#elinor boxwood-horace
momofmysquad · 4 years
Between Kim Possible’s 2019 movie, Upside-Down Magic, and Secret Society of Second Born Royals, Disney has found a way to make me ship two girls just for one of them to be in cahoots with the big bad 3 different times. I’m really am a clown. 🤡
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wicked-legacies · 3 years
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║ Elinor Boxwood Horace ║ Eighteen ║ Witch ║ Lilo and Stitch & Upside Down Magic ║
✛ rainbows ( bright & colorful ), books ( clever ) & glitter ( optimistic )   ▬ tumbleweed ( unheeding &. stubborn ), dritten ( persistent ) & a great white ( hurtful to others &. her own self )
Psychokinesis &. a Fluxer - Fluxers are one of the five F powers at Sage Academy alongside Flares, Fuzzies, Flickers, and Flyers.  Fluxers turn into animals.  However, Sage Academy labels Nory as an Upside-Down Fluxer.  Instead of turning into one animal at a time, she turns into mixed-up animals: a dragon-kitten ( a dritten who can breathe fire ), or a beaver-kitten ( a bitten ), or a squid-puppy ( a squippy ). This causes her serious problems as they deem her socially unacceptable and inappropriate Fluxer and gets her into plenty of trouble at Sage Academy.  But Despite this, Nory is an extremely strong Fluxer and coming to New Orleans relies on her Psychokinesis due to being insecure of her natural talent.
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List -  a dritten: a dragon-kitten that can breathe fire.  a bitten: a beaver-kitten.  a skunkephant: a skunk-elephant.  a mouse with bluebird wings.  a kitten with squid legs (or) squippy: a puppy with squid legs.  [ unfinished list ]
Their Story
🐾.  Elinor Boxwood Horace-   Is the daughter of Dr.Augustus Horace ( Upside-Down Magic ) & Combo ( Lilo and Stitch ).
🐾.  Elinor Boxwood Horace- or as she likes to be called- Nory. As Nory was born to Augustus Horace and Combo.  Her mother was magical who was a Coven Supporter.  She died in the war when Nory was a baby.  After the loss of his wife, Augustus moved to North America to start a new life with his daughter, who happened to be just as magical as her.
🐾.  Growing up it was just Nory and her Pa ( Augustus Horace ).  Just her Pa and Nory.  Oh, with lots of stories of her mum ( Combo ) and how they met- fell in love- and it also came with photos!  Though at the age of seven moving into a new house something extraordinary happened!  You guessed it.  Magic!  Giving her Pa quite the fright in her new bedroom.  Then fast forward to five years later.  Up until summer vacation, Nory had gone to ordinary school like everyone else her age ( boo - b o r i n g ), where she met and became friends with Reina  Carvajal ( the second most magical thing to ever happen but I bet you can’t guess the third )l!!!
🐾.  After waiting five long years ( augh. the torture ) she’s finally heading to Sage Academy ( pa didn’t approve of Magisterium Middle ).  Where super awesome magic kids like myself learn how to be super awesome-er and magical-er.  Could be scary. . .  Could be overwhelming!  Pft.  Nah, it won’t because Nory’s not going on her own she’s going with her best of bff’s- the amazing, mystifying, and also magic-ifying, Reina Carvajal!!!  Where she ends up awaiting to start her future, with her pa, and her best of bff’s- Reina outside an intimidating forest, waiting to be taken to start her destiny and enter Sage Academy.  
🐾.  After a small pep talk, then crackling tree’s that were bound to be some magical amazing, something!  Nory gathers up her courage taking Reina to follow some mountain ranger old guy wearing cargo shorts over long johns in a spooky forest.  Surviving the spooky forest, and it was straight on Sage Academy!  Orientation.  Next was the placement test.  As the Sage way of evaluating Fluxers is thus, flux into a kitten, hold the form for six seconds, and then flux back to your human form.  When it was Nory’s turn, 2 seconds in and she’s already a mix of Dritten ( dragon and kitten ) and llama.  
🐾.  Ta-da!  Pretty cool, right?  She even got complimented on it being unique.  However she was placed in: UDM?  What’s a UDM?  Remember that mountain ranger old guy?  He’s Mr. Skiff, and he’s in charge of the UDM.  So, welcome to the School of Upside-Down Magic, where your magic is wrong.  Wonk. Weird. Defective magic.  Where Nory, and three other perfect magical kids where never going to learn magic ( now she reeaallyy wishes she was in Magisterium Middle right now! ).  Upside-Down Magic will never be proper magic in the eyes of the sage, they were unteachable.  
🐾.  While Headmaster Knightslinger believes the UDM's unconventional powers leave them vulnerable to dangerous and evil- known as shadow magic, Nory and her fellow UDM classmates set out to prove that Upside-Down Magic beats right side up the Rick Astley-Never-Gonna-Give-You-Up way with Groundskeeper Skriff!  Where Reina discovers a dangerous book, that apparently improved her magic.  But in truth, she was turned into a vessel for the shadow magic!  Accidently getting burned at the Sage Match by Reina.
🐾.  Wanting to talk to Reina to catch up, and talk about personal things.  She finds Reina being controlled by Chandra, a form of dark magic known as a Shadow, who only Reina could see?  Chandra spoke through Reina and threated to take her and Sage out, and Nory promised to save her and ran to tell Groundskeeper Skriff and the others!  They stopped Chandra, saved Reina and Sage Academy on Founders’ Day Parade.  While the UDM kids finally got accepted into magical classes, and Groundskeeper Skriff became Professor Skriff.
🐾.  Sage Academy feels like a happy ever after.  The Shadow was defeated, her best friend was saved, her UDM classmates and mentor finally bask in the new chapters of a magical one.  There are still plenty of bully's, and those that still find Nory and the other UDM’s magically inappropriate, and that they don’t belong with them which makes her Sage Academy days hard.  Over the years it’s silently ate at her little by little.  Until everything changed.  Nory wouldn’t be returning back to Sage Academy after Thanksgiving.
🐾.  And perhaps that silently feels more of a relief to her, though she’s sad she’ll be leaving her friends behind.  Uncle Atlas has vanished, leaving her young cousin Isla-Siren alone.  It seemed no matter how hard Augustus Horace tried to avoid returning to New Orleans it seemed he couldn’t leave Isla-Siren alone.  Refusing to leave her home, the Lighthouse many family members found it difficult as they just recently arrived.  Now Nory and her Pa are off on a different adventure, though she’s done with Magical School. Happily swapping it out for a more normal experience where she can hide that Upside-Down part of her ( well part of her Upside-Down Magic anyway ).  Finishing of her senior year as just Nory Horace, and the mystery of her Uncle’s disappearance.
Combo [Mum(deceased)] ▶  An Coven supporter who fought and died in the war.
Dr.Augustus Horace [Pa] ▶  Her one and only Pa!  Her support beam.  The one and only Augustus Horace!!!
Atlas [Uncle(deceased)] ▶  Nory can’t say she knows her Uncle Atlas very well.  She’s seen photo’s and seen him her second year at Sage Academy but with his disappearance Nory senses the worse of the worse happened.  Especially with the case going cold and no new leads she senses something bad happened though she’s still staying very optimistic for her cousin’s sake.
Isla-Siren  [Cousin] ▶  Pending
Professor Skiff [Mountain Ranger Old Guy] ▶  Pending.
Reina Carjaval [Sister] ▶  Her best of bff’s- the amazing, mystifying, and also magic-ifying, Reina Carvajal.  Who makes the prettiest sparkle-sparkle fireball!  She’s a flame throwing Rockstar and Nory knows she’s felt the heat literally.  As Reina means the world to Nory, as there blood-oath witch sisters for life!
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momofmysquad · 4 years
Most people talking about Upside-Down Magic: it was so different from the books, yikes. Reina doesn’t exist, it’s the wrong school, everything is wrong.
Me: okay but like imagine the power if Nory and Reina had kissed after the final battle. A major running theme is how Nory is basically Reina’s sole source of confidence and another is Nory’s love of the sparkle fire ball and both were essential to the success of the final battle and then Nory is holding Reina in her arms and imagine the power of they had kissed.
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