#ellen deloria
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starions · 10 months ago
Who is Butch's dad???
The biggest mystery of Vault 101 to me if the fact no one knows who Butch’s dad is, not even him, and Ellen was never married. According to the official Fallout 3 guide, the reason Butch acts out and is an overall terrible person is because his mother being an alcoholic and his lack of a father pushes him to be rebellious. Seeing the Lone Wanderer with perhaps the only caring dad in the vault may be why he targets them the most.
My theories are:
1) The Overseer. This one is far fetched, I know; but it is interesting to consider. If he is Butch’s father, it would make sense for him to enable Ellen’s alcoholism to keep her from sharing Butch’s father. Who would believe the vault drunk? Him employing the Tunnel Snakes may be to keep a close eye on Butch. However, considering the vault canonically has abortion pills according to voice lines, he would probably have Ellen flush out a pregnancy to avoid scandal.
2) Allen Mack. To be honest, everyone is related to the Mack family for some reason so let me throw him into the ring. This has some gross implications though; considering Susie refers to Butch as “dreamy” and Christine (who is a cousin to the Macks) “puts out,” I would like to wipe this one off the table all together. Also, Allen seems to love his wife Gloria very much, seeing how his personality completely switches after she dies.
3) A wastelander. This one is my favorite. If we take Butch’s birthday from this wiki at face value, he was born at the tail end of 2257, meaning he was conceived in February of 2257 give or take. If Alphonse closed the vault doors in 2257 or 2258, Ellen could have been one of the vault dwellers who made a trip to the wasteland beforehand. It could be plausible she met a wastelander, fell in love, Butch was conceived, and the vault doors were closed before or shortly after he was born. The loss of her love could have sparked her alcoholism, and again, if she says anything about the vault once being open, who would trust the vault drunk?
This is so interesting to me, especially since it was never touched on in the game. Maybe there's some tension in the vault from women who don't trust there husbands, wondering if their partner could be the father of Ellen's child, especially because she's regarded as a "fading beauty."
I almost posted this on /r/falloutlore before I read that speculation was against the rules :P oh well
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distractedrighter · 11 months ago
WIP Wednesday
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it's not Wednesday, but I won't let the work week end without me acknowledging that chapter 2 of a short-sighted man has been fully written!
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agentcoltslaw · 4 months ago
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ghost-qwq · 1 year ago
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Advertising my fic because my boyfriend said I should : "What Am I So Afraid Of?"
 In Vault 101 no one ever enters, and no one ever leaves. Butch DeLoria spent nineteen years stuck with the same people, same food, same damn life in that vault. People in the vault aren’t the best when you’re stuck around them for so long. Especially not the doctor's kid. James Maxwell’s special little “angel”, Cyrus. That dork wasn’t even worth being on Butch’s mind… if that’s the case, how come he thought about him so much?
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atomiclace · 3 months ago
im trying so hard to answer the oc hcs on my fallout blog but im like plagued with the thought that i go back to work on tuesday and that i have to go back to teaching the youth and i cant be cringe and free. its like holding me at gun point bc i need to lesson plan but i refuse to waste my sunday like that
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datura-tea · 10 months ago
oooh i love lone wanderer's that hate james lol. does gwen blame him for jonas' death? mine could never forgive him for it. messed up you can't even bring it up to him >:(
oh man. gwen blames james for everything. jonas' death, the fact that she doesn't know anything about catherine (she got more answers from dr li), that she thought ellen deloria was her biological mother and only found out that she wasn't when they divorced, that butch is her former step-brother and now they have a warrior's bond forged from their parents' shitty marriage they both can't shake, that the overseer hates her, that she had to live underground for the first 19 years of her life...
she fully blames james for leaving her, for not teaching her anything useful for survival which is why she's fully unequipped for life outside the vault and had to learn to do things the hard way. she's killed people on her way to find him. she puts that blood on james' hands
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sweeter-innocence-fics · 1 year ago
Mom (Butch Deloria First Kiss Drabble)
Word Count: 369
The radroaches crunched under the weight of her baseball bat, gore flying in every direction. She frowned as some splattered onto her vault suit.
She’d been killing radroaches since she was ten years old. No big deal, right? And more than anything, it was worth it to see the smugness wiped off of big bad Butch Deloria’s face. If this was the last time she ever saw him – and it might be – then this is how she would remember him.
As soon as Ellen was safe, she straightened up and offered her a drink. The girl waved her off.
She didn’t have time to dwell on this. She needed to get out of this vault before the Overseer’s goons found her. She needed to find her father.
She almost walked into Butch when he suddenly appeared in the doorway. He was actually smiling at her. That was a novel experience. Normally, his smiles were cruel, taking pleasure in her pain (or Amata’s). Right now, he looked actually happy.
Must be nice.
“We did it! My mom’s gonna be okay! You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, man.”
He didn’t give her a chance to respond. He closed the distance between them and kissed her. It lacked finesse – a clumsy, bumping of the lips – but she felt a prickle of heat run down her neck all the same.
He smelled good, like cigarettes and cologne and pomade. After a moment, as if coming back into himself, Butch pulled away. His cheeks were flushed.
She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. He cleared his throat.
“I know it isn’t much, but I want you to have my Tunnel Snakes jacket.” He shrugged it off and handed it to her. She took it, feeling the warmth of it against her skin.
It was big on her, hanging loosely off her shoulders, but it was warm, and it was comfortable, and it smelled like him.
“It suits you,” he said. He moved closer to her, and for a moment, she thought he might be about to kiss her again, but instead, he brushed a stray hair off her face. “Stay safe out there, okay, Nosebleed?”
She could only nod.
Taglist info.
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atomicbird101 · 2 years ago
Sad Butch DeLoria Headcanon
Before leaving Vault 101, after packing his things, he goes to say goodbye to his mother one last time and at least try to make amends in case they never see each other again. Ellen tells him the story of how his father left and it's like "So Big / So Small" from Dear Evan Hansen, and it's bittersweet because she could never kick the drinking habit to be the best mom she could be for Butch.
"And I knew there would be moments that I'd miss.
And I knew there would be space I couldn't fill.
And I knew I'd come up short a million different ways,
And I did. And I do. And I will."
I like to think that she tried, but she just couldn't. I think maybe she resented Butch more and more as he grew up because he looked more and more like his dad, which caused her to take it out on him more when she was drunk. Although she was a terrible mother, (there's no denying nor excusing that) she does want him to know he can always come back home because she's not leaving anytime soon. Even if she's not sober, she's still there.
"Your mom isn't going anywhere. Your mom is staying right here.
Your mom isn't going anywhere. Your mom is staying right here,
No matter what. I'll be here."
And maybe he does go back for a day or two after Project Purity, even if it's just to tell Amata about the fate/coma of her best friend. Maybe he needs a brief sense of familiarity now that the Lone Wanderer is dead/could be dying. However, regardless of Ellen's condition, he can't stay, and she wonders for the rest of her life if things would've been different if she loved her son as much as he loved her. Either way, he's not at her side when she dies.
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thegayestcat · 2 months ago
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As someone who I can't remember once said, post all your art even if you don't like it. So. I'll probably never actually finish a complete character sheet for my alt Lone wanderer, Mirabelle Chystota. The fic that goes with her is called Project Plum, I'll explain below the cut because wow wee it's a lot of info!
Mirabelle was born to Dr. Catherine Rose, Dr. Madison Li, and Dr. James Chystota, through some science bullshit. Catherine wanted a child with all three of their DNA, and they hid it within project purity by choosing a name with the same initials. Also ya know, mirabelle plums.
She's also intersex (she doesn't find out until after her James dies, Madison is the one to tell her) and pansexual, though she has a preference for women based on past experiences. Yet, somehow she ends up with Butch. Her blue violet eye has significantly worse vision, and vault-tec doesn't provide many frame options. She's also very tall, the tallest of the women and taller than some of the men too, which is a major insecurity for her along with her hip dips and beauty marks/moles that she gets called 'syph-girl' for.
Her job in the vault was the vault counselor, begrudgingly. She has a fascination with anatomy and the human body, if she was alive pre-war, she probably would've been a medical examiner. It's led to some misunderstandings in the wasteland however, so there's a rumor about her being a cannibal, medical examiner aren't really a thing out there. So.
James is from a Vault in Ukraine and traveled to London when his Vault opened, and eventually to the Capital Wasteland. He raised Mirabelle bilingual, and she learned to read Mandarin in her free time, but can't speak it because there was no way for her to practice, especially with a tonal language.
Once she leaves the vault, she starts doing mentats, jet, psycho, med-x... She ends up in a similar situation to Cait, where she needs serious intervention because of the damage. She doesn't find out Madison is also her mother until after James dies, and eventually Mira starts calling Madison mom and becomes very close with her. Low-key trauma bonding over James dying in front of them.
Also, shocker, her and Butch have the whole enemies to lovers thing going on, and before Escape!, Mirabelle snuck into her dad's clinic and got into his terminal and found plans in place for a 'breeding program' kinda thing, listing Butch and Mirabelle together to minimize the spread of mutated DNA that people typically born in the wasteland have. She wasn't able to confront James, but managed to speak to Butch about it. Back when the vault had sent out scouts and ambassadors of sorts, Ellen DeLoria met a man from the wasteland, but she didn't realize she was pregnant with Butch until after the vault was closed again. Also Butch is Italian now, and Ellen is bilingual and Butch considers her teaching him Italian the only thing she ever gave/passed down to him.
Omg that was so much but that's it I think?? I can share more on the background I gave Catherine and James cause I really fleshed them out (=w=)
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thecoolkidsbasement · 5 years ago
WIP Wednesday/Teaser Thursday Tag
I was tagged by @hellektr0 for this fun little exercise (which I appreciate ‘cause I’ve been dead on tumblr LOL) and so thought I’d post a little teaser of the next chapter of Inventor’s Absolution! I always seem to post teasers or bits and bobs from Winona chapters but never from Butch chapters, so here y’all go!
“How’s it looking out there?”
Looking back to the voice behind him, he found his mom lingering in the clinic, seeming well-rested despite her exhausted smile. She came to stand beside him, also watching the people eating and rustling themselves under blankets to sleep.
“S’alright, I guess. Got more people in today.” He shrugged vaguely in reply.
“That’s good. We should stick together in a time like this and look out for one another.” She said with her eyes panning across the floor, momentarily taking on a look of sorrow when she spotted the Kellan family. “I thought I heard Mike and his family was here… poor Jessica… we should make sure Wendy gets an extra blanket. Goodness, I can’t remember the last time I saw a child since all this started… poor little Wendy, she must be so lonely.”
“M’Sure she ain’t the only one.” So many people had died already, and he didn’t want to think about the same happening to a kid... but his mom was right, wasn’t she? When was the last time he saw a kid since all this started?
Frankly, Butch didn’t want to think about that, either.
“You eat dinner yet, Butchie? I see you working hard around here for Amata, I worry you’re not eating enough.”
“Not like there’s much t’go around,” He said with a feeble snort that made her shoot a scrutinizing look.
“How about I grab us some dinner?” She inquired hopefully as the look faded into a small smile. “We can sit together and eat... like we use to.”
Thanks again for tagging me love! I also wish to tag @corvegaassemblyplant, @imperialistbullshit, and any of my other writer mutuals who’d like to take a stab at it as well! :)
Happy reading, happy writing everyone!
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starions · 9 months ago
what if butch’s dad is alive in the wasteland and butch meets him and finds out his dad truly loved him and tried desperately to get inside the vault after it was closed
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distractedrighter · 11 months ago
A Short-Sighted Man, Chapter 2: The Morning After
Rating: E (like, very E)
Universe: Fallout 3
Pairing: f!Lone Wanderer x Butch DeLoria
Prompt: It's prom night, and Felicity (unintentionally) makes a bet with Butch that she's not prepared to cash in. *eyebrow waggles* Eventual plot, but let's be honest, it's an excuse for me to write smut while I rewrite my currently unfinished fic with this same pairing *shrug*
Chapter Summary: Felicity returns the spare vault suit to Butch.
Excerpt: Felicity gripped the folded vault suit in her fist as she mentally prepared herself to knock on the DeLoria’s apartment door. She really didn’t want to be there. Butch’s taunting from yesterday night was still lingering in her thoughts every time she saw the puddled suit on the floor. His mom’s puddled suit, no less. It was a horrible, awful reminder of the brainless decision she made with an equally brainless individual, and she needed to get it out of her possession immediately.
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sexual content
Tags: Slightly canon divergent, enemies to lovers, Lone becomes a sugar momma, Butch has a plan but he falls in love, there will be plot i promise, but not this chapter!
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agentcoltslaw · 1 year ago
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biromanticwritergal · 2 years ago
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Bonus Books for the Pinterest reading challenge- more 2023 TBRs!
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atomiclace · 3 months ago
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datura-tea · 1 year ago
i just realized something. my player characters with bethesda-mandated family (lone wanderer gwen and sole survivor sofia) are estranged from that family. meanwhile my couriers (moz, kiwi, and avery) have pretty good relationships with their families :) that's what happens when a backstory isn't forced to your character i guess!!
details under the cut
gwen and james, though stuck in close proximity in the vault for 19 years, are as distant as can be. james has his work, his projects. gwen has all the turbulent drama of childhood and teenage life. they have their moments, but otherwise? nothing much. except for lectures and reprimands, they don't really talk, especially post-james and ellen's divorce. gwen has more of a relationship with ellen and butch than james.
their relationship gets worse topside, when after all gwen has done to get to james is pushed to the side because all james can think of is project purity. so after he dies, what does gwen do? let his pet project die as well. she doesn't even know what the passcode number is, when sarah lyons asks her. how the fuck would she know? her father barely told her anything. she didn't know ellen deloria wasn't her biological mom until after james divorced ellen and told gwen the truth. she's not even sure if he loved her for herself, or if he just loved her the way a parent loves their child - as an extension of themself and their values. now that he's dead, she'll never know for sure.
sofia has a good relationship with her family back home in the philippines, all six siblings and both parents and both sets of grandparents, and countless uncles and aunts and cousins of them. the problem is nate. and shaun, eventually. the thing is, sofia never imagined herself marrying a foreigner, much less a blue-eyed american soldier. she never would have married nate if he hadn't gotten her pregnant. but with abortion being illegal in the philippines, and with nate being "a true gentleman" in his words, there was little else she could do.
in boston, a shotgun wedding. which turned into a loveless marriage pretty quick, once the honeymoon phase wore off. homesickness. morning sickness. anti-asian racist microagressions from neighbors who've never met a filipino before, even though america annexed the philippines decades ago. a miserable life, freshly post-partum and friendless and jobless, all alone in a big house with only a baby and a robot butler for company. who wouldn't fall into a deep depression?
and don't get me started on shaun. sofia placed all her hopes and dreams and joys on meeting her baby boy and watching him grow up, teaching him tagalog and sharing with him all her favorite meals and memories. can you imagine how sofia felt, when he got kidnapped? when she spent her first year in the post-apocalypse relentlessly trying to find him? when she killed kellogg in her rage and grief over him? when, finally, they meet and he isn't a baby but an old man, the leader of the group she's looking to dismantle, and she realizes that he came from her but he's not of her, he doesn't know her and she doesn't know him, and she hates everything he stands for, but still she's his mother and she loves him but she'll never like him? can you imagine???
meanwhile: moz and her big family with her mothers dalisay and philomena, her big brother lakan with his wife guadalupe and their eight kids (all adopted), and her husband ulysses and their child ree, plus everyone in the painted hairs, everyone in their town whom she calls tito and tita and ate and kuya and bunso and totoy and nene :) nothing but love and understanding there!!
kiwi and their family of butchers and tailors - grandmother, father, mother, and brothers, all adept with shiny sharp things. strict but loving, in the "i want what i think is best for you" kind of way. kiwi would have stayed if their father didn't keep forcing the butchershop and their straight marriage to a family friend's daughter on them. honestly if kiwi went home, they'd find their father a changed man - he only wants kiwi to be happy, really; if wearing sequins and being the right-hand man of mr house is the key to that happiness, then so be it!
avery is an only son, raised by a single mother after his ncr ranger father died. he and his mother will defend each other to death - which is why avery set fire to his mother's asshole (now ex-)boyfriend's house when he hurt avery's mom. on the run, avery still writes letters home. he never leaves a return address until after he gains amnesty for his arson charge. by then, his return address is the lucky 38. his mom sends him one hell of a letter. the first thing he does after winning the battle of hoover dam is go home to his mom :)
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