#elia deserves better
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spearsndragons · 7 months ago
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The Women and Men of Hourglass (1/?)
Part 2 HERE
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katshuya · 1 year ago
Rhaegar's wife, who had delicate health, gave him two children. One caused her to be bedridden for half a year and another that he impregnated her with during her recovery or, immediately after and almost killed her, deserved that crown.
Yes she deserved it more than Lyanna Stark who braverly defended her father's bannerman yet impulsively and naively when there was a well known mad king watching and entered as a mystery knight that grabbed everyone's curiosity for being unknown.
Elia Martell, who endured Rhaegar, his prophecy, racist people, and their opinion about how unworthy she was for him AND his racist, mad cruel father desrved respect as well as that crown.
Yet she was gifted with humiliation one after another after all that she sacrificed.
This will trigger many. But that crown was Elia's right after all the hell this strong woman had been through. Not Lyanna's. Yet, in the narrative, it is all about Lyanna and the winter rose.
Rhaegar only endangered Lyanna, and even if Aerys and Lyanna's family and betrothed weren't there, it was still Elia's right.
Honoring Lyanna could have been done more respectfully and wiser, yet it was extremely dumb and cruel.
Yet the audacity to put Elia in such a humiliating situation
She deserves more respect and attention from GRRM, which I doubt he will grant her any true respect.
Elia was killed for the sake of the narrative. So the promised one can happen. She was used and then killed in an unnecessary way for it.
What even happened to Elia's body along with her children's? Definitely weren't sent to Dorne. While we know Rhaegar's was burnt and Lyanna's in winterfell.
If George wanted us to like the Rhaegar x lyanna thing, then he failed miserably. For sane people, of course.
This will always be where he failed the writing.
We hear of Lyanna's suffering in the books, and how she was killed to bring important child for the future of the realm and its safety yet we barely hear of Elia's, who gave and suffered much, much more.
I like the Starks, but this is where George crossed the line with his favoursim.
She is barely there in the narrative, yet her story and the things she had been through and everything associated with her upbringing make her more interesting character than Rhaegar or Lyanna to me and many people.
I believe George unintentionally made her more interesting to many of us when he wanted us to care for Rhaegar and Lyanna.
Edit: I'm talking about the crown, not the winter rose itself. Since some Rx L shippers entered the asks and were acting so unruly like usual.
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lilacstarryskies · 8 months ago
Elia: “I gave Rhaegar permission to take leave and make Lyanna his wife”
all the elia fics im seeing rn r saying this…..
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katshuya · 1 year ago
Oh, you mean it hurt her?!! How???!! She was Oberyn's sister! I mean, Lyanna was also Brandon's sister, but still!!
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Elia Martell at The Tourney of Harrenhal
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tmagp-shitposts · 2 months ago
Petition to change JMart to Lonely Eyes and Petter/Elias to Eye Eye Captin send post
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badwriterrr · 1 year ago
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Just two lil curious Targlings, I’m sure nothing bad will ever happen to them.
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florzzzs2 · 11 months ago
Princess Rhaenys 🌺
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She should have been the delight of the kingdom ☀️🥹
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nerd-who-likes-cats · 3 months ago
Elias Tsum!
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Elias belongs to @r-aindr0p 💙
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I put him off for a while because I didn't want to draw the ignihyde uniform, but he's here! I figured since tsum Ortho couldn't fly, tsum Elias wouldn't have Elias's cool prosthetic arm, and like tsum Ortho would get some cool technomantic upgrades while at Night Raven. (Story under cut)
Upon noticing the lights in the sky, and more importantly the hunter in a tree with binoculars already aimed at them, Elias swiftly activated his unique magic to get a quite literal birds eye view. He watched the scene through the eyes of a bird, fluttering around between the small round creatures falling from the sky. When he spotted one with familiar scruffy hair covering its face. He flew closer, this creature really did resemble him to a bizarre extent... as he fluttered around it, an arrow shot up from the nearby copse of trees. Just as Elias was realizing who shot it, the enchantment on the arrow activated, and rather than piercing the tsum, it transformed into a bubble around both the small creatures. Elias had seen enough.
Deactivating his magic, Elias rushed outside. On his way he tripped no less than three times, but he made it.
Elias! I do believe I've just encountered your tsum lookalike!" Rook said cheerfully.
This was a good chance to test a new feature Idia had added to his arm. Elias pointed and shot a tiny technomantic beam at the bubble, breaking it so the tsum and innocent bird could go free. It was barely a fraction of what Ortho could do, but only a fraction of him was robotic compared to Ortho, and hey, it was still pretty cool.
The tsum dropped down and stood at Elias's feet looking up into the tree where Rook was.
Rook was unphased "is that a new feature? Magnifique!"
"Yeah, it is" it was meant to help him be an even better hunter, but after having Rook catch his tsum before him, he didn't feel worthy of claiming it was working quite yet.
"Also!" Rook continued "I noticed les chats espiégles had a tsum companion aiding them in tripping you on the way here, I do believe we are due for some trouble while the tsums are around."
Rook had seen that? This was humiliating. "Yeah whatever" Elias said, picking up his tsum and returning to the main building, not looking back at Rook.
Once inside he noticed the new message he'd gotten, the headmaster was calling all those who caught a tsum to his office. He sighed and looked at the tsum in his hands.
The little creature was hard to read with its hair in its face, but Elias did notice something about it. While the tsums he'd seen before all had four nubbins as their appendages, this tsum was missing the front right one. Well, Elias had his first project in mind for once the meeting with Crowley was over. He was going to make this guy a prosthetic nubbin. (Or more likely convince Idia to do it for him, but eh, same result.)
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swee26oy · 30 days ago
Princess Elia Martell and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen
Art by ildraws
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spearsndragons · 1 year ago
first of all, elia was the only daughter of the RULING PRINCESS OF DORNE. do people think her mother sent her off to king’s landing to be disrespected? to be humiliated? NO. she was sent there to be the next fucking queen. aside from political ambitions, the princess of dorne was canonically friends with both joanna AND rhaella. she entrusted her daughter to her friend’s son.
second, elia knew how different the rest of westeros treated their women. sure, dorne isn’t the land of equal rights and milk and honey and all that shit but she definitely enjoyed more rights and higher standing back in sunspear, especially as the daughter of house martell. she knew how precarious her status can be despite being the crown prince’s wife. what fucking good would it do to her if she allowed her husband to forcibly break a betrothal between two MAJOR houses? to basically declare to the entire world and in history forevermore that she wasn’t enough for her husband and he had to get another wife?
third, HER CHILDREN??? she gave rhaegar two healthy babies. maybe she could have given him more had she gotten proper care (no, i do not fucking trust pycelle. he’d probably been sabotaging rhaella’s and elia’s pregnancies to please tywin). rhaegar getting another wife and thus having legitimate children not hers would put aegon and rhaenys IN DANGER. sure maybe lyanna would be oh so kind enough to not contest their inheritance but do people forget the STAB alliance??? the dance???
fourth, er the mere fact that lyanna was betrothed to robert fucking baratheon? disregarding the entire shit about lya running off (or not) with a married man after shitting on robert for being a manwh0re, YOU DO NOT JUST BREAK AN ALLIANCE BETWEEN TWO MAJOR HOUSES. even if the crown had a good reason to do so (which they didn’t), it was an agreement between house stark AND house baratheon. they DO NOT get a say in it. lord, this is contract law 101. robert’s rebellion was built on a lie my ass. the rebels had every good reason to rebel bro.
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katshuya · 1 year ago
Ah yes. R x L stans famouse 'facts'. Like that girl who stole our boyfriend when we were teens. Not the whole disturbing story? Or maybe the screaming, crying, and throwing up over a self-insert ship? You go, girl! So edgy! 🤣 I'm honestly beyond the point of being surprised with this mentality. It's getting funny here.
Y'all love being progressive and edgy until the dishonor to the HOLY MATRIMONY and the HOLY WIFE and the SANCTITY OF A FICTIONAL ROYAL ARRANGED MARRIAGE comes to the table. Then you get flashbacks of that cool_girl/slut™ in your class that stole your boyfriend at 9th grade even though you were always so respectable and had his mama's approval, so all progressiveness flies out the window.
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katshuya · 1 year ago
No matter what George does. No matter if he twisted it into "Elia was ok and never felt humiliated nor used, and the Martells didn't mind what Rhaegar did" or if George decided never to talk about Elia. R x L will always be disgusting and not a tragic love story.
Any sane human being can see that.
Even in a creepy scenario where she was ok with it OR one where she didn't love Rhaegar, he will always be to blame, and he still used her.
That's why the R x L stans always try to either ignore her existence or reduce it into nothing and her into some kind of supernatural alien human that is ok with everything dirty done to her.
Because they know their oh so tragic, self insert true love story will always seem disgusting because of Elia's existence in the story.
No amount of excuses or fanarts will ever change this truth. No matter which characters George will make accepting and supporting of them (Ned, Arthur, Oberyn, Doran, Ashara, Lewyn and even Elia herself....ect). Why? Because it's unrealistic.
Even if R and L's were running away from Aerys, then suddenly *accidentally* saw a prophecy or fell in love.
OR Even if George made it that Rhaegar wouldn't have left her if she had been able to give him another child. It doesn't change that he abandoned her and their children in the worst way possible with no protection against Aerys and his loyal kingsguard. And even then, it's hard to believe she'd accept just because he told her : Hey, I see in my dreams that I have to have 3 children or we all die. Like, what is this? She almost died for that, no thanks to you and your one after another impregnation.
It's disgusting and not well-written at all.
That's just the plain truth.
That's why a huge part of the fandom dislikes it. Not because they "didn't read the books" or "they lack critical thinking".
It's actually because they know how to think instead of inserting themselves as not like other girls girl and shipping themselves with terrible husband and father, charismatic depressed prince charming.
Poor Rhaegar had a sense of doom following him and knew he'd die soon so Elia let him be? That's very idiotic.
No. Elia being fine with annulment or polygamy isn't normal unless she is forced to. And you know it.
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lilacstarryskies · 8 months ago
List of All Elia Martell-centric fics I enjoy:
Elia Martell And The Crown She Didn’t Want: AU where she marries Baelor Hightower yet Rhaegar is longing for her, which is unreciprocated.
Two Father’s, One Son: Everyone Lives AU where Jon Snow dies unexpectedly and Elia comes back to KL, married to Baelor Hightower.
The Isle Of Faces Does Not Welcome: Elia and Rhaegar have a third child, and Elia confronts Lyanna. No bashing of her, from Lyanna’s POV.
Clean AU: Elia and children are missing, assumed dead for 15 years, until a mystery knight returns to KL, claiming the blue roses his mother deserves.
The Queen And Her Bastard: Everyone Lives AU. Legitimised bastard Jon with sympathetic Lyanna slowly turned more cunning against Elia. Jon-Aegon have positive relationship, in spite of their mother’s ambitions.
The Brightest Sun: Elia and kids transported to Harry Potter Epilogue era. Train and arrive to Westeros during GOT. 200K words.
Poetry is what he thought, but did not say: Erik Kilmonger as Rhaegar. Ruthless Elia with ruthless Rhaegar who has a controversial temperament and bad reputation. Interesting dynamic with Barristan, Arthur and Aerys.
Dragons spin and spin: Spiders weave and weave: Mainly Elia Martell AU oneshot collection, with other characters included.
A tigress, not a woman: Elia Martell scorned by Rhaegar, wants for a annulment. Elia beloved by the Smallfolk.
Poison is a Woman’s Weapon: Queen Regent Elia watches on as Aegon gets crowned, reminiscing on the past.
An unexpected news item: Elia Martell gets shocking news. Very exaggerated bashing of Lyanna.
With Careful Hands and A Strong Chin: Doran died as a babe, Elia is the heir to Dorne. Arthur-Elia.
With Duty In Mind: Elia and Rhaella clean up Rhaegar’s messes.
Gone Girl: Elia dies only to wake up before her wedding. She runs away, with Rhaegar following suit in her trail in regret.
In The Chaos Of A World: Rhaegar dies while Lyanna and Elia live to see Robert ascend. Robert-Elia not in a romantic light, but political.
Caged Beasts And Cloudy Skies: Braime-centric, yet Elia-focused as they wish to crown her after the scorn from R+L, and bring her to rest at her homeland.
Lex Talionis: SIOC of Elia, takes the war into her own hands. Jaime-Elia centric.
Lady of Stormsend: Annulled Elia-Rhaegar, yet Elia married Robert and jealousy and resentment arises.
From Where Blessings Flow: Robert and Elia marry, yet the Realm is not settled as Aegon and Rhaenys grow. With Rhaenys-Viserys.
Living With Regret Of The Chance Not Taken: Rhaegar and Lyanna are married, while Elia, Aegon and Rhaenys are missing… until they are not. And life turns on it’s head. No bashing, just critical of R+L.
Planetos React: Modern AU react to historical figures Elia, Aegon, Rhaenys and Jaime found within tombs, and go wild on tumblr.
But A Woman Is A Changling (always shifting shape: My fic!! Selfless promo! Elia has a green-dress moment ala Alicent where she shows pride in her heritage and snarks towards Rhaegar and Lyanna.
This is all the Elia-centric fics I know of and enjoy! If you have any, please comment them and I’ll add them to this masterlist!!
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martellspear · 6 months ago
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.ೃ࿐ “I will hear you say it. She was Elia of Dorne.”
The Mountain snorted contemptuously, and came on . . . and in that moment, the sun broke through the low clouds that had hidden the sky since dawn.
The sun of Dorne, Tyrion told himself.
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tenthmuseondine · 1 year ago
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𖤓 Princess Elia of Dorne and her newborn daughter, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen 𖤓
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driedlillies · 7 months ago
Tma AU where Jonah fucked up his ritual when transferring to Elias’ body and still exists but is like. On the backburner unable to control the body. Because he’s a loser. So OG Elias is able to hear everything he thinks but Jonah can’t do anything. And so he learns the evil plan to end the world and immediately decides nope that’s NOT happening.
And since James Wright appointed him as the next Head of the Institute he has full control over everything he destroys every single bit of Jonah’s carefully laid masterplan. And Jonah suffers seeing everything he’s build fall like a house of cards. At the end Elias just goes and kills Jonah — there were concerns that it may also kill him, but he was ready to sacrifice himself — and comes out alive and free from voyeristic georgian men.
Elias establishes something of a truce with Gertrude after explaining the situation and also perhaps maybe telling her that Jonah mentioned one of her assistants is of the Web and what does that mean? Also what are the rituals and why does Jonah keep saying they don’t work unless you— (Gertrude cuts him off before he says it out loud. Walls have ears. You never know who might be listening).
Michael doesn’t die. Neither does Gerry, because after he faints for the third time at the Institute — Elias doesn’t have spooky eldritch eye powers, but he has office gossip, and that’s basically the same thing — Elias personally goes down to the Archives and tells him to go to the fucking doctor dude. Gerry smokes weed with him after a few months and thanks him for potentially saving his life
By the time Gertrude dies, which is post Stranger ritual (not shot by him, but still probably not peacefully, knowing her) Sasha becomes the next Archivist, and her role in the overall world of the Fears — Elias is not an avatar, doesn’t want to be, but has some leftover traits from Jonah’s inhabitance in his body, and knows a lot — is explained before she signs any contract. Also you’re not tied for life, fuck that. There’s a mandatory Entities 101 for every employee, no matter what department they work in; the vast majority of them come here seeking answers for what really ruined their lives, none of them deserve to die because nobody tells them what they’re actually fighting against. Tim — very much alive — goes to the Archives with Sasha, Jon stays in reaserch and eventually becomes Head Researcher. Martin goes to college part time at some point. Life is good
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