#elizabeth koning
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LACMA - Flowers
floral still life - elizabeth koning / indian silver gem book or album cover - artist unknown / pairs of bowls with narcissius - artist unknown / indian ivory cabinet - artist unknown / peasent house at éragny - camille pissarro / flowers in a vase - jan van huysum
#indian art#chinese art#gem art#sculpture#durch art#elizabeth koning#camille pissarro#jan van huysum#dutch oil paintings#LACMA#oil paintings#if i made any mistakes please let me know
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Det var en af det 20. århundredes mest uforglemmelige scener: To unge drenge, to prinser, der gik bag deres mors kiste, mens verden så til i sorg – og rædsel. Da Diana, prinsessen af Wales, blev begravet, undrede millioner af mennesker sig over, hvad prinserne mon tænkte og følte – og hvordan deres liv ville forme sig fremover. Her kommer endelig Harrys historie.
Som mange andre sikkert tænkte, da Prins Harrys bog Spare udkom, så tænkte jeg, at hvis han og hans kone Meghan virkelig er så træt af at være i medierne, så skulle de måske lade være med hele tiden at gøre så voldsomt opmærksom på sig selv. Men efter at have læst Spare eller Reserven, som den hedder på dansk, så forstår jeg godt behovet for at få sat tingene på plads.
Det er virkelig noget af en øjenåbner det her. Prins Harry fortæller åbenhjertigt om sin opvækst, hvoraf en del er blevet brugt på forskellige kostskoler langt væk hjemmefra. Selv efter hans mors pludselig død er det her han skal bearbejde sin sorg for den engelske måde at håndtere den slags på læner sig op af frasen “keep calm and carry on”. Og hvor vi andre lever vores liv udenfor mediernes bevågenhed så er det ikke en luksus Harry har haft. Og som vi andre har set det, så holdt mediernes løfter om at droppe papparazzifotografer efter Prinsesse Dianas tragiske død kun ganske kortvarigt. Siden da er det kun blevet værre og Reserven tager os ind i midten af det helvede.
Harry fortæller også om livet bag de kongelige mure. Om forholdet til nu afdøde Dronning Elizabeth, Harrys bror Kronprins William og ikke mindst hans far Charles, der nu er Storbritaniens konge. Harry fortæller åbent om sin tid i militæret og de forskellige kærester han har haft. Helt tæt kommer vi også på hans møde med Meghan Markle og deres forhold. Det er til tider brutalt, hylende morsomt, hjerteknusende, smukt og rørende.
Hvis man kan læse denne bog uden at få enorm sympati for det Prins Harry har været igennem, så fejler man helt ærlig noget.
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Koning of the trails, Port Elizabeth
Forum: 4x4 Trails / Routes / Clubs Posted By: koosarnold Post Time: 2024/05/16 at 10:16 AM http://dlvr.it/T6yNZg
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Wat? Zelfportret (1615-1618), Het vertrek van een hoogwaardigheidsbekleder uit Middelburg (1615), De winter (1614), De winter (1625) met detail, Boerenvastenavond (ca. 1625) met detail, De Schilder-winckel (1623), Zeeuwsche Nachtegael (1623), Frederik V, keurvorst van de palts, koning van Bohemen, en zijn echtgenote Elizabeth Stuart te paard (1626) en ‘Wat maeckme[n] al om gelt!’ (1631) door Adriaen van de velde
Waar? Tentoonstelling De omgekeerde wereld van Adriaen van de Venne in het Zeeuws Museum, Middelburg
Wanneer? 27 december 2023
Adriaen van de Venne (1590-1662) is voor veel mensen een onbekende kunstenaar. Zelf kende ik voor het zien van de tentoonstelling in het Zeeuws museum één werk van hem: De zielenvisserij. In dat schilderij wordt weergegeven hoe protestanten en katholieken proberen de meeste zieltjes op te vissen. Dit schilderij ontbreekt helaas op deze expositie, maar wat er wél hangt is ook zeker de moeite waard en laat zien hoe veelzijdige Van de Venne was. Hij was schilder, dichter en ontwerper van prenten en boekillustraties.
Het vertrek van een hoogwaardigheidsbekleder uit Middelburg toont waarschijnlijk het vertrek van de graaf van Nothingham, Charles Howard, opperbevelhebber van de Engelse vloot tegen de Spaanse Armada. Ook de Zeeuws-Hollandse vloot had aan deze strijd deelgenomen. Op de achtergrond zien we een fraai panorama van de stad Middelburg met onder meer het stadhuis en de Nieuwe Kerk.
Van de Venne schilderde vaak de seizoenen in de vorm van landschappen. Soms als tweetal van alleen zomer en winter, soms als serie van alle vier seizoenen. Niet zozeer de seizoensgebonden activiteiten staan bij Van de Venne centraal, maar aanvankelijk vooral het vermaak van de elite en later met name de onhebbelijkheden van het gewone volk. De titel van de Middelburgse expositie is ontleend aan het feit dat de kunstenaar in veel van zijn werk laat zien hoe het niet hoort.
Op Boerenvastenavond trekt een carnavaleske optocht door het dorp. Rechts op de voorgrond gaan een aantal dorpsbewoners met elkaar op de vuist. Zowel Boerenvastenavond als Winter tonen een poepende man, met op enige afstand een hond die hetzelfde zit te doen. Het gedrag van de mens lijkt niet veel beter dan dat van een simpel dier.
Vanaf 1618 gaat Adriaen nauwer samenwerken met zijn broer Jan, die zich als prentverkoper in Middelburg heeft gevestigd. In 1618 vestigt Jan een uitgeverij, drukkerij en kunsthandel aan de Korte Burg, die bekend wordt onder de naam Schildery-winckel. De meeste ontwerpen voor prenten en boekillustraties worden door Adriaen aangeleverd. In 1623 neemt Jan een drukpers in gebruik, met als eerste publicatie de dichtbundel Zeeuwsche Nachtegaal. Deze bundel is een samenwerking tussen Zeeuwse dichters met als doel Zeeland cultureel op de kaart te zetten. Naast alle illustraties levert Adriaen ook een gedicht waarin de innige relatie tussen schilder- en dichtkunst centraal staat.
Na zijn vertrek naar Den Haag gaat Adriaen van de Venne zich specialiseren in het gebruik van de grisailletechniek: het schilderen in nuances van één kleur. Zelden is deze techniek eerder gebruikt voor op zichzelf staande schilderijen. Van de Venne doet dit wel, bijvoorbeeld in het portret van Frederik V en Elizabeth Stuart te paard. Maar hij maakt ook veel ‘grauwtjes’, zoals de grisailles genoemd worden, met als hoofdonderwerp boeren of bedelaars, die zich niet gedragen zoals het hoort. Op ‘Wat maeckme[n] al om gelt!’ zien we een boer die op het punt staat een bordeel binnen te gaan. Het opschrift slaat op de vrouw achter het venster, die zichzelf verkoopt voor geld. In het bordeel zal de boer beroofd worden van zijn geld, zodat hij al het geld dat hij met zijn waren in de stad heeft verdiend, weer verliest. Moraal: hou je seksuele lusten in bedwang.
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6 Aralık 2023 Perfumerias Avenida ÇBK Mersin Maçı
*Wurzburg Şehir Salonu'nda saat 22:30'da başlayacak olan Kadınlar EuroLeague Normal Sezon B Grubu 8. maçı. Grubun ikinci yarısına kritik ve zorlu İspanya deplasmanında başlıyoruz. Yeniden ikinci sıra için kazanalım inşallah. Yürekten başarılar dileriz Mersin'e.
*Kadınlar EuroLeague YouTube kanalından naklen yayınlanacak olan maç.
*İlk periyodun sonunda ev sahibi ekip 14-8 önde. Tutuk bir başlangıç geldi. Avenida da bunu kullanarak 6 sayılık farkı yakaladı.
*Devreyi 30-24 geride bitiriyoruz. Tablo çok daha vahim olabilirdi. Ev sahibi ekip 30-13 ile 17 sayılık fark yakalamıştı. Ardından temsilcimiz 11 sayılık müthiş seriyle bu dilimi noktaladı ve farkı da 6'ya indirdi. Keşke hiç soğumasak ama umalım ki bu rüzgarı koruyabiliriz.
*Üçüncü çeyrek 46-34 onların lehine. 16-10 çeyrek sonucu ile yanıtsız kaldık ve hep geriden takip ettik. Son bölüm öncesi işler zorlaştı.
*67-56 kaybettik. Yine çözümsüz kaldık ve bir türlü olduramadığımız bu geceyi noktaladık. 3. yenilgimiz oldu ve Avenida iki maçı da aldığı için ikili averajı garantileyerek üstümüze yükseldi. Tabi bitiş çizgisine daha var ve takılmalarını bekleyeceğiz. Perfumerias Avenida'da Sika Kone 19 sayı - 10 ribaund ile ikili çifte katkısı verdi. Laura Gil 13 sayı kaydetti. ÇBK Mersin'de ise Elizabeth Williams'ın 15 sayı - 11 ribaundluk ikili çiftesi yetmedi. Asena Yalçın 13 sayı üretti.
#spor arşivi#maç arşivi#kadınlar euroleague#perfumerias avenida#cb avenida#çbk mersin#basketbol#basketball#spor#sport
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❤️🥰❤️Af flere årsager som skal gå ubenævnt hen, så mangler vi nok stadig ord til at kunne udtrykke vores taknemlighed og glæde ❤️🥰❤️ Men først og fremmest uendelig mange tak til Rita og Harald som gave os den største bryllupsgave; et bryllup helt efter vores hoved 🙏🏼❤️ Og Tusind Tak til præsten for at give præstedatteren en drøm af kirkelig vielse, som var helt perfekt 🙏🏼❤️ og let spiselig selv for præstedatterens hedenske venner 🥰 Og Tusind Tak til præstens kone og Edith som havde bagt et overdådigt sønderjysk kaffebord efter alle foreskrevne regler (på trods af ingen af dem kommer i nærheden af at være sønderjyder) 🙏🏼❤️ Tusind Tusind Tak til Elizabeth som på trods af en brækket skulder alligevel formåede at udstyre mig med kjole, buksedragter og alt det andet udstyr 🙏🏼❤️ jeg var endt i en kjole fra Wish uden dig 🫣😂🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️ Og tak til utrættelige Bjørn som hjalp med transport af tapas og morgenmad og senest med at få de sidste ting med hjem. Men ikke nok med det, så har han også sørget for en helt fantastisk flæskesteg til natmad (som dog først er blevet spist eller fordelt idag 🫣😂) 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️ En helt særligt tak til verdens dejligste prut og taske 🥰🫶🏼 Ja Jessie og Henrik vi kommer jo til at skylde jer herfra og til evigheden 😍 We Have No Words Just Love 🫶🏼💞 Tak til hele vores vanvittige regnbuefamilie, her tænker vi både den biologiske og den selvvalgte 🙏🏼❤️ og ja det gælder alle jer som var med til at gøre vores dag helt igennem perfekt og fantastisk 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼❤️ vi kunne ikke forstille os et bryllup uden jer ❤️🫶🏼❤️🫶🏼❤️ Tusind Tak! Og Tak er virkelig et fattigt ord. Det er måske ikke ligefrem alle der drømmer om et sådant bryllup, men Jimi og jeg har uden tvivl fået vores drømmebryllup og det har alle jer der kom været en kæmpe del i 🙏🏼 #nohashtagneeded #justlove❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CqP9D_bsaot/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Why didn't the dutch King wear his uniform during the funeral of Queen Elizabeth?
Because he is not allowed to.
In contrary to many other nations, the Dutch King is not in the military, nor does he hold any rank. Dutch law prohibits the Head of State or any member of the Government from holding a military rank or function.
But why do I see the king in uniform then sometimes? you may ask. Well, for ceremonial military things, he gets an exemption (I think the minister has to give it every time). But it's just for looks. If you look carefully, he doesn't wear any rank symbols.
They created a separate symbol for him, it's the royal sword, scepter and orb. see for more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_insignia
So the Dutch King didn't wear a uniform because it was not a Dutch military ceremonial event for which he had gotten permission to wear a uniform for.
Could he have asked anyway, and gotten permission? maybe. I do not know what the instructions on the invitation from the Brits were regarding dress and/or uniform.
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2669 Koning Lex
Na die dode-Koninginnedag is het dan eindelijk Prinsjesdag! Prinsjesdag! Ik kan daar zo naar uitkijken. Het is na de rommelmarkt op de eerste zaterdag van september het eerstvolgende hoogtepunt op de derde dinsdag van september. Geen vaste datum voor de rommelmarkt of Prinsjesdag omdat het op zaterdag en dinsdag moet. Dat begrijpt iedereen. Oorspronkelijk was Prinsjesdag op de derde maandag van…
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King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima and Princess Beatrix of The Netherlans will be present at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II next Monday 19 September in London.
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Bookmarking Book Art - “Very Like a Whale”, the Bodleian Bibliographical Press’s Exhibition
Bookmarking Book Art – “Very Like a Whale”, the Bodleian Bibliographical Press’s Exhibition
For the 200th anniversary of Herman Melville’s birth (1819), the Bodleian’s Bibliographical Press invited letterpress printers and artists to claim one of the eighty prefatory “Extracts” from Moby-Dick (1851) and create an artwork in response.
The Blackwell Hall exhibition case accommodates thirty of the eighty contributors‘ artworks, plus the rare three-volume version of the novel published…
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#Bibliographical Press#Bodleian#BookLab at University of Maryland#Brittany Starr#Chris Ruston#David Shaerf#Elizabeth Fraser#Elizabeth Schultz#Frank Stella#Frauhaus Press#Harpune Verlag#Herman Melville#Jennifer Farrell#Mallory Haselberger#Moby Dick#Moby Dick Big Read#Moussa Kone#Philip Hoare#Starshaped Press#Whale and Dolphin Conservation WDC#William Rowsell
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Luca Yupanqui - Conversations - remixes of that infamous baby-in-utero album
Last year Sacred Bones released the groundbreaking album "Sounds of the Unborn,'' created by Psychic Ills bassist Elizabeth Hart and Lee Scratch Perry collaborator Iván Diaz Mathé by connecting biosonic MIDI technology to Elizabeth ́s then pregnant body. The soundscapes that emerged from this recording technique tell the story of an unexplored territory, a land of unveiled harmonies. The album received widespread attention and was featured in NPR, the Guardian and Audiofemme among others. Conversations is an album featuring remixes participants including electronic music pioneer Suzanne Ciani, new age legend Laraaji, fan favorites Peaking Lights, landscape innovator Hiro Kone and up and coming harpist Nailah Hunter, among others.
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Wedding Feast of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary and Louis of Thuringia in the Wartburg, inner left wing of an altarpiece made for the Grote Kerk in Dordrecht, Museum of the Netherlands
Scènes uit het leven van de heilige Elisabeth van Hongarije. Rechts op de voorgrond de verloving met hertog Lodewijk van Thüringen en Hessen in de tuin. Links het bruiloftsmaal op de Wartburg waaraan ook koning Andreas, de vader van de bruid, en de moeder van de bruidegom deelnamen. Drie muzikanten met fluiten en een bazuin musiceren bij het feestmaal. Op de achtergrond een landschap met kastelen en de gebouwen van een stad. Elisabeth, vergezeld van twee dienaressen Gutha en Isentrudis, belooft aan haar geestelijke leider Koenraad van Marburg gehoorzaamheid en kuisheid. Binnenzijde van het linkerpaneel, maakt deel uit van twee panelen, aan weerszijden beschilderd met voorstellingen uit het leven van de heilige Elisabeth van Hongarije (1207-31) en de Sint Elisabethsvloed 18-19 november 1421 (SK-A-3145/46 en SK-A-3147A/B).
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A couple of work in progress sketchbook pages.
Juxtaposing the work of John Singer Sargent, Emma Hopkins is a modern portrait artist, fascinated by the themes of Atonomy, psychology and mortality. She uses many materials, creating multiple interpretations of her sitters in order to paint them “from the inside out”. Her artwork progresses from abstract, surrealist pieces to sculptural and detailed oil paintings. I particularly love Hopkins ability to balance hyper-realism with expressive abstract elements, producing a sense of freedom and expression which is able to convey narrative. Similarly, Hopkins’ intelligent use of colour allows the viewer to be drawn into her pieces and set the tone for each painting, varying from bold, vibrant reds, to monochromatic works which convey a more somber sentiment. Moving forward with this project, I am particularly excited to begin experimenting with a more expressive style and to create a plan for my first photo shoot which will form the basis of many of these experimental and final pieces.
The second double page spread is based on my investigation of the Seven Deadly Sins, exploring its depiction in art through time and its Christian roots. Heronymous Bosch is one of the earliest painters to work with the idea of the sins, dating back to 1500. His painting used real life scenes in order to represent them: portraying drunkards, dogs fighting over a bone, a crooked judge and flirtatious daughters, to name a few. He also incorporated 4 outer circles which represent hell. August’s Rodin’s sculpture ‘The Kiss’, created in 1882 was based on Francia De Rimini, damned to hell after commuting adultery. The modern artist Elizabeth Koning, staged a photograph depicting envy. Her work appears more poetic and subtle than the earlier examples, yet entirely visible through the sickly green tint of the image and the steady gaze and ethereal ambience of the main figure. In addition to researching this idea, I began to create a preliminary plan for my photo shoot, deciding to focus on the sin(s) that my subject feels most guilty of. I am particularly interested in incorporating Hopkins’ use of colour which may reinforce the idea of the separate colours associated with each sin, this presents an opportunity to create some interesting and unique images.

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Reading de Nacht Reading 2019
my favourite books of the year
my overall favourite book of the year:
martin hägglund "this life why mortality makes us free" (2019)
01 ken liu (ed) "broken stars: contemporary chinese sf in translation" (2019)
02 cory doctorow "radicalized" (2019) 03 dave hutchinson "the return of the incredible exploding man" (2019) + dave hutchinson "nomads" (2019) + dave hutchinson "thumbprints" (1978) + dave hutchinson "torn air" (1980) + dave hutchinson "the push" (2009) + dave hutchinson "the villages" (2002) ... damn that elusive "paradise equation" (1981) ... 04 tade thompson "rosewater" (2016) + tade thompson "rosewater insurrection" (2019) + tade thompson "rosewater redemption" (2019) 05 desirina boskovich (ed) "lost transmissions: the secret history of sf & f" (2019)
06 hannu rajaniemi & jacob weisman (eds) "the new voices of science fiction" (2019) 07 gardner dozois (ed) "the very best of the best: 35 years of the year's best science fiction" (2019) 08 jonathan strahan (ed) "the best science fiction & fantasy of the year, volume thirteen" (2019) 09 robert markeley "kim stanley robinson modern masters of sf" (2019) 10 allan kaster (ed) "the year's top hard sf stories 3" (2019)
11 olivier girard (ed) "bifrost 96 la revue des mondes imaginaires: william gibson" (2019) 12 mario guglielminetti "web is over. parabola ed esplosione di ubuweb, l'antiprofilo" (2019) 13 bryan thomas schmidt (ed) "infinite stars: dark frontiers" (2019) 14 baoshu "the redemption of time" [2011] (2019) 15 cixin liu "the supernova era" [2003] (2019)
16 l. x. beckett "gamechanger" (2019) 17 gareth l powell "fleet of knives" (2019) 18 chen qiufan "waste tide" [2013] (2019) 19 derek künsken "the quantum garden" (2019) 20 gregory benford "rewrite: loops in the timescape" (2019)
21 james s.a. corey "tiamat's wrath" (2019) + james s.a. corey "auberon" (2019) 22 jim al-khalili "sunfall" (2019) 23 peter f hamilton "salvation lost" (2019) 24 neal asher "the warship" (2019) 25 jonathan strahan (ed) "mission critical" (2019)
26 jack mcdevitt "octavia gone" (2019) 27 elizabeth bear "ancestral night" (2019) 28 ian mcdonald "moon rising" (2019) 29 carmen maria machado (ed) "the best american sf & f 2019" (2019) 30 valerie valdes "chilling effect" (2019) 31 simon morden "bright morning star" (2019) + s. j. morden "no way" (2019) 32 neil stephenson "fall or, dodge in hell" (2019) 33 graham edwards "string city" (2019)
01 arno schmidt "bottom's dream" [1970] (2016) ... & still reading ...
02 jorge luis borgès "borgès restored (the author's preferred translations)" (2016) 03 julie orringer "the flight portfolio" (2019) + julie orringer "the invisible bridge" (2010) 04 pola oloixarac "savage theories" (2017) + pola oloixarac "dark constellations" (2019) 05 simon critchley "memory theatre" (2014)
06 gabriel josipovici "hotel andromeda" (2014) 07 david keenan "for the good times" (2019) 08 wg sebald "vertigo" [1990] (1999) + wg sebald "the emmigrants" [1992] (1996) + wg sebald "the rings of saturn" [1995] (1998) + wg sebald "austerlitz" (2001) 09 luis chitarroni "the no variations "diary of an unfinished novel" [2007] (2013) 10 julián ríos "larva: a midsummer night's babel" [1983] (1991)
11 césar aira "birthday" [2001] (2019) + césar aira "three novels" [1990-2000-1997] (2018) 12 tom mole "the secret life of books" (2019) 13 lucy ives "loudermilk or the real poet or the origin of the world" (2019) 14 lászló krasznahorkai "baron wenckheim's homecoming" [2016] (2019) 15 lucy ellmann "ducks, newburyport" (2019)
16 lars iyer "nietzsche & the burbs" (2019) 17 d harlan wilson "the psychotic dr. schreber" (2019) 18 andrew gallix (ed) "we'll never have paris" (2019) 19 chris kelso (ed) "i transgress" (2019) 20 john crowley "the solitudes" [1987] (2007) + john crowley "love & sleep" (1994) + john crowley "daemonomania" (2000) + john crowley "endless things" (2007) ... (the aegypt cycle)
01 carlos ruiz zafón "the labyrinth of the spirits" [2017] (2018)
02 volker kutscher "the fatherland files" [2012] (2019) 03 andrea camilleri "the overnight kidnapper" [2015] (2019) + andrea camilleri "the other end of the line" [2016] (2019) 04 mick herron "joe country" (2019) + mick herron "this is what happened" (2018) + mick herron "nobody walks" (2015) 05 john le carré "agent running the field" (2019)
06 guillaume musso "la vie secrète des écrivains" (2019) 07 luke mccallin "the man from berlin" (2013) + luke mccallin "the pale house" (2014) + luke mccallin "the divided city" (2016) 09 henry porter "brandenburg" [2005] (2019) + henry porter "firefly" (2018) + henry porter "white hot silence" (2019) 10 mitch silver "the bookworm" (2018) + mitch silver "in secret service" (2007)
11 alan judd "the accidental agent" (2019) 12 philip kerr "metropolis" (2019) 13 ian rankin "westwind" (2019) 14 jo nesbø "the knife" (2019) 15 david hewson "devil's fjord" (2019)
16 barry forshaw "crime fiction: a reader's guide" (2019) 17 a.a. dhand "one way out" (2019) 18 martin holmén "clinch: the stockholm trilogy 01" (2016) + martin holmén "down for te count: the stockholm trilogy 02" (2017) + martin holmén "slugger: the stockholm trilogy 03" (2019) 19 michael kestemont "de zwarte koning" (2019) 20 soren sveistrup "the chestnut man" [2018] (2019)
21 tim mason "the darwin affair" (2019) 22 patrick conrad "good night, charlie" (2019) 23 chris pavone "the paris diversion" (2019) 24 dov aflon "a long night in paris" (2019) 25 arne dahl "hunted" [2017] (2019)
01 martin hägglund "this life: why mortality makes us free" (2019) / "this life: secular faith & spiritual freedom" (2019)
02 derrida "la vie la mort: séminaire (1975-1976)" (2019) 03 jean-luc nancy "derrida, suppléments” (2019) 04 jean-françois bouthors et jean-luc nancy "démocratie! hic et nunc" (2019) 05 hannah arendt "de vrijheid om vrij te zijn" (2019) + hannah arendt "nous autres réfugiés" (2019)
06 mckenzie wark "capital is dead": is this something worse?" (2019) 07 johan schokker & tim schokker "extimiteit: jacques lacan's terugkeer naar freud" (2000) 08 gerhard richter & ann schmock (eds) "give the word: responses to werner hamacher's 95 theses on philology" (2019) 09 ranja n gosh "philosophy & poetry: continental perspectives" (2019) 10 shoshana zuboff "the age of surveillance capitalism" (2019)
11 kate zambrano "screen tests: stories & other writing" (2019) 12 daniele carluccio "roland barthes lecteur" (2019) 13 jean-clet martin "la philosophie de gilles deleuze" (2019) 14 mitchell dean & daniel zamora "le dernier homme et la fin de la révolution: foucault après mai 68" (2019) 15 arnon grunberg "vriend & vijand: decadentie, ondergang & verlossing" (2019)
16 kwami anthony appiah "de leugens die ons verbinden: een nieuwe kijk op identiteit" [2018] (2019) 17 quentin meillassoux "science fiction & extro-science fiction" (2015) 18 roberto calasso "het onbenoembare verleden" [2017] (2019) 19 lydia davis "essays" (2019) 20 denise riley "time lived, without its flow" (2019)
zoë skoulding "footnotes to water" (2019)
01 rick moody "on celestial music, and other adventures in listening" (2012)
02 yann courtiau "frictions: ce que la littérature a fait à la musique et ce que la musique a en a fait" (2019) 03 vivien goldman "revenge of the she-punks: a feminist music history from poly styrene to pussy riot" (2019) 04 garrígos, triana & guerra "god save the queens: pioneras del punk" (2019) 05 jon savage "this searing light, the sun & everything else: joy division the oral history" (2019)
06 richard beck "trains, jesus, and murder: the gospel according to johnny cash" 07 mark lanegan "sleevenotes" (2019) 08 jason williamson "jason williamson's house party: sleaford mods 2014-2019" (2019) 09 gallix, hill, & rose (eds) "love bites: fiction inspired by pete shelley" (2019) 10 greg laurie "johnny cash the redemption of an american icon" (2019)
11 marc vos & toon loenders "siglo xx: opdat de dood ons levend vindt & het leven ons niet doodt" (2019) 12 david sandilands & david keenan "go ahead & drop the bomb (memorial device pamflet)" (2019) 13 guillaume belhomme "pop fin de siècle" (2019) 14 chris bohn (ed) "the wire" (magazine) (2019) 15 sylvain sylvain "there's no bones in ice cream: sylvain sylvain's story of the new york dolls" (2018)
16 debbie harry "face it" (2019) 17 jaime gonzalo "poder freak: una crónica de la contracultura vol III" (2014) 18 matthew bower & samantha davies "talisman angelical" (2017) 19 darryl w bullock "the world's worst records: an arcade of audio atrocity vol I" (2013) + darryl w bullock "the world's worst records: another arcade of audio atrocity vol II" (2015) 20 steve zisson (ed) "a punk rock future" (2019) / ivar muñoz-rojas "underground babilonia" (2019)
01 didier ottinger "bacon en toutes lettres" (2019)
02 antoni tàpies "cap braços cames cos" (2012) + antoni tàpies "mahlerei und graphik" (2011) 03 laura oldfield ford "savage messiah" (2019) 04 fred vermorel "dead fashion girl: a situationist detective story" (2019) 05 françois schuiten & jaco van dormael "le dernier pharaon" (2019)
06 ken krimstein "the three escapes of hannah arendt: the tyranny of truth" (2018) 07 erik bindervoet & saskia pfaeltzer "aldus sprach nietzsche's zuster" (2019) 08 anthony n fragola & roch c smith "the erotic dream machine: interviews with alain robbe-grillet on his films" (2006)
01 bernard chambaz "petite philosophie du vélo" (2019)
02 filip osselaer "de man die doodging (vervolgens mosselen bestelde, de rekening vroeg en verdween): el tarangu, josé manuel fuente" (2019) 03 peter schmink "de cultus van het lijden: een vrije oefening" (2006) 04 laurent willame "les lieux sacrés du cyclisme: 15 pélérinages à faire avant de crever" (2019) 05 jonas heyerick (ed) "bahamontes: uit liefde voor de stiel" [magazine] (2019)
06 johnny vansevenant "1969, het jaar van eddy merckx" (2019) 07 edwin winkels "la vuelta: heroïsche verhalen uit de ronde van spanje" (2019) 08 frederik baeckelandt "fausto coppi (les héros 04)" (2019) 09 harry pearson "the beast, the emperor & the milkman: a bone-shaking tour through cycling’s flemish heartlands" (2019) 10 peter cossins "the yellow jersey / le maillot jaune" (2019)
11 thijs zonneveld "het panini album" (2019) 12 thijs zonneveld "de fiets, de fiets & nog veel meer sportverhalen" (2019) 13 willy vangenechten "hoe word je een wielerfan (en blijf je er een)?" (2019)
some wissenschaftstompf & autres divertissements ...:
01 robert macfarlane "underland: a deep time journey" (2019)
02 george van hal & ans hekkenberg "het kosmisch rariteitenkabinet" (2019) 03 josey waley-cohen "only connect: the difficult second quiz book" (2019)
… tsundoku !
may your home be safe from tigers, leroy, x HNY!
... the annual out of control TBR pile ...
ada hoffmann "the outside" (2019) adrian tchaikovsky "children of ruin" (2019) alastair reynolds "shadow captain" (2019) + alastair reynolds "permafrost" (2019) annalee newitz "the future of another timeline" (2019) charlie jane anders "the city in the middle of the night" (2019) farah mendlesohn "the pleasant profession of robert a heinlein" (2019)gareth l powell "ragged alice" (2019) greg egan "perihelion summer" (2019) ian creasey "the shapes of strangers" (2019) jo walton "lent" (2019)
kameron hurley "the light brigade" (2019) karl schroeder "stealing words" (2019) megan o'keefe "velocity weapon" (2019) neil clarke (ed) "the eagle has landed: 50 years of lunar sf" (2019) nina allan "the silverwind" (2019) paul di filippo "aeota" (2019) peter swirski "stanislaw lem: philosopher of the future" (2019) + peter swirski & waclaw m osadnik (eds) "lemography: stanislaw lem in the eyes of the world" (2019) richard kadrey "the grand dark" (2019) rudy rucker "million mile road trip" (2019) simon ings "the smoke" (2019)
alex landragin "crossings" (2019) enrique vila-matas "mac's problem" [2017] (2019) joseph scapellato "the made-up man" (2019) kevin breatnach "tunnelvision" (2019) michel houellebecq "serotonin" (2019) nell zink "doxology" (2019) roberto bolaño "the spirit of science fiction: a novel" (2019) samanta schweblin "mouthful of birds" (2019) sergio pitol "mephisto's waltz: selected short stories" (2019) will eaves "murmur" (2019)
johan op de beek "het complot van laken" (2019) jon steinhagen "the hanging artist" (2019) juli zeh "empty hearts" (2019) max hertzberg "operation oskar" (2019) + max hertzberg "berlin centre" (2019) peter robinson "many rivers to cross" (2019) tony belloto "bellini & the sphinx" [1995] (2019)
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Blog Input 2/20/20
After researching different photographers from Europe, three stood out to me. Zuzu Valla is a European photographer from Slovakia, but lived in England with her family. Her work consists mostly of photos of women with them being the subject. They all consist of a close up composition of a woman, sometimes two women, that fills the majority of the frame. The use of light in each photograph is intentional to emphasize the beauty of the woman in the picture. With some photos, there is just enough light to see the outline of the woman’s facial features for the viewer to be able to recognize that a person is there, while with others, the light brings out the red lipstick the woman might be wearing or it emphasizes the side of the woman’s face a strip of bright light. A collection that stood out to me is her “In the Bath” collection that is full of photos of women in murky bath water with flowers surrounding them. With each of the photos, it is evident the emotion that each subject portrays and how raw and real each is. It draws the viewer in to wonder “why?” with so many of the photos.
Elizabeth Koning is a photographer who traveled all around Europe and used her photography to take the viewer on a journey and to retell the stories of art history. In her “La Pappilion” collection, I found it interesting that she used a woman as the subject but did not use the light to her advantage to emphasize the features of the woman. In the last three photos of the collection, Koning must have used photoshop to place multiple butterflies onto the photos, and at times over the face of the subject. After seeing those pictures for the first time, I was confused as to why she would take a beautiful picture of a woman sitting on the beach with a basket and put butterflies to cover it and distract the viewer from the subject, but obviously Konging had some intention with doing so.
Guillaume d´Hubert is a photographer who focuses more on black and white photography. A collection of his that immediately drew my eye was his “Black Crop” collection. It looks as though he took black and white photographs that used one human subject per picture and placed circles over different parts of their bodies and made some circles a slightly underexposed black and white, while some other circles were very overexposed and mostly white with just enough dark grey for the viewer to see the silhouette of the subject. His use of the circles in this collection made each picture more interesting for the viewer. While each subject is doing a abstract pose, the use of the circles draws the viewer’s eyes all over the photograph. I looked through this collection for a long time and every time I would go back to look at it again, I would see something I didn’t see before.
Overall, with photographing this week, I found it interesting to adjust all the setting with the shutter speed and ISO in order to get the type of photograph I was picturing in my mind. I went into the city with a few friends and it was fun to find spots where the light was light enough for the pictures of to develop the right way and to get a good composition with some parts of the photo being still and the others moving (i.e. cars going by). Some difficulties I had were getting the right settings on my camera. I am definitely still learning when it comes to manually changing the settings to the right thing for what I’m shooting at, but it has slowly gotten easier. When photographing this time, I found myself much more aware of the composition of the photo and was more particular with what should be in each frame.
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