#eliza x neria
jennserr · 6 years
13 for all of them
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
Eliza x Athenna
So Athenna is definitely That Warden that gives her friends random things she finds, but she never expects anything in return. Which is why she’s very pleasantly surprised when Eliza gets her something and she’s smiling for like the next week
Val x Marianna
Marianna absolutely gives Val lots of small (and not so small) random gifts all the time once she has money. A lot of them are suspiciously weapons or armour.
Val x Cassandra
They’re not big on openly giving the other gifts, as their relationship is for them and them alone. That said, they both like to surprise the other with small thoughtful gifts; it’s part of their courting ritual tbh, although really for Cassandra she just wants to do something nice for her lover, get her something nice. It’s difficult for them both to find gifts for the other–they’re both very practical people–but they find a way. A lot of the time, they’ll get back to their room and discover some flowers waiting on their desk.
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jennserr · 6 years
ask meme 2, #11 for all of them
ooh, good one
11. What causes them to fight?
Eliza x Athenna
whenever one of them does something reckless that puts their life in danger. it’s expected that Athenna does–she’s a grey warden, after all–but that doesn’t mean Eliza has to like it. when Eliza puts her life in danger, though, well. Athenna makes a big point about how Eliza is in no way shape or form combat trained
really though, Athenna just doesn’t want her friend/crush/lover to be hurt
(*cough* the deep roads say hello *cough*)
Val x Marianna
i don’t know that they’d fight much, tbh. like, i’m sure they would, but i can’t really think of any reason. i’ll get back to you on that
Val x Cassandra
their views and beliefs. Val is pretty vocal in her beliefs that the Chantry is shit the Temlars are shit the Circles are shit and things could all be done so much better but the Chantry likes being in control. This clashes a lot with Cassandra’s own beliefs, which are that the Chantry and Templars and Circles all have a purpose and that they are fulfilling that purpose. maybe not in the best way they could, but they are doing what they are meant to.
that, and Cass isn’t too fond of the Herald putting herself in danger. she’s their only hope of closing rifts and the Breach, and Cass has seen the scar on her hip and knows that she’s weak on that side in a close quarters fight. it eventually turns into actually caring about Val and her life, but Cassandra isn’t so good about putting that particular bit into words
they both reexamine their stances after particularly big fights, and while they’re often painful, the fights help them grow
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jennserr · 6 years
16 for val/cassandra and for eliza/neria
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
Val x Cassandra
Val. Val gives Cass her jacket, because Cass looks cold in just her Seeker armour and Val is warm enough with her (enchanted) leathers. Cassandra does her best to keep from blushing and is failing remarkably.
Eliza x Athenna
Athenna gives her jacket to Eliza all the time bc really Eliza is not used to Ferelden weather at all and Athenna’s warden jacket is very warm and comfy. plus Athenna thinks Eliza looks super cute wearing it
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jennserr · 6 years
7 for all of them
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
Eliza x Athenna
Neither wears the other’s clothes much, since they’re almost never clean what with crisscrossing Ferelden for a solid year straight, but if they were to, Eliza would wear Athenna’s clothes bc Eliza is finally small enough to wear her gf’s clothing and she will take advantage of it as much as she can. Athenna thinks it’s adorable af
Val x Marian:
Val definitely wear’s Marian’s clothes, but that’s mainly bc Marian has a lot more clothing than her bc she can afford it (though tbh most of the clothes are ones that Leandra bought). She totally goes to work one day still wearing something of Marian’s without even realizing.
Val x Cassandra:
They wear each other’s clothes when they’re both at Skyhold, but only in the privacy of their rooms. When Val is away on expedition and Cassandra stays behind though, Cass will occasionally sleep in one of Val’s undershirt layers bc it smells like her
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jennserr · 6 years
4 for eliza and neria
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
Eliza knows that Athenna hasn’t been sleeping well lately (thanks archdemon) and tries to get her to sleep because she genuinely cares for her even before they get together. Except that when Athenna does try to sleep, she wakes up after only a few hours, at most, so she just stays up all night anyways. Less nightmares that way.
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jennserr · 6 years
for the ask meme: 2 for eliza and neria
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
since Athenna doesn’t sleep well due to archdemon dreams, it’s almost always Eliza who calls asleep in her lap when they make camp. it starts even before they’re together, and everyone thinks it’s adorable bc Athenna gets all flustered and like she has second watch but she can’t move bc Liz is on her lap and she can’t move her
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jennserr · 6 years
(passive aggressively waits for asks about my OCs)
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jennserr · 6 years
1, 4, 12, 15 for the ask meme #1! for any two of your pairings :)
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
Eliza x Athenna
Athenna, mostly because she just has more money (it’s from looting all the corpses that Eliza won’t touch if she can avoid it). And, really, she is That Warden that spoils her gf.
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
Val x Cassandra
Cass tries to make sure the Herald gets enough sleep–even going so far as to take her night watches for her after long days–but Val has… troubled dreams, and has difficulty staying asleep
As Inquisitor, Val has a habit of overworking herself and needs to be told to go to bed/come to bed. Usually the latter works better on her, and will often be said with a kiss to the top of Val’s head.
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
Val x Cassandra
After Kirkwall, everything in between then and the Conclave, and then becoming the Herald of Andraste, Val may have developed some slightly unhealthy coping mechanisms. Which, considering her old job was serving the drinks, says a lot about what she’s been through. 
It’s nice that Cassandra is strong enough to literally throw Val over her shoulder and carry her back to her bed, both in Haven and in Skyhold.
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
Eliza x Athenna
They both scream. Leliana is the one to bring the spider outside (”It’s just a little spider, for Maker’s sake”). Morrigan absolutely trolls the fuck out of them because of this at least once.
feel free to ask me more! (ask meme 1) (ask meme 2)
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jennserr · 6 years
ask meme 2, #24 for all of them
24. What is something they have each had to forgive the other for?
shit this is actually kinda hard
Eliza x Athenna
Athenna: the archdemon 
Eliza: the deep roads
Val x Marianna
Val x Cassandra
ooh this is a good one. Cassandra has had to forgive Val for Kirkwall as well (i’m sensing a theme), and for keeping as many secrets about her past as she did (hint: there’s a lot), especially the secret. She also has to forgive Val for the Conclave, specifically once she learns that Val actually had a chance to save the Divine but didn’t.
there isn’t really anything Cass does that Val feels needs forgiving, especially her reactions to all that, because they’re more than well deserved. the only thing I can think of is they get so into a fight where they actually hurt each other (physically or emotionally)
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jennserr · 6 years
ask meme 2, #20 for liz and neria
20. What is a promise they have made to each other?
“I’ll always come back to you, no matter what.”
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jennserr · 6 years
10 for eliza and neria
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
This was actually a tough one ngl, because i never thought of either of them as particularly artistic.
That said.
Athenna would draw Eliza and the whole time she’s posing Eliza is blushing bc nobody’s ever done this for her before; nobody has ever really seen her as beautiful, not like this.
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