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✨Let's talk about OCs!✨ How would you describe your OC's personality/aesthetic? What's your favourite thing about them? Tell us a fun fact(s) about your OC or their creation! 🤍 Send this to at least 3 people to spread some OC appreciation! 🤍
Thank you elli!
well I already answered for Rory here. So I'll go with Kit for this one:
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Personality: Kit is never the life of the party. She's cold, aloof, always seems like she's annoyed just having to deal with being around other humans. And that's before she becomes a deranged religious zealot with an extreme savior complex and murderous, sadistic appetite
Aesthetic: casual, utilitarian comfort. A holdover from her army days and life growing up out in the wilderness doing survival training with her father. Give her pockets, things that won't rip easily, and that she doesn't mind getting dirty.
My favorite thing about them: getting to find new ways to fit the Bible and Christian religion into her horrific canon. I never grew up in a religious household, but it's an experience getting to explore the trauma of it through her eyes.
fun fact: So I've mentioned this in oc tag posts before, but her last name is a direct reference to a sight gag from Scrooged:
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Something about the blunt callousness of it stuck with me since the first time I saw that movie as a kid, and it works so perfectly for Kit as a character.
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original-jade · 6 months ago
For Shadow! 💕
First time they realized their "calling" in life
First "big purchase" they ever made on their own
First display of their powers or abilities
oooh made me think about these ones a bit. thank you so much!!!
6 - First time they realized their "calling" in life When they lived as Aster, the realization came when they were able to convince Shang Tsung (the one from their original reality) to turn away from the dangers of soul magic. They saw their calling as not only protecting Earthrealm, but in guiding its inhabitants to protect themselves. That principle stayed with them even beyond their amnesia and was the driving force behind Shadow's actions.
11 - First "big purchase" they ever made on their own Even when including their life before their amnesia, Shadow rarely makes any sort of purchase for themself. They repair old or broken items before considering anything new. The purchases they do make are usually on another's behalf, such as securing goods for the academy. The one purchase that does stick out counts only by technicality. During the Outworld invasion, after their amnesia but before they had even taken the name Shadow, they needed something reliable to cover their hands. They found their way to a department store that had been abandoned in the chaos, noted the price of the leather gloves they took, and returned a few days later to leave behind cash they had found beside a broken ATM.
23 - First display of their powers or abilities Shadow doesn't remember this event at all. When they were young, not quite an adult, soldiers came to the farm they lived on with their mother Lucine. The soldiers demanded that they relinquish their land for the emperor's use or be removed by force. Lucine resisted, and the soldiers acted. Shadow, then still Aster, was too far away to intervene. In desperation, their abilities were called forth for the first time and allowed them to teleport between the soldiers and their mother. Before anyone could recover from the shock, themself included, they willingly gave themself up as a prisoner in exchange for Lucine's safety.
OC/Ship Ask Game: Firsts
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shellibocs · 6 months ago
V for the letter ask game!
a lot more than I thought!
vittoria isabella viscuso-li. or vito. or ms. viscuso. one of my ps4 spider-man ocs. the pr rep for the F.E.A.S.T. shelter. as her name suggests, she is shipped with martin li
venera mai. or ven. one of my other favorites. one of my mortal kombat ocs. a distant cousin to kitana and mileena. a spy who works in earthrealm and outworld. ven has an mk11 au where her story is slightly different, but as far as ships go: for mk1, she is shipped with bi-han. for mk11, she is shipped with kuai liang
veris rila lavellan. my dragon age: inquisition oc. the inquisitor, an inferno and winter mage with the rift specialization. she is shipped with josephine montilyet!
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agirlandherquill · 2 months ago
a letter for writemas
alrighty, as promised, a little last writemas surprise for you all! - a little letter that i hope you'll read <3
~ ~ ~
dear writers,
when i first started this game, i had a dream, a dream of helping to inspire someone, i didn't know who, nor did i know just how many people would be impacted by this game - and 24 days on, the sheer amount of engagement has blown me away!
it has been a pleasure to witness your stories and your characters grow, to read the longest of adventures to the little glimpses into the wonderful worlds that reside in your heads - writing, for me at least, has always been a pleasure and a joy, and it's gotten me through some pretty difficult times, it's also made me appreciate more things too - and i cannot put into words how much it has meant for so many of you to have played along with a few little prompts i put together at the end of a day, and to share my holiday season with you all (even in such a small way!), and of course, help people writing - a feat i hold very dear to my heart (even if i've been unexpectedly busier this holiday season and not done as much writing as i would have liked - but hey, creating prompts counts, right?)
now, to end this letter, i would like to say a great and eternal thank you to every writer out there, from the bottom of my heart, whether you've participated this season or not, whether you've written tons or a few pages over this holiday, i want you all to know that you're doing amazing work, and i've enjoyed writemas far more than i ever thought i would!
for the final time this writemas, this is me signing off - as always, wishing you all a happy holiday, thank you so much for participating, and keep writing!
~ A Girl and Her Quill
(if anyone looks this far - p.s, read a little further for a final, parting message :)) this may be the final post for writemas, but it's not the end of the prompts i can assure you - something's cooking in the depths of my blog and i cannot wait to share it - so keep your eyes out dear writers, but for now, merry christmas eve to all, and to all a good night! <3 for the final time, the tag list! the invitations have been received so here you all are, i bestow upon you the gift of writemas! p.s if you want to be added to the tag list, interact with this post <3
@365runesofthesystem @glasshouses-and-stones @tildeathiwillwrite @nothoughtsjustmhaandotherthings
@willtheweaver @theverumproject @phoenixradiant @thatuselesshuman @melpomenelamusa
@loverboyxbutch @i-hate-happy-endings @corinneglass @whatwewrotepodcast @aalinaaaaaa
@aseriesofsmallthings @kelseyjade @lauravanarendonkbaugh @i-do-anything-but-write @nuclearr-wessels
@95angeltears @sunflowerrosy @thebadphilosopher @ellowynthenotking @xarrixii
@the-ellia-west @myniceisniceblogbloglog @kitty-is-writing @girl-with-bones @crimsonlyinglilly
@fantasy-things-and-such @shiningstars-world @purplehandshumanfeelings @mxxnlightwriting @aquadestinyswriting
@17panicattacksinatrenchcoat @seastarblue @sacratos @afyerarchive
@sabba-tumbling @aurumni-writes @burntblanc @angelfevr @lead-to-code
@inkoherentbabeler @selfemployedmess @theeccentricraven @sarandipitywrites
@kaylinalexanderbooks @rickie-the-storyteller @grace-thomas @wonda-ch @nyoxy-ghostie
@calliecwrites @happypup-kitcat24 @woodnymphdancinginmoonshine @storycraftcafe
@rhikasa @buffythevampirelover @moltenwrites @vesanal @foyle-writes-things
@thesorcerersapprentice @diabolical-blue @elsie-writes @pepsiwriteswords @sharkblizzardblogs
@zmwrites @satohqbanana @avian-king @wordwizards @theimperiumchronicles
@ryns-ramblings @thewritingcoroner @the960writers @m-r-levine @writingsfromspace
@detective-bird @k--havok @saharasunset @the-letterbox-archives @katwritesshit
@thebookishkiwi @that-expat-girl @lyssthewriter @elligatorrex @fablesandfragments
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inafieldofdaisies · 6 months ago
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Picrew Tag | Tagged by @shellibisshe @rhettsabbott @neonshrike @simonxriley <3
I was tagged to make little old me in this picrew + share the last song I listened to
Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @imogenkol @cassietrn @purplehairsecretlair
@direwombat @theelderhazelnut @raresvtm @josephseedismyfather
@josephslittledeputy @strangefable @captastra @derelictheretic
@trench-rot  @simplegenius042 @voidika @g0dspeeed @carlosoliveiraa
@cloudofbutterflies92 @thesingularityseries @la-grosse-patate
@dumbassdep @finding-comfort-in-rain @wrathfulrook
@killyourrdarlingss @justasmolbard @elligatorrex and anyone that would like to do the tag <3
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neonshrike · 1 month ago
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Bruce put down a cotton pad and wrapped gauze around her hand. “Good as new,” he said, putting it back down on the table with a reassuring pat.
“Um, thank you,” Andi murmured, she still couldn’t bring herself to look at him, and just stared at her newly bandaged hand instead.
- A Star is Born, Chapter 3
Tag List (check my pinned to join!): @atomiclace @afarcry5fromstraight @imogenkol @captastra @truly-very-british @statichvm @meatgrinderminefield @elligatorrex @inafieldofdaisies @taciturntraveller @the-lastcall @roofgeese @spaceratprodigy @risingsh0t @teamhawkeye @shellibisshe @rainwingmarvel7 @socially-awkward-skeleton @carlosoliveiraa @chadillacboseman @practically-an-x-man @sorrythatwasmean @marvel-oc-hub @themaradwrites @aeterna-auroral-avenger @tommyarashikage
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socially-awkward-skeleton · 3 months ago
thank you elli !!! 💜💜💜
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shellibocs · 1 month ago
— elf meiker
i was tagged by @crownrots and @jacobseed to use this elf meiker and ended up making the head brainworms. who arent elves but we move
tagging (opt in/out) @scalpelsister @viktorgf @auricfog @cloudofbutterflies92 @katsigian @lavampira @thedeadthree @delicateweaponjpg @socially-awkward-skeleton @elligatorrex @roofgeese @d-esmond @inafieldofdaisies @derelictheretic @chyrstis @yourlove-is-sunlight @captastra @neonshrike @risingsh0t @firstaidspray @imogenkol
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indira matić (tw3) | delia von frey (castlevania)
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agirlandherquill · 3 months ago
the tenth day of writemas
day 10 has arrived, and truth be told at the start of this game i never thought we'd get this far, and i'm so so grateful to every one of you that has taken part! keep up the amazing work!
the rules, for those of you that are new or simply need a refresher: choose a prompt from the list, write something and share your creation with the rest of writeblr, and share the game with others, because as we all know writing is a gift and it deserves to be shared! and of course, tag me in your responses because i cannot wait to see them!
p.s - the game is open to all, as discussed in the invitation post - which, if you'd like to be added to the tag list, is still being monitored for newcomers and late additions - all are welcome to the game!
now for the part you're all here to see - the prompts!
Prompt List:
Dialogue Prompts:
"I wouldn't have done it if you were honest with me."
"You're trembling... Why?"
"I'm scared. Of everything. But in this moment, you, especially you."
Setting Prompts:
A rooftop
A lake
A closet
Narration Prompts:
Everywhere she looked, there were reminders of what she had lost, every time she closed her eyes, she could feel the ghosts of the past haunting her.
He could do no more than smile, even when he wanted to cry, even when he wanted to curse the world to pieces. He smiled.
The rose was soft to touch, save for the jagged thorn pressed into her jugular. Beautiful, and so capable of death.
Feeling Prompts:
The ache of restraint
The calm of a smile
The ice of betrayal
(because i'm insanely overeager, this post like its predecessor will be going live at 00:01 UK Time, apologies to those of you that receive it early but hey, early presents are still pretty good presents :) )
eagerly awaiting your creations, and as always, happy holidays!
~ A Girl And Her Quill
the invitations have been received so here you all are, i bestow upon you the gift of writemas! p.s if you want to be added to the tag list, interact with this post <3
@365runesofthesystem @glasshouses-and-stones @tildeathiwillwrite @sunakore @nothoughtsjustmhaandotherthings
@willtheweaver @theverumproject @phoenixradiant @thatuselesshuman @melpomenelamusa
@loverboyxbutch @i-hate-happy-endings @corinneglass @whatwewrotepodcast @aalinaaaaaa
@aseriesofsmallthings @kelseyjade @lauravanarendonkbaugh @i-do-anything-but-write @nuclearr-wessels
@95angeltears @sunflowerrosy @thebadphilosopher @ellowynthenotking @xarrixii
@the-ellia-west @myniceisniceblogbloglog @kitty-is-writing @girl-with-bones @crimsonlyinglilly
@fantasy-things-and-such @shiningstars-world @purplehandshumanfeelings @mxxnlightwriting @aquadestinyswriting
@17panicattacksinatrenchcoat @seastarblue @sacratos @afyerarchive
@sabba-tumbling @aurumni-writes @burntblanc @angelfevr @lead-to-code
@inkoherentbabeler @selfemployedmess @theeccentricraven @sarandipitywrites
@kaylinalexanderbooks @rickie-the-storyteller @grace-thomas @wonda-ch @nyoxy-ghostie
@calliecwrites @happypup-kitcat24 @woodnymphdancinginmoonshine @storycraftcafe
@rhikasa @buffythevampirelover @moltenwrites @vesanal @foyle-writes-things
@thesorcerersapprentice @diabolical-blue @elsie-writes @pepsiwriteswords @sharkblizzardblogs
@zmwrites @satohqbanana @avian-king @wordwizards @theimperiumchronicles
@ryns-ramblings @thewritingcoroner @the960writers @m-r-levine @writingsfromspace
@detective-bird @k--havok @saharasunset @the-letterbox-archives @katwritesshit
@thebookishkiwi @that-expat-girl @lyssthewriter @elligatorrex @fablesandfragments
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inafieldofdaisies · 3 months ago
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Character Moodboard | Deputy Sabrina Donovan | WIP: In Hope of Tomorrow
“So many eyes saw the worst in me, and yet yours... yours didn't.”
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Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @strangefable @lilywatt @imogenkol
@killyourrdarlingss @katsigian @derelictheretic @carlosoliveiraa @voidika
@aceghosts @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @trench-rot
@theelderhazelnut @raresvtm @cassietrn @g0dspeeed @direwombat
@purplehairsecretlair @la-grosse-patate @elligatorrex @mkdecimation @simplegenius042
@simonxriley @cloudofbutterflies92 @shellibisshe 
@neonshrike @dumbassdep @wrathfulrook @strafethesesinners @finding-comfort-in-rain and anyone that would like to do the tag 🤍
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neonshrike · 25 days ago
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i prefer this over music monday tbh
tagging @captastra @lilywatt @imogenkol @risingsh0t @tommyarashikage @inafieldofdaisies @shellibisshe @truly-very-british @taciturntraveller @socially-awkward-skeleton @carlosoliveiraa @meatgrinderminefield @elligatorrex @rainwingmarvel7 and anyone else who wants to!
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socially-awkward-skeleton · 2 months ago
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Redraw of Mars & Venus, Allegory of Peace
14 hours worth of work later and i'm fairly happy with the finished product. Painterly style art is not my forte but I wanted to challenge myself for the background and foreground.
We got scars, body hair, the nose mole of John's that I'm a big ol' fan of, and Rory finally getting a good night's rest.
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art inspiration
NSFW taglist:
@roofgeese @efingart @wrathfulrook @carlosoliveiraa @voidika
@josephseedismyfather @g0dspeeed @cloudofbutterflies92 @imogenkol @inafieldofdaisies
@raresvtm @evvie-a @an-drawer @clicheantagonist @la-grosse-patate
@direwombat @solstheimart @statichvm @cassietrn @lady-ephemeral
@thedeadthree @strangefable @simplegenius042 @writeforfandoms @elligatorrex
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shellibocs · 4 months ago
— fics as penguin classics
i was tagged by @deputy-morgan-malone @imogenkol @inafieldofdaisies and @lilywatt to use this canva template to make some covers for my stories! thank you all!!!
i don't have a lot of og stories or named fics, but i do have these two aus for elle and marian!
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tagging @jamessunderlandgf @auricfog @carrionsflower @cloudofbutterflies92 @katsigian @lavampira @thedeadthree @delicateweaponjpg @socially-awkward-skeleton @elligatorrex @roofgeese @scalpelsister @d-esmond @derelictheretic @chyrstis @yourlove-is-sunlight @captastra @strangefable @loriane-elmuerto @neonshrike @risingsh0t @firstaidspray and anyone else!
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agirlandherquill · 3 months ago
the thirteenth day of writemas
day 13, a rather superstitious number, and some may say i tempt fate by favouring 13 as my lucky number, but it's my first official day of christmas break, i'm home, and in a very eager writing mood - so i'll be joining you all alongside today's prompts with my own entry, whether it comes minutes after this post goes live or an hour later, we shall see, but for now i'm looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!
the rules, for those of you that are new or simply need a refresher: choose a prompt from the list, write something and share your creation with the rest of writeblr, and share the game with others, because as we all know writing is a gift and it deserves to be shared! and of course, tag me in your responses because i cannot wait to see them!
p.s - the game is open to all, as discussed in the invitation post - which, if you'd like to be added to the tag list, is still being monitored for newcomers and late additions - all are welcome to the game!
now for the part you're all here to see - the prompts!
Prompt List:
Dialogue Prompts:
"On your knees. You will bow to me, you will kiss my boot, or I shall find reason not to spare you."
"Why did I do it? Why does anyone do anything? Simple. Revenge."
"I wished on my beating, broken heart for a way out of this. I wished, and my salvation never came."
Setting Prompts:
A vehicle
A dinner
A rooftop
Narration Prompts:
They cursed, they swore, they damned, but each word bounced harmlessly from her mind. She paid them no heed. What good were words when she had knives?
He drove his fist into the ice, desperate, he beat and he beat against the frozen barrier until it was bloody, but even then, the ice would not break.
The damage was done. The ruin irreparable. It would leave scars and plenty of them, but at least, along with the pain, there remained a story to tell.
Feeling Prompts:
The heat of a stare
The ache of longing
The burn of poison
(because i'm insanely overeager, this post like its predecessor will be going live at 00:01 UK Time, apologies to those of you that receive it early but hey, early presents are still pretty good presents :) )
eagerly awaiting your creations, and as always, happy holidays!
~ A Girl And Her Quill
the invitations have been received so here you all are, i bestow upon you the gift of writemas! p.s if you want to be added to the tag list, interact with this post <3
@365runesofthesystem @glasshouses-and-stones @tildeathiwillwrite @nothoughtsjustmhaandotherthings
@willtheweaver @theverumproject @phoenixradiant @thatuselesshuman @melpomenelamusa
@loverboyxbutch @i-hate-happy-endings @corinneglass @whatwewrotepodcast @aalinaaaaaa
@aseriesofsmallthings @kelseyjade @lauravanarendonkbaugh @i-do-anything-but-write @nuclearr-wessels
@95angeltears @sunflowerrosy @thebadphilosopher @ellowynthenotking @xarrixii
@the-ellia-west @myniceisniceblogbloglog @kitty-is-writing @girl-with-bones @crimsonlyinglilly
@fantasy-things-and-such @shiningstars-world @purplehandshumanfeelings @mxxnlightwriting @aquadestinyswriting
@17panicattacksinatrenchcoat @seastarblue @sacratos @afyerarchive
@sabba-tumbling @aurumni-writes @burntblanc @angelfevr @lead-to-code
@inkoherentbabeler @selfemployedmess @theeccentricraven @sarandipitywrites
@kaylinalexanderbooks @rickie-the-storyteller @grace-thomas @wonda-ch @nyoxy-ghostie
@calliecwrites @happypup-kitcat24 @woodnymphdancinginmoonshine @storycraftcafe
@rhikasa @buffythevampirelover @moltenwrites @vesanal @foyle-writes-things
@thesorcerersapprentice @diabolical-blue @elsie-writes @pepsiwriteswords @sharkblizzardblogs
@zmwrites @satohqbanana @avian-king @wordwizards @theimperiumchronicles
@ryns-ramblings @thewritingcoroner @the960writers @m-r-levine @writingsfromspace
@detective-bird @k--havok @saharasunset @the-letterbox-archives @katwritesshit
@thebookishkiwi @that-expat-girl @lyssthewriter @elligatorrex @fablesandfragments
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inafieldofdaisies · 3 months ago
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Character Art | Deputy Calahan Hartley
— list of crimes include arson, murder, serving cunt(ry)
An idea that haunted me for eternity brought to life by the loveliest @derelictheretic 🤍✨ I'm in awe, and cannot thank you enough for the attention to detail and care you put into each oc and ship comm!!
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@socially-awkward-skeleton @shellibisshe @cassietrn @strangefable @strafethesesinners
@purplehairsecretlair @voidika @g0dspeeed @theelderhazelnut @euryalex
@wrathfulrook @imogenkol @katsigian @killyourrdarlingss @josephslittledeputy
@josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @aceghosts @finding-comfort-in-rain @mkdecimation
@simplegenius042 @neonshrike @elligatorrex @direwombat @carlosoliveiraa
@simonxriley @cloudofbutterflies92 @la-grosse-patate @lilywatt @raresvtm
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neonshrike · 2 months ago
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Best friends in the Capital Wasteland!
Tag List (check my pinned to join!): @atomiclace @afarcry5fromstraight @imogenkol @captastra @truly-very-british @statichvm @meatgrinderminefield @elligatorrex @inafieldofdaisies @taciturntraveller @roofgeese @spaceratprodigy @risingsh0t @teamhawkeye @shellibisshe @cloudofbutterflies92 @rainwingmarvel7 @socially-awkward-skeleton @carlosoliveiraa @chadillacboseman @practically-an-x-man @sorrythatwasmean @marvel-oc-hub
Pose Reference
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