like it!! thank you guys sm! ily <3
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misspeppermint2003 · 2 years
Fact: Having originally hailed from Newtown, she transferred to Pontypandy in between Series 4 and 5. As a trained lifeguard and certified scuba diver, she was in charge of the Ocean Rescue Centre from Series 6 until Ben Hooper's arrival in Series 9.
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oranginacultist · 26 days
So back in high school I was forced to take economics. That's not necessarily a bad thing, I suppose. Money is the blood of our society, so learning how the commercial circulatory system works can be useful. That I hated every second of it was, to some degree, a personal issue. I can admit to that.
My teacher spend a class showing us the entirety of Greed with John Stossel, a 1998 special on the nature of "greed" and why even though it's objectively a bad thing, it's actually super awesome and the sole reason for the existence of everything we know and love. I should note that this was in the year of lord 2008, a full ten years after the special was made and just around the time of that huge US economic crisis that many people are still trying to crawl their way out of. It sure was a choice to choose this particular moment in history to show your class of impressionable students the joys of trickle-down economics.
The piece stuck with me. I've never seen Wall Street because I hate Capitalism and America, but I do know the quote "Greed is good" because it's quoted in Greed with John Stossel a number of times. As nearly two decades passed, I would bring the piece and the quote up whenever I happened to be talking about how the United States conditions its people to believe in self interest above all else, from a very young age. But I could never remember what the special was actually called, and many people thought I was just misremembering Wall Street, which again I've never seen and don't plan to. But I did start to wonder if I was misremembering things. Did my inherent bias against the American Dream and subsequent evolution into an adult who was recently told they "might be kind of an anarchist" perhaps cause me to think of this obscure 90's special as worse than it was?
I'm pleased to announce that no, it did not. I finally tracked the thing down (it's on YouTube in six 7-minute parts) and was just as horrified and angry about it as I was when I was a teenager. Some of my favorite terrible things from it include:
John Stossel calling scientists "greedy for knowledge" and artists "greedy to create something new."
John Stossel talking about some experiment where people could take dollars bills from a bowl, but every ten seconds if there something left, the money would be doubled, and using the group's initial inability to not just grab all the money immediately as proof that people are inherently greedy all the time - despite the fact that they later decided to work together to take the money in shifts to make sure everyone got some, which Stossel decided was proof that only greed can inspire teamwork.
"Children who are born into poverty are fascinated by capitalism" said by a guy who randomly decided to leave his import/export business to teach business math at "the worst school in New York City." Stossel then added "We tend to think of capitalism as something only the privileged practice, but it's actually the great equalizer." This was then followed by objectivist philosopher and Ayn Rand fanboy David Kelly saying "It's the poor who need capitalism the most." At no point did any of these men ponder the root causes of poverty.
The entire section with Jeff Ellis, who owns a for-profit lifeguard training business that (at the time, not sure if they still) actively stalks and films their lifeguards at random while they're on the job to make sure they're not slacking off. The point of the segment is that you get better quality lifeguards from a for-profit program than from a non-profit, like the Red Cross. Never mind how underfunded non-profits are, or the fact that anyone will perform better when they know they're being spied on. This is one of the few sections I vividly remembered from high school, for some reason.
Pretty much everything that comes out of David Kelly's mouth.
Computer Chip CEO TJ Rogers laying off hundreds of employees despite his company making a profit and being worth 2.8 billion dollars, then telling us in his mansion next to his private vineyard that, "I build it, I own it, I deserve it," followed by "I could take what I have and never have to work another day in my life," then finally, "...the world's better off when I make a dollar than when I don't." We're supposed to be on his side, because he created new wealth.
John Stossel saying to the audience "Frankly, I didn't see any of you turning down your last pay raise" like it's some kind of profound wisdom. Joke's on him, the only pay raise I've ever gotten without changing positions was $1, which I wasn't even given the choice to refuse.
The continued insistence that the richer these CEO's get the better off "we" will be, as if Stossel is a.) one of "us" and b.) presenting any genuine evidence to support this claim beyond "creating more wealth and jobs is a thing."
TJ getting mad at Ted Turner because he gives money away, saying he should instead take his money and "invest it, you can't help people any other, better way than to invest it and to have the companies and buildings and plants that are created with his investment create wealth and jobs and products for other people."
Ted Turner asking John Stossel why the rich can't create jobs and give money to those in need, to which Stossel answers, "because you and Bill Gates are so good at creating jobs, and isn't that the best gift?" which causes Ted Turner to walk off as everyone on set laughs at him.
"So the next time someone tells you you're greedy, tell them that greed created civilization, is that so bad?"
I realize I just basically recapped this entire monstrosity rather than listed the highlights. I also realize the futility of getting angry at something that's over twenty-five years old. I'm less angry about the special itself, and more angry that an educator tasked with teaching economics felt the need to devote an entire class to this, but failed to teach any of us how to do our taxes. Or about where our taxes go. Or about the literal financial crisis that was happening around us. But then, if you truly believe that greed is good, then discussion how greed just completely destroyed everything isn't something you'd want to touch with a ten foot poll.
My mother later met my economics teacher at some sort of school event. She knew how much I hated this class and this teacher, but was polite about it. My teacher commented that I was "a bit of socialist" but then said, "most are at that age."
I hated economics class.
I still hate that economics class.
Greed is not good.
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lifeguardvienna · 2 months
Lifeguard Certification: A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Certified Lifeguard
In a world where water recreation is both a source of joy and potential danger, lifeguards stand as the unsung heroes of aquatic safety. Their vigilant eyes and swift actions save countless lives each year. This comprehensive guide delves into the lifeguard certification process, offering detailed insights for aspiring lifeguards on their journey to becoming certified professionals.
Understanding the Importance of Lifeguard Certification
Lifeguard certification is more than just a formality; it is a rigorous process designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure the safety of swimmers. Certified lifeguards are trained to respond to emergencies, provide first aid, and perform rescues efficiently. This certification is a testament to their ability to safeguard public and private swimming areas, making it an essential qualification for anyone pursuing a career in this field.
Prerequisites for Lifeguard Certification
Before embarking on the journey to become a certified lifeguard, candidates must meet certain prerequisites. These typically include:
Age Requirement: Most certification programs require candidates to be at least 15 years old.
Swimming Skills: Proficiency in swimming is crucial. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to swim a certain distance, usually 300 yards, without stopping.
Physical Fitness: Lifeguards must be in good physical condition to handle the demands of the job. A fitness test may be required.
CPR and First Aid Training: Basic knowledge of CPR and first aid is often a prerequisite, as these skills are integral to lifeguard duties.
The Lifeguard Certification Process
The lifeguard certification process is comprehensive, covering a range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:
1. Training Programs
Lifeguard training programs are offered by various organizations, including the American Lifeguard Association, American Red Cross, YMCA, and Ellis & Associates. These programs typically include:
Classroom Instruction: Covering topics such as water safety, emergency procedures, and legal responsibilities.
Hands-On Training: Practical sessions where candidates practice rescue techniques, first aid, and CPR.
2. Skills Assessment
Throughout the training program, candidates are assessed on their ability to perform essential lifeguard skills. This includes:
Rescue Techniques: Practicing different types of rescues, including passive and active victim rescues.
CPR and First Aid: Demonstrating proficiency in CPR, AED use, and first aid for various injuries and medical conditions.
Water Safety: Understanding and implementing water safety protocols to prevent accidents.
3. Written Examination
A written test is administered to evaluate the candidate's understanding of the theoretical aspects of lifeguarding. This test typically covers:
Water Safety: Principles of water safety and accident prevention.
Emergency Response: Procedures for responding to emergencies, including spinal injury management.
First Aid and CPR: Knowledge of first aid techniques and CPR procedures.
4. Final Skills Test
The final skills test is a comprehensive assessment of the candidate's ability to perform all the necessary lifeguard duties. This test often includes:
Simulated Rescues: Candidates must demonstrate their ability to perform rescues in various scenarios, including dealing with multiple victims.
First Aid and CPR Scenarios: Practical application of first aid and CPR in emergency simulations.
Endurance and Strength Tests: Demonstrating the physical stamina and strength required for the job.
Renewing Lifeguard Certification
Lifeguard certification is not a one-time achievement; it must be renewed periodically to ensure that lifeguards remain proficient in their skills. The renewal process typically involves:
Continuing Education: Participating in refresher courses to stay updated on the latest techniques and protocols.
Skills Recertification: Demonstrating continued proficiency in rescue techniques, first aid, and CPR.
Written Examination: Taking a written test to reaffirm knowledge of water safety and emergency response.
The Benefits of Lifeguard Certification
Becoming a certified lifeguard offers numerous benefits, both personally and professionally:
Career Opportunities: Certification opens doors to various job opportunities in public and private swimming pools, beaches, water parks, and more.
Skill Development: Lifeguards develop valuable skills in leadership, communication, and emergency management.
Community Impact: Lifeguards play a vital role in ensuring the safety of their community, making a significant positive impact.
Personal Growth: The challenges and responsibilities of lifeguarding foster personal growth, resilience, and a sense of accomplishment.
Choosing the Right Lifeguard Certification Program
With several organizations offering lifeguard certification programs, it is important to choose one that best suits your needs. Consider the following factors:
Reputation: Opt for programs offered by well-known organizations such as the American Lifeguard Association, American Red Cross, which have a strong reputation for quality training.
Course Content: Ensure that the program covers all essential skills and knowledge required for lifeguarding.
Instructor Qualifications: Look for programs led by experienced and certified instructors.
Location and Schedule: Choose a program that fits your schedule and is conveniently located.
Lifeguard certification is a crucial step for anyone looking to pursue a career in lifeguarding. It equips individuals with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to ensure the safety of swimmers and respond effectively to emergencies. By choosing a reputable certification program and committing to continuous learning and skill development, aspiring lifeguards can embark on a rewarding career dedicated to protecting lives.
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How to Become a Pool Lifeguards?
1. Complete a certified lifeguard training course. To become a lifeguard, you need to complete a certified lifeguard training course. This will teach you the necessary skills and knowledge to become a qualified lifeguard. The American Red Cross, Starfish Aquatics Institute, and Ellis & Associates are some of the most popular training organizations.
2. Get certified in CPR and First Aid. As a lifeguard, you must be certified in both CPR and First Aid. This will ensure that you are able to respond to any medical emergencies that may occur at the pool.
3. Obtain the necessary certifications. Depending on the state you live in, you may need to complete additional courses or certifications to become a Pool Lifeguard Jobs. This can include courses in basic water rescue, pool operation, and pool maintenance.
4. Find a job. Once you have completed the necessary training and certifications, you will need to find a job as a pool lifeguard. You can search online for local lifeguard positions, or contact local pools or water parks to inquire about openings.
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ibreathedisney · 7 years
Sunday 26th June – Ellis Day Two
Today was the second day of 8.00 – 17.00 Ellis Lifeguard Training at Mickeys Retreat. As I mentioned in the previous weekly blog, I am going to be writing a dedicated post regarding Ellis Lifeguard Training as there is quite a lot to cover and not a great deal of info online.
Once we got back to Patterson Court we had dinner and then met at the pool to practice for our test the next day!
Monday 27th June – Ellis Day Three (Test Out Day)
Today was our Ellis test out day and another 8:00 – 17:00. However, you might get to leave early if they get through everyone quickly! I was really apprehensive about the test out day and was worried I was going to forget everything. In hindsight, you really don’t need to be – Ellis prep you so well in such a sort space of time. Safe to say I passed and was officially a Disney Lifeguard!! As I’ve already mentioned, I am going to be writing a more detailed post on the whole Ellis Lifeguard Training process.
Tuesday 28th June – Day off (Outlets, Publix, Welcome Party)
After three long and tiring days of Ellis Lifeguard Training, I was glad to have a day off. Becky, Eleanor and I went to the outlets for a little mooch around. We also needed to get some appropriate footwear (i.e. ugly crocs). I also needed some black sunglasses and a black waterproof watch for work. (FYI – you can buy a black waterproof watch for $14 at the outlets!) We also went to Publix for the first time and spent way too long chosing what American foods we wanted! I then realised how expensive fresh fruit and vegetables are – poptarts are cheaper than a bag of grapes! My weekly shop was around £20 in the UK – over $50  in Publix really? You can walk to Publix from Patterson Court in about 10-15 minutes, but there is also a transtar bus if your shopping is too heavy.
That afternoon Becky and I also headed over to costuming to collect out lifeguard gear. They were really short on the sizes I needed so I ended up grabbing whatever I could. You can take up to five of each item (i.e. five swimming costumes, five pairs of shorts etc). If you find a size that fits, then keep it!
Once we got back to Patterson Court we decided to have a lil fashion show trying on all our stuff with our ‘fanny packs’. Lifeguard, ready!
That evening, Becky, Suzie, Eleanor, Emily and I went to the Disney Housing Welcome Party at Chatham Square. There was lots of music, character meet and greets, a photo booth and free Pizza – they even had gluten-free slices for me!
Wednesday 29th June – Welcome to Operations a.k.a The Worst Day Ever
Today, we headed back to Disney University for our Welcome to Operations class. The day was from 7:30 – 16.00, so it was a very early start for us all. Let me tell you now, this is one of the most boring days off your entire life. The class is a mixture of CP’s and non CP’s. They teach you a bit more about the company and then some incredibly basic things like how to tell the time using the 24 hour clock (I thought everyone knew this). We also learnt about Disney’s Safe D Begins With Me policy. The ‘Safety In Motion’ portion is probably one of the most patronising and boring portions of this class. Good luck, and try not to fall asleep (honestly, it happened to people).
After we stopped for lunch, we had more recreation specific induction. It involved a presentation and some questions from Disney trainers. We then had to complete some readings online followed by multiple choice questions. It’s all rather straight forward and largely common sense. They also set you up on the hub and get you linked to the cast member wi-fi across Walt Disney World – this is much better than the guest wifi, so use it!
Once Welcome to Operations was finally over, we headed to costuming to collect our free lifeguard shoes. Lifeguards get the choice of receiving a free pair of either white trainers (sneakers) or crocs. I would highly recommend choosing the white trainers over the crocs. The crocs that Disney provide have no holes in and are terrible for getting lots of water trapped in them. I also knew of people who burnt their feet through the crocs because they got so hot! It’s best to collect the free shoes and buy you’re own crocs/tevas – the Croc store at the premium outlets always have some kind of offer available. Generally speaking, resort guards tend to wear trainers, whereas water park guards (who tend to be in the water a lot more) will wear crocs or tevas.
Thursday 30th June: Typhoon Orientation
I met Chris (another UK CEP at Typhoon Lagoon) at Chatham Bus Stop and we headed over to Typhoon Lagoon for our ‘Forecast Typhoon’ class. You are required to wear clothes similar to Traditions attire. My advice is to make sure you have something that is both smart, in Disney look and comfortable in crazy florida heat.
The class ran from 8:00 – 12:00 but because of the bus timetable, we ended up arriving really early. (Transtar is the devil). It was quite strange entering the backstage area of Typhoon Lagoon as I hadn’t even visited the park in the day! We went into one of the training rooms and had a presentation on the story behind Typhoon Lagoon.
The legend goes:
“A furious storm once roared cross the sea Catching ships in its path, helpless to flee Instead of a certain and watery doom The wind swept them here to Typhoon Lagoon.”
All of the theming in Typhoon is based on this ferocious storm; that’s why Miss Tilly is impailed on the mountain (the highest centre point in the park). The stories goes that the mountain still tries to dislodge the boat with an enormous geyser of water every half and hour!
The orientation involved some quizzes such as looking at a map of the park and answering where was the nearest QSFB location, the nearest first aid, the nearest restrooms etc. After a quick break it was time to head out ‘on stage’ and to see the park for the first time.
Typhoon Lagoon is beautiful. I couldn’t think of a more well themed water park and (although I am bias) I definitely prefer it over the theming at Blizzard Beach. Walking around Typhoon Lagoon did feel like a bit of a maze. I thought ‘how am I ever going to remember my way round or be able to get from the backstage area to one of my furthest stands in time!’ It also made me realise how busy the parks and the aquatic areas were going to be. I was excited, but also quite nervous.
After work, I headed to Magic Kingdom to meet the girls. Suzie’s roommate, who works in Fantasyland, had given her loads of fast passes for Magic Kindgom rides so we were able to beat the queues!
I went on Buzz Lightyear for the first time on my programme and lost miserably – I’m used to the Disneyland Paris Version, ok?
We also watched the Main Street Electrical Parade and despite the annoying music, I love it! It’s a love hate thing for sure.
We also watched Wishes from across the lake in Frontierland. I’d definitely recommend trying to see Wishes from different locations in Magic Kingdom!
Sadly,  Eleanor and Suzie left early as they had work the following morning. However, I had the next day off and Becky had a PM shift so we decided to stay to watch the Kiss Goodnight. Of course this meant that we had to take some photos in front of the castle and I got my first Mickey Rice Krispie Treat of my programme. (The first of many, may I add).
Friday: Day off!
I had a day off, but everyone else seemed to be either at work or at training. I decided to head back to Typhoon Lagoon for opening and experience the park as a guest. I felt that if I was going to be working there for the summer, I may as well get acquainted with all of the attractions myself. I would really recommend going to either of the water parks for opening as you get on the attractions very quickly – I had managed to do just about everything by lunchtime!
I headed back to housing and decided to go lay by the pool in Patterson Court for some more sunbathing and swimming – I could get used to this life!
I decided to meet Eleanor after she had finished work. She was lifeguarding at Wilderness Lodge which is a Magic Kingdom area resort. I caught the bus over to the Contemporary and met her in Magic Kingdom. We didn’t get into the park until pretty late in the day. There was also a massive rainstorm and we got absolutely drenched walking from the Contemporary to the Magic Kingdom main entrance. As soon as we arrived, we ended up spending $8 on the most touristy Disney ponchos.
The good thing about the storm was that Magic Kingdom had emptied out considerably. The bad thing about the storm was that a lot of the rides were closed. At one point, the lightening was right on top of us and struck right next to the castle. Everyone (including us) let out a little scream!
We decided to ride The Little Mermaid ride, It’s A Small World and Enchanted Tales with Belle. Enchanted Tales with Belle is one of my favourite attractions for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Beauty and the Beast is my favourite Disney film and Belle is my favourite Disney character. Secondly, Belle’s house is so well themed – I loved all the little details inside. Thirdly, I absolutely adore seeing the kids reactions to Belle when she comes to welcome us in her library. The parents reactions to their children reactions made Eleanor and I get all teary. There was one little girl dressed just like Belle and she was in complete awe of Belle when she entered the room; the little girls mum was beaming with happiness! That is what Disney is all about. I love seeing magical moments like this because it reminds me of my own family and all of our amazing memories in Disney.
Overall, our rain filled evening was one of my favourite evenings in the parks!
Saturday 2nd July – My first day of OTJ Training
Today I had training at Typhoon from 8:00 – 16.30. It was also my first day in costume – exciting! I was up at 6.30am ready to catch the 7am bus to the Typhoon Lagoon cast entrance. I didn’t officially start until 8am and the bus only takes 15 minutes from Chatham Square to Typhoon. However, the buses aren’t that reliable so it is best to get to work early. You are also given a 15 minute grace period to clock in and they encourage you to clock in at the earliest convince. However, don’t clock in before your 15 minute grade period as you’ll end up with a Disney point. Three points and boom, reprimand. Three reprimands and boom, please leave the country within 48 hours.
I am going to compile all of my On the Job Training in one post as there is quite a lot to cover and I never found a great deal of information on the process before I started.
That’s it for another week working for the mouse. Stay tuned for the weeks that follow!
What did I get up to last week?
Instagram: @anniebelleymcd
Twitter: @_TheDisneyBelle
YouTube: AnnieBelle – TheDisneyBelle
  Finally posting my weekly diaries from my time as a Cast Member at #WDW! #CEP #DCP🌟 Sunday 26th June - Ellis Day Two Today was the second day of 8.00 - 17.00 Ellis Lifeguard Training at Mickeys Retreat.
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claudiasjeancregg · 2 years
au + headcanon meme, summer camp au
HI OKAY YES!! i miss you so much oh my god. okay so some time last year, with the help of @palukoo i have a convoluted summer camp au in my head so every single good idea is because of them. literally all the credit.
josh is the head counselor, if that's even a thing. ham and i discussed him being the program director, pretty much, but he still has interactions with campers for my heart. josh is not exactly the "successor" for jed- he's pretty much training for leo's job as director of camp life. (i know. dying.) obviously josh/donna is paralleled here- donna is a self-hired CIT in josh's area. she started that job when she was 16, and after a few years, josh moved to head counselor and unofficial program director. so donna became his deputy!! which means she saves his ass when it comes to scheduling, and pretty much everything else. they're in love with each other forever, obviously, but nothing happens for years until one summer when they're 22 and 26. they attempt a secret relationship and dramatically fail, because everyone knows they've been in love with each other for half a decade.
cj is an area lead, because out of everyone she just seems like the best counselor. honestly, i can't imagine anyone more suited to boss kids around without making them hate her. she's in charge of a few specific things in administration, mainly camp outreach and like, recruitment. i can so picture cj getting people to join the camp and introducing jed and abbey to the concept of internet advertising, and eventually forcing jed into it after he stubbornly refuses to pay for anything except newspaper ads. she helps with the camp newsletter and student announcements. she eventually leaves the newspaper leadership to danny, who worked on it with her, and focuses fully on supervising the camp news show. it has nothing to do with toby being the script writer for "west wing daily," obviously. nothing at all.
toby is in charge of logistics and helps with the camp announcements, which really isn't at all his job but he does it for cj shhh. the two of them are the only couple at camp who have successfully hidden a romantic relationship for more than two summers, and that was only because toby and andy were literally married while they were with cj (yes its the ot3 no i will never shut up). andy is probably also a counselor and i love ham's idea of amy as her deputy, and they help cj with her outreach and recruitment in terms of leadership by leading a program for older campers to train them for volunteering as counselors in the future.
abbey and jed own the camp and are co directors. abbey is in charge of medical, which ellie helps out with (pretty much abbey is in charge but ellie is like the CIT for medical?) ellie is dating mal because i said so, and she's also a CIT.
basically our senior staff are all counselors in some regard in this au, and they're all in their older 20s. donna is like 20 or 21, i would say. since this is a volunteer camp, all the senior staffers are both area leads and have some position in administration- so like sam is toby's deputy, helping with logistics and leads a ton of activities. he teaches a debate class with ainsley and each year, half the kids are just there to see them argue and bet on how long they can delay class by spurring them on.
bonus list of all roles that i made last year:
josiah bartlet — owns the camp, director
claudia jean cregg — area lead, helps with camp news/journalism class, sports, camp outreach
tobias ziegler — in charge of program/logistics, camp newsletter
samuel seaborn — area lead (with toby sort of), swim leader, debate w/ ainsley, writing, logistics
leopold mcgarry — director of camp life, in charge of the counselors
donnatella moss — self hired CIT in josh’s area, moved up to a deputy area lead, crafts class
abigail bartlet — owns the camp, director, in charge of medical 
william bailey — lifeguard, writing
elsie snuffins — CIT, helps with writing class
katherine harper — adventure leader, teaches self-defense and shooting range
annabeth schott — theater class
amelia gardner — counselor, deputy area lead, art classes/balloon animals, helps w/ mentorship
josephine lucas and mr. kenneth thurman — arts leader
matthew and helen santos — publicity managers / day to day stuff?
ainsley hayes — counselor, debate class w/ sam, maybe horseback riding
daniel concannon — counselor, maybe helps cj with news
margaret hooper — assistant to the director of camp life, teaches craft classes
andy wyatt — area lead, andy amy and cj do mentoring stuff
carol fitzpatrick — cj’s CIT 
ginger webster — CIT (helps toby w/ logistics)
bonnie parikh — CIT (helps toby w/ logistics)
ellie bartlet — CIT, 16, works in medical
mal o’brien  — CIT, 16, good with little kids
liz bartlet — counselor, helps out in a lot of places
mrs. landingham — camp’s beloved chef, teaches cooking class
campers— zoey, charlie, annie, gus, hogan, deanna, peter, miranda, others
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Introduction: Joelle Olive Chapman
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Name: Joelle Olive Chapman
FC: Brenna D'amico
Fic Title: Undetermined 
Nickname(s): Jo, Jo-Jo, Joey, Ellie (family and Luke only), Chapman, babe, Pinky/The Brain(Baylee)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday: September 28, 1987
Height: 5’1
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Blue
Place of Birth: Carolina Beach, NC
Residence: Carolina Beach, NC
Camp Half-Blood (summer/winter)
Hobbies: surfing, playing guitar, baking, scuba diving
Likes: thunderstorms, hurricanes, Luke, reading, fishing, school, horses, swimming, just being near water in general
Dislikes: not being claimed, the crowded Hermes cabin, Aphrodite’s cabin (they like messing with her love life), being sidelined, flying
Favorite Bands: Fall Out Boy, Nickelback, My Chemical Romance, No Doubt, The Veronicas
Physical Quirks/Scars: left-handed, incessantly cracks knuckles, scars from sword fighting, scar on her leg from a fishing accident.
Family: Kronos (paternal grandfather, Rhea (paternal grandmother), Chester Harley Chapman (maternal grandfather), Winifred Tessa Chapman (maternal grandmother)
Poseidon (father), Lucy Regina Chapman (mother), Amphitrite (stepmother)
Drew Corey Chapman (uncle), Zeus, Chiron and Hades (uncles), Tenley Rochelle Chapman (aunt), Hestia, Demeter and Hera (aunts)
Tyson, Percy Jackson, Procrustes, Polyphemus, Triton, Arion, Antaeus, Pegasus, Chrysaor, Chrysomallus, Cercyon, Sciron, Theseus, Bellerophon, Neleus, Halirrhothius, (paternal half-brothers)
Rhode, Kymopoleia, Despoina, Charybdis (paternal half-sisters)
Several Cyclops (paternal half-siblings)
Devin Robyn Underwood (adoptive sister)
Frank Zhang (paternal distant relative)
Harley Luke Castellan (son)
Honorary family: Hermes’s Cabin
Friends: Luke Castellan, Alexa Cantwood ( @thecaptainsgingersnap oc), Rainbow Aspen Rollins, Devin Robyn Underwood, Lucian Greyson Grimes, Santos Drake Ababio, Baylee Rowena Ford, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Athena’s cabin, Leo Valdez, Calypso
Love interest: Luke Castellan
Optimistic or pessimistic or realist
Introvert or extrovert
Occupation: Camp Counselor, waitress, high school student, lifeguard
Weapon: Trident and quindent
Favorite Animal: Pangolin and cuttlefish
Favorite color: teal
Favorite book: Fear Street Series by R.L Stein
Favorite food: her grandmother’s mac and cheese
Favorite movie/ tv show: (m): Indiana Jones. (tv): Smallville
Background: Born to Marine Life Photographer Lucy Chapman and the sea god Poseidon Jo’s life was anything but normal. Due to Lucy's career, she is constantly traveling so Jo is raised primarily by her grandparents. She loves spending time down at the beach when she’s not helping out at her grandparent’s restaurant.  Then, one day, a sea monster attacks and one of her regulars reveals himself to be a satyr. Suddenly, Jo's life is turned upside down as she's escorted to Camp Half-blood and trained to save the world. 
Forever tag: @thecaptainsgingersnap
Tags: @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle
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Behind the Mask: Chapter 4
Summary: Billy kind of fucked up, but is Ellie really over him?
Characters: Billy Hargrove, OFC (Ellie)
Words: 1,079
Warnings: Billy being dangerously hot.
A/N: Fun fact a good chunk of this was originally going to be a one shot, but it inspired the idea of this fic! So enjoy the beginnings of Behind the Mask! As always, like, reblog, and comment so I know if you’re enjoying!
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Ellie knew better. She knew better than to trust the word of a guy like Billy. She knew better and she still found herself waiting by the edge of the parking lot for Billy. 20 minutes she stood there to then later realized he had left. And embarrassed felt like an understatement to her right now. She shook her head frustratedly, almost laughing to herself bitterly. You knew better, she told herself. Needless to say, things went from being at a neutral standing with Billy Hargrove back to someone she had no interest in interacting with. Attraction who? That’s at least what she told herself…
The following weekend
“No, I’m not going.”
“C’mon, please! It feels a hundred degrees outside, let’s go swim!”
“But why do we have to go there? We can just go to the lake.”
“You know, you’re going to have to acknowledge your crush on Billy at some point, right?”
Ellie froze, her index finger still on her tongue as she snuck a glob of peanut butter in her mouth while she made her and Janna a sandwich. With her mouth full of the thick spread, she scowled, closing the jar and placing it back in the nearby cupboard.
“I don’t have a crush on him, can you just drop it? He’s a complete asshole!”
Janna noticed her more quick, aggressive movements and watched her with a smirk.
“Whatever you say. Look, we’ll go for a little bit and if “Mr. Ungodly Handsome” gets to be too much for you, we’ll go.”
Ellie sighed, running a hand through her hair before putting the slice of bread covered with jelly on top of the peanut butter one.
“Fine. But no more than a few hours. Please.”
Janna shrugged, getting up from the stool in front of the counter.
“Hey, he might not even be on his shift yet.”
Much to her wishes, he was there. And after two attempts of Ellie trying to escape back to the car and Janna practically having to drag her in, they walked through the gates of the pool and scanned the area for any free chairs.
“I’m gonna put my suit on, you wanna set up at those chairs down there?”
Janna pointed to the two free chairs near the far end of the pool and Ellie gave her a look that practically begged her to not leave her alone.
“Oh, you’ll be fine for five minutes. Go tan and look sexy.”
Ellie shook her head with a slow, controlled sigh and walked over to the open seating while Janna went to change. She set her bag with her towel down next to one of the chairs and pulled the old Zeppelin t-shirt she had on over her suit over her head. It was the following weekend after Billy had stood her up and she was trying to do whatever she could to get him out of her head. 
“Well, I guess my prediction was right. That bathing suit does look better than the shorts you had on the other day.”
Ellie immediately tensed, turning around to face the voice she knew could identify anywhere, an overly sweet smile plastered on her face. Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Billy stood in front of her, tanned skin and bright red swimming trunks. He had removed the white lifeguard vest he sometimes had on and had his gold aviators in his right hand. That stupid, cocky smirk was on his lips which only served to make Ellie’s blood boil even more. And he knew that it had just that effect on her.
“Like what you see?” She asked sarcastically, motioning the top of the blue and white striped one-piece she had on. The rest was hidden by the denim shorts he had been referring to that she wore earlier that week. 
He let out a soft laugh, his eyes scanning the length of her slightly curved torso and up to her accentuated breasts that you could see a peek of at the top of the suit. She noticed his eyes linger a few seconds too long at her breasts and she folded her arms over them, a blush forming on her cheeks.
“Oh, most definitely.” His voice low, as he took a few steps closer to her. 
She looked up to his eyes nervously, his fit torso only mere inches from her, and she couldn’t help but quickly sneak a look at his golden tan skin and the accentuation of the abs she knew he must’ve worked out constantly to achieve. He did look incredibly hot. And she hated that she thought it.
“Everything alright? You seem a little nervous.” His voice broke her train of thought and she bit the corner of her lip. God, she loved how deep and husky it sounded.
“I’m fine. It’s just… really hot.”
“Just hot?” What the hell, Ellie? That’s not snarky or witty, he’s going to think he really has you now.
The smirk on his pink lips widened and he rested his sunglasses back on his nose.
“Have you thought about my invitation to hang out after school sometime?”
“Same answer as before.” She responded, raising a brow as she held his stare.
 She had to resist rolling her eyes, “It may help to, you know, actually pick me up though.”
She noticed Billy’s demeanor slightly falter.
“Look, I’m sorry. Something came up and I had to leave.”
“Whatever. Just next time, maybe actually pick me up?”
“Oh, so there’s a next time?” His smirk returned and she could feel the intensity of his gaze on her.
Ellie’s cheeks warmed and he laughed.
“See you later, Ellie.”  He reached towards her to give her hand a gentle squeeze and before she knew it, the intoxicating scent of his cologne and lingering cigarette smoke on his breath was gone.
 What the hell had just happened? And why was she finding herself resisting the urge to check out his ass in those swim shorts? Ellie sat down on the white chair just as Janna started walking towards her.
“You alright? Your cheeks are already pretty red.” She asked, sitting down on the chair next to her.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” She mumbled, scowling in frustration as she tilted her chair further back.
Ellie didn’t even have to tell her what happened for Janna to laugh, shaking her head with a smile as she laid back similarly.
“You’ve got it bad.”
Tag List: @thisthing-calledlove @baker151910
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indie-animal · 5 years
I'm not checking which ones are which just do every one that ends in 3
3. Have you taken someone’s virginity? 
No. For things leading up to intercourse, if you will, yes, but not sex. 
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? 
Possibly play some new sort of board games with my parents, definitely spending time in bed with my laptop and phone lol. No real plans, but that’s kind of expected for the situation we’re all in, so 
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? 
Nope, his are blue and mine are grey. Which I think might be some sort of variant of blue or something but they don’t look the same 
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? 
:( maybe. I used to drink it reasonably often but idk I just can’t deal with carbonation anymore. I have no issues with the sugar or anything, the bubbles are just hard to drink omfg. I’ll have it once in a while 
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? 
:)))) Is everything I do in front of crushes not embarrassing? 
So it was freshman year, and I liked this guy, we might’ve even just started dating then, I can’t remember. We were walking our plates back to the kitchen, which required going down a very gradual ramp. Unbeknownst to me, it had very recently been mopped, so I was confidently walking in flip flops when my feet were like :) nope :) and I went DOWN. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, some RANDOM GUY walking UP the ramp lowkey rushed over and was like ‘are you okay?’ I was ready to die then and there. So yes :) yes I have 
53. Is Christmas stressful? 
Lol it was while I was in college. There’s no time to even entertain a thought that doesn’t relate to finals, and then you finally make it through and suddenly there’s like 15 people you need to buy gifts for and two weeks to do it if you’re lucky GOD. But now that I’m free, I don’t think it will be. This past one was a little stressful because I was away from home, and we (the other interns and myself) went to a number of different Christmas celebrations in addition to work, and that was draining. Fun, but draining. 
63. First concert? 
Technically my first real concert was Train, which was my mom’s choice, but first concert of my choosing was Ellie Goulding. I still remember her opener and what she wore and something she said, I loved it. Concerts are great. 
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? 
Oh of course 
83. Can you swim well? 
You’d better believe it. I swam competitively when I was 6, 7, and maybe 8 for a little bit. I also used to be a lifeguard during my senior year of high school. Swimming is the best, I love it so much. 
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bloggermlo99-blog · 5 years
Accident Investigation
Learning to swim is the best way to help prevent drownings and aquatic accidents. Jeff Ellis Swimming programs provide excellent service to help you avoid an accident investigation. Amusement park accidents that are water related can be greatly reduced if amusement park staff has the proper training. Our swimming programs include a licensed lifeguard on duty at all times."
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tahliajones-blog · 5 years
Jeff Ellis & Associates, Inc provides the safety and risk management services to prevent and elimination of drowning. We are based in global and offers all kind of lifeguard training program.click here
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blogmlo99-blog · 5 years
Lifeguard Certification
Ellis & Associates offers the lifeguards in your facility the very best in lifeguard certification. Our company is known for many ‘firsts’ within the aquatic industry, including the development of the 1-/20 Protection standard (scanning), the inclusion of in-water rescue breathing technology, Supplemental Emergency Oxygen Support, and AED training as a part of the lifeguard certification curriculum. We offer an ILTP professional lifeguard certification course which combines water rescue skills with health care provider level CPR, First Aid, AED and Oxygen administration into a single curriculum and single certification. Once qualified, lifeguards can work in these facilities:
Parks & rec pools/waterparks
Large and small waterparks
Public pools
Private pools
Open-water environments (ocean, lake, and bay fronts)
At Ellis & Associates, we believe that drowning is a preventable act. For more than 35 years, Ellis & Associates has and continues to help facility operators worldwide set the standard by providing them with innovative products and services that provide solutions to the training challenges they face. Once you possess an E&A Lifeguard Certification, it is easy to become a Jeff Ellis Swimming (JES) swim instructor.
The certification includes these categories:
Special Facilities lifeguard (with or without Open Water)
Pool lifeguard
Shallow Water lifeguard
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ibreathedisney · 8 years
Working for Disney (DCP/CEP): Week One
Working for Disney (DCP/CEP): Week One
I managed to keep a daily diary for the majority of my summer working as a Cast Member in Walt Disney World. Some days are a bit sparse compared to others, and  honestly some days are actually just very boring. But, if you’re nosey (like me) are thinking of applying to the programme or have been accepted to the programme and want to know every single little thing that happens over your time…
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DO NOT GO TO Epic Waters in North Texas
This place is a new indoor waterpark, sounds cool right? Wrong! They have no regard for safety rules, they don't train the lifeguards properly, MOST DONT EVEN KNOW CPR OR WATER RESCUES!!??!?! They failed the last audit 4 times over(the check by the people that certify the lifeguards (red Cross, Ellis, etc)
This is not a safe place. They spam negative comments on places like Facebook with reports to keep their ratings up, and they regularly open pools without a lifeguard AT ALL! This place is not safe, and they constantly have lifeguard out with injury over the rules they have about ride operations, they put their OWN STAFF at risk. They need to be shut down, please dont go there if you value your safety and the safety of your friends/family.
They also had NON LIFEGUARDS watching rides and water because they wanted to open the doors early and didn't want to wait for "certified" guards to arrive
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school-in-london · 4 years
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■DJ: 村田タケル Hinds - This Moment Forever Hinds - Bamboo Soccer Mommy - Lucy Sorry - Ode To Boy Soko - Looking For Love Ellis - fall apart Slowdive - Alison Sunbeam Sound Machine - Worry Wart Peel Dream Magazine - Pill Death Bell - New Signs of Life Mitski - Townie Hinds - The Club Sports Team - Long Hot Summer Pavement - Cut Your Hair Momma - Biohazard Girlpool - Lucky Joke Chastity Belt - Different Now KennyHoopla - plastic door// ■DJ: 片山翔太 
Wyatt Smith - Stuck RAT BOY - Don’t Hesitate Spoort - FLYY Aaron Childs - Every Single 1 Tommy Newport - Marigold Hello Yello - Lifeguard daysormay - Role Model Patchymate Feat. gravehours - City Lights Patchymate & Abbott Feat. Ryan Leahan - Violet Jordana - Big Holly Humberstone - Overkill Conan Gray - Maniac stupid rich kid - It’s Alright (To Be Afraid) Wes Park - Someday feat. Harry Teardrop 2nd Grade - Velodrome Egoism - Sorry The Clockworks - The Future is Not What It Was Chinaskee - Desanimado Mush - Revising My Fee Public Practice - Compromised A. Swayze & the Ghosts - Cancer

 ■DJ: タイラダイスケ 
Papills - California Surfin Yawners - La Escalera DYGL - Bad Kicks The Damned - Neat Neat Neat The Strokes - Bad Decisions HAIM - 3am Primal Scream - Star Tame Impala - Feels Like We Only Go Backwards シャムキャッツ - AFTER HOURS Big Thief - Forgotten Eyes Anderson .Paak - Make It Better ft. Smokey Robinson Lianne La Havas - Read My Mind Jungle Brown - Keep It Movin' Tom Misch & Yussef Dayes - What Kinda Music Clairo - North U.S.Girls - 4 American Dollars Natalie Prass - Short Court Style Vampire Weekend - Harmony Hall

 ■DJ: 村田タケル Tim Burgess - Empathy For The Devil black midi - Talking Heads Yard Act - Fixer Upper Idles - Well Done The Clash - Janie Jones Crack Cloud - Post Truth The Lounge Society - Generation Game Fontaines D.C. - Televised Mind Deerhunter - Disappearing Ink Melenas - Primer tiempo Pynch - Somebody Else Pet Shimmers - Mortal Sport Argonaut Hinds - Riding Solo Superorganism - Nobody Cares Good With Parents and Triple Stephens - I Understand You're Doubtful But I'm Most Content With Single Life Kevin Krauter - Surprise The Social Singing Choir - Paris (Friendly Fires Cover) girl in red - dead girl in the pool Fontaines D.C. - You Can't Realise (Darklands Versions) ■DJ: 片山翔太 
Whenyoung - Given Up Poptones - Escape Audiobaton - Wonder The Fax - Cool Me Jehnny Beth - I’m The Man Papaya & Friends - SADSADSAD the booyah! kids - idwtgbt boylife - church mmmonika - Don’t Do It Pom Poko - Praise Ize - This Is Not A Drill Cornelius - I Hate Hate Conteiner - Nozzle Model/Actriz - Suntan Boshi Boi - Goth Girls on My Xbox SAGOSAID - Little Heaven Purple - Target Jurassic Boys - Soul Train Ista - Spell It Low Hummer - The Real Thing The Gooms - Free Sweaters? Fantastic! YUNGBLUD - Strawberry Lipstick Peach Pit - Black Licorice Baby Queen - Buzzkill

 ■DJ: タイラダイスケ 
Mac Miller - Blue World Easy Life Feat. Arlo Parks - Sangria Mac Demarco - Just To Put Me Down PJ Morton - How Deep Is Your Love Amy Winehouse - Valerie (’68 Version) Homecomings - Great Escape Grimes - Delete Forever Dua Lipa - Good In Bed Dirty Projectors - Overlord The Clash - Pressure Drop Hinds - Burn The Lottery Winners - 18 To 30’s Sports Team - Kutcher Parquet Courts - Wide Awake Disclosure - ENERGY Kllo - Still Here The xx - On Hold HAIM - Don’t Wanna Wet - There's a Reason Anna of the North - Thank Me Later Fiona Apple - Under The Table ■Spotify
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