backhurtyy · 3 years
tagged by @gendercloud and @verdanthoney to post some lines from a wip! thank you beloveds 💖
“Hey,” Zuko said, nudging Sokka’s shoulder ever so slightly. When Sokka looked at him, he had a tentative half smile on his face and a hopeful glimmer in his eyes. “Want to ride the ferris wheel with me?”
Sokka wanted nothing more- time with Zuko while he was bathed in the golden light from the ferris wheel, the wind ruffling his hair, their shoulders pressed together- but his leg burned when he tried to get it under himself to stand. He heaved a heavy sigh, dropping his eyes away from Zuko’s pleading face sadly.
“I want to, but I don’t think I can get over there, Zuko. My knee… I’m really sorry.”
“I’ll carry you.”
idk who’s been tagged or who has wips but i’ll tag @terracyte @jaanii and @rejectscanon (no pressure as always mwah
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backhurtyy · 2 years
jayvik. real world college professors? (idk if that’s too specific lol do whatever you want ily)
“Honey, I’m home!” Jayce called with a grin as he walked into Viktor’s applied mathematics lecture with a cup of coffee in his hand, interrupting his husband in the middle of explaining a problem.
Viktor fixed him with an unimpressed gaze— though there was a glimmer of amusement there, only noticeable if you knew him as well as Jayce did— and sighed. “Professor Talis, please, I’m in the middle of a lecture. Is there something you need? Or will I be allowed to return to teaching.”
“What, can’t a man deliver a cup of coffee to his husband?” Jayce pouted, leaning against Viktor’s podium.
Viktor looked at his students with a bland expression and said, “Please ignore Professor Talis, I do not know what he’s talking about. We are not married.”
Viktor’s students chuckled behind Jayce, well used to this daily occurrence, and Viktor winked at Jayce before taking the cup from him and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
(send me a prompt + pairing!)
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backhurtyy · 2 years
high school + shadoka? 🥺
Hiromi sighed at the open chemistry textbook in front of him, frustration making his blood boil. He’d been working on this problem for ages, trying over and over again to get the proper amount of moles, but nothing he did worked. He’d tried rebalancing it, triple checked his math, started over completely, tried converting to different units, but it was still wrong and he didn’t understand and he just wanted to throw his textbook across the room—
“Hiromi, hey,” Oka’s voice cut through his thoughts, accompanied by a gentle touch on his shoulder. “You alright?”
He blinked, startled to find his hand had crumpled his sheet of paper, and relaxed it as he looked up at Oka. “I’m fine. I just can’t figure out this stupid problem.”
Oka smiled slightly. “Well, I doubt crinkling your paper up will help. But a break probably will. Come on, why don’t we skate a bit, and then I can help you after?”
Hiromi thought about saying no; he really did have a lot of these problems left to do, and he had a math exam to study for, and he had to prepare a presentation, and—
But Oka’s smile was so kind, and his hand was so gentle on Hiromi’s shoulder, and Hiromi was so gone for him it was ridiculous.
He shut his textbook.
(send me a prompt + pairing!)
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backhurtyy · 2 years
Ooh ooh for the prompts can you write about like, an AU where luke and leia know who their parents are the whole time and obi wan raises them and has to have a conversation with them about loss? Like obi wan misses anakin and padme too but he also has the responsibility of remembering them for the kiddos
Sorry I know it's a little sad but obi wan talking about padme w leia lives in my head rent free
And like, he can tell them like a silly story about the shenanigans and tomfoolery they got up to so it's not as heavy but I just. Obi wan lies or conceals so much about anakin (and padme) bc he misses him and feels so guilty and I just want him to be honest w the twins
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love with no place to go
“Want to know a secret?” Luke and Leia both nod, and Obi-Wan smiles sadly. “I miss Anakin everyday.”
Obi-Wan raises Luke and Leia on Tatooine, and they have to have a conversation about grief.
2.8k // rated T // grief, healing, and hurt/comfort
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backhurtyy · 2 years
gentlebeard + college au (i think it could be fun!! lmao)
Stede didn’t know, exactly, how he ended up like this: laying flat on his back in a puddle of blue paint, his vision swimming from hitting his head on the ground, and staring up at— naturally— Edward Teach, the technical direction professor everyone was terrified of.
Of course the first impression he made on the man— his new coworker and fellow professor— would be making a complete fool of himself. It was just how things seemed to go for him, after all.
Edward smoothed back his hair, looking down at Stede with something— mirth? amusement? interest?— sparkling in his eye. “The new acting professor, I presume?”
Stede sighed slightly, embarrassment washing over him. “You’ve heard of me?”
“Oh yeah, mate,” Edward stuck out a hand, and hailed Stede to his feet. “I’ve heard all about you.”
(send me a prompt + pairing!)
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backhurtyy · 2 years
how about shadoka + star wars au? idk trying to combine your interests akdbksnskd or pirate au if that’s easier haha
The base was a flurry of activity, joyful laughter and relieved tears filling the air as it hit everyone at once; Reki and Langa had defeated Emperor Ainosuke, Starkiller Base had been destroyed, and the Rebellion won. The war was over.
Oka felt that same sense of relief, and was endlessly proud of Reki and Langa for all they’d done, but as he jumped out of his X-Wing and began pushing through the crowd, there was only one thought on his mind— finding Hiromi, and finally, finally, telling him the truth.
Up ahead he heard Sketchy beeping excitedly, and his heart skipped a beat before the crowd parted just enough for him to see Hiromi— face smeared with dirt and grease and clearly exhausted but otherwise uninjured— and suddenly his heart was in his throat.
They met in the middle, colliding with all the force of a comet hitting a planet, and Oka laughed with shaky relief as Hiromi’s arms wrapped around him, strong and steady and tight. Around them, the rebels celebrated, but Oka’s world narrowed to this, his hand buried in Hiromi’s hair and Hiromi’s chest shaking with laughter against his, and when they broke apart, the words he’d waited so long to say burst out of him.
“I love you!”
Hiromi smiled as brightly as the two suns of Tatooine, and leaned in to kiss Oka.
(send me a pairing + a prompt!)
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backhurtyy · 3 years
ummm how about matchablossom or mailee + 18?💕
18 - willow by taylor swift
the more that you say, the less i know
wherever you stray, i follow
im begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans
For all that she pretended to be ditzy and thoughtless, Ty Lee never made a single decision without thinking it all the way through. She analyzed it down to every possible consequence, every minute detail, every tiny ripple in her life it could cause. Only once she was satisfied she’d thought of every outcome— so quickly that it barely seemed she’d given it any thought at all— did she pick the best one and act.
It was a system, and it worked, and nothing could make her decide on things differently.
Except for when Mai was involved.
Because when Mai was involved, then she really was ditzy and thoughtless. She acted irrationally, without thinking, without analyzing, without breaking things down. So long as what she did helped Mai, or brought her back to Mai, or kept her at Mai’s side, she didn’t care what she did.
That was the thing about being in love with someone since childhood, she’d learned. Decisions always seemed to end up skewed in their favor.
And looking back at her life, all of the biggest decisions Ty Lee had made, and the ones involving the least amount of thought, circled back to Mai somehow.
She’d only run away and joined the circus because Mai told her it was a good idea. She’d only been able to betray Azula at Boiling Rock because Mai had the courage to do it first. She’d only become a Kyoshi Warrior because Mai encouraged her. Time and time again, Mai was at the center of everything she did.
Mai was captivating, the star that Ty Lee orbited around, with a gravity to her that Ty Lee couldn’t escape even if she wanted to.
And now, Mai seemed determined to change her life once again, appearing in front of her right as she was finishing her shift with her hand out and an expectant look on her face. The gesture was unmistakable in its meaning, but Ty Lee was still surprised when the first thing Mai said was, “Come with me.”
Ty Lee blinked once, then grabbed Mai’s outstretched hand. She had no clue where they were going, and she was exhausted after following Zuko around all day and had been looking forward to collapsing into her bed to sleep, but it didn’t matter. She’d known from the moment Mai showed up and held out her hand that she was going to go with her, no matter how it wreaked her plans for the evening.
Mai smiled, the small but genuinely happy kind she reserved just for Ty Lee, and started leading them down the hall, never making any move to drop Ty Lee’s hand.
“Where are we going?” Ty Lee finally asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.
“You’ll see,” Mai responded cryptically. She took a complicated series of turns down the winding red halls, but Ty Lee was familiar enough with the palace after so long that she knew they were heading towards one of the secret exits.
She raised an eyebrow. “We’re sneaking out? What for?”
There was no reason, after all; Zuko didn’t care where they went, Ty Lee wasn’t on shift anymore, and no one was going to look at Mai with her knives and scowl and pointed eyeliner and tell her she couldn’t go wherever she wanted.
Mai shrugged and finally looked over her shoulder at Ty Lee, a glimmer of what Ty Lee could only describe as mischief in her eyes. “Just for old times sake. I mean, how many times did we sneak out as kids?”
Ty Lee grinned, remembering how they’d gotten caught a thousand times over after failing to stifle their giggles as they snuck out to get sweet rolls from the city. Everyone had always assumed Ty Lee was the mastermind encouraging them to sneak out, and she’d never corrected them, but in reality it had always been Mai; just another example of how Ty Lee failed to make good decisions when Mai was involved.
Although, with Mai’s hand in hers now and the memory of her laughter as a kid in her ears, Ty Lee wasn’t sure how Mai could be anything but a good decision.
She just laughed and squeezed Mai’s hand once. “Are there going to be sweet rolls involved?”
“Amongst other things.”
Ty Lee hummed once, curiosity growing with every cryptic response, but she didn’t pry anymore— she just let Mai continue leading the way, content to follow her wherever she went. So long as Mai kept holding on to her hand, she didn’t care what the plan was.
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backhurtyy · 3 years
renga, 75? 👀
75 - seven by taylor swift
pack your dolls and a sweater we'll move to india forever passed down like folk songs our love lasts so long
(this really got away from me, so more under the cut!)
Reki watched Langa place his suitcase in the back of Nanako’s car with a lump in his throat and tears stinging in his eyes. He blinked them back furiously, refusing to let them fall until Langa and the grey minivan had disappeared from view. Or maybe he’d wait to cry until Langa was on his plane, or maybe even until Langa had touched down in Canada, or maybe he’d never let himself cry.
Because if Reki cried, and Langa knew that Reki cried, then he’d never go to Canada. And Langa had to go to Canada, because he’d been recruited to skate for the Canada Skateboard National Team. It was amazing, a once in a lifetime opportunity, and as much as he was going to miss his boyfriend, Reki knew he had to go- if Langa didn’t, and it was because of him, he’d never forgive himself.
And so, he watched Langa load up the back of his mom’s car with the things he’d accumulated during the past six years he’d spent in Japan, and he put on a brave face, and he pretended his heart wasn’t breaking.
But he had to wonder, as he stared a year without Langa in the face, if he even knew how to be on his own anymore. For six years, they’d been Reki and Langa, an inseparable unit— like binary stars they seemed to orbit each other, bound to each other by their own gravities, never found too far from one another. And now… Now they were going to be Reki, alone in Japan, and Langa, alone in Canada— stars an entire solar system apart.
Reki had tried to convince himself that it was good for them, that they needed some time to grow away from each other, but he couldn’t make himself believe it. Not when he’d discovered all the best parts of himself with Langa standing next to him.
The trunk door slammed, and Reki quickly swallowed down the tears stubbornly still trying to fall, and looked up to see Langa walking towards him, chewing his lip.
Reki’s heart crumbled to see Langa so anxious, so he put on a wide smile and closed the distance between them, hands in his pockets to feign relaxation.
“That's everything?” he asked.
Langa nodded, blue bangs falling into his eyes. Quietly, he repeated, “Yeah, that’s everything.”
With a sad, fond smile, Reki pulled a hand out of his pocket and brushed the hair out of his eyes. “Hey,” he said gently, using a knuckle to lift Langa’s chin so their eyes met. “You’re going to be fine, Langa. This is going to be the experience of a lifetime, and I am so proud of and excited for you. I can’t wait to hear all about it when we FaceTime.”
Langa, thankfully, smiled and nuzzled into Reki’s touch. “I know, you’re right. I just am really going to miss you, Reki.”
“I know, baby. I’m…” Reki swallowed painfully and brushed a kiss to Langa’s forehead. “I’m going to miss you, too. I already do, and you’re standing right here in front of me.”
Immediately, Langa collapsed into Reki and hugged him tight. “Don’t make it even harder to go, please.”
Despite the pangs of sorrow in his heart, Reki laughed. “Alright, alright. I’ll tell you how much I miss you later. For now… A kiss for the road?”
They’d kissed dozens, hundreds, thousands of times, and each time Reki thought they’d never have a kiss that could beat it, and every time, he’d been wrong. But somehow, he knew that this one— no matter how many more times they kissed each other in their lives— would never be beaten. It was a little wet from the tears on Langa’s cheeks, and it was a little clumsy from how desperate they both were to get as close to each other as they could, and it was a little bittersweet with knowing it was the last one for a while, but it was still perfect to Reki.
Langa’s hand was in his hair, the other on his waist, and his lips were smooth against Reki’s, and his eyelashes were soft were they brushed against Reki’s cheek, and he was warm, and he was gentle, and Reki could feel every ounce of love and devotion and sorrow and longing that Langa was putting into it.
He returned it tenfold, pouring everything he had into it, and he just hoped Langa understood.
When they broke apart, Reki refused to let Langa go far, gripping his collar and pressing their foreheads together.
“I love you so much,” he whispered. “You’re going to have an amazing time, and you’re going to do some amazing skating, and you’re going to have a million fans… But I’ll always be your biggest one.”
“You’re the only fan that matters,” Langa whispered back. He brushed a kiss against Reki’s nose, then mumbled into the skin of his cheekbone, “I love you, Reki, for infinity.”
“For infinity.”
And then, just like that, it was as if they both knew what had to happen.
At the same time, they opened their eyes and stepped away from each other, though Langa’s hand slid down Reki’s arm to tangle their fingers together.
He toyed with the promise ring on Reki’s hand for a moment, staring at the silver band with a pained expression, then he met Reki’s gaze. “Don’t forget about me, okay?”
Reki gave him a sideways grin. “Don’t be stupid… I’m not going to be able to get you out of my head.”
Langa smiled back, then stepped back towards the car, and their arms stretched out between them.
Another step back, and Langa’s palm slid free of Reki’s.
Another step back, and just their fingertips were touching.
Another step back, and Reki’s hand dropped to his side, cold and empty.
Langa gave him one last lingering look and Reki stared back, memorizing the curves and angles of his face— the arch of his brow and the sweep of his forehead, the fall of his hair and the bow of his lips, the line of his nose and the cut of his chin— and soaking up every bit of Langa that he could so that he had something to remember when he was gone.
And then, finally, with one last smile that made Reki fall in love all over again, Langa turned and began walking towards the car, idling as Nanako waited for him.
Reki watched him go, each step that Langa took a dagger in his heart.
Reki watched him go, and part of him wanted to run forward and throw his arms around Langa and never let go.
Reki watched him go, and Langa reached the car door.
His slender fingers rested on the handle, but he made no move to open it. In fact, he was barely moving at all, standing so still it would look like a photograph if it weren’t for the tips of his hair waving gently in the wind.
Reki frowned as the moment passed and stretched into a second and then five and then ten, and Langa still didn’t move.
Gravel crunched under his foot as he took a step forward, and the sound seemed to snap Langa out of whatever spell he’d fallen under; faster than Reki could blink, he whirled around and sprinted back towards him.
Langa collided into Reki in a tight hug, voice soft as he rushed to say, “Come with me.”
“What?” Reki gasped, arms coming up to hold Langa, gentle in his confusion.
“Come with me,” he repeated earnestly. “I can’t do this without you, Reki. I can’t go to Canada, I can’t skateboard, I can’t live without you. My life before I met you was so gray, Reki, and you made it bright again. The thought of having things be gray again, of being without you— I can’t— I don’t want—“
Reki’s heartbeat pounded in his ears. Was Langa really—?
“Langa, what are you saying?”
Langa pulled back, and Reki could swear those blue eyes pierced his very soul. “Come with me to Canada. Move in with me.”
“I— Langa, my classes, my job, my family—“
“I know, I know. I know how much it is to ask, and how much you’d be leaving behind. And I’d never make you. I just… When I think about being in Canada without you, I feel like I can’t breathe. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime, I know it is, but I also know I’ll only really enjoy it if you’re there with me. So just… Think about it?”
His heart swelled with Langa’s consideration of the fact that he might need time, but Reki didn’t need to think. “Of course I’ll go with you, Langa. I… I don’t want to be alone, either. I can delay my classes, I can get a job in Canada, I can— I can make it work. As long as I’m with you, I can do anything.”
Langa’s desperate expression melted into one of incandescent happiness, and he hugged Reki again. “Thank you. Thank you so much, I love you.”
Reki buried his face in Langa’s neck, beaming. A few minutes ago, he’d felt like his life was falling apart, and now… Now everything was going to change. “I need a few weeks probably, just to figure things out and make arrangements, but after that—“
“Yes, as much time as you need. I’m just… I’m so happy.”
Reki pushed him back and kissed him again, this one full of fire and excitement and the promise of their future. “I can’t wait. But… You should probably get going now. You don’t want to miss your flight.”
Langa nodded, his eyes shining, and lunged forward to kiss Reki swiftly again. “I’ll see you in Canada, okay?”
“See you in Canada, baby.”
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backhurtyy · 2 years
matchablossom pirates 🥺
The captain’s sword flicked forwards, so fast that Kojiro barely knew what had happened until there was cold steel pressed flat against his chin, forcing his head up so that there was nothing to do but meet his burning gaze.
“Tell me, Kojiro,” he said, voice laced with an edge of danger that sent shivers down Kojiro’s back, “do you fear death?”
He titled his head thoughtfully as he took in the Dread Pirate Cherry— the most feared pirate in the world, the man sailors whispered stories about in flickering candlelight— and smiled sharply. “If it looks like you? Not particularly.”
(send me a prompt + pairing!)
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backhurtyy · 4 years
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the sound of longing
He kicked himself, mind going into overdrive as he saw Sokka’s brow furrow. He’d thought it had been too quiet for him to hear, but maybe he was wrong and Sokka had heard and now knew, and was confused because he was trying to figure out how to let him down gently, and Zuko had just ruined everything-
“I have absolutely no clue what you just said,” Sokka announced after a moment, dropping his sword to his side. “I couldn’t hear you over all the wheezing.”
Five times Zuko says I love you and Sokka doesn't hear, and one time he does.
day 5 of @zukkaweek​ : 5 + 1!
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backhurtyy · 4 years
4? Please make it as fluffy as you can
4. Kissing on sofa, foreheads pressed together, breathy, soft tender.
sorry this took so long anon! i tried to deliver on the fluff so... hopefully it’s okay 💖
The apartment was quiet, sunlight streaming in the open windows and a light breeze making the curtains sway gently. It was a peaceful, lazy afternoon, and Sokka couldn’t imagine anything better than this- just laying on the couch, Zuko half on top of him as he used his chest as a pillow.
Sokka pulled Zuko tighter to him and hummed, his heart swelling when Zuko nuzzled closer to him and squeezed him right back with the arm he had draped over his stomach.
“What?” Zuko mumbled with his eyes shut, words muffled by how his cheek pressed into Sokka’s chest.
“Nothing. This is just really nice. We never get to just… Be lazy like this, you know?”
Zuko’s eyes slid open and he turned his head so that he could see Sokka, resting his chin on his sternum. “Yeah, it is,” he said with a soft smile.
Sokka rubbed his thumb into Zuko’s right arm lightly, not speaking, just smiling at him and trying to put every ounce of love he felt into it. When he smiled even harder and his eyes fluttered shut, Sokka knew he had seen it.
A second later, Zuko was shifting fluidly to prop himself up on his elbow and lean forward until his face was hovering over Sokka’s.
Sokka swallowed and said quietly, “Hey, baby.”
“Hi, love.” Zuko’s reponse was little more than an exhale, his lips parting slightly as he looked down at Sokka with shining eyes.
They stayed frozen, time slipping away as they just gazed at each other, faces so close together that they could feel each other’s breath skating across their cheeks. A strand of Zuko’s hair had come loose from his bun and now hung in front of his face, so with slow, delicate movements- as if anything else would shatter the moment- Sokka reached up and pushed it back behind his ear.
Rather than remove his hand from Zuko’s face after though, he let it rest there so that he could brush his thumb across his cheekbone gently. Zuko let out a shuddering breath, and ducked down to kiss him, slow and sweet and lazy and so full of love that Sokka’s heart ached.
When Zuko finally went to gently pull away after what could have been minutes or hours, Sokka followed him and captured his mouth in another plying kiss- nothing more than just the press of their lips together, but it still left him breathless. Zuko, apparently determined to steal all the air from his lungs, kissed him chastely twice more before pressing his forehead to Sokka’s.
“I love you, Sokka,” he murmured softly.
“And I love you, Zuko,” he responded back, eyes staying shut.
They stayed there, breath mingling in the small space between them and the sun casting its warm rays across their legs, and Sokka knew it would never get better then this.
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backhurtyy · 4 years
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beautiful stranger
But because this was the worst week ever, when he got to the Jasmine Dragon Tea Shop the day before his biggest midterm exam, there was someone sitting in his spot. Usually, he would be able to adjust and wouldn’t make a big deal of it. Usually, he’d be a little bit annoyed that his schedule was thrown off, but he’d be okay.
But after a week where his schedule had been thrown off everyday, the sight of shaggy dark brown hair bent over a book and a figure dwarfed by a black hoodie sitting in his spot was too much to handle.
He strode over with his fists clenched and snapped, “Hey. You’re in my spot.”
“It’s a tea shop, not a classroom. No one has assigned seats.”
It's been a rough week, and now there's someone in Sokka's spot in the Jasmine Dragon tea shop. Except that someone is a very beautiful stranger, and suddenly Sokka has a crush.
@zukkaweek​ day 3: tea/coffee shop au
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backhurtyy · 3 years
tagged by my beloved @verdanthoney to answer some fic questions and i do love to talk about my writing so…. here we go!!!
how many stories did you complete?
14???? holy shit that is a lot.
what are you most proud of accomplishing?
i’m really proud of finishing never shall we die. for a while there i wasn’t sure i’d finish it in time, because i was trying to finish it while i was recovering from my second surgery and writing was really hard. but i did get it done, and i’m really proud of how it turned out!
what is your total word count for the year?
273,654….. bestie what?????? where did those come from???
which fandoms did you write in this year?
so i published fic for atla, sk8, pjo, and soul eater. and then i have drafts for star wars and hades and fullmetal alchemist as well.
did you write more, less, or roughly about what you expected?
uhhhhh more lol. it doesn’t feel like that much, but when i look at the numbers for how many fics and words i wrote it’s like. holy shit.
what’s you favorite story of the year?
my top five cause i can’t choose are: tattoo the spaces, all that you need, never shall we die, the sound of longing, and a steady hand to hold
what is your most underappreciated story of the year?
uhhh definitely i cant breathe without you (but i have to) but that makes sense cause you have to read right on the target to understand it.
biggest fanfic-related disappointment of 2021?
that i didn’t finish my reki one shot, and that i didn’t finish more fics in general. i just lost writing steam and motivation and now i’ve been going through uh… kind of a lot lmao, so it’s gotten really hard.
something you look forward to working on in 2022?
once again, my reki one shot!!!! it’s getting very long, but i figured out a way to break it up (involving the stages of grief cause that’s where i’m at unfortunately) that i think is going to be really cool. also i’m excited to work on my fic i’m writing for jo lol. it’s takin a while but it’ll get there someday!!!
tagging: @rejectscanon @that-was-anticlimactic @gendercloud and @girluncle 💖💖💖
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backhurtyy · 4 years
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[ID: A promo banner for a fanfic. The background image is a starry blue and black night sky. On the top of the image is the title, ‘right on the target, wide of the mark’, in white font; right on the target is on the top line in standard font, while wide of the mark is on the second line in cursive. In the center of the image is a white line drawing of two crossed swords, remnant of Zuko’s dual swords, and around them are two white line drawings of koi, meant to represent Tui and La. On the bottom of the image are five lines of text that read, in order, “a zukka big bang fanfic. begins posting feb. 13. written by zukosadragon-ace. art by disabledzuko on ao3. beta’d by twigbender.” End ID.]
right on the target, wide of the mark
“I’m sorry, my love,” he whispered as he brought his swords up. “I have to do this.”
Zuko closed his eyes as tears slipped down his face, turned his head to the side, and brought his swords down towards Sokka’s neck.
Zuko is sent to assassinate the spirit-touched Prince Sokka of the Northern Water Tribe, twenty years after the end of the Great War. It seems like any other mission at first, except for the fact that as they get closer, he realizes there’s more to Sokka than meets the eye. And he begins to think that maybe some orders… aren’t worth following.
- Moon Spirit Sokka / Assassin Zuko
- 18 Chapters / 90K+ (hesitant)
- Art by disabledzuko on ao3
- Beta’d by @twigbender
- Written for the @zukkabigbang
- Begins posting February 13th
- Read some snippets here!
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backhurtyy · 3 years
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There was a growl, and suddenly Kaoru pulled himself up to his knees and leaned in close to Kojiro, yelling into his face. “Come on, say it! I know you want to, I know you never liked Adam and the fact that I liked him. So come on, tell me the truth! Laugh in my face, make fun of my sorrow, tell me that I was an idiot and that you tried to warn me!”
Kaoru’s anger was like a crashing wave, violent and churning and relentless as it beat against the shore, but Kojiro refused to back down- if Kaoru was the wave, then he would be the rock, standing firm and steady under the onslaught.
“Is that what you want?”
i just think that they-
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backhurtyy · 4 years
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little snippet of something i’m working on 👀
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