#elise hightower
sparkledleaves · 4 months
☆゚*·゚ ACROSS THE ROOM she stood, looking beautiful. kieran's heart beat faster and faster with every moment he looked at her. from that first moment they'd spoke, he knew he was in trouble. after spending hours during the gala wondering how to go back and speak to her, he knew this was his chance. she stood there under the light, glowing like an angel. her beauty was unmatched. his eyes were locked onto her as he walked toward her, feeling like he was floating on the clouds.
he'd gotten advice and hoped words would form once he stood in front of her. the closer and closer he got, the faster his heart beat. how could one person be so beautiful? kieran put on his best smile, one that he'd realized he only had because of her. it was radiating through him, filling him with love and light. "you really look ethereal tonight. your smile fills me up with a warmth i didn't think i needed and those eyes pull me in with every passing moment. elise, i'm captivated by you."
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written-in-flowers · 2 years
hi! thank you for your wonderful writing <3 i love reading ur otto hightower fics - and i was wondering if you could drop some fluffy family hcs with the tyrell!reader? i'd love to hear more about how they get along with the rest of the family (alicent; aemond; helaena; etc) and things about cedric!
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Ooooh, funny that I actually considered writing this! I have so many little things. I might add some details about Rosebud!reader too for funsies Thank you 😊
Let's get one thing straight: you're not her mother. In fact, she's older than you by at least a few years. You were twenty-five when you married Otto, and she was approaching thirty. On top of that, she is your queen, so you respect her immensely. Neither of you dared to discuss any sort of ‘mother/daughter’ relationship. 
She didn't like the fact her father married someone so much younger than himself. It reminded her of her own marriage: she’d married Viserys when she was a child, had his children as a child, and remained one in his eyes. She didn’t like her father doing the same, even if said bride was an adult. He'd done his time as a married man and father. What was her cousin thinking?
But, she sees how you truly love and care for her father. She’d seen this when he’d become ill, feeling weak and feverish. Every morning, noon and night she found you sitting by his side, weaving a wreath of The Seven, doing needlework or reading out loud to him. You oversaw the maesters when they gave him his medicine, and smiled happily when his fever finally broke. You’re his greatest comfort in The Red Keep, a support system outside of his daughter and circle. She sees how he seeks you out after heated debates in the small council; how he spends his “reflective hours” with you in the gardens, in the godswood or the royal sept. He seems happier since marrying you, and she does adore her half-brother, Cedric. So, she slowly began opening herself to you.
You're the only other woman at court whom she can talk to about matters outside of politics. Since their relationship soured, Alicent didn't talk to Rhaenyra like she once did; being "The Queen" left her with few friends. Having a person who doesn't have ulterior motives or isn't trying to scheme against her felt refreshing. 
She enjoys the talks you two have. You two relate on a level your husband never understood. You listen to her rough days, try cheering her up by bringing your favorite fool or piper. Often, you're usually the one asking her for advice. When you and her father have a quarrel, you vent to her and ask if you'd perhaps been in the wrong after all. Nine times out of ten, both of you are wrong, so she ends up telling you two to make up. How you make up, she will NEVER ask.
You're often the neutral party in the house. You have ties to The Greens through Otto, but you like to see things from both sides. It brings a lot of prospective that Alicent might not have seen otherwise.
You're not her mother, but you are a good, loyal friend.
Helaena was only thirteen when you married Otto, so she spent most of her teen years around you. Shy and quiet, she often stayed in her own world; having difficulty socializing with new people, it took her a while getting used to you in general. She found it odd that her grandsire married such a young woman, but she didn't think much of it. 
You might not like bugs, but you started the friendship by gifting her a framed rare, exotic beetle for her nameday. You read up on different species and showed her some of the ones you'd seen at home and the flowers you found them around.
A shared interest in nature brought you even closer. You grew up around fields of flowers, vines of grapes, and groves of fruitful trees. You felt at home in nature, and so did Helaena. 
In some ways, she reminds you of your younger sister, Elise. Particularly when she is excited about something. The way her eyes light up brings out the sentimental sisterly feelings. You told Otto this once, and it made him smile. 
You found her strange riddles interesting. Of course, they’re only little things she sees in her dreams, but you liked trying to guess their meaning. She told you she didn’t really know herself; she’d had them her entire life. Otto told you not to listen to Helaena’s strange ramblings, since he felt it’d only encourage the behavior. You replied by saying there is nothing wrong with having dreams. Dreams were good. 
You do everything in your power to encourage and support her. Helaena is never good at speaking in large crowds; she often becomes overwhelmed and stammers a bit. You don’t touch her, since she doesn’t like being touched in those moments, but you do stay by her side as Alicent does. This comforts her greatly. 
You also adore her twins, whom you dote on whenever possible.
As much as Aegon loves the ladies, he doesn't understand the hype around you. You're like any other noblewoman from The Reach. You like flowers 🙄 you play music 🙄 you are ✨️ pretty ✨️. Aegon liked his girls to be a bit wild, and you were far from that to him.
Don't worry. You didn't lose sleep over the fact that Prince Aegon didn't like you. In fact, the distaste went both ways. You thought he was a drunken fool who screwed up all the time. You often told Otto that you didn’t blame the king for not naming Aegon his heir. If Cedric ever became a shameful person, you’d make sure your next child inherited everything instead.   
Calls you “Grandmother” when he wants insult you, though you throw it back in his face and tell him that you are, so he should listen to you and stop being a prat. 
You find him to be vile, especially when you heard about what he does to his serving girls. It disgusted you beyond belief.
 When you two get into it, you GET INTO IT. Shade IS thrown. Faces ARE made, and Otto has to remind you exactly who you are and that sinking to Aegon’s level does nothing for anybody. 
Though, you do sympathize with him in his more vulnerable moments. After catching him crying in a darkened stairwell, having no energy to climb up it due to the copious amounts of ale in his system, you took pity on him. A boy doesn't behave that way by default. Having no real father figure, believing his mother doesn't care about him, and being told how to live his life has led to his self-destructive behavior. Yet, Aegon has chosen to live his reckless way and you knew nothing you said changed that.
After that day, you two began this strange sibling energy relationship. You called each other names, occasionally smacked one another without really hurting each other, and continued the banter back and forth, but much more affectionately. 
This only pleased Otto because it resulted in less headaches. 
Heyyyy, we all know Aemond loves the older ladies. He'd been only fourteen when he met you, the prettiest girl he'd ever seen. He could barely speak around you for a long time. Aegon often teased him by mocking how he stuttered or froze up in your presence. He’d gulped thickly when his mother told him you were his step-grandmother now. You were going to live with them? In the Red Keep? The Gods truly were cruel.
It grew worse when, during their visit to Highgarden, he stumbled upon you in one of the cool wading ponds...in nothing but a linen dress that clung to your body. You didn't mind he'd caught you; he didn't know his way around the castle and got turned around. No harm, no foul. Covering yourself in the water, you told him how to get back to the main castle, smiling at his red cheeks and stuttering sentences. *side note: you’d originally hoped Otto would find you, and he did, you just didn’t see him*
You both laugh about it now that he's older.
He's your constant library companion. You each take up chairs in the large library and read quietly. Sometimes, you read out loud, but mostly you sit in silence. Having him sitting nearby felt comforting to you while you read; like having a protective shadow watching over you. 
Aemond will never forget how understanding and patient you'd been with him after he lost his eye. Your treatment of him never changed. You helped him when he clearly had difficulty seeing or adjusting to his new condition. You’d sewn an eye patch for him, a leather one with black dragon heads sewn into the straps, which he wears on special occasions. 
He took you riding on his dragon as a nameday gift. You’d shown interest in the Targaryen dragons, and he knew you'd be delighted to meet the ancient Vhagar, the largest in the world. It remained entirely platonic; a young man and woman enjoying the skies together. But, he had enjoyed your arms around his middle as he flew Vhagar through the skies and how you clung onto him so tightly.
Perhaps....Nah, that's dumb. You love his grandfather, and he respected that.
Besides, he had Helaena, who'd taken him heart and soul.
Daeron: (you didn’t think I’d forget MIA Daeron Targaryen, did you? Daeron the Daring??)
You didn’t meet Daeron until Otto took you to Oldtown where he’s Ormund’s cupbearer and squire. 
He was a sweet boy, clever and witty. He took to calling you ‘Grandmother’, though he said this with a hint of affection in it that was always followed by a laugh. 
He proudly told you about his ambitions to be a knight one day, and said that he’d gladly name you Queen of Love and Beauty when he won his first tourney...if you’d go, my lady. 
Sadly, you didn’t spend much time with Daeron, but you did get to see the beautiful she-dragon Tessarion. 
Cedric Hightower:
You had Cedric a year into your marriage. It was a normal pregnancy for the most part. You listened to the maester’s instructions, took care of yourself, and delivered with no complications. Cedric had your coloring, but had Otto’s nose and chin. You never felt happier than when you held him in your arms, swaddled in a blue and green blanket you’d made for him. 
Sleeps. Like. A. Rock. You and Otto still remain quiet around him when he’s sleeping, and he does wake up on his own at least once a night, but otherwise, he sleeps well. 
He has a wet nurse who attends to him when you cannot or are unable to for whatever reason, but otherwise, you care for him. You feed him, bathe him, clothe him, read to him, sing him to sleep at night, and play with him. You always imagined yourself becoming a mother, like any noblewoman did, and hoped you’d be like your own. 
He definitely likes moving around once he learns to walk. You and his nurse have to keep your eyes on him once he starts moving about, because then you easily lose track of him. You learn he’s pretty quick on his feet. Otto says he’ll make a great swordsman one day, and other men agree so you hope it’ll be true. 
He loves horses. You often take him to the stables to pet and feed them hay. He likes watching them walk around mostly since he’s still too young to ride one on his own. He particularly likes your mare, Daisy, a chestnut and black horse with a long mane. Much like the Targaryens with their dragons, you’d chosen Daisy’s most recent foal to be his horse when he grows. 
Everyone adores him. 
No, really. Everyone. 
Well, yeah, he’s a baby and babies can be cute. 
Fun Rosebud facts:
I know it’s really a ‘reader’ fic, but I tend to make my ‘reader’ characters sort of their own thing at the same time. I like to give them names, so tyrell!reader is always ‘Rosebud’ to me lol. You’re always free to picture her however you want, but that’s me personally. So much easier to write ‘Rosebud’ than ‘tyrell!reader’ every time in my notes.
The drabbles I’ve posted are not in any chronological order, so if you guys want like a timeline or something, just let me know because I’m going to be writing actual one shots for them soon. 
Here are just some fun things I made up for backstory:
You are the third child of Lord Gareth and Lady Jalissa Tyrell, and are their first born daughter. (fun fact, I learned that Margaery’s mother was actually a Hightower too, so that was a cool connection. It was totally by coincidence.)
It took you so long to be properly betrothed because your father usually disapproved of every suitor who came forward for your hand. It didn’t bother you because you didn’t like them anyways, and you got to stay home with your family. 
You love music. You can play the harp, lyre, and flute. You played the harp for the king’s party when they arrived at Highgarden for the Harvest Moon Festival. Otto loves to hear you sing Cedric to sleep; he says it soothes him also in a sense. 
You enjoy reading the different histories of the world, and learning new things. Like stated above, you love nature too. Expect to always read about Rosebud wearing something floral/nature related in her hair accessories, jewelry or clothes. 
You immediately roll your eyes whenever a man starts going on about your ‘beauty and grace’...except Otto, because he means it when he says it <3 
You have a very close relationship with your younger sister, Elise, who was born some time after you. But, you also have good relationships with your other siblings: Matthos is your eldest brother and heir to Highgarden, a well known jouster in the region and very handsome besides; your twin brothers Loras and Horas who might as well be the same person with how they do almost everything together. Your youngest sister, Adeline, was an infant when you left home, but you shower her with kisses and presents whenever you see her. 
You definitely are not the shy, virginal flower Otto expected on your wedding night. You’ve always had a sensual, sexual nature about you that drove your libido. You kept it hidden by shy smiles and giggles, but only true pervs can see right through it. Before your wedding night, you  purposefully put yourself in positions where Otto might happen to come upon you alone. The only time he gave in was when he kissed you the last night of the festival. 
You have daddy issues because you’re a daddy’s girl. 
The only person who knows about your ‘type’ is your mother, who was actually the one who pushed for a marriage to Otto. Jalissa is a close friend of Otto’s, and knew if anyone would respect and protect her daughter, it’d be him. 
A/N: Aaaand that’s a wrap! I hope you liked these little fun headcanons. I’m having a lot of fun writing this series, so expect more from it soon. I get to write out my dilf fantasies through Otto. Oooh, if you’d like me to do her relationships to Team Black (Daemon in particular), I might add that too. Love you guys <3
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healersheartsandsouls · 3 months
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‘ simone ashley, cis-femaie, she.her, 29 / 290 , high fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems elise hightower has finally made it to the capital, the healer from day court  is said to be helpful to those in need above all else and is said to describe themselves with in touch with the world around her feeling it in her soul, loves deeper than the ocean and higher than the tallest mountain, embraces the hard fought victoires, finds the way to the best in people  and with all of this in mind that losing is not in her  nature, always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
full name: Elise Mika Hightower nickname(s): Ellie date of birth: August 1 gender & pronouns: cis woman (she/her) species: high fae place of birth: day court orientation: bisexual occupation: Healer
faceclaim: Simone Ashley distinguishing characteristics:  Long black hair, deep brown eyes piercing(s) & tattoo(s): None
Adopted mother: Hightower Mom father: Unknown sibling(s)/halfsibling(s): Adopted Brothers, Alistiar and Younger Hightower brother significant other: none 
biography trigger(s): murder, death, betrayal, suicide
Elise was born to a housemaid of the Hightowers. Her mother had been with Lady Hightower for years, she had known the lady since they were children. When she had fallen pregnant, Lady Hightower promised to help take care of her and the baby. Unfortunately Elise’s brith mom died during childbirth and so she never knew her. But she was lucky to have been taken in and treated as one of the Hightower children, no different. She was raised to be lady of the court of the ruling family in Day. When she was a teen her healing power really came into her own
-Gives her brothers a hard time as often as possible
-Feels like she has to be perfect so she doesn’t give her adopted family a bad name
-Has an ex that was not great to her, but she hid it from her family, which has kept her from really putting herself out there for anyone else
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shvdwscng · 4 months
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STATUS : CLOSED ⟳ @healersheartsandsouls
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𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓  𝐀𝐒  𝐇𝐄  𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃,  there  had  been  no  continued  peace  even  after  the  sun  rose.  for  a  moment  when  the  night  continued,  alistair  had  dared  to  hope  that  perhaps  this  celebration  would  go  without  any  incident.  certainly  something  he  and  perhaps  some  had  placed  too  much  expectations  on.  alistair  could  remain  calm  and  level-head  in  most  circumstances,  it  was  his  job  to  for  high  lord  and  for  their  people,  but  the  bits  of  panic  that  rose  within  him  could  hardly  be  ceased  even  if  he  did  not  reveal  an  ounce  of  it.  by  the  grace  of  fates,  no  one  of  their  family,  or  their  court  had  been  harmed,  but  he  could  be  at  ease  until  his  eyes  found  his  siblings  as  as  well  as  the  asters.  he  knew  ced  would  be  more  than  fine,  but  naturally  his  instincts  for  his  best  friend's  safety  was  ever  present.  it  was  hours  later,  as  the  panic  began  to  ease  and  everyone  dispersed  to  be  with  their  family,  did  alistair  make  his  way  once  more  to  his  sister.  alerting  elise  of  his  presence  by  coming  up  beside  her,  "you're  certain  your  not  hurt?"  his  dark  hues  reflecting  concern  as  it  moved  to  youngest  hightower.
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daisy-thetoxic · 2 years
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Master List
Smut ♤- Fluff ♡- Sad ◇- NSFW ♧ - Headconons ☆
Prompt list
Angelina Jolie
Elizabeth Olsen
Florence Pugh
Hailee Steinfeld
Scarlett Johanson
Lana Parrilla
Light down low part. 1
Bailey Sarian
Tom Elise
Tom Holland
Alexia Demi
Taylor Swift
Selena Gomez
Lana Parrilla *including Regina Mills*
AJ Cook
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Salma Heyak
Kara danvers
Alex danvers
Lena Luthur
Sara Lance
Felicity Smoak
Oliver Queen
Thea Queen
Berry Allen
Caitlin Snow
Criminal Minds
Jennifer Jareau
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgon
Aaron Hotch
Penelope Garcia
Elle Greenway
Kate Callahan
Tara Luise
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Teen Wolf
Melissa McCall
Alison Argent
Stiles Stelinski
Lydia Martin
Derek Hale
Wyonna Earp
Wynonna Earp
Waverly Earp
Nichole Haught
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Fluff hc
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Elle Lopez
Brooklyn 99
Game of Thrones
Daenerys Targaryen
Sansa Stark
Arya Stark
Robb Stark
Khal Drogo
All dragons (platonic dragon rider)
Cercie Lannister
Miss Peregrine Home for Particular Children
Alma Peregrine
Little bird
How to train your dragon
All dragons (platonic)
House of Dragons
Alicent Hightower
Our little dragon (Rhaelicent x Oc)
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Harwin Strong
Rue Bennet
Lexie Howard
Maddy Perez
Shadow and Bone
Alina Starkov
You can ask for other character of I did not add them. I will do poly relationships, yandre, or cheater ships.
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ofcourtfables · 4 months
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𝒇𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒏𝒐 𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍. 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒏𝒐 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏. welcome MELISSA, you have been accepted into ofcourtfables. please have your account in within the next 24 hours or you risk your roles and face claims. also take a moment to look over our checklist.
‘ simone ashley, cis-femaie, she.her, 29 / 290 , High Fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems Elise Hightower has finally made it to the capital, the healer from day court  is said to be helpful to those in need above all else and is said to describe themselves with in touch with the world around her feeling it in her soul, loves deeper than the ocean and higher than the tallest mountain, embraces the hard fought victoires, finds the way to the best in people  and with all of this in mind that losing is not in her  nature, always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
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marjaystuff · 7 months
Interview with Mark Greaney and his newest book The Chaos Agent
The Chaos Agent
Gray Man Book 13
Mark Greaney
Berkley Pub
Feb 20, 2024
The Chaos Agent by Mark Greaney brings to life artificial intelligence, which takes center stage in this plot. Just as with other issues like biological weapons and cloning, Greaney talks about how AI can weaponize drones and robots.
The plot starts off quiet enough as Court and Zoya settle down together in Central America in hope of living a quiet life.  But that comes to a quick end after Zoya is approached by an old contact who needs her to extract a Russian scientist from a deadly situation.  To make matters worse, they are attacked by a team of professional assassins. 
It seems that multibillionaire Anton Hinton is building a lethal autonomous weapon controlled by artificial intelligence.  His reasoning is that he wants to bring some sanity to the world where human wars could be a thing of the past. Putting the pieces together, Court and Zoya realize that someone is killing the world’s leading experts on robotics and computers.  Because he is afraid for his life, Hinton hires as his new chief of security, Court’s old teammate, Zack Hightower. Eventually, they all band together to stop this powerful AI computer, Cyrus for destroying the world.
The plot has nonstop action.  The best Gray Man books are ones with the supporting cast of characters, which includes this one. Readers should take the plot as a word of warning as to what happens after AI is weaponized.
Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for the story?
Mark Greaney: I was watching a lot of TV about developing artificial intelligence. Then I read a few books about AI run amok.  I was looking into the dark side of AI. Robotics, AI, and lethal autonomous weapons melted together. It was fascinating for me to write about. I am always looking for something different to write about.  The idea of the private sector creating something dangerous was interesting to me.  
EC:  What do you personally think of AI?
MG:  It can be used by the military or for cures to cancer. It depends on how it is used.  I am fatalistic about it, knowing it is coming whether we want it to or not. I am nervous as I write about in the book.  If the enemy does it and revolutionizes the way countries fight it will become a game changer. I read a line that said, ‘If a scenario cannot be anticipated, then we cannot test it.’ AI can act in ways they are not taught. 
EC:  For example, Israel drops leaflets and warns the Gazans before they bomb, but I do not think AI will do it.
MG: Absolutely. AI does not have any judgement or morality. Now AI are basically large language models.  Once in the real world there is no telling what might happen. They clobbered US pilots in simulators with the human pilot never getting a shot off. In the book, Cyrus, the AI agent, is aggressive. War game simulations have AI on the attack, to fight, and attack.  This is also a vulnerability because it can make mistakes that will hurt it. 
EC: Is it like biological weapons where all the countries say they are not pursuing them or use them?
MG: I do agree with that analogy.  Some years ago, a bunch of Google employees threatened to quit because the company was working with the US military on object recognition to process drone feeds.  All these employees got on their high horse and refused to work with the defense department.  This killed the whole project. At the same time Google had tons of projects with Chinese firms. All of these are dual use, can be operational in the military.  
EC: I was thinking of the debate over cloning to get the perfect person-are we for it or against it?
MG:  Yes.  In some ways it is good, to eliminate diseases, but it would also be possible to get a Master Race. This is very concerning to me. It is coming down the pike, AI, one way or another.  The US did put export controls on the chips that make high level AI and China cannot acquire them. Regulations will help. Everything I read is that the sophisticated AI are prone to making mistakes. 
EC: Why the Albert Einstein quote in the beginning of the book?
MG: He was talking about the nuclear age.  The leaders of the AI industry, the gate keepers that told Congress, they are scared about what is behind their own gates. They asked for regulations. But they also fought against some regulations that were in England. People asked if they could do it, but no one asked if they should do it.
EC:  Did you want to show that Court, as with some in the military, miss the action and adrenaline rush?
MG:  A little bit of a version of it.  I played it up in other books more.  He sees himself as someone that should be used for good not evil. I think he feels a little bit listless when he is not doing what is right to make the world a better place. He has this moral compass with right and wrong incredibly important to him. 
EC:  How would you describe the relationship between Zoya and Court?
MG: They have trust issues.  Sometimes they feel betrayed. Court has a vulnerability but has let his guard down for Zoya.  What is programmed into him is to go into flight if he senses any kind of deception from her. 
EC: Would you kill off any of your main characters?
MG: I have not written the next book yet. I honestly do not know.  I can kill any of my characters at some point.
EC: Can you describe how you came about to write the two intense scenes with the autonomous robots and drones?
MG:  I watched a lot of videos.  Everything in this book is based on existing or emerging technology. There is no science fiction. The robot dogs with rifles on their backs exist. The drones that land on the roof is also real. The hexacopters that are remotely piloted and carry explosives we are seeing a ton of that in the Ukraine War. When building an action scene, I think of the enemy capabilities and the heroes’ capabilities.
EC:  This book had a cliff-hanger so can you tell anything about the next book?
MG: I don’t look on it as a cliff-hanger. The entire story played out is resolved but in the last twenty-five pages is something new that came about. I had the idea while writing the middle of this book. There will be a wild ride in the next book.
I also have a book coming out in June titled Sentinel. It is the second book in the Josh Duffy series. This book takes place in Africa. Duffy is a diplomatic security agent. The series is sold to TV.
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rubyleaf · 2 years
You know, when I see fictional characters who repress all their emotions, they're usually aloof and very blunt about keeping people at a distance, sometimes to an edgy degree—but what I don't see nearly enough are the emotionally repressed characters who are just…mellow.
Think about it. In real life, the person that's bottling up all their emotions is not the one that's brooding in the corner and snaps at you for trying to befriend them. More often than not, it's that friendly person in your circle who makes easy conversation with you, laughs with you, and listens and gives advice whenever you're upset. But you never see them upset, in fact they seem to have endless patience for you and everything around them—and so you call them their friend, you trust them. And only after months of telling them all your secrets do you realize…
…they've never actually told you anything about themselves.
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aphotiec · 7 years
.tag dump (ship edition) 
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aphotiec2-blog · 7 years
ship/brotp tag dump.
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soylazaro · 4 years
1800 Tequila - Michael K. Williams from Khalid Mohtaseb on Vimeo.
Director: Greg Smith Director of Photography: Khalid Mohtaseb Executive Producer: Mary Hanifin Agency: The Via Agency Creative Director: Kevin Philips Creative Director: Steve Street Agency Producer: Barry Wolford Account Manager: Lyndsey Fox Producer: Kayellen Moran Production Supervisor: Anna Shkolnikov 1st AD: Shane Kalman 2nd AD: Jason Hightower Production coordinator: Hilary Weintraub Editor: Jon Connor Post Producer: Amanda Newton Grey Colorist: Khalid Mohtaseb Location Manager: Stephen Grivno Steadicam Operator: David Cobra Elise B-cam operator: Daniel Stewart A-cam 1st AC: Daniel Stewart B-cam 1st AC: Albert Elmazovski 1st AC/ Pickups: Robert Lau 2nd AC: Jared Knecht Jon Nelson DIT: Jeff Levine VTR: Jon Osterman Gaffer: Brian Wachtel BB Electric: Luke Deikis Electric: Matt Schuman Swing: Caio Ribiero Key Grip: Riad Deeb BB Grip: Dave Rangheli Grip: Bliss Bussant Grip: Max Ellis Art Director: Jenny Correa Props: Alex Griffith Script Supervisor: Joy Lane Sound Mixer: Fiona Mcbain Groomer: Sincere Giles Stylist: Eric Archibald
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blackkudos · 8 years
Aunjanue Ellis
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Aunjanue L. Ellis (born February 21, 1969) is an American film, stage, and television actress, and producer. She began her acting career in theater, and made her film debut in Girls Town. She later had leading roles in a number of independent movies, and co-starred in several mainstream films.
Ellis is best known for her roles in films Men of Honor (2000), The Caveman's Valentine (2001), Undercover Brother (2002), Ray (2004), The Express (2008), The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) and The Help (2011). On television, Ellis had regular role in the ABC police drama series High Incident (1996–97), and later co-starred in a number of short-lived dramas. She had recurring roles on The Practice, True Blood, and The Mentalist, and played roles in a number of made for television movies, such as Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story (2009) and Abducted: The Carlina White Story (2013).
In 2015, Ellis played the leading role in the miniseries The Book of Negroes based on bestselling novel by Lawrence Hill, for which she received critical acclaim and a Critic's Choice Award nomination for Best Actress in a Movie/Miniseries. Later that year, she began starring as Miranda Shaw in the ABC thriller series Quantico. In 2016, Ellis played Nancy Turner, Nat Turner's mother, in the critically acclaimed period drama film, The Birth of a Nation.
Early life
Ellis was born in San Francisco, California, and raised on her grandmother's farm in McComb, Mississippi. She attended Tougaloo College before transferring to Brown University, where she completed her Bachelor of Arts in African-American studies, while also studying acting with Jim Barnhill and John Emigh. During her years in Brown University, Ellis made her debut on the student play. She went on to study acting in the Graduate Acting Program at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. She is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
In 1995, Ellis made her professional acting debut appearing as Ariel opposite Patrick Stewart's Prospero in a Broadway revival of William Shakespeare's The Tempest. She later made her screen debut in the episode of Fox police drama series, New York Undercover, and in 1996 had the co-leading role in the independent film, Girls Town alongside Lili Taylor. During late 1990s, Ellis also had supporting roles in films Ed's Next Move, Desert Blue, In Too Deep and A Map of the World. From 1996 to 1997, Ellis starred as Officer Leslie Joyner in the ABC police drama series, High Incident created by Steven Spielberg. The series was canceled after two seasons. In 1999, she had the recurring role of Sharon Young on the ABC legal drama, The Practice.
In 2000, Ellis starred opposite Cuba Gooding Jr. in the drama film Men of Honor directed by George Tillman, Jr.. The following year, she played daughter of Samuel L. Jackson's character's in the mystery-drama film The Caveman's Valentine directed by Kasi Lemmons and based on George Dawes Green's 1994 novel of the same name. Also in 2001, Ellis had supporting part in the critically acclaimed comedy-drama film Lovely & Amazing. In 2002, she had main role alongside Eddie Griffin in the action comedy film Undercover Brother. In 2004, she played Mary Ann Fisher in the Academy Awards-nominated biographical film about musician Ray Charles, Ray. In 2007, Ellis played the leading role in the thriller Cover. The movie received negative reviews. She also appeared in films Freedomland (2006), The Express (2008) and Notorious (2009). She also played Denzel Washington's wife in The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) directed by Tony Scott.
On television, in 2002 Ellis had regular role on the short lived ABC medical dramam MDs. From 2005 to 2006, she co-starred alongside Benjamin Bratt in another short lived drama,E-Ring on NBC. She also had recurring roles on Third Watch, 100 Centre Street, Jonny Zero, Justice and True Blood. In 2009, she co-starred alongside Cuba Gooding Jr. and Kimberly Elise in the made-for-television film Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story. Ellis also has appeared in a number of Broadway and Off-Broadway theatre productions. In January 2004, she performed in Regina Taylor's play Drowning Crow, at the Manhattan Theatre Club. In the Spring, 2012 Hampton University semester, she taught entertainment industry courses. She was also featured in a Hampton Players and Company production, "Through the Crack."
In 2010, Ellis co-starred opposite Wesley Snipes in the action film Game of Death. She played the leading role in the independent film The Tested based on the award-winning 2005 short film of the same name. In 2011, she appeared in the critically acclaimed period drama The Help directed by Tate Taylor, as Eula Mae Davis, one of the maids, for which she received awards as a part of the ensemble cast. In 2014, she played Vicki Anderson in the biographical drama film Get on Up about the life of singer James Brown, also directed by Tate Taylor. As lead actress, Ellis starred in the independent films Money Matters (2011), The Volunteer (2013), Romeo and Juliet in Harlem (2014), and Una Vida: A Fable of Music and the Mind (2014). She also played the leading role in the 2012 television film Abducted: The Carlina White Story.
From 2010 to 2013, Ellis had a recurring role in the CBS series The Mentalist, as Madeleine Hightower. She also played Ashley Judd's best friend in the 2012 ABC miniseries Missing, and had another role on the CBS procedural, NCIS: Los Angeles. Ellis also starred as one of the lead characters in the 2013 AMC pilot The Divide, but later WE tv had decided to pick up pilot to series. She left the show and her role was recast with Nia Long.
In 2014, Ellis was cast as lead character in the international co-production epic miniseries The Book of Negroes, based on Lawrence Hill’s bestselling 2007 novel. The Book of Negroes premiered in 2015, and Ellis received critical acclaim for her performance. The Hollywood Reporter critic Whitney Matheson praised her performance, wrote in review "Ellis’ gripping performance that holds the six-part miniseries together. Except for the first installment that focuses on Aminata’s girlhood, Ellis is present in nearly every scene, aging decades and displaying a stunning range of emotion." Ellis received Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Actress in a Movie or Miniseries nomination for her performance.
On February 25, 2015, it was announced that Ellis was cast as main character in the ABC drama series, Quantico. In 2016, she co-starred in the historical drama film The Birth of a Nation, based on the story of the 1831 slave rebellion led by Nat Turner. The film also stars Nate Parker, Aja Naomi King, Armie Hammer and Gabrielle Union. Ellis plays the role of Nancy Turner, Nat’s mother, in the film. Also in 2016, she was cast opposite Keke Palmer in the drama film Pimp about life of women on the streets of New York and work in the illegal sex trade.
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shvdwscng · 2 months
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‘ lucien laviscount, cis-male, he/him, 34 / 340, high fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems ALISTAIR HIGHTOWER has finally made it to the capital, the SECOND IN COMMAND from DAY COURT is said to be ASSERTIVE and is said to describe themselves with NEVER TAKING NO FOR AN ANSWER, THE FAINT SOUNDS OF RAIN DROPS, AND THE DRIVE FOR PERFECTION, and with all of this in mind their CALLOUS nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time. ; written by tessa
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name : alistair hightower
title : second in command of day court
age : 34/340
species : high fae
gender, pronouns : cismale, he/him
marital status : single, unwed
orientation: heterosexual
affiliation : day court
abilities : winnowing, cursebreak, light bending, extensive physical combat skills
biological father : malcolm hightower ( deceased )
biological mother : genevieve hightower ( née holloway )
siblings : 1 younger brother, elise hightower ( adopted sister )
hair : black
eyes : dark brown
height : 5'10
moral alignment : lawful netural
characteristics : assertive, callous, unyielding, intuitive, charismatic, adventurous
skills / interests: sparring, riding, literally anything outside, swimming
...𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢
it seemed that fates had your plans written long before you were born to very highly respect faes and close friends of the previous high lord of day
your upbringing is what might expect of the eldest who be raised and shaped to follow in your father's footsteps and become the next second in command of the day court
the expectations on you were high, your father had always his attentions on duty , and his children were expected to be nothing less than perfect
your parents marriage was an arranged one, and it was far from perfect when your father spent all his time with court matters and left little time for your mother. you see it early on how miserable it made your mother, so she had turned devoted her time in raising her children . your father was not a cruel man, he was simply blinded by his duties, did not how to be a good husband nor a particularly affectionate father which leads your relationship to be most strained with him. you love him, but your not happy with the way he handles his personal affairs. you resent him for how neglectful he is of your mother but you know some things never change
your love and admire your mother the most, she was the strongest woman you have ever known, so you do what you can to fill the void your father's absence leaves.
for a time its just you and your younger brother, but your mother wanted a daughter to complete the family, and thats where your adopted sister comes. she grows up along side of you and she was the apple of your mother's eyes and therefore she becomes that to you as well.
its shortly after the late high lord of day departs from the realms, so does yours. you don't want to be involved in court politics or affairs, you never had any interest in such things, you preferred to be free. but when your best friend and new high lord of day asks you, you can't say no, as he's a brother to you as well
it takes you time to find your footing and you are tested in your new role as commander of the day court when the high lord's wife passes away, and you are left in charge of the court while your best friend mourns and that's when you learn what you are capable of when you put your mind to it
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investmart007 · 6 years
WASHINGTON | The Latest: GOP's Cox wins spot in California governor race
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WASHINGTON | The Latest: GOP's Cox wins spot in California governor race
WASHINGTON — The Latest on primaries being held Tuesday in Alabama, California, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota (all times local):
1:25 a.m.
Republican John Cox has won the second spot for the November election in the race for California governor.
Cox’s second-place finish in Tuesday’s primary ensures Republicans won’t be shut out of the race. But the San Diego businessman faces long odds against Democrat Gavin Newsom in a state where Democrats are increasingly dominating.
Cox got a major boost from President Donald Trump’s endorsement, which helped solidify his support among Republicans and push him past Democrats Antonio Villaraigosa, John Chiang and Delaine Eastin.
Trump’s endorsement was a blow to Republican Assemblyman Travis Allen of Huntington Beach, who portrayed himself as the candidate most loyal to the president.
Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown is barred by term limit laws from seeking re-election.
12:15 a.m.
Democrat Gavin Newsom has secured the first of two slots in the November election to replace Jerry Brown as California’s governor.
The lieutenant governor and former San Francisco mayor defeated rivals from both parties in Tuesday’s primary.
It’s too early to say who will take the second slot and advance to the general election.
Newsom was the first candidate to announce a bid for governor more than three years ago. He leaned heavily on his decision in 2004 to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in San Francisco, touching off years of debate over gay marriage in California and around the country. He says the move shows he’s willing to take bold steps on liberal priorities.
He’s been open about his desire to face a Republican in the November runoff.
12:05 a.m.
Democrat Gavin Newsom and Republican John Cox have taken an early lead in the race to replace Jerry Brown as California governor.
Newsom narrowly led Cox with about 30 percent of the vote in early returns from Tuesday’s primary, while Republican Travis Allen and Democrat Antonio Villaraigosa (vee-yah-ry-GOH’-sah) trailed.
Because of California’s so-called jungle primary, the top two vote-getters — regardless of party — advance to a runoff in November.
Newsom is California’s lieutenant governor and the former mayor of San Francisco. He was strongly favored to come in first in a race he began almost four years ago.
Cox is a businessman from the San Diego area who has never held elected office. President Donald Trump tweeted his support for him Tuesday.
Early results show voters favoring the recall of a Northern California judge over a sexual assault sentence that garnered national attention.
Santa Clara County’s voter registrar reports the first returns Tuesday night show 59 percent of voters favoring removing Judge Aaron Persky from office, with 40 percent opposed.
Persky sentenced former Stanford University swimmer Brock Turner in June 2016 to six months in jail instead of prison after he was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman outside a fraternity house. The recall campaign launched shortly afterward.
The campaign gained national prominence after the victim’s powerful courtroom statement lamenting her treatment by the judicial system was circulated widely online.
11:35 p.m.
U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem has won the Republican primary for governor in her bid to become the first woman elected South Dakota governor.
Noem beat Attorney General Marty Jackley on Tuesday, becoming the first GOP woman to win the nomination. The campaign soured at the end as the candidates sought to break out.
Noem overcame criticisms that she turned the race negative and broke several congressional campaign promises. Noem — who was first elected to Congress in 2010 — touted her role negotiating Republicans’ recent federal tax cuts with President Donald Trump and her farming and ranching background.
Noem will face Democrat Billie Sutton, a state senator and former professional rodeo cowboy, in the general election. Sutton avoided a primary, allowing him to bank cash.
11:30 p.m.
Former Miss America Mallory Hagan of Opelika has won the Democratic nomination in an Alabama congressional race.
She defeated Adia Winfrey of Talladega and will face U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers in the fall.
Hagan was crowned Miss America in 2013 and until recently worked as a news anchor at WLTZ-TV in Columbus, Georgia. She says many people feel unheard after nearly four terms of Rogers holding the seat.
Winfrey is a psychologist who said she was inspired to run by the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She was a volunteer in Sen. Doug Jones’ successful Democratic campaign last year.
Rogers is unopposed for the GOP nomination. He’s from Anniston.
11:25 p.m.
U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein has won first place in the California primary, easily moving to the general election as she seeks a fifth full term.
Feinstein’s opponent hasn’t yet been determined.
California runs a primary system where the two highest vote-getters move on, regardless of party. That means Feinstein could face a fellow Democrat in November.
The 84-year-old Feinstein was first elected to the Senate in 1992 after serving as San Francisco mayor and running unsuccessfully for governor.
She is the top Democrat on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee.
11:15 p.m.
Twenty-eight-year-old state legislator Abby Finkenauer has won a Democratic congressional primary in Iowa and is fighting to be the youngest woman ever elected to the U.S. House.
Finkenauer won the nomination Tuesday over three other candidates by stressing her blue-collar roots and support for policies intended to support working families.
She now will face two-term Rep. Rod Blum, who ran unopposed in the GOP primary.
Finkenauer frequently notes she’s running for Congress while still paying off student loans.
Finkenauer is serving her second term in the Legislature. She has called for improving health care through the Affordable Care Act, supported more infrastructure spending and questioned federal tax cuts she argues primarily helped corporations and the wealthy.
Republican Elise Stefanik of New York became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress in 2014 at age 30.
11 p.m.
California polls have closed and results are trickling in in hundreds of contests across the state that could solidify Democratic dominance and reshape the fight for control of the U.S. Congress.
Traffic at polling stations was light Tuesday because many people voted in advance in races setting the stage for the November election.
Democratic Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom is the front-runner in the race for governor. President Donald Trump tweeted support for Republican businessman John Cox in the governor’s race.
The secretary of state’s office said more than 2.5 million people had voted by mail as of Monday night.
10:55 p.m.
Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox has won the Democratic primary in Alabama’s race for governor.
Maddox defeated former Alabama Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb and other candidates in the Tuesday race.
Maddox has been the mayor of Tuscaloosa since 2005. His platform includes establishing a state lottery to fund a mixture of college scholarships, prekindergarten programs and financial assistance for the state’s poorest and struggling schools.
In seeking the Democratic nomination, Maddox obtained valuable endorsements from Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin and the Alabama Democratic Conference, which is the state’s largest African-American political organization.
Alabama hasn’t elected a Democrat to the governor’s office since 1998. Energized by the December victory of U.S. Sen. Doug Jones, the party is seeking a resurgence in state politics.
10:50 p.m.
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey has clinched the Republican nomination for governor without a runoff.
Ivey was declared the winner Tuesday night after beating back a field of GOP challengers. She is seeking to win the office in her own right after becoming governor 14 months ago when her scandal-battered predecessor, Robert Bentley, resigned.
Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle, evangelist Scott Dawson and state Sen. Bill Hightower did not collectively pull enough votes to force Ivey into a runoff. She will face the Democratic nominee in November.
In her campaign, Ivey emphasized the state’s robust economy, falling unemployment rate and the quieting of the scandal that had engulfed the state’s previous governor.
Her challengers had condemned her refusal to debate and indirectly questioned whether the 73-year-old governor could complete a four-year term.
10:45 p.m.
David Baria and Howard Sherman are headed to a June 26 runoff in Mississippi’s Democratic primary for U.S. Senate.
Six candidates ran in Tuesday’s primary.
The Senate seat has been held since 2007 by Republican Roger Wicker. Mississippi last had a Democrat in the Senate in 1989.
Baria, of Bay St. Louis, is an attorney and served one term in the state Senate before being elected in 2011 to the Republican-led Mississippi House, where he’s now the Democratic leader. He criticizes Republicans for cutting taxes and refusing to expand Medicaid.
Sherman is a venture capitalist and the husband of actress Sela Ward. They raised their two children in Los Angeles, where he grew up, and the couple now lives near her hometown of Meridian, Mississippi.
10:40 p.m.
U.S. Rep. Martha Roby has been forced into a runoff in Alabama’s Republican primary after challengers blasted her 2016 criticism of Donald Trump.
Roby faces Bobby Bright in a July runoff in Alabama’s conservative 2nd district — where Trump loyalty has been a central issue.
Roby is a four-term incumbent. In campaigning for Tuesday’s primary, she emphasized her record and working relationship with the White House.
In 2016, Roby criticized Trump after a 2005 recording surfaced of him making lewd comments about women, saying the behavior made him an unacceptable candidate and suggesting he step away from the presidential ticket.
Bright is a former Montgomery mayor who represented the district for two years as a Democrat before losing in 2010 to Roby. He ran an ad with footage of Roby’s Trump comment.
10:35 p.m.
Retired Des Moines businessman Fred Hubbell has won the Iowa Democratic primary and a chance to face Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds in November.
Hubbell hasn’t been elected to office but has held numerous business positions he says make him well-positioned to lead state government. Those jobs include executive roles at Younkers department stores, Equitable Life Insurance and the ING Group.
Hubbell’s victory in Tuesday’s primary over four other candidates followed a campaign in which he outspent all of his opponents. Much of Hubbell’s campaign was self-funded, with him contributing $2.1 million of his own money in 2018.
Hubbell says his priorities include improving wages, health care and education.
A sixth candidate on the ballot, state Sen. Nate Boulton, dropped out of the race after allegations of sexual misconduct.
10:10 p.m.
U.S. Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham has won the Democratic nomination for New Mexico governor and will take on Republican congressman Steve Pearce in November for the state’s top job.
The three-term congresswoman defeated state Sen. Joseph Cervantes and former media executive Jeff Apodaca in a campaign focused on improving the state’s lagging economy and public education.
Lujan Grisham leads the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and has been a vocal critic of President Donald Trump and his immigration policies.
She previously led state public health agencies under three former governors, including Democrat Bill Richardson. Her campaign received endorsements from an array of labor unions, progressive advocacy groups and several tribal governments.
State law prevents Republican Gov. Susana Martinez from seeking a consecutive third term.
10:05 p.m.
Polls have closed in Iowa and Montana on a night when eight states are holding primaries.
In Montana, races were called at closing time Tuesday for the unopposed incumbents, Democratic U.S. Sen. Jon Tester and Republican U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte.
They and other candidates running unopposed advanced to the Nov. 6 general election.
In Iowa, election officials say there appeared to be record turnout Tuesday, fueled in part by a five-way race for the Democratic governor nomination. The winner will face incumbent Gov. Kim Reynolds, who wasn’t opposed for the Republican nomination.
There also were contested Democratic primaries for three of Iowa’s four U.S. House seats.
Republican Rep. Steve King was the only incumbent who was challenged in the primary.
9:25 p.m.
U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez has fended off a primary challenger and will be the Democratic nominee in New Jersey’s only statewide race this fall.
The 64-year-old on Tuesday defeated publisher Lisa McCormick in his push for a third term.
Menendez is heading into the general election after federal criminal corruption charges against him were dropped and he was rebuked by the Senate’s ethics panel.
Republican challenger Bob Hugin (HYOO’-gihn) has been pummeling Menendez over the allegations he accepted gifts in exchange for helping a friend with personal and business matters. A jury couldn’t reach a verdict on the charges last year, and federal prosecutors decided not to retry the case.
Menendez has denied he did anything wrong and has cast himself as a check against President Donald Trump in a year when the Senate could be up for grabs.
9:20 p.m.
Los Angeles County officials say the names of more than 118,000 voters were omitted from voter lists because of a printing error, but residents can still cast their ballots.
The county’s registrar-recorder’s office says registered voters can cast provisional ballots in Tuesday’s primary election.
They say the issue involves 118,522 voters in Los Angeles County.
They say poll workers have been instructed to offer provisional ballots to every voter whose name doesn’t appear on the poll site’s roster.
The county says votes cast on provisional ballots will be counted once the voter’s registration is confirmed.
Democratic U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff tweeted Tuesday: “Don’t let this affect the election results. Make sure your vote is counted!” Democrats need a good day in California to have much hope of seizing the House majority this fall.
9:10 p.m.
Polls are closing in New Mexico as voters decide on a Democratic candidate for governor and major-party nominees for two open congressional seats.
More than 92,000 votes were cast as the race narrows to succeed Republican Gov. Susana Martinez, who cannot run for a consecutive third term. In all, eight states are holding primaries Tuesday.
Democratic U.S. Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham is competing against state Sen. Joseph Cervantes and former media executive Jeff Apodaca, the son of a former governor.
The winner will face the sole Republican candidate, U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce, in the November general election.
8:55 p.m.
A wealthy former biopharmaceutical executive and Marine has won New Jersey’s Republican Senate primary.
Bob Hugin defeated Brian Goldberg on Tuesday. Hugin ran Celgene until this year and is a first-time candidate spending millions of his own fortune to finance his race.
He says he’s running as an independent Republican in a state with roughly 900,000 more Democrats than Republicans.
Hugin barely concentrated on Goldberg, a former IT professional and construction firm executive.
Hugin’s entrance into the race buoyed Republicans, who have been on a downswing in statewide politics since Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy won last year.
Hugin has loaned his campaign at least $7.5 million and has pledged to restore dignity to the state.
That’s a ding at Democratic incumbent Bob Menendez, who defeated federal corruption charges after a hung jury last year.
8:50 p.m.
Republican U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi has won his party’s primary, months after being endorsed by President Donald Trump.
Mississippi is heavily Republican. It last had a Democrat in the Senate in 1989.
Wicker said in a recent fundraising appeal that he wants to help the president “enact his America-first policies.” In Tuesday’s primary, he defeated one opponent, Richard Boyanton. Boyanton ran a low-budget campaign.
Wicker served nearly 13 years in the U.S. House before he was appointed to the Senate when fellow Republican Trent Lott resigned in late 2007.
Six people were competing Tuesday in Mississippi’s Democratic primary for Senate. They include state lawmakers David Baria and Omeria Scott and venture capitalist Howard Sherman, who is married to TV and movie actress Sela Ward.
By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (A.S)
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carlos-ritter · 7 years
1800 Tequila - Michael K. Williams from Khalid Mohtaseb on Vimeo.
Director: Greg Smith Director of Photography: Khalid Mohtaseb Executive Producer: Mary Hanifin Agency: The Via Agency Creative Director: Kevin Philips Creative Director: Steve Street Agency Producer: Barry Wolford Account Manager: Lyndsey Fox Producer: Kayellen Moran Production Supervisor: Anna Shkolnikov 1st AD: Shane Kalman 2nd AD: Jason Hightower Production coordinator: Hilary Weintraub Editor: Jon Connor Post Producer: Amanda Newton Grey Colorist: Khalid Mohtaseb Location Manager: Stephen Grivno Steadicam Operator: David Cobra Elise B-cam operator: Daniel Stewart A-cam 1st AC: Daniel Stewart B-cam 1st AC: Albert Elmazovski 1st AC/ Pickups: Robert Lau 2nd AC: Jared Knecht Jon Nelson DIT: Jeff Levine VTR: Jon Osterman Gaffer: Brian Wachtel BB Electric: Luke Deikis Electric: Matt Schuman Swing: Caio Ribiero Key Grip: Riad Deeb BB Grip: Dave Rangheli Grip: Bliss Bussant Grip: Max Ellis Art Director: Jenny Correa Props: Alex Griffith Script Supervisor: Joy Lane Sound Mixer: Fiona Mcbain Groomer: Sincere Giles Stylist: Eric Archibald
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instapicsil2 · 8 years
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Catrina McQueen, a senior at Martin Luther King Jr. High School, and Morgan Elise Roberts, a 5th grader at Hightower Elementary School, were two of three students whose essays won the @atlantadream "I Have A Dream" essay contest 🙌💪👏🏼🥇📚🖋👩🏽‍💻 http://ift.tt/2mqjZdD
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