#elisabeth fuchsia
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royal-confessions · 8 months ago
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“Princess Elisabeth looks absolutely gorgeous in that fuchsia Safiyaa dress! The matching headband & clutch are just cherries on top.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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dustedmagazine · 2 years ago
Bonnie “Prince” Billy — Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You (Drag City)
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Photo by Urban Wyatt
Will Oldham’s latest album as Bonnie “Prince” Billy has a deceptive simplicity. It is mostly framed in casual, campfire strumming and homespun stringed accents. Its lyrics scan in a predictable, folk-infused manner, following steady rhythms in waltz-time and four-four; they are delivered with wry, unflappable confidentiality, however surreal or fanciful they turn. Keeping Secrets feels like, itself, a bit of a hidden gem, murmured at you rather than shouted, a quiet one but a grower. You might imagine a family gathering, after dinner, playing for the joy of it, a vibe that Oldham captures in his understated single, “Crazy Blue Bells,” when he croons, “Someday when there’s time to sing, a few of us will gather, and raise a voice to anything because everything matters.”
This is not to say that there is anything austere about Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You. On the contrary, these songs bloom like an old-fashioned garden, outwardly modest but wafting heady perfume and color in your direction. “Bananas” is a gentle knock-out, as it buzzes with glorious, dizzying harmonies (Dane Waters sings back-up) and ends with an operatic high note, hushed but also astonishing. “Blood of the Wine” drapes lush folds of string sound over its minor key jitter, skittering jewel-like mandolin trills over Appalachian lament. Oldham benefits from some real skill in his backing band, which includes Sara Louise Callaway on violin, Kendall Carter on keys, Elisabeth Fuchsia on viola and violin, Dave Howard on mandolin, Drew Miller on saxophone and Dane Waters singing.
Of course, Bonnie “Prince” Billy’s casual music get together is better than yours will ever be, because of who he is, a master of whimsy and existential dread and a consummate constructor of metaphor. That’s on the verbal side; he is also quite good at melody. His songs curve and flower in pleasing ways that are not quite unexpected, but not a cliché either. They sound familiar when you hear them first and burn in slowly over multiple hearings.
On the verbal side, I’d give the nod to “Willow, Pine, and Oak,” a gently coruscating examination of human failure, cast in the form of an extended meditation on trees. Here are willows, sucking up all the water, and pines, showy but prickly and oozing resin, and oaks, the best by far, on the basis of strength and constancy. It’s the sort of extended metaphor that is simultaneously exact about its subject and its larger poetical applications, and instead of quoting the words, I urge you to just listen to it once or twice and here how well it does what it does. The melody of this song is lovely, too, with swooning lashes of string sound and the most subliminal kind of harmonies. It is sort of perfect despite the degree of difficulty. If I were a diving judge I’d give it a 10.
For sheer sonic beauty, however, the prize is harder to award, so let’s split it between haunting “Bananas” and more ebullient “Behold! Beheld!,” both quiet and unassuming but full of grace. It’s a gift to be simple. Keeping Secrets is that sort of present.
Jennifer Kelly
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nedcollette · 7 days ago
It’s the New Rampant Optimism Roadshow! featuring the songs of:
Ned Collette Leah Senior Michael Beach and extra special guest, Thalia Zedek
And the band:
Chris Abrahams (the Necks) - piano Mick Turner (Dirty Three/Mess Esque) - guitar Elisabeth Fuchsia (Bonnie “Prince” Billy) - viola Joe Talia - drums Ben Bourke - bass Jesse Williams - guitar/keys
Everyone in together, one night only at the Athenaeum Theatre. Tickets at Rising Festival from Monday March 17
Poster by Dan Davis @kinshipgoods 
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sinceileftyoublog · 8 years ago
Pile Interview: Lighten Up
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As I talk on the phone a couple months ago with Pile frontman Rick Maguire, he’s blocks away. I’m in my apartment; he’s just scarfed down a plate of poutine at Chicago Diner, with a Soul Bowl coming on the way. We could meet up, but he’s got a show that night at Lincoln Hall to prepare for. Plus, as I learn later in the call, he likes being alone.
Pile’s new album A Hairshirt of Purpose, out tomorrow, sees Maguire coming to terms with this solitude. A decidedly mellower affair that still finds room for the rockers like the ones on the previous You’re Better Than This, the new album is a sign of growth for a band that’s been at it for almost ten years. At this point, they’re split playing houses and clubs (a cancelled Wicker Park Fest set last summer saw them instead play a house), but their new material is certainly more friendly to a venue. Unlike lead single “Texas”, which could have fit on any of their previous albums, the second single, the string-laden “Dogs”, is par for the course with A Hairshirt of Purpose. This time around, they’ve proved they can deliver their reliably nervous music all with a sense of humor and melody.   
During our conversation, Maguire shed light on his and the band’s intentions with A Hairshirt of Purpose. He also talked about his and the band’s growth over the years--including becoming a bath person. Read the conversation, edited for length and clarity, below.
Since I Left You: A Hairshirt of Purpose shows an expanded sound in terms of pace and instrumentation. Was that a conscious decision?
Rick Maguire: Yeah. Most of the records we’ve done in the past were documents of us as a live band, so we tried to do something we couldn’t reproduce live. We weren’t sure what form that was gonna take, but we were still open to those ideas.
SILY: Your live show tends to be abrasive. Is that gonna continue with these songs?
RM: Yeah, for some of them. Some of them will probably stay on the mellower side to add a little dynamic to the live part. A lot of the older stuff is aggressive, so it’d be nice to balance.
SILY: Did you play these songs live for a while before sitting down to record them?
RM: Not too much. What we’ve done on the past is go on tour with new material and then go right back into the studio. Some of them this time around we hadn’t played in front of anybody before.
SILY: Tell me about the string arrangements on “Dogs”.
RM: Our friend [Elisabeth] Fuchsia plays viola. It’s kind of a dramatic song, so I thought we’d have a string arrangement on there. She was the one who went into the studio and layered one after the other.
SILY: Your vocal register on “Worms” is almost a country western twang. On other songs, you hit a higher register. What were you trying to do on this album as a singer?
RM: I wanted to do stuff a little differently. I’ve done the yelling and screaming thing on the past couple records, and there’s obviously some of that on there, but I’m more focused on melody.
SILY: Thematically, the record touches on solitude. But with the album’s title, specifically the use of “hairshirt,” were you going for any themes of self-punishment?
RM: It’s mostly sarcastic as far as the punishment part of it goes. The hairshirt of purpose is that it’s awful to have some objective of yourself. As for being alone, I enjoy being alone. I was being sarcastic in reference to earlier stuff where I was a bit hard on myself. It’s a sarcastic way of telling myself to lighten up a little bit.
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SILY: The album art has that sense of humor in it.
RM: I just really like the image. I thought it fit with the title.
SILY: Are you a bath person?
RM: Yeah, I would say so. I actually took an epsom salt bath for the first time ever. Up until a week ago, I would have said no. But I enjoyed it. I took pictures of myself in the tub and everything.
SILY: With your lyrics, are you conveying a feeling rather than autobiography?
RM: Yeah, kinda. A lot of it is pretty vague, which is obviously intentional. It’s equal parts autobiographical and equal parts observation. It’s putting myself in it and taking myself out of it.
SILY: Is the “Leaning on a Wheel” line “Let’s have a baby to save the marriage” a reference to something that happened in real life?
RM: Oh, no. Not actually. It’s sort of what people do when they see something that’s failing and rather than walk away or assess it rationally, they double down.
SILY: That is a hairshirt of purpose in a nutshell, right?
RM: Yes [laughs].
SILY: How do you think you’ve grown since the last record, and how do you think you’ve grown throughout your entire lifetime?
RM: From the last one to this one, we were more prepared, intentional, and deliberate in recording. Being able to manage stress personally has been a big thing. I’ve grown in that way. I used to not really be able analyze that sort of stuff. I was much more anxious.
As a band, I think were just trying to explore different avenues. We’ve been doing the loud rock band in a basement thing for a long time. I’m content to continue doing that to an extent but it’s fun to try stuff out, see what we’re all capable of. We’re just as committed to playing with each other as we were when we started. I’m really grateful for that.
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berestweys · 3 years ago
Kinnporsche Rewatch - Episode 2
Summary: Chaos gremlin and general klutz is nearly drowned before being given a deadly weapon and getting so shitfaced he passes out on his employer.
Favorite Line: “I told you to tie up Macau, but you wouldn’t do it!”
Porsche’s Wacky Antics: Has a meetcute with Pete’s little naked bum (& sidenote Pete has apparently slapped himself all over with powdery hands??? Pete. What.) Puts wasabi in Kinn’s drink & it works out as well as one might expect. Starts a fire in the kitchen and floods the place. Pees in the carp pond (Elisabeth! Sebastian! We hardly knew ye!). Falls asleep during important family business slide show. Rocks a mermaid costume. Shoves a teenager into the pond.
Why is Chay crying? No Chay this episode, but it’s probably safe to say he’s crying somewhere because he misses Porsche.
Woe is Big: Certified Hottest Bodyguard Alive Chan scolds him in front of everybody for picking a fight. So unfair, Daddy Chan. That asshole Porsche started it! Poor Big.
Tankhun Highlight: He’s here! Eldest brother and actual hero of the show makes his grand entrance in fuchsia and electric blue, screaming over the loss of his babies and forcing Porsche to dress up as Ariel.
A Woman Speaks: Unnamed Auntie tells Porsche he’ll get oriented to everything soon enough. Miss Erika, future MVP, says hello to Porsche, Pete, & Kinn, and gives Porsche a gun, Baby’s First Glock. Lady dressed like a flapper tells Kinn he’s not her type.
What’s Pete eating, and who prepared it for him? Looks like Khua Kling & veggies, made by his beloved grandma. He shares with Porsche, his new best friend! Food and love = samesies from the moment we meet Pete. Later he and Porsche eat healthy food prepared by the family chef, and Pete tells Porsche to quit complaining & eat it because it’s good for him.
Vegas Report: He appears! First in shadow and then he smirks & saunters his way into the Main Family compound, clad in a leather jacket. First impressions:  he cares about his little brother, and he obeys his dad with only the smallest of flinching complaints. 
Shipping Activities
KinnPorsche: Kinn shoots an apple off Porsche’s head and scares the bejeezus out of him, dresses him up for the fancy bread party, and for a moment looks helplessly fond when Porsche promptly trips and falls in his new outfit. Porsche drunkenly kicks Kinn instead of the lady attacking him, pukes, and passes out while Kinn yells at him. Kinn strangles Porsche into unconsciousness to save him. “I think this one isn’t good enough to breed.” Kinn says these words. Out loud. To other people. Romance is in the air.
VegasPete: Vegas walks by Pete on his way in to the family building, smirks at Porsche, and Pete tells Porsche who Vegas is. No direct interactions between them, and I do not care for it.
Do I care about KimChay yet? No. Kim has yet to make an appearance, but he does exist according to Pete.
# of KimChay scenes in this episode: 0
# of KimChay scenes I watched without skipping through: 0
Kisses: None ☹️. The terrible kissless situation better change soon.
Tits Out: None and I am appalled. They had the bodyguards in the pool, yet they’re all wearing full wetsuits. I’m taking this as a personal attack. I am slightly mollified by Porsche wearing a seashell bikini.
What’s Gun wearing? Tan linen suit, white shirt, bright orange scarf, loafers without socks (which might actually be velvet it’s hard to tell?). I am very happy. Start as you mean to go on, you handsome piece of shit.
Serious Observations of Various Sorts: Pete is the first one untied and out of the water during the test in the pool. He’s got his hands and feet released within seconds. I find this interesting for no particular reason whatsoever.
Have I calmed down? No. So much happens in Episode 2! Now I’m ramped up for Episode 3.
Episode 1/ Episode 3
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oldpilewebsite · 4 years ago
In the Corners of a Sphere Filled Room
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On May 7th, we’re releasing a fully improvisational album. There are 14 tracks but there are no “songs” on it. This is a collection of noise we made intermittently from December 2018 to January 2021, strung together to make a little under an hour of music that we think sounds somewhat cohesive.
Much of this record was tracked during the “Green and Gray” session. In addition to the band, contributions were made by Elisabeth Fuchsia (viola) Jane Scarpantoni (cello), and Kevin S. McMahon (guitar).
It was recorded at Marcata Recording by Kevin S. McMahon. Overdubs were tracked by Alex Molini. The tape loops were made by Chappy Hull. And it was mixed and mastered by Alex Molini. The artwork is by Stephanie Lane Gage. 
The album will be available on our bandcamp site to purchase for $5 and it’ll also be available to stream with video accompaniment via our YouTube Channel. 
The name of the album is "In the Corners of a Sphere-Filled Room"
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tinymixtapes · 6 years ago
Premiere: Lambkin / Nace - Live at Cropped Out 2018 (excerpt)
Old honeybees. Hot October. Kentucky mud. Unplanned plastic. Late beers. DOUBLE DUDES. Lambkin Nace. Graham will tell me after the show that he hadn’t played the guitar in 12 years before this. “What does that say?” he asks. The implication is that anyone could do just this. Or maybe it’s that he’s a fucking genius? I CAN’T TELL. The thing (Photo: Elisabeth Fuchsia) Of course the plastic screen is the thing. It has to be the thing. Once it was a piece of trash stuffed under a stage; now, it’s catching wind and light and aura like a celestial sail. The whole stage is a big ol’ statement, maybe. Before start time (moments before, really), Bill walks down the muddy path with a dead sink he found in an upstairs bathroom. It’ll go right in the middle of the stage — a readymade throwback, intentional or not. The dudes only start once plastic, sink, palm tree, and setting sun are all in place. Graham Lambkin and Bill Nace act like their guitars just haven’t been finished yet. The wood’s been carved and the strings all perfectly strung, but they need a good beating from some metal files and a good, violent metal fingernail scraping before the instrument reaches mint condition. It’s a ritualistic sado-fetishism in a sense — full of love and I can’t say not without eroticism. Each has their own distinct way of disciplining the instrument: with metal and with skin. Returning to Graham’s hypothetical: how could anyone tell if these are men who have spent their lives mastering the instruments before them or aliens who just picked some old tool and went to town? The latter would enforce the feeling of eroticism, I think… Bill Nace's guitar (Photo: Lijah Fosl) Behind the plastic screen — a perfect specimen of Cropped Out’s whole ethos: “Hey can we put this in front of us? It’ll look awesome.” — the lines blur between master and everyone. But isn’t it the masters always blurring those lines, anyway? The tension is aromatically present between the clean mechanics associated with sonic architecture and the inherent raw filth of the just-flooded Kentucky riverbed wilderness. It’s a perfect tight wire stage for these guys, whose work bodies bash away cleanliness with none other than cleanliness itself — raw and savage, like bleach and vinegar. Who can tell if it’s the dimming sky or the furiously meditating amplifiers that quiet the birds and the bees throughout the performance? Either way, nature tucks in the two figures wrapped in plastic, kisses them goodnight, and steps aside. Live-mixed and mastered by Aaron Rosenblum and Lijah Fosl Recorded by Aaron Rosenblum http://j.mp/2DT3mjN
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counterintuitivecomics · 7 years ago
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VELOUR: The Drag Magazine is FREE to read this week!
Sasha Velour (Artistic Director) and Johnny Velour (Editorial Director) have put all three issues of @thedragmagazine up on their website to read for FREE for a limited time “to celebrate the entire community of drag”!
These are such amazing collaborative collections of art & writing celebrating drag in all forms, and I'm not just saying that because I have something in every issue :P The Velours are fantastic curators & hosts to a range of brilliant creators of all genders & backgrounds, and I’m truly honored to be a part of it. Each issue is packed with goodness: photography, illustrations, collaborative collage (with thread, gold leaf, plastic pony beads, sequins), poetry, interviews, essays, conversations, and comics (like mine!). Read more about each issue and the above photos under the cut, and... 
Update (2020): VELOUR is no longer available to read online for free, but you can learn more about the collected hardcover here. 
VELOUR #1 (fka VYM): What Is Drag?
For our inaugural issue, we asked over 20 of the most talented independent artists, performers, and writers around to define the indefinable: "What is Drag?" Their answers are as varied and valid as the art itself and their work reminds us that their is no "right way" to do, or to even define drag. VYM seeks to celebrate it all. Cover by John Lisle, book photos by Andrew Atiya, Hands by Miss Malice. Pictured pages by 1) Donald C. Shorter Jr, photos by Yuki Matsumura, 2) Sonnet by Wo Chan, illustration by Sasha Velour, and 3) Photos by Jesus Ward, embroidery by Ritsu Hirayama, drag designs by Sasha Velour, models Sydney (left) and Dionne (right).
VELOUR #2: Realness
For our second issue (newly re-named "Velour"), we explored the history and meaning of "realness" — from gender illusionists and the Harlem ball scene to the "real" and surreal drag arts of today. Drag, it seems, is both imitation and transformation, performance and truth. The diverse body of work, by over 25 artists, explores the ways in which drag utilizes "the real" for radical thought and self-expression. Cover by Sophie McMahan, book photos by Andrew Atiya, Hands by Miss Malice. Pictured pages by 1) Patrick Arias (photographer) and  Pearl Harbor (model), 2) Conversation by Miss Malice, Nyx Nocturne, Pearl Harbor, and Lady Quesa’Dilla, photos by Elisabeth Fuchsia and Roberto Rischmaui.
VELOUR #3: Sister
Velour's third issue is dedicated to drag families, specifically the powerful relationships that drag performers form with each other as they develop characters, style, and careers. Over 50 artists contributed to this issue, ranging from Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in Boston to the queens of Rupaul's Drag Race Season 9, from contemporary Art Drag in Chicago to Kansas City queens of the late 50s...and far beyond! This highly visual issue is a love letter to queer creativity, community, and the excellence of drag. Cover by David Ayllon, Kelsey Short, Rumi Hara, and Sasha Velour.
Go to Sasha’s website to learn more!
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somsalsgijzwijgt · 7 years ago
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Noel’le Longhaul by ELISABETH FUCHSIA
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savetopnow · 7 years ago
2018-03-09 13 MUSIC now
Brooklyn Vegan
King Krule performs "Live On The Moon" in new video
tours announced: Paramore, Nick Cave, Tristen, Dead Horses, Field Report, more
watch a documentary about NYC DIY venues
Arroyo Seco 2018 lineup (Neil Young, Jack White, Robert Plant, Belle & Sebastian, more)
Thomas Middleditch & Ben Schwartz going on improv tour
Consquence of Sound
Former president Barack Obama to produce original programming for Netflix
Film Review: The Death of Stalin Turns World Politics Into a Carnival of Fools
CHVRCHES’ Lauren Mayberry explains her political activism: “It seems irresponsible [not to be]”
Elisabeth Moss is covered in blood in the new trailer for The Handmaid’s Tale season 2: Watch
MGMT still embrace Oracular Spectacular 10 years later: “It sustains us now”
Fact Magazine
Regis releases Play Neutral mixtape on Hospital Productions
Trippie Redd – Confessions
Grouper announces new album Grid Of Points
Wave is a wearable MIDI ring controller for making music with gestures
Equiknoxx, Tim Hecker, Telefon Tel Aviv and more announced for MUTEK San Francisco
Hopes Or Holidays
An Emotional Sexual Bender
Straight To Your Face
The Last Year Has Been Kinda Rough
Radion Beams Casting Vibrant Views
Kelly Clarkson & Hoda Kotb (!!) Are #1 On iTunes With “I’ve Loved You Since Forever”
Jennifer Lopez Teams Up With Yandel On New Single “Se Acabó El Amor”
Kylie Minogue Announces Release Date Of Her New Single “Stop Me From Falling”
PRETTYMUCH Makes A Splash With Their Creative “10,000 Hours” Video
Demi Lovato Graces The Cover Of ‘Billboard,’ Talks The Benefits Of Honesty
Listen to This
VITALISM -- PAGAN PART II [Technical Metal/Instrumental](2017)
Neil Michael Hagerty & The Howling Hex - Mountain [Garage Rock] (2016)
The Good China -- We Found Three Whistles [Indie Rock] (2009)
125, Rue Montmartre - Safari (Full EP) [Emo] (2000)
Thed Jewel -- Fuchsia [hip hop] (2016)
New Music Friday: When it’s time to put Andrew WK at the top of the playlist it’s time to put Andrew WK at the top of the playlist hard
Important service announcement for anybody intending to travel on today’s M-Train
So obviously the latest CHVRCHES track is fairly incredible
Troye Sivan interview: “I feel more fully-realised as a person”
New Music Friday: Janelle’s double-whammy and numerous other moments of wonder
Reddit Music
The Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up [Electronic Dance, 1997]
TesseracT - Nocturne [Progressive Metal]
My Bloody Valentine - When You Sleep [Shoegaze]
Huey Lewis and the News -- The Power of Love [80s Pop]
Coolio -- Gangsta's Paradise [Hip hop]
Rolling Stone
Review: Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats Bring Retro-Soul on Second LP
Watch Parquet Courts Storm New Orleans in 'Wide Awake' Video
Review: Jimi Hendrix's 'Both Sides of the Sky' Mixes Treasures, Fool's Gold
Snow Patrol Detail First Album in Seven Years, 'Wildness'
See Demi Lovato, DJ Khaled Frolic in New 'I Believe' Video
Slipped Disc
Were you reading Slipped Disc yesterday?
ENO appoints its next short-order chief
College bans men-only concert programmes
Seiji Ozawa is hospitalised for a month
Canadians replace suspended conductor
Spotify Blog
Spotify Kicks off Women’s History Month with the Launch of ‘Amplify,’ a New Hub Spotlighting Causes & Community Voices
Spotify’s Electrifying Concert Series “RapCaviar Live” Returns with a New Tour Lineup featuring Migos, 2 Chainz, Tory Lanez, DJ Mustard, Lil Pump, and more
When It Comes to Sex, The Weeknd Delivers as Spotify’s Sexiest Artist This Valentine’s Day
Spotify Launches New Songwriter Credits Feature
Spotify Launches Good As Hell Podcast in Partnership with Refinery29, Hosted by Lizzo
We Are the Music Makers
M audio oxygen 61
100k+ Spotify Playlister here, want to learn from artists
What are some of the character traits that most successful musicians share?
What does your online presence look like? What are your favorite websites/tools to establish an online presence?
FL Studio don't play high notes
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divinagransparkle · 8 years ago
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photo by Elisabeth Fuchsia
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widevibratobitch · 4 years ago
Tag game!
tagged by @vera-dauriac and @revedebeatrice. thx, luv ya guys <3
Relationship status: ok. phew. big announcement i guess? uhm, @solraneth and me are like, actually, together? skdjdkdjd surprise?? did I ever think I'd fall in love with a goddamn tumblr mutual? hell no. did it happen? hell yes. well, there it is, i guess. you can all go home now. next question
Favorite color: pink! bright, fuchsia pink and deep, emerald green
Three favorite foods: ice cream! pączki (Polish thing, like a doughnut but without a hole in the middle and usually filled with jam or marmalade, good god, it's delicious), and pretty much all flour-based foods, so pasta, pizza, crêpes - I love this stuff but don't really eat much of it lately, even thinking about them makes me wanna cry lmao
Song stuck in my head: Bella siccome un angelo from Donizetti's Don Pasquale for some reason lol
Last song I listened to: Diamonds are a girl's best friend by my beloved Marilyn Monroe!
Last thing I googled: carlos und elisabeth 1924 which is a silent movie based on Schiller's play that I've only just found tonight??? there is a short scene from it on yt, go have a look at it, Philip kills Posa himself in this version which is... definitely A Choice 👀
Time: 4:13 am (healthy sleeping schedule who?)
Dream trip: oh just one? uhhhhh. Salzburg. I wanna see Mozart's birthplace, visit Nannerl and Constanze's graves and oh, Salzburg is such an important place for a Mozart fangirl like me, can't believe I've never been there to date.
Anything I really want: oh I want a lot of things, I'm insatiable. But I think the one I want most in my life - to do my dream job, live in an aesthetically pleasing flat and regret as little as possible from my life. and for my fucked up thyroid to stay out of my business lol srsly stfu
Tagging: @tornaloadir @its-high-time-that-i-dropped-in @carlodivarga-s @babinicz @automaticdreamlandkid @monotonous-minutia @fieropasto @notyouraveragejulie
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nedcollette · 7 months ago
Ned opening for Bonnie 'Prince' Billy
...in Germany. All shows duo w. Elisabeth Fuchsia, viola.
Oct 9 - Karlsruhe - Tollhaus Oct 10 - Frankfurt - Zoom Oct 11 - Erlangen - Redoutensaal Oct 12 - Regensburg - Audimax Oct 13 - Munich - Kammerspiel Oct 15 - Essen - Lichtburg Oct 16 - Leipzig - Peterskirche Oct 17 - Hamburg - Kampnagel Oct 18 - Berlin - Pierre Boulez Saal
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Lá na ceapaire or the day of the sandwich, New Years’ Day
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Even the thrush did not give his early morning concert. Walking under a deep blue sky with some stars still shining brightly from above and a sea with glittering foam caps beside me the strong wind was my only companion.
Rough weather
It seemed as if there were even more winds involved for whatever direction I went I met her strength coming towards me. And with her she brought a severe cold which went right through me. I realized the implacability of the force I had to deal with. A similar quality as what happened last night with a long-lasting downpour which never seemed to stop.
Later in the day
During the past year, up till this moment I did not really have the chance to deal with these forces for winter has been mild with hardly any storm or rainfall of significance. Not only the primrose is blooming yet but also the lesser celandine while the wild garlic is growing fast. And so are the rose and the tears of God or the fuchsia, untiring in showing their beautiful colours.
Tireless Lesser celandine
Experiencing Spring, seemingly running towards us instead of coming step by step and forget all about the weather, is lovely. However, having to think which season we actually are in and what season is coming next. . . Although it is a cold and windy day I love it because it gives me back my alertness to be in the moment.
A new year has begun
To be the filling of the sandwich means not only able to look on what was but also what needs to be done and how to realize. Well that was what I did today I moved to another place on the island.
Slán go fóill, Elisabeth from Inis Meáin
#aranislands, #aranislandsireland, #atlanticocean, #summer, #Island, #DunAonghasa, #heritagecenter, #AranIslandferries
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devatafromnowhere · 8 years ago
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Elisabeth Fuchsia & LOONE 
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oldpilewebsite · 6 years ago
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We have a new album coming out on May 3rd.
It's called "Green and Gray" and it'll be out on EIS records. It is a double LP and it was recorded by Kevin McMahon at Marcata Recording and Elisabeth Fuchsia played viola on it and Jane Scarpantoni played cello on it and Lindsey Boss did the artwork. You can currently listen to one song from the record and it's called "Bruxist Grin." You can pre-order the 2xLP or CD here.
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