#ellen jennings
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fandomlife-confessions · 1 month ago
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puppetedcorpse · 2 years ago
currently rewatching dog with a blog and wow its such a good show. avery definitely has autism, and ocd. im sort of projecting but like shes so much like how i was. anyways the show is absolutely amazing, most of it is very familial problems and they get resolved and its just genuinely feel good, and im barely on episode 18. its truly a good show
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stuffiveseenontv · 1 year ago
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Cardigan is from J. Crew
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lgbtqreads · 2 years ago
February 2023 Deal Announcements
Adult Fiction Finalist for the PEN/Hemingway Award and a Lambda Literary Award, and author of BIG FAMILIA Tomas Moniz‘s ALL FRIENDS ARE NECESSARY, set in the Bay Area, following a late-30s bisexual man’s effort to reconnect to the world through misadventures in dating, Peloton, and OnlyFans after his marriage dissolves in the wake of his partner’s loss of a full-term pregnancy, to Evan…
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madmanswords · 11 months ago
@theactivepresent tags:
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This absolutely counts as a haunting.
Ghosts can apparate long before death. Our connections to others can always produce them and sibling connections will always have specters.
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comments from tiktok about siblings
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haute-lifestyle-com · 1 month ago
Disgraced Hip Hop mogul Sean 'Diddy' Combs is expected to be hit with more than 100 additional sexual assault lawsuits, which include charges for using a controlled substance to facilitate sex, recording the sex acts, and minors
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thebutcher-5 · 1 year ago
The Innocents (2021)
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo siamo tornati di nuovo nel mondo dei fumetti e, com’è diventato ormai di consueto, abbiamo portato avanti il progetto dedicato a una serie italiana molto interessante, Kalya, arrivando a recensire il quarto volume. In questo volume Kalya e Tagh, accompagnati da Leena e Aridan, si stanno dirigendo nelle terre di Hobur, ma prima devono…
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leslieseveride · 1 year ago
listen, i hate ellen but oh my god her interview with jennifer lawrence about her drunk alter ego "gail" is hilarious.
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redgoldsparks · 6 months ago
Hi, I just read your book gender queer and wanted to tell you that i have never felt more seen by a book in my life (or any media for that matter). Im also genderqueer and somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum and your book put into words alot of things I’ve never known how to express. Thank you for putting yourself out there!
(also do you have any other comic book recommendations?)
Hello anon! Thank you for this kind message! I very much do have comic book recs. In no particular order, here are some favorites. Not all of these are books are queer, but many are. If you want queer specific recs, here are some other asks I've previously answered- books about nonbinary identities, nonbinary mostly fiction
Fun Home by Alison Bechdel
Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley 
March Trilogy by Senator John Lewis, Nate Powell and Andrew Aydin
The Best We Could Do by Thi Bui
Fetch: How a Bad Dog Brought Me Home by Nicole Georges 
You & a Bike & a Road by Eleanor Davis 
Tetris: The Games People Play by Box Brown
The Called Us Enemy by George Takei, Justin Eisinger, Steven Scott and Harmony Becker
Feeding Ghosts by Tessa Hulls 
Hey Kiddo by Jarrett Krosoczka 
Almost American Girl by Robin Ha 
Dragon Hoops by Gene Luen Yang 
Dancing at the Pity Party: A Dead Mom Graphic Memoir by Tyler Feder 
Banned Book Club by Kim Hyun Sook, Ryan Estrada and Ko Hyung-Ju 
Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton 
Homebody by Theo Parrish 
The High Desert by James Spooner 
Prince of Cats by Ronald Wimberly 
This One Summer by Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki
Skim by Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki
Seconds by Bryan Lee O’Malley 
Nimona by ND Stevenson 
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang 
The Hard Tomorrow by Eleanor Davis
On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
This Was Our Pact by Ryan Andrews
Grease Bats by Archie Bongiovanni
The Chromatic Fantasy by H.A. 
Salt Magic by Hope Larson and Rebecca Mock
Beetle and the Hollowbones by Aliza Layne
Kiss Number 8 by Colleen F Venable and Ellen Crenshaw 
Finder Library Vols 1 & 2 by Carla Speed McNeil
Castle Waiting: The Lucky Road by Linda Medley
The Deep and Dark Blue by Niki Smith
Across a Field of Starlight by Blue Delliquanti 
O Human Star by Blue Delliquanti 
Snapdragon by Kay Leyh
Cyclopedia Exotica by Aminder Dhaliwal 
Woman World by Aminder Dhaliwal
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen 
A Frog in Fall by Lisa Sterte 
Thieves by Lucie Bryon 
The Great Beyond by Lea Murawiec
Short Stories
The Amazing Screw-On Head and Other Curious Objects by Mike Mignola 
Other Ever Afters: New Queer Fairy Tales by Melanie Gillman
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turistakrem · 5 months ago
A japán princípium
Előrebocsátom, hogy ebben a bejegyzésben köznyugalom megzavarására alkalmas ételfotók lesznek. Igen, nagyon rossz ételfotókat tudok csinálni, nyugalom.
Ha valaki azon töprengett, miben kerekedtek a japánok a világ fölé úgy, hogy mindenki hódolatát kivívják (anélkül, hogy szánalmasan óbégatniuk kellene, hogy “tiszteletet a japánoknak!”), az nem a kulturális felsőbbrendűségük és a császár isteni leszármazása. Hanem az, ahogyan a tápcsatorna kép végével törődnek. A táplálkozással és az ürítéssel.
Bevallom, magas elvárásokkal érkeztem. Tudom, mi az autentikus kínai konyha és a magyarországi legjobb kínai étterem között a különbség. Minimális elvárásom volt, hogy kápráztasson el minden, amit gasztronómiában itt tapasztalok. Ha minden nem is rengette meg az életemet, 2-3 alkalom már az első héten adódott, ami meghaladta a felfokozott elvárásaimat is, és ez 50 év fölött már nem kevés.
Ugye az íz- és illat-érzékelés az, ami ellen nem tudsz tenni, aminek ki vagy szolgáltatva a nagyon primér ösztöneiddel. Egy darab nyers hal ugyanúgy fel tud kapni és le tud tenni az idő másik síkján, mint Anton Egót a Ratatouille-ben. (Nekem nincsenek gyerekkori nyershalas emlékeim, szóval engem valahova máshová vitt el, de kétségtelenül elrepített.)
Nekem a zsigeri élményekkel minimum egyenrangú a “belegondolás” abba, hogyan teremtődik meg a lehetősége, hogy ennyire elvarázsolódjunk a japán konyhaművészettől. Kezdjük kvalitatíve: csak abban a 14 szintes toronyházban, ahol most lakom három pici étterem van a földszinten: egy koreai, egy japán és egy fülöp-szigeteki (ahogy írtam ez nem egy elit környék). Mindhárom egyértelműen családi vállalkozás, ahol a férfi a szakács, a többiek pedig a körülményeket teremtik meg számára (kassza, mosogatás, beszállítók fogadása). Közel lakom a megállóhoz (ez Tokió négyeshatos vonalán van) kb 15 épület van a domb aljáig még további 4 étteremmel. De ez csak egy mellékcsapás: az állomással szemben vannak az ételutcák kb 30 bolttal és étteremmel (itt ettem azt a nyershalat). A munkahelyem a belváros másik végében van, itt a megállótól 10 perc séta az épület, de végig, megszakítás nélkül éttermek vannak az utca két oldalán, kávézókkal és kocsmákkal pettyezve. Sok irodaház van a környéken, láthatóan megél mindegyik.
Az árak a másik topic, amit szeretnék kinyitni: ezer jen a lélektani határ, amit egy kis étterem elkér egy étkezésért. Onnan tudni, hogy erős a konkurrencia, hogy az utcai táblákon megjelennek a 980-as, 975-ös árak is. Vannak az étlapon “delux” tételek is 1.300-1.800 jenért is, de az 1.000 jenes tétel a tökéletes mindennapi ebéd egy irodai dolgozó számára. Ez általában egy főétel, ha az ramen, akkor salátát kapsz hozzá, ha curry, szusi vagy tésztás cucc, akkor egy csésze miszolevest. A jeges pohár víz, utántöltéssel alap, azért nem kérnek pénzt. Az ízek, az állagok, a frissesség - nem mennék el a fogalmatlan gasztroblogger irányába. Minimum 25 éve tudatosan keresem a kulináris élményeket, van összehasonlítási alapom. Nálam eddig Szingapúr volt a csúcs (a blogban megtalálható néhány erről szóló bejegyzés), de a “beesel random bárhova és még sosem csalódtál” ligában Japán bizonyosan világelső. És még egy szó az ezer jenről. Ez jelenleg 2.370 forint. Egy komplett ebédért vagy vacsoráért. Ezért Budapesten ebéd műfajban konkrétan szart se kapsz. De szart simán kaphatsz ennél drágábban.
Rám merőleges az alkohol, simán megvagyok nélküle bármeddig. Már évek óta szilveszterkor sem volt alkohol a házban, viszont @dulimano miatt mindenképpen meg akartam kóstolni a szakét, ahogy az ember Szardínián megkóstolja a férges sajtot, holott alapból megvan a férgek nélkül. Szóval akkor jöjjön az említett nyershalas kép szakéval. Dora-chan szerint (akivel megszakérttettem a szakét online) nem paliztak be, ez tényleg nem alsópolcos termék. És amúgy finom is volt.
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A képeken szerepel még pirított szezámmagos répasaláta és a szaké szabványosan nem peremig, hanem azon túl, a tálka pereméig van töltve.
Szintén Duli javaslatára mentem fel a kiotó állomás 10. emeletére ráment enni és nem bántam meg egyáltalán. Úgy volt brutálisan csípős, hogy közben semminek sem fedte el a valódi ízét. A tésztának pl enyhe szénás aromája volt, ami megint elrepített valahová. Az ember japánban tényleg élményt eszik, nem ételt.
Pár szó az édességekről. Ne keresd itt a legjobb német/francia péksütiket mert ebben tényleg nem a legjobbak - bár pékség műfajban vannak biztató termékek, de ezeket pékségekben találod, nem az üzletek polcain. Azt hittem, hogy a sült-édesburgonya-püré lesz a lelkendezésem legfőbb tárgya, de nem. És most kicsit leteszem a pennát, mert erőt és kreativitást kell gyűjtenem a következő szakaszhoz, hogy minimálisan is érzékeltetni tudjam azt, a bennem lejátszódó folyamatokat.
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A matcha kínai találmány, japáni története Kiotóban kezdődött. Itt szépen ápolják ennek a hagyományát, van a városban egy matcha-negyed, ahol a matcha-tea otthoni elkészítéséhez árulnak kellékeket, de persze vannak cukrászdák, ahol a tea mellett mindenféle süteményeket lehet kapni. Szeretem a matchát, vagyis azt a formáját, amiről eddig otthon azt hittem, hogy az. Aztán megláttam a folyóparti cukrászdában egy ablaknál ülő nőnél a deliktumot.
Bár még egy óra múlva értünk vissza, mert előtte megnéztük a szomszédos tavi szentélyt, ami annyira híres és szép, hogy még az ezer jenesen is ez szerepel, a szentélylátogatás során is csak arra a pohárra tudtam gondolni.
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Sokan voltak a cukrászdában és 35-40 perc volt, amíg hozzájutottunk, de bármikor mennék újra. A dolog annyira komplex, hogy még térképet is mellékeltek hozzá, ugyanis a matcha összes megjelenési módjában szerepel a pohárban. Porként, habként, piskótaként, jégkásaként, fagylaltként, zseléként, teaként. Annak érdekében, hogy az állagok megmaradjanak és az ízlelőbimbóid ne telítődjenek matchával semleges komponensekből zárórétegeket terveztek közéjük. Aki ezt kitalálta nem Michelin-csillagot, hanem Nobelt érdemel. A fiammal életünk egyik kulináris csúcspontjaként értékeltük ezt az élményt.
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A bevezetőben említettem, hogy a japán princípium a tápcsatorna két végének megkülönböztetett figyelmében áll. Térjünk rá a másik végére. Bizonyára mindenki látta már, hogy a japán wc-k különlegesek, van egy kezelőpanel a falon, amivel mindenféle műveleteket lehet végezni ott alul. Bevallom én úgy érkeztem, hogy köszi, ezt kihagyom, de ennél nagyobb hülyeséget nem is csinálhattam volna. Szerencsém, hogy a gyerekem bérlakásában, safe space-ben tudtam megtenni az első lépéseket. Először is ritka, hogy angolul is ki legyen írva a gombokra, hogy mi micsoda, de google lens-szel simán el lehet boldogulni és ha egyet kitanulmányoztál, a többi is menni fog.
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A fűthető wc “deszka” (ami persze műanyag) már alapból csodálatos dolog. De az igazi truváj a seggmosó (nőknek egy másik irányból érkező sugár is van), ami erősségben és hőmérsékletben elég jól hangolható. Sőt van egy randomizáló gomb is néha, ami pár milliméteres kilengésekkel tisztít.
Abban megegyezhetünk, ugye, hogy száraz wc papírral sosem fogod tudni teljesen megtisztítani a felületet. Nedves törlőkendő meg nincs mindegyik fiúnál (a lányoknál biztosan van). Ha egy eszköz, amivel nagyon fókuszáltan meg tudod magad tisztogatni, a wc-papírral már csak meg kell szárogatnod magad és láthatod, hogy tökéletesen tiszta vagy. EZ a kultúra, ez a kulturális princípium. És a kultúrájára büszke nyugati ember életének is szerves része kellene, hogy legyen.
A másik megfellebbezhetetlen érv a japánok felsőbbrendűségére a mindenütt megtalálható, ingyenes és tiszta közvécék. Nemcsak az állomásokon, nemcsak a plázákban, de a közepes vagy nagyobb élelmiszerboltokban is van (ismétlem) ingyenes és tiszta wc. Egyáltalán nem lényegtelen szempont egy ország megszeretésében és tiszteletében az ilyesmi.
Már az előző posztomban érintettem az “odaszánás” fontosságát. Aki a rózsát gondozza a villamos kerítésén, aki a halat darabolja és aki a wc-t karbantartja nem úgy él, mint a magyar szolgáltatóipar 98 százaléka, hogy csak tévedésből van itt, átmenetileg, mert valójában ő többre hivatott. Minden csak átmeneti, akkor miért végezzem el szívből a dolgom, miért legyek kedves a vevőkkel. A pincér itt reggeltől estig és egész életével pincér, a bolti eladó nem jobb híján bolti eladó, hanem ebben teljesíti ki az életét és az okoz neki örömöt (a fizetésén kívül), ha a vevő elégedetten távozik. És ha mérnök vagyok (khm), akkor ne csak gépiesen dokumentáljak azért, hogy meglegyen a dokumentáció, hanem megpróbálok annak a szerepébe is belebújni, aki a miérteket is meg akarja érteni.
Az építész pedig, még ha világhíres is komolyan veszi, ha design-közvécék megálmodásával bízzák meg. Ugyanaz az ember tervezett itt Shibuyában wc-t, mint aki Budapesten a Zene Házát alkotta meg. És ezekben az illemhelyekben a munkájukat életcélként élő karbantartók dolgoznak, akiknek valószínű minden nap csak egy a Tökéletes Napokból.
Az erdőimitáció-wc egy kis tó partján, ahol hápogás közben végezheted a dolgod.
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A bezáráskor elhomályosuló, alapból átlátszó fülke. Itt egy kisfiú mindenképpen játszani akart velem.
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A gombák fölött egy szentély parkja van.
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Jó volt majdnem egy órát ülni a padon és gondolkodni, de leginkább hálát adni.
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Komorebi (jap.): a lombok között átszűrődő napfény
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months ago
She knows her time of threatening the BRF is up when they shut the door on her husband, that definitely wasn't on their bingo card. Both of them have held onto the belief that The Crown protect their own no matter what's done and never complain never explain will forever be in their favor as The Firm will never choose to retaliate.
Times have changed especially now that even Americans are sick of her but this one trick pony doesn't know anything else. You can see even she doesn't believe her own words when she uttered that threat. Rachel is single handedly helping major nations in the world throw their support behind the BRF, that's not an easy feat.
I bet even the Hollywood stars are angry because she's exposed their paps tricks and public are easily recognizing most of their arranged "sightings" as something Rachel does. She's made everything messy for them.
Ask from August 8th
Hollywood doesn't care that she exposed the pap stunts. That stuff was being exposed long before she came around by people like TMZ, Just Jared, Perez Hilton, and the tabloid paps themselves when they were pissed at a celeb.
What Hollywood doesn't like, and what actually upsets them, is how brazenly Meghan uses them for PR and makes pretend a relationship that doesn't exist. To an extent, some kind of pretend "everyone knows each other" does exist in Hollywood, is acknowledged, and is tolerated because Hollywood is, after all, a town built on connections and relationships, even if through third-party managers and agents. Which means that celebrities (or their teams) use each other and namedrop each other for PR all the time, but usually there's some kind of kickback. You scratch my back, I scratch yours, everyone shakes hands. The key thing here is that this is all done with consent.
Meghan doesn't always play the game with consent and that's what Hollywood doesn't like. The articles that Meghan put out about how she and Jennifer Aniston were dog-walking besties, that was done without Jen's knowledge (because if it was, then Jen's team would have put out reciprocal PR about Meghan, but they didn't). Using their names to merch places she papwalked pissed them off. Tailgating Cameron Diaz and Gwyneth Paltrow into the sushi restaurant and then running a week's worth of PR about how they're all besties pissed them off. Creating her own PR campaign using Ellen and Portia's own PR/People exclusive (from their vow renewal) pissed people off - and we know that pissed Ellen off because there hasn't been any more Ellen/Meghan PR. Papwalking at Oprah's home when Oprah was on the other side of the country at her father's bedside pissed her off, because that's when the Oprah/Meghan besties schtick stopped.
So it's not the paparazzi stunts that Hollywood doesn't like. It's Meghan using them for her own PR without their consent...aka invading their privacy. And heaven forbid they do the same to Meghan in return. Hollywood, rightfully, sees through Meghan's hypocrisy (she can invade their privacy by using their names for her own PR but they can't use her name for their PR) and closed ranks/doors to her. That's why the only "partnerships" Meghan has are with her momfluencer friends that she pays/donates money to.
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chocochipbiscuit · 1 year ago
Fic (and nonfic!) Recs for Pride!
In honor of Pride, have some of my favorite F/F and F/NB reads!
Short stories (available online)
Radcliffe Hall by Miyuki Jane Pinckard - 40k word novella, with a Japanese student attending an American women's college in 1908. It's a Gothic novel with the characters encountering the supernatural, which is no less malevolent than systemic racism and homophobia.
The First Stop Is Always the Last by John Wiswell - Short and sweet time loop flirtation!
Scallop by J.L. Akagi - A woman begins growing eyes all over her body, and struggles to hide them. All the warnings for body horror, eye injury, and referenced sexual assault.
The World Ends in Salty Fingers and Sugared Lips by Jen Reese - Time loop story about the end of the world and the ways we try to deal with the crushing uncertainty of the inevitable.
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston - Subway time travel romance! August moves to New York and meets Jane, a butch punk from the 70s who’s trapped on the subway. It’s warm and sweet and funny, with all the feels and queer found family goodness.
Fatal Fidelity by Rien Gray - Dark romance/erotic suspense featuring a bi femme fatale and a nonbinary assassin! The series begins with Love Kills Twice, in which Justine hires an assassin to get rid of her abusive husband…unaware that Campbell was also hired to kill her. Absolutely delicious.
Feminine Pursuits series by Olivia Waite - While I’m listing it as a series, each novel is entirely stand-alone! These are a set of historical F/F novels featuring women in arts and science (and beekeeping!) making their way and falling in love with one another!
Mrs. Martin’s Incomparable Adventure by Courtney Milan - Historical romance as two older women (73 and 69 years old, respectively!) plot the downfall of an absolutely Terrible Nephew who deserves everything that happens to him. An absolutely delicious comedic romp.
The Cybernetic Tea Shop by Meredith Katz - An AI repair technician and an autonomous robot who runs a small tea shop, set in a retro-futuristic America. It’s warm and gentle and yearning in very good ways.
Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin - Gender apocalypse featuring trans women! A virus has turned anyone with over a certain level of testosterone into cannibal rape monsters, so we’re following our trans protagonists as they try to survive feral men, murderous TERFs, and a sociopathic bunker brat. This deserves a LOT of content warnings but it’s also been blurbed as a ‘bleeding love letter to trans women’ and it really is.
Blackwater Sister by Zen Cho - A Malaysian-American lesbian moves to Malaysia with her family, where she is haunted by her grandmother’s ghost. Her grandmother is out for supernatural revenge, involving our protagonist with gangsters and a terrifying goddess.
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters - Historical crime novel in which a thief poses as a lady’s maid for a con, and ends up developing feelings for the mark. Except the lady’s not as innocent as she seems, and it’s difficult to add more without spoiling the novel but it’s good!
Science fiction
A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine - Ambassador Mahit Dzmare travels to the capital of the interstellar Teixcalaanli Empire, discovers that her predecessor has died, and must find not only who murdered him, but why—while trying not to get murdered herself, and trying to maintain her small station’s independence from Teixcalaan’s ever-expanding empire. And there is a sequel but that has its own plot and requires you to read this one anyway!
Passing Strange by Ellen Klages - Set in San Francisco, built on artifice and delight as we follow a group of queer women both present and in the 1940s. Central story is a romance, two women trying to navigate both joy and the brutality of the worlds they inhabit.
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone - An epistolary love story across time and space, in far futures and alternative pasts as two rival agents—post-singularity Red and bio-consciousness Blue—foil and thwart one another.
The Burning Kingdoms by Tasha Suri - Indian-inspired fantasy trilogy (third book coming in 2024!) that follows a captive princess and a maidservant with forbidden magic who navigate the the tension between their different loyalties and the politics of empire. Just! So good!
The Kingston Cycle by C.L. Polk - A fantasy trilogy (that’s actually complete!) set in a world where witches are persecuted and placed in asylums…while secretly, the witches of elite families use that power in service of the crown. The first book (Witchmark) starts with a murder mystery and a doctor with PTSD who follows that mystery to government secrets that force him to confront his estranged family. It’s also M/M, but the sequels (Stormsong and Soulstar) center around F/F and F/NB main pairings, respectively. 
The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir - The first book starts with swordjock butches and lesbian necromancers in space going through (essentially) a haunted mansion together, and it just keeps going after that! It’s delightful, deranged, and full of fantastic characters I want to gnaw on!
When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain by Nghi Vo - A beautiful frame story with a very fairytale feel, where the cleric Chih is telling the story of a tiger and her lover, a female scholar, to a trio of hungry tigers who threaten to eat them if Chih tells the story incorrectly!
A Master of Djinn by P. Djeli Clark - Mystery and magic and suspense in a steampunk Cairo, set forty years after magic returned to the world! The first female agent for the Ministry of Alchemy, Enchantments, and Supernatural Entities is assigned to discover who murdered members of a secret cult. In addition to solving the case, she’s also assigned a rookie partner to train, and navigating the surprise return of her girlfriend, who has her own secrets! This is a really fun romp, full of joy and wonder. (And Fatma’s fabulous suits!)
In the Dream House by Carmen Machado - A memoir about surviving domestic abuse, with each chapter using a different trope or genre convention to not only explore the way the relationship affected her sense of self, but also about trying (or failing) to find that representation in cultural history. It’s a rough read in places, but absolutely worth it if you’re in a space to handle that sort of content. (And in case it’s not obvious: her ex was another woman. Abuse isn’t limited by gender.)
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beautifulhigh · 1 year ago
Every nation ought to have a right to provide for its own happiness.
"And that's when Henry knows: He doesn't ever want to go back."
In which Henry does go home with a request for his grandmother - and for Parliament.
Teen, 12k, book canon compliant.
Yes, Jen is finally embracing her Firstprince era and writing fic for them. Much love to @wtfuckevenknows for her comments and @capseycartwright for basically demanding I write this. Like I needed convincing.
This is just something sweet and fluffy and hopefully a little funny and a bit sexy with a tinge of canon-compliant angst (Henry misses his dad. A lot). Mostly it's about two boys in love and working towards their forever.
Henry flies back alone, overnight on Monday. He kisses Alex a goodnight goodbye, petting David gently as he walks down the stairs, heading out of the front door before climbing into the back of the waiting car to take him to JFK. He tries to sleep on the plane but very little sleep will come; his mind is racing with what he's about to do.
He'd sent word the previous week, asking for an audience with the queen, with his family. He'd only told them that he had something to ask, something he needed to do in person.
He's met at Heathrow, standards and protocols in place. Bea had insisted Shaan be kept on after Henry left for New York and so it's his familiar face greeting Henry which provides the smallest amount of comfort for him. It's his final week in service to the Royal Family: with Ellen's second term almost over and Zahra no longer working 26-hour days, they're finally taking the plunge.
Shaan and Henry had managed a fair few conversations over the last year or so regarding the immigration system of the United States and how shagging someone with status in the American political system both helps and hinders applications for Green Cards. The engagement ring that has been in place on Zahra's hand for the last few years certainly helped with his and now there is a fixed date for his one-way ticket heading west.
(No one really knows yet, but they've set a date for two weeks' time. The plan is to get married and throw a party and make the announcement then. Zahra hasn't told anyone, but Shaan isn't as good as his fiancée at keeping things secret, especially when it comes to his relationship with Henry. Aside from Alex, before Alex, Shaan was the only person Henry could trust and that was rewarded with a private 'Save The Date And Don't Tell Anyone Not Even Alex' message.) 
Henry knows there is no one better placed to support Zahra as she forges her career post-White House. Someone who will make sure she eats, has fresh coffee, and a neatly pressed suit. There were times when Shaan was literally the only reason Henry didn't outwardly reveal to the world that he was actually falling apart at the seams. It's going to be nice having him a little bit closer, even if he won't be working for him anymore.
As Henry disembarks the plane, Shaan looks him up and down but says nothing. Henry knows he looks tired; he knows the jet lag is going to catch up with him, and he feels like his internal organs are going to vibrate their way out of his body with how nervous he feels.
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theangelblood · 6 months ago
Supernatural, The Winchesters and Dead Boy Detectives cast and crew crossovers (pt.1)
Andi Armaganian - directed 1 episode of TW and 2 episodes of DBD
Richard Speight Jr. - Loki, Gabriel, The Trixter in SPN and Loki in TW, directed 11 episodes of SPN and 1 episode of TW
Amanda Tapping - Naomi in SPN, directed 1 episode of DBD
Glen Winter - directed 1 episode of DBD and 1 episode of TW, executive producer on TW
Steve Yockey - co executive producer, producer, co producer, executive story editor and writer on SPN, executive producer, writer, creator of DBD
Jeremy Carver - executive producer, co producer of SPN, executive producer of DBD
Ruth Connell - Rowena MacLeod in SPN and TW, Night Nurse in DBD
Burnley Duffield - Brad in DBD, Billy Whitfield and Ryan McAnn in SPN
Shafin Karim - Local Doctor in DBD, Jamie Hamed in SPN
Kailey Spear - Jen, Beth, Chastity Group Member, Undead Woman the First in DBD
Sharon Taylor - Ardat, Crossroads Demon in SPN, Officer Parris in DBD
Christine Chatelain - Jenny, Dr. Ellen Piccolo in SPN, Stacey Devlin in DBD
Gerry Rousseau - Bill Gibson, Billy Beard in SPN, Old Settler Ghost in DBD
Amanda Gray - Dead Witch, Kansas Deputy in SPN, Shushing Mom in DBD
Brad Loree - Officer in SPN, Salesperson in DBD
James Dreichel - Bobby 2 in SPN, assistant hairstylist on DBD
Jay Julier - 3rd assistant director, additional 2nd director - SPN, 2nd assistant director - DBD
Christopher Donaldson - storyboard artist on TW and DBD
Nadine Schaefer - production assistant: set - SPN, graphic designer - DBD
Greg Crawford - adr mixer - TW and DBD
Seth Brower - encore VFX - TW, compositor encore VFX - DBD
Diego Galtieri - digital composer - TW and DBD
Swear I'm gonna finish this list one day😅
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foxyandfamous · 2 months ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Jen’s leather clad ass on ‘Ellen’
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tearyeyedonce-gentlesoul · 2 months ago
glossary (WIP)
i didn't know there was a word limit on tumblr until i made this, so i unfortunately had to remove links that would lead to specific tags and help with organizing on here. also note that this post might be remade in the future
electricpuke/rocklandgame characters: abel, adam, adam whesker, akihiko kojima, akira kojima, alchemy willow, alice (electricpuke), alice carroll, amaterasu, amy, ana (rockland), ana (viral), annabelle winter, arcadian, aria king, ashley kinley, ashton kinley, athena dianoia, audrey, august dixie, avery greyson, ami, axel, baal, cain zeitgeist, callum willow, cassiel, charlie willow, chase knox, chase valentine, christopher “chris” king, circe, damien morningstar, dante stryker, dominick torrero, dylan, edison tekker, elizabeth bathory, elise, enoch, eve, faereighn, farz murphy (electricpuke), foal, freya, gabriel, gabriel lily, grace quinn, hades, hammerclaw, heidi, horus, hunter, itsuki mori, jack buchanan, jason buchanan, jason carmine (rook), jiyun, john, kali, karasu, kaz tyagi, kenny, kiku kojima, kiyoshi, kurt, lachesis chronis, lady yuzu, leo taylor, lilith, lincoln, logan, loki marshall, lucifer morningstar, macey, marco jennings, marcus de la cruz, max, meredith, mia, michael fitzroy, michael volkov, mio, molly, morgan, morgan le fey, munchie, naoki “nathan” donovan, nicolas flamel, olivia, oswalt morrison, peyton, quinton willow, rai, raizer, raja, ramiel, raphael, raphael sivori, reiko nakamura, richter (hotelpsycho), rory stryker, rose martinez, rosey, roy mcnamara, ruby red graves, sally, samael volkov, sanae, sano kojima, sejun, sergio marino, sergio morrison, shane, shiro suzuki, sparrow, sun-mi yeon (scarlet), sydney dixie, teagan buchanan, the engineer, the REAL vincent metzger, thor, tobias reeves, trace, trevor mcloughlin, tsubaki, tyler, uriel metzger, valak, vencil cartier, veni (electricpuke), verak, vincent castillo (electricpuke), vincent metzger, vlad, xander rosario, yeon seong-mi (emily yeon), zero (dollmaker), zero (empire), zeus
gatobob characters: ashe, anthony shore, beg, celia lede, centicat, chamomile, chastity, chet ichpujani, cry, demon, derek aeron, derek goffard, dragon, evander hutch, farz murphy (gatobob), farzen, fox, gideon bautista, harold, jack, jaqueline, jesse, jedka (facility), komodo, lawrence oleander, lich, lily talor, machete, marten trell, mason armbruster, mason heiral, mona winters, raid, raven, ren hana, richard, roadkill girl, samantha, scream, sid, stan, strade, tom, veni (gatobob), vincent castillo (gatobob)
other notable characters: a.e.d, ellen klein, izm, lucien rire, rodchester williams, shaun
known aliases/blogs:
arioddsandends, askparasitegods, bonesandcentipedes, doctor-dollmaker, electricpuke, fuckbyknifepoint, nagakira, nurseharlot, rocklandgames, runawayoutlaw, scarletaegis, scarletmarionette, trentboyett
gatoafterdark, gatoanswers, gatobob, gatoplays-sos, gatxbxb, gurobob, gurpbob, serpulalacrymans
eras (label for creator universes): altinr, arcane, boyfriend to death, crazy au, dark circus au, devil's night carnival, dollmaker, empire, facility, foxtail, human!au, huntress, inferno, mark of belial, nightclub, of gods and monsters, rockland, route 66, self insert, superjail, the artist, the carnival game, the commander, the doctor, the hunt, the misfits, the price of flesh, the puppetmaster, the serial killer, this is not romance, till death do us part, viral, welcome home, yanaki, you kill me every time, zeitgeist
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